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Zhao ZY,Liu Z, Gong P. Automatic extraction of floating ice at Antarctic continental margin from remotely sensed imagery using Object-based segmentation. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 2011 Vol.54 No.1.(通讯作者)刘臻,鲁学亮. 基于空间分布特征的行为模式自动分类方法. 计算机应用,2011增刊1期112-115.刘臻,陈瑾. 中国高等教育质量评估信息化建设构想. 中国教育信息化,2011年第6期 4-7.刘臻,鲁学亮. 基于校园网的可信任视频会议系统的研究. 中国电化教育,2011年第294期127-130.Jun Wu, Chengsheng Jiang, Zhen Liu, Douglas Houston, Guillermo Jaimes , Rob McConnell. Performances of Different Global Positioning System Devices for Time-Location Tracking in Air Pollution Epidemiological Studies. Environmental Health Insights, 2010(4): 93-108Zhen Liu, Yanhui Xie, Jin Chen, Jun Wu. An Automatic Approach for Building Top Silhouette Extraction Using a PGVF Snake Model. Proceedings of The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA.刘 臻 , 从美国大学看高等教育信息化中的深化应用和改革创新,中国教育信息化,2010(6): 4-6.Dongxue Liu, Zhen Liu, Lin Liu, Yun Ren. Resource Organization and Management of the Platform for Supporting Teacher Education Innovation Based on IPv6. Edutainment 2010, LNCS 6249, pp. 352–-359, 2010.ZHEN LIU, Peng Gong, PEIJUN SHI,Howu,Chen Lin Zhu,T Sasagawa. Automated Building Change Detection Using Ultracamd Images and Existing CAD Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,vol 31(06), pp. 1505--1517.Tian Xiaoping, Liu Zhen, Chen Ping. Research and Implementation of Flex Based WEBGIS in Video Surveillance System. ICCASM 2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, Proceedings, vol 11: p11623-11626.J. Wu, R. Edwards, X. He, Z. Liu, and M. Kleinman, “Spatial analysis of bioavailable soil lead concentrations in Los Angeles, California,” Environmental Research, 2010(3).樊秀萍,刘臻,刘林,刘冬雪,赵国庆等,“基于 IPv6 的教师教育创新支持平台的设计与实现”,天津大学学报(自然科学) ,2009( 增 )CHEN Ping, LIU Zhen, QIAO Xiuquan, TIAN Xiaoping.The Parallel Algorithm of Clique and It’s Application on Data Mining Grid System[P],2009 International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content,2009:P340-343.刘臻、陈平、魏红、钟秉林, “融合信息技术,完善评估方法,改善评估效能—— 新一轮本科教学评估基本问题探析(六)” . 中国高等教育 , 2009.(18):42-44.陈平、刘臻、钟秉林, “研制数据系统,揭示教学规律,完善保障机制— 新一轮本科教学评估基本问题探析(七)”,中国高等教育, 2009.(20): 42-45刘臻,陈平 . 安全评估主动防御 [J]. 中国教育网络 , 2009,(10): 57-59钟秉林,周海涛,刘臻,魏红.总结经验教训,研究背景趋势,创新评估思路——新一轮本科教学评估基本问题探析(一)[J]. 中国高等教育,2009(1):31-34CHEN Ping, LIU Zhen, QIAO Xiuquan, TIAN Xiaoping. Data Ming Grid: a New Paradigm for Distributed Data Mining System[P],The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering,2009:P238-242.陈平,乔秀全,刘臻,田小萍 . 数据挖掘网格中决策树并行算法设计及分析 [J] ,北京邮电大学学报, 2009.1( 增 ) : 49-52Zhen liu, Ziying Zhao. Object-based Building Change Detection Using Images and CAD Data. IPCV, 2008 Volumes. CSREA Press 2008, Page:264-270卢月娥,刘臻,刘林. 可视化中国高等教育统计信息服务平台的设计与实现. 中国教育信息化,2008(6)刘林,刘臻. 基于知识的网上监控系统的研究, 微电子学与计算机. 2007年10期Zhen liu, Peng Gong, Peijun Shi, Houwu Chen, T Sasagawa. An Automatic method for Matching 2D ADS40 Images onto a 3D Surface Model. Geographic Information Sciences(Annals of GIS), Vol.12, No 2, December 2006: 92-97Zhen Liu , Peng Gong , Peijun Shi , Houwu Chen, T. Sasagawa, Lin Zhu. Automated Urban Building Change Detection Using Ultracamd Images and Existing CAD Data. MAPPS/ASPRS 2006 Fall Conference November 6 – 10, 2006 * San Antonio, Texas.刘臻,樊秀萍,高校信息化建设的集中管理模式探索[J]. 教育信息化, 2006,10(增): 75-78.陈厚武,常歌,刘臻,平行四边形的逐级抽象感知提取算法[J]. 计算机工程,2006 Vol.32 No.2 P.218-219,225Liu Zhen , Gong Peng , Shi Peijun , Sasagawa T. Study on 3D Textured Building Model Based on Ads40 Image and 3D model. ISSTM 2005, August, 27-29, 2005, Beijing, China, ISPRS, XXXVI-2/W25: 189-193刘臻,宫鹏,史培军,Sasagava,何春阳. 