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journal of diabetes metabolism是糖尿病代谢杂志的意思糖尿病是一组以高血糖为特征的代谢性疾病。高血糖则是由于胰岛素分泌缺陷或其生物作用受损,或两者兼有引起。糖尿病时长期存在的高血糖,导致各种组织,特别是眼、肾、心脏、血管、神经的慢性损害、功能障碍。病因: 1.遗传因素 1型或2型糖尿病均存在明显的遗传异质性。糖尿病存在家族发病倾向,1/4~1/2患者有糖尿病家族史。临床上至少有60种以上的遗传综合征可伴有糖尿病。1型糖尿病有多个DNA位点参与发病,其中以HLA抗原基因中DQ位点多态性关系最为密切。在2型糖尿病已发现多种明确的基因突变,如胰岛素基因、胰岛素受体基因、葡萄糖激酶基因、线粒体基因等。 2.环境因素进食过多,体力活动减少导致的肥胖是2型糖尿病最主要的环境因素,使具有2型糖尿病遗传易感性的个体容易发病。1型糖尿病患者存在免疫系统异常,在某些病毒如柯萨奇病毒,风疹病毒,腮腺病毒等感染后导致自身免疫反应,破坏胰岛素β细胞。

With the improvement of people's life level,various healthy problems come out one after the other,including the to prevent us from the diabetes is very should eat the cereal food and aviod having to much fat as much as keeping seated for too long,and doing some sports everyday is quite necessary,which can prevent us from growing addition,having a plenty of sleep should also be kept in 's more,having a physical examination regularly can help us find out our healthy problems earlier so that we won't miss the best chance to heal them.


With the improvement of people's life level,various healthy problems come out one after the other,including the to prevent us from the diabetes is very should eat the cereal food and aviod having to much fat as much as keeping seated for too long,and doing some sports everyday is quite necessary,which can prevent us from growing addition,having a plenty of sleep should also be kept in 's more,having a physical examination regularly can help us find out our healthy problems earlier so that we won't miss the best chance to heal them.

journal of diabetes metabolism是糖尿病代谢杂志的意思糖尿病是一组以高血糖为特征的代谢性疾病。高血糖则是由于胰岛素分泌缺陷或其生物作用受损,或两者兼有引起。糖尿病时长期存在的高血糖,导致各种组织,特别是眼、肾、心脏、血管、神经的慢性损害、功能障碍。病因: 1.遗传因素 1型或2型糖尿病均存在明显的遗传异质性。糖尿病存在家族发病倾向,1/4~1/2患者有糖尿病家族史。临床上至少有60种以上的遗传综合征可伴有糖尿病。1型糖尿病有多个DNA位点参与发病,其中以HLA抗原基因中DQ位点多态性关系最为密切。在2型糖尿病已发现多种明确的基因突变,如胰岛素基因、胰岛素受体基因、葡萄糖激酶基因、线粒体基因等。 2.环境因素进食过多,体力活动减少导致的肥胖是2型糖尿病最主要的环境因素,使具有2型糖尿病遗传易感性的个体容易发病。1型糖尿病患者存在免疫系统异常,在某些病毒如柯萨奇病毒,风疹病毒,腮腺病毒等感染后导致自身免疫反应,破坏胰岛素β细胞。



糖尿病作为一种代谢性疾病,其患病率随经济的发展呈逐年增加趋势。糖尿病对人体的危害主要是造成各种器官功能障碍和衰竭。下面是我带来的关于糖尿病的英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


糖尿病英文简介-What is diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects over 150 million people in the world today.

The precentage of people suffering from diabetes is increasing rapidly, to the point where many medical authorities are referring to it as an epidemic.

So what is diabetes?

Diabetes prevents your body from turning your food into energy. Instead glucose stays in your bloodstream, and left untreated can result in a range of complications.

If you have recently been diagnosed as diabetic, don't worry. With proper treatment and care, you will lead a normal and happy life. You may need to make a few changes in your lifestyle - but then, if you are like me, you probably had plans to do that anyway and just never got round to it.

Now is the time to kick yourself into action. You cannot leave this up to your doctor alone - it needs you to take responsibility for your own treatment, and that starts with understanding what you are dealing with.

There are three types of Diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes, (sometimes called Juvenile Diabetes) is usually found in young children and teenagers, but can also occur later in life.

In Type 1 Diabetes, your body is not producing insulin, a hormone needed to convert blood sugar into energy. Normally this hormone is produced by cells in your pancreas, but for some reason this is not happening as it should.

As the glucose in your blood can't be converted into energy and absorbed by your cells, it builds up causing high blood sugar.

Left untreated, high blood sugar can cause serious long-term health problems.

The normal treatment for people with type 1 diabetes is daily injections of insulin which keeps the blood sugar level within normal ranges.

Finding out you have diabetes can be upsetting, but it should not prevent you from living a long and happy life.

