First, the water body acidified suppression fungus reproduction,caused the fungus to be few, reduced the organic matterdisintegration rate, caused the fungus rapid increase.accelerated the water body to be rich , sent the waterbody to live the strength to lose. In the acidiffed water body,floats the kind and the quantity are few, manynature reduce, the biomass drops. shadespopulation and quantity. Because of to foodterminal, food shortage, inevitably creates thepopulation and the quantity are few.Next, itself acidity is especially sensitive. On theone hand, because the water body pH value suddenly changes ,enables very quick to be suitable , but causes the largequantities of deaths; On the other hand, the time acid raincauses the water body the pH value by the drop, has thecertain suitable ability, as for suddenly does not die, but notabbot/abbess the acidic strength, sends the functionabnormally, gets sick , the reproduction ability drops,but the group the quantity by are few, finallyvanishes. . According to has said, if in Sweden's more than 90,000 lakes,had 20000 to encounter the acid rain harm, more than 4,000Cheng?? lake. Norway has more than 260 lakes .North America's Canada and is beautiful , had several ten thousandsizes lakes to encunter the acid rain the destruction, Canada hasmore than 4,500 lakes survivals, becomes"the deadlake". places water body acidification such as heavy, the PH value is smaller than 4.7, cannot survive,, receives many times . Second, the waters acidification sends the aquatic plant deathto vanish, destroys each living thing construction,creates the heavy waters to live is . Water bodyacidified shade aquatic biology kind . Is higher than in 6.0lakes in the pH value, floats the plant population to be normal,pH value reducing, the population lives . For example,is bigger than 6.0 in the pH value , in lake by diatom host; Butthe pH value is smaller than 6.0 , is substituted by thealgae; the pH value is equal to 4.0 , board algae Cheng?yuthe kind.