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ATM的杂合缺失,提高发展的乳腺癌p53的杂合子基因敲除小鼠摘要导言共济失调毛细血管扩张症是一种常染色体隐性疾病影响神经免疫功能,相关的与增加易感性的恶性肿瘤,染色体不稳定和过敏症的电离辐射。虽然共济失调毛细血管扩张症突变( ATM )的杂合缺失已提出要增加易感性乳腺癌, 一些研究没有发现过量风险。在实验动物,增加易感性乳腺癌是不观察到的ATM杂合子缺陷小鼠(自动柜员机+ / -) 携带基因敲除无效等位基因。在以确定的影响ATM的杂合子缺乏对乳腺tumourigenesis ,我们产生了一系列的ATM + / -小鼠对p 53蛋白+ / -背景某易感性自发性的发展乳腺癌,和我们研究发展的肿瘤后, X线照射。 方法balb/chea-p53 + / -小鼠杂交的M SM/ 在MS -自动柜员机+ / -老鼠,和女性的F 1代( [对B ALB/谢× 的MSM /质谱]的F1 )与4基因型所用的实验。 小鼠暴露在X光检查( 5 Gy的; 照射/分钟)在5岁以下周。 结果我们在测试的效果haploinsufficiency的自动柜员机基因对乳腺tumourigenesis后, X线照射,在P53蛋白+ / -小鼠的对B ALB/谢×的M SM/女士的背景。那个单独杂合子p53蛋白+ / -小鼠受到X线照射发达国家乳腺癌,在大约25周的年龄, 和最后的发病率乳腺癌,在39周为31 % ( 19 61 ) 。推出的杂合子ATM的基因敲除等位基因进入的背景下p53蛋白+ / -基因型显着增加的发病率乳腺癌58 % ( 32 55 )和增加的平均数目乳腺癌的老鼠。然而,引进自动柜员机等位基因没有改变的潜伏期发展乳腺癌。 结论我们的结果表明,一个强大的提高乳腺癌变由ATM的杂合缺失在P53蛋白+ / -小鼠。因此,双重杂合子小鼠代表一个有用的模型系统与分析的相互作用杂合基因型为P53蛋白, ATM和其他基因,并其对乳腺癌变。

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ATM的杂合缺失,提高发展的乳腺癌p53的杂合子基因敲除小鼠摘要导言共济失调毛细血管扩张症是一种常染色体隐性疾病影响神经免疫功能,相关的与增加易感性的恶性肿瘤,染色体不稳定和过敏症的电离辐射。虽然共济失调毛细血管扩张症突变( ATM )的杂合缺失已提出要增加易感性乳腺癌, 一些研究没有发现过量风险。在实验动物,增加易感性乳腺癌是不观察到的ATM杂合子缺陷小鼠(自动柜员机+ / -) 携带基因敲除无效等位基因。在以确定的影响ATM的杂合子缺乏对乳腺tumourigenesis ,我们产生了一系列的ATM + / -小鼠对p 53蛋白+ / -背景某易感性自发性的发展乳腺癌,和我们研究发展的肿瘤后, X线照射。 方法balb/chea-p53 + / -小鼠杂交的M SM/ 在MS -自动柜员机+ / -老鼠,和女性的F 1代( [对B ALB/谢× 的MSM /质谱]的F1 )与4基因型所用的实验。 小鼠暴露在X光检查( 5 Gy的; 照射/分钟)在5岁以下周。 结果我们在测试的效果haploinsufficiency的自动柜员机基因对乳腺tumourigenesis后, X线照射,在P53蛋白+ / -小鼠的对B ALB/谢×的M SM/女士的背景。那个单独杂合子p53蛋白+ / -小鼠受到X线照射发达国家乳腺癌,在大约25周的年龄, 和最后的发病率乳腺癌,在39周为31 % ( 19 61 ) 。推出的杂合子ATM的基因敲除等位基因进入的背景下p53蛋白+ / -基因型显着增加的发病率乳腺癌58 % ( 32 55 )和增加的平均数目乳腺癌的老鼠。然而,引进自动柜员机等位基因没有改变的潜伏期发展乳腺癌。 结论我们的结果表明,一个强大的提高乳腺癌变由ATM的杂合缺失在P53蛋白+ / -小鼠。因此,双重杂合子小鼠代表一个有用的模型系统与分析的相互作用杂合基因型为P53蛋白, ATM和其他基因,并其对乳腺癌变。



Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease (with ischemic vascular subcortical, SIVD) is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is a cause of vascular cognitive impairment (vascular cognitive resulted VCI), the most common subtype. SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular dementia. This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation, terminology translation correct statement is smooth, grammar, reasonable.

