Is It Right to Require Class Attendance?Required class attendance, like an old custom, is so common in Chinese colleges and universities that many teachers and even students themselves simply assume it a good practice. But is it wise to do so? It does contribute to the rise in the number of students attending class. But is there any proven correlation between attendance and performance in a course? The value of required attendance is being questioned by more and more teachers and is class attendance required? The reason seems fairly distinct and understandable. For one thing, to ensure that all the students in his or her class are attending it has been considered one of the responsibilities of the teacher in the long run. A strong sense of responsibility is acting on the teachers and making them feel lose face or even guilty if they are facing just several students in a classroom which should be filled with many more of them. Also playing a part is that teachers have to find ways to evaluate their students, and attendance, which is a perfect measurable factor, can be their good choice apart from mere paper does that make sense? Have teachers achieved their goal? Take the first glance and people may say "yes", because you can easily find that in the courses which require class attendance there are always a lot of students. But things are not just simply what they look like, however. "I'm tired of the course,but I've got to attend it. So I leave after my name is mentioned by the teacher." A college student said so and if you have experienced college life, you'll find he's not alone in saying so. In some courses attendance checking has been somewhat a burden to the students and they have developed several ways to escape classes while still retain good record on the teachers' way is to leave silently after attendance checking, and there's still other ways such as asking others to reply when his or her name is called, etc. Even just talk about the students who never escape classes. We can hardly assume they're really "taking" the course because none of the available data shows any proven correlation between attendance and performance in a course. One may be sitting in the classroom, but who knows whether he or she is just sitting there daydreaming all the time?What surprises us is that there are students who get high marks without attending many classes. So now we seem to have reached a corner: how to explain all these phenomena? Is class attendance requirement really a ridiculous thing or have we missed something important that gives us the answer?Just consider the teachers' goal again and we can get more out of the problem. The point of all the things is that we should find a better way to arouse the students' enthusiasm and efficiency to study and attendance requirement is just one of the methods. One's course performance is measured by his or her efforts and efficiency rather than the time he spends to attend class. A student may have a high rate of attendance but low study efficiency. What's more, if we make a close research about the college education we can see why college education is not welcome. A sense of being compelled to study and not being trusted is the most important factor in it. Students in colleges tend to think they are already grown-ups who're responsible for what they can do and what they want to do. The attendance checking makes them feel that they are treated like children and thus may destroy the enthusiasm of study or even cause them to cheat the teachers in different ways. Another factor that bears the same importance is the classes, or to say the teachers them selves. Why do students fail to follow the courses? One thing that can not be denied is that many classes are simply too only repeat their materials from the textbook and students feel they can gain nothing from it. For the third but not the least one, students do lack a strong desire to study and responsibility