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《瑞丽》杂志由北京《瑞丽》杂志社倾力打造,目前主要有《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》两大时尚类杂志,发行量稳居全国第一位和第二位。 北京《瑞丽》杂志社是以平面媒体和网络媒体经营为核心业务的传媒企业,拥有《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》;拥有中国最大的女性垂直门户网站 ── 瑞丽女性网;拥有中国发行总量最大、品种最丰富的系列时尚刊书 ──瑞丽 BOOK ;拥有 中国最大的时尚媒体客户数据库 ──瑞丽读者数据库, 以及最大的瑞丽模特资源储备库。




北京《瑞丽》杂志社的经营范围是:利用自有《瑞丽》杂志、《瑞丽伊人风尚》杂志、《瑞丽家居设计》杂志、《男人风尚》杂志发布广告;图文设计制作;文化艺术交流;组织展览展示;市场调查;信息咨询(不含中介服务);电子商务服务(未经专项审批的除外);企业形象设计;技术开发、转让、咨询、培训、服务;服装服饰设计;销售百货;与北京《瑞丽》杂志社所出版杂志办刊宗旨相一致的互联网杂志、手机杂志出版(发行出版许可证有效期至2021年12月31日);出版、发行《瑞丽》杂志(发行出版许可证有效期至2018年12月31日);出版、发行《瑞丽家居设计》杂志(发行出版许可证有效期至2018年12月31日);出版、发行、《男人风尚》杂志(发行出版许可证有效期至2018年12月31日);《瑞丽伊人风尚》(发行出版许可证有效期至2018年12月31日)。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)。在北京市,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为445909万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共30家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于优秀。





