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问题一:投稿时的自我介绍怎么写 笔名、邮箱地址,真实姓名、联系方式,例如QQ、手机只要能及时联系你的就行。如果自己对自己的文有信心的话可以把自己的银行卡号留下。总之稿子好的话只留下笔名联系方式就行了,编辑会追着向你联系的,到时候一通电俯什么都有了不是吗? 问题二:邮件投稿怎么写自我介绍? 不一定要写自我介绍.如果你上稿较多,为使编辑对你有个是个写手"骇的印象,可作简单自我介绍,文字不要多,以免编辑烦啊. 格式可以是: 稿件题目 作者姓名 (约****字) 正文 你的个人资料(含通信地址,邮编,电话) 个人简介 问题三:投稿怎么写 投稿信,是个人或集体(写作集体)向报刊、电台或电视台投送稿件时写的专用书信。它一般随稿件同时寄发。投稿信,主要是介绍作者自己和稿件的有关情况,给对方考虑是否采用稿件时作参考。 2.投稿信的写作格式 投稿信的写作格式与一般书信相同,只是内容侧重点不同,所写事项更明确、更单一。 (1)第一行顶格写对方的称呼,如“《××× ×》杂志编辑部、“编辑同志”、或“×× ×编辑同志。 (2)开头。另起一行,空两格写问候语,如“你好”、“您好或“你们好。 (3)正文。正文的内容应根据具体情况来写,主要是介绍自己稿件的有关情况。一般应反映出以下几方面内容: ①表示对对方刊物、栏目的关注之情,并作出诚挚、中肯的评价,切忌措辞唐突或过分溢美之词。 ②如实介绍自己的有关情况。 ③写明投稿的缘由和稿件的有关情况。 ④希望对方对稿件提出宝贵意见。 ⑤希望对方采用稿件,并适当表达谢意。 ⑥希望对方及时复信,表明是否采用稿件的明确态度。 (4)结尾。另起一行,写祝敬语,如“顺问编安之类。 (5)署名和日期。 问题四:给人民日报投稿要写详细的自我介绍吗 萧乾(1910.1.27--1999.2.11),蒙古族,作家,记者,文学翻译家。1935年毕业于燕京大学新闻系。1942--1944年在英国剑桥大学专攻“英国心理派小说”。曾任职于《大公报》。复旦大学教授。采访过欧洲战场、联合国成立大会、波茨坦会议、纽伦堡战犯审判。1986年获挪威王国 *** 授予的国家勋章。出版有著译作品43部。其中主要作品有:短篇小说集《篱下集》,长篇小说《梦之谷》,报告文学集《人生采访》,译著《好兵帅克》(捷),以及《八十自省》、《未带地图的旅人――萧乾回忆录》等。 笔名: 塔塔木林、佟荔 性别: 男 出生年月: 1910-1999 民族: 蒙族 后改名萧乾。北京人。民盟成员。1935年毕业于燕京大学。曾任天津、上海、香港《大公报・文艺》编辑及记者,伦敦大学讲师,剑桥大学研究生,《大公报》驻英特派员、随笔记者,1946年回国后任复旦大学教授,1949年后历任《人民中国》(英文)副总编,《译文》副主任,《文艺报》副总编,人民日报社、人民文学出版社顾问,中央文史研究馆馆长,编审。中国作家协会第三、四届理事,民盟第五届中央常委,中国作家协会名誉顾问,全国第五、六届政协委员及第七届政协常委。1933年开始发表作品。1949年加入中国作家协会。著有专著《篱下集》、《北京城杂忆》、《书评研究》、《红毛长谈》、《栗子》、《落日》,《人生采访》、《一本褪色的相册》、《萧乾创作回忆录》、《未带地图的旅人》、《萧乾选集》(10卷),译著长篇小说《好兵帅克》等。译著诗剧《培尔・金特》获1986年挪威王国 *** 国家勋章,《尤利西斯》(合译)获全国第二届优秀外国文学图书一等奖,散文集《北京城杂忆》获中国首届散文奖,《倘若我是日本人》获1996年雪津杯杂文征文一等奖,《抗老哲学》获1998年杂文一等奖。)1935年萧乾在燕京大学新闻系毕业后,开始了自己的报人生涯。他先后在天津、上海、香港三地的《大公报》主编《文艺》副刊。1939年在萧乾的一生中是一个重要的转折。这年夏天,英国伦敦大学东方学院来信,邀请他到该院中文系任讲师。当时的欧洲已为第二次世界大战的阴影所笼罩,去还是不去呢?经过再三考虑,萧乾还是去了英国,这一去就是7年,直到战争结束。在英国,他先是做教师,后来进入剑桥大学攻读硕士学位。