If you think this condition will prevent you leading an active life, consider Sir Steve Redgrave, one of the World's greatest Olympic athletes.

Sir Steve battled type 1 diabetes to win his record-breaking fifth Olympic Gold medal at the Sydney games in the coxless fours rowing event!

Type 2 diabetes (sometimes called mature onset diabetes) is the most common form of diabetes.

As with Type 1 Diabetes, the problem is related to insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar into energy.

With Type 2 diabetes your body might be producing too little insulin, or it might not be reacting to the insulin correctly. Either way, the end result is that glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells. Left untreated, high blood sugar can cause serious long-term health problems.

Type 2 diabetes usually appears later in life, often between the ages of 35-45 years. As it often develops slowly, many people may not recognise the symptoms, and may have diabetes without knowing it.

If you have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you are one of the lucky ones. Many people have diabetes without knowing it, and are at much greater risk of long term medical complications.

Finding out you have diabetes can be upsetting, but it should not prevent you from living a long and happy life. You may need to make a few changes in your lifestyle, but these changes are also good advice for non-diabetics, so probably a good idea anyway.

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes, that is only suffered by pregnant women.

In Gestational diabetes, a woman’s blood sugar is higher than normal because of the other hormones pridcued during preganancy interfere with the insulin that is produced naturally.

Gestational diabetes usually becomes apparent during the 24th to 28th weeks of pregnancy, and, in most cases, disappears of its own accord once the baby is born.

Women with gestational diabetes usually do NOT have an increased risk of having a baby with birth defects.

Generally, sufferers of gestational diabetes have normal blood sugar levels during the critical first stages of the preganancy.

Whilst there can be complications caused by gestational diabetes, these can usually be managed by careful attention to nutrition and blood sugar levels.

Approximately 3 to 5 percent of all pregnant women in the developed world suffer from gestational diabetes.


医学英语 糖尿病专业词汇

A1C –Hemoglobin A1c 醣化血色素

A-II receptor antagonist/blockers-ARA [ARB]血管张力素II 接受体拮抗剂/阻断剂

A chain,insulin, 胰岛素α链

Acanthosis nigrans, 皮肤棘状黑色素瘤

Acarbose,一种α-葡萄苷酶抑制剂 ,Acarbose [Glucobay-Bayer]

Accountability measures 质量改善度评量

ACCU-Check Compact-Roche Diabetes Monitoring Kit 一种携带型血糖机

Accupril --Quinapril [Acupril-Parke Davis]之商品名

ACEI=ACE inhibitor 血管张力素转化酶抑制剂 [ACEI 非正式名词]

ACE inhibitors 血管张力素转化酶抑制剂

ACE-K煮甜甜--Acesulfame Potassium [煮甜甜—益富]一种Sweatener 甜味矫味剂

Aceon--Perindopril [Aceon-Solvay] [Acertil-Servier]一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂

Acertil--Perindopril [Aceon-Solvay] [Acertil-Servier]一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂

Acesulfame Potassium =ACE-K [煮甜甜—益富]- 一种Sweatener 甜味矫味剂,

Adalat--Nifedipine [Adalat-Bayer] [Adalat OROS-Bayer] 一种钙离子径路阻断剂

Adalat OROS--Nifedipine[Adalat OROS-Bayer]一种钙离子径路阻断剂 长效型

Adhesion molecule 黏着分子 与动脉硬化形成有关,可被HDL抑制

Acertil --Perinodopril [Acertil-Servier]商品名,属于ACE inhibitor用于糖尿肾病变

Acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸盐 乙酰醋酸

Acetohexamide 口服降糖药物 Acetohexamide [Dymelor-Lilly]

Acetone 丙酮

Acetylsalicylic acid: [Aspirin-Bayer],乙酰水杨酸,阿司匹林

Acidosis 酸血症

Acipimox [Olbetam-Pharmacia] 烟碱酸类降脂剂


Action--Insulin 胰岛素之作用

Actos –Pioglitazone,Insulin sensitizer胰岛素敏感度反应性增强剂 新降血糖药物

Actrapid Human Insulin-Novo Regular, Human insulin快速作用型 人体胰岛素

Acute myocardial infarction急性心肌梗塞

ADA=American Diabetes Association 美国糖尿病学会


ADDQOL=Adult of Diabetes Dependent QOL成人糖尿病相应生活质量

Adhesion--Insulin 胰岛素沾粘性

Adrenergic blockers交感神经阻断剂

Aducut--Delapril [Adecut-武田] 一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂

Adult of Diabetes Dependent QOL=ADDQOL成人糖尿病相应生活质量

Adult Treatment Panel III , National Cholesterol education Program =NCEP ATP III

AER Albumin excretion rate尿液白蛋白排出率

journal of diabetes metabolism是糖尿病代谢杂志的意思糖尿病是一组以高血糖为特征的代谢性疾病。高血糖则是由于胰岛素分泌缺陷或其生物作用受损,或两者兼有引起。糖尿病时长期存在的高血糖,导致各种组织,特别是眼、肾、心脏、血管、神经的慢性损害、功能障碍。病因: 1.遗传因素 1型或2型糖尿病均存在明显的遗传异质性。糖尿病存在家族发病倾向,1/4~1/2患者有糖尿病家族史。临床上至少有60种以上的遗传综合征可伴有糖尿病。1型糖尿病有多个DNA位点参与发病,其中以HLA抗原基因中DQ位点多态性关系最为密切。在2型糖尿病已发现多种明确的基因突变,如胰岛素基因、胰岛素受体基因、葡萄糖激酶基因、线粒体基因等。 2.环境因素进食过多,体力活动减少导致的肥胖是2型糖尿病最主要的环境因素,使具有2型糖尿病遗传易感性的个体容易发病。1型糖尿病患者存在免疫系统异常,在某些病毒如柯萨奇病毒,风疹病毒,腮腺病毒等感染后导致自身免疫反应,破坏胰岛素β细胞。



With the improvement of people's life level,various healthy problems come out one after the other,including the to prevent us from the diabetes is very should eat the cereal food and aviod having to much fat as much as keeping seated for too long,and doing some sports everyday is quite necessary,which can prevent us from growing addition,having a plenty of sleep should also be kept in 's more,having a physical examination regularly can help us find out our healthy problems earlier so that we won't miss the best chance to heal them.

Diabetes is a group characterized by high blood sugar and metabolic diseases. Hyperglycemia is due to defects in insulin secretion or action of biological damage, or both cause. Longstanding diabetes high blood sugar, leading to a variety of organizations, particularly chronic damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and of disease1. genetic factorsType 1 or type 2 diabetes are significant genetic heterogeneity. Diabetes onset familial tendency, 1/4 to 1/2 patients have a family history of diabetes. Clinically, there are at least 60 or more kinds of genetic syndromes may be associated with diabetes. Type 1 diabetes has multiple DNA sites involved in the pathogenesis, which DQ polymorphism loci HLA antigen genes most closely. In type 2 diabetes has found a variety of mutations in specific genes, such as the insulin gene, insulin receptor gene, glucokinase genes, mitochondrial . envirnmental factorEating too much physical activity to reduce obesity leads to type 2 diabetes is the most important environmental factors that make individuals with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes genetic morbidity. Type 1 diabetes patients with immune system abnormalities, after some viruses such as coxsackie virus, rubella virus, parotid gland virus infection leads to autoimmune reactions, destroy the insulin β manifestations1. Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight lossThe typical "little" severe symptoms of high blood sugar, more common in type 1 diabetes. When ketosis or ketoacidosis, "a little" more obvious . Fatigue, weakness, obesityMore common in type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes often before the onset of obesity, if not timely diagnosis, weight will gradually examination1. blood sugarIt is the Sole Criterion for the diagnosis of diabetes. Obviously "a little" symptoms, as long as the abnormal blood glucose level can be diagnosed once. Asymptomatic diabetes diagnosis requires two abnormal blood glucose level. Suspects to be done to 75g glucose tolerance . UrineOften positive. Positive urine when blood glucose concentration exceeds the renal threshold for glucose (160 to 180 mg / dl). Renal glucose threshold increased blood sugar even reach a diagnosis of diabetes can be negative. Therefore, urine is not measured as diagnostic . KetonePositive urine ketone ketosis or . Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)Is a non-enzymatic reaction of glucose and hemoglobin product of the reaction is not reversible, stable HbA1c levels reflect the average blood glucose level before taking the blood of two months. Analyzing the state of glycemic control is the most valuable . Glycated serum proteinIt is a non-enzymatic reaction with glucose serum albumin product of the combination, before taking reflect the average blood glucose level of 1 to 3 . Serum insulin and C-peptide levelsReflect reserve islet β cells. Type 2 diabetes early or obese normal or elevated serum insulin, as the disease progresses, islet function gradually decline, decreased insulin . LipidDiabetic dyslipidemia common in poorly controlled blood sugar especially. Expressed as triglycerides, total cholesterol, elevated LDL cholesterol levels. Reduce high-density lipoprotein cholesterol . Immune IndexesIslet cell antibodies (ICA), insulin autoantibodies (IAA) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies are type 1 diabetes humoral immune abnormalities of three important indicators, which GAD antibody positive rate, long duration of 1 Great value diabetes diagnosis. In type 1 diabetes in first-degree relatives also have some positive rate, meaning there is prediction of type 1 . Urinary albumin excretion, RIA or enzyme-linked methodCan be easily detected by urinary albumin excretion, early diabetic nephropathy urinary albumin increased diagnosis usually is not difficult, fasting blood glucose greater than or equal to mmol / l, and / or two-hour postprandial blood glucose greater than or equal to mmol / l can be confirmed. After the diagnosis of diabetes to be typing: diabetesAge of onset of light, mostly <30 years, sudden onset, polydipsia and polyuria more food weight loss symptoms, high blood sugar levels, many patients with ketoacidosis as the first symptom, serum insulin and C-peptide levels low, ICA, IAA or GAD antibody positive. Oral medication alone is invalid, required insulin diabetesCommon in the elderly, a high incidence of obesity, often associated with hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases. Insidious onset, early without any symptoms, or only mild weakness, thirst, blood sugar tolerance test were not obvious to be done to confirm the diagnosis. Serum insulin levels normal or increased early and late low.

