
> 学术论文知识库

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国家真正急需的,人民稀缺的,有实用价值,有创新意义,能够直接指导广大企业制造国际上无先例的产品外销的关键设计指导,这种网站禁止开设,这种文稿,禁止出版。现在都是在剪剪贴贴,拼凑文章,浪费青少年的青春时光,耗尽家长的钱财,作者吃喝而已。中国科学普及馆的展出项目世界一流,可以免费下载展品的设计资料;游客如果奉献和公开创新设计与原型,经过专家的评审达到原创,同时具有新颖鲜明的教育效果,可以退回门票费用,同时给予奖励。这就是改革开放、科学发展观的伟大成果,当属领军全球的开拓创新、独树一帜的重大实践。以下举措,能从根本上迅速提高全民素质,树立严谨的科学态度,培训锻炼手工技巧,增强工业基础,花费小,无需正面交锋就将学术、装神弄鬼的伪科学、泛滥的学术腐败、经济贪污犯滋生的土壤彻底清除,剥除他们崇高、耀眼的伪装,揭开虚伪的面具和、捅破华丽的遮羞布,无形剿灭由来已久而且浪费资源、消耗青少年宝贵青春时光、毫无意义的传统科普宣传,请你就在当地实施吧。 这就是杜绝人力、物力、财力的浪费,堵死索贿受贿的渠道,多快好省地建设社会主义的战略举措。严肃而重大的课题:雷锋!向我看齐!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!考核科技馆的量化指标,检验当代雷锋的刚性指标!要在全国范围普遍化、日常化、规范化、制度化,建立青少年科技教育长效机制、落实可持续发展手段。这是试金石、这是照妖镜!是衡量中国共产党党性原则性的标尺、是考量、检验实践科学发展观能力的考试题,是科学社会主义的刚性革命任务。现在招聘科技馆人员和选择展品的要求严格了,要能够自行设计、制造世界上一流、国际上领先的创新展项,而且要撰写优秀的文件,将设计、采购、制造、装配、工艺过程、夹具、量具、理论推算分析过程、调整、校正、整定、标定、维修、检测、今后的发展、如何简化为在国际上有竞争力的产品、如何做形象宣传等等的清晰文件,并且向全社会无偿公开,公诸于众,推进全国人民的科学素质,促进国家竞争力。具有历史性突破的、不同反响的公益性质。 你能达到这个硬指标吗? 欢迎你来展示,我们期待着你的到来! 这就是革命性的脱胎换骨地变化,是科学发展观的里程碑性质的变革。对于国内科学普及展览馆的建设提出以下要求,对于高等院校的教材编写、教学实验、毕业论文教师的论文、职业培训,都提出同样的要求,应该作为国策、国家战略来严格推广实行,并且作为科学发展观、可持续发展、社会资源充分利用率的量化考核刚性指标: 关键是展项要创新,展项的技术资料要完全公开。要做经得起历史检验的贡献,要有历史意义,要服务大众,要有勇气和魄力,要充分、高效率地使用社会资源,特别是对于国家财政拨款资助的事业部门、特别是对于国家财政拨款资助的科研项目。科学普及展览的人流大(反映了群众对科技的渴求,也凸显了现在教育的缺失,核心意义的匮乏)、同一原理和相同设计的产品有许多企业在低水平重复生产,并不是好事情。现有的展项在设计、制造上就有明确缺陷,损坏率高,演示和互动不能深刻地揭示其工程和科学上的本质;每个展项没有可以供参观者免费下载或低价下载的电子文档系统、详细地解说,特别是要完全公开地介绍材料、元器件的采购地点、采购价格,非标准部件的加工过程,调试过程,设计和制造时受到的约束,希望参观者今后回去简化、改进、发展的具体建议,就是要达到参观者能制造商业化的产品出售;现有展品制造者都是奔钱而来的,对设计资料保密,使维修成本高、维修周期长(有的要运回去维修),明显影响展览效果;准备就此无偿提供超过百项创新展项,由附近的各大学在学学生制造,只需提供公共交通费用就可以了。这就是国家战略,立国之本;尤其要指出,现在大学本科和研究生的实验课、毕业论文、创新研究都缺乏工程技术的支持,将国家宝贵的资源变成了垃圾,所以就业难,产品在国际市场上档次上不去,对发达国家没有高端的威慑力。通过本举措,充分体现科学技术、工程技术的可复制性、可验证性、可重复性、可移植性,并且可以无偿借出或租借展出项目的复制品或单元部分。籍此,票价不是问题,还可以提高,不但在学的学生会来,社会上待业的人员、企业上的技术骨干都会来,就是要通过免费的创新教育与基础技能快速教育,来提高国民的素质。本人已经在**的展览馆,深圳高交会上,以参观者的身份用各种原型通过英语免费向欧美、日本人介绍了国际市场上尚未出现的许多创新技术。***通过授权在国内外同行销售全套的创新展项,还可以创收嘛。以现有的运行方式,运行费用当然居高不下。本人已经有一个展项的完整资料、原型送达****,欢迎全球任何人免费仿制和改进,这个机器人供电方式,就是从数学分析的结果提出的工程结构,从工程应用上已经是完整的;不足之处是目前只能做到概率解,请观众在将来做出纯数学的解析解,目前一般的数学研究所和普通的数学博士还无法解答;有两项展项将向有关部门送审,看是否在保密限制之内,因为具备创新的军事用途。 现在的大学生上完实验课,你在实验室门口堵住他,向他借来实验教材,就这本教程的内容提问,只要是问题准确、细致,他们保准回答不上来,他刚才还懵懵懂懂的呀,问老师也是瞠目结舌;如果要他制造实验设备那就是八格牙鲁、死啦死啦地也没辙。现在的学校教学仪器都是从社会上采购来的,实验讲义的原稿是教学仪器供应商提供的,其他就可想而知了。到了研究生,就是在国外原版科技文献和数据库指导下的进口软件系统、硬件平台、市场上采购的模块以及专用集成电路和组件的系统集成,科技快餐,现代技术大拼盘。现已向****免费提供的原型是机器人从平面、曲面、台阶上,用脚或轮子取得动力电源,就不必像日本本田机器人那样背后背负动力电池;清华大学毕业的机器人专业博士到北京交通大学工作后制造并在深圳高交会上展出的机器人还拖带供电电缆呢,又环保、又创新,还提出了四驱车竞赛的新方法;****就是爱国主义、国防军事、科学普及教育的展项;至于超越国外飞行模拟训练舱,能产生可控***的设备基础资料,都已经通知到****,在附近的企业就能制造出来,以本人的孤陋寡闻,尚未见识过同类装置。还可以指导在学学生撰写发明专利申请文件(大学知识产权课程和专利代理律师都不教你!),凡此种种,都是提高票价吸引观众的硬道理。现在理工科学生的金工实习、电子元器件装配实习,都是在组装一样的基础零件和电路板,完成后请教师评分后就当废品扔掉;毕业论文、创新工程等等都丑陋的不堪入目,任由学生下载网上的资料初级模仿;***就在**中,应该为祖国的下一代提供实践的课题、充分使用学生的实验与教学经费,本人愿意义务指导他们制造各种创新展项,引导他们跨过书本内容与市场联系与参与社会竞争的门槛。你们在维修上有什么问题,可以发电子邮件通知我:或者拨打电话:,本人将尽快予以答复,因为工业、设备、仪器上的问题,一般都要到现场拆卸、测量、观察分析。中国制造的工业装置和仪器,基本上都是模仿发达国家现有产品而来的,在简化原有设计上就有重新设计的缺陷,材质不足等等问题;所以,你们的展品故障的彻底解决,往往都是要重新设计更完善的部件、重新制造零件,原来的制造部门又有许多保密,就不能等同于维修进口设备,例如机场的飞机维修公司,就有波音公司完整的维修手册,对于各种故障的分析、处理,都有非常细致的书面规定,我途经见到他们的厚度5厘米的维修手册成排地准备着。本人长期都在为改善自己的工作环境而奔忙,大约要在1年后到2年后才告一段落,在此之前,如果不是你们同意本人制造本人独立设计的展品,就暂时不到你们那里上班了。至于你们有什么疑难问题,本人可以召之即来、来之能战,战之能胜、挥之则去,不保证能解决问题,将会尽快赶到,如果解决了问题,将留下完整的电子文档,说明材料、零件的采购地点、今后的对策,也敬请你们报销来往公共交通费用为盼。准备提供创新展项。部分基本素材请见光盘(已经送达****),涉及的范围和领域将很广阔。