Clothes Material Clothing Fabrics a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including: *electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles *thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics *cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel *permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membranes *optical fibre sensors, hollow fibre membranes for gas separation *integrating fibre-formed components into textile structures *wearable electronic and photonic technologies *adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) *and biomedical applications including the applications of scaffolds in tissue engineering This book provides a guide to the fundamentals and latest developments in smart technology for textiles and clothing. The contributors represent a distinguished international panel of experts and the book covers many aspects of cutting edge research and development. It gives you insight into technological developments in the field valuable and FIBRES, FABRICS AND CLOTHING starts with a review of the background to smart technology and goes on to cover a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including: * electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles * thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics * cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel * permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membranes * optical fibre sensors, hollow fibre membranes for gas separation * integrating fibre-formed components into textile structures * wearable electronic and photonic technologies * adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) * and biomedical applications including the applications of scaffolds in tissue engineering This book provides a guide to the fundamentals and latest developments in smart technology for textiles and clothing. The contributors represent a distinguished international panel of experts and the book covers many aspects of cutting edge research and development. It gives you insight into technological developments in the field valuable and Fibres, Fabrics and Clothingedited by Xiaoming TaoReviews background to smart technology and goes on to cover a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology Provides insight into the latest technological developments such as thermally sensitive fibers and fabrics, wearable electronic and photonic technologies, adaptive and responsive textile structures, biomedical applications, and more Contains contributions from a distinguished international panel of experts Covers many aspects of cutting edge research and developmentSmart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing starts with a review of the background to smart technology and goes on to cover a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including:Electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles Thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics Cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates Stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel Permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membranes Optical fibre sensors, hollow fibre membranes for gas separation Integrating fibre-formed components into textile structures Wearable electronic and photonic technologies Adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) And biomedical applications including the applications of scaffolds in tissue engineeringSmart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing provides a guide to the fundamentals and latest developments in smart technology for textiles and clothing. The contributors represent a distinguished international panel of experts and the book covers many aspects of cutting edge research and development. It gives you insight into technological developments in the field valuable and technology for textiles and clothing - An overview and review Introduction Development of smart technology for textiles and clothing Outline of the book Electrically active polymer materials: application of non-ionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles Introduction Polymer materials as actuators or artificial muscle Peculiarity of polymer gel actuator Triggers for actuating polymer gels Electro-active polymer gels as artificial muscles From electro-active polymer gel to electro-active elastomer with large deformation Heat storage and thermo-regulated textiles and clothing Development introduction Basics of heat-storage materials Manufacture of heat-storage and thermo-regulated textiles and clothing Properties of heat-storage and thermo-regulated textiles and clothing application Development trends Thermally sensitive materials Introduction Thermal storage and thermal insulating fibres Thermal insulation through polymeric coatings Design of fabric assemblies Cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates as multifunctional and multi-use intelligent materials Introduction Fibrous intelligent materials Experimental Results and discussion Stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels composed of poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(acrylic acid) Introduction Experimental Results and discussion Permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membrane prepared by plasma and radiation grafting techniques Introduction Experimental Results and discussion Mechanical properties of fibre Bragg gratings Introduction Fabric techniques Mechanisms of FBG sensor fabrication Mechanical properties Influence of the UV irradiation on mechanical properties Polymeric fibre Optical responses of FBG sensors under deformations Introduction Optical methodology for FBG sensors Optical responses under tension Optical responses under torsion Optical responses under lateral compression Optical responses under bending Smart textile composites integrated with fibre optic sensors Introduction Optical fibres and fibre optic