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对于不少医学工作者来说,发表医学论文其中一个难题就是翻译。由于英文水平的不足,医学工作者在翻译过程中常常遇到困境。今天我们就来谈谈医学论文翻译技巧,希望对各位同学有所启发。 一、时态问题 1、表达目的所用的时态 在医学论文中,“目的”通常指进行某项研究的原因、意图,即表明研究的目标。由于研究目标的制定通常在着手开始研究之前,故可使用过去时态;但是,在论文写作中,也通常使用一般现在时来表达目的,以表达研究目的是合理的、可重复等意义。 2、表达方法和结果所用的时态 在研究性论文中,在描述所使用的实验方法、技术时通常使用过去时,以表达相关的实验方法步骤发生在过去;对结果的报道也使用过去时,以表示已经得出了结果。 3、表达结论所用的时态 医学论文的结论部分为作者表达观点、意见,以及对研究进行总结的地方,常用时态为一般现在时,以表示研究结果的客观性,如果用一般过去时,则表示这一结论仅仅适用于该研究过程中特定的情况,不具有普遍性。 二、词首字母大小写问题 关于地名和地理学术语如何正确大写的问题。因为中文不牵涉大写问题,所以中文母语的作者可能会有点迷惑。其实大写问题对于英语母语的作者而言也不太容易理顺。 三、标点符号问题 由于语言习惯影响,不少医学工作者会错误的使用英文标点符号,导致医学论文出现语言问题。下面我们列举几个英文标点符号常见的错误。 1.顿号使用错误 由于英文中没有顿号,但有些作者由于习惯影响,会在句子中使用顿号,如错误例子:The five concentrations of nitrogen in our study were 1、5、10、50、100 mg/L,respectively. 该句作者使用顿号隔开数字,应改为逗号,在英文学术论文写作中,无论是多个并行的数字、单词和短语都是用逗号来分隔。 2.书名号使用错误 对于书名、刊物名、影片、文章名在中文表达中使用书名号无可厚非,但用英文标点符号时可就注意了,如错误例子: In the book 《Pipeline Risk Management Manual》, the authorMuhlbauer W Kenr (.) grouped pipeline risk into 4 classes. 该作者错误的将句子中的书名使用了中文的标点符号,由于英文标点符号没有书名号,所以通常使用斜体字来表示,有时也可用引号、全部大写或在书刊名下划线来表示。 3.方括号和圆括号使用错误 方括号与圆括号并用时,容易产生错误,首先举一个错误的例子:[That was the colour (blue) she preferred] ,事实上在方括号和圆括号并用时,英文句子的使用方式与中文恰恰相反,即圆括号在内外,方括号在内,因此上句应改为: ( That was the colour [blue] she preferred. )












The acute cerebral hemorrhage, belongs to cerebrovascular diseases, is mainly featured by subsequent repeated headache, vomit, increased blood pressure and consciousness obstacles accompanied by hemiplegia. I've chiefly tried acupuncture adjunanted by Chinese traditional medicine since the outbreak of the acute cerebral hemorrhage till patients'recovering from illness and taking care of themselves and thorough dissipation of encephalon haematoma.



Surfactants may affect drug dissolution in an unpredictable fashion. Low concentrations of surfactants lower the surface tension and increase the rate of drug dissolution, whereas higher concentrations of surfactants tend to form micelles with the drug and thus decrease the dissolution rate.表面活性剂可以影响药物溶出是一种不可预测的方式,低浓度的表面活性剂降低表面张力和提高溶出率,然而高浓度的表面活性剂趋于与药物形成胶团,因此降低药物溶出速率。Introduction of Nucleic acidsNucleic acids are polyanionic molecules of high molecular weight. These polymers are composed of sequence of subunits or nucleotides so that the whole is usually termed a polynucleotide. The nucleic acids are of two main varieties, ribonucleic (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic (DNA). DNA is found primarily in the chromatin to the cell nucleus, whereas 90% of RNA is present in the cell cytoplasm and 10% in the nucleolus. The two classes of nucleic acids are distinguished primary on basis of the five-carbon atom sugar of pentose present. Two general kinds of bases are found in all nucleic acids. One type is a derivative of the parent compound purine. Principle examples are guanine and adenine. The second class of bases found in all nucleic acid is derived from the parent compound pyrimidine. 介绍核酸核酸是超高分子量聚阴离子分子。这些聚合物组成,亚基或核苷酸,使整个通常称为多核苷酸序列。核酸有两种,主要品种核糖核酸(RNA)和脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的。 DNA是主要存在于细胞核内的染色质,而90%的RNA在细胞质现在和10%的核仁。核酸类的两个主要的区别在于对目前的五个戊糖碳原子的糖基础。一般两个种基地发现,在所有核酸。一类是母体化合物嘌呤的衍生物。原理是鸟嘌呤和腺嘌呤的例子。在所有发现核酸碱基第二类是来自母体化合物嘧啶。


