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Objective To evaluate acute and long2term angiographic and clinical outcomes of longstent or multiple overlapped stents (length ≥ 20 mm) implantation for diffuse atherosclerosis lesions inoctogenarians. Methods Long stent or multiple overlapped stents implantation was performed on 111diffuse native coronary lesions ( Group O : 47 lesions in 44 octogenarians ; Group Y: 64 lesions in 58 patientsaged under 60) . Baseline demographic , lesion characteristic , angiographic and procedural details weresimilar in these 2 groups. Six2month clinical and angiographic follow2up was completed in all cases. In2hospital and long2term outcomes were evaluated. Results Procedure success was 100 %for both had in2hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE) . There was no significant difference inangiographic binary restenosis ( ≥50 % diameter stenosis) rate between the groups at follow2up ( Group Ovs. Group Y, 1218 % vs1 1019 % at 32month , 2918 % vs. 2616 % at 62month , P > 0105) . The rates oftarget lesion revascularization and MACE at follow2up were less in Group Y, but it showed no statisticalsignificance (718 % vs. 1016 % and 816 % vs. 1114 % at 32month , 1516 % vs. 2314 % and 2017 % % at 62month , respectively , P > 0105) . Conclusions Long stent implantation for diffuse lesionsin octogenarians appears safe and feasible , with high procedural success and favorable long2term outcomes.



pharmacology n.药理学;药物学


Clinical Pharmacology [药] 临床药理学 ; 临床药理 ; 临床药;

Systems pharmacology 系统药理学;

molecular pharmacology [药] 分子药理学 ; 分子薬理学;

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 毒理学与应用药理学;

Science of Chinese Pharmacology 中药学 ; 国药学;

biochemical pharmacology [药] 生化药理学 ; 英文文献一篇 ; 药理学 ; 生物化学药物学;

Pharmacology and Pharmacy 药物学和药剂 ; 药理学及药剂学 ; 药理和药剂学 ; 药理学与制药学;

cardiovascular pharmacology [药] 心血管药理学 ; 药理学 ; 血汗管药理学;

Serum pharmacology 血清药理学 ; 血清药 ; 血清药理;