sensors Principal analysis of embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors Simultaneous measurements of strain and temperature Measurement effectiveness Reliability of FBGs Error of strain measurement due to deviation of position and direction Distributed measurement systems Hollow fibre membranes for gas separation Historical overview of membranes for gas separation Developments of membranes for industrial gas separation Theories of permeation processes Phase inversion and hollow fibre membrane Future hollow fibre membranes and industrial gas separation Embroidery and smart textiles Introduction Basics of embroidery technology Embroidery for technical applications - tailored fibre placement Embroidery technology used for medical textiles Embroidered stamp - gag or innovation? Adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) Introduction Textiles in computing: the symbiotic relationship The Georgia Tech Wearable MotherboardTM GTWM: contributions and potential applications Emergence of a new paradigm: harnessing the opportunity Wearable technology for snow clothing Introduction Key issues and performance requirements The prototype Bio-processing for smart textiles and clothing Introduction Treatment of wool with enzymes Treatment of of cotton with enzymes Enzymatic modification of synthetic fibres Spider silk 'Intelligent fibres' Tailor-made intelligent polymers for biomedical applications Introduction Fundamental aspects of shape memory materials Concept of biodegradable shape memory polymers Degradable thermoplastic elastomers having shape memory properties Degradable polymer networks having shape memory properties Textile scaffolds in tissue engineering Introduction Ideal scaffold system Scaffold materials Textile scaffolds
论文我没有,不过我可以跟你点资料,相当完整的汉服介绍汉服中最典型的深衣,孔氏正义曰:“所以称深衣者,以余服则上衣下裳不相连,此深衣衣裳相连,被体深邃,故谓之深衣。”深衣是最能体现华夏文化精神的服饰。深衣象征天人合一,恢宏大度,公平正直,包容万物的东方美德。袖口宽大,象征天道圆融;领口直角相交,象征地道方正;背后一条直缝贯通上下,象征人道正直;腰系大带,象征权衡;分上衣、下裳两部分,象征两仪;上衣用布四幅,象征一年四季;下裳用布十二幅,象征一年十二月。身穿深衣,自然能体现天道之圆融,怀抱地道之方正,身合人间之正道,行动进退合权衡规矩,生活起居顺应四时之序。大,象征天道圆融;领口直角相交,象征地道方正;背后一条直缝贯通上下,象征人道正直;腰系大带,象征权衡;分上衣、下裳两部分,象征两仪;上衣用布四幅,象征一年四季;下裳用布十二幅,象征一年十二月。身穿深衣,自然能体现天道之圆融,怀抱地道之方正,身合人间之正道,行动进退合权衡规矩,生活起居顺应四时之序。说明:中华服饰历代各不相同,使今天的人们无法了解古人真实的衣着样子,往往是凭借古代人物画和戏曲、影视的并不完全正确的展示来想象,尤其中国影视制作中的古装服饰五花八门,逐渐走向了一种极端扭曲的病态审美。这次按《大明会典》及《明史》并参照明代写实主义的肖像画绘制一套Q版的《大明衣冠图志》,希望能够为大家了解明代服饰出一份力。并且努力证明一下原汁原味的中华服饰并非不能通过现代方式展示,期待中国的影视服装制作和古装动画漫画造型能在本国文化的表达上超越邻国。文中所引文字,基本来自《大明会典》“冠服”以及《明史》“舆服”,所参考图主要为出土、传世衣冠实物及定陵发掘报告《定陵》等。大家想找原文献查阅可以去百度搜索:《大明会典》卷之六十 冠服、 六十一 冠服二《明史》卷六十六 志第四十二 舆服二 舆服三《礼部志稿》卷十八 仪制司职掌 冠服另有专门研究明代服饰的论坛,有大量文字、实物资料可供参考。一 皇帝冠服衮冕凡祭天地、宗庙及正旦、冬至、圣节则服衮冕,祭社稷、先农、册拜亦如之。冕:以皂纱为之。綖版宽一尺二寸,长二尺四寸。冠上有覆,玄表朱裏。前后各有十二旒,贯五采玉珠十二,赤白青黄黑相次。綖版下以玉珩维冠。玉簪导,贯纽,纽与冠武并系缨处皆饰以金。朱缨,青纩充耳,缀以玉珠二。衮服:用十二章。玄衣六章(嘉靖制度)--日月在肩,星、山在后。龙、华虫在两袖。长不掩裳之六章。裳黄色,绣六章,分作四行--火、宗彝、藻、为二行。米、黼、黻、为二行。中单:素纱为之,青缘领,织黻文十二。蔽膝:随裳色,罗为之。上绣龙一,下绣火三。大带:素表朱裏,在腰及垂皆有綼,上綼以朱,下綼以绿,纽约用素组。革带:前用玉,其后无玉,以佩绶系而掩之。圭:白玉为之,长尺二寸,剡其上,下以黄绮约之。上刻山形四,盛以黄绮囊,藉以黄锦。玉佩二。大绶:六采--黄、白、赤、玄、缥、绿,纁质。小绶三,色同。