目录应该列出所有带有页码的标题和副标题, 副标题应缩进。
1. 基于FX2N-48MRPLC的交通灯控制2. 西门子PLC控制的四层电梯毕业设计论文3. PLC电梯控制毕业论文4. 基于plc的五层电梯控制5. 松下PLC控制的五层电梯设计6. 基于PLC控制的立体车库系统设计7. PLC控制的花样喷泉8. 三菱PLC控制的花样喷泉系统9. PLC控制的抢答器设计10. 世纪星组态 PLC控制的交通灯系统11. X62W型卧式万能铣床设计12. 四路抢答器PLC控制13. PLC控制类毕业设计论文14. 铁路与公路交叉口护栏自动控制系统15. 基于PLC的机械手自动操作系统16. 三相异步电动机正反转控制17. 基于机械手分选大小球的自动控制18. 基于PLC控制的作息时间控制系统19. 变频恒压供水控制系统20. PLC在电网备用自动投入中的应用21. PLC在变电站变压器自动化中的应用22. FX2系列PCL五层电梯控制系统23. PLC控制的自动售货机毕业设计论文24. 双恒压供水西门子PLC毕业设计25. 交流变频调速PLC控制电梯系统设计毕业论文26. 基于PLC的三层电梯控制系统设计27. PLC控制自动门的课程设计28. PLC控制锅炉输煤系统29. PLC控制变频调速五层电梯系统设计30. 机械手PLC控制设计31. 基于PLC的组合机床控制系统设计32. PLC在改造z-3040型摇臂钻床中的应用33. 超高压水射流机器人切割系统电气控制设计34. PLC在数控技术中进给系统的开发中的应用35. PLC在船用牵引控制系统开发中的应用36. 智能组合秤控制系统设计37. S7-200PLC在数控车床控制系统中的应用38. 自动送料装车系统PLC控制设计39. 三菱PLC在五层电梯控制中的应用40. PLC在交流双速电梯控制系统中的应用41. PLC电梯控制毕业论文42. 基于PLC的电机故障诊断系统设计43. 欧姆龙PLC控制交通灯系统毕业论文44. PLC在配料生产线上的应用毕业论文45. 三菱PLC控制的四层电梯毕业设计论文46. 全自动洗衣机PLC控制毕业设计论文47. 工业洗衣机的PLC控制毕业论文48. 《双恒压无塔供水的PLC电气控制》49. 基于三菱PLC设计的四层电梯控制系统50. 西门子PLC交通灯毕业设计51. 自动铣床PLC控制系统毕业设计52. PLC变频调速恒压供水系统53. PLC控制的行车自动化控制系统54. 基于PLC的自动售货机的设计55. 基于PLC的气动机械手控制系统56. PLC在电梯自动化控制中的应用57. 组态控制交通灯58. PLC控制的升降横移式自动化立体车库59. PLC在电动单梁天车中的应用60. PLC在液体混合控制系统中的应用61. 基于西门子PLC控制的全自动洗衣机仿真设计62. 基于三菱PLC控制的全自动洗衣机63. 基于plc的污水处理系统64. 恒压供水系统的PLC控制设计65. 基于欧姆龙PLC的变频恒压供水系统设计66. 西门子PLC编写的花样喷泉控制程序67. 欧姆龙PLC编写的全自动洗衣机控制程序68 景观温室控制系统的设计69. 贮丝生产线PLC控制的系统70. 基于PLC的霓虹灯控制系统71. PLC在砂光机控制系统上的应用72. 磨石粉生产线控制系统的设计73. 自动药片装瓶机PLC控制设计74. 装卸料小车多方式运行的PLC控制系统设计75. PLC控制的自动罐装机系统76. 基于CPLD的可控硅中频电源77. 西门子PLC编写的花样喷泉控制程序78. 欧姆龙PLC编写的全自动洗衣机控制程序79. PLC在板式过滤器中的应用80. PLC在粮食存储物流控制系统设计中的应用81. 变频调速式疲劳试验装置控制系统设计82. 基于PLC的贮料罐控制系统83. 基于PLC的智能交通灯监控系统设计1.基于labVIEW虚拟滤波器的设计与实现2.双闭环直流调速系统设计3.单片机脉搏测量仪4.单片机控制的全自动洗衣机毕业设计论文电梯控制的设计与实现6.恒温箱单片机控制7.基于单片机的数字电压表8.单片机控制步进电机毕业设计论文9.函数信号发生器设计论文变电所一次系统设计11.报警门铃设计论文单片机交通灯控制13.单片机温度控制系统通信系统中的接入信道部分进行仿真与分析15.仓库温湿度的监测系统16.基于单片机的电子密码锁17.单片机控制交通灯系统设计18.基于DSP的IIR数字低通滤波器的设计与实现19.智能抢答器设计20.基于LabVIEW的PC机与单片机串口通信设计的IIR数字高通滤波器22.单片机数字钟设计23.自动起闭光控窗帘毕业设计论文24.三容液位远程测控系统毕业论文25.基于Matlab的PWM波形仿真与分析26.集成功率放大电路的设计27.波形发生器、频率计和数字电压表设计28.水位遥测自控系统 毕业论文29.宽带视频放大电路的设计 毕业设计30.简易数字存储示波器设计毕业论文31.球赛计时计分器 毕业设计论文数字滤波器的设计毕业论文机与单片机串行通信毕业论文34.基于CPLD的低频信号发生器设计毕业论文变电站电气主接线设计序列在扩频通信中的应用37.正弦信号发生器38.红外报警器设计与实现39.开关稳压电源设计40.基于MCS51单片机温度控制毕业设计论文41.步进电动机竹竿舞健身娱乐器材42.单片机控制步进电机 毕业设计论文43.单片机汽车倒车测距仪44.基于单片机的自行车测速系统设计45.水电站电气一次及发电机保护46.基于单片机的数字显示温度系统毕业设计论文47.语音电子门锁设计与实现48.工厂总降压变电所设计-毕业论文49.单片机无线抢答器设计50.基于单片机控制直流电机调速系统毕业设计论文51.单片机串行通信发射部分毕业设计论文52.基于VHDL语言PLD设计的出租车计费系统毕业设计论文53.超声波测距仪毕业设计论文54.单片机控制的数控电流源毕业设计论文55.声控报警器毕业设计论文56.基于单片机的锁相频率合成器毕业设计论文57.基于Multism/protel的数字抢答器58.单片机智能火灾报警器毕业设计论59.无线多路遥控发射接收系统设计毕业论文60.单片机对玩具小车的智能控制毕业设计论文61.数字频率计毕业设计论文62.基于单片机控制的电机交流调速毕业设计论文63.楼宇自动化--毕业设计论文64.车辆牌照图像识别算法的实现--毕业设计65.超声波测距仪--毕业设计66.工厂变电所一次侧电气设计67.电子测频仪--毕业设计68.点阵电子显示屏--毕业设计69.电子电路的电子仿真实验研究70.基于51单片机的多路温度采集控制系统71.基于单片机的数字钟设计72.小功率不间断电源(UPS)中变换器的原理与设计73.自动存包柜的设计74.空调器微电脑控制系统75.全自动洗衣机控制器76.电力线载波调制解调器毕业设计论文77.图书馆照明控制系统设计78.基于AC3的虚拟环绕声实现79.电视伴音红外转发器的设计80.多传感器障碍物检测系统的软件设计81.基于单片机的电器遥控器设计82.基于单片机的数码录音与播放系统83.单片机控制的霓虹灯控制器84.电阻炉温度控制系统85.智能温度巡检仪的研制86.保险箱遥控密码锁 毕业设计变电所的电气部分及继电保护88.年产26000吨乙醇精馏装置设计89.卷扬机自动控制限位控制系统90.铁矿综合自动化调度系统91.磁敏传感器水位控制系统92.继电器控制两段传输带机电系统93.广告灯自动控制系统94.基于CFA的二阶滤波器设计95.霍尔传感器水位控制系统96.全自动车载饮水机97.浮球液位传感器水位控制系统98.干簧继电器水位控制系统99.电接点压力表水位控制系统100.低成本智能住宅监控系统的设计101.大型发电厂的继电保护配置102.直流操作电源监控系统的研究103.悬挂运动控制系统104.气体泄漏超声检测系统的设计105.电压无功补偿综合控制装置型无功补偿装置控制器的设计电机调速频段窄带调频无线接收机109.电子体温计110.基于单片机的病床呼叫控制系统111.红外测温仪112.基于单片微型计算机的测距仪113.智能数字频率计114.基于单片微型计算机的多路室内火灾报警器115.信号发生器116.基于单片微型计算机的语音播出的作息时间控制器117.交通信号灯控制电路的设计118.基于单片机步进电机控制系统设计119.多路数据采集系统的设计120.电子万年历121.遥控式数控电源设计降压变电所一次系统设计变电站一次系统设计124.智能数字频率计125.信号发生器126.基于虚拟仪器的电网主要电气参数测试设计127.基于FPGA的电网基本电量数字测量系统的设计128.风力发电电能变换装置的研究与设计129.电流继电器设计130.大功率电器智能识别与用电安全控制器的设计131.交流电机型式试验及计算机软件的研究132.单片机交通灯控制系统的设计133.智能立体仓库系统的设计134.