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有志者事竟成,这是一句我们经常用来鼓励自己的话,只要你有想要完成的想法,努力去做,就一定会成功。下面我整理了 高中 英语 作文 有志者事竟成 范文 ,供你参考!关于写有志者事竟成英语作文范文篇一 It is a common phenomenon that college students cram for the final examinations at the eleventh hour. which seems to be effective at the moment but does harm to study in the long run. As a matter of fact, it's a wrong attitude as well as an inappropriate approch to , study is a lifelong commitment while short-time study will meet the requirements. Besides, without truly understanding the knowledge,we could never obtain and make use of it within short time. Generally speaking, the acquisition of knowledge requires hardword while cramming simply doesn't work. Therefore, it's better to set up study goals earlier than late. Similarly, it's better to prepare for the exams early than late. As far as I am concerned, we should make a detaied plan for time so as to make the best of it. Measures should be taken in no time. As a saying goes A slow sparrow should make an early start, we should learn how to begin quickly and seize the opportunities. Furthermore, break large projects up into smaller , manageable parts , and then complete them one at a time, which benefits a lot. I have faith that with actions and awareness, we fulfill our dream by setting out early, after better earlly than late! 关于写有志者事竟成英语作文范文篇二 Some people often say that they like success, but they don't like hard is nonsense. It is known to all that there is no royal road to success. It only depen& on hard work. No pains, no gains. We are in Grade Three now. It won't be long before we take part in the National College Entrance Examination. So time is very precious. Remember that time wait for no man, Yesterday is gone, tomorrow hasn't come, only today is yours. One today is worth two tomorrows. Never put off today's work till tomorrow. When studying, don't forget that Rome wasn't built in a day. Haste makes waste. Only practice makes perfect. Many a little makes a mickle. Always remember that nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into there is a will, there is a way. Winter has now come. It is said that a good winter brings a good summer. A famous writer of England said in his poem: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 关于写有志者事竟成英语作文范文篇三 Where there is a will, there is a statement means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will eventually find a way to do it important point is that you must have the will to achieve success. Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there is no strong will people simply say that they want something, but they do not make any attempt to achieve , instead of getting it, they use the feeblest excuse to explain the situation away. Only those with an undaunted will and spirit can fight their way to final a famous man has the same have attained their status because they have had the will to overcome apparently insuperable artists,statesmen,writers and inventors have managed to succeed because they possess a fierce will,which has helped them to achieve success. According to the above statements, we can see that what one needs is a strong people never climb to the crumble at the slightest use of force against people, on the other hand,will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed ultimately. 关于写有志者事竟成英语作文范文篇四 This statement means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will find a way of doing it at last. The point is that you must have the will if you are to succeed. Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact there is no strong will. Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not make any attempt to achieve it. Thus, instead of getting it, they use the weakest excuses to explain the situation away. On many occasions, too, people probably say much more than the truth about difficulties, making the objective impossible to reach. In fact, if one has the will to succeed, then the size of the obstacles① will seem smaller, and one can achieve one's goals. If one wants to succeed, he should not allow obstacles or failures to prevent him from acting. He should learn to make his will stronger and to determine himself to achieve his ambitions. One's will should be strong enough to wash or sweep away the difficulties in one's path to success. If one really has a strong will, then, somehow or other②, one will find a way to get what one wants, or reaches where one aims at arriving. Many a famous man succeeded in arriving in their high social position because they had the will to overcome obstacles which were seemingly too difficult to be passed. They have managed to succeed because they controlled the will which helped them to achieve fame. From what I say above, we can see that the main thing which one needs is will. Weak-willed people never make it to the top. A strong willed person, on the other hand, will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed at last. 看了高中英语作文有志者事竟成范文还看: 1. my dream高中英语作文200词带翻译 2. 高中英语作文带翻译范文5篇 3. 关于有志者事竟成的议论文作文800字范文5篇 4. 高中英语作文人物描写带翻译 5. 关于有志者事竟成的举例论证作文800字5篇


第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文:

第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论:

第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文:

第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is


第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势) 结论:

第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ 3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入:

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)

下面是我整理的高中英语 议论文 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读!