基于相似度验证的自动变化探测研究[J]. 遥感学报,2005.9(5):537-542.刘臻,宫鹏,史培军,基于分层多模板匹配的影像自动配准方法研究[J]. 计算机应用,2005.25(2):322-325陈厚武,常歌,刘臻,一种多级过滤提取直线的新算法[J]. 计算机应用研究,2005.22(增): 155-156Liu Zhen; Sasagawa, T; Gong,Peng ; Shi Peijun Study on automation change detection based on object similarity for high resolution imagery[C]. Map Asia 2004, Beijing, China,August 26-29,2004.刘臻,史培军, 宫鹏 . 血吸虫病流行要素的遥感监测方法研究[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2004, 25(8):75-78刘臻,衷克定,白双宝. 基于JSP与Notes架构B/S的电信管理信息系统[J]. 计算机与现代化,2004,8:88-90刘臻,史培军,王平. 基于空间信息技术的财产保险业防灾减损决策支持系统[J]. 计算机工程与科学,2004, 26(3):p79-81曹彤,刘臻. 用于建立三维GIS的八叉树编码压缩算法[J]. 中国图象图形学报,2002,7(1):p50-54刘臻,戚培德. 中学考试题库管理系统设计方案[J]. 中国电化教育,2000,9:60-62.刘臻,彭望录. GIS辅助教学软件的设计与开发[J]. 地球信息科学,1998,1(1):39-45.刘臻,彭望录. 多媒体地理信息系统辅助教学软件的设计与开发[J]. 北京师范大学学报(自然),1998,3(增)刘臻. 多媒体GIS词典的设计与开发[J]. 计算机时代,1998,3:9-11.刘臻,彭望录. IDRISI for Windows的文件结构与存取方法[J]. 地理信息世界,1997,3

(BOOK) Hussein A. Abbass, David G. Green and Jing Liu, Dual Phase Evolution: From Theory to Practice, Springer, to be published, 2012. (BOOK) Licheng Jiao, Jing Liu and Weicai Zhong, Coevolutionary Computation and Multiagent Systems, WIT Press, UK, 2012. (It is a translated version of the corresponding Chinese monograph.Chenlong Liu, Jing Liu (Corresponding Author), Zhongzhou Jiang, A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on similarity for community detection from signed social networks, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, 44(12), pp. 2274-2287, 2014.Yadong Li, Jing Liu (Corresponding Author), and Chenlong Liu, A comparative analysis of evolutionary and memetic algorithms for community detection from signed social networks, Soft Computing, 18(2): 329-348, 2014.Xiong Jian, Jing Liu, Yingwu Chen, and Hussein A. Abbass, A knowledge-based evolutionary multi-objective approach for stochastic extended resource investment project scheduling problems, IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computation, 2014, 18(5): 742-763.Weicai Zhong, Jing Liu (Corresponding Author), and Li Zhang, Evolutionary dynamics of continuous strategy games on graphs and social networks under weak selection, Biosystems, 2013, 111(2): 102-110.Weicai Zhong, Bijan Raahemi and Jing Liu, Classifying peer-to-peer applications using imbalanced concept-adapting very fast decision tree on IP data stream, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2013, 6(3): 233-246.Ruochen Liu, Xiao Wang, Jing Liu, Lingfen Fang, Licheng Jiao, A preference multi-objective optimization based on adaptive rank clone and differential evolution, Natural Computing, 2013, 12(1): 109-132.Jian Xiong, Yingwu Chen, Kewei Yang, and Jing Liu, A decision support model for multi-attribute group decision making using a multi-objective optimization approach, The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2013, 6(2): 337-353.Jian Xiong, Ke-wei Yang, Jing Liu, Qing-song Zhao, and Ying-wu Chen, A two-stage preference-based evolutionary multi-objective approach for capability planning problems, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, 31: 128-139.Carlton Downey, Mengjie Zhang, and Jing Liu, Parallel linear genetic programming for multi-class classification, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2012, 13(3): 275-304.Jing Liu, Hussein A. Abbass, David G. Green, and Weicai Zhong, Motif difficulty (MD): A predictive measure of problem difficulty for evolutionary algorithms using network motifs, Evolutionary Computation