朱袜、赤舄、黄绦缘、玄缨结。皮弁服凡朔望视朝、降诏、降香进表、四夷朝贡朝觐、则服皮弁服。嘉靖间令祭太岁山川等神皆服。皮弁:用黑纱冒之,前后各十二缝。其中各缀五采玉十二。缝及冠武并贯簪系缨处皆饰以金。玉簪,朱紘缨,玉以赤、白、青、黄、黑、相次。玉圭:长如冕服之圭,有脊并双植文,剡其上,黄绮约其下,及有韬,金龙文。绛纱袍:本色领、褾(袖口)、襈(衣襟侧边)、裾(衣襟底边)。红裳:如冕服内裳制,但不织章数。中单:以素纱为之,如深衣制,红领褾襈裾,领织黻文十三。蔽膝:随裳色,本色缘,有玉钩二玉佩。大带、大绶、袜、舄、俱如冕服内制。通天冠服洪武元年定:郊庙、省牲,皇太子诸王冠婚、醮戒,则服通天冠、绛纱袍。冠加金博山,附蝉十二,首施珠翠,黑介帻,组缨,玉簪导。绛纱袍:深衣制。白纱内单,皂领褾襈裾。绛纱蔽膝。白假带。方心曲领。白袜,赤舄。其革带、佩绶,与衮服同武弁服国初行亲征遣将礼则服武弁,乘革辂,其制未详。详定自嘉靖八年。弁:上锐,色用赤,上十二缝,中缀五采玉,落落如星状。韎衣、韎裳、韎韐,俱赤色,如常制。佩、绶、革带、如常制。佩、绶、及韎韐、俱上系於革带。舄:如其裳之色。玉圭:视镇圭差小,剡上方下,有篆文曰讨罪安民。燕弁冠服嘉靖七年定:冠:匡如皮弁之制,以乌纱冒之,分十有二瓣,各以金线压之,前饰五采玉云各一,后列四山。朱绦为组缨。双玉簪。服:如古玄端之制身用玄,边缘以青,两肩绣日月。前蟠圆龙一,后蟠方龙二。边加龙文八十一:领与两祛,共龙文五九(45条)。衽同前后齐,共龙文四九(36条)。衬用深衣之制,黄色,袂圆祛方下,齐负绳及踝十二幅。素带:朱里,青表,绿缘边,腰围饰以玉龙九片。履:玄为之,朱缘、红缨、黄结。袜用白。常服洪武三年定:常服:乌纱折角向上巾。盘领窄袖袍。束带:间用金玉琥珀透犀。永乐三年定:冠:以乌纱冒之,折角向上,即翼善冠。袍:黄色,盘领窄袖。前后及两肩各金织盘龙一。带:用玉。靴:以皮为之。后期式样:冠:仍用翼善冠。袍:用色不拘,盘领宽袖,前后及两肩各盘龙补子一。过肩通袖龙襕袍冠:乌纱翼善冠。袍:交领大袖,纹样分布同曳撒,一般为过肩柿蒂云龙纹,有膝襕和通袖襕。四团龙云纹紬交领夹龙袍冠:网巾。洪武二十四年,太祖微行至神乐观,见有结网巾者。翼曰,命取网巾,颁示十三布政使司,人无贵贱,皆裹网巾,于是天子亦常服网巾。髻上戴金束发冠,玉簪二。网巾及束发冠外一般再戴其他巾子或冠帽等。衣:为定陵出土之绣四团龙云纹紬交领夹龙袍。肩用日月。围玉带。曳撒自元代辫线袄发展而来,明朝上下皆通用之,清朝以此制为吉服袍。冠:奓檐帽(笠帽),有金玉宝石帽顶,亦承自元代。袍:右衽交领,窄袖,腰身收敛,腰间束敛作襞积(向下打竖细裥),下身作散褶,若裙状。两肩及胸背为柿蒂或如意云形纹样区,多为行龙、云纹等,有膝襕和通袖襕。带:实束,多为金玉宝石带钩。靴:多用白色。罩甲明代皇帝狩猎骑射时所着。冠:鞑帽,应为继承元代蒙古特色,以皮缝制,帽沿缘毛皮出锋。衣:外穿方领对襟无袖罩甲,织金,龙纹,用纽子。内穿曳撒。靴:皮质,白色。十二团龙盘领衮服冠:用乌纱翼善冠,后于冠上加二龙戏珠,金质,镶宝石,折角边沿亦用金。另有金丝翼善冠,当为大礼时用,或谓乃明器,其详待考。袍:黄色,盘领宽袖。用团龙十二,前身、后身各三,两肩各一,下摆两侧各二。日、月在肩,星、山在背。华虫四,在肩下两袖。宗彝、藻、火、粉米、黼、黻各为两行,相对列于大襟。带:与常服同。此衮服于《大明会典》、《明实录》、《明史》均失载,明清两代著述亦未言及。其实例有两处可见:一为南薰殿藏明代皇帝画像,自英宗始,诸帝均着此种衮服。一为定陵所出神宗此种衮服,共五件。其中,刺绣品3件,均为红色底料;缂丝品2件,底色为一红一黄。甲胄定陵所出土神宗皇帝甲胄与《出警入跸图》中不同,然定陵出土仅为半身,难窥全貌,今以《出警入跸图》参考绘制,其详待考。冠:铁盔,饰天鹅翎,插小旗。衣:罩甲,有鱼鳞甲片装饰,方领对襟,升龙戏珠二。内穿当为曳撒,行龙五彩云纹,两袖肩有黄金甲片,以红丝连缀。刀:定陵出土铁刀,长条形,鱼腹刃,刀柄有金十字护手,木质刀鞘,包沙鱼皮。二 皇后冠服凡祭天地、宗庙及正皇后受册、谒庙、朝会、服礼服。燕居则常服。礼服(翟衣)凤冠:会典载以九龙四凤冠,按明皇后翟衣画像及定陵所出土实物,龙凤数量及组合各所不同,今按实物画九龙九凤冠。凤冠以漆竹丝为圆匡,冒以翡翠。上饰金龙、点翠凤、珠花、翠云、珍珠等。冠用三博鬓。翟衣:深青,织翟文十有二等(凡一百四十八对),间以小轮花。红领、褾(袖口)、襈(衣襟侧边)、裾(衣襟底边),织金云龙文。中单:玉色纱为之,红领褾襈裾。领织黻文十三。蔽膝:随衣色,织翟为章三等,间以小轮花四。以緅为领缘,织金云龙文。玉谷圭:长七寸。剡其上。瑑谷文。黄绮约其下。别以黄袋韬之。玉革带:青绮鞓,描金云龙文。玉饰件十,金饰件四。大带:表裏俱青红相半,其末纯红,而下垂织金云龙文。上以朱缘。下以绿缘。并青绮副带一。绶:五采--黄、赤、白、缥、绿、纁质。间施二玉环,皆织成。小绶三色同大绶。玉佩二,有小绶五采以副之。青袜舄。常服(大衫霞帔)凤冠:双凤翊龙冠,以皂縠为之。附以翠博山。上饰金龙一、翊以二珠翠凤,皆口衔珠滴。前后珠牡丹花、蕊头、翠叶、珠翠穰花鬓、珠翠云等。三博鬓(左右共六扇)。有金龙二各衔珠结挑排。大衫霞帔:衫--黄色,两领直下一尺,间缀纽子三。后身长于前身,行则摺起,末缀纽子二,纽在掩纽之下,拜则放之。霞帔--并列两条,尖端缝合,垂在身前,挂坠子,平端收纳于大衫身后三角形兜子内。深青为质,织金云霞龙文,饰以珠。用玉坠子,瑑龙文。鞠衣:红色,胸背云龙文,饰以珠。四襈袄子(即褙子): 深青为质,金绣团龙文。大带:红线罗为之,有缘。余或青或绿。缘襈袄子:黄色。红领褾襈裾,皆织金采色云龙文。缘襈裙:红色。绿缘襈,织金采色云龙文。玉革带:青绮鞓,描金云龙文。玉饰件十,金饰件四。玉花采结绶、红线罗系带一、白玉云样玎璫二(如佩制,每事上有金钩一)。青袜舄,与翟衣内制同。常服襦裙为明代自宫廷至民间所通服的最具代表性的女装款式,上身为短襦(袄子、夹衣),下身以马面裙为主,饰有裙襕,初期上衣多为交领,并有白色护领,后期多用立领等,袖为弧形琵琶袖,袖口收窄,或有白袖缘。衣在裙外,短则及腰,长乃至膝,直至清代汉族妇女仍延续此穿法,并影响到朝鲜等属国,最终形成今日韩服。百子衣(夹衣)比甲定陵孝靖皇后棺内出土,形制与罩甲相近。清代以此制为皇后朝褂子。衣:外用无袖方领对襟比甲,胸、背及各边饰升龙纹,如意纹串边,祥云填空,下幅加海水江涯、子孙龙纹。内为宝相花对襟立领夹衣。俱用金纽子。裙:马面襕裙冠:棕帽。三 皇妃冠服凡皇妃受册、助祭、朝会、则服礼服。燕居常服。礼服冠:九翟冠二顶。冠以皂縠为之。附以翠博山。饰以大珠翟二、小珠翟三、翠翟四、皆口衔珠滴。金凤一对、口衔珠结。金簪一对。珠翠牡丹花穰花各二朵。面花二对。梅花环、四珠环、各一对。衣:大衫、霞帔。衫用红色。紵丝纱罗随用。霞帔深青为质。织金云霞凤文。或绣或铺翠,圈金,饰以珠。紵丝纱罗随用。玉坠子瑑凤文。鞠衣:青色,胸背鸾凤云文。燕居服用素,除黄外余色及紵丝纱罗随用。四(衤癸)袄子:即褙子。桃花色,金绣团凤文。大带:青线罗为之、有缘。余或红或绿。