ORCID,是Open Researcher and Contributor ID的简称,即开放学术出版物及学术产出的作者(即科研工作者)标识符。
ORCID 是一套不产生任何费用的、在全世界范围唯一的16 位身份识别码,是科研工作者在学术领域的身份证。科研工作者的ORCID,相当于文献领域数字对象的DOI、期刊的ISSN、中国公民的身份证[4]。ORCID有4组共16位数字组成,每4个数字之间用短线连接,例如:0000-XYZQ-ABCD-EFGH,其中,国别用XYZQ表示,姓名和邮箱用ABCD-EFGH表示。
科研产品(包括论文、著作等)的责任者的名称具有复杂性,其具有的歧义性使国际上普遍存在的问题。由于我国的姓名的命名、书写等规则与英语的差距较大,就导致了在实践中会遇到重名、别称、名字变动、发音相同或相近的名字,这些用中文表示是没有问题的,但是用国际通用语英文来表示,就会出现责任者唯一性的不确定,例如,同音不同字的两个人,“李丽”和“李利”、用中文很容易区分,但是用英语翻译都是“Li Li”、难以区分,影响了以人为中心的信息组织。
科研工作者的名字具有多样性,在科研成果发表过程中会遇到科研工作者的名字重名、同一个科研工作者有几个名字、 翻译的前后顺序问题、西方名字缩写、同音字或形近字的名字,这些问题导致了科研工作者的唯一性被混淆、属性信息失真。因此,为了准确地关联科研工作者的标识与其发表的作品,同时在最大程度上促进科研成果归属的组织和规范,汤森路透集团和自然出版集团等全球性学术出版机构于2009年11月发起了ORCID项目。
近年发表论文180多篇,部分论文如下:1.Jie-Jie Chen, Wen-Wei Li, Xue-Liang Li*,Han-Qing Yu*, Carbon dioxide capture by minoalkyl imidazoliumbased ionic liquid: a computational investigation,Carbon dioxide capture by aminoalkylimidazolium-based ionic liquid: a computational investigation, Physical chemistry and chemical physics, 14, 4589-4596,20122.Jie-Jie Chen, Wen-Wei Li, Xue-Liang Li*, and Han-Qing Yu*, Improving Biogas Separation and Methane Storage with Multilayer Graphene Nanostructure via Layer Spacing Optimization and Lithium Doping: A Molecular Simulation Investigation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46 (18), pp 10341–10348, 20123.LI Xue Liang*,CHEN Jie Jie et al , QuantumChemical Calculation of Hydroxyalkyl Ammonium Functionalized Ionic Liquids for Absorbing SO2. Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 26(5):1364-1372 ,20104.Li, X. L. *; Wang, W. D.; Shi, C. W.; Wang, H.; Xing, Y., Structural and electrochemical characterization of LiFePO4/C prepared by a sol-gel route with long- and short-chain carbon sources. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 13, (6), 921-926,20095.Li, X. L., C. L. Han, et al. Preparation and performance of straw based activated carbon forsupercapacitor in non-aqueous electrolytes. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 131(1-3): 303-309.6.Li, X. L., P. P. Li, et al. Controllable solvo-hydrothermal electrodeposition of lithium vanadateuniform carnation-like nanostructure and their electrochemical performance. Journal of Solid StateElectrochemistry 14(7): 1325-1332.20097.Li, X. L. *; Liu, D. J.; Zhang, D. W.; Chen, X. Y.; Tian, X. L., One-step synthesis and electrochemical behavior of LiMnO2 and its composite from MnO2 in the presence of glucose. Journalof Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70, (6), 936-940. 20098.Li, X. L. *; Xing, Y.; Wang, H.; Wang, H. L.; Wang, W. D.; Chen, X. Y., Synthesis andcharacterization of uniform nanoparticles of gamma-Mo2N for supercapacitors. Transactions ofNonferrous Metals Society of China 19, (3), 620-625,2009.9.Li X. L. *; Chen C. L.; Chang P. P.; Yu S. M.; Wu W. S.; Wang X. K., Comparative studies of cobalt sorption and desorption on bentonite, alumina and silica: effect of pH and fulvic acid. Desalination 244, 283-292,2009.10.Li, X. L. *, Y. Xing, et al,.. (2009). Synthesis and characterization of uniform nanoparticles of gamma-Mo2N for supercapacitors. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 19(3): 620-625,2009.11.Chen, X. Y. *; Ma, C.; Li, X. X.; Shi, C. W.; Li, X. L.; Lu, D. R., Novel Necklace-likeMAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ (M = Sr, Ba, Ca) Phosphors via a CTAB-Assisted Solution-Phase Synthesis andPostannealing Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, (7), 2685-2689,2009.12.Luo M. *; Tang H. M.; Li Q. R.; Sun J.; Yang S. Z.; Li X. L., The synthesis of N–Zn, N–Cucomplexes involving 2-amino pyridine and ethylenediamine ligands and application to the Henryreaction. Journal of Chemical Sciences 121, (3), 1-6, 2009.13.Luo mei *, Li, X. L.; , Synthesis and crystal structure of (o-Diaminobenzene)2 Zn(OAc)2,Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 35(12)871–873, 2009.14.Chen, X. Y.; Zhang, Z. J.; Shi, C. W.; Li, X. L., Controlled synthesis of hierarchically porousbeta-Ni(OH)2 microspheres and NiO nanoparticles with the optical property of NiO nanoparticles.Materials Letters 2008, 62, (3), 346-351.15.Chen, X. Y.; Zhang, Z. H.; Li, X. L.; Lee, S. W., Controlled hydrothermal synthesis of colloidalboehmite (gamma-AlOOH) nanorods and nanoflakes and their conversion into gamma-Al2O3 nanocrystals.Solid State Communications 2008, 145, (7-8), 368-373.16.Li, X. L.; Tian, X. L.; Zhang, D. W.; Chen, X. Y.; Liu, D. J., Solvothermal synthesis andcharacterization of nitrogen-enriched carbon-encapsulated nickel nanospheres. Materials Science andEngineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials 2008, 151, (3), 220-223.17.Li, X. L.; Chen, X. J.; Chen, X. Y.; Han, C. L.; Shi, C. W., Hydrothermal synthesis andcharacterization of VO2 (B) nanorods array. Journal of Crystal Growth 2007, 309, (1), 43-47.18.Li, X. L.; Han, C. L., Directional role of weak magnetic field on the self-fabrication of ordered nickel chains. Journal of Crystal Growth 2007, 309, (1), 60-64.19.Li, X. L.; Xiang, R. M.; Su, T.; Qian, Y. T., Synthesis and electrochemical properties ofnanostructured LiMn2O4 for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Letters 2007, 61, (17), 3597-3600.20.Chen, C. L.; Li, X. L.; Wang, X. K., Application of oxidized multi-wall carbon nanotubes for Th(IV) adsorption. Radiochimica Acta 2007, 95, (5), 261-266.21.Chen, C. L.; Li, X. L.; Zhao, D. L.; Tan, X. L.; Wang, X. K., Adsorption kinetic, thermodynamicand desorption studies of Th(IV) on oxidized multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2007, 302, (1-3), 449-454.22.Chen, X. Y.; Zhang, Z. J.; Qiu, Z. G.; Shi, C. W.; Li, X. L., Hydrothermal fabrication andcharacterization of polycrystalline linneite (Co3S4) nanotubes based on the Kirkendall effect.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 308, (1), 271-275.23.Li, X. L.; Duan, T. L.; Zhu, X. Y.; Qian, Y. T., Long-chain polymer-assisted hydrothermal routeto synthesize flowerlike ZnO nanostructures. Materials Letters 2006, 60, (28), 3350-3353.24.Li, X. L.; Zhu, X. Y.; Duan, T. L.; Qian, Y. T., Preparation and characterization of CuI nanorods using Cu(dmg)2 as precursor via water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsions. Solid State Communications 2006, 138, (10-11), 526-529.25.Li, X. L.; Li, W. J.; Chen, X. Y.; Shi, C. W., Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization oforchid-like MnO2 nanostructures. Journal of Crystal Growth 2006, 297, (2), 387-389.26.Li, X. L.; Zhang, X. X.; Li, Z. R.; Qian, Y. T., Synthesis and characteristics of NiO nanoparticles by thermal decomposition of nickel dimethyl-glyoximate rods. Solid State Communications 2006, 137, (11), 581-584.27.Li, Z. R.; Li, X. L.; Zhang, X. X.; Qian, Y. T., Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of