本人认可文化大革命时期知识诀窍完全无偿公开的方式,认为那是对中国工业基础和科技水平推动的最有效方式,是对社会资源最高的利用率,是中国国情迫切需要的。一些发达国家使用国家科研经费的研究项目,部分相关的资料是公开的,例如对太空探索所取得的基础资料是公开的,为全球任何人进行分析和研究提供入门。中国科学院的院士也曾经集体签名表示要尽可能公开科研资料。本人提供的展品,将完全公开全部设计、制造资料、全部图纸、配件采购地点和价格、加工方式、调试修改过程、计算机程序。这些资料可以由你们向观众提供光盘、允许观众下载,是否收费、是否允许在网上公开、是否允许他人复制展品后出售或展出、是否申请发明专利、是否有偿特许国内外科学普及展览部门生产和展出均由你们决定。欢迎观众提出修改意见,如果经过测试有进步意义,你们可以自行改进原来展品。对于低龄、低学历的观众,目前不能看懂光盘中的内容,随着年龄、阅历、学历、经验的增长,在升学、工作后,必将逐步加深理解;无论如何,都比当下走马观花的效果要强。进一步的发展,是用电子文档回答观众的专题问题、为观众特殊要求制造展出项目、为企业提供应用技术服务,解决技术难题,而且继续贯彻答复完全公开的原则。还可以为观众提供亲手制造展出项目的实践环境。对于控制部分,尽量采用模拟计算机、尽量采用分立元器件,其次才是采用通用集成电路构成的电子线路。对于机械部分,要预先作成本预算,采用数控加工中心制造的外观和性能好,价格必然高;手工用电动工具加工就必然是本人倒赔加工费用,工时长、不规整,适合于限定收购价格的要求,同时指出,在国内外,手工加工为主制造的装置,市场价值一概高于采用机床加工为主和批量生产的装置。本人足够大度,在没有先决经济要求的条件下,允许任何方面运用本人独立提出的基础设计资料制造展品。而且,对于制造成本高于5000元的展品,如果没有出售展品累积的资金,本人一律不做,由你们自由选择制造单位和个人。 提出这种方式的背景由于本人清楚地知道如今各校的学生模拟电路设计能力低下,也就是部分学生能编制一般的计算机程序罢了。从模拟电路到高频电路,不是给出线路就可以模仿出来的;以医疗电子仪器为例,进口仪器对于信号处理前置部分,就有用分立元器件为主的,国内按照原线路仿造,性能就达不到原装的水平,这就是对基础电子线路理解不深刻的体现。只要本科生调试不出来的,研究生也一样,解决的方法就是采用专用集成电路、采用进口整机,系统集成嘛。就以本人文化大革命时期在**的现场亲自观察,*****厂自制了射流逻辑控制的冲床机械进料装置、***厂自制车床和刨床、***厂自制半自动车床、***厂自制线切割机床等等,都在生产中实际发挥了作用。究其技术支持,是当时的图纸在国内完全无偿交流、行业之间免费复制设计图纸,当年时兴全国统一设计、大合作、集体攻关、大协作、全国一盘棋。如今在举国科研体制下,相互封锁,以邻为壑,大家都是互相为敌,勾心斗角,尔虞我诈,一个工作单位内都相互敌对、保密、封锁。就中国的工业基础而言,在市场竞争之下,从日用品到工业装备,零配件不通用、没有互换性;设计图纸严格保密,给维修带来了极大地困难;其结果是各企业同功能产品的生产模具大量重复,在生产、物流、销售和维修行业的配件仓库储存量大;结局是日用品、设备报废快、社会资源浪费巨大。国家对科研院所、高等院校投入的教育和科研经费巨大,而低水平重复研究现象普遍,在校学生的创新设计基本上都派不上实际用场。学生就知道上网下载线路,科技书籍无法直接指导基础设计,教师自己也茫茫不知所然;企业中个别生产设计能力强者,以市场占有率为目标,并不公开技术诀窍,也不对国外先进产品构成技术威胁。所以,十分有必要将基础教育与生产实际向结合的题材技术关键向社会免费公开,只要不是涉及到该领域前沿、不是与军事技术直接相关的,都有这个必要,以此提高全民的科学素质,这就是一个战略的眼光和决策。古人有曰:取法乎上,仅得乎中。引领世界科技潮流对于国内工程技术人员是太难了点,他们还迷茫地摸不着北呢,要想赶超世界先进水平实在是不知所措。领导要他们将产品升级换代、改变产品结构,他们还在对国外产品跟踪、模仿、进行逆向工程的圈子里面打转呢。所以,就要提供具备实用价值的展品,达到奢侈品的档次;这样对于参观者具备前瞻性,企业能通过简化设计,做出进军世界市场的高端产品。(网友xiajhua8) 创新升级改造引进消化吸收,变成学、偷、搬、抄以及改退。头目到死都不明白。为了节约开支,就以机电与电子技术为主题。 财务与招标你们可以指定、推荐任何有资质的公司,本人与该公司之间进行财务的联系;也可以与你们实报实销,接受财务审计。本人身先士卒,率先垂范,无私奉献,勇于奉献,甘当铺路石、道钉、铁轨、螺丝钉、销钉、枕木、基石,创建公益性质的就业见习基地、免费培训基地、产业孵化基地,无偿地用不可替代的方式鼓励和支持任何人创业。送你去观看美国航天飞机发射与返航,请你去按动核爆炸实验的按钮,你又能学到什么?必须全面调查社会现状,要从基本设计依据学起,要知道根据功能采用何种结构,找到最佳的器材采购地点,熟悉具体的加工工艺过程,这才是完整、系统、全过程地学习进程。用金融投资来拉动内需、增加就业机会就太俗套、太浅显了、在目前的社会环境下也太腐败了;人们所说的“充电”提升自己的能力,化学二次电源的充放电是有循环寿命的,容量要随着充放电次数增加而递减地!人是可以植入义齿,它与人们与生俱来的牙齿区别之一就是无天然的根基,要经常清理,而且不容易清理;我们要发掘新的商业空间,更换化学电源的活性物质、赋予新的反应机理。报告首长:那就向领导汇报超前、前瞻、跨越时代的宏伟目标。报告首长:俺的回答世界领先,全球首创,举世无双,有胆识、开启民智、功德无量!!报告首长:给你世界上最前卫、最先进的创意!!!!颠覆全球历史的革命创新!!!!!确保参观者豁然开朗!请示首长:按照以下国家战略治理科技馆,每间经过整改的科技馆,能对中国各方面的发展提供多大的贡献?请用统计数字来表示为盼。


Chinese Holidays and Festivals Post By:2008-12-2 19:55:05 As well known, different countries have different customs and cultures. With the development of China, it has a rich and unique culture. The holidays and festivals in China are quite different from those in other countries. We have many traditional holidays and festivals. In addition, people in different areas also have their own local Year —元旦It falls on the first day of the year. It marks the beginning of a year. People will plan what to do in the new year. Because they believe that the whole year's work depends on a good start in Festival —春节Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on the first day of the first lunar month(阴历正月). On the eve of the festival, people will paste spring poems(贴春联)with lucky words. They prepare delicious food, dumpling is a must. They also clean their house, but there is no sweeping