各随鞠衣色。缘襈袄子:青色。红领褾襈裾、织金云凤文。缘襈裾:红色。绿缘襈,织金花凤文。玉谷圭:长七寸。剡其上。瑑谷文。以锦约其下。玉革带:青绮(革呈),描金云凤文,玉事件十,金事件三。玉花采结绶,如中宫佩制。青袜舄、袜以青线罗为之。舄用青绮。饰以描金云凤文。皇妃襦裙:冠:黑纱尖棕帽,有箍子,插挑心、顶簪、簪、钗等。衣:大红织金缠枝牡丹妆花绣“洪福齐天”女夹衣,为定陵出土,方领,对衿,用金纽子,胸背用方补,胸补为行龙五彩云纹,饰海水江崖,有“洪、福”二字分列左右。背补为升龙五彩云纹,饰海水江崖,“齐天”二字竖列于正中。四 皇嫔冠服礼服:冠用九翟。次皇妃之凤。大衫、鞠衣、如皇妃制,圭用次玉谷文。常服:襦裙,如皇妃制。冠:黑纱尖棕帽,插挑心、顶簪、“万寿”金簪、珠钗等。衣:织金四合如意窠缠枝牡丹交领夹衣,有护领,窄袖素缘。裙:大红凤襕妆花缎裙。Q版大明衣冠(二)艺术作品 2009-03-29 19:19 阅读41 评论0字号: 大 中 小五 皇太子、亲王冠服皇太子冠服皇太子陪祀天地、宗庙、及正旦、冬至、朝会、则服衮冕。从祭社稷、及受册纳妃亦如之。朔望朝、降诏、降香、进表、四夷朝贡朝觐、则服皮弁。衮冕(九章)永乐三年定冕冠:玄表朱裏,前后各九旒。每旒各五采缫九就。贯五采玉九。赤、白、青、黄、黑相次。玉衡、金簪、玄紞、垂青纩充耳(用青玉),承以白玉瑱,朱紘缨。玉圭:长九寸五分,以锦约其下并韬。衮服九章:玄衣五章--龙在肩,山在背,火、华虫、宗彝在袖(每袖各三),皆织成,本色领褾襈裾。纁裳四章--织藻、粉米、黼、黻各二。前三幅,后四幅,不相属,共腰有襞积。本色綼裼。中单:以素纱为之,青领褾襈裾,领织黻文十一。蔽膝:随裳色,四章--织藻、粉米、黼黻,本色缘,有紃施於缝中。其上玉钩二。玉佩二,上有金钩。小绶四采以副之,四采--赤、白、缥、绿,纁质。大带:素表朱裏,在腰及垂皆有綼,上綼以朱,下綼以绿。纽约用青组。大绶:四采--赤、白、缥、绿,纁质。小绶:三采,间施二玉环,龙文,皆织成。袜舄皆赤色。亲王冠服【册宝附】亲王助祭谒庙、正旦冬至等朝贺、则服衮冕, 受册纳妃、亦如之。朔望朝、降诏、降香、进表、四夷朝贡朝觐、则服皮弁。衮冕冕冠:玄表朱裏,前后各九旒。每旒各五采缫九就。贯五采玉九。赤、白、青、黄、黑相次。玉衡、金簪、玄紞、垂青纩充耳(用青玉),承以白玉瑱,朱紘缨。玉圭:长九寸二分五厘,以锦约其下,并韬。衮服九章:玄衣五章--龙在肩,山在背,火、华虫、宗彝在袖(每袖各三),皆织成,本色领褾襈裾。纁裳四章--织藻、粉米、黼、黻各二。前三幅,后四幅,不相属,共腰有襞积。本色綼裼。中单:以素纱为之,青领褾襈裾,领织黻文十一。蔽膝:随裳色;四章--织藻、粉米、黼、黻各二,本色缘。有紃施於缝中。其上玉钩二。玉佩:如东宫佩制。自珩以下瑑云龙文。上有金钩。小绶四采以副之。四采、赤、白、缥、绿、纁质。大带:素表朱裏。在腰及垂皆有綼。上綼以朱。下綼以绿。纽约用青组。大绶:四采、赤白、缥、绿。小绶三采、间施二玉环。龙文、皆织成。纁质。袜舄皆赤色。皇太子玄衣九章亲王青衣九章郡王冠服衮冕冕冠:玄表朱裏,前后七旒,每旒五采缫七就,各贯玉珠七--赤白青色相次。玉衡、金簪、玄紞、垂青纩充耳(用青玉)。朱紘缨,承以白玉瑱。玉圭:长九寸,以锦约其下,并韬。青衣纁裳:五章。青衣三章--粉米一在肩,其二并藻、宗彝各三在两袖,皆织成。本色领褾襈裾。纁裳二章--织黼、黻各二,前三幅,后四幅,不相属,共腰有襞积,本色綼裼。中单:以素纱为之,青领褾襈裾,领织黻文七。蔽膝:随裳色,二章--织黼、黻各二,本色缘,有紃施於缝中,其上玉钩二。玉佩、如亲王佩制,珩以下瑑云龙文,上有金钩,以小绶四采副之,四采--赤、白、缥、绿,纁质。大带:素表朱裏,在腰及垂皆有綼,上綼以朱,下綼以绿。纽约用青组。大绶:四采、赤、白、缥、绿,纁质。小绶三采,间施二玉环。皆织成。袜舄皆赤色。皇太子、亲王皮弁服永乐三年定皮弁:用乌纱冒之,前后各九缝,每缝中缀五采玉九。缝及冠武并贯簪系缨处皆饰以金,金簪朱缨。玉圭:如冕服内制。绛纱袍:本色领褾襈裾。红裳:如冕服内裳制,但不织章数。中单:以素纱为之,如深衣制,红领褾襈裾,领织黻文十一。蔽膝:随裳色,本色缘,有紃施於缝中,其上玉钩二。玉佩:如冕服内制,但无云龙文,有小绶四采以副之。大带、大绶、袜舄赤色,皆如冕服内制。郡王皮弁服皮弁:用乌纱冒之,前后各七缝,每缝中缀三采玉七。缝及冠武、并贯簪系缨处皆饰以金,金簪,朱缨。玉圭:如冕服内制。绛纱袍:本色领、褾、襈、裾。红裳:如冕服内裳制,但不织章数。中单:以素纱为之,如深衣制。红领褾襈裾,领织黻文七。蔽膝:随裳色,本色缘,有紃施于缝中。其上玉钩二。玉佩:如冕服内制,但无云龙文,有小绶四采以副之。大带、大绶、袜舄俱如冕服内制。皇太子、亲王 常服永乐三年定冠:乌纱折角向上巾--亦名翼善冠,亲、郡王及世子俱同。袍:赤色,盘领窄袖,前后及两肩、各金织蟠龙一。带:用玉。靴:皮为之。保和冠服嘉靖七年定冠制以燕弁为准。亲王用九(衤取)。世子用八(衤取)。郡王用七(衤取)。俱去簪与五玉。后山皆一扇为之,分画为四。郡王长子冠、如忠静之制。用五(衤取)。服用青身青缘,前后方龙补各一。身用素地,边用云。其补子郡王以上采妆。郡王长子织金为之。衬用深衣,玉色。带青表,绿裏,绿缘。履用皂,绿结,白袜。六 皇太子妃冠服礼服九翬四凤冠:漆竹丝为圆匡,冒以翡翠,上饰翠翬九、金凤四,皆口衔珠滴。珠翠云、大珠花九树--皆牡丹花,每树花一朵,半开一朵,蕊头二个,翠叶九叶。小珠花如大珠花之数--皆穰花飘枝,每枝花一朵,半开一朵,翠叶五叶。双博鬓(左右共四扇),饰以鸾凤,皆垂珠滴。翠口圈一副。珠排环一对。珠皂罗额子一--描金凤文,用珠二十一颗。翟衣:深青,织翟文九等(凡一百三十八对),间以小轮花,红领褾襈裾,织金云凤文。中单:玉色纱为之,红领褾襈裾,领织黻文十一,或用线罗。蔽膝:随衣色,织翟为章二等,间以小轮花三。以緅为领缘,织金云凤文。玉谷圭:长七寸,剡其上,瑑谷文。以锦约其下并韬。玉革带:青绮鞓,描金云凤文,玉事件十,金事件四。大带:表裏俱青红相半,其末纯红而下垂,织金云凤文。上以朱缘,下以绿缘,并青绮副带一。大绶:四采、赤、白、缥、绿,纁质,皆织成,间施二玉环。小绶三,色同大绶。玉佩二,珩以下瑑饰云凤文,描金,上有金钩,以小绶四采副之--赤、白、缥、绿,纁质,织成。青袜舄:袜以青线罗为之。舄用青绮,饰以描金云凤文,皂线纯,每舄首加珠三颗。七 亲王妃、公主冠服王妃受册、助祭、朝会则服礼服。礼服(大衫霞帔)冠:九翟冠二顶。冠以皂縠为之。附以翠博山。饰以大小珠翟九,皆口衔珠滴。金凤一对,口衔珠结。金簪一对。珠翠牡丹花穰花各二朵。面花二对。梅花环、四珠环、各一对。衣:大衫霞帔--衫用大红。霞帔以深青为质,金绣云霞凤文。金坠子亦鈒凤文。鞠衣:青色,如深衣制,胸背金绣云凤文。惟不用黄,燕居服用素。四(衤癸)袄子:即褙子。桃红色,金绣团凤文。大带:青线罗为之,有缘,或用红罗。玉谷圭:长七寸,剡其上,瑑谷文,以锦约其下并韬 【公主不用圭】。玉革带、青绮(革呈)。描金云凤文。玉事件十、金事件三玉革带:青绮鞓,描金云凤文,玉事件十,金事件三。