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是真的 。。高端的学术期刊 社内编辑2632954468

国际护理学杂志》是正规期刊,算是比较不错的普通国家级护理期刊。是中华医学会和吉林医学社联合主办的。评职称等都没有任何问题的。 护理类的期刊本来就比较少的,只有21种正规期刊。其中3种国家级核心期刊,10种国家级期刊,其余都是普通省级期刊。

nursing只是表示护理的意思,而要表示护理学科为nursing science。



读法:英 ['nɜːsɪŋ]  美 ['nɝsɪŋ]


1、n. 护理;看护;养育

2、v. 看护;养育


1、nursing staff 护理人员

2、nursing home 私人疗养院

3、nursing department 护理部


读法:英 ['saɪəns]  美 ['saɪəns]

释义:n. 科学;技术;学科;理科


1、political science [社科] 政治学 ; 政治科学

2、natural science [科技] 自然科学 ; 理学 ; 理论科学

3、archival science 档案学 ; 档案科学




2、science作“学科”解时,多指理科的一门学科,如生物学、化学、物理学、工程学,有时可特指数学,偶尔也可指文科课程,一般用作可数名词。一般也不加冠词,但在the natural science和the social science中须加定冠词。



误 Agriculture and engineering are applied science.

正 Agriculture and engineering are applied sciences.

析 当science表示“科学(总称)”时是抽象名词,不可数,但表示某具体学科时则是可数名词。



this paper analyzes effective ways of respiratory passages treatment for asthma attacked patient so as to success rate of serious asthma attacked patients saving. It will analyze 69 cases of asthma attacked patients' emergency treatment and the respiratory system treatment. The paper finds out that clearing the respiratory passage, oxygen atomization, clearing phlegm by back slapping and reducing inflammation together with intubation machine clearing bronchial tubes are the key to success of saving serous ashtma attacked patients. The conclusion is that the good treatment of the respiratory passages will help improve the saving rate of the serious ashtma cases.

【Key words】 Cerebral infarction; acute; Care Hypothalamic blood flow in acute cerebral infarction is a barrier to brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia caused by softening of the brain, the condition is relatively heavy 〔1〕. In addition to actively cooperate with treatment, do a good job-based care, to prevent further infarction, have an important role in the prevention of complications, if the nursing care may not be implemented, will directly affect the patient's treatment and prognosis. By January 2004 ~ October 2006 in our hospital 106 cases of acute cerebral infarction care, I understand the psychological, safety, condition observation, prevent complications, limb function training, language training, diet and discharge from the guide, etc. care in improving the quality of life of patients and promote the rehabilitation of great significance, should arouse enough attention.希望对您有帮助 顺便给你介绍一个学习网站 中华医学学习网 上面有很多医学论文哦 你可以上去看看



1 临床资料


2 护理


创造舒适的环境 完善的卫生淋浴,中央空调,热水供应等设施,利用壁橱、床头柜妥善放置病人生活用品,利用艺术壁挂装点美化病区,适宜的声响、光线、温湿度,使病区清洁、明亮、安静、舒适,饮食每日配餐员预定,开展点菜业务,饭菜、开水、药品送至床边,合理安排护理流程,减少清扫消毒工作与病人就餐、治疗时间的冲突。病人感官受到良性刺激,有利于治疗。

营造良好的气氛 重视服饰美及护理人员仪表风范,入院接待热情主动,作好入院宣教,帮助病人处理好同室病友关系,使病人从新人际关系中获得舒适感,并因受到重视、关怀,使不愉快的程度降到最低,从而对本次治疗充满信心。

做好心理干预 提倡情感服务,面对面交流,灵活运用沟通技巧,因人而异讲解疾病有关知识,交代注意事项,评估心理状况,满足病人心理需求。来自家庭、学校、工作单位等社会关系对病人的支持与关怀也可使病人减轻或消除精神压力。

饮食指导 认真评估,指导合理进食,改善营养状况,提高对手术的耐受性。

练习肺功能和有效咳嗽 向患者和家属说明开胸术后咳嗽排痰的目的和必要性,指导病人深呼吸,取半卧位或坐位,每日3次,每次10分钟,以增加肺活量,减少术后呼吸系统并发症的发生。有效咳嗽 方法 :半卧位或坐位,深吸气末停滞片刻后用力咳嗽,气体快速冲出,其运动促进分泌物向上运动或被咳出。