智能火灾报警监测系统135.基于单片机的多点温度检测系统136.单片机定时闹钟设计137.湿度传感器单片机检测电路制作138.智能小车自动寻址设计--小车悬挂运动控制系统139.探讨未来通信技术的发展趋势140.音频多重混响设计141.单片机呼叫系统的设计142.基于FPGA和锁相环4046实现波形发生器143.基于FPGA的数字通信系统144.基于单片机的带智能自动化的红外遥控小车145.基于单片机AT89C51的语音温度计的设计146.智能楼宇设计147.移动电话接收机功能电路148.单片机演奏音乐歌曲装置的设计149.单片机电铃系统设计150.智能电子密码锁设计151.八路智能抢答器设计152.组态控制抢答器系统设计153.组态控制皮带运输机系统设计154..基于单片机控制音乐门铃155.基于单片机控制文字的显示156.基于单片机控制发生的数字音乐盒157.基于单片机控制动态扫描文字显示系统的设计158.基于LMS自适应滤波器的MATLAB实现功率放大器毕业论文160.无线射频识别系统发射接收硬件电路的设计161.基于单片机PIC16F877的环境监测系统的设计162.基于ADE7758的电能监测系统的设计163.智能电话报警器164.数字频率计 课程设计165.多功能数字钟电路设计 课程设计166.基于VHDL数字频率计的设计与仿真167.基于单片机控制的电子秤168.基于单片机的智能电子负载系统设计169.电压比较器的模拟与仿真170.脉冲变压器设计仿真技术及应用172.基于单片机的水温控制系统173.基于FPGA和单片机的多功能等精度频率计174.发电机-变压器组中微型机保护系统175.基于单片机的鸡雏恒温孵化器的设计176.数字温度计的设计177.生产流水线产品产量统计显示系统178.水位报警显时控制系统的设计179.红外遥控电子密码锁的设计180.基于MCU温控智能风扇控制系统的设计181.数字电容测量仪的设计182.基于单片机的遥控器的设计电话卡代拨器的设计184.数字式心电信号发生器硬件设计及波形输出实现185.电压稳定毕业设计论文186.基于DSP的短波通信系统设计(IIR设计)187.一氧化碳报警器188.网络视频监控系统的设计189.全氢罩式退火炉温度控制系统190.通用串行总线数据采集卡的设计191.单片机控制单闭环直流电动机的调速控制系统192.单片机电加热炉温度控制系统193.单片机大型建筑火灾监控系统接口设备驱动程序的框架设计195.基于Matlab的多频率FMICW的信号分离及时延信息提取196.正弦信号发生器197.小功率UPS系统设计198.全数字控制SPWM单相变频器199.点阵式汉字电子显示屏的设计与制作200.基于AT89C51的路灯控制系统设计200.基于AT89C51的路灯控制系统设计201.基于AT89C51的宽范围高精度的电机转速测量系统202.开关电源设计203.基于PDIUSBD12和K9F2808简易USB闪存设计204.微型机控制一体化监控系统205.直流电机试验自动采集与控制系统的设计206.新型自动装弹机控制系统的研究与开发207.交流异步电机试验自动采集与控制系统的设计208.转速闭环控制的直流调速系统的仿真与设计209.基于单片机的数字直流调速系统设计210.多功能频率计的设计信息移频信号的频谱分析和识别212.集散管理系统—终端设计213.基于MATLAB的数字滤波器优化设计214.基于AT89C51SND1C的MP3播放器215.基于光纤的汽车CAN总线研究216.汽车倒车雷达217.基于DSP的电机控制218.超媒体技术219.数字电子钟的设计与制作220.温度报警器的电路设计与制作221.数字电子钟的电路设计222.鸡舍电子智能补光器的设计223.高精度超声波传感器信号调理电路的设计224.电子密码锁的电路设计与制作225.单片机控制电梯系统的设计226.常用电器维修方法综述227.控制式智能计热表的设计228.电子指南针设计229.汽车防撞主控系统设计230.单片机的智能电源管理系统231.电力电子技术在绿色照明电路中的应用232.电气火灾自动保护型断路器的设计233.基于单片机的多功能智能小车设计234.对漏电保护器安全性能的剖析235.解析民用建筑的应急照明236.电力拖动控制系统设计237.低频功率放大器设计238.银行自动报警系统
全自动洗衣机软件 automatic washing-machine softwareA microcontroller (also MCU or µC) is a computer-on-a-chip, containing a processor, memory, and input/output functions. It is a microprocessor emphasizing high integration, in contrast to a general-purpose microprocessor (the kind used in a PC). In addition to the usual arithmetic and logic elements of a general purpose microprocessor, the microcontroller integrates additional elements such as read-write memory for data storage, read-only memory for program storage, EEPROM for permanent data storage, peripheral devices, and input/output interfaces. At clock speeds of as little as a few MHz or even lower, microcontrollers often operate at very low speed compared to modern day microprocessors, but this is adequate for typical applications. They consume relatively little power (milliwatts), and will generally have the ability to sleep while waiting for an interesting peripheral event such as a button press to wake them up again to do something. Power consumption while sleeping may be just nanowatts, making them ideal for low power and long lasting battery are frequently used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control systems, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys. By reducing the size, cost, and power consumption compared to a design using a separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to electronically control many more designThe majority of computer systems in use today are embedded in other machinery, such as automobiles, telephones, appliances, and peripherals for computer systems. While some embedded systems are very sophisticated, many have minimal requirements for memory and program length, with no operating system, and low software complexity. Typical input and output devices include switches, relays, solenoids, LEDs, small or custom LCD displays, radio frequency devices, and sensors for data such as temperature, humidity, light level etc. Embedded systems usually have no keyboard, screen, disks, printers, or other recognizable I/O devices of a personal computer, and may lack human interaction devices of any kind.