高中英语议论文范文:The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games.

There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations.

高中英语议论文范文:Internet Changes Life

Internet Changes Life

Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.

在全球范围内,我们已经从一个 文化 中心为网络电视,有线电视,AM和FM收音机,电话的社会进入到以大众媒体,信息流,智能计算机的数字社会。转变 成数字经济,最明显体现在互联网的爆增,它正在改变日常产品和实践。思想体现在软件,芯片,通信系统,金融机构和大众媒体拥有巨大的全球影响力上。除了电 子邮件和网上购物,互联网还承诺大改光谱活动。它的好处可以在以下几个方面说明。

In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our , with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human , computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.

首先,它有助于我们摆脱费力的工作,节省时间,方便了我们的生活。其次,计算机的广泛延伸到世界的每个角落,只需一个单一的按键就可以透视人类生 活。不管我们在哪里,在学校,企业车间,手术室,实验室,银行政府大厅,因特网似乎都可以反映人类生活。此外,电脑不仅提供放松和娱乐还有利润。

But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on

高中英语议论文范文:My View on Mistakes

Mistakes are something done, said, or believed, as a result of wrong thinking or understanding, lack of knowledge or skills. No one is perfect, and no one never makes any mistakes.

Because many people are afraid of making mistakes, they don't believe, say or do much. They behave like this just because they want to make no mistake. As I said, it's impossible, Being afraid of making mistakes is a mistake through mistakes can there be discovery or progress. Making mistakes for pursuing truth is much better than doing nothing. Failure is the mother of success. Many scientists may make a great number of mistakes before they make any discovery. If we humans didn't make mistakes, we would make no progress and still live a primitive life.

Mistakes are the best teachers who guide us through difficulties. Don't let mistakes scare you. Let's learn from mistakes.


When people are in the public, they have the sense that they should not speak loudly in the public place and they should not jump the line and so on, these are rules for them, though it is not the law makes it, but the power of morality. Self-behave seems easy to do, but when the great temptation comes, self-behave will be changed quickly.


It has been reported that in Hong Kong, a police car which was loaded with crash attracted many people to grab the money when the crash slipped down from the police car. It was such crazy, the money should be handed to the band, while on its way to the bank, people grabbed some and then left quickly. Two days later, the police found back most of the money, some people who refused to return the money were caught into the prison.


Self-behave is not easy, people are easy to obey the public rules on the small issues, while when the great temptation comes, these rules are easy to be broken. The one who can refuse to the great temptation can say he is totally self-behave.



Nowadays, we can see some boys and girls who live in a small world of their own. They bury themselves among books and are proud of themselves. They think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble.

These young people are wrong. In my opinion every student should have a knowledge of housework. After all, they will have a family of their own, and they should do their part in keeping a good home. Boys should also learn to do housework, for what will they do if they remain single? Though not all boys remain single, yet they will be very helpful in the family if they know some housework. Anyhow they will not lose anything, but, on the contrary, they will gain something useful.

For what I said above, we can find some examples of our fellow-students studying abroad. All young men do housework as girls do. Someone would argue that we can employ servants. This is true. However, what shall we do if the servant leaves us and all things are left to ourselves? We just cannot leave our clothes as they are and let worms and ants eat them up. And what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ?

We must work for ourselves. Why not start to learn to do housework now or else it will be too late?Everyone should learn to do housework. What do you think about my idea?



睡眠的重要性 The Importance of Enough Sleep

Enough sleep is very important. It affects we are happy or not. We can easily find if we sleep enough in the night, we usually have a good mood next day. But, if we do not have enough sleep, sometimes we will feel depressed without a reason. What’s more, sleep also affects our study or work. Try to imagine that a sleepy person how can he listen to the teacher in class or work in their position. It must be a hard job or in low efficiency. Thus, if a person sleep enough, he can do better in their life. In addition, do you find that a person with good sleep usual do not have acne, because enough sleep balance their internal secretion and detox. Knowing the importance of enough sleep, do you still stingy about sleep? Do you still dare to sleep late?

