发表学术论文80余篇,国际刊物近40篇,SCI收录近40篇,EI收录50余篇。部分代表论文:Shuyun Jiang, Hebing Mao. Investigation of the High Speed Rolling Bearing Temperature Rise with Oil-air Lubrication. Journal of Tribology, Transactions of ASME, 2011 (133): 021101-1-021101-9 (SCI, EI)Shuyun Jiang, Hongjun Xie. Tribological behavior of plasma-spray TiO2 coating against metallic bearing materials under oil lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2011(225): 128-138 (SCI, EI)Shuyun Jiang, Hongjun Xie. Synergistic effect of diisopropyl phosphite and ultra alkaline calcium sulfonate additives on tribological properties of AISI 52100 steel/Al2O3 ceramics. Lubrication Science. 2011(23) :279-291 (SCI, EI)Shuyun Jiang, Hongjun Xie.Synergistic effect of diisopropyl phosphite and ashless organic ammonium phosphate salt additives on tribological properties of AISI 52100 steel/Al2O3 ceramics.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2011(225):263-275 (SCI, EI)Shuyun Jiang, Xiang Min, Thermal design of the vertical machining center headstock by the forcedcooling method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010(224): 186-193 (SCI、EI)Xiang Min,Shuyun Jiang. A thermal model of the ball screw feed drive system for machine tool, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010(224): 186-193 (SCI、EI)Jiang Xu, Linlin Liu, Shuyun Jiang. Effect of carbon doping on electrochemical behaviour of nanocrystalline Ti5Si3 film in NaCl solution, Electrochemistry Communications. 2010(12):102-105 (SCI, EI)Shuyun Jiang, Yunjian Zheng. A contact stiffness model of machined joint surfaces, Journal of Tribology, Transactions of ASME, 2010 (132):011401-1-011401-7 (SCI、EI)Shuyun Jiang, Shufei Zhen. Dynamic design of a high speed motorized spindle-bearing system, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of ASME, 2010(131)034501-1-034501-5 (SCI、EI)Shuyun Jiang, Shufei Zheng, A modeling approach for analysis and improvement of spindle-drawbar-bearing assembly dynamics. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2010(50):131-142 (SCI、EI)Shuyun Jiang, Hebing Mao, Investigation of variable optimum preload for a machine tool spindle, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2010(50):19-28 (SCI、EI)Shuyun Jiang, Yunjian Zheng, Analytical model of thermal contact resistance based on Weierstrass-Mandelbrot (W-M) fractal function. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010(224):959-967(SCI、EI)Shuyun Jiang, Yufei Liang, A simplified calculating method of axial force for permanent magnetic bearing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical EngineeringScience, 2010(224): 703-708 (SCI、EI)Shuyun Jiang, Shifei Yang. Synergistic effect of diisopropyl phosphite and triphenyl thiophosphate additives on tribological properties of T8 Steel/Al2o3 ceramics, Wear, 2010(258): 777-783 (SCI、EI)Hongchang Wang, Shuyun Jiang, Zupei Shen. The dynamic analysis of an energy storage flywheel system with hybrid bearing support. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of ASME, 2009(131): 051006-1~051006-10 (SCI、EI)Jiang Xu, Zheyuan Chen, Jie Tao, Shuyun Jiang, Corrosion behavior of amorphous/ nanocrystalline Al-Cr-Fe film deposited by double glow plasmas technique, Science in China(中国科学)Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52 (2): 1-9 (SCI、EI)Xu Min, Jiang Shuyun, Cai Ying. An improved thermal model for machine tool bearings. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.(SCI、EI)47(2007):53-62Jiang Shuyun, Ju Lihua. Study on electromechanical coupling nonlinear vibration of flywheel energy storage system. Science in China(中国科学): Series E Technological Sciences 2006 ,49(1):61-77鞠立华,蒋书运。飞轮储能系统机电耦合非线性动力学分析。中国科学 E辑工程科学材料科学2006, 36(1): 68-83专利与软件著作权: 蒋书运。一种高速宝石轴承润滑油的制备方法。ZL99119552.3(发明专利) 蔡英、蒋书运。高速电主轴轴承性能综合试验台。ZL03277888.0(实用新型) 蒋书运。预紧力可控智能化高速加工电主轴。200610038219.6(发明专利) 蒋书运。预紧力可控无颤振电主轴。200620069224.6(实用新型) 机床主轴动态特性分析与优化设计软件。2006SR03838