“温度”,这个范围也太大了吧,从哪些方面考虑呢?叫人摸不着头脑。 In physics, temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold; something that feels hotter generally has the greater temperature. Temperature is one of the principal parameters of thermodynamics. On the macroscopic scale, temperature is the unique physical property that determines the direction of heat flow between two objects placed in thermal contact. If no heat flow occurs, the two objects have the same temperature; otherwise heat flows from the hotter object to the colder object. This is the content of the zeroth law of thermodynamics. On the microscopic scale, temperature can be defined as the average energy in each degree of freedom in the particles in a system- because temperature is a statistical property, a system must contain a few particles for the question as to its temperature to make any sense. For a solid, this energy is found in the vibrations of its atoms about their equilibrium positions. In an ideal monatomic gas, energy is found in the translational motions of the particles; with molecular gases, vibrational and rotational motions also provide thermodynamic degrees of freedom. Temperature is measured with thermometers that may be calibrated to a variety of temperature scales. In most of the world (except for Myanmar, Liberia and the United States), the Celsius scale is used for most temperature measuring purposes. The entire scientific world (these countries included) measures temperature using the Celsius scale and thermodynamic temperature using the kelvin scale, which is just the Celsius scale shifted downwards so that 0 K[1]= − °C, or absolute zero. Many engineering fields in the ., especially high-tech ones, also use the kelvin and degrees Celsius scales. Other engineering fields in the . also rely upon the Rankine scale (a shifted Fahrenheit scale) when working in thermodynamic-related disciplines such as , temperature is the measurement of how hot or cold something is, although the most immediate way in which we can measure this, by feeling it, is unreliable, resulting in the phenomenon of felt air temperature, which can differ at varying degrees from actual temperature. On the molecular level, temperature is the result of the motion of particles which make up a substance. Temperature increases as the energy of this motion increases. The motion may be the translational motion of the particle, or the internal energy of the particle due to molecular vibration or the excitation of an electron energy level. Although very specialized laboratory equipment is required to directly detect the translational thermal motions, thermal collisions by atoms or molecules with small particles suspended in a fluid produces Brownian motion that can be seen with an ordinary microscope. The thermal motions of atoms are very fast and temperatures close to absolute zero are required to directly observe them. For instance, when scientists at the NIST achieved a record-setting cold temperature of 700 nK (1 nK = 10−9 K) in 1994, they used optical lattice laser equipment to adiabatically cool caesium atoms. They then turned off the entrapment lasers and directly measured atom velocities of 7 mm per second in order to calculate their , such as O2, have more degrees of freedom than single atoms: they can have rotational and vibrational motions as well as translational motion. An increase in temperature will cause the average translational energy to increase. It will also cause the energy associated with vibrational and rotational modes to increase. Thus a diatomic gas, with extra degrees of freedom rotation and vibration, will require a higher energy input to change the temperature by a certain amount, . it will have a higher heat capacity than a monatomic process of cooling involves removing energy from a system. When there is no more energy able to be removed, the system is said to be at absolute zero, which is the point on the thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale where all kinetic motion in the particles comprising matter ceases and they are at complete rest in the “classic” (non-quantum mechanical) sense. By definition, absolute zero is a temperature of precisely 0 kelvins (− °C or − °F).The formal properties of temperature follow from its mathematical definition (see below for the zeroth law definition and the second law definition) and are studied in thermodynamics and statistical to other thermodynamic quantities such as entropy and heat, whose microscopic definitions are valid even far away from thermodynamic equilibrium, temperature being an average energy per particle can only be defined at thermodynamic equilibrium, or