1943年,他放弃读书,领取了随军记者证,正式成为了《大公报》的驻外记者,也是第二次世界大战期间欧洲战场上唯一的中国记者。在战火迷漫的欧洲,他随英军几次横渡过德国潜艇出没的英吉利海峡,到达过美、法两个占领区的战场,也曾随美军第七军挺进莱茵,进入刚刚解放了的柏林。从苏、美、英三国首脑讨论战后问题的波茨坦会议到纽伦堡审判纳粹战犯,再到联合国成立大会,这些重大的历史性场面他都报道过。每当回忆起这段难忘的历史,这位老人总是感到很自豪。正是他使当时的中国及时了解到世界上发生的大事。 正象人们熟悉的那样,萧乾同时也是中国现当代文学创作中的一位重要作家。早在30年代初,他就因长篇小说《梦之谷》而名噪一时,还先后出版了短篇小说集《篱下集》、《栗子》、《落日》等。他非常珍惜自己早年所写的小说,觉得这是他人生不可分割的部分。因为正是写小说使他开始了创作生涯。1949年新中国成立后,萧乾返回祖国,先后从事报刊编辑和文史研究工作,并翻译了许多外国文学作品。他的译作有《莎士比亚故事集》,曾销售近一百万册,此外有捷克作家哈谢克(HASEK)《好兵帅克》(THEGOODSOLDIERSCHWEIK),英国作家菲尔丁的《汤姆.琼斯》等,他还因为翻译易卡生的《培尔.......>> 问题五:诗词投稿的个人简介怎么写 姓名(或笔名),性别(可不填),年龄(可不填),自我介绍,作品(可不填) 问题六:简介的投稿介绍 20分 一、 电子邮件投稿应该用什么格式? 主题:投稿栏目、文章名、发表笔名。 内容:文章的全部内容。 落款:您的真实联系地址、邮编、姓名、邮箱地址、固定电话、手机、QQ号码(注明QQ名)、其他您觉得有必要留的联系信息。 除了以上内容,一概不欢迎。 二、 为什么不欢迎使用附件? (水果果提示,只发附件不行。如果正文与附件一起发则非常欢迎。) 大家知道,很多病毒是通过邮件附件传送的,就我知道,很多杂志社的电脑上都装了病毒粉碎机这个软件,就是说在处理电子邮件的时候,有附件的系统一律删除。这意味着您辛苦的文字永远不会被编辑看到。 另外,附件来稿格式不同,往往因为软件问题而打不开,或者,打开是乱码。 所以,为了您自身利益,别使用附件投稿。 三、 来稿之前知道自己的文字适合什么栏目吗? 每个杂志都是由无数个栏目组成的。你在来稿之前,必须确定自己的文章适合哪个栏目。这样,在邮件的主题里列出来,编辑在看稿的时候,也有更强的目的性。此外,这么做,也代表着你对杂志的熟悉程度。编辑在文章归档的时候,也方便。编辑都很懒,喜欢省事省心的作者。 …… 以上摘自天使论坛浮云殿,楼主可以加入天使细看 ps:一共三十六个新手投稿须知,太多,窝就不一一贴了 窝总结一下,就是邮箱主题写好,联系人填好(编辑邮箱),正文贴投稿内容,贴完后在文章下贴联系地址,姓名……(约稿函中让填的,废话什么抱编辑大腿的尽量别发,编辑反感),然后除非明确标明不要附件的,否则一律一式两份(正文and附件),其余的都是内容技巧的,与投稿格式关系不大,故不一一细说。 问题七:本科生投稿,简介怎么写 本科生投稿,简介怎么写 简介就是你对这篇文章的简单介绍 用概括性语言写就好 本科生投稿,简介怎么写 简介就是你对这篇文章的简单介绍 用概括性语言写就好 本科生投稿,简介怎么写 简介就是你对这篇文章的简单介绍 用概括性语言写就好 本科生投稿,简介怎么写 简介就是你对这篇文章的简单介绍 用概括性语言写就好 问题八:网络小说投稿时的内容简介怎么写 首先,你要构思好你的小说内容,在写简介时,按照你的思路将整篇小说浓缩,尽量体现出它的特点,以及人物关系的发展,而这个在你的小说通过审核之后,还能修改,所以也不必太着急,千万记住,你的小说简介要精炼,能够充分吸引读者,因为这就像一个门面一样,一定不能马虎 问题九:投稿说明怎么写? 编辑您好,很荣幸能向贵刊投稿,感谢您的辛勤工作。本文从……角度出发,探索……方法研究……问题……。有胆您审阅,请批评指正! 问题十:新人作者在投稿小说时作者介绍该怎么写? 没资历真的难写,一般写发表经历,或者你在哪个网站连载,人气如何之类,出过书的要写合作的出版社,要是什么都没有,很多出版社都不搭理新人的。


