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【摘要】:陶瓷与书法艺术虽是两门独立艺术,代写论文但两者自古以来就有着深厚的历史渊源,两者具有相通的艺术特征。现代条件下陶瓷与书法艺术亦交相辉映,不同的陶瓷造型可以采用与其风格相协调的书法来加以装饰,使陶瓷艺术获得锦上添花的效果。虽然书法艺术在陶瓷中的运用仅处于辅助地位,但其作用和意义不容忽视,值得从事陶瓷艺术的人们加以关注和应用。 【关键词】:陶瓷,书法,艺术魅力 引言 陶瓷是泥与火的艺术,书法是笔含墨的艺术。艺术都是相通的,陶瓷与书法原本属于独立艺术,然而艺术间不乏契合。陶瓷同书法艺术的契合给欣赏者感觉无疑是锦上添花。对两者成功的驾驭,在于对两门艺术的解读和深掘,而后达到综合艺术的完美和统一。 1陶瓷与书法的历史渊源 中国制陶起源很早。自古相传“神农氏作瓦器”,“昆吾氏作陶”。而汉字起源同样是历史悠久。远在六七千年前的仰韶文化(半坡类型)与四五千年前的大汶口文化以及马家窑文化(马厂类型),陶器上面常见有作为记事的符号,似可视为汉字的滥觞。可见古代陶瓷和文字的起源,从一开始就有着十分密切的关系。春秋战国时期陶器上面多带有篆书雕印文字,陶器上的文字也成为后人研究战国文字和制陶业的宝贵资料。秦兵马俑身上多刻印有工匠的姓名,如“咸阳午”等,字体有的是篆书,有的则近似草隶。三国、两晋时期是青瓷器普及和发展阶段,同时也是陶瓷书法艺术进一步提高与形成典范的过程。唐代楷书、章草、大草、行书等书写体系逐渐完善,这一时期由于饮茶之风盛行。书法装饰便出现在茶壶、酒坛上,有楷、有草,均有大书法家张旭、怀素、颜、柳之风韵。多写名人诗句或“酒”、“茶”文字,酣畅淋漓,圆润遒劲,纯真自然,配以不同的器物造型之上,极具古朴、简约之美感。宋代书法是我国书法发展的一次高峰,书法艺术方面趋于完善和社会文化素质的提高,反映在陶瓷造型中已有“大巧若愚”的自然之韵。陶瓷上的书法装饰在这一时期自然也就成为其明显的特征,且和谐完美地融合在一起,耀州窑用书法装饰的酒具、茶具,其书法亦颇有“苏、黄、米、蔡”之韵。以至元、明、清各代书法装饰陶瓷也成为一种独特的艺术装饰形式和艺术美感,这有其精神上的必然和谐。 2 0世纪6 0年代以后,随着陶瓷艺术的丰富和发展,代写毕业论文随着人们对陶瓷艺术视野的扩展。陶瓷和书法的结合样式也越来越多地出现,表现手法也越来越多样化,艺术品位也越来越有所提高,书法也逐渐地成为陶瓷装饰中所独具魅力的种类。众多陶瓷书法作品,或以笔写,或以刀刻,或以釉上,或以釉下,各具风采盎然。近年来各地陶瓷艺术家利用各地不同的材质和工艺,创作出大量的优秀作品。如广东佛山的现代陶艺、山东淄博的色釉刻瓷,江西景德镇的陶瓷书法刻划和堆字等。这些作品充分利用书法的形式美和陶瓷材质美在文化内涵和形式上的联系,和谐而自然地结合起来,为陶瓷书法艺术的发展开拓了新的境界。 再从陶瓷发展的历史来看,从原始陶器到彩陶、彩绘陶,再到后来陶与瓷的流脉和传派,陶瓷艺术的奥秘既深藏在历代传承的手工模式之中,更神奇地深藏在从配料、拉坏、成形、装饰到烧制的个体经验之中。因此,陶瓷与书法一样,它的原则、法规、模式、风格、内涵也都受到整个中国文化内涵与形态的制约。 简言之,我国自古以来陶瓷工艺与书法艺术的发生和发展,历史悠久,关系密切,是当时文化、艺术及至政治、经济状况的具体反映。 2陶瓷与书法的艺术特征 陶瓷与书法都是中华民族的传统艺术。从其实质来讲,有相通之处,代写硕士论文两者有着许多共同的文化内涵,有着和谐的审美情趣。 首先,两者都是造型艺术。书法是以线条的流动来表现作者的情感心绪和品格修养。陶瓷造型通过各种线型和体面结合变化,空间的虚实、体量大小关系、轮廓的起伏等,构成陶瓷的造型美。 其次,从审美特征来看,两者都是实用性与艺术性相统一、状物与抒情相统一的艺术。书法无色而具有图画的灿烂,无声而有音乐的和谐,来自自然形象而又远离了自然形象。书写者将自己的精神意蕴、生命情丝、审美趣味化为或纵或收、或枯或润、或粗或细、或刚或柔的线条,并通过这些笔墨线条的枯润、浓淡的个性因素,反映出人的审美经验。汉代的杨雄在《法言》中说:“言,心声也;书,心画也。”唐代孙过庭认为书法艺术可以看出书法艺术家的情感,即“达其情性,形其哀乐”。清代刘熙载更是一语道明:“写字者,写志也”、“书法,如其学,如其才,如其志,总之如其人而已。”




导语周金田,男,1969年05月出生, 现任泉州工艺美术职业学院副教授周金田,男,1969年05月出生, 现任泉州工艺美术职业学院副教授福建省陶瓷艺术大师福建省高级工艺美术师福建省工艺美术名人第十一届泉州市政协委员中国工艺美术协会会员福建省陶瓷专业委员会会员德化恒玉陶瓷有限公司艺术总监。获奖作品:2001年9月陶瓷作品《新潮》获“第一届全国陶瓷艺术展览与评比入选奖” ,同时出版在《中国陶瓷艺术展作品集》2002年7月陶瓷作品《惠女情》获“第二届全国陶瓷艺术展览与评比入选奖”2003年9月陶瓷作品《惠女情》获“第二届全国陶瓷艺术展览入选奖”2004年8月《瓷魂》《我的大书包》分别获福建省首届民间艺术精品展“优秀奖”“银奖”2006年4月作品《新潮》《瓷魂》《惠女情》出版在《中国瓷都·德化陶瓷艺术精品》集2006年6月作品《皇权霸业》荣获 “中国工艺美术学会”主办2006 中国手工艺精品博览会“华茂杯”铜奖2006年8月作品《皇权霸业》入选 “中国清华大学美术学院举办的首届国际陶艺教育交流年会作品展”,同时出版在《首届ISCAEE2006 中国清华大学国际陶艺教育交流年会作品集》2007年9月度被评为“福建省优秀教师”2008年10月创作《牛势冲天》被澳门特首何厚铧永久收藏2009.11作品《风华国乐》获第五届福建省工艺美术精品“争艳杯”大赛铜奖2010年5月创作《世博华鼎》入选“2010上海世博会——中华艺术·国家大师艺术珍品荟展”2010年10月作品《年年好 节节高》获第九届全国陶瓷艺术设计评比“铜”奖2011年5月作品《双鹿献寿》荣获第四届中国工艺美术学术奖“华艺杯”评比铜奖2011年5月作品《锦绣前程》荣获2011中国(天津)工艺美术精品博览会优秀作品评比“银”奖2011年10月作品《暮归》获第四届福建省陶瓷艺术设计评比“金”奖2012年5月作品《竹报平安》获第七届中国(莆田)海峡工艺品博览会优秀作品评比“金”奖2012年5月被福建省经贸委评为“福建省工艺美术名人”荣誉称号2012年12月被福建省人事厅评为“福建省高级工艺美术师”



























