问题一:荣誉证书英文 Honorary Certificate; Certificate of Honour 最好要大写哦~ 求采纳么么哒 问题二:荣誉证书怎么翻译 certificate of honor荣誉证书 多次获得省市产品质量信得过荣誉证书。 Several provinces and cities received honorary certificates reliable product quality. 问题三:求荣誉证书的英文翻译 ... Students, Department of Business Administration Department of Party branch members, in the year 2015 as cadres of Party branch, serious and responsible, excellent performance, was named outstanding Party branch cadres idiopathic this card, as an encouragement 问题四:荣誉证书,用英文怎么说 certificate of honors 问题五:荣誉证书英文翻译 I would like this Certificate as you participate in the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Media memorial service work, and thank you for the Shenzhen 26th Sum绩er Universiade contribution and support!