w w 我给你找了一篇 是我们学校数据库里弄来的 题目名字是Relationship of acute left main coronary artery occlusion and ST2segment elevation in lead AVR我想这个应该可以做为你的论文的 我也找了好久这篇文章是期刊论文Relationship of acute left main coronary artery occlusion and ST2segment elevation in lead aVRYU Fu2jun 于富军, FU Xiang2hua 傅向华, WEI Ya2li 卫亚丽, LI Shou2lin 李寿霖, XIAO Yun2zhi 肖蕴陟DING Chao 丁 超and ZHAO Zhan2yong 赵战勇Keywords : left main coronary artery ·acute myocardial infarction ·ST2segment elevation ·lead aVR ·electrocardiograp hyDepartment of Cardiology , Bethune International Peace Hospital of thePLA , Shijiazhuang 050082 , China (Yu FJ , Fu XH , Wei YL , Li SL ,Xiao YZ, Ding C and Zhao ZY)Correspondence to : Dr. Yu Fu2jun , Department of Cardiology , BethuneInternational Peace Hospital of the PLA , Shijiazhuang 050082 , China(Tel : 862311279988431 Fax : 862311279982261 Email : dingch2001 @sohu1com)It is well known that acute left main coronary artery(LMCA) occlusion is one of the most severe lesionsassociated with coronary artery disease1 A large number ofLMCA patients die suddenly at the very beginning of a heartattack1 Noninvasive identification of acute LMCA occlusionis very important for patient prognosis and survival ,especially to predict the need of the invasive procedure ofcoronary artery reconstruction1 In this study , we sought toevaluate retrospectively the value of ST2segment elevation inlead aVR in predicting acute myocardial infarction (AMI)and acute LMCA obstruction1METHODSPatientsPatients were recruited into this study if they had sufferedAMIs from December 1997 to December 2002 with or withoutreceiving thrombolysis , undergone coronary angiographywithin 6 weeks of the heart attack , and obtained 122leadelectrocardiography (ECG) records of the AMI mean while1In addition , patients were only selected if a coronaryangiography revealed significant stenosis in only one coronaryartery , and this single lesion was identified as the cause ofthe AMI1 Patients with severe lesions in two or three vesselswere excluded , as were patients with conditions that mightconfuse ECG analysis , such as chronic myocardial infarctionand intraventricular conduction block1 Patients were dividedinto three groups based on site of stenosis : LMCA ( 9patients) , proximal left anterior descending coronary artery(LADp) (46 patients) , and right coronary artery (RCA)(36 patients) 1 In total , 91 patients were selected for thisstudy , including 72 men and 19 women , with ages rangingfrom 29 to 64 (average 5211 ±1017) years1 There were nostatistically significant differences in ages among the threegroups1 However , the LMCA group contained only men1ECGanalysisThe 122lead ECG records of the very beginning of the AMIwere sent to ECG doctors who were not aware of anyangiographic findings1 The ST2segment shift was measured at60 milliseconds after the J point of the QRS complex1 ST2segment elevation was defined as present when the ST2segment elevation was > 011 mV both in the limb leads andthe precordial leads1 The results of ST2segment elevation inthe 122leads , including the aVR lead , were comparedbetween the LMCA , LADp , and RCA groups1Statistical analysisData were expressed as the mean ±standard deviation1 Thedifferences among the qualitative data were analysed byχ2test1 A statistical difference was evaluated first by ANOVAtest1 The variance within groups was analyzed by q test(SPSS , versin 1010) 1 Value of P < 0105 was consideredsignificant1RESULTSIncidence of ST2segment elevation on the 122lead ECGin the LMCA, LADp , and RCA groupsThe incidence of ST2segment elevation ( > 011 mV in everylead) on a 122lead ECG is summarized in Fig1 Lead aVRshowed ST2segment elevation in 89 % (8/ 9) in the LMCAgroup , 24 % (11/ 46) in the LADp group , and only 6 %(2/ 36) in the RCA group1 Thus , there were very significantdifferences in the incidence of ST2segment elevation in leadaVR among the three groups , with the highest incidence inthe LMCA group ( P < 0101) 1Chinese Medical Journal 2004 ; 117 ( 3) : 4592460 ·459 ·' 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. of ST2segment elevation in leads aVR andV1 between LMCA and LADp groupsSignificantly higher ST2segment elevation in lead aVR wasobserved in the LMCA group is compared to the LADp group[ (0118 ±0111) mV vs (0105 ±0109) mV , P < 0101 ]1Conversely , ST2segment elevation in lead V1 wassignificantly lower in the LMCA group than in the LADpgroup [ (0112 ±0109) mV vs (0120 ±0116) mV , P <0105]1 