on spring festival for people think it will sweep away good luck. People often come back home to enjoy family reunion, the whole family will get together for the big dinner. They also exchange greeting with other friends and Festival 元宵节It comes on the 15th of the first lunar month and it marks the end of the Spring Festival. On this day, people often eat sweet dumplings(元宵)for good luck. They will visit the display of lanterns(灯展)or go to temple fair(庙会)Qingming 清明节Qingming —It is also called Tomb-Sweeping Day. It falls on April 4th or 5th . That is a special day for the living to show love and respect to their dead friends or relatives. People often go to sweep the tomb and put the meat, wine in front of the tomb. One interesting thing is that people burn the paper money for the dead. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节This day is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month, People often get together to watch the wonderful “Dragon Boat Race”(龙舟大赛),Rice Dumpling(粽子) is a must on Dragon Boat Festival. People eat Rice Dumpling in memory of the famous poet-屈原who died on this day many years Day —中秋It comes on the 15th of the eighth lunar month. People often gaze at the “Lady in the moon”(嫦娥) and eat moon cakes. The Mid-autumn Day also means harvest

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Are the sun and the solar system to the sun as the center, dominated by its gravity and the objects around it sports posed by the system . Members include the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Ming Wang, more than 2000 asteroids 34 satellites, as well as a lot of comets and meteoroids. The sun (Sun) The center of the solar system objects. Are a star. Contains nearly 98% of the solar system quality. With the Earth's average Distance of 149,600,000 kilometers diameter 1,390,000 kilometers, to the Earth 109 times the volume of the Earth's million times, Ping Are the density of grams / cubic centimeter. Surface temperature of about 6000 degrees Celsius, the center temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius. By Nuclear fission of hydrogen nuclei into helium thermonuclear reaction a large amount of energy. The naked eye we see the surface layer called the "light ball" , Light balls above a layer called the "chromosphere", the most outer layer called the "corona", which formed the sun's atmosphere. Too Yang's rotation period is 25 days, the bipolar area is about 35 days, the sun on the most abundant chemical element hydrogen. The sun's activity stems from its central part. The sun's core pressure of more than 34 billion times the Earth. Here at hair Health of nuclear fusion. Fusion led to the four proton or a hydrogen atom or helium nuclei阿尔法粒子. Al Law on the quality of particles smaller than percent to four protons, the quality of the remaining energy is transformed into the sun and was released to the table Noodles, and through the process of emitting light and heat convection. Solar core, through millions of years of energy required to reach Its surface. Per second have been 700 million tons of hydrogen into helium. In the process, there are about five million tons of net energy Volume was released, so the sun can make light-emitting. Photosphere are the chromosphere above. Amount of solar power through the region from the center outward