一般而言,课题的参与人也好,论文发表时的共同作者也好,第五位之后就基本忽略了。不过由于你是大二发表的论文,还是值得鼓励的。至于怎么写进简历,这个不难吧。你在学术成果或学习动态那一栏,写上你于xxxx年发表论文一篇就可以了,建议不要提作者的位次,因为这个对你不利。如果你需要的是具体的格式,那么我建议你可以参照下面的格式来写:“高薪养廉”是对马斯洛需要层次理论的误用[J]党政干部学刊 2012,(08).共同作者(这个共同作者关键,一定要加上)

sci在投文章可以写在简历中。但是不能作为第一和通讯作者,不能作为你的主要科研成果。比如简历里: 发表SCI论文 X 篇,其中第一作者 Y 篇。 可以算在X里面的。一般来说,一篇论文比较重要的是三个作者,第一作者和通讯作者是主要完成人,排名最后的一般是课题组长。 其他的,不管排第几,基本上只是认为参与这个工作,不是特别重要。所以,你可以说你发表了这篇SCI,统计你的SCI论文数的时候可以算进去。但是,说服力肯定没有第一作者和通讯作者强。






























对文章的主要作者可按以下顺序刊出其简介:姓名(出生年-), 性别(民族--汉族可省略),籍贯, 职称, 学位,简历以及研究方向(任选)。在简介前加 “作者简介:”或 “[作者简介]”作为标识。同一篇文章的其他主要作者简介可以在同一 “作者简介:”或“[作者简介]”的标识后相继列出,其间以分号“;”隔开,最后以“.”或“。”结束。?英文文章的作者简介用 “Biography:”(单一作者)或“Biographies:”(多作者)作为标识。从以上可以看出,论文发表作者简介内容其实很简单,但要写得有水平,需要一定的文笔基础。甚至一些期刊杂志,就因为作者简介方面不过审,要求作者按照标准修改,否则不给予审稿通过,安排见刊。


Ryan Guo


+86-136-XXXX-XXXX |



Sep 2010– Jun 2013        J&J University              Mathematics               Master                        Top 10%

Sep 2006– Jun 2010        J&J University              Information System   Bachelor                      Top 30%

3、工作经历 (下面范例是刚刚毕业同学版本,包含实习和校园活动)


Jul 2012– Aug 2012        XX Pharmaceutical Company                                               Sales Summer Intern

§ Supported the team’s visiting and sales management of 11 hospitals, the revenue in Aug was 40% exceeding the target;

§ Be responsible for the invitation for XXX forum. Invited 50 guests (70% of total) in one-week time via cold call, and ensure their attendance and satisfaction level;

§ Visited the newly opened hospital to understand their needs. Successfully invited key decision makers to visit our plant and reached the initial purchasing alignment

Jan 2012– present          XX FMCG Company                                                          Marketing Interviewer

§ Conducted the market survey for Johnson’s Baby, Neutrogena, and Listerine. Accomplished 2,421 surveys within one month, the completion and credibility rate was the top among 30-interviewer team;

§ Gain the 1st line experience to interact with customers, understand the systematic market research knowledge, and brand position and segmentation.