高考前如何调节心情? How to Adjust the Mood Before College Entrance Examination?

Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especially when that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because of heavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam. They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart. Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blame them. The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.

手机控制了生活 Smart Phone Controls Life

Recently, it has been reported that a girl got her feet stuck in the sewer, because she kept her attention on the smart phone. When she realized her feet were stuck, she tried hard to get rid of it, but she failed. With the help of policeman, she was set free. It sounds a little ridiculous, but when we look at the people around, we can find that the new technology distracts their attention from face to face communication. People like to talk on the Internet, then they ignore the things in reality life. No matter what they are doing, waiting for the bus or sitting at the table with their friends, smart phones are always at their hands. It seems that smart phone has controlled their lives. Life is beautiful if we can see it, or we will miss the amazing moment. Don’t let the technology controls your life.

小女孩成长记 The Girl’s Grown Up

The movie Harry Portter is favored by the people all around the world and the novels are read by fans. Though the movie has ended, the three main protagonists are remembered all the time. Emma Watson is one of the main protagonists. She plays the role very well and she never gives up her study, which sets the great example to the young people. After the end of the movie, Emma goes to the top university, though she continues her acting career, she still focuses on her study. When she graduates, she works on promoting the equality between men and women. She becomes the spokesman of feminism and she gives the inspiring speech He For Her. Everybody gives high praise to this girl. She’s grown up and becomes a strong woman. Her speech is supported by the public.

里约奥运会的主题 The Theme of Rio Olympic Games

Under the world’s watching, Rio Olympic Games finally came to its opening ceremony. Before, a lot of problems had been exposed and many people wondered if Rio could finish the task and present the world a wonderful opening ceremony. The answer was definitely positive. Though the budget was very limited, the government showed the world a green Olympic Games. It is the trees that make our home safe and healthy, while today a lot of people have forgot it and they pollute and destroy the environment. How can we survive in the future. The opening ceremony gave the answer that was to plant trees and protect our environment. Rio Olympic Games showed a great theme and it is creative. The government do not let people down, instead they surprise the world and remind people of the importance of green.

未终结的故事 The Unfinished Story

Many years ago, the movie The Pirates of the Caribbean was very popular around the world. Many kids were so crazy about the captain Jack, who was sly but reliable. When the third episode came out, it seemed that the story had came to its end, because the ending was perfect though a little sad for the two main charaters. What’s more, captain Jack had got what he wanted. If the movie continued, it may probably sucked. But the producers had proved that the story was unfinished, and captain Jack kept his adventure in the fourth episode. It still caught people’s attention and won many praise. Recently, the preview of the fifth episode came out, the fans could find many attractive riddles. We still believe that the story has its charm and can attract people to buy tickets.

如何使用手机 How to Use Cellphone

Many years ago, cellphone was not allowed to used for high school students. Teachers would take away students’ cellphone once they saw it. But now the phone has been part of people’s life and almost every student uses it. It is just the popular communication tool. For many high school students, they are easy to be addicted to keeping chatting with their friends and not pay attention to the class. For me, I have controlled myself not to play it in the class, so I will turn off the phone and not to think about it. Some parents believe that using cellphone is not good for students, the fact is that students can learn a lot from the cellphone, they can search the Internet for more information, so as to get better solutions.

参加课外活动 Join the Activity

High school is the very important stage for students, even the turning point of their lives. Once they learn well, they can enter the ideal university and fulfill their dreams. So a lot of students pay all their attention to the study and ignore joining the after-class activity. They think it is a waste of time to do it, instead they’d rather put more time to make up their lessons. It is the common misunderstanding of after-class activity. On the one hand, taking the activity can help students reduce their pressure. When students face the lessons all the time, they are nervous and easy to stuck in the difficulty. The activity brings students the happy hour and forget their worries. On the other hand, the activity can broaden students’ vision and enrich their knowledge, which are useful in their lessons. So after-class life is also the part of students’ lives, don’t refuse it.

