缩写是在保留原文体裁、题材、主要内容、结构顺序、人称角度等的前提下概括原文内容、压缩篇幅使之成为一篇内容简明、语言简练、中心突出的短文。缩写时一定要准确完整地把握原文,有关主题的主干切不可任意删减,也不可随便摘取其中部分要点了事。如下面一篇Milu Deer Return to China的缩写:
Long long ago Milu deer was a usual animal in China. Some of them had been sent to other countries, such as England. In China, people killed them, and milu deer disappeared during the Ming, Qing periods. They were kept in the great park. The number of them increased very fast.
这篇缩写看上去很“精炼”,但作者忽视了短文的题目Milu Deer Return to China这个中心和重点,它丢掉了Milu deer回归中国;中国为了拯救曾经在中国非常普通后来又消失了的Milu deer而做出的巨大努力;在中国的几个Milu deer中心,Milu deer受到了很好的研究和保护,它们的数量才不断增加这些事实。
1.对于叙事记人的文章,宜以情节或人物性格为主线,通过列出重要情节或性格特点概述全文。例如,The Rescue (SEFC 1A Unit 4)一文以时间顺序展开几分钟内的突发事件,我们可用表示时间脉络的副词,如First,Next,Then,Finally来概述全文。
First, Flora saw Jeff running and waving his arms. She turned around and saw a wall of water advancing toward her quickly. Next, the water swept Jeff and Flora down and they are struggling for their lives. Then they tried to get to the house and climbed the stairs to be safe from water. Finally, part of the house fell down but they were safe next to the chimney.
2.对于科普短文、说明文或说理文章,通过列出段落主题句(topic sentence)可迅速捕捉文章的主要论点,规划文章的框架结构。如The Properties of Water (SEFC 2B Unit 13)一文, 每段的主题句归纳如下:
: general idea
: chemical structure of water (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom)
: salinity of water (about )
: density of water (1000kg/m3)
: heat capacity of water (relatively high)
: ocean motion
: significance of water to nature
课文中常出现许多习惯表达方式和一些特殊句式,还有一些适合某些特定情景、场合的常用句子,教师要向学生多强调、示范。特别是一些常用于文章开头、结尾和中间起承接作用的惯用语,要让学生多练习,并能运用到写作中去。(杨利娴 2003)
例如,在New Zealand (SEFC 1B Unit 18)课文教学中,首先引导学生分析课文是怎样围绕中心选择和组织素材的,让学生掌握对地理位置的描述,对气候、环境、资源、历史以及人口、风俗习惯的描写,使学生学会对有关国家、城市、旅游景点的写作方法。然后以Taiwan Island, China, Our City等为题让学生模仿课文的写作方法进行写作训练。
例如,在学习了The Necklace (SEFC 1B Unit 15)一文后,要求学生从剧中不同人物的角度,按照故事发生的顺序将这出小短剧改写为一篇叙述文体的短文。
又如,可让学生将At the Tailor’s shop (SEFC 2A Unit 10)一文改写成短剧。当然,还可引导学生以不同的人称角度去改写。如: 1. Tell the story to your partner in the past tense. Start like this: A man went into a tailor’s shop to buy a suit. All the money he had in his pocket was a million-pound note...
2. Rewrite the story At the Tailor’s Shop, as told by Tod, the shop assistant. Start like this: One Monday morning I was working in the shop as usual...
《课标》指出:“课堂教学活动的设计应有利于发挥学生的创造力和想象力。”续写就是用创造性的思维丰富课文,即对课文内容做适当的补充和完善,给原本没有结局的故事加上一个合理的,或出乎意料的结局。如The Necklace(SEFC 1B Unit 15)一文,当Mathilde得知为之辛劳十年的项链竟是假的,故事的结局会怎么样?要求学生续写短剧。同学们想象的结局不一而足,很有创意,如:
1. She killed herself.
2. She bought a glass necklace and changed it for her real diamond necklace.
3. She divorced her husband and married a man with a lot of money.
4. She began to make a living by making false necklaces and cheating others of a lot of money.
5. She got a lot of money from her kind friend and lived a happy life.
当然,还可从其他角度引导学生续写本剧,如:Choose one situation to re-write a scene the other way round.
Mathilde had not borrowed the necklace from Jeanne, ...
Mathilde had not lost her necklace at the ball, ...
Jeanne had told Mathilde that the necklace was made of glass, ...