【关键词】  医学英语论文; 标题写作; 修辞原则; 策略Abstract:As an important component part of a medical research paper,the English title plays a crucial role in promoting international academic exchanges. Its main functions are to summarize and reveal the subject, guide reading, and to be used for storage and retrieval. This paper mainly investigates the strategies of title writing for medical English research paper and presents four principles:focuse on subject,be accurate,be concise,be words: Medical English research paper;   Title writing;   Rhetorical principle;   Strategy人们读书看报,首先要看的是标题,题目常常能概括地反应文章的内容。题目取得好,简练又吸引人,才会引起读者的兴趣。标题“居文之首,句文之要”,被人们比喻为文章的眼睛。标题在学术论文中同样起着至关重要的作用。随着经济全球化的发展,医学界国际交流活动日趋频繁,在交流活动中起主导作用的学术期刊更加“规范化、标准化”,国内越来越多刊物须附英文标题和摘要。因此,学术论文的标题英译也越来越重要。医学论文题名具有高度概括集中反映文献主题的功能,指导读者查找文献资料的导读功能和信息储存提供编制文献检索的功能[1]。本文主要探讨医学论文英文标题写作中应遵循的主要修辞原则及表达策略,以期更好地发挥学术论文标题的功能,促进学术交流。1  突出主题原则及修辞策略    题名是论文最重要的、浓缩的信息点,是读者最先得到的直接信息,即文章的主要观点和主要论点。因此,标题应简明扼要、重点突出、反映论文主题。根据国际医学期刊编辑委员会制定的《生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求》中对文题的要求:简练和反映论文主题,英文标题应切题准确,反映文章的中心内容,便于索引,利于论文广泛流通。    好的标题不仅能起到“画龙点睛”的作用,还可以提高论文索引的利用价值。通常读者总是先浏览期刊的文章标题,在对其感兴趣后才会通读全文。因此,在标题英译时,应从以下两个方面注意修辞策略:    在信息传递上,要充分反映论文的创新内容,重要内容前置,突出中心;准确使用题名的必要结构要素来完整表达医学文献主题,在医学论文中最常见的结构类型是由研究对象、研究目的和研究方法三要素组成的题名。在表达方式上,多用名词、名词词组、动名词来表达。文字安排应结构合理、选词准确、详略得当,重要的词放在文题的起始,如association, application, determination,effect,detection,establishment等词所引导的短语都是研究的中心内容。2  准确规范原则及修辞策略    准确是修辞的基本原则,也是翻译必须遵循的原则。科技文体写作更应遵循这一原则,因为学术研究特别强调准确,不能模糊不清、模棱两可。措辞准确、表达客观、逻辑严密、行文简洁、词义明确、含义固定是科技文体所共有的文体特征[2]。医学英语除了具备以上特征外,它还有大量的专业词汇、术语以及特定的词汇结构体系、语法规则和语篇结构。因此,在医学论文题名写作时语言表达要合乎医学论文写作的规范标准。论文标题英译要在正确理解原文的基础上进行,必须忠实地传达原文的内容,保持原文的风格。具体可采取以下方法:    首先,格式要求规范。标题译文可采用首字母大写,其余的用小写(首字母缩略词全大写,专有名词的首字母大写);也可采用标题首字母大写,其余实词首字母大写,虚词小写(4个字母以上的介词或连词的首字母大写);排列时可根据具体学术期刊的规范分别采用居中排与左对齐的方式;书名应用斜体表示。    其次,选词应强调专业化。与其它学科的英语术语相比,医学英语术语特征相对明显,专业化是医学英语的一大特色。因此,熟知医学英语术语,选择专业词汇,避免使用通俗语是医学工作者治学严谨的表现。例如,“先天性皮肤并指畸形” 应译为“syndactyly of fingers”而不是“congenital skin webbed fingers”;“大黄”“丹参”分别为“Rhubarb”和 “Salvia miltiorrhiza”,而不是“Da Hunag” 和“Dan Shen”。另一方面,科技英语用词强调词义单一、准确,忌用多义词。根据科技英语的这一修辞特点,在英译时应用词义明确单一的词来代替词义较多的词,如用to transmit, to convert, to obtain, to insert, to consume, to absorb, application, sufficient, superior来替代常用的to send, to change, to get, to put in, to use up, to take in, use, enough, better。    此外,用词要准确。注意不使用非标准化的缩略语,应使用公认的缩略词语、代号、符号、公式等。国际上《核心医学期刊文摘》中,对缩写词的使用非常谨慎,对非公认的缩略词语,第一次出现必须先写全名,缩写附后加括号。如丙型肝炎病人:hepatitis C virus (HCV),维甲酸:all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)。    语言的习惯搭配也是医学论文英语标题写作特征的一种重要表现形式。在英语中,有相当数量的动词、名词、形容词都有其固定的介词搭配,在使用此类词语时一定要多加注意,以避免错误。医学英语标题多采用逻辑动宾关系的名词性组合形式,常见的搭配如:patients with, cases of, operation on, cure for, response to, effect on, research in/into/on, approach to, observation(s) of/on/in, treatment of等等。下面的标题译文很好地说明了正确使用介词搭配能有助于准确明了地反映论文的主题。    