CiZao territory along the stream of ancient sites, more numerous, early in the 1950s, the Palace Museum ChenWanLi FengXianMing, Mr CiZao kiln for such had survey, Thereafter, xiamen university, quanzhou museum of human JiaoTongShi overseas JinJiangXian museums, museums, museums in fujian province as the unit of the researchers have done a lot of research work, and have tried to dig, local large specimens, found in the southern dynasty - 26. In January of this place, Tang and five six sites, 12 this song and yuan dynasties, Qing dynasty. This 7 The song and yuan dynasties, TongZiShan spider mountain sites, soil sites include the tail set this mountain sites, CiZao referred to as listed in the first batch of fujian, this unit of provincial level. In this mountain, song dynasty xikou retaining golden hill sites listed jinjiang municipal units of cultural relics protection.CiZao kiln product variety, the shape of diversity. The breed with life daily utensils for bulk, in addition to display device, building materials, etc. Life in the vessel is bowl, plate, lamp, disc, basin, bowls, wash, cans, cylinder, urn, pot, bottle, lamp, dishes, lamp, ZhiHu, water injection, army, must hold pillow etc, porcelain, Display device are furnace, sweet fume, vase, flowerpot, animals, plants and animals YanDi fractal model (such as lions, tigers, tortoise, toad, peach, etc), and other like such a piggy bank, waist, can artifacts, Building decoration materials, etc. Among them, huang painted iron army, the market, the decorative plate is green glair for export products, dragon urn is the most local characteristics.The CiZao kiln chinaware TaiZhi general grayish, particle TaiZhi thicker, dense enough. Also because of this, the porcelain clay glair place more womb a yellowish-white makeup. But generally only half glaze, was in no glaze. Glaze can be classified into five categories, namely green glair, sauce black glaze, huang, green and yellow green glair glaze. Green glair in bowls, disc, lamp, port, basin, caddy, pot, ZhiHu, army, lamp, holding furnace, sweet fume, etc in green glair color; add brown under Many in the dark glaze sauce bowl, the lamp, lamp, cans, pot, ZhiHu, water injection, furnace waist, such as, some of the light side or bowl, the mouth ShiQing glaze, along the sauce black glazed, Yellow green glair is in bottles, cans, army, hold, water injection, basin, plate, furnace, pillow, birds and animals eat model, Some for the yellow color glaze, green glair, green glair is much "silver" return, Some are yellow and green glair with n a device. Adornment