其实你有空的时候可以找一些资料来练习 参加英语角都是不错的练习方法!如果要找英语学习中心 我有参加过ABC夫下口语的口语辅导,感觉.好.挺不错的;现在觉得要学好就是要多开口说!1、单词要过关,你可以把单词放到文章中记!不要单拿出来记,虽然记的快忘的也快啊! 、听力方面,最开始是自己听一遍,只是一遍 然后,看听力材料,边听边跟读,这样很锻炼听力的,无论是对简短对话还是对文章,因为听力里有很多的连读,如果你不熟悉,是绝对听不出来的! 、阅读方面;尽量在规定时间内做题要不考试答不完卷!这个就得多做题了!题不怕老。模拟和真题都行! 、作文,平时多读。把生单词多的文章,有听力材料的文章拿出来读,可多读方面锻炼啊! 、也是最重要的:坚持 加油哦!希望你早日通过!! 关于四级 我是用一个星期时间准备的,并且顺利的通过了考试。由于时间很紧,复习方式就显得特别重要,具体来说 1.真题。真题的重要性相信已经有很多人强调过了。我过四六级唯一的参考书就是真题,我没有做过任何模拟或预测题,真题推荐大家使用航天工业出版社的真题,这本书是大学英语四六级考试的指导用书,里面的试题详解很好,这本书一般在大学附近的书店有售,而新华书店里面好像没有 .复习时间。离考试还有最后一个星期了,当时我什么都没有准备,说实话,有点心灰意冷了,礼拜五晚上痛哭了一场,决定赌一把。之后的一个星期时间里,每天早上:1左右到自习室,:0开始做一套真题,不做听力,只做阅读、完型和单选,时间严控制在一个小时里。注意,时间控制很重要,四六级考试都是提前收答题卡,四六级考试必须把速度练出来,正常的作答时间是一个小时十分钟,训练时之 所以是一个小时,是因为,在考试中,会有各种突发情况,而这些必须计算在内。我一般早上作两套题,即:0——:0一套,:——10:一套。做完后,对答案,然后吃午饭。吃完饭会到自习室,开始最重要的工作,分析真题 .分析真题。这是最关键的环节。我的分析方法是,对于阅读,第一,看我做错的题,分析为什么做错了,是因为单词不认识,还是没有在原文中找到依据,或则是粗心等等。第二,对照真题解释,体会出题者意图,总结一下自己容易在哪种题型上出错,是主旨大意题还是细节题等等。第三,由于我没有背单词,阅读中会有很多不认识单词,把每一个不认识的单词都查出来并且背下来,到后来会发现,阅读里面很多但此都会重复出现,认识了单词,阅读在理解上基本没有什么问题了。对于完型,我基本没有怎么订正,就是对着解答看了一遍。对于单选,把所有不认识的都查出来背下。做完这些,基本上就到了晚上下自习的时间了,有时候,可能一天还弄不完两套题目。但尽量能做并分析完 补充:1.现在的四级越来越向着六级靠拢,单词我认为不背不行了,现在还有时间,建议大家还是找本单词书背背,背单词的方法可以参考《十七天搞定GRE词汇》里的方法 .当时由于没有时间,我没有准备作文,建议大家,将真题里的作文自己练习的写写,然后对照范文修改 .做题顺序是最近的最先做,即按,0.,……的顺序做 .个人认为,听力不是短期能够提高的,抓住小对话是关键 关于六级 方法和四级差不多,只是,六级必须背单词,第一次我没有背单词,结果分惨败。六级主要考的就是单词 补充一点,六级的改错其实是很有规律的,建议大家在做完10套真题之后总结一下,可以看到,每年至少要出现一个词意相反的错误,搭配的错误等等,当时我总结之后,在考试中有针对性的找错误,结果改错对了个,呵呵,要知道,平常我一般只能对个的 注意,四级的做题时间最好安排在上午,六级最好在下午,原因嘛,当然尽量和真正的考试同步,早适应早好嘛 六级高分学员经验分享 作者:赵英吉 来源:新东方 赵英吉,北京新东方学校六级学员,英语六级.分,北京新东方学校00年高分颁奖大会六级一等奖获得者 一年一度的大学英语四、六级考试又要来临了,距离考过四、六级已经有两年的时间,我是00年暑假参加新东方大学英语六级考试的学习,00年月1日在新东方学习期间获知自己英语四级考试的成绩是.