术前准备的舒适护理 向病人讲解术前准备的内容以及目的、注意事项,以取得病人的配合。


疼痛的护理 100%病人把无痛放在生理内在舒适需求首位 ,疼痛是病人最难以忍受的 ,也是舒适护理需求最迫切的问题。使用PCA镇痛泵是舒适护理的首选,它体现了持续恒定镇痛的效果,并使病人能够主动配合护理。术后可采取半卧位,降低切口张力,减轻疼痛。翻身、咳嗽时用手按压切口,妥善固定引流管,保持引流管与身体同步移动,以减轻引流管刺激引起的不适,各种护理操作轻柔、熟练。


持续吸氧4-6L/min,48小时左右。 协助其翻身,并指导有效咳嗽,每2小时叩背1次,自下而上,由外而内,使痰液松动易于咳出。

常规雾化吸入。加入药物:庆大霉素8万U +地塞米松5mg+糜蛋白酶4000U+沐舒坦15mg,每日2次,每次15-20分钟,使痰液稀释,易于咳出。


引流管的护理 向病人详细说明各引流管的重要性及注意事项,以消除对引流物的恐惧心理。妥善固定,避免扭曲、受压、折叠、逆流,翻身时注意必要的依托、协助。


胸腔引流管要妥善固定,避免扭曲、受压、折叠,随时观察引流液的颜色、量、性质,定时挤压胸管,观察水柱波动,每日更换胸瓶,发现异常及时 报告 医生予以处理。


活动宣教 术后即可活动四肢、翻身等,鼓励病人早日下床活动,以促进肠蠕动,减少褥疮、下肢静脉血栓形成等并发症。

睡眠质量差的护理 尽量创造一个舒适的睡眠环境,减少探视,保持室内安静,光线柔和,日常护理工作动作轻柔。同时做好心理护理以减轻心理负担。

3 讨论


参 考 文 献



【关键词】 胸外科手术;患者;护理

胸外科手术后,患者从麻醉苏醒、创口愈合到生理功能恢复的过程中,正确、及时、多方面的护理必不可少。胸外科患者术后的护理,对手术治疗的成败起着至关重要的作用。在日常工作中,我们根据胸外科患者术后容易出现的问题,结合我们的实际工作 经验 , 总结 了一套较为系统可行的术后护理指导原则,根据这个原则,结合实际出现的问题,有系统、有针对性地开展护理工作,提高了对胸外科患者术后护理的水平,促进了患者的康复。

1 术后帮助患者尽快恢复呼吸功能


2 术后疼痛的护理

胸外科术后疼痛可导致呼吸循环功能、内分泌及免疫功能等改变,甚至导致肺不张、低氧血症及高二氧化碳血症等并发症,影响手术的效果和患者的恢复。对术后疼痛的护理我们主要体会有以下几个方面:(1)心理护理:让患者了解疼痛原因,鼓励患者在心理上有战胜疼痛的信心;指导患者深而有节律的呼吸,并专注于呼吸运动,有效地促进肺的复张;护士和家属多与患者交谈或指导其有节律稳定地在皮肤上做环形按摩或双眼凝视一点,转移注意力,减轻术后疼痛;另外,可多听一些轻音乐,放松精神,以达到减轻疼痛的效果[3]。(2)应用镇痛药的护理[4~5]。对认为疼痛性质明显、原因清楚的术后疼痛,应采取预防性用药、定时给药,而不是待到疼痛难忍时再给药。同时维持稳定的血药浓度,观察药物的不良反应。对于患者自控镇痛(PCA),术后应告诉患者应用PCA 的治疗目的和使用方法,并经常巡视,定期评价镇痛效果,监测患者的血压、脉搏、呼吸。(3)一般护理。协助患者进行体位变换、咳嗽等一些活动;妥善固定胸腔闭式引流管、尿管、鼻胃管;防止伤口感染;创造舒适的环境,避免强光、噪音等环境因素诱发或加重疼痛。