transfer. This layer can be seen too Yang flares. Flares sunspots are formed before the chromosphere the hydrogen generated by hot clouds. Photosphere at some Region, a slightly lower temperature than the surrounding (usually 4000 degrees Celsius), this is the sunspot. The sun's outer atmosphere called the corona. Date the region has bait. Date baits are the upper chromosphere at the enormous Flame. The most coronal extension of outer space-oriented and radiation generated by the particles from the sun. Coronal only have the whole day Can be seen when fresh. The sun's age of about 46 million years, it can continue to burn about 50 million years. At the final stage of its existence, too Yang will be in the helium into heavy elements, the sun will also be the beginning of the volume continues to expand, until the Earth swallowed. At 一亿年After the red giant stage, the sun will suddenly collapse into a white dwarf - all stars of the existence The final stage. Go through several万亿年, it will eventually completely cooled. Mercury (Mercury) Ancient China, also known as "辰星." The sun, one of the nine planets. From the sun recently. With solar distance Astronomical units, that is million kilometers in diameter for 38% of the Earth, mass of the Earth's , density of water times larger orbit eccentricity, . Revolution period of 88 days, the rotation period of 59 days. For The sun side of the temperature of 400 degrees Celsius, while the sun back to -160 degrees Celsius, Mercury has many craters on And has a strong magnetic field, the surface strength of 1% of the Earth. Shell by the porous soil, or similar surface soil of the moon rock Composed of stone powder. Mercury is even lower than Jupiter's satellite Ganymede (Ganymede) and Saturn's satellite Titan (soil Titan) is also small. Mercury surface similar to the lunar surface. Meteorite dust covered the ups and downs撞成hills, a few kilometers of the fault cliff high Stretching hundreds of kilometers, large and small craters are everywhere. Looks at the sun than the Earth on large two and a half times. Because of not enough air to scatter sunlight, the sky is usually dark. If you look up to the sky, he also Xu will find two bright stars: a bright yellow are the Venus, the other one is blue earth. On observations from the Earth, Mercury and the sun angle of the largest only 28 degrees at dawn or during the day it appeared in the sky , So its observation very difficult. In the "sailors" on the 10th visit the Mercury before the awareness of Mercury are Very small. Because of its revolution and rotation of the relationship between the more complex, if the sun to rise from the sun for a Down Units to calculate, on the day of Mercury will be the day the Earth 176. Mercury appears that it can not exist on the water, its atmosphere is very small, and very high temperatures during the day. However, in 1991 Mercury at the Arctic scientists found an unusual bright spot. Highlights the possible cause of this are at the surface Or underground ice. Because the orbit of Mercury is rather special, at its North Pole, the sun is always on the horizon only irresolute Further. At some of the internal crater may never see the sun because of the temperature dropped to -161 degrees Celsius . Such a low temperature is likely to solidification from the planetary internal release of gas, or