gimmick, picking flowers, there MoYin, DiaoLou, glazing and coloured drawing or pattern, etc. Decoration pattern has flowers (Ephraim, chrysanthemum, peony flowers, tangle, flowers, etc.), the grass (grass), the melon leng, melons, chicken, and stroke, YunLei, string equipment.the grain, the cloud, water color and spread point, especially in the dragon grain.In the jinjiang county annals "have" China township, take a focal porcelain kiln, and the earth open BoZi, cylinder, the size of the urn what genera, and give the foot." The records. Based on the field investigation and CiZao kiln relevant archaeological data, in Japan and the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Kenya, south east Asia, southeast Asia etc. Nation in the east and have CiZao kiln products. In these countries, some of the museum, the museum collections often works, thus the kiln, CiZao kiln is an important area of export porcelain.The army, bottle, ZhiHu, cans, disc is a song period of the main export products. Among them, the army is dedicated to people in southeast Asia and the religious activities, "Dragon" production since Ming dynastiy urn, follow, but also continuously domestic exports to southeast Asia. During the Ming and qing dynasties, CiZao to burn a daily ceramics, thick, with overseas Chinese still marketing of going abroad, porcelain making technology also spread throughout southeast, promote the development of local ceramic technology, such as the Philippines meters of land "neville" fires, CiZao WuXing overseas Chinese porcelain is taught. Until recently, still have many overseas Chinese in this camp, imparting ones.CiZao kiln is China's southeastern coast, with the important export ceramic kilns, is a strong kiln of local characteristics and style of the kilns. Its location - near quanzhou harbor port, make its export condition is superior. At the same time, it is closely related to the rise in quanzhou port quanzhou in song and yuan dynasties, when the traffic and foreign trade reached its peak, is the development of CiZao kiln production period of prosperity. Some of the CiZao kiln product is specially designed for export and fire, such as army as may be to adapt to the southeast Asia and religious life of furnace burn CiZao artifacts, the products implement class colorful, although is extensive, but it should be pointed out that special features, CiZao kiln unearthed some porcelain sculpture, deep eye high nose figure, vividly reflected quanzhou sea port of song and yuan dynasties "rise in birth million."But CiZao ceramic in Ming dynasty, because when the glazed products mainly of extinction, cylinder, pot, cans, disc, production