美妙的夏天 The Amazing Summer

Last summer, my friend asked me to go to his hometown to spend the summer vacation. I asked my parents for permission and they said yes. When I got to his place, I was so surprised because there was a beach near his house. It was so beautiful, many kids played there. The water was so blue under the sunshine. It was so fun to swim in the water. In the morning, I woke up early and took a walk along the beach, and I could hear the sea water’s coming voice. I saw a lot of people traveled here and took pictures. In the evening, when the sun was down, we played the games and sometimes we swam. It was such a good memory for me. I liked the leisure lifestyle. When summer comes, I will always think of the happy days in the beach.

最好的学习方法 The Best Way to Learn Knowledge

Since I go to high school, I make plans for myself. To enter a better university, I must study hard. I know my advantages and weakness. I am good at Chinese and English while I am weak in math and geograph. So I pay special attention to improve the subjects that I am weak in. Even though I have tried hard to listen to my teacher and practise so hard, my math is still so weak. So I decide to ask my classmate who is good at math, and she is very excited to teach me. During our communication, I find her mind is very active and she has a special way to solve the questions. I realize that the best way to learn konwledge is to share opinions with others, so that we can broaden our mind and find more ways to solve the problem.



Encouraging Buying Cars Isn’t Fit For Today


Nowadays, we can often hear the discussion whether buying cars should be encouraged. Some people suggest that we should buy cars. But others claim that driving cars is not a wise idea. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion.

To begin with, there are few parking lots, so the streets are made narrower by the cars parked along the roads. For example, my father could not find any place to park when we went to the supermarket.

Moreover, many drivers do not obey regulations, because people do not pay enough attention to the rule of traffic. For instance, I often see people cross the road when the traffic lights are still red.

Last but not least, the growth of new roads’construction is usually slower than the increasing number of cars. For example, the length of the road has gone up by 20% in 2002. However, the number of cars increased by 50% in the meantime.

From what have been discussed above, we could draw a conclusion that encouraging buying cars is not fit for today.

as far as I am concerned 就我看

in favor of 赞成

to begin with 首先

for example =for instance 例如

moreover 并且

last but not least 其次

in the meantime 同时draw a conclusion 得出结论


The Good and Bad Sides of Setting off Firecrackers


Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about our discussion we had on the afternoon of last Wednesday about the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers during the Spring Festival. 20 boy and 20 girl students attended the discussion. As a result, 40% of them believe that setting off firecrackers certainly adds pleasure and joy to the festival, therefore, it is a wonderful tradition. But another 40% of the students think that setting off firecrackers causes air and noise pollution, and what’s worse, it sometimes causes terrible accidents to us and to our property. The other 20% have never thought about it or don’t care a bit.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers


as a result 结果

It is a wonderful tradition. 它是一个优良传统。

what’s worse 更糟的是

think about 想起,想到




There are too many disabled people in the world. They have no differences from country to country. Some of them were disabled when they were born, the others were injured or hurt in all kinds of accidents, which made them disabled. Almost all of us feel sorry for them. We commiserate with them because they are another kind of people. But some disabled people refuse others’commiseration. They think they can do everything by themselves. They don’t consider themselves as people who have defects. They think they are the same as normal people.

In fact, a great number of people with disabilities should be taken care of by others. They get help from the government or some beneficent organizations in society. But that’s not enough. They must look after themselves on their own. When a baby with disabilities is born, it should be taught to learn some particular skills to live. Or else, it would fail in the future. So one with disabilities must have abundant confidence to fit the hard life without others’help.

too many disabled people 太多残疾人

commiserate with them 同情他们

consider themselves as 把自己当作……

the same as 和……同样

taken care of 照看,照顾

look after themselves on their own 自己照顾自己

or else 否则in the future 将来

高中面临的第一个人生重大转折点,就是高考。而让学生们最头疼的就是英语,其中 英语 作文 却又是最容易拿不到分的,往往到写作文的时候脑子一片空白。下面是我为大家带来的 高二英语 作文十篇,希望大家能够喜欢!


