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Yafei Denga, Kai He, Xiaoli Ye, Xin Chen, Jing Huang, Xuegang Li, Lujiang Yuan*, Yalan Jin,Qing Jin, Panpan Li. Saponin rich fractions from Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce with more potential hypoglycemic effects. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,141 (2012) 228– 233。6. Chen Zhu, Ye Xiaoli, Yi jun, Chen Xin, Li Xuegang. Synthesis of 9-O-glycosyl-berberine derivatives and bioavailability evaluation. Med Chem Res, (8):1641~. Baoshun Zhang,Tingting Chen,Zhu Chen,Mingxue Wang,Dengyu Zheng,Jinfeng Wua,Xiaofei Jiang, Xuegang Li。Synthesis and anti-hyperglycemic activity of hesperidin derivatives。Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters。2012,22:7194-7197。8. Kai He, Xuegang Li, Xiaoli Ye, Lujiang Yuan, Xiaoduo Li, Xin Chen, Yafei Deng. A mitochondria-based method for the determination of antioxidant activities using 2’,7’‐dichlorofluorescin diacetate oxidation. Food Research International 48 (2012) 454– Xiaoli Ye,Kai He,Xiaokang Zhu,Baoshun Zhang ,Xin Chen,Jun Yi,Xuegang Li. 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