分,这一年的年底,我参加了大学英语六级考试,成绩是.分,在这里我愿意把自己在新东方的学习经历和过级体会和大家分享,希望对即将参加四、六级考试的同学有所帮助 我不否认,学习英语是枯燥的,尤其是在缺乏必要的语言环境的条件下,没有什么捷径可走。我觉得学习英语首先要强化英语学习的重要性,为了在大学期间努力学好英语,我给自己找了以下几条理由:第一,毕业要努力考研,英语上不去,要功亏一篑;第二,努力争取拿到奖学金,师兄师姐说大一大二很多人拿不到奖学金就是因为英语成绩不过关;第三,英语四六级证书在某种程度上也成为了就业的“敲门砖”。现在想来,当时的想法的确帮助我一直坚持学习英语,但是也真够功利性了,这里我建议大家听一下新东方教育在网古典老师的课程“古典新法”,古老师在课程开始对于我们为什么要学习英语有个详尽的讲解,我觉得对学习英语却又对动机认识不够的同学很有帮助 我学习英语六级的地方是新东方在西山农场的一个校区,离市区很远,我记得一个天津的同学说从天津走高速公路到北京一个多小时,从新东方总部到西山农场要两个小时。西山农场的环境是很好的,可能是因为小时候在部队长大的关系,我觉得西山农场的气息就像小时候生活过的部队大院。虽然六个人同居一室真有点挤,但是新东方老师的精彩绝对值得挤这十二天 一.词汇 言归正传,词汇算是我在四六级考试中的强项了,因为我认真地学习了浙江大学版《新编大学英语》,所以词汇的底子挺强,我觉得这本教材认真对待真是受益无穷,我在学习者本教材时重点记忆了其中的四六级词汇和重点句型。我坚持词汇的学习应该是用眼睛学加用耳朵学。所以选择词汇书的时候,第一是看对于一个单词的释义是否穷尽;第二是看例句的质量好坏,有无对真题考点的剖析;第三,是有没有配套的磁带,听背结合提高记忆的效率。当时我选择的词汇书是新东方学校的《大学英语六级考试速听速记》,这本书在大学生中有良好的口碑,它配有盘磁带(四级是盘),是极少数将单词例句也朗读出来的词汇书,书中选录的句子很有实用性,不少在作文中用的到 背单词的时候,第一轮我先把这本词汇书浏览了一遍,把其中的单词话分为黑、白和灰三个等级。白色单词是已经熟练掌握了的,一些初级的简单的词汇,这些词汇已经不需要过多的花时间。黑色词汇是生词,是许要花大精力记忆的词汇,可以采用读、写、拼、变形、拆分等等方法强化记忆,为了避免学习的枯燥可以选择一些激活记忆的有效方法,比如:bias (by us 在我们这边,“偏爱”的意思);assess (区分ass 和ess 还真是个难事,需要好好的“评估”) ;dilemma(想抵赖吗?真是“进退维谷”)。注意记忆的时候一定要穷尽所有的释义,免得为日后的学习埋下“地雷”。所谓的“地雷”就是我要说的灰色单词了。这些但此乍看很简单,可是对它们的掌握经常让我们掉以轻心。比如spring 大家都只到有春天、泉水的意思,可是一般不知道跳跃、弹簧的意思;Start除了开始,还有吃惊的意思;lean除了依靠,还有瘦猪肉的意思。这些小词往往是考试中的陷阱。有些词汇还不能凭想象猜测其意思,要勤动手。比如初中我第一次遇到headline(头版头条)我认为一定是脑电波的意思,green eyes(嫉妒)曾经被我翻译成“青光眼” 第二轮,我把单词进行了系统的归类。1进行了同义词的汇总。比如:表示笑得单词(giggle grin mock ),表示看得单词(sheer stare peek glance glimpse)一些特定场所使用的单词(图书馆,会议,婚礼等等)归纳衍生词 cll-clly celebrate-celebrated-celebration create-creation-creative 等 第三轮是训练阶段,我非常赞同新东方的真题训练法,金威老师的词汇讲解的非常细致,我觉得他在词汇上的扩充给了我很大帮助,一些小词比如get make have平时不太注意,词组多,意思接近,他都用形象的例句帮助我们记忆,对于考试重点单词的解释也十分到位,起到了很好的强化作用。