Last week, I found all of my friends were talking the novel Game of Thrones. I asked one of my friend why he was so crushed on this novel. He answered me that because there were all kinds of amazing characters. So I decided to read this novel, at the beginning, I could not figure out the characters, because there were too much characters. But as I insisted, I started to fall in love with this novel, I could not stop reading, I wanted to know the truth. Game of Thrones is really a good book, the author’s creation is so awesome, he creates many magical roles. Like the white walkers, which are the dead people come back to life without human’s consciousness. I open my vision, I appreciate the author’s, he writes the good literature book. I’d like to introduce this book to more friends.


Last Sunday, I went to Haimen to go shopping. I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street.

I wondered what was happening there. I hurried to go there to take a look. I ran quickly. To my surprise, there was a girl sitting in the street. The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old. There was also a piece of paper in front of her. It said, “…my family don’t have enough money for me to go to school…”

I was very sad to see that. I couldn’t help giving some money to the girl. The girl was very grateful to me. She said, “Thank you!” I was glad to do it. Then I went away with a smile.

That day I had a dream in the evening; I dreamt that I had a lot of money. I did a lot of wonderful things. I helped the poor and the old.

After the dream, I know that we should be kind to others. If they are in trouble, we will try to help them out of trouble. Then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful. Then we will have a nice life. Dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nicer and nicer.


Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.

For one day,your classmate is on you could help him to clean up the may ask me why i help him?It doesn't have any good ways for are wrong.

When you are on dute,but you have to go home,then what you are going to do?I think you could ask your classmate for may glad to help you have helped him,so they will helpyou too.

You help him toclean up the classroom also can make the classroom gets bright and can makes you and your classmates feel well in the classroom,so you will get good grades.

So you see helping others is helping oursevles!


The Kite Runner

Last week, I saw a movie that impressed me so much. The story was called The Kite Runner. The story described a boy from Afghan’s who lived the rich life once and then became poor and flet to America to seek for the new life. The protagonist had a good friend who helped him a lot, they lost touch. The protagonist owed his friend and he came back to Afghan to make up his friend. But he only to find his friend was dead and left a small boy. The protagonist made up his mind to rescue the small boy from the gangsters. At last, he made it and he brought this small child to America to open the new chapter of life. The story is about redemption, it is never too late to make up the mistake. I also feel so lucky to life in the peaceful environment.


The Most Important Skill

To be successful, students learn many knowledge so as to master as more skills as possible. Some believe that the key to realize our dreams is to work hard and others treat chance in the first place. While today is the information world, the one who masters the all-sided source will have more chances to be successful. In my opinion, the most important skill is the social skill, because we need to make connection with others, we are not doing business with ourselves, so it is in need of having relationship with others. The good social skill can help us attract attention easily and impress the future partner. If we are bad in communicating, how can we let others know our advantages and trust us. So promoting ourselves is the first job, from now on, don’t be shy.


The Top Income of Celebrities

Every year, the income of celebrities will be revealed by the media and the number always surprises the public, because for an ordinary person, they will never earn such income all his life. This year, the new list has come out and the female singer Taylor Swift is on the top. She earned more than 100 million dollar in a year. When we look at the second income, which is much less than Taylor. The world is shocked by this young girl’s great income, they have to admitted that they admire her. Taylor Swift became very popular these years and as she got fame and money, there came the criticism. Some people criticized her for her love affair, they thought she used it to promote her songs. The fact is that Taylor’s songs are favored by fans and they support her all the time.