北京瑞丽杂志社 地 址:北京市东长安街6号轻工业出版社 瑞丽杂志社 主营业务:以出版《瑞丽》系列期刊为主


2001年4月新版问世 2013年6月出版国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-0970国内统一刊号CN11-4968/TS广告经营许可证京东工商广字第0105号邮发代号:80-469主管中国轻工业联合会 Authorities in Charge:China Light IndustryAssociation主办中国轻工业出版社 Sponsor:China Light Industry Press总编辑杨西京 Chief Editor:Yang Xijing出版发行北京《瑞丽》杂志社 Publication & Distribution:Beijing RayliMagazine House16th Floor Block D Minsheng Financial Jianguomennei Avenue,Beijing 100005社长周洪滨 President:Zhou Hongbin常务副社长李春娅 Executive Vice-President:Li Chunya总编辑罗佳 Chief Editor:Luo Jia副社长安娜 Vice-President:An Na副总编辑冯莉/莫文 Deputy Chief Editors:Feng Li/Cathy Mo视觉总监李曙光 Art Director:Li Shuguang质检主任朱骏 Quality Control Director:Zhu Jun出版人安娜 Publisher:An Na主编简介 Served as Editor in chief美囡《瑞丽家居设计》主编本名:张美楠任职时间:2003年至2013年2010年获得全国期刊界新锐主编称号。建筑学和室内设计类专业毕业,从事过设计师行业,对家的概念开始由塑造外表到发掘内里转变,立意让中国家居从内到外美丽起来。继而从事家居类杂志工作10余年,担任《瑞丽家居设计》主编。作为最早的中国家居杂志引导者之一,在其带领家居团队的10年间,她凭借自身知识的专业性,对家居市场独到的分析和见解,以及对设计和杂志全面而准确的判断力和影响力,让《瑞丽家居设计》成为中国国内销量最大,知名度最高的品牌杂志,并一直稳居榜首。怀着对美好的理念和对家有爱的坚持,《瑞丽家居设计》作为中国深受中国家庭喜爱的全面涉及装修和装饰类的家居杂志被无数个中国装修家庭所认识。满载对家居业的高度热情和丰富经验和见解,美囡,也被无数个中国家庭和爱家的人所熟识。家,应是隽永而温暖的情感,态度即格调,《瑞丽家居设计》正是这个情感的陈述,它秉承瑞丽集团的DNA,用时尚精彩的风格、实在好用的内容,屡屡获得中国期刊各项大奖。2005年《瑞丽家居设计》的副刊《瑞丽新装家》开始发行,它带给了中国家庭更多的惊喜,它是中国独家的装修[FO1] 第一刊,也是瑞丽独创的装修功能专刊,每期家居空间的独特大容量专题,让家装从此变得透明和简单。《瑞丽新装家》与《瑞丽家居设计》一起形成瑞丽风格特有组合,成为家居界影响力最大的专业刊物,奠定了绝对领先的地位。而多年的专业经验积累和资深的编辑阅历,让美囡也对家居业有了相当广泛的了解,并曾多次受邀家具、家电、建材、厨卫、饰品等行业论坛和展会畅谈潮流趋势,也和著名国际展览公司、家居企业合作,举办最具人气的各类设计大赛和设计展,在读者和家居界引起巨大轰动。“对家有爱,让家更美”,是美囡在《瑞丽家居设计》出版过程中多年坚持的心念,更是她勤勉耕业、一直力图体现的主旨。《瑞丽家居设计》杂志的市场表现更加卓越,独占鳌头的最大发行量让全国的装修家庭都能受益,为了感恩和回报,《瑞丽家居设计》在近几年一直推出“金奖在线”连环抽奖活动,这是一个融合了品牌、读者、网友共同参与的全国性大型互动活动,也是家居界媒体最大、最受欢迎的盛事,每月的轮番抽奖,答谢了一直陪伴瑞丽家居的上百万个热心的读者。未来,《瑞丽家居设计》将继续执着于有“爱”的信念,以更佳灿烂的面貌展现更加美好的生活。Mei NanEditor-in-Chief of Rayli Home Full name: Zhang MeinanTerm of office: 2003 - 2013In 2010, Mei Nan wona national award as a Cutting-Edge Editor-in-Chief for Newspapers educated in Architecture and Interior Design,Mei Nan also shares her previous work experience as a designer. She sees innerbeauty as an essential facet of home design in China; her work focuses on thecontinuum from external design to inner beauty. She has been working in home& living as the editor-in-chief of RayliHome for over 10 stands as apioneer and leader in home & living magazines in China. In the past 10years, Mei Nan’s professional knowledge, uniqueinsight, perceptive judgment and great influence in the industry has led Rayli Home to consistent leadership in domestic circulation its never-ending pursuit of beauty and a love for home, RayliHome, as a magazine dedicated to homedecor and renovation,has won the approval and recognition of families across China. Moreover, countless families and home lovers know Mei Nan as sheshares her rich experience, unique insight and passion for home & home is all that is full of meaning and warmthenriched with attitude as style, then Rayli Home, imbued with the essence of what is Rayli, is the ultimate embodiment ofhome. Its orientation towards what is fashionable and practical has won manyaccolades. Since 2005, the launch of its supplement, Rayli Space, thefirst domestic magazine on homerenovations and Rayli’s exclusively how-to focused publication, brings moredelightful surprises to Chinese families. Each issue brimming with practicaland popular content on home & living, makes home renovation clear and simple. Together, RayliSpace and Rayli Home outline a style that is purely Rayli and holdirrefutable influence and leadership among home & living the same time, the accumulation of years of professional and seniorexperience in editing deepens Mei Nan’s extensive knowledge of the home &living industry. She shares her experience and passion by answering thefrequent invitations to share her views on future trends at industryconferences and exhibitions on furniture, home appliance, constructionmaterials, kitchens, bathrooms, other decor, etc. She has also worked withfamous international exhibition companies and home design companies in theorganization of various popular design competitions and exhibitions that haveattracted huge excitement among readers and within the home & livingindustry. Through the years of publishing Rayli Home, “loving home meansmaking home lovely” has been Mei Nan’s motto and the ideal she has been workingdiligently and consistently to the largest domestic circulation, Rayli Home’s excellentperformance in the market is a benefit to families eager and hungry forinformation on home décor and renovation. In recent years, the organization of“Golden Prize Online”, a nation-wide, regularly occurring lottery eventbringing brands, readers, and netizens together in participation, offers Raylia way to express gratitude and give back to the community. As the biggest andmost popular event in the home & living industry, the monthly lottery hasbenefited millions of loyal Rayli Home readers. In the future, RayliHome will continue to stand for “love” and showcase life in its fullestglory.

