著作:1. 申立银,叶堃晖,邓小鹏.建筑业企业竞争力[M]. 中国建筑工业出版社, 2006. 2. 赵振宁,申立银. 中国建筑业企业:国际竞争力﹒柔性策略与案例分析[M]. 中国建筑工业出版社,2009. 3. Yin Yi Lin and Shen L Y (2002) Comparative studies on project cost management between China Mainland and Hong Kong, Nan Kai University Press, China, , 7-310-01643-2. 4. Shen L Y, Zeng S X, Wang F and Ge C B (1999) Management for Real Estate Building Project, China Planning Publications, ISBN 7-80058-734-7, . 5. Shen L Y & Xu Chong Lu (1997) Construction Procurement Management and Practice in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0973-5, (The publication is based on the studies from one of my RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China'). 6. Shen L Y, Chan H W, Xu C L (1999) Construction Tendering and Contract Administration in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-1023-7, (The publication is based on the studies from the RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China'). 7. Shen L Y & Yu M X (1996) Risks in Real Estate Market Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0855-0 (This book is based on the research studies 'Risk Management in the Chinese Real Estate Market'), .英文论文:1. Liyin Shen and Liudan Jiao, Bei He and Lanchun Li (2014) Evaluation on the Utility Efficiency of Metro Infrastructure Projects in China from Sustainable Development Perspective, 2014, International Journal of Project Management (SCI) 2. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) Application of a hybrid Entropy-McKinsey Matrix method in evaluating sustainable urbanization: A China Case, Cities (SSCI) 3. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) Examining the effectiveness of indicators for guiding sustainable urbanization in China, Habitat International (SCI) 4. Shen L Y, Hongping Yuan and Xiangfei Kong (2013) Paradoxical phenomenon in urban renewal practices: promotion of sustainable construction versus buildings' short lifespan International Journal of Strategic Property Management (SSCI indexed), 17(4), 377-389. 5. SHEN L Y, OCHOA J J, ZHANG X L, and Peng Y (2013) Experience Mining for Decision Making on Implementing Sustainable Urbanization – An Innovative Approach Automation in Construction, 29, 40-49 (SCI indexed) 6. L Y Shen, Vivian W Y Tam and L Zhang (2012) Modelling Gaseous Emissions from Energy Consumption during Building Life Cycle, Surveying & Built Environment, , , 61-73 7. Li-yin SHEN, Wei-Sheng Lu, Yi Peng and Shi-Jie Jiang (2011) Critical Assessment indicators for measuring benefits of rural infrastructure investment in China, Journal of Infrastructure Systesm, ASCE, , , 176-183 (SCI index). 8. Shen L Y, Jiang Shijie and H P Yuan (2011) Critical Indicators for Assessing the Contribution of Infrastructure Projects to Coordinated Urban-rural Development in China, Habitat International, 36(2), 237-246. (SSCI index) 9. Liyin SHEN, Yi Peng, Xiaoling Zhang and Yuzhe Wu (2012) An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization, Cities, 29(1), 32-39. (SSCI index) 10. . Shen and Mona N. Shah (2011) The Practice of Sustainable Construction Standards: A comparative study of China (PRC) and India, Journal of National Repute (Udyog Pragati), Vol. 35, . April-June, 11-21. 11. Li-yin Shen, Yuzhe Wu and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) Key Assessment Indicators (KAIs) for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, June, , , 441-451. (SCI index) 12. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, ChengShuang Sun and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) Development of an information exchange model for attaining sustainability, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, , , 153-168. 