accumulation of ice from space . Mercury atmospheric pitiful, its main components for helium (42%), Sodium vapor (42%) and oxygen (15%), and its The average surface temperature of 179 degrees Celsius, up to 427 degrees Celsius, a minimum of -173 degrees Celsius. Venus (Venus) Ancient China, also known as "Venus", "Chang", "Taibai", "star" and so on, the nine planets of the solar system 1. According to the order from the sun for the second. With an average distance of the sun astronomical units, 108,210,000 Km. Size and the Earth is similar to the diameter of the Earth smaller than 5%, quality 82% of the Earth, the density of water, 5 .2 Times the revolution period of 225 days, the rotation period is 243 days, the rotation direction and the other planets the contrary, the surface cover Covered a very thick atmosphere, the most carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapor low surface temperature as high as 480 degrees Celsius About. Venus surface of the magnetic field only one-thousandth of the Earth also has an ionosphere. Separately in the morning because of Venus Morning and evening in the sky, the ancient astrologers have been think there are two such planets, then sub - Do not be referred to as the "Morningstar" and "evening." In English, Venus - "Venus" (Venus) is an ancient Romanian Horse of the god of love and beauty. It has always been curly clouds shrouded in mystery at. Because of Venus and the Earth in size, mass, density and weight on very similar, and almost all of Venus and the Earth Formed simultaneously by the same nebula, astrologers will have them as sister planets. But recently scientists have discovered , Venus and the Earth in fact very different. Venus has no oceans, it has been the main ingredients for a thick oxide Carbon in the atmosphere surrounded by water does not. Its cloud is composed of sulfuric acid droplets. At the surface, it Equivalent to atmospheric pressure at sea level on the Earth 92 times. Because of Venus's thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide caused by "greenhouse effect", Venus surface temperature up to 482 photo S degrees. Sunlight through the atmosphere will be hot roast Venus surface. Surface outward radiation of heat at the process by Atmospheric barrier, can not be distributed into outer space. This makes Venus than in Mercury also hot. Random surface of Venus is covered with many small craters. Because of Venus's thick atmosphere, a diameter less than 2 kilometers Crater is almost impossible to retain it. And when a large meteorite in a small pit formed before the meteorite hit the surface of Venus, and its production Health and debris at the surface of the crater produced exceptional group. Volcanoes and volcanic activity of a lot of the surface of Venus. To Less 85% of Venus surface covered with volcanic rocks. Many lava flows hundreds of kilometers, fill the lowland, forming a broad Wide plains. In addition to hundreds of large volcanoes, more than 100,000 small crater Block embellishment at the surface of Venus. From fire Mountain emitted lava flows resulted in a long trench, ranging up to hundreds of kilometers, one of a range of ultra - Over 7000 kilometers. The topography of Venus is covered with vast lava plains and mountains of geological activities undermine or plateau. At Maxwell Hill Ishtar region are