At the coming of the new year, it is also the time for one of the biggest tennis matches, the Australian Open. Since Li Na won her second grand slam here, more Chinese people fall in love with tennis. One of the popular male players, Roger Federer, who is more than 30, but he is still in the top level. The fans hope their hero can enjoy the match and they didn’t expect the next grand slam. But Roger made it happen again. He defeated his great rival, Nadal and won Australian Open. The world was cheering for him, and they witnessed this great man to make his career successful at the old age. If we have dreams, it is never too late to pursue. People always take the age as the excuse, actually, they lack of persistence, which differs them from successful men.


More and more people attach great importance to relationship in career success. Being polite is the first and most important step to develop good relationship among friends. Polite words can be easy yet very powerful in your daily life.

Always saying please and thank you will make your friends more comfortable and more willing to offer help when necessary .We all know that one man’s success is based on how he deals with people . Always be grateful to other people’s kindness and show your gratitude through the words you speak . The more support you win from other people, the faster you will move towards your goal.

Although some people may easily ignore the importance of being polite , we students should form good habits and behave in good manners . First , learn to be friendly to your parents and relatives at home . Then at school, listen respectfully when your teachers instruct you. Follow and accept their advice to improve yourself . You will make further progress if you express your gratitude in time .

Remember , being polite costs nothing but it’s worth millions of dollars.


What Is Beautiful

what is beautiful, people like to wear beautifulclothes,if we print some colorful pads of some wordson clothes will become more meaning of the words on them must be lovelytoo. I am sorry to say that some people pay noattention on please look at the in the new jacket looks pretty theEnglish words on the jacket are quite think a snake is beautiful?Do people take a pride been a personal. of course not. and onother two jackets are writing kiss me and you think the girl is the girl knowthe meaning of words on probably will not buy suchjacket. So I think everyone shouldknow what is beautiful and what is not.


I am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years.

On May 12, 2008, a severe earthquake destroyed almost everything in the school , leaving badly-damaged buildings . It is now , however , taking on a new look. Tall buildings have been set up , including classroom and laboratory buildings ,and a library .There is also a new-built standard playground . In the new environment , teachers and students are living happily and working hard . It is really amazing that the once-ruined place has now been turned into a beautiful school, full of life .

Obviously, without the help of the whole society , there would be no new school today . It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes. Many hands make light work. We can work wonders if you unite as a family , caring for each other and helping those in need . Union is strength .

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第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)


第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)



第4段: (个人观点)




As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision . (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)


1 No one can doubt the essential fact that over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world. 人 in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that [来源:学科网]


2 There is a general debate today over the phenomenon of ————————

3 When it comes to education,------- ---------------说到~~~

4 There’s no denying the fact that...-----------.事实不容否认----------

5 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

6 There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


7 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


8 Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.


9 .It go es without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)[来源:]


1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

3 Many people believe that-------- produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote-----------------------

4 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it, some of them ------. Others, however,-------人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人------,。然而,另一些人却------

5 To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that——————, is this really the case?对于一般人来说,他们常常以为————,然而这是真的吗?

6 There is a growing tendency for sb to ----越来越多的人••

——人——seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward —————

7 An increasing number of experts believe that ?will exert positive effects on———

However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more ------who complain that ———have brought many serious problems越来越多的 --相信-----起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的----却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨--了许多严重的问题

8 What calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别注意的是...


With the op ening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.?I

随着改革开放政 策的贯彻执行,数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个有着5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


1 ---人---tend to have a favorable attitude toward ------

2 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


3 The harder you work, the more progress you make.你越努力,你越进步。

4 Many people seem to overlook the basic fact:许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:

5 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐能使我们放松。

6 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge


7 There is no one but longs 人们都希望------

8 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although ——indeed bring us many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管----很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view,I find----



As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that ———for the following reasons:

就我而言,我同意 观点。

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.



In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of in this way can ______in the future.



With the development of society, it"s urgent and necessary to every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


seriously disturb social order


to promote economic


make for good health


a hazard to health


poisoning the environment[来源:学|科|网]


protect the environment


a waste of money,time and energy


facilitating learning


influnce one's study


upgrade oneself




in favor of



My opinion on copying others' homework

It is konwn to us all that some students copy others' homework,their reasons are as below:first of all,the homework is too much and always difficult;the second,they are not intrested in the lessons;and the third,the aim of finishing their homework is to please the teacher.