Mathilde had just agreed to wear a flower at the ball, ...
Mathilde’s husband had been wealthy, ...
高中英语教材中有很多与现实生活贴近的话题,可让学生就这些话题阐述自己的看法。例如,在学习了Animal Experiments (SEFC 1B Unit 16)之后,让学生以Should animal testing be OK? 为题作文,有学生写道:I think animal testing is a good idea and it is OK. So scientists should continue testing on animals which are not rare animals. It can help human beings to fight against diseases. 在学习了Great Women (SEFC 1B Unit 17)这一单元后,让学生以My View on Women为题作文。同学们各抒己见,写出了不少有见地的文章来。
此外,对于教材中的文学作品,可让学生写读后感或人物形象分析等。例如,在读了A Christmas Carol (SEFC 3 Unit 7)之后,一个学生写道:I think it is a really moving story. I learnt that happiness and friendship are more important than money in the world. I will be a kind and warm-hearted man.
又如,在读了A Tale of Two Cities (SEFC 3 Unit 7)之后,引导学生写读后感:Which of the characters do you like most? Why?
S1. In my opinion, Sydney Carton is the real hero of the story. His love for Lucie knows no bounds. What he did for Lucie was unforgettable, tearful and bittersweet. For love, he sacrificed everything, even life! This makes him one of the strongest characters in the story, especially because his act is so unselfish.
S2. Who I like most in the story is Dr. Manette. He is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually. When Charles was put into prison, he visited Charles but became mad again after returning. The prison was the nightmare for him, but for his daughter, he suffered from it again.
在读了The Merchant of Venice(SEFC 2B Unit 19)之后,要求学生分析剧中主要人物形象。许多学生发表了各自独到的见解,如:Shylock is cruel, greedy, selfish, cold-blooded, but he suffers the loss of his daughter, his property, and, very importantly for him, his religion. So, we should have mercy on him.
希望能帮到你 哪怕一点点浅论园林树木病虫害主要防治方法一、树干涂白法杨柳树栽完后马上涂白,可防天牛、吉丁虫等蛀干害虫在树干上产卵。可预防腐烂病和溃疡病,延迟芽的萌动期。避免枝芽受冻害,还可预防日灼。树干涂白剂常用的配方是:水10份,生石灰3份,石硫合剂原液0,5份,食盐O,5份,油脂(动植物油均可)少许配制而成。涂白高度自地径以上1米一1,5米处为宜。二、农药埋施法在树木根部土层挖坑、打孔,施入内吸性较强颗粒剂(氧化乐果、呋喃丹颗粒等),根部吸收后输送到地上部分的干、枝、叶中,害虫取食后中毒死亡。此法可防治介壳虫、蚜虫、蛀干害虫等。这种方法不受温度、降水、树高等因素的影响。且药效持久。如呋喃丹,药效可达3个月,1年只需埋施2次药剂即可。方法是:在距树干60厘米以外的根系密集区,围树挖3—4个半米深的坑(或孔)。每坑(孑L)内放50克一80克呋喃丹后。将坑(孔)填平灌水,药水溶后加速根系的吸收。春夏两次施药可结合施肥同时进行。如与复合肥或尿素一起使用,可使得呋喃丹的药效更高、更快,治虫补肥一举两得。三、树干注药法注药法是在干周围钻孔注药,使全树体都具有农药的有效成分,不论害虫在什么部位取进食,都会中毒死亡。此法操作简便,省工、省药、不污染空气,不伤害天敌,防治效果好。可防治难以除治的天牛、木蠹蛾、吉丁虫等蛀干害虫和蚜虫、介壳虫、螨类等刺吸式口器害虫、各种食叶害虫及树毛毡病、煤污病等病害。注药的时期在树木萌芽至落叶前的生长期内都可以进行,但以4月至8月份施药的效果最好。树木落叶至萌动前的休眠期不能用药。农药应选用内吸性较强且对树木生长无影响的药剂。如50%甲胺磷乳油、40%氧化乐果乳油、75%可湿性呋喃丹粉剂、50%久效磷乳油等。具体选择适宜的农药因不同害虫、树种而异。注药方法:采取先钻孑L后注药的方式,用直径0,8厘米一1厘米木工钻或充电电钻,在距地面15厘米一50厘米的树干上,呈45度角向下斜钻8厘米一10厘米深的注药孔,深度以达髓心为度。在树干四周呈螺旋上升钻孔,大树可钻3—5个孔,中树可钻2—3个孔,小树可钻1个孔,将孔中的锯末掏净注入药液。注药完毕后,孔口要用蜡、泥巴或胶布封闭,注药孔两个月左右即可愈合。注药量。应根据树木大小确定。按原液计算,一般胸径在15厘米以上的大树。每株注药6毫升一10毫升:胸径在10厘米一14厘米的中等树,每株注药4毫升一6毫升:胸径在10厘米以下的小树,每株注药2毫升一4毫升。根据气温的变化确定注药的稀释浓度。气温不高时,可注射稀释1倍一2倍的药液,高温时要将原药液稀释3倍一6倍后注入,以免在高温下药液浓度过高而产生药害。四、树干涂胶法对于一些具有上、下树迁移习性的害虫,如为害杨、柳、榆、槐、桦、槭等树木的春尺蠖、杨毒蛾,为害松树的松毛虫,为害槐树、构树、枣树等树的朱砂叶螨等害虫。使用粘虫胶将其粘住致死。该产品粘着力强、药效长、无毒、无污染、成本低。有着广泛的应用前景。使用方法:一是可直接将粘虫胶涂在树干上:二是先用1,5厘米一2厘米宽的胶带在主干光滑的部位缠绕一圈。然后将粘虫胶均匀的涂在上面。涂抹时不要粘着杂草,以防杂草搭桥,产生离体,使害虫摆脱粘胶逃离。五、树干疗伤法因树木病、虫、冻、日灼、修剪、风雹灾害等原因造成的园林树木干枝及苗木伤121,往往是病虫的侵入口。对伤口笆敝瘟疲�俳�?21愈合,尽快地恢复树势,是防止病虫侵入的有效方法。去除枯死干枝。对已经枯死的苗干及树枝。要从伤折处附近锯平或剪除。对于轻伤枝、发生抽条的枝干,在死活界限分明处切除,切口要光滑并涂保护剂或涂蜡,以利伤口愈合。刮除腐烂树皮。用快刀及时刮净病部树皮,涂刷75%的酒精或1%一3%的高锰酸钾液消毒,然后涂蜡或保护剂,促进伤口愈合。