and sale of demand, narrow. How to position yourself? ChongZou ancestors certainly not, then the path of people are turning to architectural ceramics. In 1979, CiZao WuJinShi people, through many thousands of practice in the ancient kiln burned modern glazed pottery. Since the start CiZao on real significance of ceramic enterprise, the development of extraordinary scale.After more than ten years of development, CiZao town as the five big building ceramic production base, become one of national xinghuo regional ceramic materials pillar industrial technology innovation, national ceramics industry in fujian province, the demonstration base of science and technology, and has ShiFanZhen ceramic group, advanced kiln production line 15 more than 300. Output value over 100 million yuan of enterprise group has 6, the value of the enterprise has super million, the building materials CiZao 159 products sold throughout the country, the exterior wall tiles yield an equivalent to two thirds of the production. Almost the glazed tiles. CiZao town by an unknown technocrat rural town has become MinDongNa economic hub. For many years in fujian province and comprehensive economic strength strong town. June 2000, Chinese sanitary ceramics association awarded "China ceramic town" honorary title.磁灶境内古窑址多沿溪分布,数量众多,早在二十世纪五十年代,故宫博物院陈万里,冯先铭等先生就对磁灶窑进行过调查;其后,厦门大学人类博物馆、泉州海外交通史博物馆、福建省博物馆、晋江县博物馆等单位的研究人员均对其进行了大量的调查工作,并进行过局部试掘,采集到大量标本,发现了南朝至清代的二十六处窑址。其中南朝窑址1处;唐、五代窑址6处;宋元时期窑址12处;清代窑址7处。宋元时期的蜘蛛山窑址、童子山窑址、土尾庵窑址、大坪山窑址统称为磁灶窑址,列为福建省第一批省级文物单位。南朝溪口山窑址、宋代金交椅山窑址列为晋江市级文物保护单位. 磁灶窑产品品种繁多,器形多样。其品种以生活日用器皿为大宗,此外还有陈设器、建筑材料等。生活日用器皿中有碗、盘、盏、碟、盆、钵、洗、罐、缸、瓮、壶、瓶、灯、盂、盏托、执壶、水注、军持、急须、瓷枕等;陈设器则有炉,香熏、花瓶、花盆、动物形砚滴、动植物模型(如狮、虎、龟、蟾蜍、寿桃、力士像等),以及其它如腰鼓、扑满、鸟食罐等器物;建筑材料有装饰板等。其中,黄釉铁绘花纹大盘、军持、青釉碟是专供外销的产品,龙瓮是最具地方特色的。 磁灶窑瓷器的胎质一般呈灰色,颗粒较粗,胎质不够致密。也正因为此,瓷器胎土施釉处多上一层黄白色化妆土。但一般仅施半釉,器内无釉。釉可分为五大类,即青釉、酱黑釉、黄釉、绿釉与黄绿釉。青釉多见于碗、碟、盏、钵、盆、小罐、壶、执壶、军持、灯、炉、香熏等器物,有的还在青釉下添加褐彩;酱黑釉多施于碗、盏、盏托、罐、壶、执壶、水注、炉、腰鼓等器物,有的如碗、盏里侧或口沿施青釉,外施酱黑釉;黄绿釉则见于瓶、壶、罐、军持、水注、盆、盘、炉、枕、鸟食罐及动植物模型等;有的为单色的黄釉、绿釉,绿釉器多有“返银”现象;有的则黄、绿釉同施一器。装饰手法有刻划、剔花、模印、雕镂、施釉及彩绘等。装饰纹样有花卉(莲、菊、牡丹、缠枝花、折枝花等)、草叶(卷草)、瓜棱、瓜、凤,以及篦划、云雷、弦纹、卷云、水波及点彩、文字等,其中尤以龙纹最具特色。 在《晋江县志》中就有“瓷器出瓷灶乡,取地土开窑,烧大小钵子、缸、瓮之属,甚饶足,并过洋。”的记载。通过对磁灶窑的实地调查和有关考古资料证实,历年来日本、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、斯里兰卡、肯尼亚等东亚、东南亚、南亚和东非国家中多有磁灶窑产品出土。在这些国家的一些博物馆、美术馆,常收藏有该窑作品,由此,证明磁灶窑是一处重要的外销陶瓷产地。 军持、瓶、执壶、罐、碟等是宋元时期大量外销的主要产品。其中,军持是专门适应东南亚人民进行宗教活动需要而烧制的;“龙瓮”的生产自宋明至今,沿袭不断,除了内销外还输出到东南亚各国。明清时期,磁灶以烧制单一的日用粗陶为主,仍运销海外,随着华侨的大批出国,制瓷技术也传播南洋各地,促进当地陶瓷工艺的发展,例如菲律宾米岸烧制的“文奈”瓷器,就是磁灶吴姓华侨传授的。直到近代,仍有众多华侨在海外操营此业,传授技艺。 磁灶窑是我国东南沿海地区,以烧造外销陶瓷为主的重要窑口,是具有浓量的地方特色和时代风格的民窑。它所处的地理位置---濒临泉州港口岸,使其外销条件优越。同时,它与泉州港的兴衰密切相关,当泉州在宋元时期对外交通和贸易达到鼎盛的时候,也正是磁灶窑生产发展昌盛的时期。