In my opinion,copying others' homework is not good,because it's against the rules of the should be honest and work hard to get high we have difficulties,we can even ask the teacher or our classmates for their help.


Now it is common that students copy homework from their classmates. I think it is a terrible thing . Because homework is their own task and the check for what they learn in class.

If they copy others' homework , the teachers won't get the fact so they can't help the students to improve. Besides ,if the students can't finish their homework, they can't get the chance to go over their lessons so they can't make progress. So don't copy others' homework.


In the picture we can see that a man is fishing attentively by the him there is a scholar who is stealing the fish in the man’s is obvious that the drawer of the picture tries to reveal a serious problemin the academic circle of our country — plagiarism. In recent years academiccheats have become rampant. Quite a lot of graduate students and scholars“use” others’ ideas, articles and papers without acknowledging the sourceof information.

They copy them without the fear that they might be a long time we paid less attention to the problem of plagiarism, butnow we are increasingly aware of its negative effects. Plagiarists’misconduct simply mean “stealing” others’ intellectual and academicaccomplishments, which not only depreciates their own humanity but contaminatesthe climate of the academic circle. Academic falsification is like an epidemicdisease that spreads fast and will destroy the healthy development of academicstudies. What’s worse, these plagiarists have set a very disreputable exampleto the younger generation.

So what attitude should we hold towards it? From my point of view, weshould resolutely battle against this ill phenomenon. Education of moralityshould be strengthened among the scholars and students. Those who steal others’academic achievements should be given severe punishment whenever they arespotted. If necessary, we can resort to the law to protect the interest of theoriginal writer and inventor. We must recognize that fighting againstplagiarism requires our persistent efforts.


在画中我们可以看到一位男子正在专心地在湖边钓鱼,在他身后有一位学者模样的人正从钓鱼人的鱼桶中偷鱼。显然,作这幅画的人是想揭示我国学术界的一个严重的问题—— 剽窃。近年来学术欺诈盛行,有不少研究生、学者“利用”别人的想法、文章和论文而不注明信息来源。




Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.




1.对于国家禁止使用一次性塑料袋的看法。2.对于市民可免费使用便民自行车的看法。3.对于中国中小学生近视率大幅提高的看法。4.微笑的作用。5.对于野生动物被关在动物园的看法。6.题目:Being a Good Listener7.向外国人介绍中国习俗。8.对于赶时髦现象正日趋低龄化的看法。9.习惯对人们造成的影响。10.题目:On Talent11.写一封求职信。


1、As far as ...is concerned 就……而言

2、It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

3、It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说......

4、As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,

5、It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,...

6、It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为...

7、It's likely that ... 这可能是因为...

8、It's hardly that... 这是很难的......

9、It's hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说...

10、What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

Dear ,

Thank you very much for/Thanks a lot for/Many thanks for /I’m writing to you about my gratitude for /I’m very grateful to you for .(开门见山地交代感谢原因)

But for/Without your help, .(从反面衬托对方的作用)/It’s very kind of you to .(从正面说明对方的作用)

I hope to have the opportunity to express my gratitude to you/repay your kindness. I will feel very honored and pleased if .(提出回报对方的方式)Would you please let me know ?(希望对方给予回应)Thank you again for what you have done.(再次表达感谢)

