Facial plastic, also known as kneading face, is originated in the civil process of a production. In this case,There are different types of plastic. One is available for display of ornamental crafts; the other can be used as a plate decoration, add color to the banquet. There can be edible chic little chic. In this case,Therefore, more and more people face plastic works of the welcome. Commonly used tools to do plastic surface:Miansu sculpture knife, commonly known as dial son. There are different models to choose from. It is also available in different sizes and sizes for ease of use. In this case,There are combs, scissors and so on. In order to ensure that the ornamental surface plastic does not crack, do not wrinkle, must be prepared dough. In this case,General dough preparation ratio is: snowflakes and glutinous rice flour, honey, preservatives ratio is 10 to 2 to 1 to 1, a little salt. In this case,Stir the material evenly. Add boiled water, to add side while stirring. Stir to no dry noodles and then repeatedly rubbing, to knead evenly, knead to there is no lump, and then back into the basin, covered with a damp cloth, wake up 2 hours or so. In this case,Surface wake up, but also repeated rubbing, kneading smooth rub smooth. Then steamed on the pot. In order to prevent the dough block steamer steam hole, in the steamer put a few pairs of wooden chopsticks, and then pad the cloth on the cloth. To wake up a good surface squash, on the drawer cloth, put evenly. Stir with steam for about 30 minutes. In this case,After steaming, and so on a little cooler to some, while hot repeatedly rubbing noodles. If the surface is cold on the rub does not move. Rubbing the dough to a flexible, smooth surface, pull a pull, a flexible sense, you can color the. In this case,Ornamental plastic can be equipped with food coloring can also be equipped with watercolor paint. Color watercolor paint color surface works of colorful, beautiful, but can not eat. In this case,Dough color method is: take a small piece of dough, pressed into thin slices, and then the dye or food color evenly wipe the above. Wrapped up, twisted into a twist-like, repeated kneading, repeated twist, so that the color dispersion. After dough kneading smooth, pull open look. No color point, color distribution, the color of the dough with a good, you can use.面塑,又叫捏面人,是起源于民间的一种工艺制作。 面塑有不同的类型。一类是可供陈列观赏的工艺品;另一类可作为盘饰,为餐宴增色添彩。还有可以食用的精巧别致的小点心。 因此,面塑作品越来越受到人们的欢迎。 做面塑常用的工具有: 面塑雕刀,俗称拨子。有不同的型号,供选择使用。 磙子,也分大小不同的型号,为使用提供了方便。 还有梳子、剪刀等。为了保证观赏面塑不干裂,不起皱,必需将面团配制好。 一般面团的配制比例是:雪花粉与糯米粉、蜂蜜、防腐剂的比例是10比2比1比1,食盐少许。 把这些材料搅拌均匀。加上沸腾的开水,要边加边搅拌。搅到没有干面后再反复的揉,要揉均匀,揉到里面没有疙瘩,再放回盆里,用湿布盖住,醒面2个小时左右。 面醒好后,还要反复的揉,揉均匀揉光滑。然后上锅蒸。为了防止面团堵死蒸屉的汽孔,要在蒸屉上放几双木筷子,再垫上屉布。把醒好的面压扁,放在屉布上,摆均匀。用旺火蒸约30分钟。 蒸好后,等面稍凉一些,就趁热反复揉面。如果面凉了就揉不动了。揉到面团有弹性,表面光滑,拉一拉,有柔韧感,就可以配色了。 观赏类面塑可以配食用色素,也可以配水彩颜料。用水彩颜料配色的面塑作品色彩鲜艳、美观,但是不能食用。 面团配色的方法是:取一小块面团,压成薄片,然后把染料或食用色素均匀的抹在上面。包裹起来,拧成麻花状,反复揉捏,反复拧拉,让颜色分散均匀。把面团揉光滑后,拉开看。没有色点,颜色分布均匀,这块面团的颜色就配好了,可以使用了。