Jun 2011– Jun 2012       Johnson &Johnson Tomorrow Leader School (TLS)                    President

§ Launched a project team, developed 15 core members, and over 300 volunteers in 1 year, widely promoted the activity to other campuses;

§ Held the 1st Business Challenge “EDIT DREAM” thoroughly planned and run by TLS members, enhanced 90% of participants’ understanding of J&J and TLS;

§ Took an active part in MKT course, gained knowledge of insight, brand equity, and 4P.

Sep 2010– Sep 2011        Postgraduate student union of School of Chemistry        Minister of Publicity Dep.

§ In charge of two commercial lectures held in succession, attendance up to 87/100, 180/200; The propaganda mode was still used today;

§ Won the Bid Conference with highest score (1/9).



Apr 2012                            Second Prize of C Company Social Media Competition             Top 2%

Oct 2011                             Award for social work in A University A Class                           Top 10%

Oct 2011                             Second prize of Academic Scholarship (Twice)                         Top 10%

Dec 2006                             Academic award of B University in three years                   Top 20%



§ English: CET-4 (604) / CET-6 (541)

§ IT: proficient in Excel/PowerPoint/Word

§ Hobby: jogging, traveling


怎样才能写出一份完美的英文求职 简历 ,下面是由我分享的英文工作简历 范文 ,希望对你有用。 英文工作简历范文(一) Mark Williams 300 Boylston, Phoenix, AZ 85123, (123)-486 7891. OBJECTIVE: Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Manhattan area. SUMMARY: More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience. Auditor internship with Ernst And Young in New York City. Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting. Proficient with MS Office, Windows XP, and the Internet. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2003 Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale Courses taken included: Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation Intermediate Accounting I And II Financial Management Accounting I And II Internal Audit Accounting for Not-For-Profits Managerial Economics EXPERIENCE: Auditor Internship, May 2002 to August 2002 Ernst And Young, New York, New York Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings, including development of the final certification report. Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors. Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and automatically cross-referencing for errors. Received Employee of the Month award twice—first intern ever to win the award. Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 2000 to Present Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York Assisted (via remote) with payroll, tax, and account processing. Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system. Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers. ACTIVITIES: Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2002-2003 Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, 2002-2003 英文工作简历范文(二) Richard Anderson 4309 S Morgan Street, Tucson AZ 95705, (123)-386 7890. An accounting manager with more than 16 years' experience in setting up and directing accounting departments, system reviews and financial reporting and analysis for public and private corporations and small businesses. Expertise includes Securities and Exchange Commission filings, tax preparations, automated general ledger accounting systems, audit management and training of staff. Outstanding interpersonal and communications skills. EXPERIENCE: Good Health Ltd., Los Angeles, California 1989-Present Accounting Manager Prepare monthly, quarterly and annually audited consolidated financial statements for a public healthcare company with net revenues of $500 million. For five years running, financial statements for state, federal, shareholders and the securities exchange commission were prepared on time. Substantially reduced significant audit adjustments through better financial controls. Participated in the successful conversion to the G.T.E. hospital-based general ledger system without any interruption of accounting operations. Completed three years of delayed reporting for the pension plan and kept it and other employee benefit plans current on a timely basis for more than 5,000 employees. Developed a system to track primary and fully diluted earnings per share calculations including common stock equivalents. Revised the 10K format in compliance with segment reporting requirements and other recent GAAP pronouncements. Christine Smith, CPA, Los Angeles, California 1987-1989 Accounting Manager Performed public accounting for small businesses, professionals and non-profit organizations with emphasis on financial statements, taxes and audits. Opened the way for a 35% growth in services and revenues. Provided improved controls for internal operations. Upgraded the ten most important clients' financial reports to the latest GAAP pronouncements. Big Bank Corporation, Los Angeles, California 1985-1987 Accounting Supervisor Underwrote tax exempt securities, equipment finance leases and provided financial advisory services for municipalities located throughout the Western United States. Organized a new accounting department and recruited and trained four accountants. Designed and implemented a database for investor payment tracking covering leases valued in excess of $20 million. Funded transactions on a timely basis upwards to $13 million per case without a single mishap. Reconciled a large leasing account saving $5 million in unaccounted transactions. Business Enterprises, Inc., Los Angeles, California 1981-1983 Internal Auditor Conducted audits to determine if business units were following company policies and procedures. Performed financial audits in addition to the company's independent CPA staff. Improved productivity by eliminating an average of two weeks field time during audits. Designed and implemented a department performance evaluation system to replace a non-functioning one. Trained four college graduates in principles of auditing that became permanent staff. Charted internal control systems for non-utility subsidiaries that pointed out system weaknesses and reduced loss risks. Accountants Company, Los Angeles, California 1978-1981 Semi-Senior Accountant Performed audits for large publicly held corporations and medium-sized privately owned companies in manufacturing and retail industries. Audited pension and profit sharing plans. During this period, fulfilled professional experience that led to CPA certification in California. Managed small- to medium-sized audits during the second year. Managed physical inventory counts for more than 25 clients. EDUCATION: University of San Diego, San Diego, California Bachelor of Science Degree, Accounting, 1978 AFFILIATIONS: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants California Society of Certified Public Accountants Board Member, Girl Scout Council LICENSES: Certified Public Accounting, California, #11111