[edit] InterruptsMicrocontrollers must provide real time response to events in the system they are controlling. When certain events occur, an interrupt system can signal the processor to suspend processing the current instruction sequence and to begin an interrupt service routine (ISR). The ISR will perform any processing required based on the source of the interrupt before returning to the original instruction sequence. Possible interrupt sources are device dependent, and often include events such as an internal timer overflow, an analogue to digital conversion completing, a logic level change on an input such as from a button being pressed, and data received on a communication link. Where power consumption is important as in battery operated devices, interrupts may also wake a microcontroller from a low power sleep state where the processor is halted until required to do something by a peripheral event.[edit] ProgramsMicrocontroller programs must fit in the available on-chip program memory, since it would be costly to provide a system with external, expandable, memory. Compilers and assembly language are used to turn high-level language programs into a compact machine code for storage in the microcontroller's memory. Depending on the device, the program memory may be permanent, read-only memory that can only be programmed at the factory, or program memory may be field-alterable flash or erasable read-only memory.[edit] Other microcontroller featuresSince embedded processors are usually used to control devices, they sometimes need to accept input from the device they are controlling. This is the purpose of the analog to digital converter. Since processors are built to interpret and process digital data, . 1's and 0's, they won't be able to do anything with the analog signals that may be being sent to it by a device. So the analog to digital converter is used to convert the incoming data into a form that the processor can recognize. There is also a digital to analog converter that allows the processor to send data to the device it is addition to the converters, many embedded microprocessors include a variety of timers as well. One of the most common types of timers is the Programmable Interval Timer, or PIT for short. A PIT just counts down from some value to zero. Once it reaches zero, it sends an interrupt to the processor indicating that it has finished counting. This is useful for things such as thermostats, which periodically test the temperature around them to see if they need to turn the air conditioner on, the heater on, feature is the time processing unit or TPU for short. It is essentially just another timer, but more sophisticated. In addition to counting down, the TPU can detect input events, generate output events, and other useful operations that are beyond the scope of this discussion.[edit] Higher integrationIn contrast to general-purpose CPUs, microcontrollers may not implement an external address or data bus as they integrate RAM and non-volatile memory on the same chip as the CPU. Using fewer pins, the chip can be placed in a much smaller, cheaper the memory and other peripherals on a single chip and testing them as a unit increases the cost of that chip, but often results in decreased net cost of the embedded system as a whole. Even if the cost of a CPU that has integrated peripherals is slightly more than the cost of a CPU + external peripherals, having fewer chips typically allows