海岸带空间及其资源开发利用在整个国民经济中的地位日渐提高。在港航建设、围垦造地、海滨旅游和滩涂养殖等方面取得大规模成就的同时,也出现了一些新的不良动向。本文从资源规划、环境保护、法制管理、海洋科技、海权维护、服务保障等方面提出了对策,以达到充分开发、永续利用的目的。 The development and utilization of coastal space and resources in the coastal zone have upgraded it's position in national economy. Great achievement have got in harbor and waterway construction, reclairing land from the sea, tour of the shore and beach, shallow marine culture followed some new bad trends to attain the goal of adeqate development and sustainable utilization. This paper suggests the possible countermeasures such as resource protection, environment protection, legal management, marine science...