3 呼吸道的护理

加强呼吸道的护理,及时清除呼吸道分泌物,保持呼吸道通畅,对防治胸部术后并发症尤其是肺部感染至关重要。(1)病室环境要求:ICU 层流消毒病房室内温度20 ℃~24 ℃,湿度50%~60%。普通病房内要求空气新鲜,紫外线每日消毒一次,并减少陪护及探视人员,以免增加外源性感染。(2)术后体位护理: 麻醉未清醒前,应去枕平卧,头偏向一侧,患者清醒后,血压平稳,可改半卧位,抬高床头30°~60°,以利于肺部气体交换,并能松弛胸腹部肌肉,减轻刀口疼痛。(3)保持呼吸道通畅:①指导患者深呼吸,并在深吸气末从深部咳嗽,以利于排出痰液。②经常给患者拍背。方法:患者取半卧位,操作着站在患者患侧,叩打对侧肺部,手掌呈杯状,用手腕的力量叩击健侧肺叶,从下到上、从外向内。③痰液黏稠不易咳出,可给雾化吸入。用药:生理盐水20 ml,加庆大霉素8 万u,α-糜蛋白酶4 000 u,每日3 次,每次20 min,以稀释痰液,减少痰液阻力,有利于痰液排出,同时药物直接进入肺泡,减少感染。④鼓励患者吹气球。患着深呼吸而使膈肌下降,改善无效腔通气,有利于胸腔内积气、积液排出,保障有效通气,预防肺部感染。⑤鼓励患者床上活动。指导并协助患者下床适量活动,以增加肺活量,减少肺部并发症,但避免过度,有心血管疾病患者应慎重,以防意外。(4) 做好口腔护理。口腔护理能使口腔内的细菌减少,防止细菌下移,减少肺部感染机会。清醒的患者还可鼓励漱口,但应防止误咽。(5)正确使用镇痛剂。术后切口疼痛、插管不适,限制了患者咳嗽,术后应充分镇痛,应用止痛泵48~72 h或遵医嘱给予止痛剂,一方面减轻疼痛,另一方面可使患者充分休息,保持体力,避免无力咳嗽。(6)充分补足液体量。应注意给药时间和输液速度,避免过快引起肺水肿[6]。

4 康复护理

早期活动与康复锻炼在胸外科患者术后的护理中占有极其重要的地位,对术后促进患者的功能恢复,起到积极的作用。(1)术后早期床上活动,麻醉未清醒前护理人员对患者做被动性活动,上肢各关节活动,按摩下肢。特别是老年患者,要经常活动四肢关节,尤其是膝关节以下防止下肢静脉血栓形成。患者清醒之后,即可鼓励其做深呼吸。嘱其主动做指、趾、腕、踝、肘、肩、髋关节的活动,尤其是手术侧上肢的活动。待患者血压平稳后,即可翻身、转颈、半卧位或坐位。(2)术后早期下床活动:一般在术后第三天,病情稳定,胸腔闭式引流管已拔除,就应鼓励和协助患者下床活动。先是在床边椅子上坐片刻,每日2~3 次,第四天可扶床试走,以后逐渐增加活动量。如患者确实刀口疼痛较甚。下床活动不可勉强进行,必要时可给予镇痛剂,缓解疼痛后再下床活动,以减轻患者痛苦,达到预期的效果[7~8]。


1 钟玲,杨明华.手术麻醉后患者血压、心率及血氧饱和度变化的观察与护理.福建医药杂志,2000,22(4):154.

2 张晓霞,邓曼丽,安静,等.胸外科手术患者麻醉恢复期护理体会.解放军护理杂志,2004,21(4):77-78.

3 于丽英.胸外科病人手术前后护理指导.医学理论与实践,2005,18(6):721.

4 于淑娥,李建萍.胸外科病人术后疼痛的相关因素、镇痛及护理.实用护理杂志,2001,17(12):33-35.

5 黄淑敏.胸外科手术病人术后镇痛及护理.天津护理,1999,7(3):92-93.

6 尹淑芳,高占清.胸外科患者术后呼吸道的护理.中外健康文摘,2008,5(7):91.

7 张丽娟,马玉梅,彭九玲.胸外科病人术后早期活动与护理.黑龙江医学,2001,25(8):615.

8 戚菊梅,张香云,张君毅.胸外科病人术后早期活动与康复锻炼的护理.河南外科学杂志,2006,12(4):97-98.

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He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.


Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it.


He is writing his doctoral thesis in electrical engineering.