《瑞丽》杂志由北京《瑞丽》杂志社倾力打造,目前主要有《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》两大时尚类杂志,发行量稳居全国第一位和第二位。 北京《瑞丽》杂志社是以平面媒体和网络媒体经营为核心业务的传媒企业,拥有《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》;拥有中国最大的女性垂直门户网站 ── 瑞丽女性网;拥有中国发行总量最大、品种最丰富的系列时尚刊书 ──瑞丽 BOOK ;拥有 中国最大的时尚媒体客户数据库 ──瑞丽读者数据库, 以及最大的瑞丽模特资源储备库。


楼主你好:北京《瑞丽》杂志社 地址:北京市建国门内大街22号华夏银行10层邮编:100005电话: 传真: 网址:


《瑞丽》杂志由北京《瑞丽》杂志社倾力打造,目前主要有《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》两大时尚类杂志,发行量稳居全国第一位和第二位。 北京《瑞丽》杂志社是以平面媒体和网络媒体经营为核心业务的传媒企业,拥有《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》;拥有中国最大的女性垂直门户网站 ── 瑞丽女性网;拥有中国发行总量最大、品种最丰富的系列时尚刊书 ──瑞丽 BOOK ;拥有 中国最大的时尚媒体客户数据库 ──瑞丽读者数据库, 以及最大的瑞丽模特资源储备库。

瑞丽杂志有3个版本,发行时间没有固定在一天的:1、瑞丽时尚先锋 17-20 号出版下个月的。2、瑞丽服饰美容 22-25 号出版下个月的。3、瑞丽伊人风尚 1— 3 号出版当月的。一般在 20、25、3 号可以买得到最新的瑞丽杂志。《瑞丽》系列期刊是由中国轻工业出版社主办,北京《瑞丽》杂志社出版的著名系列品牌杂志。《瑞丽》以设计美丽,设计生活为出版宗旨,以伴随女性生命的每个阶段为出版理念,以实用、时尚为编辑方针,自1995年创办以来,《瑞丽》即以信息量大、实用性强、图片精美的特色开创了中国时尚杂志的实用先河,赢得中国广大城市女性的厚爱。其中《瑞丽服饰美容》和《瑞丽伊人风尚》两刊的发行量多年以来一直名列全国时尚杂志发行首位和第二位。

22-25据说有3个版本,所以出版时间也不会是一样的啦。瑞丽时尚先锋 17-20 号出版下个月的。瑞丽服饰美容 22-25 号出版下个月的。瑞丽伊人风尚 1— 3 号出版当月的。在 20、25、3 号可以买得到最新的。