for themselves these days. Their life is filled with too many things such as PCs, TVs, and a lot of other make them impetuous and unable to sit down quietly studying."Awareness of the problem is half of the solution," Once Edison mentioned. Now that we have reached the conclusion that mere attendance requirement is not right, nor necessary, what shall teachers and students do to find the other half of the solution and end the "hide and see" game?First, maintaining students attention and interest is still a big challenge for the classroom lecturers. One way for professors to meet the challenge is to brighten the classes with anecdotes for comic relief. Another way is to integrate visuals into classroom activities. Still another way is to punctuate the classes with discussion. Through all these methods the students' enthusiasm of study may be aroused and they would have the desire to study instead of being compelled to sit in the classroom thinking how to escape themselves should take actions to solve the problems too. The essence of the problem is how to improve their study quality and students themselves, as those who benefit from all the endeavors, must give an active response to teachers and the society. Just as Newton once said, "Exploring the unknown is the happiest thing in my life."Students must develop their interest and desire to learn in classes. They should try their best to follow the courses to get knowledge from them instead of making all kinds of excuses to escape all, taking all these factors into account, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that to require class attendance is not an effective way to ensure the students' study quality and efficiency, but it stands for the endless endeavor of educators to improve the standard of education and to give students better tourscs. Awareness of the problem is the first step and other effective measures are being taken. We have strong belief that the situation in the near future will be better and students as well as the teachers will both get high efficiency and interest from the try and believe it! We cast our eyes forward because there will be a brighter future of education!它有权要求类出席?需要一流的出勤,像一个古老的习俗,是常见于我国高校,许多教师甚至学生自己承担它只是一个很好的做法。但是,明智的,它这样做?它有助于提高学生的人数上课。但没有任何证明的关系出勤率和性能的课程?所需的价值提出质疑出席正在为越来越多的教师和学生。为什么一流的出勤需要?其原因似乎相当明显的和可以理解的。一方面,以确保所有的学生在他或她的阶级参加它一直被认为是的责任,老师从长远来看。强烈的责任感是代理的教师,使他们觉得没面子,甚至如果他们有罪面临只是几个学生在课堂应该充满了更多的人。也发挥了部分教师必须找到办法来评价学生,入学,这是一个完美的衡量因素,可他们很好的选择除了单纯的文件马克。但是,这是否有意义?有教师实现其目标?采取乍一看,人们可能会说“是” ,因为你可以很容易地找到,在课程,需要有一流的出勤率一直是很多学生。但事情并不只是他们看起来像,但是。 “我已经厌倦了球场,但我必须参加它。所以,我离开后,我的名字是提到的老师。 ”大学生这么说,如果你经历过大学生活,你会发现他不是一个人这样说。在一些课程出勤率检查而得到某种程度的负担,学生和他们已经开发几种方式来逃避上课,同时仍保留良好记录的教师方式是默默离开后,出席检查,并还有其他方式,如要求别人的答复时,他或她的名字叫做等甚至只是谈论谁没有逃生的学生上课。我们也难以承担他们真正“同时”的过程,因为没有可用的数据显示任何证明关系出勤率和性能的课程。人不得坐在教室,但谁知道他或她是否只是坐在那里白日做梦吗?我们什么惊喜的是,有学生谁获得高分没有参加许多课程。因此,我们现在似乎已经达到一个角落:如何解释这些现象?是一流的出勤要求实际上是一个可笑的事情,或者我们错过了一些重要的是给我们提供了一个答案吗?只是考虑到教师的目标,我们可以再次获得更多的问题。这一点对所有的事情是,我们应该寻找更好的方式来调动学生的积极性和效率,研究和出勤率的要求是公正的方法之一。一个人的表现当然是衡量他或她的努力和效率,而不是花费的时间,他上课。一个学生可能有很高的出席率低,但学习效率。更何况,如果我们作出的密切研究大学教育,我们可以看到,为什么大学教育是不欢迎。感被迫学习和不信任的是最重要的因素了。高校学生往往认为他们已经大人谁是负责他们能做什么和什么,他们想做的事情。出席检查使他们感到他们是一样对待孩子,从而可能破坏研究的积极性,甚至导致他们作弊的教师以不同的方式。另一个因素是承担同样重要的是阶级,或说他们的老师身上。为什么学生不能按照课程?有一点不能否认的是,许多班级太只能重复其材料的教科书和学生认为他们可以从它得到任何好处。第三,但并非最不重要的,学生们缺乏强烈的愿望,研究和责任为自己这些天。他们的生活充满了太多的东西,如电脑,电视,还有很多其他使他们浮躁,无法坐下来安静地学习。“对这个问题的认识是成功的一半的解决方案, ”一旦爱迪生提及。现在,我们已经得出的结论是,仅仅出席的要求是不正确的,也没有必要,什么应做教师和学生找到另一半的解决方案和最终的“隐藏和见”的游戏?第一,保持学生的注意和兴趣仍然是一个很大的挑战的教室讲师。一种方式教授,以满足目前的挑战是良好的班级轶事的漫画救济。另一种方法是把视觉到课堂活动。还有另一种方法是点状的班级讨论。所有这些方法,通过学生的积极性,研究可能会引起他们将有希望的研究,而不是强迫坐在教室思维如何解脱出来。学生自己应采取行动来解决问题。问题的实质是,如何改善他们的学习质量和学生本身,因为这些谁从中受益的一切奋斗,必须给予积极回应教师及社会的。正如牛顿曾经说过, “探索未知是最幸福的事情在我的生命。 ”学生必须发展自己的兴趣和愿望,学习班。他们应该尽力按照课程获得的知识,他们不是使各种借口逃避班级。毕竟,考虑到所有这些因素考虑进去,我们可以安全地到达的结论是,需要一流的出勤率不是一个有效的途径,以确保学生的学习质量和效率,但它代表了无尽的教育工作者的努力,以改善标准教育,并让学生更好地tourscs 。对这个问题的认识是第一步和其他有效措施,目前正在采取。我们有坚定的信念,这种情况在不久的将来将能更好地和学生以及教师都将获得高效率和兴趣的课程。刚刚尝试,并认为它!我们把我们的眼睛向前,因为将有一个更加光明的未来的教育!