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Freedom soul at simple the night of December 3, 2004 of life, I was swimming and going on the net, saw suddenly several words of " Chen Xingshen " were from flashing rightly swiftly at the moment ……I have found out the group photo while interviewing Mr. Chen two years ago, put among the centre of the bookshelf. On the wall behind Mr. Chen and me, it is a round quartz clock, the hour hand above clearly shows in that twinkling of an eye: Zero 4 seconds 13 past 13 on April 5, 2002. It for that day rain, stand up in dream, arrive, still stop raining noon. A vast expanse of whiteness in this world, the street, the vehicle, the trees, the wayside building, the umbrella opened, all wet, the ones that have obviously washed some on the market are noisy and impetuous, and with impetuous a light one endless to raise the wadding west stand, take two three ten minutes probably to Nankai University from Tianjin, taxi driver one feature rough expression vivid middle-aged person, the high throat is loud, very hospitable, speak with us with that genuine Tianjin of his on the way. We remind him of Mr. Chen, Chen Xingshen that he set up horses and take over? I see. Great mathematician, very much! Tianjin people understand some thing who does not know! You should talk about this Chen Xingshen, that is every of talent. Driver pride, glance right and left, busy with, let road where have florist shops, in order to help us buy flowers for Mr. Chen. Having reached Mr. Chen's home, settle down just, Mr. Chen quite says a bit surprisely, you should congratulate sb. on a happy occasion to me today. See that reveals the doubt by us, Mr. Chen explains, suffered from the intravenous thrombus in the past after stopping, two hospitals coming to the moon lived in a few days ago. Go, check see suddenly, no thrombus again just this morning. After we understand, are busy with saying this is really a happy event, good news. Mr. Chen is as proud as child, say repeatedly, yes, good news, good news.

Freedom of mind, simple life 2004年12月3日深夜,我正在网上游走,突然看到“陈省身”几个字从眼前倏然闪过……我把两年前采访陈先生时的合影找了出来,放在书架的正中间。 December 3, 2004 late at night, I was wandering the Internet, to see all of a sudden, "Chern" from the words suddenly flash in front ... ... I have an interview two years ago, when Mr. Chen's looking for a group photo, on the bookshelf The middle is. 在我和陈先生背后的墙上,是一只圆形的石英钟,上面的时针清楚地表明了那个瞬间:2002年4月5日13时13分零4秒。 Mr. Chen and I in the back of the wall is a round the clock, the clock above clearly demonstrates that moment: at 1:13 . on April 5, 2002 years and 4 seconds. 那天的雨从睡梦中就下起来,到中午了还在哗啦啦下个不停。 The rain that day from their sleep on the next, to a 1200 Hua Lala is also the next stop. 天地间白茫茫一片,街道,车辆,树木,路旁的建筑,撑开了的伞,全都湿漉漉的,显然洗去了不少市面上的喧嚣与浮躁,以及与浮躁同样轻飘飘的漫漫扬絮。 Between heaven and earth a white, streets, vehicles, trees, road construction, an open umbrella, all of the wet, it is clear to wash away a lot of noise and the market impetuousness, as well as with the same impetuous Yang Xu Qing Piaopiao long. 从天津西站到南开大学大约要走二三十分钟,出租司机是一位长相粗犷神色生动的中年人,高喉咙大嗓门,非常热情,一路上用他那地道的天津腔跟我们说话。 From Nankai University in Tianjin West Railway Station to take about 20 to 30 minutes, the taxi driver is a vivid expression of the rough-looking middle-aged, high-throat great voice, great enthusiasm, along with his authentic Tianjin cavity to speak with us. 我们跟他说起陈先生,他立马接过话说,陈省身? We told him about Mr. Chen, he immediately took over as saying that Chen? 知道。知道. 大数学家,不得了! Great mathematician, Hurry up! 天津人懂点儿事的谁不知道啊! Tianjin understand some of whom do not know ah! 你要说这陈省身,那可是人才哪。 Chern you have to say this, but what talent. 司机一边骄傲着,一边还要左顾右盼,忙着找路旁哪儿有花店,以方便我们给陈先生买鲜花。 Driver side of the proud, but also glance right and left side of the busy street to find a flower shop where, for the convenience of our Mr. Chen to buy flowers. 到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。 To Mr. Chen, seated Fu Yi, Mr. Chen has quite the surprise to say that today, you should Daoxi to me. 看到我们面露疑惑,陈先生停顿了一下才解释说,以前患有静脉血栓,前些时候还住了两个来月的医院。 We see that looked puzzled, paused before Mr. Chen explained that before suffering from venous thrombosis, also recently spent two years on the hospital. 今天上午刚又去查了,一看,血栓竟然没了。 This morning the search went to just one, not even a thrombosis. 我们听明白后,忙说这倒真是件喜事,好消息。 We listen to understand, Mangshuo This is a really happy event, the good news. 陈先生如小孩儿一般得意,连连说,是,好消息,好消息。 Mr. Chen as the general proud child, again and again that is good news, good news.