对于被大风吹裂或折伤的枝干,可把裂伤较轻的半劈裂枝干伤121消毒处理后吊起或支起。用绳或铁丝捆紧,使伤口密合无缝,半年愈合复原后便可解绑。在日常的养护管理中,将常规的喷粉、喷药、诱杀等方法与以上介绍的几种方法相结合,还可大大提高病虫害的防治效果。On the main garden trees pest control methods1, trunk white-LawAfter planting willow trees once white-out, can prevent the beetles, insects, etc. Gidding Borers lay their eggs in the tree trunk. Can prevent rot and canker, delayed bud sprouting phase. Buds by avoiding damage, but also to prevent white-agent commonly used formula is: water 10, 3 copies of quicklime, Shiliuheji liquid 0,5 copies of salt O, 5 copies, grease (animal and vegetable oils can be) made little preparation. White-height from 1 meter above a diameter of 1,5 meters is , pesticides buried magicTree roots in the soil digging, drilling, facilities with greater absorption into the inner granule (omethoate, Carbofuran granules, etc.), transport to the ground after the roots absorb part of the trunk, branches, leaves, insects poisoned after feeding death. This method can control scale insects, aphids, pests, etc. Boring. This method is not temperature, precipitation, tree higher factors. And sustained efficacy. Such as carbofuran, efficacy up to 3 months, 1 year only 2 agents can be buried : 60 cm from the stem than in root-intensive areas, dig around the tree 3-4 half-meter deep pit (or hole). Each pit (larvae L), put 50 grams after a 80 g carbofuran. The pit (hole) filled irrigation, water soluble drugs after the accelerated root absorption. Two can be combined spring and summer spraying fertilizer at the same time. If used in conjunction with fertilizer or urea, can make Carbofuran efficacy higher, faster, pest control kill two birds with fat , trunk injection methodInjection method is injection in the dry around the drill, so that the whole tree has a pesticide active ingredient, regardless of what position to take eating pests will poisoning. This method is simple, save labor, medicine, do not pollute the air, not to harm natural enemies, good control effect. In addition to governance can be difficult to control beetles, pine bark moth, Gidding insect pests such as trunk and aphids, scale insects, mites and other pests sucking mouthparts, leaf-eating insects and trees all felt sick, diseases such as coal pollution disease. Period of injection to the leaves in the trees before bud growth can be carried out during the period, but in April to August spraying is the best. Trees down Ye Zhimeng dormant period can not be fixed before the medication. Pesticides should be used within the suction is strong and has no effect on tree growth of pharmaceutical. If 50% of the methamidophos EC, 40% omethoate EC, 75% wettable powder Carbofuran, monocrotophos 50% EC, etc.. Specific selection of appropriate pesticides for different pests, the Method: L after the first injection drilling larvae way, with a 1 cm diameter of cm or rechargeable drill woodworking drill, 15 cm above the ground in a trunk 50 cm, 45 degree angle drill down ramp 8 cm to 10 cm deep hole injection, the depth to reach for the degree of pith. Spiraling around the trunk hole, tree hole can be drilled 3-5, 2-3 in the tree can drill holes, trees can drill a hole to dig holes in the sawdust into liquid net. After injection, orifice