The lady of the camellias" is a French representative of Alexander Odumas, tells the story of the eighteen forties, Alfonsina Plessi called a poor country girl, came to Paris, entered the vanity, into an upper class social star, started a career; and renamed Mary Duplessis. Meet the Dumas, so the two of them began a period Dating Love story. " La Traviata" is a classic of world literature, has been repeatedly onto the stage and screen. 《茶花女》是法国亚历山大·小仲马的代表作,讲述在19世纪40年代,一个叫阿尔丰西娜·普莱西的贫苦乡下姑娘来到巴黎,走进了名利场,成了上流社会的一个社交明星,开始了卖笑生涯;并改名为玛丽·杜普莱西.结识了小仲马,于是两人开始了一段交往的爱情故事.《茶花女》是一部世界文学经典,曾被多次搬上舞台银幕.