Annie Smith

69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City, California 84301

Cell :( 988) 598-1331


Career Objectives:To gain the position of a Customer Service Billing Administrator where my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization.

Core Competencies:

Good knowledge of mathematics that can handle complex billing tasks

Excellent analytical and problem solving skills

Proficient in computer applications like Excel, Word and Outlook

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Ability to handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines

Proficient in handling tasks independently as well as a part of the billing team

Ability to handle sensitive and private information in a professional manner

Educational Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from University of California in the year 20xx

Work History:

Organization: CF Engineering Groups, California

Duration: March 20xx till date

Designation: Customer Service Billing Administrator

Responsible for processing the organization billing through a weekly cycle in the Deltek FMS database

Handles the tasks of supervising and monitoring every stage of processing invoice

Performs responsibility like issuing various reports and other administrative tasks like filing and copying and updates the same to the billing manager

Produces invoices as well as distributes and mails the invoices to the concerned person

Handles tasks like Issuing and Processing Billing Reports

Responsible for Data Entry of time sheets, and expenses on a daily basis

Assist department in handling day-to-day functions on areas of billing

Organization: NKOI Group Co Inc, California

Duration: January 20xx to February 20xx

Designation: Billing Administrator

Perform tasks like maintaining records for management reports and inventories of supplies required

Handles the charge of making proper calculations of the charges for jobs performed as well as maintains some billing logs

Reviews the invoices for general cost charging errors

Coordinates as well as responds to all service calls required by customer

Performs filing duties in accordance with the specific request

Responsible for handling day-to-day clerical duties like typing, filing and handling mails

Personal Details:

Name: Annie Smith

Date of Birth: 15/03/1978

Employment Status: Full time

Relationship status: Married


Mr. Charlie Smith

Customer Service Billing Head

Lopez Associates Co Inc, California




Female, 22,

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - tianhe

Objective: nurse/nursing staff

Work experience (work for 11 months, do 2 job)

Keep on brain hospital

Working hours: between January 20xx and July 20xx [6 months]

Job title: nurse baiyun mountain

Working time: July ** to December ** 5 months

Job title: nurse

Education experience

Graduated in June 20xx Meizhou city health nursing vocational and technical school

Franklin Crowe

124 Franklin Street,

Melbourne, VIC 20xx


Telephone No: 61-3-9329-3476

Email id:

Career Objective

To achieve a senior, development-oriented position which requires professional know-how, educational background, technical knowledge, and a dedication for excellence will have valuable implementation.