As shown in Fig , there was a significantly differentrate of incidence of ST2segment elevation in lead aVRbetween the LMCA and LADp groups [88 % (7/ 8) vs 36 %(4/ 11) , P < 0105 ]1 According to our results , ST2segmentelevation in lead aVR predicts LMCA occlusion , as opposedto LADp occlusion , with 8012 % sensitivity , 8714 %specificity , 8910 % positive predictive value , and 7610 %negative predictive value1Fig1 The incidence of ST2segment elevation on the 122leadelectrocardiography in the three groups1Analysis of ST2segment elevation in leads aVR, Ⅱ, Ⅲ,and aVF in the LMCA and RCA groupsST2segment elevation in lead aVR occurred with asignificantly higher incidence in the LMCA group than in theRCA group [ 89 % (8/ 9) vs 6 % (2/ 36) , P < 01001 ] ,and also with a significantly higher amplitude in the LMCAthan in the RCA group [ (0118 ±0111) mV vs (0105 ±0106) mV , P < 0101 ]1 ST2segment elevation in lead aVRdistinguished LMCA occlusion from RCA occlusion with asensitivity of 9317 % , a specificity of 8915 % , a positivepredictive value of 8910 % , and a negative predictive valueof 9410 %1 There were no cases of ST2segment elevation inleads Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and aVF of the LMCA group1 Thus ,sensitivity and positive predictive value of ECG data inwarning of LMCA occlusions are both increased by examiningST2segment elevation data in lead aVR , in combination withdata from leads Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and aVF1DISCUSSIONIn practice , the ST2segment shifts in lead aVR are oftenbelieved to give information that duplicates data obtainedfrom the left lateral side , including leads aVL , Ⅱ, V5 andV61 Consequently , lead aVR is often largely ignored11 ,2The present study suggests that during AMI , a significantlyhigher ST2segment elevation in lead aVR is a very importantECG representative characteristic of LMCA occlusion1 Datafrom lead aVR are important predictors of patient prognosis ,and aid in determining treatment strategy , especially inselecting candidates for the invasive procedure of coronaryartery reconstruction1As described by Engelen et al ,3 lead aVR ST2segmentelevation in acute LADp occlusion , in which the culpritlesion is located proximal to the first major septal branch , isthe result of transmural ischemia of the basal part of theseptum, directing the electric current at the site of injurytoward the right shoulder1 It is certainly reasonable totheorize that acute LMCA obstruction also causes ischemia ofthe basal part of the septum by interfering with blood flow inthe major septal branch1 In addition , in cases of LMCAobstruction , disturbance of left circumflex artery blood flowthat causes ischemia in the left lateral part of the heartcreates another injury2induced electric current vector towardthe right upper part of the heart1 This process may explainthe large ST2segment elevation in lead aVR in acute LMCAocclusion , especially compared to acute LADpobstruction14 ,5One limitation of this study is the fact that patients were allrelatively young1 In addition , the number of patients wassmall , especially in the LMCA group1 Finally , retrospectivedata used in this study should be confirmed in the futurewith a prospective study1REFERENCES11 Gorgels AP , Engelen DJ , Wellens HJ1 Lead aVR , a mostlyignored but very valuable lead in clinical electrocardiography1 JAm Coll Cardiol 2001 ;38 :1 Hurst JW1 Methods used to interpret the 122leadelectrocardiogram: pattern memorization versus the use of vectorconcepts1 Clin Cardiol 2000 ;23 :4213131 Engelen DJ , Gorgels AP , Cheriex EC , et al1 Value of theelectrocardio2 gram in localizing the occlusion site in the leftanterior descending coronary artery in acute anterior myocardialinfarction1 J Am Coll Cardiol 1999 ;34 :3892395141 Yamaji H , Iwasaki K, Kusachi S , et al1 Prediction of acute leftmain coronary artery obstruction by 122lead electrocardiography :ST segment elevation in lead aVR with less ST segment elevationin lead V11 J Am Coll Cardiol 2001 ;38 :1 Topaz O , Disciascio G, Cowley MJ , et al1 Complete left maincoronary artery occlusion : angiographic evaluation of collateralvessel patterns and assessment of hemodynamic correlates1 AmHeart J 1991 ;121 :45024561( Received July 8 , 2003)本文编辑: 汪谋岳 孙 静·460 · Chinese Medical Journal 2004 ; 117 ( 3) : 4592460' 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. 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