玉花采结绶,如东宫妃佩制。青袜舄、袜以青线罗为之。舄用青绮。饰以描金云凤文。公主冠服 与亲王妃同。八 文武官冠服朝服凡大祀庆成、正旦、冬至、圣节、及颁降开读诏赦、进表、传制,则文武官各服朝服。其武官应直守卫者不拘此服。文武官朝服:梁冠。上衣:用赤罗青缘,其长过腰指寸七寸,毋掩下裳。中单:白纱为之,青缘。下裳:七幅--前三后四,每幅三襞积,赤罗青缘,蔽膝:赤罗,无缘。绶:各照品级花样。革带之后佩绶系而掩之,其环亦各照品级用玉犀金银铜为之,不以织於绶。大带:表裏俱素,惟两耳及下垂缘以绿色,又用青组约之。革带:一品玉,二品犀,三品四品金,五品银鈒花,六品七品银,八品九品乌角。佩玉:一如诗传之制,去双滴及二珩,其三品以上用玉,四品以下用药玉。白袜。黑履。一品:冠七梁,不用笼巾貂蝉。革带与佩俱用玉。绶用绿黄赤紫四色丝织成云凤四色花锦,下结青丝网,绶环二,用玉。笏用象牙。八品九品:冠:一梁,革带用乌角,佩用药玉,绶用黄绿二色丝织成鸂鶒花锦,下结青丝网。绶环二,用铜。笏用槐木。杂职未入流品人员:若遇大朝贺、进表、随班行礼,止用公服。洪武三十年奏准亦照九品官,具朝服行礼。公:冠八梁,加笼巾貂蝉,立笔五折。前后用玉为蝉。侯:冠七梁,加笼巾貂蝉,立笔四折。前后用金为蝉。伯:冠七梁,加笼巾貂蝉,立笔二折。前后玳瑁为蝉。俱左插雉尾。驸马:冠与侯同,不用雉尾。祭服凡上亲祀、郊庙、社稷,文武官分献陪祀则服祭服。洪武二十六年定文武官陪祭服:一品至九品--青罗衣,白纱中单,俱用皂领缘。赤罗裳,皂缘。赤罗蔽膝。方心曲领。其冠带佩绶等第并同朝服○又令品官家用祭服,三品以上去方心曲领。四品以下并去佩绶。○又令杂职祭服与九品同。嘉靖八年定上衣用青罗皂缘。长与朝服同。下裳用赤罗皂缘。制与朝服同。蔽膝、绶环、大带、革带、佩玉、袜履,俱与朝服同,去方心曲领。三品祭服:五梁冠,革带用金,佩用玉,笏用象牙。驸马祭服:七梁冠,加笼巾貂蝉,立笔四折,前后用金蝉。革带、佩用玉,牙笏。公服在京文武官每日早晚朝奏事及侍班、谢恩、见辞则服公服,在外文武官每日清早公座亦服之。后常朝止便服,惟朔望具公服朝参。其武官应直守卫者不拘此服。文武官公服:用盘领右衽袍,或紵丝纱罗绢从宜制造,袖宽三尺。一品至四品绯袍,五品至七品青袍,八品九品绿袍,未入流杂职官袍笏带与八品以下同。公服花样:一品用大独科花,径五寸。二品小独科花,径三寸。三品散答花无枝叶,径二寸。四品五品小杂花纹,径一寸五分。六品七品小杂花,径一寸。八品以下无纹。帕头:用漆纱二等,展角各长一尺二寸,其杂职官员帕头用垂带。笏:依朝服为之。腰带:一品用玉,或花或素。二品用犀。三品四品用金荔枝。五品以下用乌角。鞓用青革,仍垂挞尾於下。靴用皂。
The innovative application of Miao embroidery in modern clothing design in Guizhou Province Summary:Guizhou Miao embroidery is one of the intangible cultural heritage in the world. It is a wonderful flower in the history of Chinese embroidery and has a unique artistic charm. Miao embroidery is a cultural product created by the people of Miao nationality who exert their wisdom and diligence in the life of nature. It is the carrier of Miao culture. The application of Miao embroidery innovation in Guizhou in modern clothing design is beneficial to the establishment of unique artistic style of modern clothing, the integration of traditional technology and modern design, and the inheritance and development of traditional words:Guizhou Miao Embroidery; modern clothing design; innovative application IntroductionMiao embroidery in Guizhou Province is wonderful, but with the development of the times, Miao embroidery skills gradually decline, is facing the challenge of metamorphosis and regeneration. Designers in the new era should shoulder the responsibility of inheriting and developing the Miao embroidery techniques. The Miao embroidery is a source of inspiration for modern fashion design because of its rich and varied shapes, colors and techniques[1].In the new era, how to apply the innovation of Guizhou Miao embroidery to modern clothing design, how to inherit and innovate, how to collide traditional techniques with modern design to create new sparks, and how to make Miao embroidery glow with new vitality, etc. , it is worthy of our deep thought and study. 