With the development of electric power industry aroud the world, coal-burning genetator units are heading for the orientation of high capacity and high parametets. In our country, 600 -megawatt as well as 1000-megawatt genetator units are widespread in the operation of a power grid. Chief generator sets in a power plant are not only responsible for generatiing electricity but also shoulder the task of buffering the pressure at rush hours, so the performance of generator sets has an immediate bearing on the national economy. Superheaters and reheaters, as the key component parts inside a power plant, have an self-evident article, taking as an example the 2×600MW water-cooled generator unit installed by Tuoxian County Power Plant of Datang in its 3rd phase project, is to offer a systematic introduction to the operation rationale of superheaters and reheaters, some problems arising during the practical operation and their countermeasures, which is intended to provide experience for other generator units to refer Words: superheater, seheater, coal-burning power plant, problems, countermeasures