used wax, mud or tape closed, about two months of injection holes can be volume. Should be determined according to the size of trees. Calculated by liquid, usually over 15 cm DBH in the tree. Injection of 6 ml per plant of a 10 ml: 10 cm diameter in the middle of a tree of 14 cm per plant injection of 4 ml of a 6 ml: 10 cm diameter at breast height in the trees below, one per plant injection of 2 ml 4 ml. According to temperature change, the dilution to determine the concentration of injection. Temperature is not high, may dilute injection 1 times 2 times a liquid, high temperature when diluted to 3 times the original liquid was injected into a 6-fold in order to avoid excessively high concentration of liquid at high temperatures caused by , trunk coating methodFor those with upper and lower tree migration habits of the pests, such as harm Yang, Liu, Yu, Huai, birch, maple and other trees cinerarius, Yang moth, pine pine damage, harm locust, mulberry, jujube, etc. tree pests such as Tetranychus cinnabarinus. Use glue to stick armyworm death. The product is strong adhesive force, efficacy long, non-toxic, pollution-free and low cost. Have broad application : First, plastic can be painted directly armyworm trunk: the second is the first cm with a 2 cm wide tape wound in the trunk area smooth lap. Armyworm glue evenly and then spread on top. Do not smear adhesive weeds to prevent weed bypass, resulting from the body, so that pests out of glue to , trunk healing methodDisease due to trees, insects, cold, sunburn, pruning, hail disasters, landscape trees caused injuries Mikie and 121 seedlings, often invasive pest population. Blast on wound fence spacious tired � Haiku �? 21 healing, as soon as possible to restore tree vigor, is an effective way to prevent pest dead Mikie. Seedlings that have been dry and dead branches. Off from the wound near the saw flat or cut off. Branch for minor injuries occurred sprout branches, clear boundaries in the Department removal of life and death, cut smooth and painted to protect the agent or wax to facilitate wound bark decay. Disease with a sharp knife in a timely manner Guajing Department of bark, brushing with 75% alcohol or 1% to 3% potassium permanganate solution disinfection, and then wax or protective agent, and promote wound wind was a large crack or break branches injury can be the lesser of half-split branches laceration wounds after 121 disinfection lift or strut. Tied tight with rope or wire to make a seamless seal the wound, healing six months after recovery solution can be the daily maintenance management, the conventional spray, spraying, trapping and other methods described in several ways with the above combination, can greatly enhance the pest control effect.
外贸邮件应该怎么写才能够吸引到客户的注意和回复呢?下面是我为你整理的有关外贸邮件的 范文 ,希望对你有用!
(1)邮件主题最好有公司名字等,比如公司名字是E_PORT,行业是PLASTIC,这封邮件的内容是给一款产品报价,那么主题可以写E_port Plastic/quotation of item A. 这样有一个好处,可以方便客户以及你自己以后查找给客户的信息,对于来往邮件很多的客户,开始的时候我往往要花很多时间去查找以前的报价以及 其它 资料,但是现在通过主题就很方便知道邮件大概内容是什么,节省很多时间。
(3)第一封邮件最好写上Mr.或者Ms.某某,职位写SALES MANAGER等,不管你是不是经理,写上没关系,你职位高客户会觉得把他当回事,有好处。
五、表述准确,能够准确表达我方的观点,不要使客户产生任何的歧义,尽量避免有歧义的单词或者 短语 ,尽量避免使用 俚语 等。
1. 向顾客推销商品
Dear Sir:
May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.