a smaller and cheaper circuit board, and reduces the labor required to assemble and test the circuit microcontroller is a single integrated circuit, commonly with the following features:central processing unit - ranging from small and simple 4-bit processors to complex 32- or 64-bit processors discrete input and output bits, allowing control or detection of the logic state of an individual package pin serial input/output such as serial ports (UARTs) other serial communications interfaces like I²C, Serial Peripheral Interface and Controller Area Network for system interconnect peripherals such as timers, event counters, PWM generators, and watchdog volatile memory (RAM) for data storage ROM, EPROM, EEPROM or Flash memory for program and operating parameter storage clock generator - often an oscillator for a quartz timing crystal, resonator or RC circuit many include analog-to-digital converters in-circuit programming and debugging support This integration drastically reduces the number of chips and the amount of wiring and circuit board space that would be needed to produce equivalent systems using separate chips. Furthermore, and on low pin count devices in particular, each pin may interface to several internal peripherals, with the pin function selected by software. This allows a part to be used in a wider variety of applications than if pins had dedicated functions. Microcontrollers have proved to be highly popular in embedded systems since their introduction in the microcontrollers use a Harvard architecture: separate memory buses for instructions and data, allowing accesses to take place concurrently. Where a Harvard architecture is used, instruction words for the processor may be a different bit size than the length of internal memory and registers; for example: 12-bit instructions used with 8-bit data decision of which peripheral to integrate is often difficult. The microcontroller vendors often trade operating frequencies and system design flexibility against time-to-market requirements from their customers and overall lower system cost. Manufacturers have to balance the need to minimize the chip size against additional architectures vary widely. Some designs include general-purpose microprocessor cores, with one or more ROM, RAM, or I/O functions integrated onto the package. Other designs are purpose built for control applications. A microcontroller instruction set usually has many instructions intended for bit-wise operations to make control programs more compact. For example, a general purpose processor might require several instructions to test a bit in a register and branch if the bit is set, where a microcontroller could have a single instruction that would provide that commonly-required typically do not have a math coprocessor, so multiplication and division are carried out using a standard library, or the faster and more compact Horner method.[edit] VolumesAbout 55% of all CPUs sold in the world are 8-bit microcontrollers. Over 2 billion 8-bit microcontrollers were sold in 1997. [1]Another 10% of all CPUs sold in the world are more specialized digital signal processors (DSPs). [2]Microcontrollers take the largest share of sales in the wider microprocessor market. Over 50% are "simple" controllers, and another 20% are more specialized digital signal processors (DSPs)[citation needed]. A typical home in a developed country is likely to have only one or two general-purpose microprocessors but somewhere between one and two dozen microcontrollers. A typical mid range automobile has as many as 50 or more microcontrollers. They can also be found in almost any electrical device: washing machines, microwave ovens, telephones have often produced special