值得一提的是,最近我看到了俞敏洪老师编著的《大学英语六级词汇词根+连想记忆法》这本书,它与俞老师那本著名的GRE红宝书编排方法类似,运用词根词缀的办法记忆单词,我相信会对词汇的记忆有很大帮助 二.听力 听力一直是我的薄弱环节,不过在六级考试中,我的听力拿了满分。我很感谢新东方的赵海燕老师,她的讲解真的很系统,使我不再茫然的做听力模拟题,只重结果,不重分析。老师首先分析了我们在听力过程中遇到的障碍(语音 词汇 词组句型 思维方式和一些小词短语)她当时举了beat这个单词的短语beat around the bush(拐弯抹角),我的记忆十分深刻 课堂上,她总结了一些有用的做题方法(主句做题法,用限定词定位,举例和隐语处出题等),四种听力题的基本意识(信号词、语法、语气语调、文化常识),小对话题型,passage题型,compound dictation题型的应对,最后总结了各种场景碰到的常用词汇(这个为我在词汇学习中总结的词汇做了有力的扩充)和 习语。可以说,听力这部分,我的笔记记得最详细,吸取的的知识最多,在这里很难一一列举,如果说词汇的学习我有自己的一套,我的六级听力复习是一步一步按着新东方的方法走过来的,事实证明我的选择是正确的 三.阅读 无论哪种考试,阅读都是重中之重。在有了语法和词汇的良好基础之后,阅读并不是难以解决的难题。六级阅读的要求是分钟,四篇文章。我首先选择了某两年的真题作了个实验:1把时间控制在分钟之内,不考虑结果,将题做完为主不计时间,给自己充分琢磨题意的空间,以考虑清楚为主。实验表明如果前者正确率与后者没有显著差别,那么时间基本不是障碍。如果反之,那么应该强化自己的做题速度,做题技巧,词汇语法的熟练程度。做阅读理解的时候,要有良好的心理一不要急躁,二不要自责和抱怨。张国帅老师讲解了不少解答阅读理解题的方法,比如抓中心思想,上下文猜测生词等等,熟练掌握,多加练习,熟能生巧的确行之有效,这里不再一一赘述,阅读能力的培养是一个相对长期的过程,不能急于求成、半途而废,持之以恒才会取得最后的成功 四.写作 我觉得四六级考试的写作部分,是能体现出“突击”的效果的,很多同学都发现背诵一写句型,用到作文里,拿个及分不成问题。可是,如果作文想拿高分,为其他部分减轻一点压力就非易事了。我平时准备了一个本子,专门记下阅读到的文章中的好的单词、词组和句型,自己取一些标题如:单词记事本,习语集锦,句型集中营等等,分门别类,查阅方便。市面上的很多写作参考书将四六级作文划分类型进行分析,我认为单纯的拿书背诵还不够。我在图书馆里找到这方面的写作书,把每种作文类型好的句子集中在一块儿(类似句型只保留两句,减轻记忆负担),然后挑选一个题目进行模拟练习,在练习中有意识的用到自己总结的句子,会发现,对句子的掌握会深刻很多,也不会出现,背了不少却用不上得情况 以上这些是我在四六级考试中的一些体会,希望能够多少帮到大家,非常感谢新东方的老师们带给了我学习英语的热情,教会了我不少学习的技巧,让我对考试不畏惧,取得了好的成绩,最后祝愿大家成功通过考试
范文:Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?
According to a recent survey made by the China Daily, about 200 million Chinese are using phones as their daily communications means instead of writing letters. So some people say that phones will kill letter writing. But I don’t think so.