the highest mountain on Venus. Aphrodite highland region occupies almost Half of the equatorial regions. Magellan plans to obtain more than kilometers of Venus images show the existence of the plateau zone prescribed Bright soil moist. However, in the Venus surface, liquid water are unlikely to exist, and could not explain the bright plateau Reasons. There was a presumption that these bright regions may be due to metal compounds. Studies have shown that this Some metals may be iron sulfide. It can not exist in the plain areas, but at high altitude is possible. These payments May also be an alien, and it led to the effect is the same, but the concentrations are lower. The Earth (Earth) The nine planets of the solar system, according to the order from the sun for the third stars, with the sun's average distance of about 14,960 10,000 kilometers, the volume of around 1,083,200,000,000 cubic kilometers for the equatorial radius is about 6378 kilometers, the radius is extremely 6,3 57 kilometers, a difference of 21 kilometers. The average water density is times the revolution period is days, the rotation cycle 2 3:56. Revolution of the Earth orbit is an ellipse with the Earth equatorial plane into 23 degrees 26 minutes angle. So generated The length of the seasons and day and night. Surface has a solid crust. An area of 51,100 km, one of the total marine table Area of 71%, land is about 29%, surrounded by the atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and other gas components. Earth Has a satellite - the moon. Used to distinguish the characteristics of the Earth are on a black background and blue water, brown and green Land and the large white cloud. We are the Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21% are oxygen, the remaining 1 percent are other ingredients. Flat surface of the Earth Both the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, the mean pressure of Pa. The Earth are the only known solar system planets existence of life. Express our planet's rotation and nickel iron lava nuclear Heart to generate a vast magnetic field, together with the atmosphere to prevent almost all from the sun and other stars Harmful rays. The Earth's atmosphere for us to block a lot of meteorites, meteorite much at their arrival and before the Had been burned. Since the beginning of human space exploration, our own planet there is a greater awareness. The first man-made human beings to Ball satellite discovered a strong radiation zone, now called the Van Allen radiation belts. The causes are from Sports Express in the charged particles in the equatorial region of a circular region to capture the Earth's magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field By the solar wind into a droplet-shaped twist of this phenomenon is also found by satellite. We also found that once we identified Is very calm for the upper atmosphere, they are very active, and it during the day and evening to narrow expansion. Live by the sun Dynamic effects of the Earth's upper atmosphere to affect weather and climate. Apart from the impact of the Earth's climate, the sun's activities are also our atmosphere for the brilliant performances. When the charged particle Son of the Earth's magnetic field has been captured, they are with our planet's pole impact air molecules so that these open air molecules