例: The acupuncture effect on left ventricular function in patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris (针疗对冠心病心绞痛患者左心功能状态的影响)    “影响”为中心词,但它在文中的意思为“疗效”,因为“针疗”是一种治疗疾病的方法,“针疗的疗效”可译为“acupuncture effect (on)”。“左心功能状态”是表类属的定语,应紧跟“影响”。“患者patients (with)”修饰“左心功能状态”,“冠心病心绞痛”修饰“患者”。层层修饰关系在译文中均以介词表示,译文准确而明晰。[3]3  简明有效原则及修辞策略    好的标题应是高度概括、言简意赅、便于检索。在完整、准确地概括全文内容的基础上,用尽量少的文字恰当反映所研究的范围和深度,不可夸大其词,以偏概全,也不可缩小研究范围,以偏代全。做到简明有效主要从以下两个方面着手:    在信息处理上,遵循科技写作中语言运用的最小信息差原则以谋求语言运用的最大信息量的输出和最佳交际效果,即“作者应该写的都能写出来,读者对作者所表达的意思都能读明白”[4]。    在选词用语上,文题力求语言精炼,中心词突出,一般在10个单词以内,通常不超过16个单词。标题起始处的冠词“A”“The”可以省略,但文题中间的“the”不能省。采用短语翻译题名,医学论文英语标题采取的主要短语结构有:名词+动词不定式;名词或名词短语+过去分词;现在分词短语;介词短语结构;名词或名词短语+介词短语;以动词形式开始的短语结构等。以短语形式来表达一个句子,结构言简意赅,内部组织严密,而且可以把更多的信息融于一体,使彼此的逻辑关系更明确,表达更细密,更有利于达到交际目的。    由于医学英语要求客观和精确,一些旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的修辞格不常见。但是,医学英语强调注重有效的语法和词汇修辞,如英语讲求结构平行对称。论文标题中并列的内容,应注意到语法结构上的对称,即名词与名词并列,动名词与动名词并列,不要混杂使用。例如:The Role of Arthroscopy in Diagnosing and the Treatment of Joint Diseases in Children(关节镜在儿童关节疾病诊治中的作用)宜改为:The Role of Arthroscopy in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Joint Diseases in Children。修改后两个动名词并列,既简化了文字,符合修辞原则,而且还更为醒目。平行结构的使用可以增强修辞效果,不仅使主题更加突出,而且还富有美感,引起读者兴趣。请看下面两个例子:例1:“Clinical, physiological, and radiological study of a new purpose-designed artificial bowel sphincter”例2:“Socioeconomic status,standard of living,and neurotic disorder”例1中3个形容词平行排列加强了语音的节奏感,也明确了与中心词的修饰关系,既美观又醒目;例2中的3个并列名词短语排列有序、结构工整、逻辑关系明确,读者能很快抓住论文的中心。4  得体原则及修辞策略    一个修辞行为的有效性,还取决于它是否合乎语体的规范,是否符合言语交际环境的规定,是否符合社会交往的礼仪,是否符合文化的习俗,是否符合双方的审美倾向。[5]如用戏曲语体撰写科技论文是不得体的。科技论文的行文要符合科技文体的特点,保持文体的严肃性,是为得体。医学论文的英语题名写作与翻译要求标题与论文的内容协调一致,包括风格的一致,语言表达应符合英语习惯。因此,在医学论文标题英译时,要考虑其语法、修辞特点,尽可能体现出英语的固有风格,避免中式英语的弊病。下面介绍几种表达得体的主要修辞策略。    英文标题的写作可以不拘一格,但应突出主题,服从英语的表达习惯,避免使用中国式的英语表达形式。比如,汉语医学论文标题中常常出现“初探”、“探讨”、“经验”、“体会”等词以示谦逊,而在国外的医学刊物中使用带有“浅谈”“初探”这类句式的题名会被认为所论述的内容没有多大参考价值,缺乏严肃性。这是因为欧美人认为科技论文应立足于事实材料,不必谦虚客套。    汉语论文主标题与副标题之间一般用破折号,而英文的主标题与副标题之间通常用冒号表示。病例数在汉语中一般放在正标题中,在英语中大多放在副标题中,如:Post transfusion hepatitis: A report of 60 cases (输血后肝炎60例报告)。    由于受汉语语法的限制和语言习惯的影响,在中文标题中常含有“……的研究”和“……的观察”等词语,题名英译时应省略“Regarding …”、“Observation(s) of …”、“Investigation of …”、“Studies on …”、“Research(es) on …”、“Some thoughts on …”、“Introduction to …”等冗余套语,使之更简洁且符合英语的表达习惯。    名词化结构较多地使用抽象名词表达动作和状态,这也是英语表达和汉语表达上的主要差别之一。在汉语中用行为动词表达的意思在英语中多转换为名词。英汉语的用词顺序有很大的不同。在汉语中,定语置于中心词之前,而在英语中,“中心词+后置定语”的结构应用非常广泛。例如:葡萄糖在体外和体内对神经细胞瘤的疗效:Effect of Glucose on Neuroblastoma in Vitro and in Vivo;心脏病患者肌酐激酶同功酶的测定:Detection of Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes Inheart Disease;严重脑外伤患者大断面骨折接骨时间选择:Timing of Osteosynthesis of Major Fracture in Patients with Severe Brain Injury。    总之,标题在论文中起着至关重要的作用。论文的标题应能准确地概括论文的内容,提纲挈领、点明主题、吸引读者、便于检索。要写好译好英文标题,作者不仅要有严谨的治学态度,还要掌握专业英语知识,熟悉医学英语文体的写作特点,熟记常用的句式结构及英语习惯表达方法,在正确理解论文主旨的基础上,力求重点突出,行文准确、规范、简洁、得体。





