
“Time is no longer felt as an objective, causal progression with clearly marked-out differences between periods…” (Frank 20)
As the British novelist-critic Christine Brooke-Rose has put it, the novelists now have nothing new to tell since what should be told have been told altogether (Yin Qiping 33-35) .
Medieval Europe was a place both of “raids, pillages, slavery, and extortion” and of “traveling merchants, monetary exchange, towns if not cities, and active markets in gain” (Townsend & Waugh 10-16).
则在第一位作者的姓氏后写上et al.以示其余姓氏的省略,或列上全部姓氏,夹注中的形式应与参考文献中的形式保持一致。
Modern Literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Graff et al. 19-35).
Modern Literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Graff, Goldberger, & Tarule 15-20).
Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).
Others hold the opposite point of view (., Jakobson 9;Waugh 34)
Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary studies in the United States” (10).
Slade’s revision of Form and Style incorporates changes made in the 1995 edition of the MLA Handbook.
The annual report revealed substantial progress in fundraising (American Museum of Natural History 12, hereafter AMNH).
The report surveys the major problems in fundraising (AMNH 15).
Between the years 1945 and 1972, the political party system in the United States underwent profound changes (Schlesinger, vol. 4).
Schlesinger pointed out the profound changes the political party system in the United States underwent between 1945 and 1972 (4: 98-104).
引用同一作者的两篇以上的文献, 可以分别以文献名全名(如果文献全名简短的话)或文献名的缩略形式(如果文献全名较长的话)注释。
Shakespeare’s King Lear has been called a “comedy of the grotesque” (Frye, The Anatomy of Criticism 237).
Shaughnessy points out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (Errors 79).
Teachers applauded Shaughnessy’s assertion that “teaching them [beginning writers] to write well is not only suitable but challenging work for those who would be teachers and scholars in a democracy” (“Diving In” 68).
In The Age of Voltaire, the Durants portray eighteenth-century England as a minor force in the world of music and art (214-48).
(Lauter 34; Crane 98)
...as has been discussed elsewhere (Burke 3; Dewey 21).
Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (Johnson qtd. in Boswell 2: 450)
Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450)
引文来自于中文作者(对“孔子”等已有英文译名的必须使用标准译名,如Confucius 33; Mencius 22-25)
(Hu Zhuanglin 33)
(Zhu Xianzhi & Lin Chongde 89)
(Xu Guozhang et al. 33-35)
(Confucius 33)
短引文 (四行以内或诗歌三行以内)
According to some, dreams express "profound aspects of personality" (Foulkes 184), though others disagree.
According to Foulkes's study, dreams may express "profound aspects of personality" (184).
Is it possible that dreams may express "profound aspects of personality" (Foulkes 184)?
Cullen concludes, "Of all the things that happened there/ That's all I remember" (11-12).
如果引文较长,超过4行,拟另起一行,不加引号,左边缩进10个英文字母, 夹注紧随引文末尾,句点应放在引用括号之前。
At the conclusion of Lord of the Flies, Ralph and the other boys realize the horror of their actions:
The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (186)
在添加的词两头加“[ ]”。
Jan Harold Brunvand, in an essay on urban legends, states: “some individuals [who retell urban legends] make a point of learning every rumor or tale” (78).
In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that “some individuals make a point of learning every recent rumor or tale ... and in a short time a lively exchange of details occurs” (78).
将词条在双引号中列出,后加 “def.”,空一字母后再加页码。
According to The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, “study” means “application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection” (“Study,” def. 1888).
5. 关于参考文献
1)参考文献部分以Times New Roman小四号正体加粗居中标明“Works Cited”列在正文后(或尾注后),另页书写。“Works Cited”与第一个参考文献之间空一行。不得罗列同正文没有直接关系的文献,参考文献条目与引文夹注要对应。外文文献排列在前,以姓氏的首字母为序排列,中文文献排列在后,以姓氏的拼音为序排列。每条文献顶格写,回行时英文空5个字母,中文空两格。
2) 建议论文作者多使用英文原版图书和学术期刊文献。引用英文原版图书和学术期刊文献至少2本(篇)以上。
4)主要作者(编者、译者)采用姓在前,名在后的形式,作者姓与名之间用逗号分隔(中文姓名不用分隔);2人以内全部写上,第2 者起姓名按正常顺序,两个主要作者(编者、译者)之间英语的加“&”、中文的加 “、”三个主要作者(编者、译者)以上只写第一人再加“et al.”或“等”(中文)。
Parkes, Adam. Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day. New York & London: Continuum, 2001.
6)中文图书等采用汉英对照形式,以便正文中统一按照英文模式(格式同英文文献)做夹注,列中文图书、期刊、报纸一律使用书名号,作者与作者之间用“、”号,英 语文 献中的句点在中文文献中用宋体字体下的逗号代替、冒号也要是宋体字体下的冒号,且汉字之间或标点与汉字之间没有空格。中文文献的英文模式须加“[ ]”,下面参考文献格式不再赘述。例如:
[Wang Shouren & Fang Jie. A Concise History of English Literature. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2006.]