versions of their microcontrollers in order to help the hardware and software development of the target system. These have included EPROM versions that have a "window" on the top of the device through which program memory can be erased by ultra violet light, ready for reprogramming after a programming ("burn") and test economical option for intermediate levels of production (usually a few score to a few thousand parts) is a one-time programmable (OTP) microcontroller. This uses the same die as the UV EPROM version of the part, and is programmed on the same equipment, but the package does not include the expensive quartz window required to admit UV light on to the versions may be available where the ROM is accessed as an external device rather than as internal memory. A simple EPROM programmer, rather than a more complex and expensive microcontroller programmer, may then be used, however there is a potential loss of functionality through pin outs being tied up with external memory addressing rather than for general input/output. These kind of devices usually carry a higher cost but if the target production quantities are small, certainly in the case of a hobbyist, they can be the most economical option compared with the set up charges involved in mask programmed more rarely encountered development microcontroller is the "piggy back" version. This device has no internal ROM memory; instead pin outs on the top of the microcontroller form a socket into which a standard EPROM program memory device may be installed. The benefit of this approach is the release of microcontroller pins for input and output use rather than program memory. These kinds of devices are normally expensive and are impractical for anything but the development phase of a project or very small production use of field-programmable devices on a microcontroller may allow field update of the firmware or permit late factory revisions to products that have been assembled but not yet shipped. Programmable memory also reduces the lead time required for deployment of a new a large number of systems will be made (say, several thousand), the cost of a mask-programmed memory is amortized over all products sold. A simpler integrated circuit process is used, and the contents of the read-only memory are set in the last step of chip manufacture instead of after assembly and test. However, mask-programmed parts cannot be updated in the field. If product firmware updates are still contemplated, a socket may be used to hold the controller which can then be replaced by a service technician, if required.[edit] Programming environmentsMicrocontrollers were originally programmed only in assembly language, but various high-level programming languages are now also in common use to target microcontrollers. These languages are either designed specially for the purpose, or versions of general purpose languages such as the C programming language. Compilers for general purpose languages will typically have some restrictions as well as enhancements to better support the unique characteristics of firmware is also available for some microcontrollers. The Intel 8052 and Zilog Z8 were available with BASIC very early on, and BASIC is more recently used in the BASIC Stamp microcontrollers have environments to aid developing certain types of applications, . Analog Device's Blackfin processors with the LabVIEW environment and its programming language "G".Simulators are available for some microcontrollers, such as in Microchip's MPLAB environment. These allow a developer to analyse what the behaviour of the microcontroller and their program should be if they were using the actual part. A simulator will show the internal processor state and also that of the outputs, as well as allowing input signals to be generated. While on the one hand most simulators will be limited from being unable to simulate much other hardware in a system, they can exercise conditions that may otherwise be hard to reproduce at will in the physical implementation, and can be the quickest way to debug and analyse microcontrollers integrated with on-chip debug circuitry accessed by In-circuit emulator via JTAG enables a programmer to debug the software of an embedded system with a debugger.