热带 [rè dài]基本翻译tropictropical温带 [wēn dài]基本翻译temperate zone寒带 [hán dài]基本翻译frigid zone呵呵 希望能帮上你哦~~


海南医学院学校以热带医学为办学特色,形成了稳定的热带医学研究方向,构建了教学、科研、临床“三位一体”的热带医学体系。海南医学院主办的《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》和《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》是国内仅有两种被SCI收录的全英文国际热带医药杂志,分列全球SCI热带医学期刊第10位和第18位。





Tropical, temperate, boreal

medicine英[ˈmedsn]美[ˈmedɪsn; mɛdəsn]。



preventive medicine [医] 预防医学 ; 保健科 ; 预防医学期刊。

Chinese medicine 中医学 ; 中医 ; 中药 ; 中医药。

Molecular Medicine 分子药学 ; 内科学 ; 分子生物科技。

regenerative medicine 再生医学 ; 再生医疗 ; 再生医药。

Tropical medicine [医] 热带医学 ; 热带病学 ; 热带医学专业

herbal medicine 草药 ; 中药 ; 草药医学。

Precision Medicine 精准医疗 ; 精准医学 ; 精密医疗 ; 精确医学。

Occupational Medicine 职业病科 ; 职业医学 ; 职业医学杂志。

PloS Medicine 公共科学图书馆·医学 ; PLoS医学 ; 公共科学藏书楼·医学 ; 公共迷信图书馆医学。


you have this medicine?


only in medicine.