13. L Y Shen, J Jorge Ochoa, Mona N Shah and X L Zhang (2011) The Application of Urban Sustainability Indicators – A Comparison between Various Practices, Habitat International, 35, 17-29. (SSCI index) 14. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice, Journal of Cleaner Production, , Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index) 15. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice, Journal of Cleaner Production, , Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index)中文论文:1.申立银,吴德华. 建筑企业环境表现评价系统(C-EPSS)层套AHP计算模型[J]. 高等建筑教育,2002,04:65-73. 2.申立银,向党. 杠杆收购对国有建筑企业竞争力的影响[J]. 土木工程学报,2003,03:84-89+104. 3.申立银,吴德华,张远林. 国有企业资产证券化操作的主要参数分析[J]. 建筑经济,1999,06:3-6. 4.申立银. 城市规划与房地产投资风险[J]. 北京规划建设,1998,04:51-52. 5.申立银 ,张红. 香港多层大厦的法制管理[J]. 中国房地产,1997,05:77-79. 6.申立银 ,张红. 香港地产业资本的国籍结构[J]. 中外房地产导报,1997,13:35-36. 7.申立银,俞明轩. 房地产组合投资的风险分散原理[J]. 建筑管理现代化,1996,04:18-19. 8.申立银,俞明轩. 房地产业结构及其影响因素[J]. 北京房地产,1995,03:45-46. 9.申立银,俞明轩,朱岩. 香港楼宇按揭的风险探讨[J]. 北京房地产,1995,07:41-42. 10.申立银,俞明轩. 香港楼宇按揭对楼市的影响[J]. 中外房地产导报,1995,19:9-10. 11.黄志玉,申立银. 绿色生态住宅小区评价对提高住宅节能的影响分析[J]. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2012,07:80-84. 12.孙成双,申立银. 基于信息流分析的建设项目可持续性研究[J]. 土木工程学报,2012,S2:316-320. 13.蒋时节,申立银,彭毅,杨建伟. 农村基础设施投资效益评价的关键指标遴选[J]. 农业工程学报,2010,09:1-7. 14.鲍海君,申立银,吴宇哲. 基础设施BOT(build-operate-transter)项目特许权期决策的Bargaining博弈模型[J]. 浙江大学学报(理学版),2010,02:160-165. 15.甘琳,申立银,傅鸿源. 基于可持续发展的基础设施项目评价指标体系的研究[J]. 土木工程学报,2009,11:133-138.
已经发表的科研论文80多篇 (SCI收录英文文章30篇):
1. Xuebin Liu, Xiaojun Fu, Guanghui Dai, Xiaodong Wang, Zan Zhang, Hongbin Cheng, Pei Zheng and Yihua An*(安沂华,通讯作者). Comparative analysis of curative effect of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell and bone marrow mononuclear cell transplantation for spastic cerebral palsy. J Transl Med (2017) 15:48.
2. Li LS, Yu H, Raynald R, Wang XD, Dai GH, Cheng HB, Liu XB, An YH (安沂华,通讯作者). Anatomical mechanism of spontaneous recovery in regions caudal to thoracic spinal cord injury lesions in rats. Peer J. 2017, 5: e2865.
3. Yu H, Li L, Liu R, Shu B, Chen H, Huang H, Hua R, Jiang F, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). Autophagy in long propriospinal neurons is activated after spinal cord injury in adult Lett. 2016 Oct 12;634:138-145.
4. Hua RR, Li P, Wang XD, Yang J, Zheng P, Niu XX, Li Y and An YH(安沂华,通讯作者). Evaluation of Somatosensory Evoked Potential and Pain Rating Index in a Patient with Spinal Cord Injury Accepted Cell Therapy. Pain Physician. 2016, 19: E659-E666.
5. Raynald, Li Y, Yu H, Huang H, Guo M, Hua R, Jiang F, Zhang K, Li H, Wang F, Li L, Cui F, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者).The hetero-transplantation of human bone marrow stromal cells carried by hydrogel unexpectedly demonstrates a significant role in the functional recovery in the injured spinal cord of rats. Brain Res. 2016 Mar 1;1634:21-33.
6. Wang X, Hu H, Hua R, Yang J, Zheng P, Niu X, Cheng H, Dai G, Liu X, Zhang Z, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). Effect of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells on motor functions of identical twins with cerebral palsy: pilot study on the correlation of efficacy and hereditary factors. Cytotherapy. 2015,17(2):224-31.
7. Wang F, Zhang KH, Hu HM, Liu XB, Bai HR, Jiang F, Wang XD, An YH(安沂华,通讯作者). Alternatively activated microglia co-cultured with BMSCS offers a new strategy in the treatment of CNS-associated disease. Cell Biol Int. 2015,39(3):341-9.