My argument that phones will not kill letter writing lies in at least three aspects. First, letter writing as a traditional way of communication still has some advantages over phones. For example, if people want to express something confidential to their close friends, they will turn to letter writing. Another example is that rural workers who are working far away from their hometown are more likely to write letters to their families than to make phone calls for the purpose of saving money. Second, letter writing is more authoritative and formal in some way. For instance, people who are doing business will write formal business letters to do a deal; people who want to recommend or introduce someone to someone else will write letter of recommendation or letter of introduction, etc. Last but not least, letter writing is still regarded as a token of friendship among friends. People always write letters to show their everlasting love and affection.
All in all, letter writing is still very popular among people. It is still a good way for people to communicate with each other and it is impossible to be killed by phones.
范文:My Idea of a University Arts Festival
I’ve heard the Student’s Union will host an arts festival next semester. According to my experience, the festival should include the indispensable element—arts education. And the Festival organizer has the necessity to work in conjunction with a volunteer artistic and administrative team.
The arts are essential part of education. They give us a unique means of expression, capturing our passions and emotion, and allowing us to explore new ideas, subject matters and cultures. Arts education not only enhances students’ understanding of the world around them, but it also broadens their perspective on traditional academics. The arts give us the creativity to express ourselves, while challenging our intellect. The arts integrate life and learning for all students and are integral in the development of the whole person. So, without arts education, the Arts Festival will not be incomplete. Volunteers, especially those who possess artistic and administrative abilities, should be recruited. Volunteers provide free service so that the total cost of the Festival can be lowered. Besides, they are usually enthusiasts about arts, so their work will be very efficient. Volunteers can be students or professionals, and, volunteers and staff should be treated with the same respect and attention.
Our university has so many amazing groups and talented individuals, but there has been no coordinated effort to showcase them. The Arts Festival will bring together undergraduates, professional school students and the community.
* Big Company or Small Company
Upon graduation from college, young men and women face the first choice in their career life: to go to a large company or a small one? Although many graduates are attracted by the prestige of large companies, I believe small one will afford more chances of success and more opportunities to develop your ability.
It is true that working for a big, world-known company will provide you with both status and pride, and because of your association with it, your families and friends will think of you more highly, assuming you are more competent with promising future. But this wouldn’t compensate for the fact that many capable persons end up working as a cog in a big machine. In a small company however, you will feel more responsible and excited, you will have more decisions to make, and you can see the effect of your work and of your decisions right away. What’s more, in a large company you tend to be limited to one procedure and taught one thing only. While you are normally exposed to all kinds of experiences and are expected to do many things in a small company. Last but not least, in large company, the constant need to prove that you are as good as or better than your fellow competitors creates constantly anxiety and stress. In a small company, however, you work comfortably and feel at ease, though you salary may be a little bit lower.
Obviously, if you want to be an excellent manager or successful entrepreneur in your future career, working in small companies will provide you more opportunities.
* Where Old Sick People Go?
It is traditional custom for Chinese old, sick people to live with their children and their grandchildren. But in recent decades, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. More and more old and sick parents were placed in the nursing homes. Although many people frown on it, I don’t think it is a bad tendency.
For the sake of their health, old and sick people are better off being placed in nursing homes. For there they can receive better service and more intensive care of the professional nurses. On the contrary, living in the home they often can’t be taken proper care of as their adult children are often too busy with their own families and their work to give adequate time to them. Most importantly, the old and sick people will be much happier there than at home. As their adult children go to work and grandchildren to school during the day, they have to spend most of the time with themselves. But in nursing homes for elderly they won’t suffer such boredom and loneliness. They can have people of their age to talk and play all day.
It is true that the young have the duty to take care of their parents, especially when they are old and sick. But sending the old and sick to the nursing home is not an act of abandonment, but a sign of love. It is something like sending your baby to the kindergarten. It can reduce adult’s burden and worries about their old and sick parents.
* Movie Goers or TV Viewers
With more and more families owing the most modern TV sets, the number of film goers has declined sharply. While the number of TV movie viewers continue climbing, reaching the highest in history. Although the majority choose to watch TV programs, I like going to movies.