it was in 's people was very pain. Medicine is very offices say :they blive the United State.

糖尿病作为一种代谢性疾病,其患病率随经济的发展呈逐年增加趋势。糖尿病对人体的危害主要是造成各种器官功能障碍和衰竭。下面是我带来的关于糖尿病的英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


糖尿病英文简介-What is diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects over 150 million people in the world today.

The precentage of people suffering from diabetes is increasing rapidly, to the point where many medical authorities are referring to it as an epidemic.

So what is diabetes?

Diabetes prevents your body from turning your food into energy. Instead glucose stays in your bloodstream, and left untreated can result in a range of complications.

If you have recently been diagnosed as diabetic, don't worry. With proper treatment and care, you will lead a normal and happy life. You may need to make a few changes in your lifestyle - but then, if you are like me, you probably had plans to do that anyway and just never got round to it.

Now is the time to kick yourself into action. You cannot leave this up to your doctor alone - it needs you to take responsibility for your own treatment, and that starts with understanding what you are dealing with.

There are three types of Diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes, (sometimes called Juvenile Diabetes) is usually found in young children and teenagers, but can also occur later in life.

In Type 1 Diabetes, your body is not producing insulin, a hormone needed to convert blood sugar into energy. Normally this hormone is produced by cells in your pancreas, but for some reason this is not happening as it should.

As the glucose in your blood can't be converted into energy and absorbed by your cells, it builds up causing high blood sugar.

Left untreated, high blood sugar can cause serious long-term health problems.

The normal treatment for people with type 1 diabetes is daily injections of insulin which keeps the blood sugar level within normal ranges.

Finding out you have diabetes can be upsetting, but it should not prevent you from living a long and happy life.

If you think this condition will prevent you leading an active life, consider Sir Steve Redgrave, one of the World's greatest Olympic athletes.

Sir Steve battled type 1 diabetes to win his record-breaking fifth Olympic Gold medal at the Sydney games in the coxless fours rowing event!

Type 2 diabetes (sometimes called mature onset diabetes) is the most common form of diabetes.

As with Type 1 Diabetes, the problem is related to insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar into energy.

With Type 2 diabetes your body might be producing too little insulin, or it might not be reacting to the insulin correctly. Either way, the end result is that glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells. Left untreated, high blood sugar can cause serious long-term health problems.

Type 2 diabetes usually appears later in life, often between the ages of 35-45 years. As it often develops slowly, many people may not recognise the symptoms, and may have diabetes without knowing it.

If you have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you are one of the lucky ones. Many people have diabetes without knowing it, and are at much greater risk of long term medical complications.

Finding out you have diabetes can be upsetting, but it should not prevent you from living a long and happy life. You may need to make a few changes in your lifestyle, but these changes are also good advice for non-diabetics, so probably a good idea anyway.

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes, that is only suffered by pregnant women.

In Gestational diabetes, a woman’s blood sugar is higher than normal because of the other hormones pridcued during preganancy interfere with the insulin that is produced naturally.

Gestational diabetes usually becomes apparent during the 24th to 28th weeks of pregnancy, and, in most cases, disappears of its own accord once the baby is born.

Women with gestational diabetes usually do NOT have an increased risk of having a baby with birth defects.

Generally, sufferers of gestational diabetes have normal blood sugar levels during the critical first stages of the preganancy.

Whilst there can be complications caused by gestational diabetes, these can usually be managed by careful attention to nutrition and blood sugar levels.

Approximately 3 to 5 percent of all pregnant women in the developed world suffer from gestational diabetes.


