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Chinese and Western cultural differences in human resources management[Abstract] With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, Chinese and Western cultural differences in corporate human resources management has been a wider range and higher-level exchanges and integration. Multi-cultural context of coexistence to resolve the cultural differences and cultural conflicts arising from the enterprise human resources management, enterprise development. This article mainly from the cultural differences on the impact of human resources management and cultural differences in human resources management applications to discuss the proposal.[Key words] cultural differences impact on human resources management proposalsFirst, cultural differences on the impact of human resources managementWith the global economic and cultural ties in depth, in order to fierce competition in the market to obtain a competitive advantage and initiative, a growing number of companies go out of the country, the global search for the efficient allocation of resources at the same time, in Western cultural differences to corporate human resources management put forward a new topic for discussion. Enterprise human resources management to a large extent by a national culture, including values, ways of thinking and the impact of social customs and constraints. Cultural impact on business recruitment, promotion, performance appraisal methods, such as a series of human resources management policy. For example, in the design of the remuneration of transnational corporations, it is necessary to consider the views of different countries. Chinese people to increase their wages with benefits linked to the foreign public with the price index, inflation and other factors linked. Similarly, in the promotion of cadres, the Chinese people attach importance to the political quality of the qualifications and interpersonal relationships, while the volume of foreign and line only. Therefore, the human resources of transnational corporations need to enterprises as a whole, to managers of local culture and familiarity with local culture, to adapt to local culture, the condition that the selection of fusion and Western cultural differences for enterprise human resource management is a double-edged sword, because of cultural differences led to the management of ideas and exchanges on the differences, so that enterprises develop human resources management strategy difficult. Practice has proved that as a result of different cultural backgrounds of people values and behavior patterns of different cultural friction, is the failure of operation and management of transnational corporations and the implementation of its global strategy in trouble one of the root causes. Traditional human resources management, the members have common values, a single management of the environment, in the multi-national corporations, the members have different cultural backgrounds, management organizations difficult. Chinese and Western cultural differences but also in human resources management functions more diversified, and human resources management to promote the realization of a change in the way to improve the human resources management in the enterprise , cultural differences in human resource management application in the proposal1. Integrated corporate culture, strengthen communication, the establishment of common valuesDifferent countries have different cultural values, and as an orthodox, they have their own according to their own thinking and the concept of law, to the enterprise's human resources management has led to great difficulties. Therefore, human resource managers to find the combination of points of different cultures, absorbing the essence of both culture and give full play to the advantage of commonality and individuality of each other, in order to adopt effective measures to establish a step-by-step characteristics of the enterprises, but also to adapt to the environment of the new enterprise culture, and gradually establish a common values. And by organizing various activities, to continue to strengthen exchanges between staff and cooperation to fully understand each other's cultural backgrounds, values and so on, to enhance cross-border employees, as well as staff-to-business identity, so that their staff's personal culture can truly into the corporate culture, their own thoughts and actions with the company's purposes and business combine in order to give full play to the Chinese and Western cultural differences in human resources management in . Actively engaged in cross-cultural communication and trainingMultinational corporations should be taken to strengthen the cultural communication means, such as the enterprise in favor of establishing a common language to communicate; greater use of task orders, memoranda, and other forms Checklist simple, fast and accurate transmission of information; to collect the views of staff and reasonable, so to enable the employees speak their minds; organization of Chinese and Western seminars to strengthen exchanges. At the same time, human resource managers to enhance cross-cultural training. The so-called cross-cultural training, refers to a variety of cultural backgrounds in the organization, carried out by groups aimed at eliminating or reducing a variety of cultural differences arising from a variety of obstacles, and cultural conflict in training activities. The purpose of cross-cultural training is by making employees aware of the different cultures and learn to respect each other's culture and improve the staff's sensitivity to different cultures as well as in the work of international environment and reduce cross-cultural communication as a result of misconduct brought about by the mistakes and daily work as a result of cultural differences arising from a clash of cultures. Cross-cultural training is considered by many multinational companies to reduce the cultural conflicts, to achieve effective cross-cultural management of one of the main instruments. The main content of cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity training, language learning, cross-cultural communication and conflict management, cultural adaptability training, the local environment . The management of localization strategiesTransnational corporations localization of human resources management refers to the overseas subsidiaries of transnational corporations, whether managers or general staff, usually in the host country for recruitment, selection and appointment. The substance of the multinational corporations in the production, marketing, management, personnel and other operating aspects of all-round integration process of the host economy, but also bear the responsibility of the host country citizens, and will integrate into the corporate culture and rooted in local culture. The use of local people can be eliminated by the cultural background and language gap caused all sorts of misunderstandings, and can use them in the local good interpersonal relationships, quickly open up the market, improving the competitiveness of enterprises; is conducive to reduce the overseas dispatch of multinational corporations and transnational business operation the high cost; narrow local subsidiary and the parent company of the location of the differences between the levels; and can choose the one best suited to the posts of staff. Is also beneficial to the host country's economic security, increase job opportunities, manage change, to accelerate in line with international standards. Therefore, we should actively promote the cultivation of local talent and ConclusionIn short, human resource managers of multinational companies to manage staff should be in full knowledge of the corporate culture and foreign culture on the basis of thorough, systematic and comprehensive study of enterprises in the western culture of human resources management, so that the different culture to achieve the best combination to play its greatest advantage. Only to build their own cross-cultural management strategies, effective realization of enterprises in the management of the Western cultural differences in order to increase its presence in multinational operations in the likelihood of success, to enhance their :[1] Song Yan: Analysis of corporate human resources, cross-cultural management. Scientific and technological information for development and economic, in 2007 the first three[2] LIU Jing-jing: On cross-cultural human resources management. Business Administration, in 2007 the first five[3] Chun-kit: a joint venture operating in the development of cross-cultural differences. Enterprise Zone, 2004 No. 11[4] Li-Jun Zhao Deng Wu Xiaodong sister: International Enterprise Human Resources Management cross-cultural adaptation research. Techno-economic, 2005 12[5] Peng ZHANG Peng-cheng: multinational cross-cultural management. Beijing Institute of Finance and Trade Management Journal, 2001 4仅供参考,请自借鉴。希望对您有帮助。补充:出处:呵呵。只能帮你这些了,还是希望对你有点帮助吧。




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