2001年4月新版问世 2013年6月出版国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-0970国内统一刊号CN11-4968/TS广告经营许可证京东工商广字第0105号邮发代号:80-469主管中国轻工业联合会 Authorities in Charge:China Light IndustryAssociation主办中国轻工业出版社 Sponsor:China Light Industry Press总编辑杨西京 Chief Editor:Yang Xijing出版发行北京《瑞丽》杂志社 Publication & Distribution:Beijing RayliMagazine House16th Floor Block D Minsheng Financial Jianguomennei Avenue,Beijing 100005社长周洪滨 President:Zhou Hongbin常务副社长李春娅 Executive Vice-President:Li Chunya总编辑罗佳 Chief Editor:Luo Jia副社长安娜 Vice-President:An Na副总编辑冯莉/莫文 Deputy Chief Editors:Feng Li/Cathy Mo视觉总监李曙光 Art Director:Li Shuguang质检主任朱骏 Quality Control Director:Zhu Jun出版人安娜 Publisher:An Na主编简介 Served as Editor in chief美囡《瑞丽家居设计》主编本名:张美楠任职时间:2003年至2013年2010年获得全国期刊界新锐主编称号。建筑学和室内设计类专业毕业,从事过设计师行业,对家的概念开始由塑造外表到发掘内里转变,立意让中国家居从内到外美丽起来。继而从事家居类杂志工作10余年,担任《瑞丽家居设计》主编。作为最早的中国家居杂志引导者之一,在其带领家居团队的10年间,她凭借自身知识的专业性,对家居市场独到的分析和见解,以及对设计和杂志全面而准确的判断力和影响力,让《瑞丽家居设计》成为中国国内销量最大,知名度最高的品牌杂志,并一直稳居榜首。怀着对美好的理念和对家有爱的坚持,《瑞丽家居设计》作为中国深受中国家庭喜爱的全面涉及装修和装饰类的家居杂志被无数个中国装修家庭所认识。满载对家居业的高度热情和丰富经验和见解,美囡,也被无数个中国家庭和爱家的人所熟识。家,应是隽永而温暖的情感,态度即格调,《瑞丽家居设计》正是这个情感的陈述,它秉承瑞丽集团的DNA,用时尚精彩的风格、实在好用的内容,屡屡获得中国期刊各项大奖。2005年《瑞丽家居设计》的副刊《瑞丽新装家》开始发行,它带给了中国家庭更多的惊喜,它是中国独家的装修[FO1] 第一刊,也是瑞丽独创的装修功能专刊,每期家居空间的独特大容量专题,让家装从此变得透明和简单。《瑞丽新装家》与《瑞丽家居设计》一起形成瑞丽风格特有组合,成为家居界影响力最大的专业刊物,奠定了绝对领先的地位。而多年的专业经验积累和资深的编辑阅历,让美囡也对家居业有了相当广泛的了解,并曾多次受邀家具、家电、建材、厨卫、饰品等行业论坛和展会畅谈潮流趋势,也和著名国际展览公司、家居企业合作,举办最具人气的各类设计大赛和设计展,在读者和家居界引起巨大轰动。“对家有爱,让家更美”,是美囡在《瑞丽家居设计》出版过程中多年坚持的心念,更是她勤勉耕业、一直力图体现的主旨。《瑞丽家居设计》杂志的市场表现更加卓越,独占鳌头的最大发行量让全国的装修家庭都能受益,为了感恩和回报,《瑞丽家居设计》在近几年一直推出“金奖在线”连环抽奖活动,这是一个融合了品牌、读者、网友共同参与的全国性大型互动活动,也是家居界媒体最大、最受欢迎的盛事,每月的轮番抽奖,答谢了一直陪伴瑞丽家居的上百万个热心的读者。未来,《瑞丽家居设计》将继续执着于有“爱”的信念,以更佳灿烂的面貌展现更加美好的生活。Mei NanEditor-in-Chief of Rayli Home Full name: Zhang MeinanTerm of office: 2003 - 2013In 2010, Mei Nan wona national award as a Cutting-Edge Editor-in-Chief for Newspapers educated in Architecture and Interior Design,Mei Nan also shares her previous work experience as a designer. She sees innerbeauty as an essential facet of home design in China; her work focuses on thecontinuum from external design to inner beauty. She has been working in home& living as the editor-in-chief of RayliHome for over 10 stands as apioneer and leader in home & living magazines in China. In the past 10years, Mei Nan’s professional knowledge, uniqueinsight, perceptive judgment and great influence in the industry has led Rayli Home to consistent leadership in domestic circulation its never-ending pursuit of beauty and a love for home, RayliHome, as a magazine dedicated to homedecor and renovation,has won the approval and recognition of families across China. Moreover, countless families and home lovers know Mei Nan as sheshares her rich experience, unique insight and passion for home & home is all that is full of meaning and warmthenriched with attitude as style, then Rayli Home, imbued with the essence of what is Rayli, is the ultimate embodiment ofhome. Its orientation towards what is fashionable and practical has won manyaccolades. Since 2005, the launch of its supplement, Rayli Space, thefirst domestic magazine on homerenovations and Rayli’s exclusively how-to focused publication, brings moredelightful surprises to Chinese families. Each issue brimming with practicaland popular content on home & living, makes home renovation clear and simple. Together, RayliSpace and Rayli Home outline a style that is purely Rayli and holdirrefutable influence and leadership among home & living the same time, the accumulation of years of professional and seniorexperience in editing deepens Mei Nan’s extensive knowledge of the home &living industry. She shares her experience and passion by answering thefrequent invitations to share her views on future trends at industryconferences and exhibitions on furniture, home appliance, constructionmaterials, kitchens, bathrooms, other decor, etc. She has also worked withfamous international exhibition companies and home design companies in theorganization of various popular design competitions and exhibitions that haveattracted huge excitement among readers and within the home & livingindustry. Through the years of publishing Rayli Home, “loving home meansmaking home lovely” has been Mei Nan’s motto and the ideal she has been workingdiligently and consistently to the largest domestic circulation, Rayli Home’s excellentperformance in the market is a benefit to families eager and hungry forinformation on home décor and renovation. In recent years, the organization of“Golden Prize Online”, a nation-wide, regularly occurring lottery eventbringing brands, readers, and netizens together in participation, offers Raylia way to express gratitude and give back to the community. As the biggest andmost popular event in the home & living industry, the monthly lottery hasbenefited millions of loyal Rayli Home readers. In the future, RayliHome will continue to stand for “love” and showcase life in its fullestglory.

