安顺电大Anshun TV University20102010秋法学本科毕业论文The graduation thesis of autumn law鲍鑫Bao Xin44效婚姻是指建立婚姻关系的双方当事人违反婚姻法的有关规定,The effect marriage means the establishment of the marriage relationship between the parties in violation of the relevant provisions of marriage law,不履行法定的结婚登记Do not fulfill the statutory marriage registration程序而建立的婚姻关系,这种婚姻关系是不受法律保护的无效婚姻。如重婚、有禁止结This marriage relationship is not legally protected invalid marriage.. Such as bigamy, are prohibited.婚的支属关系、婚前患有医学上以为不应当结婚的疾病,婚后尚未治愈、未到法定婚龄The marriage relationship, a marriage with medical thought diseases should not marry, marriage has not been cured, not to the legal age of marriage等。无效婚姻自始无效,当事人不具有夫妻间的权利和义务,同居期间所得财产,由当Etc.. Invalid marriage since the beginning is invalid, the parties do not have the right and obligation between husband and wife, the income of the cohabitation period of the property, by事人协商处理,协商不成,由人民法院根据照顾无过错方的原则判决In consultation, the people's court shall, in accordance with the principle of taking care of the no party to the party, shall not,,在此期间所生子During this period女按婚生子女的规定执行。According to the provisions of the implementation of female children born in 、家庭暴力。家庭暴力行为是指由家庭成员在家庭环境内进行的暴力行为。家庭Domestic violence. Domestic violence is defined by the family members within the family environment for violence. Family暴力是离婚制度前提因素的一个,Violence is a prerequisite for divorce system.,也是当今社会普遍存在的现象,It is also a common phenomenon in today's society,现代的家庭暴力成因The causes of modern family violence不仅延续着古代男权制度的封建思想,Not only the feudal ideology of the ancient patriarchal system,而且融入了现今社会形势的复杂压力。And the complex pressure of the social situation..全国妇联The National Women's Federation去年的调查表明,在我国Last year's survey showed that in our 亿个家庭中有大约There are billions of families30%30%存在不同程度的家庭暴力,按这个There are different levels of domestic violence, according to this比例计算,全国目前至少有八千一百万家庭中存在暴力问题,而这其中,有The proportion of the country currently has at least eighty-one million families in the presence of violence, and this one, there are95%95%以上都All of the above是丈夫对妻子的暴力。据调查,近年来,我国关于家庭暴力的来信来访在逐年递增。抑Is the husband's violence against his wife. According to the survey, in recent years, the letter of domestic violence to visit in the year by year. Suppression制家庭暴力的滋长迫在眉睫――婚姻法中明确规定夫妻在家庭生活中享有平等的地位,The growth of the domestic violence is imminent -- the marriage law clearly stipulates that the couple have equal status in family life,禁止家庭成员间的虐待,随着我国立法制度的不断完善,在新的《婚姻法》中关于家庭The abuse among family members is forbidden, along with the perfection of our country's legislation system, and the family in the new marriage law暴力作了许多修改与补充,为受害一方的权利,提供法律保障,也更加符合社会发展的Violence has been amended and added to the right of the injured party, and it is also more in line with social development.趋势。Trend.三Three、协议离婚制度Agreement divorce system根据婚姻法的规定,According to the provisions of marriage law,离婚是指配偶生存期间解除婚姻关系的法律手段.Divorce is the legal means of marriage to the spouse's surviving period.它需法定条It needs a legal article件和程序才能产生终止婚姻的法律后果。The legal consequence of the termination of the marriage can be produced by the procedure..协议离婚是指取得结婚证的夫妻经协商一致达Divorce means the marriage certificate of the couple through consultation reached成离婚协议,Divorce settlement agreement,并经婚姻登记解除婚则关系的法律行为。The legal act of the marriage registration is the marriage relationship..协议离婚制度则是有协议离婚的The divorce system was divorced.条件、办理机关、具体程序、相应的法律责任等一系列法律规范的总和。协议离婚是我The sum of the legal norms of the conditions, the handling organs, the specific procedures and the corresponding legal liabilities. Divorce is me.国离婚制度重要组成部分,Important part of the divorce system in China,但由于目前协议离婚制度的法律规定过于原则,However, due to the current agreement of the divorce system of the law is too principle,内容较简陋,Content is relatively simple,因而存在的缺陷较多。So there are many defects..这里仅就目前协议离婚制度存在的问题及如何进一步完善提出几Here only the existing problems and how to further improve the existing divorce system点建议,以供参考。Point to the suggestion for reference.((一A))、当前协议离婚制度存在的问题The problem of the divorce system in current agreement11、离婚程序使恶意离婚者有机可乘。The divorce procedures, malicious divorce can take advantage of.