从改革开放至今34年间,我国经济实现了年均增长速度接近10%的持续高速增长;2008年国际金融危机之后,在全球经济不景气的背景下,我国经济增长速度虽然较往年低,但还是处在世界领先位置。我国正处在工业化深化过程之中,工业增长仍有较大空间,但传统重工业和化学工业的市场需求日益接近“天花板”,增长速度会逐步放慢;消费需求向下企稳,投资增速下滑,出口形势不容乐观;流动性不足,但通货膨胀压力仍然存在;房地产市场低迷,企业信心不足;同时,财政收入增长也将趋缓。总体上看,我国经济整体增长潜力下降,经济增长速度将放慢;净出口将长期处于稳中趋降的态势,未来经济增长主要靠内需拉动;降低财政收入在GDP中的比重有助于内需扩大,促进经济稳定增长。关键词:经济增长;工业化深化;投资;消费需求;净出口;内需;流动性不足;通货膨胀压力;房地产市场;财政收入Abstract:In the 34 years since reform and opening up, China’s economy realized on average 10 percent high yearly growth rate, after international financial crisis in 2008, under the background of global economy recession, although China’s economy growth speed has been lower than previous years, the economic growth speed is still in the leading position. China is staying in the process of the deepening of industrialization, industrial growth still has big space, however, the demand of traditional heavy industry and chemical industry is more and more closing to the“ceiling”and their growth rate will gradually slow. The consumption demand is falling but stable, the speed of investment declines, export situation is not optimistic, the liquidity is not sufficient, but the pressure of inflation still exists. The real estate market is slowing, entrepreneurs are short of confidence, meanwhile, the increasing rate of financial revenue will become slowing. On the whole, the overall growth potential of China’s economy declines, economic growth speed will slow, net export will be long-term stable and decline, future economic growth will mainly depend on domestic demand, and the decrease of the ratio of national fiscal revenue to GDP is conducive to expanding domestic demand and to boosting stable economic words:economic growth;industrialization deepening;investment;consumption demand;net export;domestic demand;liquidity insufficiency;inflation pressure;real estate market;financial revenue.