磁灶窑的某些产品是专门为外销而烧造的,如军持等可能是为适应东南亚各地宗教性生活而接受的定烧器物,磁灶窑的产品器类丰富多彩,虽然比较粗放但却颇具特色,特别应指出的,磁灶窑出土的一些瓷雕塑,深目高鼻的人物形象,生动地反映了泉州港宋元时期“涨海声中万国商”的景象。 但磁灶的陶瓷在明清之后,由于宋时釉彩等工艺的的失传,产品主要以缸、壶、罐、碟为主,生产和销路窄小,市场需求低。如何定位自己?重走祖辈们的老路肯定不行,于是人们把目光投向了建筑陶瓷。1979年,磁灶人吴金世,历经多次的实践终于在千百年的古窑里烧出了现代的釉面砖。磁灶从此开始了真正意义上的跨越,建陶企业得到了超常规模的发展。 经过十几年艰苦的发展,磁灶镇作为全国5大建筑陶瓷生产基地之一,成为国家级星火区域性陶瓷建材支柱产业区、国家级技术创新陶瓷工业示范基地、福建省第三批科技示范镇,目前,拥有建陶集团15家,先进辊道窑生产线300多条。产值超亿元的企业集团有6家,产值超千万元的企业有159家,磁灶的建材产品畅销全国各地,外墙砖产量一项就相当于全国产量的三分之二。琉璃瓦几乎垄断全国的市场。磁灶镇由原来名不见经传的乡村小镇一跃成为闽东南经济重镇。连续多年综合经济实力位居福建省10强乡镇前列。2000年6月,被中国建筑卫生陶瓷协会授予“中国陶瓷重镇”荣誉称号。

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"陶瓷"是一种通称,"陶"和"瓷"在质地上、物理性能上有很大区别。中国是最早制造陶器的国家之一,是最早发明瓷器的国家。 陶器的出现大约在距今1万年左右,中国进入新石器时代,开始了定居生活,盛水、蓄物等日常生活的需要,促使了陶器的发明。中国陶器的分布比较广泛,主要集中的在黄河流域和长江流域。其中仰韶文化是新石器时期比较有代表性的文化类型,以彩陶为特点,也称"彩陶文化",它派生出半坡和庙底沟两个类型,装饰图案有很高的艺术价值。马家窑文化是新石器晚期的文化类型,比仰韶文化略晚,距今约5000年。黑陶是继彩陶之后的又一伟大创造发明,距今约4000年的龙山文化时期,出现了工艺独特的蛋壳陶。近些年来,山东、河北一带多有仿制,有较高的收藏价值。秦汉时期的陶俑,是我国古代人物雕塑的高峰,使制陶技术和艺术达到了很高的境地。此外,唐代的三彩器、明清两代的紫砂器等,都是中国陶器文物的重要内容,很值得深入收藏和研究。 陶瓷(Ceramics),陶器和瓷器的总称。陶瓷的传统概念是指所有以粘土等无机非金属矿物为原料的人工工业产品。它包括由粘土或含有粘土的混合物经混炼,成形,煅烧而制成的各种制品。由最粗糙的土器到最精细的精陶和瓷器都属于它的范围。对于它的主要原料是取之于自然界的硅酸盐矿物(如粘土、长石、石英等),因此与玻璃、水泥、搪瓷、耐火材料等工业,同属于"硅酸盐工业"(Silicate Industry)的范畴。 陶瓷的发展史是中华文明史的一个重要的组成部分,中国作为四大文明古国之一,为人类社会的进步和发展做出了卓越的贡献,其中陶瓷的发明和发展更具有独特的意义,中国历史上各朝各代不同艺术风格和不同技术特点。英文中的"china"既有中国的意思,又有陶瓷的意思,清楚地表明了中国就是"陶瓷的故乡"。changaiyin 早在欧洲人掌握瓷器制造技术一千多年前,中国人就已经制造出很精美的陶瓷器。中国是世界上最早应用陶器的国家之一,而中国瓷器因其极高的实用性和艺术性而备受世人的推崇。 所谓陶器和瓷器是指用可塑性制瓷粘土和瓷石矿做胎体,用长石和石英等原料制釉,并且通过成型、干燥、烧制而成的制品,主要有日用、艺术、和建筑陶器等三种。考古发现已经证明中国人早在新石器时代(约公元前8000)就发明了陶器。原始社会晚期出现的农业生产使中国人的祖先过上了比较固定的生活,客观上对陶器有了需求。人们为了提高生活的方便,提高生活质量,逐渐通过烧制粘土烧制出了陶器。 随着近代科学技术的发展,近百年来又出现了许多新的陶瓷品种。它们不再使用或很少使用粘土、长石、石英等传统陶瓷原料,而是使用其他特殊原料,甚至扩大到非硅酸盐,非氧化物的范围,并且出现了许多新的工艺。美国和欧洲一些国家的文献已将"Ceramic"一词理解为各种无机非金属固体材料的通称。因此陶瓷的含义实际上已远远超越过去狭窄的传统观念了。 迄今为止,陶瓷器的界说似可概括地作如下描述:陶瓷是用铝硅酸盐矿物或某些氧化物等为主要原料,依照人的意图通过特定的物理化学工艺在高温下以一定的温度和气氛制成的具有一定型式的工艺岩石。表面可施釉或不施釉,若干瓷质还具有不同程度的半透明度,通体是由一种或多种晶体或与无定形胶结物及气孔或与熟料包裹体等微观结构组成。 陶瓷工业是硅酸盐工业的主要分支之一,属于无机化学工业范围.但现代科学高度综合,互相渗透,从整个陶瓷工业制造工艺的内容来分析,它的错综复杂与牵涉之广,显然不是仅用无机化学的理论所能概括的。 陶瓷制品的品种繁多,它们之间的化学成分.矿物组成,物理性质,以及制造方法,常常互相接近交错,无明显的界限,而在应用上却有很大的区别。因此很难硬性地归纳为几个系统,详细的分类法各家说法不一,到现在国际上还没有一个统一的分类方法。"Ceramic" is a generic term, "Tao" and "Porcelain" in texture, the physical properties there are very different. China was among the first to create one of the countries of pottery, porcelain was one of the first invention. The emergence of pottery dating back about 1 million years or so, China has entered the New Stone Age, began to settle in life, water, with objects of daily life, such as the need to promote the invention of pottery. Chinese pottery wider distribution, mainly in the Yangtze River and