不用非得机械的翻译 你可以多查查文献 把文献中的语句套过来 整合成你自己的摘要 不一定非要自己来翻译

The purpose of Natural Medicinal ChemistryFrom natural medicines in the research and development of new drugs (including the lead compound of structure modification and transformation, the total synthesis), which our study of natural medicines are the main purpose of the chemical. Pure compounds to develop new drugs is very difficult, long cycle and the high cost of chemotherapy side effects, and easy to produce drug resistance, cause injury to human health, and from green plant life of the natural active ingredients often have high security, so to natural medicine as raw materials of drugs and drug extracts in the world is increasingly popular(1) a wide range of natural products, novel structure, pharmacological screening of the hit rate than the high synthetic compounds derived from natural lead compounds promising treatment for difficult cases of new drugs, so drugs from the natural development of new drugs has become a Top research directions. It was predicted that the future of natural drugs and chemical substances will be evenly divided, and biology were the three drugs with a tendency(2) A number of natural active compounds, because there are some defects, such as efficacy is not satisfactory, or side effects must exist, or because the content is too low, shortage of resources, it is difficult to Medium derived from natural raw materials, or because the structure was too complex, synthetic is also very difficult, so there is no direct the development and utilization of their own future. However, the natural active ingredients for the lead compounds, structural modification or structural alteration, and eventually developed into new drugs. For example: synthetic morphine substitutes - is scheduled for piperaquine (meperidine), morphine is retained in the structural parts of an effective (analgesic effect of the same!), And its addictive than morphine decreased. Another example: the active ingredient in coca leaves cocaine has a very strong narcotic effect, but toxic, easy to addiction, through research design and synthesis of local anesthetics such as procaine. Again Example: to extract from the Artemisia annua with the separation of anti-malarial activity of artemisinin, is a heat-labile compounds, such as its hydrogenated, methylated derivatives artemether made after the markedly improved stability, anti - more enhanced malaria activity. 问题补充的翻译:In the 21st century, "return to nature" of the world trend, the traditional medicine once again full of great vitality and show broad prospects for development. Western medicine sector has changed the original opinion, interested in Chinese medicine to Chinese medicine in Japan, Germany, the United States and other Western developed countries has been given scant attention Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1994, set up in Los Angeles, the West has also opened a number of institutions of higher learning professional courses on Chinese medicine or the establishment of a Chinese medicine research center. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have begun to formally accept the traditional Chinese medicine compound products. This trend of Chinese medicine into the world to provide an unprecedented good opportunity. Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the inevitable trend of the modernization of Chinese medicine must be to the world and the benefit of mankind. The development of Chinese medicine is the medicine our country in the competition to win one of the effective ways.

Natural pharmaceutical chemistry purpose From developing the new drug developing in natural medicine (the structure including the guide compound polishes with make over , entire combining),this is that we study natural pharmaceutical chemistry major objective. The degree of difficulty the pure compound new drug is developed is big , the period is long , cost is high, the poisonous chemistry medicine side effect is big , easy to produce resistance to drugs, health brings about to the human body hurt, but the activity component sometimes has higher security from nature that green gets in life plant , medicine and medicine taking natural medicine as raw material extract thing favour accepting people gradually in all the countries in the world therefore.(1) is made by nature a great variety , structure are new and original , the hit rate that the pharmacology sifts is higher than composing compound , originate from natural guide compound having hope very much becoming the new drug curing difficult and complicated cases's , study direction therefore one already becoming a nowadays from the new drug developing in natural medicine is popular. Somebody forecasts , future natural medicine will have equal shares with chemistry medicine, power of assuming a situation of tripartite confrontation together with living things medicine. (2) is not the natural activity compound short, because of existence some defects, existence definitely poisons or a side effect, or resource shortage, is difficult to draw materials from natural raw material middle because contents are very low,or excessively, complicated , compose because of structure if pesticide effect is not ideal, also very difficult , develop the future making use of therefore self is not direct. And but take natural activity component as guide compound, the structure being in progress polishes or structure reforms, ultimate exploitation becomes a new example: The cries of a baby replaces the morphine combining substitution- stablely (dolantin) , (the effect is invariable now that effective in having reserved morphine structure part eases pain)! ,Use whose more obvious than morphine habituation sex lessening. Such as: In Gukeye, active constituent cocain has the very strong anaesthesia effect, but big , easily able addiction of toxicity, by studying the ethocaine designing the anaesthetic having composed waits. No matter how regular: Active Artemisia apiacea is plain from the malaria extracting having parting for in Artemisia apiacea resisting , is one kind of hot unsteady compound, the stability improves obviously after manufacturing the Wormwood A ether derivative if hydrogenate with the person , methylate,resist malaria activity strengthening especially.