Academic Background

Achieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Hampbell College of Business, Melbourne, Australia in the year 1994.

Computer Programming Skills

Knowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express.

Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows20xx, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Professional Background

Since 20xx working as a Tax Inspector in the Higher Tax Office of the Internal Revenue Commission, Sydney, Australia and is responsibly handling the following:

Analyzing both individual and company tax files for comprehensiveness and exactness.

Consulting tax claims and settlements in resolving differences or conflicts and resolving inequities arising from wrong information, absence of information at time of initial recording.

Responding to inquiries on matters related to tax as to policies and measures.

Determining penalties as bound by law and route claims for collection procedure.

Examining company payment records for exactness.

Executing collections with the help of direct payment to the Collector General's Office.

Organizing, instructing, scheduling, and monitoring 25 employees.

Assorting monthly statistical data base for permanent report and data for national reports.

Monitoring performance of subordinates and offer selections of traders and vendors.

From 1995-20xx worked as a Director in The Revenue Commission Social Club, Canberra, Australia, and efficiently handled the following responsibilities:

Organized in general operations and functioning of the Club representing employees and staffs of the revenue commissioners.

Retained facility of four bars, large function rooms, multi-gym, saunas, indoor basketball arena, and additional space areas.

Recruited and terminated, organized, instructed, and motivated employees.

Monitored office administration, accounting and member details.

Maintained for time to time equipment substitution, control and bid-purchases.

Andre Norbert

City, State

24th ABC, Boulevard Home: 10021-002365-54897

Cell: 1250-12548-98751


Career Profile:

A highly talented, accomplished and professional SAP B1 Consultant with proven track record of developing quality software products. Seeking a position as Senior B1 consultant to utilize my skills and proficiency in a renowned IT firm.

Areas of Interest :

Possess excellent knowledge of OOPs and SDLC

Highly motivated, self-driven and excellent team player

Ability to comprehend and modify the configuration of software applications and web services

Familiar with coding and software engineering life cycles

Possess voluminous knowledge of database and pays attention to details

Possess extensive knowledge of core CRM business processes

Highly skilled in SAP Business One Module and designing Print Layout

Goal oriented and ability to perform tasks under pressure

Technical skills:

In-depth knowledge of Windows 20xx, XP, SQL server, Vista, IIS and .NET infrastructure and technologies

Knowledge of Languages like SQL, HTML ,C# ,Visual Basic .Net , .NET Framework, complex XML Schema and Java script

Extensive knowledge of SQL Server 20xx, SQL scripting, SQL Batch Jobs, SQL DTS Packages and SQL back-end

Professional Experience:

ABC Global software solutions, Boulevard

20xx to till date

SAP B1 Consultant

Handled the tasks of installing and configuring business applications

Responsible for developing menus and screens by using the method of dialog programming

Developed and designed process to integrate Business One with 3-party applications

Assigned the tasks of developing project plans and schedules

Handled the tasks of supervising and maintaining MS SQL backups and SQL servers

Responsible for recommending and responding to issues and questions regarding software implementation

Assigned the tasks of creating reports by using Queries, User Defined fields ,Formatted searches and User Defined tables

Handled the tasks of conducting training to users on SAP's functionality

Assisted users regarding screen and menus development to streamline their process flow

TRITECH Software, Boulevard

20xx to 20xx

SAP B1 Consultant

Assigned the tasks of developing forms and structures of Print Layout Designs

Assisted the Project Manager in handling a project with a software company, Evitable Inc., based in Cuba City, Boulevard

Responsible for providing technical support in case of issues related to SAP Business One, software and SQL Server setup

Handled the tasks of working out in ERP designed for mid-sized and small business firms

Performed other tasks as assigned

Educational Qualifications:

Bachelor of science in Computer, Boulevard Science college, Boulevard 19XX

Master's degree in Information systems, Information Technology Center, Boulevard 19XX

Certificate course in SAP B 1, ABC center, Boulevard 19XX


Will be available upon request