1. Main characteristics and distribution of Miao embroidery in GuizhouMiao embroidery in Guizhou is very particular. Different needlework methods should be considered according to the expression of different objects and artistic effects. Some needlework, some needlework, some needlework, and some needlework involve thread winding, weaving and knotting each other. Guizhou Miao embroidery mainly flat embroidery, lock embroidery, braids embroidery, seed embroidery, plate embroidery, broken thread embroidery, tin embroidery and so on, embroidery design texture rich three-dimensional sense. There are many branches of Miao ethnic group in Guizhou, and different regions have different representative types of embroidery: the most common flat embroidery, mainly distributed in southeast Guizhou Taijiang, Shidong, Rongjiang and Danzhai County. Flat embroidery single needle single thread, pay attention to even and even stitch. CREPE and braid embroidery are mainly distributed in Xi River and Leishan. It is one of the most unique traditional embroideries. The craft is complicated, first the silk thread weaves the small plait, with the traditional pattern pastes the cloth as the bottom, the small plait sews on the pattern, each sews a stitch to fold, causes the small plait drape three-dimensional, like the relief. Dazi embroidery is mainly distributed in Taijiang, Dazi is to wire around a few times and then insert the base cloth to play a knot in one heart, a Zhang Sengyou effect. Broken thread embroidery, mainly distributed in Taijiang, is a very special embroidery method in flat embroidery. Broken thread embroidery divides ordinary silk thread into 8 to 12 strands of fine thread, and then uses fine threads to make flat embroidery. It is exquisite, exquisite and luxurious. It is a fine work in Miao embroidery. Tin Embroidery is distributed in Jianhe. The Intelligent Miao people cut tin foil into thread and embroider it on cloth. The geometric pattern is the most fashionable style of embroidery[2].Miao embroidery in Guizhou Province is rich and colorful, with distinctive features, which congeals the national spirit and historical and cultural connotation of Guizhou. 2. Development Status of Miao embroidery in Guizhou ProvinceWith the development of social economy, there are fewer and fewer young people learning embroidery skills[3].Miao embroidery process innovation and age is proportional to the younger generation of the Miao is the carrier of process inheritance, lack of innovation will lead to Miao embroidery culture and environmental adaptability[4].The lack of innovation ability has become a big problem in the development of Miao embroidery Guizhou has unique tourism resources. In recent years, the rapid development of Guizhou tourism industry has led to the development of tourism products, and the design of tourism products with Guizhou characteristics has become a hot spot, including the development of Guizhou Miao embroidery tourism products with Guizhou characteristics, for example has the Miao nationality embroidery clothing, the bag, the small ornament and so on. Since 2015, the international ethnic and folk cultural tourism products fair of Guizhou has been held, fully displaying the colorful and varied forms