[edit] Interrupt latencyIn contrast to general-purpose computers, microcontrollers used in embedded systems often seek to minimize interrupt latency over instruction an electronic device causes an interrupt, the intermediate results, the registers, have to be saved before the software responsible for handling the interrupt can run, and then must be put back after it is finished. If there are more registers, this saving and restoring process takes more time, increasing the MCUs generally have relatively few registers in their central processing units, or they have "shadow registers", a duplicate register set that is only used by the interrupt first microcontroller was the Intel 8048, released in popularity of microcontrollers increased when EEPROM memory was incorporated to replace one time programmable PROM memory. With EEPROM, the development cycle of programming, testing and erasing a part could be repeated many times with the same part until the firmware was debugged and ready for production microcontrollers are low cost and readily available for System for Automatic Washing Machine using Microchip PIC18F Series Microcontroller The design uses the PIC18F series microcontroller. All the control functionalities of the system are built around this. Upgradeability is the unique feature of this system. Control card hardware and software allows the manufacturer to add or remove the features as per customer requirement and model. Thus once the whole system is designed it is very economic in large quantity production. Single-phase motor is considered for the design. Front panel consists of a keypad and LCD display. Keypad provides automatic and manual wash options to the user. LCD display is convenient to convey machine information to user. One more design possibility is to use brushless DC motors or three phase induction motor. These types of motors are very efficient but requires complex control algorithm. To implement such a complex and real time algorithm dedicated controller and software is required which a master controller controls. Even though cost is important criteria modern washing machines are designed with BLDC motors owing to efficiency and energy conservation. But in this assignment single phase universal motor has been used to design prototype due to its SpecificationsThis include both hardware and software system should provide fully automatic mode, semi-automatic mode and manual mode. Modes should be selectable by a fully automatic mode user intervention requirement should be zero. Once the system is started in this mode it should perform its work independently and after the completion of work it should notify the user about the completion of work. This mode instantaneously should sense cloth quality and requirement of water, water temperature, detergent, load, wash cycle time and perform operation semi-automatic mode also user requirement should be nil. But user has to choose any one of the semi-automatic mode in which washing conditions are predefined. Once the predefined mode is started the system should perform its job and after completion it should inform the user.
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