医学英语 糖尿病专业词汇

A1C –Hemoglobin A1c 醣化血色素

A-II receptor antagonist/blockers-ARA [ARB]血管张力素II 接受体拮抗剂/阻断剂

A chain,insulin, 胰岛素α链

Acanthosis nigrans, 皮肤棘状黑色素瘤

Acarbose,一种α-葡萄苷酶抑制剂 ,Acarbose [Glucobay-Bayer]

Accountability measures 质量改善度评量

ACCU-Check Compact-Roche Diabetes Monitoring Kit 一种携带型血糖机

Accupril --Quinapril [Acupril-Parke Davis]之商品名

ACEI=ACE inhibitor 血管张力素转化酶抑制剂 [ACEI 非正式名词]

ACE inhibitors 血管张力素转化酶抑制剂

ACE-K煮甜甜--Acesulfame Potassium [煮甜甜—益富]一种Sweatener 甜味矫味剂

Aceon--Perindopril [Aceon-Solvay] [Acertil-Servier]一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂

Acertil--Perindopril [Aceon-Solvay] [Acertil-Servier]一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂

Acesulfame Potassium =ACE-K [煮甜甜—益富]- 一种Sweatener 甜味矫味剂,

Adalat--Nifedipine [Adalat-Bayer] [Adalat OROS-Bayer] 一种钙离子径路阻断剂

Adalat OROS--Nifedipine[Adalat OROS-Bayer]一种钙离子径路阻断剂 长效型

Adhesion molecule 黏着分子 与动脉硬化形成有关,可被HDL抑制

Acertil --Perinodopril [Acertil-Servier]商品名,属于ACE inhibitor用于糖尿肾病变

Acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸盐 乙酰醋酸

Acetohexamide 口服降糖药物 Acetohexamide [Dymelor-Lilly]

Acetone 丙酮

Acetylsalicylic acid: [Aspirin-Bayer],乙酰水杨酸,阿司匹林

Acidosis 酸血症

Acipimox [Olbetam-Pharmacia] 烟碱酸类降脂剂


Action--Insulin 胰岛素之作用

Actos –Pioglitazone,Insulin sensitizer胰岛素敏感度反应性增强剂 新降血糖药物

Actrapid Human Insulin-Novo Regular, Human insulin快速作用型 人体胰岛素

Acute myocardial infarction急性心肌梗塞

ADA=American Diabetes Association 美国糖尿病学会


ADDQOL=Adult of Diabetes Dependent QOL成人糖尿病相应生活质量

Adhesion--Insulin 胰岛素沾粘性

Adrenergic blockers交感神经阻断剂

Aducut--Delapril [Adecut-武田] 一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂

Adult of Diabetes Dependent QOL=ADDQOL成人糖尿病相应生活质量

Adult Treatment Panel III , National Cholesterol education Program =NCEP ATP III

AER Albumin excretion rate尿液白蛋白排出率



舌尖健康 糖尿病人合理饮食对控制血糖有积极的作用,一日三餐吃好了、吃对了,对控制血糖事半功倍。前两期我们讲了 早餐 和 午餐 指南,本期继续讲糖尿病人饮食之 晚餐 指南。 一、糖尿病人晚餐 吃什么 ?1.高纤维食物 糖尿病患者要多吃 玉米、小麦、白菜、韭菜、豆类制品 等高纤维的食物,因为高纤维的食物可以促进集体的糖代谢。   2.含糖低的蔬菜 晚餐可以吃含糖低的素菜如 韭菜、西葫芦、冬瓜、南瓜、青菜、青椒、茄子等。 更好的如 西红柿 含糖量低,既可以当素菜又可以当水果吃。 3.富含维生素B和C的食物 多吃富含维生素B和C的食物,有利于减缓并发症的来袭,特别是像视网膜病变、肾病等并发症。如 鱼、奶、白菜、豆类以及青菜、芥菜、甘蓝、青椒、鲜枣等。 4.富含硒的食物。 硒有与胰岛素相同的调节糖代谢的生理活性。如 鱼、香菇、芝麻、大蒜、芥菜 等,它们能降低血糖、改善糖尿病症状。  5.含钙的食物 可多吃含钙丰富的食物。因为缺钙常常能促使病情加重。如 虾皮、海带、排骨、芝麻酱、黄豆、牛奶等。 二、糖尿病人晚餐 注意事项 糖尿病人合理饮食不仅包括需要知道吃什么,还在于知道吃什么之后掌握食用方法,如食用时间、食用量等注意事项。为此特整理出以下几个糖尿病人饮食的 注意事项和原则: 晚餐不宜晚 晚餐的时间最好安排在晚上 6点 左右,尽量不要超过晚上8点。尽量在睡前的 3~4小时 ,因为睡觉时胃里残留的食物已不多,不会影响夜里的睡眠质量。同时也有助于夜间血糖的控制。如果晚餐吃的太晚后即入睡,此时食物还没有消化代谢完毕,会减慢食物代谢的速度,增加胰岛负担,影响空腹血糖的稳定。 晚餐不宜荤 糖尿病患者一般超重或肥胖,故晚上尽可能少吃肉类和油脂类的食物,可以用豆类及其制品如豆腐、豆皮、豆腐丝或蛋奶类来代替肉类。白天用脑过度的话,可以选择清淡易消化的鱼类食用,有助于记忆力提高。 晚餐不宜饱 糖友晚餐时间充裕、食物丰盛,难免会多吃几口,吃到撑着。其实这样对血糖控制非常不利,尤其是餐后血糖的控制。建议糖友们,晚餐吃到“七八分饱”即可,就是感觉还没有完全吃饱,但是已经不饿了,还想再吃几口,如果把食物拿走,也是可以的。这样有助于有效的控制进餐量,保持血糖的平稳。 晚餐不宜甜 晚餐和晚餐后都不宜经常吃甜食。因为白糖经消化分解为果糖与葡萄糖,被人体吸收后分别转变成能量与脂肪,由于运动能抑制胰岛素分泌,对白糖转换成脂肪也有抑制作用。所以摄取白糖后立即运动,就可抑制血液中中性脂肪浓度长高。而摄取白糖后立刻休息,结果则相反,久而久之会令人发胖。 三、饮食配合 药物,更有效降糖 合理饮食是控糖的重要手段,但只依靠饮食降糖效果有限,辅以必要的药物降糖,能够更加稳定有效平衡体内血糖。关于降低血糖的药物,推荐以色列纯天然血糖平衡膳食营养补充剂——Curalife 推荐理由: 提取11种天然植物的精华,更加有效安全地降糖; 采用具有几千年历史的印度阿育吠陀疗法,与中医类似的草药疗法; 服用患者反馈,服用三天就有明显的降糖效果。 长按关注,获取更多健康知识。试用装领取,请关注Curalife公众号