8. Cheng H, Liu X, Hua R, Dai G, Wang X, Gao J, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). Clinical observation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in treatment for sequelae of thoracolumbar spinal cord injury. J Transl Med. 2014,12(1):253.
9. Liu X, Zheng P, Wang X, Dai G, Cheng H, Zhang Z, Hua R, Niu X, Shi J, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). A preliminary evaluation of efficacy and safety of Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014,5(2):57.
10. Li HL, Zhang H, Huang H, Liu ZQ, Li YB, Yu H, An YH(安沂华,通讯作者). The effect of amino density on the attachment, migration, and differentiation of rat neural stem cells In Vitro. Mol Cells. 2013, 35(5): 436-43.
11. Dai G, Liu X, Zhang Z, Wang X, Li M, Cheng H, Hua R, Shi J, Wang R, Qin C, Gao J, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). Comparative analysis of curative effect of CT-guided stem cell transplantation and open surgical transplantation for sequelae of spinal cord injury. J Transl Med. 2013,11:315.
12. Xiaodong Wang, Hongbin Cheng, Rongrong Hua, Jing Yang, Min Li, Guanghui Dai, Zan Zhang, Renzhi Wang, Chuan Qin, Yihua An(安沂华,通讯作者). Effects of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Gross Motor Function Measure Scores of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Clinical Study. , 15(12): 1549-62.
13. Wang S, Cheng H, Dai G, Wang X, Hua R, Liu X, Wang P, Chen G, Yue W, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell transplantation significantly improves neurological function in patients with sequelae of traumatic brain injury. Brain Res. 2013, 1532:76-84.
14. R Hua, J Shi, X Wang, J Yang, P Zheng, H Cheng, M Li, G Dai and Y An(安沂华,通讯作者). Analysis of the causes and types of traumatic spinal cord injury based on 561 cases in China from 2001 to 2010. Spinal cord. 2013, 51:218–21.
15. Min Li, Aixue Yu, Fangfang Zhang, Hongbin Cheng, Xiaodong Wang, Yihua An(安沂华,通讯作者). Treatment of one case of cerebral palsy combined with posterior visual pathway injury using autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem of Translational Medicine. 2012, 10:100.
16. Bao X, Feng M, Wei J, Han Q, Zhao H, Li G, Zhu Z, Xing H, An Y(安沂华), Qin C, Zhao RC, Wang R. Transplantation of Flk-1+ human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells promotes angiogenesis and neurogensis after cerebral ischemia in rats. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2011,34(1): 87-98.
17. Feng M, Zhu H, Zhu Z, Wei J, Lu S, Li Q, Zhang N, Li G, Li F, Ma W, An Y(安沂华), Zhao RC, Qin C, Wang R. Serial 18F-FDG PET Demonstrates Benefit of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Treatment of Intracerebral Hematoma: A Translational Study in a Primate Model. J Nucl Med. 2011, 52(1):90–7.
18. Bao X, Wei J, Feng M, Lu S, Li G, Dou W, Ma W, Ma S, An Y(安沂华), Qin C, Zhao RC, Wang R. Transplantation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells promotes behavioral recovery and endogenous neurogenesis after cerebral ischemia in rats. Brain Research. 2011, 1367:103-13.
19. Li J, Zhu H, Liu Y, Li Q, Lu S, Feng M, Xu Y, Huang L, Ma C, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者), Zhao RC, Wang R, Qin C. Human mesenchymal stem cell transplantation protects against cerebral ischemic injury and upregulates interleukin-10 expression in Macaca fascicularis. Brain Research. 2010, 1334:65-72.
20. Sun C, Zhang H, Li J, Huang H, Cheng H, Wang Y, Li P, An Y(安沂华,通讯作者). Modulation of the major histocompatibility complex by neural stem cell-derived neurotrophic factors used for regenerative therapy in a rat model of stroke. J Transl Med. 2010,20:8:77.