Admittedly, watching movies on TV is a comfortable and enjoyable thing. You don’t have to travel to the cinema, risking traffic jams or terrible weather. But to most TV viewers, a movie can’t be enjoyed thoroughly. For one thing, advertisements are frequently inserted in the program, especially at a crucial plot, making the viewers very disappointed. For another, you have very few choices. What shows on TV is often old and out-of-date. Seeing films, however, you can avoid all these drawbacks. Although films are expensive and going to the cinema is not convenient enough, the movie goers can enjoy the film as a real treat. You don’t have to worry about the insertion of ads on the film. You can select the most suitable time and your favorite film. Most importantly, the modern cinema offers the best sound effect and most wonderful atmosphere, which TV can’t produce.
A few days ago I invited one of my friends to see a film, a friend who haven’t gone to the cinema for nearly 10 years. After reaching home from the cinema, he telephoned me: “I have never expected the modern cinema has such wonderful effect on me. I’m intoxicated.”
* Which Mode of Travel Do You Like?
With the increased standard of living and the declining working weeks, more and more people are able to make a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours for convenience, I prefer to travel individually.
I like traveling on my own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Traveling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way, where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. I’m always my own boss. On the contrary, in a package tour you’re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle, you have to jump up from a sound sleep, and with heavy-lidded eyes, hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving, you must immediately pull yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to his strict schedule, regardless of the weather or your health condition.
True, you may encounter inconvenience if you travel individually, for instance, getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom, which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from the constraints of his routine life.
* How to solve Traffic Problems?
With the development of industry, heavy traffic has become the source of greatest complaint in many big cities. Two solutions have been recommended so far, and each one has both advantages and disadvantages.
One of the solutions is to lay down more roads. The advantage of the first solution is obvious: it can reduce traffic density and hence speed up the flow of buses and cars. But the traffic flows constantly rise to fill whatever scale of roads and highways that are provided for them. Furthermore, in a city with booming industry, land is precious resource and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. Another solution is to open up more bus routes. People who suggested this said if more bus routes were opened up, the number of bicycles and cars in streets would be decreased; therefore, it is a good means of solving the problem of heavy traffic. But this may give rise to another new set of problems, for example, people may not feel as convenient as they did before.
Directions: The Problem of Human Population
It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. However, in the recent thousand years human population has increased nearly 20 times. Nowadays the world population has reached more than 7000 million. The population explosion has caused many problems. Generally, they come down to four major ones.
First, a lot of people can't get employment, which is a universal problem in the world. Second, in developing countries there are not enough shelters for too many people and so people are not properly housed and even are exposed to the elements. Third, in underdeveloped countries a lot of people suffer from hunger because of food shortage, which in turn causes many other problems, malnutrition, disease, etc. Fourth, there are not enough schools for so many people and so a lot of people are illiterate.
Therefore, to eliminate these problems, human beings should take effective measures to control population.
1. 建造(lay down)更多道路
优点:降低街道拥护程度加速车流(flow of traffic)
2.开辟(open up)更多公共汽车线路
How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic
The urban traffic is getting increasingly crowded nowadays in China. The roads are pakced with cars, bicylces and pedestrians and traffic jams, bus delays and traffic accidents are a common scene.
Then how to solve this problem? Some suggest to lay down more roads to make the traffic less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. Others believe that we should open up more public bus routes, so that more people will take the public buses instead of travelling by cars and bicycles.
Though above two views sound reasonable, they have their own drawbacks. The fomer may take up much land which could be used for farms and houses. The latter may cause inconvenience for those who are used to travelling by car or bicycles. I think the best answer to the traffic problem is a combination of the two. More roads can be built to hold more traffic and meanwhile more public bus routes can be opened up to those who prefer to use the public transportation.
Directions: Four suggested solutions to this problem are listed below. You are supposed to write in favour of one suggestion(ONE only)and against another(ONE only). You should give your reasons in both cases.
4. 疏散城市人口
How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities
The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big citeis in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on housing, the investment has produced little financial return and a housing shortage still persists. Two generations sharing one room and newly-married couples finding it difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage is a problem that requires and urgent solution.