Sending light, this is the "Aurora." Mars (Mars) Ancient China, also known as "荧惑," the nine planets of the solar system, according to the order from the sun for the fourth stars. And too Yang average distance astronomical units, or 227,940,000 kilometers in diameter for 53% of the Earth, its size at Ranked seventh in the solar system. Quality for 11 percent of the Earth, the density of water is times the revolution period of 687 days, Rotation cycle of 24 hours 37 minutes. Mars's equatorial plane and orbital plane 23 degrees 59 minutes into the corner, so on Mars also has Four Seasons, a quarterly basis and around six months long. Very thin atmosphere, mainly composed of carbon dioxide, the surface temperature at Chek Road during the day and the highest, at 28 degrees Celsius, down to -132 degrees Celsius at night, white极冠of the main components of water ice Also has a small amount of dry ice, the size of极冠changes with the seasons. Sometimes disappear in summer and winter increase. Surface Comparing the same as the Earth has rocks, volcanic and desert regions. On Mars because of the rock, sand and sky are red Color or pink, so the planet is often also referred to as the "red planet." The southern hemisphere of Mars are similar to the moon covered with craters of the ancient plateau, while the Northern Hemisphere, mostly organized by young plains Composition. Mars 24 kilometers high on the "Olympus" Mountains can be called the solar system are the highest mountains. Away from fire Stars around tens of thousands of kilometers, have two very small stars, which are the Martian satellites. In Chinese, the name is reminiscent of Mars to the "fire" and hot, but in fact, this red planet is Abnormal cold and dry. Nevertheless, Mars is still in the solar system and earth are the most similar to a planet. It Smaller than the size of the Earth, the atmosphere thinner than the Earth. A very thin atmosphere of Mars, the Earth's atmospheric pressure is only 7 thousandths. The main components of the atmosphere of Mars are dioxoketene CFCs, and other ingredients are nitrogen, argon, oxygen and so on. Mars atmospheric water at the proportion of only . Thus abnormal drying the surface of Mars. Mars the average temperature of minus 55 degrees Celsius, while the larger temperature difference: In the summer, daytime temperatures up to Twenty degrees Celsius, while in winter the temperature can be as low as minus more than 100 degrees Celsius. Mars often have strong winds, And thus often leads to large-scale dust storms. Scientists have found that many areas on Mars have been signs of erosion, but it seems to criss-cross the riverbed Telling us that Mars once had liquid water, they gather into large and small lakes, and even marine . Scientists, it was explained that at the early formation of Mars, the planet by thick clouds of carbon dioxide The parcels, resulting in a powerful "greenhouse effect" by the solar radiation, heat the surface of Mars have been obstructing the clouds Separated, can not be distributed to the outer space, making temperatures rise, so that liquid water to exist. At that time, the warmth of the Martian Humid, you may have been bred to life. Mars has two poles at many solid-state carbon dioxide (dry ice), scientists have speculated that in these enormous ice Cover may exist below the water-solid. Jupiter (Jupiter) Ancient China, also known as "岁星," one of the solar system planets. According to the order from the sun for the Fifth stars. And too Yang average distance of astronomical units, or 778,300,000 kilometers. Volume and quality than the other eight planets Combined, and the equatorial diameter of the Earth times for the thousand kilometers. The quality of the Earth's , Density of water times, public transfer cycle , the rotation cycle for the 9:50 is the fastest one rotation Stars, so the shape is very flat. Jupiter atmospheric shading shows staggered parallel to the equator of the cloud band, the temperature was about -12 1 degrees Celsius. Well-known Great Red Spot are embedded in the cloud band of clouds. Atmospheric thickness of about 730 kilometers. Atmospheric depths have Water vapor, but the total amount of less than hydrogen. There are acetylene, ethane and phosphine. Jupiter's magnetosphere has been a huge package Around with the Earth's magnetosphere similar to, but charged particles within the magnetosphere the energy of the radiation of the Earth is about one million times. Wood Stars than the Earth magnetic field strong 20-40 times, suggesting that Jupiter has its own energy. Jupiter has 13 satellites, consider someone There may be satellites fourteenth. There is a halo of Jupiter and Aurora





看 点如果孩子对英文创意写作感兴趣,又不知该如何着手,不妨试试本文推荐的这6个网站。这些网站各有侧重,但无一例外,它们在激发青少年写作兴趣、鼓励他们将写作的想法付诸实施上都很有一套。                                            文 | Iva-Marie Palmer    编译 | 刘新羽                                                                 编辑 | 闻琛 当你十几岁的“书虫”孩子宣称他(她)想成为一名作家时,着实令人兴奋。但青少年可能会有这种怪毛病:如果大人对他们的某个新目标表现得太过兴奋和支持,这种愿望会很容易就消失(有一个拥有作家气质的孩子也意味着你可能需要和一个喜怒无常的青少年打交道)。 与其用奇幻笔和激励性阅读“轰炸”他们,不如引导他们进入一个舒适地带——网络。这些网站能为那些未来作家们提供着手去做的起点,堪称绝佳的资源。所以,建议将这些网站推荐给有志于当作家的青少年,或至少将这个清单放在他们看得到的地方。 Figment ——一个致力于在线阅读和写作故事的社区,特别为青少年读者/作家量身定制。用户可以通过故事是否让他们笑、害羞、哭泣,或只是说“哇”来对故事进行评价,从中获得上瘾般的乐趣。该网站经常举办比赛和专题工作,邀请那些偶尔在该网站虚拟社区聊天的知名作家和编辑。 Wattpad ——作为最大的在线阅读平台,Wattpad被认为是写作版的YouTube,因为Wattpad允许作者们在全球范围内分享他们的作品。知名作家例如玛格丽特•阿特伍德、科利•多克托罗甚至都在这里发表作品。 青少年可以关注他们喜爱的作家,也可以发布连载小说之类的个人作品。作为一个拥有成千上百万读者的平台——该网站有2500万用户,且这个数字一直在增长——Wattpad已经为旗下作家卖出了数量可观的作品。 Teen lnk ——25年来,在非营利性的青年作家基金会(Young Authors Foundation)的支持下,Teen Ink在培养青少年作家领域有着丰富经验。杂志、系列书目和网站全部投入在青少年写作、艺术和图片上。同时,它也为有兴趣写作和出版非虚构类论文、文章以及诗歌的青少年提供帮助。 One Teen Story ——为孩子们构建在非营利性月刊上发表作品的桥梁。每个专题都有一个关于青少年体验的短篇小说,这篇小说通常来自一个已成名的年轻作家。被短故事这种形式吸引的青少年,也可以提交自己的作品,这些作品有可能会被遴选至“青少年为青少年写”的年度专题中。 NaNoWriMo ——NaNoWriMo是“全国小说写作月”(National Novel Writing Month)的简称,为任何一名写作者提供超棒的三十天冒险,但青少年可能会特别想加入。在11月,世界各地的潜在小说家试图在三十天内写一本50,000字(如果他们能做到的话,字数可以更多)的书。对于具有紧迫家庭作业要求的青少年,“青年作家计划”(Young Writers Program)可能更适合他们,因为它允许作者在本月结束前设置自己的字数统计目标。 Tumblr ——博客平台当然是一个自我表达的好地方,但它也可以为年轻的文学爱好者、“书虫”和需要写作动力的人提供帮助。The Writer’s Helpers(从语法到情节都提供帮助);Writing Prompts(正如其名,“关键词”由一位九年级的老师用视觉化的方式有意思地呈现出来);John Green’s Tumblr (青少年小说作者约翰•格林的Tumblr帐户,有趣且很能激发灵感)。                                             点击关键字阅读外滩教育 2000+ 篇优质文章                                                                 ——————                                                探校录 | 少年书房 | 家长课 | 数学思想                                                  学英语 | 大考场 | 美高党| 国际课程                                                          小留学生日记 | 批判性思维                                               钢琴课| 酷老师 | 写作课 | 牛娃录 | 排行榜


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