21. Ren YJ, Zhang H, Huang H, Wang XM, Zhou ZY, Cui FZ, An YH(安沂华,通讯作者). In vitro behavior of neural stem cells in response to different chemical functional groups. Biomaterials. 2009, 30(6): 1036-44.
22. Zhang H, Wei YT, Tsang KS, Sun CR, Li J, Huang H, Cui FZ, An YH(安沂华, 通讯作者). Implantation of neural stem cells embedded in hyaluronic acid and collagen composite conduit promotes regeneration in a rabbit facial nerve injury model. J Transl Med. 2008, 6:67.
23. Li J, Sun CR, Zhang H, Tsang KS, Li JH, Zhang SD, An YH(安沂华,通讯作者). Induction of functional recovery by co-transplantation of neural stem cells and Schwann cells in a rat spinal cord contusion injury model. Biomed Environ Sci. 2007, 20(3): 242-249.
24. Sun CR, Wang CC, Tsang KS, Li J, Zhang H, An YH(安沂华,通讯作者). Modulation and impact of class I major histocompatibility complex by neural stem cell-derived neurotrophins on neuroregeneration. Med Hypotheses. 2007, 68(1): 176-9.
25. An YH(安沂华), Tsang KS, Zhang H. Potential of stem cell based therapy and tissue engineering in the regeneration of central nervous system. Biomed. Mater. 2006, 1: R38-R44.
26. An YH(安沂华,通讯作者), Wang HY, Gao ZX, Wang ZC. Differentiation of rat neural stem cells and its relationship with environment. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2004, 17(1): 1-7.
27. An YH(安沂华), Wang HY, Wang CC. Neural stem cells transplantation improved the neurological function of cerebral ischemic rat. J Neurochemistry. 2004, 88: Supple 1.
28. An YH(安沂华,通讯作者), Wan H, Zhang ZS, Wang HY, Gao ZX, Sun MZ, Wang ZC. Effect of rat Schwann cell secretion on proliferation and differentiation of human neural stem cells. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2003, 16: 90-94.
29. Wan H, An YH(安沂华), Sun MZ, Zhang YZ, Wang ZC. Schwann cells transplantation and the repair of brain stem injury in rats. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2003, 16(3): 212-8.
30. Wan H, An YH(安沂华), Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Wang Z. Differentiation of rat embryonic neural stem cells promoted by co-cultured Schwann cells. Chin Med J. 2003, 116(3): 428-31.
31. An Y(安沂华), Liu E, Liu X, Yang F, Han F, Dai Q. Protective Effect of Melatonin on Neural Cells Against the Cytotoxicity of Oxyradicals. Chin Med Sci J. 2000, 15(1): 40-4.
32. An YH(安沂华), Kim YK, Kim SS, Suh YH. Research on the Molecular Biological Mechanism of Melatonin to Inhibit Neural Cell Apoptosis. J Neurochemistry. 1998, 70: Supple 2, S52.
33. 王耸,程洪斌,王晓东,伊龙,王培申,夏义欣,安沂华(通讯作者). 2100例脑性瘫痪患者的临床特征及产前危险因素分析. 中华灾害救援医学. 2018年1月, 6:1, 24-29.
34. 王耸,程洪斌,伊龙,王培申,孙宪昶,安沂华(通讯作者). 1060例脑性瘫痪患者MRI表现及其与临床特征的关系. 山东大学学报(医学版). 2017年12月,55,12: 36-42.
35. 彭亚伟,王晓东,徐成娥,代广辉,刘学彬,张赞,安沂华(通讯作者).脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗脑瘫患儿流涎症疗效观察. 武警医学. 2017,28(5):478-482.
36. 付晓君,王晓东,代广辉,刘学彬,张赞,安沂华(通讯作者).两疗程脐带间充质干细胞治疗脑瘫患儿两年随访及疗效分析.武警后勤学院学报.2016, 25(2): 108-113.
37. 王培申,刘学彬,伊龙,代广辉,张赞,安沂华(通讯作者).脐带间充质干细胞鞘内移植治疗不完全性颈髓损伤的疗效和安全性.武警医学. 2015,26(3): 282
38. 张赞,代广辉,刘学彬,王晓东,安沂华(通讯作者).脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤疗效观察.中华实用诊断与治疗杂志. 2015,29(5):478.