at least local thermodynamic equilibrium (see below).As a system receives heat, its temperature rises; similarly, a loss of heat from the system tends to decrease its temperature (at the--uncommon--exception of negative temperature; see below).When two systems are at the same temperature, no heat transfer occurs between them. When a temperature difference does exist, heat will tend to move from the higher-temperature system to the lower-temperature system, until they are at thermal equilibrium. This heat transfer may occur via conduction, convection or radiation or combinations of them (see heat for additional discussion of the various mechanisms of heat transfer) and some ions may is also related to the amount of internal energy and enthalpy of a system: the higher the temperature of a system, the higher its internal energy and is an intensive property of a system, meaning that it does not depend on the system size, the amount or type of material in the system, the same as for the pressure and density. By contrast, mass, volume, and entropy are extensive properties, and depend on the amount of material in the plays an important role in almost all fields of science, including physics, geology, chemistry, and physical properties of materials including the phase (solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma), density, solubility, vapor pressure, and electrical conductivity depend on the temperature. Temperature also plays an important role in determining the rate and extent to which chemical reactions occur. This is one reason why the human body has several elaborate mechanisms for maintaining the temperature at 37 °C, since temperatures only a few degrees higher can result in harmful reactions with serious consequences. Temperature also controls the type and quantity of thermal radiation emitted from a surface. One application of this effect is the incandescent light bulb, in which a tungsten filament is electrically heated to a temperature at which significant quantities of visible light are of the speed of sound in air c, density of air ρ and acoustic impedance Z vs. temperature °C
论文题目: 温室环境测控系统及其发展趋势
摘要 :本文阐述了温室环境测控系统在国内外的发展情况,包括从温室诞生起,美国、日本、荷兰等温室测控技术发展比较先进的国家在各自领域内的研究成果,以及国内引进温室技术后,各个高校及专业人员就自己擅长的方面进行探索并取得一定的研究成果。其次浅谈了温室测控系统的发展前沿,即该领域的先进技术,如无线电监控系统、GPRS技术、远程温室大棚控制系统等。最后具体讲述了温室测控中主要的影响因素,包括温度、湿度、光照、CO2浓度,以及当下比较适宜的处理办法。
关键词 : 温室环境测控;无线电监控;远程监控
Greenhouse environment controling systems and its
Abstract : This paper said the development of the greenhouse environment control system at home and aborad , since the birth of greenhouse , United States , Japan , the Netherlands and other greenhouse monitoring and control technology more advanced countries in their respective areas of research , and after the introduction of greenhouse technology as well as domestic , various universities and professionals to explore their own good and have made certain aspects of the research results . Second ,on the forefront of the development of the greenhouse control system , such as radio control system , GPRS technology , remote control system of greenhouse and so on . Finally , Specific about the main factors of greenhouse monitoring and control , Including temperature, humidity , light , CO2 concentration and the more appropriate approach at present Keyword: greenhouse monitoring and control technology ; radio control system ; remote control system of greenhouse.
早期温室技术引进是1987年中国农业科学院引进了FELIXC 512系统,并建立了全国农业系统的第一个计算机应用研究机构[7]。到了90年代初期,计算机开始用于温室的管理和控制领域。
2 温室技术新型发展
随着生产规模的不断扩大,大棚数量的增多,有线监测系统布线复杂、维护困难、不能任意增加节点等缺点就暴露出来了. 随着电子技术的发展,出现了一体化的无线收发芯片nRF905,该芯片体积小巧,外围只需添加少量几元件即可工作,而且编程简单,可实现信息的无线传输, 以上位机为信息处理终端,构成了温室大棚环境参数监控系统, 该系统具有无需布线、可以任意增减采集点、结构简单、功耗低及组网方便等特点,因而具有较高的实用价值[12]
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)是通用分组无线业务的简称,是一种基于GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)系统的无线分组交换技术。同一无线信道又可以由多个用户共享,只有当某个用户需要发送或接收数据的时候才会占用信道资源,从而有效地利用了信道资源。监控中心服务器通过GPRS 可以在移动状态下使用各种采集到的信息数据, 在移动通信服务商提供的GPRS业务平台上构建温室大棚环境监控信息数据传输系统, 实现智能化温室控制信息采集点的无线数据传输,监控系统同时可以实现资料、指令的.反向传输,以达到远程控制的目[13]。的温室大棚环境监控中心也可以通过服务器来浏览各个温室大棚的作物生长状况。
CAN(controller area network)总线是一种分布式实时控制系统的串行通信局域网[14-15],其信号传输采用短帧结构,具有传输时间短、受干扰的概率低、实时性强、性能好和可靠性高等优点,广泛应用于各种控制系统中的检测和执行机构之间的数据通信。
Profibus总线的温湿度分布式测控系统也和CAN总线的功能差不多。在现有的各种现场总线中, Profi2bus 总线占有很大的市场份额, 并提供了DP、PA3和FMS三种协议类型。
为实现农民对大棚的简捷控制,实现农民增产增收,远程温室大棚控制系统显然是一项值得研究和推广的工程。该系统实时要求很高, 传输距离较远, 对稳定性以及抗干扰性的要求也很高, CC2Link造价低廉, 能满足现场环境的通讯要求而成为主要的新型现场通讯方式,另外以太网实时、高速且传输距离较远, 而成为主流的远程通讯方式。两者相结合便实现了温室大棚远程控制网[17]。
3 影响作物生长的各项因素及处理办法
除湿的方法有通风换气、加温除湿、覆盖地膜、使用除湿机、除湿型热交换通风装置。 加湿的方法包括喷雾加湿、湿帘加湿、温室内顶部安装喷雾系统[20]。这几种方法除了有加湿功能还可以达到降温的功效.
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