一个麦当劳炸鸡腿得毒性相当60根香烟麦当劳前掌门人吉姆?坎塔卢波因心脏病发去世。批评人士表示,坎塔卢波的猝死就是因为食用太多汉堡包、薯条的结果。 争论还没有结束,令人震惊的消息接踵而来。 5月5日,麦当劳总部宣布,新任总裁查利?贝拉进行了一次肠癌手术。5月中旬,一部名为《给我最大号》的纪录片在美国开始上映,叫板麦当劳。在这部纪 录片中,年轻的美国导演摩尔根?斯普尔洛克以自己的身体当成小白鼠做了一个实验∶连续30天,他三餐只吃麦当劳的食物,只喝麦当劳的饮料,而之后他以纪录 片的形式,让大家亲眼见证了吃麦当劳对自己的身体带来的有害无益的变化。 虽然没有医生证明坎塔卢波的死、贝拉的肠癌与汉堡、薯条有必然联系,但麦当劳公司承认,他们的确大量食用了这些快餐。路透社报道了他们不得不长期食用麦当劳汉堡的状况∶庞大的麦当劳公司总部坐落在芝加哥郊区,从业人员很少有机会和时间到外面吃午餐。公司内部的自助餐厅提供的就是麦当劳上市或即将上市的 产品。在这些食物中,有些是在麦当劳门市里见不到的东西,更多的是道统的巨无霸汉堡、软饮料和炸薯条。这个餐厅还被用作新研发出来的产品的“尝鲜坊”,新 产品在抛放市场之前都要在这里经过公司高级官员的亲自品尝。据称,贝拉吃的汉堡、薯条要比他的前任多得多。这名出身贫苦的总裁,自从15岁开始,就在麦当 劳快餐店打工挣点零用钱。自那时起,汉堡和薯条就成了贝拉的工作餐。 而摩尔根?斯普尔洛克的纪录片则更加剧了人们对全球流行的快餐的安全性的怀疑。 近些年来,据有关部门统计数据显示,肥胖、糖尿病、肿瘤、心血管疾病等过去常见于西方的富贵病近年来在我国有不断攀升之势,并且有高达50%的死亡 率,已经成为社会的一种公害。与其发展速度相对应的是,麦当劳等洋快餐在中国的发展速度同样惊人。因此,这些疾病的幕后黑手中是否就有以麦当劳为代表的洋快餐呢?这个问号悬在我们每个人的心上。 和“麦当劳叔叔”对抗 《给我最大号》在美国被冠以“拯救你生命的电影”这样至高无上的荣誉。这部纪录片长98分钟,记录了摩尔根?斯普尔洛克在30天里只吃麦当劳食品的整个过程。他之所以起这个电影名,是因为麦当劳员工总是问顾客要不要最大号的套餐,再加点钱添份饮料和炸薯条。 摩尔根?斯普尔洛克的实验规则是这样的∶1.只吃麦当劳销售的食物,包括饮料;2.不买加大套餐或者汉堡、饮料,除非服务生主动提出;3.菜单里的每 种食物都吃至少一次。为了证明绝非做假,斯普尔洛克特别请了3位医生为整个实验过程做记录,定期追踪他的健康状态。然后他出发上路,到美国20个城市采访 医生、健康顾问、厨师、小孩,探寻健康与快餐的关系。 在拍摄纪录片之前,身高1米9的斯普尔洛克身体健康,体重不到84公斤。在试验了两个星期之后,医生说他的肝受到严重损伤,应当停止试验。但他没有听 从医生的劝告。三周左右,他的心脏开始异常,医生命令他每天吃两片阿斯匹林,他拒绝了,因为麦当劳不提供阿斯匹林。结果一个月后他的血压大大提升,体重也增加了11公斤。 该片的影响力的确不容忽视。影片在圣丹斯电影节获奖后,今年3月,麦当劳公司宣布取消餐厅“特大号”食品的销售,并推出了更为健康的成人“快乐餐”,里面包含菜蔬色拉、瓶装水和计步器。麦当劳还宣布,今后将陆续推出更多有益健康的食物。 摩尔根?斯普尔洛克在接受媒体采访时说∶“我的家人都很瘦,我一直都很健康,喜欢运动。但为了拍摄这部电影,我确实付出了很多,拍摄这部影片时,我停止了运动,我只进行漫步这样的地面运动,但这样的运动量对于我其实是远远不够的。” 很多影迷在观看了该片后,纷纷到其官方网站上留言。