I’m on the top of the world.我是世界之王。
I’m the best! I’m the greatest! I’m invincible.我是最棒的.我是不可征服的。
I’m ready for any challenge.我已经准备好应付任何挑战。
idiom; comparison; English; Chinese:
英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times NewRoman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号。
采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格。
接上面。(二)观点要创新 毕业论文的创新是其价值所在。文章的创新性,一般来说,就是要求不能简单地重复前人的观点,而必须有自己的独立见解。学术论文之所以要有创新性,这是由科学研究的目的决定的。从根本上说,人们进行科学研究就是为了认识那些尚未被人们认识的领域,学术论文的写作则是研究成果的文字表述。因此,研究和写作过程本身就是一种创造性活动。从这个意义上说,学术论文如果毫无创造性,就不成其为科学研究,因而也不能称之为学术论文。毕业论文虽然着眼于对学生科学研究能力的基本训练,但创造性仍是其着力强调的一项基本要求。 当然,对学术论文特别是毕业论文创造性的具体要求应作正确的理解。它可以表现为在前人没有探索过的新领域,前人没有做过的新题目上做出了成果;可以表现为在前人成果的基础上作进一步的研究,有新的发现或提出了新的看法,形成一家之言3也可以表现为从一个新的角度,把已有的材料或观点重新加以概括和表述。文章能对现实生活中的新问题作出科学的说明,提出解决的方案,这自然是一种创造性;即使只是提出某种新现象、新问题,能引起人们的注意和思考,这也不失为一种创造性。国家科委成果局在1983年3月发布的《发明奖励条例》中指出:“在科学技术成就中只有改造客观世界的才是发明,……至于认识客观世界的科学成就,则是发现。”条例中对“新”作了明确规定:“新”是指前人所没有的。凡是公知和公用的,都不是“新”。这些规定,可作为我们衡量毕业论文创造性的重要依据。 根据《条例》所规定的原则,结合写作实践,衡量毕业论文的创造性,可以从以下几个具体方面来考虑: (1)所提出的问题在本专业学科领域内有一定的理论意义或实际意义,并通过独立研究,提出了自己一定的认识和看法。 (2)虽是别人已研究过的问题,但作者采取了新的论证角度或新的实验方法,所提出的结论在一定程度上能够给人以启发。 (3)能够以自已有力而周密的分析,澄清在某一问题上的混乱看法。虽然没有更新的见解,但能够为别人再研究这一问题提供一些必要的条件和方法。 (4)用较新的理论、较新的方法提出并在一定程度上解决了实际生产、生活中的问题,取得一定的效果。或为实际问题的解决提供新的思路和数据等。 (5)用相关学科的理论较好地提出并在一定程度上解决本学科中的问题。 (6)用新发现的材料(数据、事实、史实、观察所得等)来证明已证明过的观点。 科学研究中的创造性要求对前人已有的结论不盲从,而要善于独立思考,敢于提出自己的独立见解,敢于否定那些陈旧过时的结论,这不仅要有勤奋的学习态度,还必须具有追求真理、勇于创新的精神。要正确处理继承与创新的关系,任何创新都不是凭空而来的,总是以前人的成果为基础。因此,我们要认真地学习、研究和吸收前人的成果。但是这种学习不是不加分析地生吞活剥,而是既要继承,又要批判和发展。 三、论据要翔实,论证要严密 (一)论据要翔实 一篇优秀的毕业论文仅有一个好的主题和观点是不够的,它还必须要有充分、翔实的论据材料作为支持。旁征博引、多方佐证,是毕业论文有别于一般性议论文的明显特点。一般性议论文,作者要证明一个观点,有时只需对一两个论据进行分析就可以了,而毕业论文则必须以大量的论据材料作为自己观点形成的基础和确立的支柱。作者每确立一个观点,必须考虑:用什么材料做主证,什么材料做旁证;对自己的观点是否会有不同的意见或反面意见,对他人持有的异议应如何进行阐释或反驳。毕业论文要求作者所提出的观点、见解切切实实是属于自己的,而要使自己的观点能够得到别人的承认,就必须有大量的、充分的、有说服力的理由来证实自己观点的正确。 毕业论文的论据要充分,还须运用得当。一篇论文中不可能也没有必要把全部研究工作所得,古今中外的事实事例、精辟的论述、所有的实践数据、观察结果、调查成果等全部引用进来,而是要取其必要者,舍弃可有可无者。论据为论点服务,材料的简单堆积不仅不能证明论点,强有力地阐述论点,反而给人以一种文章拖咨、杂乱无章、不得要领的感觉。因而在已收集的大量材料中如何选择必要的论据显得十分重要。一般来说,要注意论据的新颖性、典型性、代表性,更重要的是考虑其能否有力地阐述观点。 毕业论文中引用的材料和数据,必须正确可靠,经得起推敲和验证,即论据的正确性。具体要求是,所引用的材料必须经过反复证实。第一手材料要公正,要反复核实,要去掉个人的好恶和想当然的推想,保留其客观的真实。第二手材料要究根问底,查明原始出处,并深领其意,而不得断章取义。引用别人的材料是为自己的论证服务,而不得作为篇章的点缀。在引用他人材料时,需要下一番筛选、鉴别的功夫,做到准确无误。写作毕业论文,应尽量多引用自己的实践数据、调查结果等作为佐证。如果文章论证的内容,是作者自己亲身实践所得出的结果,那么文章的价值就会增加许多倍。当然,对于掌握知识有限、实践机会较少的大学生来讲,在初次进行科学研究中难免重复别人的劳动,在毕业论文中较多地引用别人的实践结果、数据等,在所难免。但如果全篇文章的内容均是间接得来的东西的组合,很少有自己亲自动手得到的东西,那也就完全失去了写作毕业论文的意义。 (二)论证要严密 论证是用论据证明论点的方法和过程。论证要严密、富有逻辑性,这样才能使文章具有说服力。从文章全局来说,作者提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,要符合客观事物的规律,符合人们对客观事物认识的程序,使人们的逻辑程序和认识程序统一起来,全篇形成一个逻辑整体。从局部来说,对于某一问题的分析,某一现象的解释,要体现出较为完整的概念、判断、推理的过程。 毕业论文是以逻辑思维为主的文章样式,它诉诸理解大量运用科学的语体,通过概念、判断、推理来反映事物的本质或规律,从已知推测未知,各种毕业论文都是采用这种思维形式。社会科学论文往往是用已知的事实,采取归纳推理的形式,求得对未知的认识。要使论证严密,富有逻辑性,必须做到:(1)概念判断准确,这是逻辑推理的前提;(2)要有层次、有条理的阐明对客观事物的认识过程;(3)要以论为纲,虚实结合,反映出从“实”到“虚”,从“事”到“理”,即由感性认识上升到理性认识的飞跃过程。 此外,撰写毕业论文还应注意文体式样的明确性、规范性。学术论文、调查报告、科普读物、可行性报告、宣传提纲等都各有自己的特点,在写作方法上不能互相混同。