Yours faithfully
2. 提出询价
Dear Sir:
, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the . Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon..
3. 迅速提供报价
Dear Sir:
June 4, 2001 Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.
4. 如何讨价还价
Dear Sir:
June 8, 2001 We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours truly
5-1 同意进口商的还价
Dear Sirs:
June 12, 2001 Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down.
5-2 拒绝进口商的还价
Dear Sirs:
June 12, 2001 Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We regret that we cannotmeet your terms. We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders. At present the best discount offered for a quantity of 200 is 5%. Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain. We hope you will reconsider the offer.
6. 正式提出订单
Dear Sir:
June 15, 2001 We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the terms quoted. We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September. The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition. We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.
7. 确认订单
Dear Sir: June 20, 2001 Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes. We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery. We will advise you of the date of dispatch. We are at your service at all times.
8. 请求开立信用证
June 18, 2001 Thank you for your order No. 599. In order to e_ecute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in our favor. This account shall be available until Sep. 20. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.
9. 通知已开立信用证
Dear Sir:
June 24, 2001 Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please advise us by fa_ when the order has been e_ecuted.
10. 请求信用证延期
Dear Sir:
Sep. 1, 2001 We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory. We are afraid that your L/C will be e_pire before shipment. Therefore, please e_plain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to e_tend the L/C to .
11. 同意更改信用证
Sept. 5, 2001 We received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation. As requested, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to e_tend the L/C up to and including September 30. Please keep us abreast of any new development.
12. 抱怨发货迟延
Dear Sirs:
Sept. 25, 2001 Concerning our order No. 599 for 200 mountain bikes, so far you have shipped only 50 bikes against the shipment. We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage, if it is confirmed. We have given our customers a definite assurance that we would supply the goods by the end of September. We hope you will look into this urgent matter.
Yours faithfully
12a. 处理客户的抱怨
Sept. 30, 2001 In response to your letter of , we regret your complaint very much. Today we received information from Hong Kong that the remaining 150 bikes were on a ship that developed engine trouble and had to put into port for repairs. The trouble was not serious, and the vessel is now on her way. She would arrive at your place tomorrow or the ne_t day.
14-1 取消订货
Dear Sirs:
Oct. 2, 2001 We are sorry that causes completely beyond your control have made it impossible for you to keep the shipment date of Sept. 30. Since you have failed to uphold your end of the agreement, we find it necessary to cancel our order. Unfortunately, our buyers cannot wait indefinitely for the units. We are sorry that it is necessary to take such a drastic step.
14-2 谅解迟运原因
Oct. 2, 2001 We have received of your notice of delay of shipment due to mechanical troubles on the ship. We are pleased that the order is now on its way. Thank you for the notice. We are eagerly awaiting the ship's arrival.
Yours faithfully
15. 货物损坏 报告
Dear Sirs:
Oct. 4, 2001 Upon arrival of your shipment, the ship's agents noticed that case No. 5 was damaged and notified us. The number of articles in the case is correct according to the invoice, but the following articles are broken: (List of articles) As you will see in our survey report and of the ship's agents', that these units are damaged and quite unsaleable. Please send us replacements for the broken articles; we await your reply in due course.
16-1. 拒绝承担损坏责任
Dear Sirs:
Oct. 8, 2001 Thank you for informing us of the damaged shipment. Since the units were packed with the best of care, we can only assume that the cases were handled roughly. We therefore urge you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.
16-2. 承担赔偿责任
Oct. 8, 2001 As soon as we got your letter we got in touch with the packers and asked them to look into the matter. It appears that the fault lies with the packaging materials used. We have since corrected the mistake. We apologize for the oversight, and are sending a new delivery immediately.
17. 催要逾期货款
Dear Sirs:
Nov. 30, 2001 It has come to our attention that your payment is one month overdue. The units ordered were delivered to you on September 26 and were invoiced on September 30. Payment is due on October30. We look forward to seeing your remittance within a week.
18. 付清逾期货款
Dear Sirs:
Oct. 3, 2001 We have looked into the cause of the delay in payment and have found that our accounting department made an oversight in making your remittance. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The sum of US$ 20,000 has been sent to you by Telegraphic Transfer and should reach you sometime tomorrow.
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