所有影评的第一段或者最后一段都严重雷同,像“我看了这部电影之后,停止了去快餐店”,“把每周去 几次快餐店的习惯降到了每周一次,然后我的体重下降了,感觉也健康了许多,多谢导演,建议所有美国胖子都去看看这部电影,这不是娱乐或者社会实验,看过这部电影就能救你的命”。 摩尔根?斯普尔洛克表示,世界范围肥胖症增加的原因之一是美国快餐文化的输出。他以麦当劳店举例说,这家快餐联锁店在100多个国家每天为4600万 人提供饮食,其中美国人只占一半。“也就是说,2300万人在美国,其它2300万人在国外。所以说,我们正在把我们的坏毛病输送到全世界。” 1个炸鸡腿等于60支香烟的毒性 毫无疑问,摩尔根?斯普尔洛克的试验过于极端,因为极少有人把洋快餐当成惟一的食物。因此,也有人据此指出,只要不是顿顿食用或者每天食用,对人体的危害不会有多大。 “这个观点是不正确的!”中国营养学会理事李庆天在接受记者采访时肯定地指出,洋快餐属于典型的“三高”(高热量、高脂肪、高蛋白)食品,这样的饮食架构在营养学上是绝对不合理的。“洋快餐的食品种类无外乎那么几样,我们可以一样样来分析。”李庆天将洋快餐按照食品种类加以分类作了详细的解释。 “第一大杀手就是炸烤食品。炸薯条之类的油炸食品是导致心血管疾病的元凶。特别是炸薯条属于高脂肪食品,土豆原本脂肪含量小于1%,但因土豆膨胀性 大,油炸后可达40%左右的脂肪含量。油炸食品高温后,会产生苯并芘等致癌物质。油炸还破坏食物的维生素,使蛋白质变性。而烤鸡翅等烧烤类食品含大量‘三 四苯并芘’(三大致癌物质之首),会导致蛋白质炭化变性(加重肾脏、肝脏负担)。有研究说,1个炸鸡腿等于60支香烟的毒性。” “汉堡基料中的白面粉是精食,对人体的重点生理效应在于产生热量。人类营养史表明,长期过于精食者,易引起冠心病、糖尿病、动脉血管硬化和心肌梗塞等。由于汉堡中含有大量奶油,只夹了一两片少得可怜的生菜或酸黄瓜,因此脂肪含量非常高,维生素含量极低。” “盐的问题也不容我们忽视。”李庆天指出,因为含盐量超标的问题,麦当劳还上了英国《泰晤士报》的“黑名单”。世界卫生组织建议每人每天的食盐摄入量 不得超过5克,我国营养专家建议不得超过10克。“如果长期吃得太咸,不但会诱发心脑血管疾病,而且还会引起胃炎、消化性溃疡等疾病。” “洋快餐中的碳酸饮料可以算得上是个帮凶。”李庆天又补充道。可乐等碳酸性饮料含磷酸、碳酸,会带走体内的钙,并且含糖量过高,有气体,没有太多营养价值,喝后有饱胀感,影响正餐。许多儿童不肯好好吃饭就是这个原因。甜筒等冷冻甜品类食品含糖、奶油,极易引起肥胖,含糖量过高也会影响正餐。 中国民众解放军总医院营养专家赵霖教授也指出,汉堡包、薯条等可引起体内激素变化,使食用者上瘾,造成难以控制进食量。研究中还发现汉堡包、炸薯条、炸薯片、薄脆饼、烤猪肉、水果甜品上的棕色脆皮、饼干、蛋糕等食品中含有大量丙烯 胺。已知丙烯 胺是富含碳水化合物的食品经高温煎炸、烘焙或烘烤后 所产生的自然副产品。丙烯 胺可导致基因突变,会损害中枢和周遭神经系统,诱发良性或恶性肿瘤。专家认为,这一发现解释了西方国家肿瘤高发的原因。世界卫生组织 (WHO)规定,每公斤食品中丙烯 胺不得超过1毫克。但目前麦当劳、肯德基等出售的薯条中丙烯 胺的含量高出该标准约100倍,一包普通的炸薯片超 标约 500倍,面包、蛋糕和饼干中丙烯 胺的含量也都超标。 赵霖还特别指出,洋快餐中普遍使用的氢化脂肪(起酥油、人造黄油) 危害甚至大于饱和脂肪。他告诉记者,哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养学系主任瓦尔特?威利特早在1991年就发表论文,明确指出洋快餐等使用的氢化脂肪对人类健 康存在潜在的危害。