实用 功能Practical & Functional潮流 灵感Trendy & Inspiring文化 生活Culture & Life实用 功能家,是生活的积累和自我气质的展现。《瑞丽家居设计》,将饰家变成简单的事,让家住着舒心看着美丽,实在好用又真实温馨。在令人眼花缭乱的选择中、在层出不穷的流行里,让你收获最贴心的产品、最适合的风格、最实用的功能、最详尽的打造方案……精彩又踏实的家,不仅是展现于他人面前的理想画面,更是完全属于自己的居住之地Practical & FunctionalHome is the reflection of the life experience and character of those who live in it. RAYLI HOME simplifies home décor, and creates a comfortable, inviting, practical, and warm place to live. It helps you find the products and styles that are perfect for you, the most practical functions, and the most comprehensive solutions among the myriad of choices and ever-evolving fashion trends. A fabulous and pragmatic home both presents an ideal world in front of others and serves as a residence for its inhabitants潮流 灵感时尚的步伐总是千变万化、灵感叠现。装修和装饰家,同样是创意不断、新鲜创造的过程。《瑞丽家居设计》第一时间汇聚当下家居最in趋势、最热最top的潮流热点。展现设计师的台前幕后、最新产品灵感、最潮风格理念,以及其在居住生活空间的实际案例。从饰材到饰品,让最具灵感的元素极致发挥,呈现艺术创意,带来惊喜无限Trendy & InspiringFashion changes all the time and is never short of inspiration. Likewise, creative and original ideas keep emerging in home décor and furnishing. RAYLI HOME keeps track of the trendiest, hottest and best ideas in home furnishing. There are real cases showing the works, inside stories, new inspirations, latest avant-garde concepts and lives of designers. From materials to accessories, it explores the ultimate potential in the most inspiring elements, displays artistic innovation and creates endless surprises生活 文化优雅高品的生活,蕴涵着细腻精致的文化和智慧。《瑞丽家居设计》,展现潮流前沿,更细细考量家居生活的传统点滴,品味并弘扬文化经典。精确把握设计原味的同时,将文化内涵与生活智慧贯穿于细节与生活艺术之中,在布置、装扮家和生活的同时,带来全方位的审美提升和愉悦享受Culture & LifeIn life, it is the wisdom and sophistication in cultural appreciation that cultivates elegance and quality. While presenting the cutting-edge trends, RAYLI HOME learns and promotes cultural classics by taking a closer look at traditions in home and living. It seeks to accurately grasp original designs, and instill cultural understanding and life’s wisdom into the art of living. Through the renovation and decoration of the home, we are able to better enjoy and appreciate life in every respect