novel flower-like zinc-doped SnO2 nanocrystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 2006, 291, (1), 258-261.28.Chen, X. Y.; Zhang, Z. J.; Qiu, Z. G.; Shi, C. W.; Li, X. L., A facile biomolecule-assisted approach for fabricating alpha-Fe2O3 nanowires in solution. Solid State Communications 2006, 140, (6), 267-269.29.Chen, X. Y.; Li, X. X.; Jiang, Y.; Shi, C. W.; Li, X. L., Rational synthesis of alpha-MnO2 and gamma-Mn2O3 nanowires with the electrochemical characterization of alpha-MnO2 nanowires for supercapacitor. Solid State Communications 2005, 136, (2), 94-96.30.Chen, X. Y.; Zhang, X. F.; Shi, C. W.; Li, X. L.; Qian, Y. T., A simple biomolecule-assistedhydrothermal approach to antimony sulfide nanowires. Solid State Communications 2005, 134, (9), 613-615.31.Li, X. L.; Lu, D. R.; Wang, H. L.; He, J. B.; Zhu, Y. G.; Shu, Z. H., Synchronization of the current oscillation of copper wire anode in phosphoric acid solution. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 16, (6), 472-476.32.李学良*刘沛 肖正辉 刘庆海,正极材料LiMnPO4/C的离子热法制备及电化学性能 [J]. 硅酸盐学报, 40(5):758-761,201233.李学良*,王凯,肖正辉,刘庆海 明胶–凝胶法制备LiFePO4/C复合材料 [J]. 硅酸盐学报, 40(2):261-265,201234.李学良*,肖正辉,陈洁洁,铌在铁位掺杂对LiFePO4电子结构和性能的影响, [J]. 硅酸盐学报, 39(7):42-45,201135.李学良*,陈洁洁,. Cr掺杂LiFePO4导电性能的第一原理研究[J]. 金属功能材料,45-49,2011,(1).36.李学良*,徐海龙,何金铧,罗梅, 醇胺作为亲水和封端双功能剂的聚氨酯阴极电泳乳液的制备与研究[J]. 涂料工业,10-14,2010,(11).37.李学良*,郭丽彬,. 纳米NiO作催化剂的扣式锂-氧电池的性能[J]. 电池,276-278,2010,(5).38.李学良,刘爱菊,. 多元酸催化炭气凝胶的常压制备及表征[J]. 精细化工,841-843,2010,(9).39.李学良,孙炜,. 水性聚氨酯的蓖麻油和环氧改性及其富锌涂层耐蚀性能研究[J]. 电镀与涂饰,50-54,2010,(5).40.李学良*,孙炜,. 蓖麻油改性的水性聚氨酯涂料的制备及其防蚀性能[J]. 广东化工,3-5,2010,(5).41.李学良、刘大军,汪华,汪在锋,王荣贵,层状LiMnO2正极材料的新型碳热还原法制备与性能表征, 金属功能材料, 16(6):50-54, 2009.42.李学良*,席俊松,汪华,段体兰,.离子液体AHNR3与AOHNR3的SO2吸收解吸行为研究, 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版),32卷(11)期:1723-1726, 2009年11月43.李学良*,王跃,翁德明,汪华,.铝箔腐蚀中咪唑衍生物离子液体的缓蚀作用研究, 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版), 32(8),1166-1169, 2009年8月44.李学良*,张向峰,锂离子电池正极材料LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2的制备及性能研究,金属功能材料,2011。45.李学良,韩昌隆. LabVIEW在热力学函数测定中的应用.仪器仪表与分析监测, 2006, (04) :17-18,2246.李学良,韩昌隆.虚拟仪器在电导测定中的应用.化学工业与工程技术, 2006, 27 (04) :59-6047.李学良,鲁道荣,王华林,等.线状铜电极在磷酸溶液中电流混沌振荡的同步行为.化学物理学报, 2003,16 (06) :472-47648.李学良,鲁道荣,何建波,等.恒电位下铜电极电流振荡的延时控制.物理化学学报, 2002, 18 (03) :218-22249.李学良,何建波,鲁道荣,等.化学自催化混沌反应模型中的耦合作用与混沌同步.化学物理学报, 2002,15 (02) :97-10250.李学良,鲁道荣,王华林,等.超电容器用电极材料氮化钼的改性研究(Ⅰ)——钒酸氨添加物对电极性能的影响.电化学, 2002, 8 (03) :337-342其它略:早期在《科学通报》、《金属学报》、《物理化学学报》、《化学学报》、《化学物理学报》、《应用化学》、《化学通报》、《生物数学学报》、《固体力学学报》、《高分子材料科学与工程》、《计算机学报》等刊上发表过程控制、材料制备、腐蚀防护、超电容材料、电极过程动力学论文。出版著作:《物理化学实验》,合肥工业大学出版社, 2003.1,参编。
近年来在《Plant Cell》、《Plant Journal》、《Plant Physiology》、《Plant Molecular Biology》、《中国科学》等国内外专业权威学术刊物上发表论文300余篇,其中SCI收录论文140余篇。1. Su YH, Liu YB and Zhang XS (2011) Auxin-Cytokinin Interaction Regulates Meristem Development Molecular Plant doi: 10.1093/mp/ssr007.2. Li X, Chen GH, Zhang WY, Zhang XS (2010) Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of maize endosperm in response to ae wx double mutation. JGG. 37: 749-7623. Su YH, Cheng ZJ, Su YX, Zhang XS (2010) Pattern analysis of stem cell differentiation during in vitro Arabidopsis organogenesis. Front. Biol. 5(5): 464-4704. Cheng ZJ, Zhu SS, Gao XQ, Zhang XS (2010) Cytokinin and auxin regulates WUS induction and inflorescence regeneration in in vitro in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep 29:927-933.5. Gao XQ, Zhu DZ, ZhangXS (2010) Stigma factors regulating self-compatible pollination. Front. Biol. 5(2): 156-1636. Li XG, Su YH, Zhao XY, Li W, Gao XQ, Zhang XS (2010) Cytokinin overexpression-caused alteration of flower development is partially mediated by CUC2 and CUC3 in Arabidopsis. Gene 450:109-1207. Guo J, Wang F, Song J, Zhang XS (2009) The expression of Orysa;CycB1;1 is essential for endosperm formation and causes embryo enlargement in rice. Planta 231:293-3038. Ma Y, Wang F, Guo J, Zhang XS (2009) Rice OsAS2 Gene, a Member of LOB Domain Family, Functions in Regulation of Shoot Differentiation and Leaf Development. Journal of Plant Biology 52:374-3819. Su YH, Zhao XY, Liu YB, Zhang CL, O’Neill SD, Zhang XS (2009)Auxin-induced WUS expression is essential for embryonic stem cell renewal during somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal 59:448-46010. Su YH and Zhang XS (2009) Auxin gradients trigger de novo formation of stem cells during somatic embryogenesis. Plant Siganling and Behavior 4:7, 574-57611. Zhou Y, Zhang XJ, Kang XJ, Zhao XY, Zhang XS, Ni M (2009) SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1 associates with MINISEED3 and HAIKU2 promotes in vivo to regulate Arabidopsis seed development. Plant Cell 21:106-11712. Ma Q, Dai X, Xu Y, Guo J, Liu Y, Chen N, Xiao J, Zhang D, Xu Z, Zhang XS, Chong K. (2009) Enhanced tolerance to chilling stress in OsMYB3R-2 transgenic rice is mediated by alteration in cell cycle and ectopic expression of stress genes. Plant Physiology 150:257-27113. Luo Y, Liu YB, Dong YX, Gao XQ, Zhang XS. (2009) Expression of a putative alfalfa helicase increases tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabiodopsis by enhancing the capacities for ROS scavenging and osmotic adjustment. Journal of Plant Physiology 166:385-39414. Wang B, Sang Y, Song J, Gao XQ, Zhang XS. (2009) Expression of a rice OSARGOS gene in Arabidopsis promotes cell division and expension and increases organ size. J. Genet. Genomics 36:31-4015. Sun Z, Ma L, Murphy RW, Zhang XS, Huang DW. (2009) Factors affecting mito-nuclear codon usage interactions in the OXPHO system ofDrosophila melanogaster. J. Genet. Genomics 35:729-73516. Sun Z, Wan DG, Murphy RW, Ma L, Zhang XS, Huang DW. (2009) Comparison of base composition and codon usage in insect mitochondrial genomes. Genes & Genomics 31:65-7117. 于明明,李兴国,张宪省。APETALA1 启动子驱动AtPT4在转基因拟南芥中表达导致花和花器官发育异常。植物学报 44(1):59-68。18. Wu XQ, Li XG, Zhang XS. (2008) Molecular analysis of hormone-regulated pedal regeneration in Petunia. Plant Cell Reports 27:1169-117619. Zhao XY, Su YH, Cheng ZH, Zhang XS. (2008) Cell fate switch during in vitro plant organogenesis. Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology 50 (7):814-82220. An BY, Luo Y, Li JR, Qiao WH, Zhang XS, Gao XQ. (2008) Expression of a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiportor gene of alfalfa enhances salinity tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Acta Agronomica Sinica 34:557-56421. Guo J, SongJ, Wang F, Zhang XS. (2007) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of rice cell cycle genes.Plant Molecular Biology 64:349-36022. Qiao WH, Zhao XY, Li W, Zhang XS. (2007) Characterization of a root-specific vacuolar Na/H antiporter gene in Agropyron elongatum and its expression involved in the salt tolerance of plants. Plant