洋快餐中的油炸食品和烤制食品都普遍含有氢化脂肪。威利特说∶“脂肪对血液胆固醇影响的控制饮食研究以及关于氢化脂肪的摄入量与患心脏 病、糖尿病几率关系的流行病学研究表明,氢化脂肪比饱和脂肪更糟糕。” 长期食用洋快餐的恶果 “如果你年纪轻轻就经常睡不着、易疲劳,就应该好好注意自己的膳食架构了。”这是李庆天对时下年轻人的劝告。他指出,现下年轻的上班族越来越懒得自己动手 做早餐,经常与午餐并到一起吃,晚餐也常在外就餐,而三餐最常见的替代品就是洋快餐。长期如此,健康很难保证。他表示,早餐一个鸡蛋、一杯牛奶和谷类食品是必不可少的,而快餐的营养搭配极不合理。 对于儿童来说,洋快餐造成的最直接后果就是肥胖。赵霖认为,随着居民生活日益富裕,物质供应极为丰富,各种中西式快餐、软饮料、方便食品的大量兴起,居民饮食模式和习惯有较大改变。而另一方面由于交通便利、电视计算机普及、体力活动减少,导致儿童摄入热量增加而消耗量下降,使儿童肥胖症的发生呈上升趋势。儿童肥胖症的大量出现已成为儿童学习、成长的一个不可忽视的问题。据有关调查显 示,近年来,我国有些城市国小生肥胖发生率逐年增长,已达5%—10%,有的城市甚至已超过了发达国家。不知不觉中,一直在西方比较流行的肥胖在我国也渐 渐成为了一种公害。 也许有的父母会说,“孩子小时候胖点没关系,胖点才可爱嘛!”事实远非如此,儿童肥胖除影响小儿自身生长发育以外,极易发展为成人肥胖症。据研究,学龄期儿童肥胖转变为成人肥胖的危险度是非肥胖儿的—倍,大约有42%—63%的学龄肥胖儿将转变为肥胖成人。儿童肥胖还成为其成年后出现高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、胆结石、肾脏病、脂肪肝、猝死、乳腺癌、痛风等疾病的诱因。肥胖对儿童的心肺功能和有氧能力造成损伤,使儿童运动能力下降。营养过剩 还使免疫细胞过早发育,促使中年时期细胞过早衰老,导致细胞免疫功能迅速降低。更为严重的是,由于肥胖儿童的大脑垂体细胞也逐渐被脂肪细胞所代替,由此而造成性激素分泌紊乱,可导致男孩女性化,女孩男性化,而这一人群成年后的性无能和生殖无能不仅会摧毁无数本该福祉的家庭,甚至可能成为一种社会问题。 最近更有加拿大的研究人员发现,高脂食品会损害孩子正在发育的神经通道,可能对孩子的大脑和思惟素质造成永久性伤害。而且,肥胖还会造成儿童免疫功能下降,易生病;活动能力下降,人不灵活;并且使儿童的心理状态不佳,特别是学生很容易产生自卑心理。 李庆天指出,建立合理的膳食架构需要政府出台有关法规整肃食品市场;更需要广大社会公众的自我约束,对营养专家的建议不能听着有理,听完又去吃;对食品厂商诱惑得不得了的广告宣传,媒介应把好关;同时鼓励食品厂商开发出更多美味而营养的食品。倡导全社会多吃少盐、少糖、少油脂的清淡营养食品,在合理营 养的情况下享受美味。饮食时必须做到“进出平衡”,即摄入的营养和消耗的热量平衡。因此可以多吃一些动物和植物蛋白,如豆制品、瘦肉、鱼虾、奶、蛋等,要多吃水果和菜蔬。注意不要偏食、挑食,少吃油腻、油炸食品,少吃或不吃甜食。“社会和健康专家面临的挑战是教育消费者,说服他们改变生活模式。”美国疾病 控制预防中心的迪尔茨医生如是说。这如同警钟,对于我们这些普通消费者,的确最重要的就是改变不健康的生活模式,和麦当劳说“再见”只是其中的一项举措。 这段资料给你,你来个开头,结尾就搞定了 哎呦喂,您怎么不早说。。。把这翻译成英文就哦了 二楼你真狠,直接翻译我的。The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。