课程网站是信息技术在教育教学工作中的一种重要应用形式。据国家精品课程资源中心统计,截止2011年5月,仅精品课程网站就有24446门,访问数达到11615023人次。然而,其中持续访问的用户一直低于50%,交互率(用户之间的网络互动)也持续低于5.43%,这表明用户几乎不在课程网站上交流,对课程网站也是偶尔使用,这远不能达到自主学习、协作学习、提高教学质量之目的。事实上,现有的课程网站,尤其是精品课程网站大都是为了立项评审而匆忙建成,缺乏特色,对用户(主要指学生)的认知水平和接受行为缺乏分析,难以引起使用兴趣,没有真正成为用户展开自主性学习的理想平台。目前,理论界的研究主要集中于版块设计的相关方面。例如,傅杨武以《化学反应工程》为例,从课程网站设计的角度指出课程网站在界面设计、网站设计以及网站资源等的建设方面应遵循的、页面设计等方面探讨了校园网环境下课程网站的设计开发。因课程网站具有共享性,李曼便提出课程网站共建的概念,基于联盟理论,指出课程网站共建可从共享、参与和竞争三方面促进教学质量的提高,并分析了课程网站共建中应注意的问题;Course website is an important applicationin the form of education and teaching work of information technology. Accordingto the National Quality Course Resource Centerstatistics until the end of May 2011, only 24,446 of which had excellent coursewebsite, accessing to reach 11,615,023 internet passengers. However, the user'songoing access to which has been below 50%, and the interaction rate (networkinteraction between users) are consistently below , which indicates thatthe user hardly communicate on the course website. The website of the course isalso occasionally used, which is far from able to achieve self-learning andcollaborative learning, the purpose of improving the quality of teaching. Infact, the existing curriculum website, especially Courses website mostly lackof project evaluation and hastily built, which lead to the lack of features,the lack of analysis of the users (mainly students) and receiving cognitivebehavioral level. Due to the use of interest, It is difficult to Expand theideal platform for users to become autonomous learning. In the meantime, theresearch community focused on the theoretical aspects related to the designforum. For example, Fu Yang Wu takes the "Chemical Reaction Engineering"as an example. From the perspective of the course website, design coursewebsite noted in building interface design, website design and websiteresources should follow page design and other aspects discussed in the campusnetwork course website. Based on course website sharing, Lehman has proposed tobuild the course website concept, the theory -based coalition pointed out tobuild a course website, which can promote the quality of teaching with sharing,participation and competition in three areas. What is more, the course siteshould pay attention to the issue.同时,李曼还从公共产品的视角指出课程网站的维护应加强制度设计和成员激励,引导资源合理配置,发挥团队的整体效应。然而,目前这些研究都缺乏运用实证研究的方法来关注用户的诉求点,并对用户的接受行为进行实证研究分析。因为从用户角度出发运用实证方法研究课程网站应有的特性,不仅可以补充完善理论界对课程网站的研究,还可以贴近用户,准确把握用户接受课程网站的影响因素,吸引用户有效、持续使用下去,解决目前用户持续使用率低、交互率低等问题,以达到提高教学质量的目的。