39. 张凯华,王飞,胡慧敏,黄华,安沂华(通讯作者). 骨髓间充质干细胞抑制小胶质细胞介导的炎症反应. 实验动物学报.2014,22(2):1-5.
40. 王森,程洪斌,王晓东,代广辉,滑蓉蓉,刘学彬,伊龙,李鲁生,安沂华(通讯作者). 脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗脑创伤后遗症35例临床疗效分析. 哈尔滨医科大学学报. 2013,47(1):78-81.
41. 张涵,吴昭,黄华,孙晓丹,安沂华(通讯作者).人脐带间充质干细胞于不同通电情况下在聚吡咯上生长情况的形态.中国比较医学杂志. 2012,22(5):14-7.
42. Raynald,李延滨,郭牧遥,黄华,张涵,于昊,李海龙,崔福斋,安沂华(通讯作者). 间充质干细胞-透明质酸-多聚赖氨酸治疗脊髓损伤的实验研究. 中国比较医学杂志.2012,22(5):18-21.
43. 李敏,滑蓉蓉,于爱学,张芳芳,代广辉,王晓东,程洪斌,安沂华(通讯作者).脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗肌萎缩侧索硬化症的疗效分析.中国医药导报.2012,9(12):52-4.
44. 马占宾,程洪斌,代广辉,张赞,穆学涛,刘学彬,安沂华(通讯作者). 磁共振成像在显示脑立体定向干细胞移植靶点时的临床应用价值.中华临床医师杂志(电子版).2011,5 ( 23 ):7082-4.
45. 程洪斌,伊龙,马占宾,王晓东,代广辉,李敏,刘学彬,高建华, 安沂华(通讯作者).尿动力学检查对干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤后排尿障碍的临床疗效评估. 神经疾病与精神卫生.2011,11(6):563-5.
46. 李敏,滑蓉蓉,王晓东,于爱学,张芳芳,朱岩,安沂华(通讯作者).795例脑瘫患儿损伤程度影响因素分析.中国妇幼保健.2011,26(6):859-62.
47. 王成俊,张涵,李鲁生,程洪斌,安沂华(通讯作者).人脐带间充质干细胞的生物学特性、分化及应用研究.武警医学.2010,21(4):349-51.
48. 程洪斌,刘学彬,伊龙,张赞,代广辉,李敏,高建华,安沂华(通讯作者).CT引导下脊髓内穿刺骨髓间充质细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤后遗症60例临床疗效分析.神经疾病与精神卫生.2010,10(2):160-1.
49. 程洪斌,伊龙,刘学彬,代广辉,张赞,马占宾,王晓东,李敏,安沂华(通讯作者).80例头部立体定向间充质细胞移植治疗脑瘫疗效分析.神经疾病与精神卫生.2010,10(4):355-7.
50. 李鲁生,张涵,王成俊,程洪斌,安沂华(通讯作者).骨髓间充质干细胞的分离方法和生物学特征.中国组织工程研究与临床康复.2010,14(10):1869-73.
51. 王晓东,杨静,李敏,郑培,张倩,滑蓉蓉,张芳芳,程洪斌,伊龙,于爱学,安沂华(通讯作者).骨髓间充质干细胞移植对小儿脑瘫患者粗大运动功能的影响.中日友好医院学报.2010,24(6):337-42.
52. 王晓东,杨静,张倩,郑培,李敏,程洪斌,代广辉,张赞,张芳芳,伊龙,安沂华(通讯作者).少突胶质前体细胞移植对新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病炎性反应的影响.中国实验动物学报.2010,18(6):535-7.
53. 代广辉,刘学彬,张赞,史晶,马占宾,穆学涛,安沂华(通讯作者),徐如祥.术前手术入路设计在立体定向干细胞移植术中的应用.中华神经医学杂志.2010,9(10):1060-1063.
