package untitled5;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;public class delbook extends JFrame { JPanel contentPane; XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout(); JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel(); JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel(); JLabel jLabel3 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField1 = new JTextField(); JLabel jLabel4 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField2 = new JTextField(); JLabel jLabel5 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField3 = new JTextField(); JLabel jLabel6 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField4 = new JTextField(); JButton jButton1 = new JButton(); //Construct the frame public delbook() { enableEvents(); try { jbInit(); } catch(Exception e) { (); } } //Component initialization private void jbInit() throws Exception { contentPane = (JPanel) (); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); (); ("超市管理系统"); (xYLayout1); (new Dimension(500,400)); ("超市管理系统"); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 30)); ("业务单位信息"); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); ("产品编号"); (""); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); ("公司名称"); (""); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); ("订单号码"); (""); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); ("电 话"); (""); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); ("提交"); (new delbook_jButton1_actionAdapter(this)); (jLabel1, new XYConstraints(179, 1, 153, 32)); (jLabel2, new XYConstraints(162, 33, -1, -1)); (jLabel3, new XYConstraints(83, 89, -1, -1)); (jTextField1, new XYConstraints(189, 88, 141, 36)); (jTextField2, new XYConstraints(189, 149, 142, 36)); (jLabel4, new XYConstraints(84, 148, -1, -1)); (jTextField3, new XYConstraints(188, 206, 143, 33)); (jLabel5, new XYConstraints(84, 204, -1, -1)); (jLabel6, new XYConstraints(84, 253, -1, -1)); (jTextField4, new XYConstraints(189, 260, 143, 36)); (jButton1, new XYConstraints(197, 318, -1, -1)); } //Overridden so we can exit when window is closed protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { (e); if (() == ) { (0); } } void update() { try { //定义显示的字符串 String str1; String str2; String str3; String str4; str1 = (); str2 = (); str3 = (); str4 = (); //装载jdbc驱动程序 String driverName = ""; Driver driver = (Driver) (driverName).newInstance(); //连接数据库 Connection con = ( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@thsspc0791:1521:liuyong", "hr", "tongfang"); PreparedStatement pstmt = ( " insert Customer1('goodID','Name','PID','tel')values(?,?,?,?)"); (1, str1); (2, str2); (1, str3); (4, str4); ResultSet res = (); (); (); }catch (InstantiationException e) { (()); }catch (IllegalAccessException e) { (()); }catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { (()); }catch (SQLException edd) { () ; (()); } } void jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { update(); }}class delbook_jButton1_actionAdapter implements { delbook adaptee; delbook_jButton1_actionAdapter(delbook adaptee) { = adaptee; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { (e); }}package untitled5;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;/** *
* Description:
* Copyright: Copyright © 2003
* Company:
* @author not attributable * @version */public class retur extends JFrame { JPanel contentPane; XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout(); JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel(); //Construct the frame public retur() { enableEvents(); try { jbInit(); } catch(Exception e) { (); } } //Component initialization private void jbInit() throws Exception { contentPane = (JPanel) (); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 20)); (); ("超市管理系统"); (xYLayout1); (new Dimension(400, 300)); ("超市管理系统"); (jLabel1, new XYConstraints(139, 1, 126, 33)); } //Overridden so we can exit when window is closed protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { (e); if (() == ) { (0); } }} package untitled5;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;import .*;//货品信息登记public class Frame2 extends JFrame { JPanel contentPane; JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel(); XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout(); JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel(); JLabel jLabel3 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField1 = new JTextField(); JLabel jLabel4 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField2 = new JTextField(); JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel(); XYLayout xYLayout2 = new XYLayout(); JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(); JLabel jLabel5 = new JLabel(); JTextField jTextField3 = new JTextField(); //Construct the frame public Frame2() { enableEvents(); try { jbInit(); } catch(Exception e) { (); } } //Component initialization private void jbInit() throws Exception { contentPane = (JPanel) (); (xYLayout1); (new Dimension(600, 500)); ("超市管理系统"); (new Frame2_this_hierarchyBoundsAdapter(this)); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); (); ("超市管理系统"); (); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 30)); ("产 品 信 息 展 示"); // (new ("SansSerif", 0, 20)); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 20)); ("产品名称"); (""); (true); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 20)); ("产品ID号"); (""); (new Frame2_jTextField2_actionAdapter(this)); (xYLayout2); (new ("SansSerif", 0, 25)); (); ("该产品详细信息"); (""); (jLabel1, new XYConstraints(237, 0, 153, 40)); (jLabel2, new XYConstraints(200, 47, 231, 58)); (jLabel3, new XYConstraints(47, 102, 101, 42)); (jTextField1, new XYConstraints(128, 108, 112, 34)); (jTextField2, new XYConstraints(361, 107, 109, 36)); (jPanel1, new XYConstraints(75, 166, 453, 277)); (jScrollPane1, new XYConstraints(14, 8, 433, 221)); ().add(jTextField3, null); (jLabel5, new XYConstraints(112, 240, -1, -1)); (jLabel4, new XYConstraints(278, 111, -1, -1)); } //Overridden so we can exit when window is closed protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { (e); if (() == ) { (0); } } void Select() { try { String str1, str2; str1 = (); str2 = ();