鉴此,笔者结合课程网站的交互性特点,在技术接受模型和交互理论的基础上,构建影响用户使用意愿的关系模型,运用结构方程模型对假设进行验证,并由此提出课程网站建设对策,希望能够充分发挥课程网站在现代教育教学中的重要作用。In the meanwhile, Lehman also noted thatthe course Web site design and maintenance of the system should be strengthenedto motivate members to guide the rational allocation of resources, and to playa team from the perspective of the overall effect of public goods. However,these studies lacking of use of empirical research methods to focus on theuser's selling point has empirical research and analysis to accept the behaviorof the user. From the user's point of view, the use of empirical researchmethods course website should feature not only complements studies theoristscourse site, but also close to the user, who accepts an accurate grasp of thefactors affecting the course Web site. To effectively attract users to continueusing its solution, and to use the low interaction rate and other issues inorder to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of teaching. In view ofthis, the author of the course website interactivity features in the base modeland interactive technology acceptance theory try to build the relational model affectingthe user wishes, and using structural equation modeling hypotheses. As aresult, website courses are wanted to be able to fully play an important rolein modern education course website teaching.(一)结论(I) Conclusion本研究的目的主要是探讨影响用户使用课程网站的因素,在技术接受模型的基础上建立了课程网站接受模型,并对模型中有关12个假设进行了实证检验。研究结果:表明用户认知(感知有用性、感知易用性和环境认同)与行为态度正相关,感知有用性和环境认同与使用意向正相关,感知易用性正向影响感知有用性,课程网站的知识性与感知有用性正相关,课程网站的娱乐性和交互性分别与感知易用性和环境认同正相关。根据本文的研究结果,笔者可以对我国大学生课程网站的建设提出几点建议:The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the factors that influence users to use thecourse website, which established a course website acceptance model based onthe technology acceptance model, and talked about 12 assuming empirical testmodel. The results indicate user awareness (perceived usefulness, perceivedease of use and environmental identity) positively correlated with the behaviorand attitude, perceived usefulness and environmental recognition and positivecorrelation between the use of intention, perceived ease of use positivelyinfluence perceived usefulness, curriculum site informative and perceivedusefulness positively correlated course website, which interactiveentertainment positively correlated with perceived ease of use, andenvironmental identity, respectively. Based on the findings of this article,the author can make college courses on the construction site with a fewsuggestions:1.充分利用多媒体技术,营造轻松学习环境目前大部分的课程网页以静态方式展现,其组织方式也是现行的,教学内容的呈现主要有两种方式:1. Making full useof multimedia technology to create a relaxed learning environment at presentmost of the course web statically show, which is also the current organization,and teaching content presented mainly in two ways:(1)文本和静态图像:这种方式相当于书本的生硬搬家;(1) text and static images: This method isequivalent to the book blunt move;(2)PowerPoint讲稿:直接将教师的PowerPoint 演示文件放到网上,趣味性明显不强。