54. 张涵,魏岳腾,孙崇然,李晋,黄华,崔福斋,安沂华(通讯作者).NSCs-HA-NT3复合物移植修复兔面神经损伤.基础医学与临床.2009,29(2):144-147.
55. 曹红宾,李敏,王海燕,杨静,于爱学,杨晓莉,安沂华(通讯作者). 肌萎缩侧索硬化患者神经干细胞移植后中枢内的体液免疫反应. 中国组织工程研究与临床康复. 2008, 12(38): 7439-7442.
56. 冯铭,朱华,张楠,卢姗,尹晓明,魏俊吉,李秦,韩钦,李桂林,窦万臣,张子衡,李照建,马文斌,孔燕国,安沂华,赵春华,秦川,王任直. 食蟹猴脑出血骨髓间充质干细胞移植活体示踪观察. 中国微侵袭神经外科杂志. 2008, 13(8): 365-8.
57. 冯铭,王任直,朱华,张楠,王常郡,魏俊吉,卢姗,李琴,尹晓明,韩钦,马文斌,秦川,安沂华,孔燕国. Ferumoxide 标记Flkl+CD31一CD34一 人骨髓间充质干细胞及其在食品蟹猴脑内移植示踪观察.中国医学科学院报.2008,30(5):559-563.
58. 薛静,高培毅,李晋,安沂华,黄华. 磁共振成象示踪观察脑缺血大鼠脑室内移植神经干细胞的实验研究. 中华老年心脑血管病杂志. 2008, 10(3): 218-21.
59. 孙崇然,王忠诚,李晋,张建民,王雅杰,张涵,安沂华(通讯作者). 神经营养因子基因在神经干细胞中的翻译与表达. 中华实验外科杂志. 2008, 25(8): 962-963.
60. 孙崇然,安沂华,刘淑玲,夏雷,李晋,张涵,黄华,王忠诚.隧道法:一种评价大鼠脑缺血模型神经功能的方法.中华神经外科杂志.2008,24(5):383-5.
61. 程洪斌,胡韶山,郑永日,李敏,安沂华(通讯作者).神经干细胞移植治疗外伤性颅内血肿后遗症20例临床疗效分析.中国康复理论与实践.2007,13(5):454-5.
62. 张儒有,郑永日,胡韶山,程洪斌,安沂华(通讯作者).神经干细胞移植治疗脑卒中后遗症50例临床效果分析. 中国临床康复. 2006, 10(9): 138-139.
63. 李晋,安沂华,历俊华,张绍东,孙崇然,张涵. 神经干细胞和施万细胞共移植治疗大鼠脊髓损伤. 中华实验外科杂志,2006,23(2): 214-5.
64. 薛静,高培毅,李晋,孙崇然,黄华,安沂华.胎鼠神经干细胞超顺磁性氧化铁颗粒标记移植后MRI研究. 放射学实践, 2006, 21(2), 110-3.
65. 薛静,高培毅,孙崇然,李晋,安沂华.用于神经干细胞移植的大鼠脑梗死模型的建立. 中国脑血管病杂志, 2006, 3(1): 34-7.
66. 薛静,高培毅,李晋,孙崇然,黄华,安沂华. 脑梗死大鼠脑内移植超顺磁性氧化铁颗粒标记神经干细胞后的MR示踪研究. 中华放射学杂志, 2006, 40(2): 122-126.
67. 刘海,王忠诚,安沂华,崔勇,晋强. 高压氧对大鼠脊髓损伤后内源性神经干细胞的诱导作用. 中国康复理论与实践, 2006, 12(5): 369-71.
68. 孙崇然,景猛,李长宇,安沂华,刘恩重. 两种方法诱导骨髓基质细胞向成骨表型分化的比较. 中国康复理论与实践, 2005, 11(12): 999-1001.
69. 安沂华,程洪斌,张儒有,张赞,李纪仲. 神经干细胞临床应用和前景展望. 内科急危重症杂志. 2005, 11(5): 238-9.
70. 张涵,袁芳,安沂华. 应用组织工程学修复周围神经损伤的研究进展. 中华实验外科杂志, 2005,07:892-3.