Journal (MIT), 2012, 20(3): 321-347. (doi:10.1162/EVCO_a_00045)Weicai Zhong and Jing Liu (Corresponding Author), Comments on Scale-free networks without growth, Physica A, 2012, 391: 263-265.Li Zhang, Wei-Da Zhou, Pei-Chann Chang, Jing Liu, Zhe Yan, Ting Wang, and Fan-Zhang Li, Kernel sparse representation-based classifier, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2012, 60(4): 1684-1695.Jing Liu, Hussein A. Abbass, Weicai Zhong, David G. Green, Local-global interaction and the emergence of scale-free networks with community structures, Artificial Life, 2011, 17(4): 263-279. (doi:10.1162/ artl_a_00038)Lam T. Bui, Jing Liu (Corresponding Author), Axel Bender, Michael Barlow, Slawomir Wesolkowski, and Hussein A. Abbass, DMEA: A direction-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, Memetic Computing, 2011, 3(4): 271-285.Jing Liu, Jinshu Li, Weicai Zhong, Li Zhang, and Ruochen Liu, Minimum span frequency assignment based on a multiagent evolutionary algorithm, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research, 2011, 2(3): 30-43.Xue Li, Jing Liu, Quan Z. Sheng, Sherali Zeadally, and Weicai Zhong, TMS-RFID: temporal management of large-scale RFID applications, Information Systems Frontiers, Springer, 2011, 13(4): 481-500.Weicai Zhong, Hussein A. Abbass, Axel Bender, and Jing Liu, Mixed strategy and coevolution dynamics in social networks, Physica A, 2011, 390(2): 410-417. (doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.09.031)Jing Liu, Weicai Zhong, and Licheng Jiao, A multiagent evolutionary algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, 2010, 40(1): 229-240.Ruochen Liu, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li, and Jing Liu, An immune memory clonal algorithm for numerical and combinatorial optimization, Front. Comput. Sci. China, 2010, 4(4): 536-559.Jing Liu, Xue Li, and Weicai Zhong, Ambiguous decision trees for mining concept-drifting data streams, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2009, 30(15): 1347-1355.Bijan Raahemi, Weicai Zhong, and Jing Liu, Exploiting unlabeled data to improve Peer-to-Peer traffic classification using incremental Tri-Training method, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, 2009, 2: 87-97.Jing Liu, Weicai Zhong, and Licheng Jiao, Moving block sequence and organizational evolutionary algorithm for general floorplanning with arbitrarily shaped rectilinear blocks, IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, 2008, 12(5): 630-646.Jing Liu, Weicai Zhong, and Licheng Jiao, An organizational evolutionary algorithm for numerical optimization, IEEE Trans. System, Man, and Cybernetics—Part B, 2007, 37(4): 1052-1064.Jing Liu, Weicai Zhong, and Licheng Jiao, Comments on 'the 1993 DIMACS Graph Coloring Challenge' and 'Energy Function-Based Approaches to Graph Coloring', IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2006, 17(2): 533.Jing Liu, Weicai Zhong, and Licheng Jiao, A multiagent evolutionary algorithm for constraint satisfaction problems, IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, and Cybern. B, 2006, 36(1): 54-73.Licheng Jiao, Jing Liu, and Weicai Zhong, An organizational coevolutionary algorithm for classification, IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, 2006, 10(1): 67-80.Weicai Zhong, Jing Liu, Mingzhi Xue, and Licheng Jiao, A multiagent genetic algorithm for global numerical optimization, IEEE Trans. System, Man, and Cybern. B, 2004, 34(2): 1128-1141.


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