Yellow River Basin. Yangshao culture which is the New Stone Age culture more representative of the type, characterized by painted pottery, also known as the "painted pottery culture", which derived Banpo and Miao Digou two types of decorative patterns, has high artistic value. Majiayao culture is the culture of the late New Stone Age type than a little late Yangshao culture, since about 5000. Black painted pottery is the second after another great invention, since about 4000 the Longshan Culture period, there has been a unique process of eggshell pottery. In recent years, Shandong, Hebei and more in the vicinity of imitation, there is a high value for collection. Qin and Han Dynasty pottery figurine of China's ancient sculpture of the peak figure, so that the ceramic technology and the arts reached a high position. In addition, three of the color of the Tang Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties such as Yixing, China is an important aspect of pottery relics, it is worthy of collection and research. Ceramics (Ceramics), the general term for pottery and porcelain. Ceramic refers to the traditional concept of all inorganic non-metallic minerals such as clay as raw material of artificial industrial products. It consists of clay from or containing a mixture of clay by kneading, molding, and calcined made of a variety of products. By the most rough-earth to the most refined of the fine pottery and porcelain are it. For its main raw materials are derived from natural silicate minerals (such as clay, feldspar, quartz, etc.), and glass, cement, ceramic, refractory material, such as industry, with an "industrial silicate" (Silicate Industry ) Area. The history of ceramics is the history of Chinese civilization is an important part of China, as one of the four ancient civilizations, human development and social progress made outstanding contributions, including the invention of ceramics and the development of a more unique significance , The history of China-North Korea on behalf of all the different artistic styles and different technical characteristics. English of "china" China not only mean, ceramics and mean, clearly demonstrates China is the "hometown of pottery." changaiyin As early as the Europeans have porcelain manufacturing technology over 1000 years ago, Chinese people have created a very fine ceramics. China is the world's first application of one of the countries pottery, and porcelain from China for its high artistic quality and relevance of the world have attracted much praise. The so-called pottery and porcelain refers to the use of plastic ware and porcelain clay quarry to do matrix, quartz and feldspar, and other raw materials-glaze, and through the forming, drying, firing from the products, mainly for daily use, art, and architecture Three pottery. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the Chinese people as early as the Neolithic Age (about 8000 BC) invented pottery. The emergence of primitive society with advanced agricultural production so that the ancestors of the Chinese people lead a life of a relatively fixed, the objective of pottery with the demand. In order to improve people's lives easier, improve the quality of life, gradually burn through the burning out of the clay pottery. With the development of modern science and technology, and the past 100 years there have been many new varieties of ceramics. They no longer use or the use of small clay, feldspar, quartz and other traditional ceramic materials, but the use of other special materials, and even extended to non-silicate, non-oxide scope, and there have been a lot of new technology. The United States and some European countries have literature "Ceramic" understanding of the term for a variety of solid inorganic non-metallic materials known. Therefore, the meaning of ceramics in fact go far beyond the traditional concept in the past the narrow. To date, the Definition of ceramics may be generally described as follows: The ceramic is aluminum silicate minerals such as oxides or as the main raw material, in accordance with the intention of people through specific physical and chemical processes at a high temperature to a certain degree of Temperature and atmosphere made of a certain type of rock technology. Glazing may be on the surface or glazing, porcelain has a number of different levels of transparency and a half, the species by one or more of the crystal and amorphous or cement and clinker with pores or inclusions, such as micro-structure. Portland ceramic industry is one of the main branches of industry, belong to the scope of inorganic chemical industry. However, modern science and highly integrated with each other to infiltrate from the ceramic industry as a whole manufacturing process to analyze the contents of its complex and involve wide, is not only Using the theory of inorganic chemistry can be summarized. A wide variety of ceramic products, their chemical composition. Mineral composition, physical properties, as well as manufacturing methods, often close to each other staggered, no boundaries, and in the application there is a huge difference. Therefore, it is difficult to be summed up in a few hard and fast system, a detailed classification of the various different view, the international community to now there is no uniform classification.