7)除了版本研究(如翻译版本对照研究)之外,不宜将同一本书的英文版本和中文版本同时列为参考文献。英 语文 学论文作者必须使用所研究作品的英文版本。
8) 非单行本短篇小说一般应参照文章格式处理,例如:
Joyce, James. “Araby.” Dubliners. London: Penguin, 1967.
1、 (英语系毕业论文)中西戏剧发展快慢对比及其原因 摘 要 中西戏剧都有悠久的历史,无论是西方戏剧还是中国戏剧,都起源于民间,并与原始人祭祀神灵,欢庆节日的仪式密切联系在一起的。回顾希腊戏剧产生形成的历史,它发展快,成就高,在世界上的影响很... 类别:毕业论文 大小:95 KB 日期:2007-07-14 2、 (英语系毕业论文)从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合 摘 要随着全球化的来临,中国与外界的交流越来越频繁,特别是在商界。本论文主要探讨中美在管理上的交流。如今的商界,如同一个大家庭,参与者遍布世界各地。正是由于这个原因,各国的管理模式也趋于一体化。但是... 类别:毕业论文 大小:85 KB 日期:2007-06-26 3、 (英语系毕业论文)在经济全球化下中西方文化差异与跨文化管理 摘 要伴随着世界经济的快速增长,跨国公司的飞速发展, 全球商业活动的猛烈激增,同时伴随着在文化多样化环境下的相关管理问题的出现,跨国公司的人员必须与来自不同文化背景的人打交道,这种文化差异时而会造成... 类别:毕业论文 大小:96 KB 日期:2007-06-26 4、 (英语系毕业论文)中西服饰文化差异对语言的影响 摘 要中西服饰受其各自不同哲学和文化的影响体现出不同的特征:儒家思想和大陆文明使中国服饰呈现出繁冗,宽博的特征。它不注重外表的装饰,以宽松的衣服遮掩身体的曲线,在思想上追求人格的完美,以“谦谦君... 类别:毕业论文 大小:90 KB 日期:2007-06-25 5、 (英语系毕业论文)快餐食品对中西方传统饮食文化的影响力 摘 要自古以来,中国就是一个以礼待人的礼仪之邦。而在不同的国家、不同的地区,礼仪的形式也有所不同。本文主要从礼仪的角度谈论了礼仪与中西方文化之间的联系及相互影响,目的是为了消除不同国家之间的不同... 类别:毕业论文 大小:88 KB 日期:2007-06-25 6、 (英语系毕业论文)从礼仪角度谈中西文化的差异性 摘 要自古以来,中国就是一个以礼待人的礼仪之邦。而在不同的国家、不同的地区,礼仪的形式也有所不同。本文主要从礼仪的角度谈论了礼仪与中西方文化之间的联系及相互影响,目的是为了消除不同国家之间的不同... 类别:毕业论文 大小:85 KB 日期:2007-06-23 7、 (英语系毕业论文)中西饮食文化及其差异 摘 要中国悠久历史5000年,西方世界五六百年的社会历程。中国有灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化;西方国家则有精巧专维、自成体系的饮食文明。民以食为天,中国有自己独特丰富的饮食文化底蕴。然而今天除了中国... 类别:毕业论文 大小:100 KB 日期:2007-06-21 8、 (英语系毕业论文)中西酒店文化比较及探讨 摘 要在经济蓬勃发展的今天,旅游业风风火火地发展起来了,作为与旅游业相配套的酒店业也相应的完善起来,且更加趋于国际化。中国已经入世,这更给中国的酒店业带来一个新的发展契机,但世界上酒店发展规模空前,...