of Guizhou, displaying ingenious ethnic cultural products and unique ethnic cultures, to promote the protection, inheritance and scientific and reasonable industrial transformation of national folk arts and crafts, so as to promote Guizhou mass entrepreneurship and innovation, further enhance cultural self-confidence, and enhance the soft power of culture. The opening of the fair has brought a new opportunity for the innovation and development of Miao embroidery in Guizhou. 3. The application of Miao embroidery in costume design in Guizhou application of Miao embroidery in traditional dress in Guizhou ProvinceMiao embroidery is not bound by natural form, pay attention to emotional expression screen, rich in strong artistic appeal. Abstract methods are widely used in the modeling of Traditional Miao costumes. The image of virtual animals and plants of the Miao people in Guizhou Province means that in the long course of history, the Miao people have naturally transcended the process of imitating reality in the face of various external circumstances, the abstract form of the object in the Miao embroidery to provide a broad space for its the traditional costumes, the Miao people in Guizhou have rich and colorful embroidery colors and techniques, which are full of the unique artistic language of the Miao Culture. In traditional costumes, Miao embroidery uses unique embroidery techniques to decorate costumes, which are often decorated on the body, placket, collar, cuffs and Hem of traditional costumes, the texture effect in the decoration increases the layering, massiness and artistic sense of the dress. Women dress up, complex exquisite needle will focus on the collar, cuffs and other parts, highlighting the focus of clothing, and ensure the harmony and unity of clothing and accessories[5]. application of Miao embroidery in modern clothing designThe modern clothing design uses the Miao nationality traditional color matching method for reference, the decorative color mainly gives priority to the bright color, forms the intense contrast color. Highlight the decorative patterns of clothing, traditional Miao costumes into modern clothing. In the modern clothing design, the traditional national cultural elements are increasing, the unique style of Guizhou Miao embroidery has created the traditional significance modern fashion works in the international modern clothing design application[6].In 2009, the famous domestic designer Lin Xuefei designed the evening dress with the Miao nationality characteristic by the tin embroidery element, and displayed it at the European wedding dress conference, which caused a great sensation overseas. Miaos'clothing elements are widely used in modern fashion design in European and American fashion shows. Modern women underwear design is often used embroidery techniques, highlighting the Miao embroidery close to the heart, showing the feminine soft and sexy[7].
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