网站建设者应当改进课程网站网页外观设计,通过合理的色彩搭配和清晰的页面布局,突出课程网站的特色风格。同时,借助视频、动画和声音等多种媒介制作生动形象的多媒体教学资源进行知识传授。这样不仅能够加深用户对知识的理解和认识,而且能够营造出轻松愉快的学习氛围,吸引用户主动投身课程网站的学习中。Website builderprograms should improve Web site design with reasonable and clear colors pagelayout, highlighting the course website features style. Meanwhile, with avariety of media video, animation, and sound production vivid multimediateaching resources for knowledge transfer. So the user can not only deepenunderstanding of knowledge and recognition, but also to create a pleasantlearning atmosphere to attract users to actively participate in the learningprogram .提供强大的交互功能,培养网络学习习惯理想的课程网站应能够根据用户的知识结构、学习情况,动态生成学习内容。这就要求课程网站具有强大的交互功能。网站除了能够提供实时的课件点播外,还必须注重多种交互方式,如电子邮件、讨论区、BBS、在线答疑等功能。以此同时,还应该利用各种方法、渠道宣传网站,鼓励学生用户利用网站进行学习交流或讨论问题,培养学生网络学习的习惯,使他们逐渐能够独立自主地安排学习进度、学习时间和学习内容,自主完成学习任务。2. Ideal web siteshould be able to base on the user's knowledge, learning content dynamicallygenerated program structure, provides powerful interactive features and developstudy habits. This requires the course website possess powerful interactivefeatures. In addition to providing real-time website courseware on demand, the websitealso should pay attention to a variety of interaction, such as email,discussion forums, BBS, online Q and other functions. In the same time, youshould also use a variety of methods, channels promotional site, users use thesite to encourage students to communicate or discuss issues of learning,students online learning habits so that they can independently arrangegradually learning progress, learning time and learning content, completeautonomy learning .构建立体化教学资源,设立专人负责网站的发展充分利用课程网站容量特点拓展课程,对各种教学资源进行整合,利用超链接的方式,将各种媒体组成立体化网络教材,教材内容与课程内容紧密结合,为用户创建一个立体化教学资源库,从而开拓用户视野。此外,为了增加课程网站的知识性和网站活力,网站内容必须定期进行更新。可以考虑指派每学期该课程的主要任课教师作为该时期网站内容更新的主要负责人,设立专人负责课程网站内容的定期更新,定期发布课程相关资料(如习题、试卷、音视频课件等),坚持教师定时在线答疑。这样,既可以保证用户从网站上获取该课程知识的最新动态,又能够让课程教授者及时获得用户反馈,更好地把握学习者的学习动态从而提供更有针对性的指导,提高教学质量。另外,从用户个体的感知和情感角度出发点,课程网站的建设应更加注重人性化设计,内容更加通俗易懂、贴合实际,从而提高用户对课程网站整体的认同感。同时提高课程网站系统的适应性,为学习者提供量身定做的学习内容,对于提高网站使用效果具有重要作用。3. The constructionof three-dimensional teaching resources,and theestablishment of the personal responsible for the site 's development programstake full advantage of the characteristics of the site capacity expansionprograms , and the integration of a variety of teaching resources , and the useof hyperlinks way , and the three-dimensional network consist of a variety ofmedia materials, teaching materials and course content closely, creating athree-dimensional teaching resources for users, thus