Cell Reports 26:1663-167223. Dong YX, Zhao XY, Wang JW, Yuan GL, Zhang XS. (2007) Improvement for Agronomic Traits of Partial Waxy Wheat by Combination of Backcrossing with a PCR-based DNA Marker. Jounal of Genet. Genomics 34:836-84124. Guo SJ, Zhou HY, Zhang XS, Li XG, Meng QW. (2007) Overexpression of CaHSP26 in transgenic tobacco alleviates photoinhibition of PSII and PSI during chilling stress under low irradiance. Journal of Plant Physiology 164:126-13625. Chu ZQ, Chen H, Zhang YY, Zhang ZH, Zheng NY, Yin BJ, Yan HY, Zhu L, Zhao XY, Yuan M, Zhang XS, and Xie Q. (2007) Knockout of theAtCESA2 gene affects microtubule orientation and causes abnormal cell expansion in Arabiodpsis thaliana. Plant Physiology143:213-22426. Ma XJ, Tao Y, Zhao XY, Zhang XS. (2007) Wheat TaAS2, a member of LOB-Domain family, affects the adaxial-abaxial polarity of leaves in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Science 172: 181-18827. Wang F, Huo SN, Guo J, Zhang XS. (2006) Wheat D-Type cyclin Triae;CYCD2;1 regulate development of transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Planta 224:1129-114028. Guan CM, Zhu SS, Li XG, Zhang XS. (2006) Inflorescence induction by hormones from Arabidopsis callus in vitro. Plant Cell Reports 25:1133-113729. Zhao W, Su HY, Song J, Zhao XY, Zhang XS. (2006) Ectopic expression of TaYAB1, a member of YABBY gene family in wheat, causes the partial abaxialization of the adaxial epidermises of leaves and arrests the development of shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis, Plant Science 170:364-37130. Guo SJ, Li JR, Qiao WH, Zhang XS. (2006) Analysis of amylose accumulation during seed development of maize. Acta Genetica Sinica 32:846-85431. Zhao XY, Liu MS, Li JR, Guan CM, Zhang XS. (2005) The wheat TaGI1, involved in photoperoidic flowering, encodes an Arabidopsis GI ortholog. Plant Molecular Biology 58:53-6432. Zhao XY, Cheng ZJ, Zhang XS. (2005) Overexpression of TaMADS1, a SEPALLATA-like gene in wheat, causes early flowering and the abnormal development of floral organs in Arabidopsis. Planta 223:698-70733. Su HY, Li QZ, Li XG, Zhang XS. (2005) Characterization and expression analysis of a MADS box gene, HoMADS2, in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Acta Genetica Sinica 32: 1191-119834. Liu MS, Wang F, Dong YX, Zhang XS. (2005) Expression analysis of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in purple grains of Triticum aestivum. Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology 47 (9): 1107-111435. Li JR, Zhao W, Li QZ, Ye XG, An BY, Li X, Zhang XS. (2005) RNA Silencing of waxy gene results in low levels of amylose in the seeds of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta Genetica Sinica 32: 846-85436. Xu HY, Li XG, Li QZ, Bai SN, Lu WL, Zhang XS. (2004) Characterization of HoMADS1 and its induction by plant hormones during in vitro development in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Plant Molecular Biology 55:209-22037. Lan LF, Chen W, Lai Y, Suo JF, Kong ZS, Can Li, Lu Y, Zhang YJ, Zhao XY, Zhang XS, Zhang YS, Han B, Cheng J, Xue YB. (2004) Mornitoring of gene expression profiles and isolation of candidate genes involved in pollination and fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using 10K cDNA microarray. Plant Molecular Biology 54:471-48338. An YR, Li XG, Su HY, Zhang XS. (2004) Pistil induction by hormones from callus of Oryza sativa in vitro. Plant Cell Reports 23:448-45239. Li JR, Wang F, Zhao XY, Dong YX, Zhang LY, An BY, Zhang XS. (2004) Analysis of Seed Expressed Sequence Tags in Triticum aestivum.Acta Botanica Sinica 46 (3): 363-37040. Zhang XS, Wang X, Li QZ, Huo SN, Li XG, Ye BX. (2003) A seed-specific gene RS6, encodes a putative cupin domain protein, is essential for seed development in Oryza sativa L. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Plant Biology, Abstract p49141. Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL, Zhang XS. (2002) Isolation of HAG1 and its regulation by plant hormones during in vitro floral organogenesis in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Planta 215:533-54042. Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL, Zhang XS. (2001) Isolation and expression of HAP2 in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Development & Reproductive Biology10: 69-7543. Zhang XS, Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL. (2001) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of HAG1 in the floral organs of Hyacinthus orientalis L. Science in China C,2000, 43: 395-40144. Zhang XS, Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL. (2000) Regulation of homeotic gene expression in the regenerated flowers of Hyacinthus. Plant Biology, The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists 80: p3945. Li QZ, Li XG, Sun JQ, Zhang XS. (2000) Isolation and expression of an AGAMOUS homolog in the flower of Cucumber (Cucumis sativas L.). Development & Reproductive Biology 9: 69-7646. Zhang XS, Zheng CC, O'Neill SD. (1999) Expression of ethylene biosynthetic genes regulated by pollination-associated factors in Doritaenopsis flowers. Acta Botanica Sinica 41 (5): 468-47147. Zheng CC, Zhang XS. (1999) Cloning and characterization of a circadian rhythm-regulated psaH cDNA in Pharbitis nil. Acta Botanica Sinica 41 (8): 820-82448. Zhang XS, Li QZ, Zheng CC. (1999) Hormonal regulation of postpollination development of Doritaenopsis flowers by auxin and ethylene. Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica 25 (2): 178-18649. Wang L, Zhang XS, Zhong HW, Li QZ. (1999) Expression and sequence analysis of a cDNA relative to Orchid ovule development.Acta Botanica Sinica 41(3): 276-27950. Nadeau JA, Zhang XS, Li J, O'Neill SD. (1996) Ovule development: Identification of stage-specific and tissue-specific cDNAs. Plant Cell 8:213-23951. O'Neill SD, Zhang XS, Zheng CC. (1994) Dark and circadian regulation of mRNA accumulation associated with photoperiodic flower induction. Plant Physiology104:569-58052. Zhang XS, Nadeau JA, Li J, O'Neill SD. (1994) Isolation of cDNA clones specific to developing and mature ovules of orchid flowers. Plant Physiology 124: Supplement53. Zhang XS, O'Neill SD. (1993) Ovary and gametophyte development are coordinately regulated by auxin and ethylene following pollination.Plant Cell 5:403-41854. Nadeau JA,Zhang XS, Nair H, O'Neill SD. (1993) Temporal and spatial regulation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase in the pollination-induced senescence of orchid flowers. Plant Physiology 103:31-3955. O'Neill SD, Nadeau JA, Zhang XS, Bui AQ, Hallev AH. (1993) Interorgan regulation of ethylene biosynthetic genes by pollination. Plant Cell 5:419-432
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