71. 安沂华,翟晶,历俊华,张绍东,孙异临,王忠诚. 离体培养神经干细胞的超微结构学研究. 中国康复理论与实践杂志. 2004, 10(1): 11-2.
72. 安沂华,江涛,LuDunyue,Chopp M. 神经营养素与中枢神经系统损伤后突触的再生修复. 中国微侵袭神经外科杂志. 2004, 9(1): 43-5.
73. 安沂华,刘恩重,俞春江,韩占强.联合应用亚低温和冬眠疗法治疗重度颅脑损伤.中国康复理论与实践.2004,10(3):181-2.
74. 闫长祥,安沂华,历俊华,刘淑玲,万虹,于春江,王忠诚. 神经干细胞与自体筋膜联合修复家兔面神经损伤. 中国康复理论与实践杂志. 2004, 10(1): 21-3.
75. 闫长祥,万虹,历俊华,刘淑玲,安沂华,于春江,张亚卓,王忠诚.雪旺氏细胞与自体筋膜联合修复面神经损伤的实验研究.中华神经外科杂志.2004, 20 (2):112.(论著摘要)
76. 程小燕,王红云,安沂华(通讯作者). 自体血脑内注射建立大鼠脑出血模型实验研究. 中国康复理论与实践杂志, 2004, 10(6): 346-7.
77. 安沂华,万虹,王红云,高之宪,王忠诚. 神经干细胞移植改善脑缺血大鼠的神经功能研究. 中华实验外科杂志. 2003, 20(8): 697-9.
78. 安沂华,万虹,王红云,张绍东,翟晶,王忠诚. 血清和雪旺氏细胞诱导大鼠胚胎神经干细胞分化的比较. 中风与神经疾病杂志. 2003, 20(5): 388-90.
79. 历俊华,安沂华,张绍东,翟晶. 巢蛋白在已分化的神经干细胞中表达时程的研究. 中华实验外科杂志. 2003, 20(9): 838-40.
80. 闫长祥,安沂华,历俊华,于春江,张亚卓,王忠诚. 大鼠脊髓源性神经干细胞的培养分化及其特异性研究. 中华神经外科杂志. 2003, 19(2): 135-7.
81. 程小燕,王红云,安沂华(通讯作者).异种大鼠神经干细胞脑内移植未导致明显的免疫排斥反应. 中国康复理论与实践杂志, 2003, 9(9): 541-2.
82. 安沂华,万虹,王红云,张泽舜,孙梅珍,张亚卓,王忠诚. 大鼠雪旺氏细胞支持人胚胎神经干细胞的生长并诱导其分化.中华神经外科杂志. 2002, 18(5): 279-81.
83. 安沂华,王红云,张向彤,刘暌,张亚卓,王忠诚.大鼠胚胎神经干细胞移植治疗脑出血的实验研究。中华神经外科杂志. 2002,18(1):50-3.
84. 万虹,安沂华,王红云,孙梅珍,刘暌,王忠诚,张亚卓. 雪旺氏细胞促进共培养大鼠胚胎神经干细胞的分化. 中华神经外科杂志. 2002, 18(2): 100-3.
85. 万虹,安沂华,王红云,孙梅珍,张亚卓,王忠诚.体内外不同环境对大鼠胚胎神经干细胞分化的影响. 中华神经外科杂志. 2002, 18(5): 275-8.
86. 张相彤,安沂华,张亚卓,戴钦舜,王忠诚. 成年大鼠脑创伤后神经前体细胞的增殖及迁移. 中华神经外科杂志. 2002, 18(5): 298-301.
87. 杨树源,安沂华. 再述神经干细胞的研究及其应用前景. 中华神经外科杂志. 2002, 18(5): 273-4.
88. 王红云,安沂华,万虹,刘暌,张亚卓,王忠诚. 大鼠胚胎神经干细胞培养方法的比较. 首都医科大学学报. 2002, 23(4): 316-8.
89. 蔺友志,刘恩重,韩占强,王雪峰,安沂华.半导体激光辅助神经内窥镜治疗梗阻性脑积水. 中华神经外科杂志.2001,16(1):61-2.
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