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The purpose of Natural Medicinal ChemistryFrom natural medicines in the research and development of new drugs (including the lead compound of structure modification and transformation, the total synthesis), which our study of natural medicines are the main purpose of the chemical. Pure compounds to develop new drugs is very difficult, long cycle and the high cost of chemotherapy side effects, and easy to produce drug resistance, cause injury to human health, and from green plant life of the natural active ingredients often have high security, so to natural medicine as raw materials of drugs and drug extracts in the world is increasingly popular(1) a wide range of natural products, novel structure, pharmacological screening of the hit rate than the high synthetic compounds derived from natural lead compounds promising treatment for difficult cases of new drugs, so drugs from the natural development of new drugs has become a Top research directions. It was predicted that the future of natural drugs and chemical substances will be evenly divided, and biology were the three drugs with a tendency(2) A number of natural active compounds, because there are some defects, such as efficacy is not satisfactory, or side effects must exist, or because the content is too low, shortage of resources, it is difficult to Medium derived from natural raw materials, or because the structure was too complex, synthetic is also very difficult, so there is no direct the development and utilization of their own future. However, the natural active ingredients for the lead compounds, structural modification or structural alteration, and eventually developed into new drugs. For example: synthetic morphine substitutes - is scheduled for piperaquine (meperidine), morphine is retained in the structural parts of an effective (analgesic effect of the same!), And its addictive than morphine decreased. Another example: the active ingredient in coca leaves cocaine has a very strong narcotic effect, but toxic, easy to addiction, through research design and synthesis of local anesthetics such as procaine. Again Example: to extract from the Artemisia annua with the separation of anti-malarial activity of artemisinin, is a heat-labile compounds, such as its hydrogenated, methylated derivatives artemether made after the markedly improved stability, anti - more enhanced malaria activity. 问题补充的翻译:In the 21st century, "return to nature" of the world trend, the traditional medicine once again full of great vitality and show broad prospects for development. Western medicine sector has changed the original opinion, interested in Chinese medicine to Chinese medicine in Japan, Germany, the United States and other Western developed countries has been given scant attention Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1994, set up in Los Angeles, the West has also opened a number of institutions of higher learning professional courses on Chinese medicine or the establishment of a Chinese medicine research center. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have begun to formally accept the traditional Chinese medicine compound products. This trend of Chinese medicine into the world to provide an unprecedented good opportunity. Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the inevitable trend of the modernization of Chinese medicine must be to the world and the benefit of mankind. The development of Chinese medicine is the medicine our country in the competition to win one of the effective ways.

Natural pharmaceutical chemistry purpose From developing the new drug developing in natural medicine (the structure including the guide compound polishes with make over , entire combining),this is that we study natural pharmaceutical chemistry major objective. The degree of difficulty the pure compound new drug is developed is big , the period is long , cost is high, the poisonous chemistry medicine side effect is big , easy to produce resistance to drugs, health brings about to the human body hurt, but the activity component sometimes has higher security from nature that green gets in life plant , medicine and medicine taking natural medicine as raw material extract thing favour accepting people gradually in all the countries in the world therefore.(1) is made by nature a great variety , structure are new and original , the hit rate that the pharmacology sifts is higher than composing compound , originate from natural guide compound having hope very much becoming the new drug curing difficult and complicated cases's , study direction therefore one already becoming a nowadays from the new drug developing in natural medicine is popular. Somebody forecasts , future natural medicine will have equal shares with chemistry medicine, power of assuming a situation of tripartite confrontation together with living things medicine. (2) is not the natural activity compound short, because of existence some defects, existence definitely poisons or a side effect, or resource shortage, is difficult to draw materials from natural raw material middle because contents are very low,or excessively, complicated , compose because of structure if pesticide effect is not ideal, also very difficult , develop the future making use of therefore self is not direct. And but take natural activity component as guide compound, the structure being in progress polishes or structure reforms, ultimate exploitation becomes a new example: The cries of a baby replaces the morphine combining substitution- stablely (dolantin) , (the effect is invariable now that effective in having reserved morphine structure part eases pain)! ,Use whose more obvious than morphine habituation sex lessening. Such as: In Gukeye, active constituent cocain has the very strong anaesthesia effect, but big , easily able addiction of toxicity, by studying the ethocaine designing the anaesthetic having composed waits. No matter how regular: Active Artemisia apiacea is plain from the malaria extracting having parting for in Artemisia apiacea resisting , is one kind of hot unsteady compound, the stability improves obviously after manufacturing the Wormwood A ether derivative if hydrogenate with the person , methylate,resist malaria activity strengthening especially.



