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【独立宣言受美国共和主义精神所影响,即以之为自由权之基本架构。另外,宣言中也反映启蒙时期的哲学,包含自然律、自决、与自然神论等观点。宣言中的理想,甚至其中一些片断,直接引用英国哲学家约翰·洛克之著作,尤其是其以“文明政府之真实起源、范畴、与终结之各项专论 本杰明.富兰克林”为题之政府二论(Second Treatise on Government)。于其论文中,洛克拥护由受统治者成立政府之信念。洛克写道,人类拥有天赋人权。其他独立宣言所受到的影响包括阿尔杰农·西德尼之演讲与著作天助自助者(Wawrzyniec Grzymala Goslicki),以及托马斯·潘恩。据杰斐逊之理念,独立之目的为“非为寻找前此未有之新原则,或新论述……而是置事物之常理于世人眼前,以简洁之语句搏取赞同,并使之以我等受迫之立场自我判断。”】 。


The The Declaration of Independence, completed and signed in July of 1776, marked the official separation between the 13 colonies and Great Britain. An armed struggle between the colonies and Britain had begun just over a year before, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The formal declaration of independence established the new American revolutionary government and officially declared war against Great Britain. The primary purpose of the declaration was to assist the Second Continental Congress in obtaining aid from foreign countries. The document also clearly outlines the history of abuses the colonists had suffered under British rule since the end of the French and Indian war in 1763. <--DisplayAds("Middle,Middle2,Right!Middle");//--><-- --><-- -->Prior to the French and Indian war, the colonists had enjoyed over a hundred years of "salutary neglect." In other words, although laws were in place to maintain the subordinate status of the colonies to Great Britain, they were usually not enforced. After the French and Indian war, which increased Britain's share of North America, King George III and Parliament sought to establish firm control over the land newly obtained from France, and to help pay war debts by taxing the colonies. They did this by enacting a number of acts that either taxed the colonists or placed stricter controls on trade. These laws included the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Tax (1765), the Townshend Acts (1767), and the Tea Act (1773). Additionally, Parliament enacted the Quartering Act (1765) which forced colonists to help pay for the British military stationed in the colonies. Colonists initially protested these acts through peaceful means such as petition, boycott, and committees. They argued that since they had no representation in Parliament, they could not be rightfully taxed by Parliament. As their petitions were repeatedly ignored, and taxes continually added, colonists turned to increasingly more destructive actions, like the Boston Tea Party of 1774. In response to this rebellious action by the Massachusetts Colony, the King and Parliament exacted punishment through legislation referred to by colonists as the "Intolerable Acts." The Intolerable Acts sparked the colonies to call an inter-colonial congress for the purpose of discussing a unified response to the King and Parliament. This First Continental Congress, as it was called, met in September 1774 in Philadelphia. All 13 colonies were present except for Georgia. The Congress drafted a declaration claiming that the Intolerable Acts were unconstitutional, that the colonists retained the same civil rights as English citizens, and that they would boycott all English goods until reconciliation was reached. The negotiations never happened. Instead, tensions continued to mount between the colonists and Great Britain. The First Continental Congress agreed to meet again in May 1775 if no reconciliation had been reached. At this Second Continental Congress, all thirteen colonies were present. It took 14 months, military mobilization, persuasive pamphleteering, and the further abuse of colonial rights before all 13 colonies agreed to pursue independence. At issue were political as well as practical concerns. Upper class colonists tended to fear the lower class gaining too much power through revolution. Middle class colonists could not afford to see their businesses continue to decline due to trade restrictions. All colonists resented that the King and Parliament denied them representative government and their civil rights. However, they also doubted whether they would be strong enough to resist the British military. Early in 1776, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet Common Sense, which won over many colonists to the cause of independence. Meanwhile, the congress had sent the King an Olive-Branch Petition as a last effort towards reconciliation. Not only did he refuse to respond to the colonists' plea, he sent an additional 20,000 troops to North America and hired mercenaries from Germany to bolster his military force. An all-out war seemed imminent and even moderate delegates realized that in order to obtain much-needed military support from France, they would have to declare themselves wholly independent from Great Britain. Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a resolution for independence in June of 1776. The Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence that consisted of John Adams (MA), Benjamin Franklin (PA), Thomas Jefferson (VA), Robert Livingston (NY) and Roger Sherman (CT). <--DisplayAds("Middle,Middle2,Right!Middle2");//--><-- --><-- -->The job of drafting the Declaration of Independence fell to the youngest member of the committee, Thomas Jefferson. In composing the declaration, Jefferson drew on ideas from the Enlightenment, especially those of John Locke. Not only did the declaration represent a milestone in the history of the United States, it also turned the political philosophies of 18th century Europe into real political practice.












这是篇独立研究论文,出处就是作者所在的机构IAGS(Institute for the Analysis of Global Security )作者:Cindy Hurst 发表日期:March 2010



留住方言,文化立根方言在时代的冲击下踉跄前行,早已衣不蔽体。那些在历史回荡着的声音,有些渐渐远去,甚至不复存在,也带走了承载其中的情感寄托和文化光辉。方言保护亟不可待,一寸乡愁还需留住。留住方言,文化立根。一方水土一片记忆,一声乡音一份联结, “乡音无改鬓毛衰”,乡音是心灵安全的归属,奔波再久乡音一响,那就是到家了。这种声音是那样的美,总会让人热泪盈眶,熙熙攘攘的一群人在喉咙震动爆破的那刻已经成了老乡。孕育于同一片土地,声音就是最有力的证明。方言是乡的灵魂,寄居着文化,是人文和历史的载体。不论是秦腔的撕吼还是越剧里的吴语,都用独特的方言美感定义了一片地域的文化特征和性格特点。方言是地方的文化名片和最佳代言。那些埋藏于地下的文字破译需要方言,古代历史的解读需要方言,诗词韵律的判断需要方言。这声音啊,捣破黄龙直击文化的心脏。中华文化在方言的传动下源远流长生生不息,更是百花绽放博大精深。山山水水下的文化多样性就是在方言的温床中得以孕育发展。令人担忧的是现如今很多方言像是失宠的妃子一样在挣扎着哭泣着。说方言的人越来越少,有些方言甚至已经消失。国家大力推广普通话,在电视台、广播等媒体中都不见方言的影子。在普通话的挤压之下,方言不见天日。中国城镇化也在快速地进行着,普通话渐渐地成为了各地的生活用语,方言使用频率大大下降。而且为了提高教育,很多家长主动放弃教小孩方言,普通话从娃娃抓起,更是雪上加霜。再者很多人对方言的认识不足,忽略了方言的文化内涵和在文化多元方面起到的至关重要的作用,只是片面地认为方言有碍文化交流阻断文化发展,对方言排斥激烈态度悲观。叹!最令人心痛的是美好的东西被慢慢地撕毁。方言在夹缝中亟待救援,行动刻不容缓。政府应要引起重视,在推广普通话的过程中也要认识到方言是地域特征的浓缩,而不是打出一句“人人都讲普通话,文明社会你我他”就万事大吉,建立方言博物馆,开展方言艺术表演等等都是可行之举,近年来大火的声音影像记录也要提上日程。学者的也要重视方言的研究,充分挖掘方言里的文化内涵和历史价值,提高方言地位。而作为个人,要把传承故乡的声音作为责任和使命,应该以会一口流利的方言而自豪。留住方言,文化立根。那故乡的声音响起的时候,我们都可以有底气地说:生于斯,长于斯,我是这儿的人。