普通英语词汇特定医学词义类,如colon在普通英语中指冒号,但在医学英语中一般指结肠;pupil在普通英语中可以指学生,但在医学英语中是指瞳孔; 医学词素合成的术语类。这类词汇数目很大,且一般单词偏长,不懂规律、没有构词知识的话是很难掌握的。很多人对医学词汇的印象都来自于此,并且把这一类词汇误认为是医学词汇的全部。 独立医学术语类,即非医学词素构成的医学专业专用术语,如feces,nausea,vomiting等。全面了解医学词汇的类型、构词特点及其正确翻译对理解医学英语文献起着至关重要的作用。

Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is the most common vascular cognitive impairment of subtype. SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular dementia. This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation, etc.

Subcortical ischemic vascular disease is a disease becomes the leading cause of small to multiple subcortical lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions of the brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is caused by vascular cognitive damage to the most common subtype. SIVD can cause gait disorders such as Parkinson-like gait, ataxia of gait, ataxia, or no incentive for the frequent falls, a study shows that gait abnormalities may be early signs of vascular dementia. This will lead to gait impairment SIVD pathology, type of gait disorder, gait disorder and the relationship between cognitive impairment, gait disorder analysis and evaluation, and treatment were reviewed.



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Through the study of animal experiments to observe the United Yishen soup benazepril 5 / 6 nephrectomized rats renal function improved efficacy and reduced TGF-β1 expression in renal tissue and other advantages, and to explore the soup Yishen possible to improve the renal function of mechanism of :1. Select SPF class healthy adult male SD rats with 50 only as the research object, adaptive feeding one weeks later, 10 randomly selected as the sham-operated group (A group), and the remaining 40 with 5 / 6 nephrectomy CRF-made law the success of model selection criteria in line with the study group 32 rats were divided into B: model group, 8; C groups: benazepril group 8; D group: the Chinese Medicines Board 8; E group: beneficial United kidney soup benazepril group referred to as traditional Chinese and western medicine group 8, together with the A Group of 5 . Successful modeling start after delivery, the groups were given corresponding drugs . The end of the experiment 24 hours after the detection of urinary protein and blood BUN, Scr, RBC, Hb, and renal histology observation and renal tissue TGF-β1 expression general situation: during the experiment, sham-operated rats demonstrated alertness, quick reaction, dense fur, clean and shiny, growth, consumption and the activities had no significant abnormalities, weight gain; model group was significant malnutrition, make them apathetic, slow activity , loss of appetite, fluffy fur, haggard Matte, died in the course of treatment at 2, probably because of renal failure due consideration; benazepril rats than sham-operated group spirit apathetic, slow activity, fur, fluffy; Chinese Medicines large mouse performance and a similar benazepril group; WM rats with sham-operated rats without much difference in general performance, but dry dark . Of blood BUN, Scr impact: benazepril group, traditional Chinese medicine group, in the WM group significantly decreased BUN, Scr level, compared with the model group has significant difference (P <), but still higher than sham-operated group; traditional Chinese and western medicine group and the Chinese medicine group, benazepril group has significant difference (P <); Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group was no significant difference ( P> ).3. Hematology impact: Chinese medicine group and the TCM-WM group was significantly increased blood RBC, Hb, compared with the model group has statistically significant difference (P <), but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P> ); benazepril group compared with the model group was no significant difference (P> ).4. Pathologic changes, acceptance of renal rat subtotal excision were visible matrix hyperplasia, glomerular sclerosis, but the model group compared to the treatment group significantly lesser degree of glomerular sclerosis, one of traditional Chinese and western medicine to renal small ball for the lightest sclerosis; Immunohistochemistry results showed that the treatment group in renal tissue expression of TGF-β1 were significantly lower than model group (P <), and traditional Chinese and western medicine group can reduce the TGF-B1 in renal tissues, with the Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group has statistically significant difference (P <). Conclusion: Yishen soup through Yiqi Jianpi, huoxuehuayu, dampness Xiexin Turbidimetry, CRF can reduce blood BUN, Scr, improve anemia and reduce proteinuria, can be reduced effectively with 5 / 6 nephrectomy-induced CRF rat kidney tissue expression of TGF-β1, thereby reducing the accumulation of ECM, slowing the development of renal fibrosis, and delay the progress of Yishen soup has a good anti-renal fibrosis, but also after the United benazepril better efficacy.

NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth tooth meets the clinical experience treatmentAbstract: objective to investigate NaQing sexual front teeth tooth overburden match not deep treatment of factors, correction method and the matters needing attention. Methods selection NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth and 18 cases, are not case tooth correction. Results treatment completion time 15 to 21 months, average months. Correction by first teeth together, facial side cover normal appearance was coordination. Conclusion anterior tooth NaQing sex should be repeated in deep choosing good indications fits the tooth under treatment.

Objective: Through the study of animal experiments to observe the United Yishen soup benazepril 5 / 6 nephrectomized rats renal function improved efficacy and reduced TGF-β1 expression in renal tissue and other advantages, and to explore the soup Yishen possible to improve the renal function of mechanism of action. Methods: 1. Select SPF class healthy adult male SD rats with 50 only as the research object, adaptive feeding one weeks later, 10 randomly selected as the sham-operated group (A group), and the remaining 40 with 5 / 6 nephrectomy CRF-made law model. 2. After the success of model selection criteria in line with the study group 32 rats were divided into B: model group, 8; C groups: benazepril group 8; D group: the Chinese Medicines Board 8; E Group : Yishen Decoction United benazepril group referred to as traditional Chinese and western medicine group of eight, together with the A Group of 5 Group. 3. Successful modeling start after delivery, the groups were given corresponding drugs decoction. 4. The end of the experiment 24 hours after the detection of urinary protein and blood BUN, Scr, RBC, Hb, and renal histology observation and renal tissue TGF-β1 expression assay. Results: 1. The general situation: during the experiment, sham-operated rats demonstrated alertness, quick reaction, dense fur, clean and shiny, growth, consumption and the activities had no significant abnormalities, weight gain; model group was significant malnutrition, make them apathetic, slow activity, loss of appetite, fluffy fur, haggard Matte, died in the course of treatment at 2, probably because of renal failure due consideration; benazepril rats than sham-operated group spirit apathetic, slow activity, fur, fluffy; medicine the performance of rats with similar benazepril group; WM rats with sham-operated rats without much difference in general performance, but dry dark fur. 2. Of blood BUN, Scr impact: benazepril group, traditional Chinese medicine group, in the WM group significantly decreased BUN, Scr level, compared with the model group has significant difference (P <), but still high in sham-operated group; traditional Chinese and western medicine group and the Chinese medicine group, benazepril group has significant difference (P <); Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group was no significant difference (P> ). 3. Hematology impact: Chinese medicine group and the TCM-WM group was significantly increased blood RBC, Hb, compared with the model group has statistically significant difference (P <), but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P> ); benazepril group compared with the model group was no significant difference (P> ). 5. Pathologic changes, acceptance of renal rat subtotal excision were visible matrix hyperplasia, glomerular sclerosis, but the model group compared to the treatment group significantly lesser degree of glomerular sclerosis, one of traditional Chinese and western medicine to renal small ball for the lightest sclerosis; Immunohistochemistry results showed that the treatment group in renal tissue expression of TGF-β1 were significantly lower than model group (P <), and traditional Chinese and western medicine group can reduce the TGF-B1 in renal tissue Expression, and traditional Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group has statistically significant difference (P <). Conclusion: Yishen soup through Yiqi Jianpi, huoxuehuayu, dampness Xiexin Turbidimetry, CRF can reduce blood BUN, Scr, improve anemia and reduce proteinuria, can be reduced effectively with 5 / 6 nephrectomy-induced CRF rat kidney tissue expression of TGF-β1, thereby reducing the accumulation of ECM, slowing the development of renal fibrosis, and delay the progress of CRF. Fully Yishen soup has a good anti-renal fibrosis, but also after the United benazepril better efficacy.