opening up a userperspective. In addition, in order to increase the site's informative programsand websites vitality, website content must be regularly updated. The website canconsider each semester the course of the period as a web content updates, and themain classroom teachers assigned main person responsible for the establishmentof the person , who is responsible for the course website content which isregularly updated ( such as exercises, papers, audio and video courseware ,etc. ). In this way, you can ensure that users get the latest knowledge from thesite of the course, but also to allow timely access to course instructors userto feedback, to better grasp the learning dynamic learners, and to provide moretargeted guidance to improve the quality of teaching. In addition, from theperspective of the individual user perception and emotional starting point,building courses should focus more on the website user-friendly design, becausethe content is more user-friendly, thus improving the overall user identity tothe course website . While improving the adaptability of the course websitesystem to provide learning content tailored for learners, improving the siteuses effects play an important role.(二)研究局限和未来研究方向(II) Study limitations and future researchdirections使用课程网站辅助学习作为一种行为现象已经引起广大学者的普遍关注,本研究的贡献在于考虑到了课程网站的特点而将用户方面的环境认同因素,以及课程网站的特性因素整合进技术接受模型,从而对用户的课程网站使用意图进行了预测和验证,以便更好地指导课程网站的建设,推进相关课程建设的健康深入的发展。本研究亦有不足之处,主要表现在:首先,在样本选取方面仅以部分高校用户为参考还不足以代表整个中国的实际情况;其次,研究对象仅限于学生群体,没有考虑到教师等其他用户;最后,影响课程网站使用意图的网站方面的因素还有许多如信息的时效性,网站的开放性等,这些重要影响因素的遗漏造成了研究结论的遗憾。通过本文的研究,笔者希望能够起到抛砖引玉的效果,使得更多的研究者能够从其他不同的研究视角重新审视课程网站。使用行为发生的前因与过程,并积极有效地实践教育技术研究课题的实证过程。T
Changes in the way of education
As the internet is developing so rapidly, the way of education keeps changing and new forms of education emerge surprisingly. Especially during the pandemic of corona virus,online education has become one of the most important ways of education throughout the world.
The changes in the way of education can be listed as of all, compared with traditional offline teaching activities, online education gives students the opportunity to study wherever they want.
at home or in the , the cost of attending online courses is normally lower than that of offline ones. Besides, students can choose the perfect time when they are available to attend classes.
instead of stubbornly fixing the time required without the possibility of doing any other important thing.
From my perspective, the changes in the way of education mainly lie in the good respects. As one of the fortunate students who live in the age of internet and can get access to online courses, I can’t help exclaiming: it is the best of times.
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