Objective: To evaluate the analgesia effect of para vertebral nerve block (PVB) post nephrectomy. Methods: Sixty patients undergoing simple nephrectomy (age 35-65 years old, both genders, weight 45-80 kg, ASA grade I or II) were randomly divided into two groups using the table of random numbers: the control group and the PVB group, with 30 patients in each group. For both groups, patients were given intravenous infusion of ropivacaine 250 ml post operation and intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia. Six, 12, 24 and 48 hours post operation, blood gas analysis was conducted and VAS scores under quiet and exercising conditions were assessed. The cumulative morphine usage and cases of complications were calculated at 48 hours post : Compared with control group, PVB group had a significant higher PaO2 and lower PaCO2. There were significant differences in VAS scores under exercising condition while no difference under quiet condition between two groups. In PVB group, the cumulative morphine usage decreased, there were fewer cases of nausea, vomiting, pruritus and orthostatic hypotension, and the first flatus time post operation was shortened (P<). Conclusions PVB analgesia post nephrectomy may reduce the usage of morphine and the incidence of complications.问题:CEA的英文全称未给出,故翻译时未采用此缩写。方法中未说明PVB何时及如何实施。吗啡辅助镇痛没查到有assist的翻译,一般就直接说patient controlled analgesia,或其后加pump。

[ Abstract ]Objective: To evaluate the effect of continuous paravertebral analgesia after 60 patients who only did nephrectomy,aged between 30 and 65, and weighed from 45kg to 80kg in both ASA was I or II. The patients were also divided into two groups randomly: The control group (CEA group ) and the continuous paravertebral nerve block group (PVB group ). and each group has 30 patients. Both groups were injected with 250ml ropivacaine continuously, and adopted the intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia blood was tested, the VAS in still and in movement was evaluated seperatedly after 6/12/24/48 hours of teh nephrectomy, and the accumulated marphine usage and the cases of complication of the patients after 48 hours were : Compared with CEA, PVB has significant higher PaO2, has the same VAS in still state with the CEA while different VAS in movement, and the accumulated usage of marphine is , the PVB has less patients showing nausea,vomiting,pruritus and orthostatic. In addition, the patients in PVB have short interval (P<) for the first flatus. Conclusion: Compared with CEA, using PVB for analgesia after the nephrectomy can reduce marphine usage and reduce related thoracic , amides ; pain after surgery ; analgesic我觉得我今天一定是心情大好....不然怎么会这么花时间去做这个呢....要不要用,你自己看着办吧...


护理学:Nursing Sciencenursing不算太完整

Severe asthmatic bronchopneumonia of child care. According to the nursing difficulties we take children atomization dilution sputum, diarrhea nursing, blood vessels such as the protection of targeted nursing measures.

Severe asthmatic bronchopneumonia of child care. According to the nursing difficulties we take children atomization dilution sputum, diarrhea nursing, blood vessels such as the protection of targeted nursing measures. Children by careful nursing, rehabilitation, converting hospital.

nursing只是表示护理的意思,而要表示护理学科为nursing science。



读法:英 ['nɜːsɪŋ]  美 ['nɝsɪŋ]


1、n. 护理;看护;养育

2、v. 看护;养育


1、nursing staff 护理人员

2、nursing home 私人疗养院

3、nursing department 护理部


读法:英 ['saɪəns]  美 ['saɪəns]

释义:n. 科学;技术;学科;理科


1、political science [社科] 政治学 ; 政治科学

2、natural science [科技] 自然科学 ; 理学 ; 理论科学

3、archival science 档案学 ; 档案科学




2、science作“学科”解时,多指理科的一门学科,如生物学、化学、物理学、工程学,有时可特指数学,偶尔也可指文科课程,一般用作可数名词。一般也不加冠词,但在the natural science和the social science中须加定冠词。



误 Agriculture and engineering are applied science.

正 Agriculture and engineering are applied sciences.

析 当science表示“科学(总称)”时是抽象名词,不可数,但表示某具体学科时则是可数名词。