现今社会存在这样一种现象,一些人为了一些目的,钻法律的空子,搞假离婚或进Nowadays there is such a phenomenon, some people for some purpose, skirted the law, engage in false divorce or行恶意离婚,其最突出的表现就是借离婚逃债、逃避计划生育。为什么这些当事人会得For malicious divorce, the divorce is the most outstanding performance by avoiding the debt, evade the family planning. Why did the parties get it逞呢Be it??最重要的原因就协议离婚制度规定当事人只要自愿,即可离婚,而对是否确属自The most important reason for the divorce system is the agreement of the parties as long as the parties can divorce, and whether it is愿缺乏审查评判的标准。May the lack of a review of the criteria of the review.虽然,Although,离婚协议书在一定程度上表明了当事人自愿离婚的意思,Divorce agreement, to a certain extent, the parties voluntarily divorced meaning,但并非就能证明当事人确属自愿离婚。But it is not a voluntary divorce to prove that the parties are.由于婚姻登记管理条例没有规定登记机关具体的Since the marriage registration and Administration Ordinance does not provide for registration of the registration authority审查内容和程序,导致恶意离婚、假离婚者屡屡得逞,凭离婚协议对抗债权人,对抗人Review the contents and procedures, resulting in malicious divorce, divorce repeatedly succeed, with divorce agreement against the creditors, the fight against people民法院的审判和执行,甚至有的离婚者则堂而皇之地与他人结婚、或“合理”The trial and execution of civil law school, and even some divorce is stately with others married, or "reasonable"、,“合法”"Legal"地生育,长此以往,还有什么法律的严肃性,社会的文明正义可言What if things go on like this, fertility, the solemnity of the law, social justice, civilization??22、离婚协议缺乏强制执行力。The lack of compulsory execution of the divorce agreement.夫妻双方离婚,就要涉及到子女抚养、财产分割、债务分担等一系列问题,男女双The couple divorced, we must cover the issue of child custody, property division, debt sharing and a series of issues, men and women double方协议离婚,按照协议离婚制度的有关规定,必须就上述两方面问题进行全面约定,否Party agreement divorce, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the divorce system, the above two aspects must be a comprehensive agreement, no则,Then,婚姻登记机关将不予受理离婚申请。Marriage registration authorities will not accept divorce applications.但当事人达成的离婚协议书在获准离婚后又不But the parties reached the divorce agreement after the divorce is not allowed具有强制执行力,Has the compulsory execution force,当一方或双方自愿履行义务,When one or both parties voluntarily fulfill obligations,对方无权申请婚姻登记机关或人民法院The other party has no right to apply for marriage registration or the people's court强制执行,Compulsory execution,只能依照婚姻管理条例第十七条的规定重新起诉,Prosecution can only be re prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the Marriage Ordinance seventeenth,这种诉讼在某种意义上说In a sense, the suit said为当事人的合法利益提供了法律保障,Legal protection for the legitimate interests of the parties,但重新起诉无疑费时费力,But re prosecution undoubtedly time-consuming and laborious,与协议离婚制度简便、And the protocol is simple and simple,易行、高效的原则相悖。此外,债务人利用协议离婚来逃避债务。Contrary to the principle of easy and efficient. In addition, the debtor uses the agreement to divorce to escape the debt.安顺电大Anshun TV University20102010秋法学本科毕业论文The graduation thesis of autumn law鲍鑫Bao Xin5533、,协Co议Discussion离From婚Marriage后After的The监Prison督Governor措.施Shi不No.便Then操Fuck作For。.为保障协议离婚的真实性、合法性,防止假结婚、恶意离婚,现行的婚姻登记管理To protect the authenticity and legitimacy of the agreement, to prevent false marriage, malicious divorce, the current marriage registration management条例第二十五条规定:Regulation twenty-fifth provision:“申请婚姻登记的当事人弄虚作假取婚姻登记的,婚姻登记机"Apply for marriage registration of marriage registration for the parties resort to deceit, marriage registration关应当撤销婚姻登记,对结婚、复婚的当Customs shall revoke the registration of marriage, married, remarried when
"Pride and Prejudice" a well-known British writer Jane thing. Austin representative. Works describe the arrogance of single young Darcy and Miss Elizabeth the Second bias, wealthy singles Bingley and Jane eldest virtue of the feelings of disputes between the full expression of the author's own marriage, emphasizing the economic benefits of the appointment of Love and the impact of is marriage? Since ancient times people are exploring, but none has been to find an answer, it should be said there is no single argument. Indeed, marriage has always been good or bad has a lot of subjective factors. Outsiders seems painful marriage the parties may feel extremely happy, let them, outsiders seem happy marriage, the parties may have made the