设计摘要 .......................................................1(古典欧式风格流行趋势)
前言 ...........................................................2(设计理念)
一、业主情况及房型的介绍 .......................................................3
二、设计风格的定义 ...............................................4(确定风格)
三、设计的主要内容 ...........................................5
四、设计方案的过程 .................................................6
五、设计原理 .....................................................7(设计中所用到的原理)
六、设计问题及解决方案 .....................................................8
七、设计总结 ...........................................................9
参考文献 .........................................................10
我国前辈建筑师戴念慈先生认为“建筑设计的出发点和着眼点是内涵的建筑空间,把空间效果作为建筑艺术追求的目标,而界面、门窗是构成空间必要的`从属部分。从属部分是构成空间的物质基础,并对内涵空间使用的观感起决定性作用,然而毕竟是从属部分。至于 外形只是构成内涵空间的必然结果”。
建筑大师普拉特纳() 则认为室内设计“比设计包容这些内部空间的建筑物要困难得多",这是因为在室内"你必须更多地同人打交道,研究人们的心理因素,以及如何能使他们感到舒适、兴奋。经验证明,这比同结构、建筑体系打交道要费心得多,也要求有更加专门的训练"。
美国前室内设计师协会主席亚当() 指出"室内设计涉及的工作比单纯的装饰广泛得多,他们关心的范围已扩展到生活的每一方面,例如:住宅、办公、旅馆、餐厅的设计,提高劳动生产率,无障碍设计,编制防火规范和节能指标,提高医院、图书馆、学校和其它公共设施的使用率。总之一句话,给予各种处在室内环境中的人以舒适和安全"。
白俄罗斯建筑师Eo巴诺玛列娃(EoPonoma leva) 认为,室内设计是设计"具有视觉限定的人工环境,以满足生理和精神上的要求,保障生活、生产活动的需求”,室内设计也是“功能、空间形体、工程技术和艺术的相互依存和紧密结合"。
I am from America. Hope this helps!Paradise Lost is the famous epic by 17th-century English poet John Milton. Published in 1667, the poem tells the story of Satan's rebellion against God, his expulsion from Heaven along with the rest of the rebel angels, and how he tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and fall from grace (hence the title). Its sequel, Paradise Regained, tells the story of Jesus' temptation in the wilderness by Satan and how he resisted the Devil's blandishments, thereby passing on humanity's behalf the test which Adam and Eve failed. Paradise Lost is an epic in every sense of the word: vast and ambitious in scope, powerful and moving in its language, vivid in its depictions, its plot proceeding inevitably from the first couple's initial bliss to their ultimate tragic fall. Milton's Satan is one of the most three-dimensional characters in anything I have ever read. As a work of fiction, it is superb. However, as a depiction of actual events, I find it not just false, but unacceptable. Though inadvertently, Milton's work has almost perfectly enumerated the reasons why I am not a Christian, to wit: its infinitely unjust conception of infinite punishment for finite sins; its inexplicably incompetent deity who allows his omnipotent will to be so easily thwarted; its flagrant and revolting sexism in repeatedly styling women the inferior of men in every respect; its anti-humanistic outlook that values blind faith and obedience and denigrates knowledge and understanding; and the many logical contradictions inherent in the Christian system. I can appreciate its artistic merit, but I wholeheartedly reject its viewed as two parts of a whole, Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained give a very consistent message. That message is this: Doubt is evil. Critical thinking is evil. Reason is to be denied and denigrated. Seeking to understand the world is at best unprofitable and pointless and at worst a straight road to eternal torment. Instead, virtue consists of absolute obedience and blind belief: as Satan mused, ignorance is indeed "the proof of [our] obedience and [our] faith". As has been noted, the arguments given by Satan in these books make sense, more so than the replies. Why should God have let the devils out of Hell when the only purpose that served was to allow them to drag others down to damnation? Why should God value ignorance and envy those who gain knowledge? Yet we are not to give these arguments any serious consideration; the appropriate response is to dismiss them out of hand. In Milton's theology, moral goodness consists of rejecting the desire to learn, ignoring all contrary arguments, and when doubt arises, overcoming it by redoubling one's belief. For those who do seek to question and learn, the story of others who did the same and fell into misery for it - bringing upon us all the misery that anyone has ever experienced in the process - is presented as a cautionary tale. The message is as subtle as a sledgehammer blow. As human beings, we should all be appalled by this kind of willfully ignorant superstition. Our rational, reasoning mind is the most precious thing we possess, and used in the right ways, it can achieve astounding things. In the centuries that have passed since Milton first set pen to paper, the previously inconceivable advances we have made as a result of our dedicated quest to understand the universe through science more than vindicate the humanist philosophy and discredit anti-intellectualism such as this. Even Milton's own epic shows that knowledge is superior to ignorance. Raphael's long monologue telling Adam who and what Satan is and warning against listening to him does not appear in Genesis. Is this Milton's tacit admission that in the Eden story as written, God is left culpable by not providing humanity with sufficient warning? Has it occurred to him that Adam and Eve's enforced ignorance was the very thing that made them so vulnerable to Satan's guile? Even in an epic where the author offers himself ample opportunity for apologetics and self-justification, the logical problems with this theology shine through. God's defenses of his actions are insufficient, and Jesus' responses to Satan's arguments are often patently weak and flawed, but Milton always depicts Satan as being stung and left overwhelmed and speechless by them. Of course, in real debates against knowledgeable opponents where the outcomes cannot be so easily scripted and controlled, Christian apologists rarely fare as well. I am aware that not all Christians believe the same as John Milton. I realize that many reject the doctrines of the inequality of women, condemnation for honest questioning, and the literal interpretation of Genesis altogether. I applaud this courage, but it cannot be denied that many of these ideas are explicitly taught in the Bible. The solution is not merely to discard them and retain belief in the rest of the Bible - the solution is to set the Bible and its anti-humanistic claims aside entirely. There was no past Paradise from which we fell for the crime of wanting to understand the world. There is no future Hell awaiting those who dare to question and think for themselves. There is nothing for an honest investigator to fear. We are not fallen, we are not sinners, we are not wretches. We are human beings, all equal, and when we finally awake from the mythological dreams of our past, we will know and understand the much brighter light of the world as it truly is - and in that understanding lie the true keys to an earthly paradise.
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