People's attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are different. Some suggest to build more high-rise apartments; others believe to develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build above gound than below. For another, living underground for a long time will do harm to people's health. Above all, people are unwilling to live unerground with artificial lighting and they prefer to live above ground to enjoy the sunshine.
Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage problem, I believe to build more high-rise apartments is one of the promising solutions to the housing problem.
Man Is to Survive
Nowadays humanity is faced with a lot of troublesome problems: energy crisis, cancer, pollution, population explosion, etc. They are threatening the survival of humanity. Therefore, some people are pessimistic about the future of humanity.
They are pessimistic because they think that limited energy on earth will be exhausted soon; incurable diseases are threatening more people's lives; pollution is worsening the environment; population explosion will make food shortage even more serious.
Actually they needn't worry too much about these problems. Scientists will have developed new energy resources by the time oil and coal are used up. Besides, scientists are making a thorough study of genes and they will manage to cure cancer by adjusting the arrangement of genes. They are also making efforts to control pollution and population. Furthermore, all the governments in the world are concerned about these problems and they have taken measures to solve these problems.
Therefore, we have every reason to be sure that human beings will conquer nature but they will never be conquered.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the graph below.
and fall of the rate of car accident as indicated by the graph;
reason (s) for the decline of car accidents in the city;
predictions of what will happen this year.
Food Year 1989 1990
Grain 49% 47% 45% 45%
Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13%
Meet 17% 20% 23% 21%
Fruit and vegetables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should quote as few figures as possible.
The graph shows the changing rate of car accidents in Walton city in 1990. The first two months of 1990 showed an increasing trend. The rate rose to 32 in March but fell to 26 in June. From June on the rate was rising again and reached the peak point 39 in August. After August the rate began to decline, and eventually dropped to the lowest point 16 at the end of the year.
The highest rate in August was due to unfavorable weather conditions. Humidity and high temperature make drivers impatient, which easily leads to car accidents. The high rate in the first half of 1990 was also caused by the bad weather condition. In Walton City the excessive rain comes at early spring. The rain made road slippery, which often resulted in car accidents.
This year the pattern is expected to change. The city government has raised fund to improve the road condition. Two new roads will be finished at the beginning of this year and are expected to open to traffic soon. Furthermore, the new road regulation provides that in summer every car must be air-conditioned. With all these precautions, I'm sure that the rate of car accidents will be much lower this year.
I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her hand with a little water and held it before me, and said this:
You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love… They try to posses it, they demand, they expect… and just like the water spillin out of your hand, Love will retrieve from you.
For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature.
If you have people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feelno expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.
Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed.
Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .
I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx.
I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.
That's all. Thank you for giving me the chance.
In people’s life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on. Making mistake is the difficulty that everyone will have to face, no one is perfect, how to treat the mistake is very important. Some people will choose to ignore their mistakes and tell lies, because they are afraid of being condemned. While some people will choose to face their mistakes and learn to fix the mistakes. I appreciate the latter people, they are honest and take the right attitude towards making mistakes. Making mistake is not horrible, people can learn from those mistakes and become mature, after all, it will take some price to grow up.
一些人会选择忽视他们的错误,然后 撒谎,因为他们害怕受到谴责。然而一些人选择面对他们的错误,学着去改正错误。我欣赏后者,他们诚实,正确面对犯错误。
I did a good deed
Oct 28th, Saturday Fine
This afternoon on my way to the cinema, I saw a case fallen off mans bike. I shouted out to the man to stop, but he didnt hear me and run away. I was wondering what to do. When I had an idea, I stopped the taxi and got into it with the case. Soon we caught up with the man getting the case back. He was so thankful that he offered me some money, but I refused it politely. Then the driver took me to the cinema. When I paid him,the driver pushed my hand away and said with smile: Neither would I accept your money.
3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。
Dear editor,
I’m Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I’m writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. __________________________________
Li Ming
范文 (One possible version)
I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.
Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.
First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.
Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep.
(We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.)
I'm a Chinese girl. And l have an English girl friend who is called Miya. She is a very good girl and she has got a really big family. There are seven people in her family. Her father, mother, two brothers-John and Jim, and two sisters-Alice and Kate.
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