suffering. Jane. Austin, in her "Pride and Prejudice" in the show give her marriage to demonstrate her views on and love in the achievements of both marital important one and should not care! However, compared to the achievements of marriage for love is more important on some!"Pride and Prejudice" in describing a variety of marriage, Jane and Bingley, Darcy and Elizabeth, Wickham and Lydia, and Charlotte Collins, pastor. Lucas ... .... Charlotte and Lydia on behalf of two extremes, the former only the pursuit of "reliable storage room, the future will not be cold by the hunger": the latter is purely for sexual impulse, totally unmindful of the has been through the marriage house, small yard, furniture and other furnishings of a comfortable small home, but ironically, in her happy life after marriage but not the husband's status. "As long as Collins forgotten, and the rest everything is harmonious and comfortable," Lydia was a little girl confused by the rhetoric of Wickham, Wickham Living as one with no thought of the future life would be no Darcy through marriage to extort at least £ 10,000 a property. Their married life, the authors do not describe too much, so we can not imagine life without love What is the. Marriage is based on love, no love, a rare happy 's cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam is a count of the younger son can not inherit family property and title, but also one of Elizabeth's爱慕者, he frankly said to Elizabeth, who are accustomed to spending their own, in the event of marriage can not but consider the money . He said that the question of marriage there is only a conditional Darcy from the constraints of money free to choose. Darcy also because in terms of money and social status has the very advantage of him become so arrogant and his arrogance so Elizabeth has this bias against so the first time to propose to Elizabeth to be outrightly ruled out the possibility of. Elizabeth will not be because he was very rich and would marry him, no love, she would prefer not to marry, so she refused to Collins, the latter are refuse Darcy. "No love can be tens of millions should not get married," This is the view of Elizabeth is also the author of Austin's view. Darcy was later changed in order to Elizabeth has always been the arrogance of their own, because he really fell in love with Elizabeth, and his own change, but also changed the views of Elizabeth to him, accepted him slowly, Fall in love with him. Finally get can be said that Austin's own portrayal of the author, her marriage, through the Elizabeth we can watch one of the authors are not despise the kind of love, marriage, are opposed to no economic foundation of marriage. Money and love in the achievements of both marital important one and should not care! However, compared to the achievements of marriage for love is more important on some!《傲慢与偏见》事英国著名女作家简。奥斯丁的代表作。作品描写傲慢的单身青年达西与偏见的二小姐伊丽莎白、富裕的单身贵族彬格莱与贤淑的大小姐吉英之间的感情纠葛,充分表达了作者本人的婚姻观,强调了经济利益对任命恋爱和婚姻的影响。什么是美满的婚姻?从古到今人们都在探索,可是一直以来都没找到一个答案,应该说没有一个统一的说法。的确,婚姻的好坏本来就是有主观因素颇多的。外人看来痛苦的婚姻当事人却可能感觉美好无比,放过来,外人看起来美满的婚姻,当事人却可能有苦难言。简。奥斯丁在她的《傲慢与偏见》中就给人们展示了她的婚姻观,展示了她对美满婚姻的看法。金钱与爱情在成就婚姻上二者都重要,舍其一而不能!但相比较来说在成就美满婚姻上爱情更重要一些!《傲慢与偏见》里描写了各种不同的婚姻关系,吉英与彬格莱、达西与伊丽莎白、韦翰与丽迪雅、柯林斯牧师与夏绿蒂。卢卡斯……。夏绿蒂与丽迪雅代表两种极端,前者只追求“可靠的储藏室,日后可以不致挨冻受饥”:后者纯粹出于性的冲动,完全不顾后果。夏绿蒂通过婚姻得到了房子,小院子,家具陈设等一个舒服的小家,但是讽刺的在她的婚后幸福生活当中却没有了丈夫的地位。“只要把柯林斯忘掉,其余一切都很舒适融洽”丽迪雅是一个小女孩受韦翰的花言巧语迷惑,一心跟韦翰生活,并没想到以后的生活会没保障。韦翰通过婚姻至少向达西敲诈了一万英镑的财产。他们婚后生活,不用作者过多的描绘,也没想象到没有爱情的生活是怎样的了。婚姻的基础是爱情,没有爱情,结婚难得美满。达西的表兄费茨威廉上校是位伯爵的小儿子,不能继承家产和爵位,也是伊丽莎白的爱慕者之一,他坦白地向伊丽莎白说,自己挥霍惯了,在婚姻大事上不能不考虑钱财。他说,在婚姻问题上只有达西有条件不受钱财的约束而自由地选择。也因为达西在金钱和社会地位上非常的有优势,所以他变得傲慢,他的傲慢使伊丽莎白对他有这偏见。所以达西第一次向伊丽莎白求婚的时候被决绝了。伊丽莎白不会因为他有钱就会嫁给他,没有爱情她宁愿不嫁,所以她先是拒绝柯林斯,后是拒绝达西。“没有爱情可千万不能结婚”这是伊丽莎白的观点,也是作者奥斯丁的观点。后来达西为了伊丽莎白改变了自己一向的傲慢,因为他真的是爱上伊丽莎白了,他自己的改变,也改变了伊丽莎白对他的看法,慢慢地接受了他,爱上他。最后结婚。伊丽莎白可以说是作者奥斯丁自己的写照,她的婚姻观,通过伊丽莎白我们可一看的出,作者是鄙视那种没有爱情的婚姻,也不赞成没有经济基础的婚姻的。金钱与爱情在成就婚姻上二者都重要,舍其一而不能!但相比较来说在成就美满婚姻上爱情更重要一些!或者你可以自己找一下Analyzation of Elizabeth's Characteristics and Views of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice网上似乎有类似的英语论文内容,你可以试着搜一下看看做参考。
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