Yours sincerely


高中英语写作-100篇一、写作 1、(1分)提示: 张楠的父亲有位美国同事,他的孩子约翰•史密斯即将来华。约翰写信向张楠询问一些有关他所在城市的问题。张楠回信,内容如下: 得知约翰要来非常高兴。告诉他可能遇到一些不同于美国的情况。 气候:冬天冷,有时下雪。夏天几乎不下雨,但一下起来就很大。提醒约翰带雨衣、棉衣。 饮食:饮食与美国很不同,他应尽力适应中国饮食,并要学会如何使用筷子。 最后,请他带一张美国地图,希望早日能见面。 字数:100—120个词。2、(1分)日记 1.今天,在学校礼堂举行了开学典礼。 2.全体教师、学生出席,部分科学家和官员也参加。 3.校长在讲话中希望全体师生在新的学期中再接再厉取得更大进步.并宣布部分同学因 在各种竞赛中获奖而获周培源奖学金。 4.三好学生受到奖励。 5.著名科学家讲话,他讲述了自己的学习经验及科研成功的经验.他的讲话使我深受感 动。参考词汇: 礼堂:auditorium 奖学金:scholarship3、(1分)提示:根据以下内容写一篇日记。 1.昨天与同学外出野餐,按计划要爬西山。 2.早上在校门口集合7点出发。 3.不久下小雨,继续骑车,一小时后到达山脚。 4.雨停,爬上山顶,领略美景。 5.照像,唱歌,跳跃,做游戏,下棋,午餐,玩得开心。 6.午餐后下山,4点回家。筋疲力尽。 7.时间5月20日,星期三。参考词汇: 野餐:picnic4、(1分)Read this telephone conversation:Lucia: I’m so glad you called me today. I have a big problem I hope you can help me : What’s the problem? I’ll help if I : My cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to Europe and I’m supposed to pick him up at the airport at : Oh? Is your car giving you trouble again?Lucia: No. I just found out I have to work late tonight. Can you possibly pick him up for me?Clara: Sure. What airline is he coming in on?Lucia: Pan Am. Flight : Ok. But how will I recognize him?Lucia: Well, he’s medium height. And average weigh. He wears glasses, and he dresses very : That could be almost everyone. Can you be more specific?Lucia: Well, his hair is blond and curly. I almost forget! He has a : What’s his name?Lucia: Ernic : Okay, not problem. I’ll find : Thank you so much!At the last minute, Clara was unable to get to the airport. She wrote her brother, Tom, a note describing Ernic so that he would be able to find him. What did Clara’s note say?5、(1分)提示: 外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机场。她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师: 1.请检查(check on)明天的车是否落实,提醒司机(remind sb. of sth.提醒某人做某事)。 2.她之所以要确定一下,是因为太早不好叫出租车。 3.感谢费心,并感谢一年来的关心。 4.在学校一年来,生活愉快、难忘,很可能再来。 5.留下一些英语书给贵校图书馆,希望对学生有用。 字数:100—120个词。6、(1分)提示:李明的父亲在美国威斯康星大学进修。李明写信给父亲汇报自己的高考情况。 1.考上自己渴望已久的北京大学。 2.学校校园很美,设备良好,有一座很大的图书馆。 3.教师很出色,对学生和蔼耐心。 4.自己对这里的一切非常满意,决心更加刻苦学习。 5.请爸爸不要为自己担心,自己已经长大了,会处理各种事情,并祝父亲身体好。 字数:约100个词。7、(1分)根据下列内容和提示,写一篇口头通知稿。提示: 1.事由:欢迎日本学生来校参观。 2.参观日期:9月15日。 3.参观时间:上午9:00至12:00。 4.参观人数:约20人。具体安排: 1.9月15日上午8:45在校门口集合,欢迎来校参观的日本学生。 2.带客人到接待室(reception room)开联欢会(get-together)。 3.带客人参观图书馆、实验室和校办厂。 4.11:30和日本学生在食堂共进午餐,并互赠小礼物。 5.客人在12:00左右离开学校.注意: 1.通知稿须包括所给要点,但不要逐条翻译。 2.字数:80—100个词。8、(1分)提示: 李明在光明路一家中外合资公司买了一台电冰箱,使用半年后出现了问题。即向公司写信要求来人修理。内容如下: 1.去年我在你们商店买了一台电冰箱,外形和颜色我都很满意。 2.但是,最近发现电冰箱时常发出噪音,从低到高,有时甚至停止工作。 3.我们对此深感失望。希望能尽快派人来修理。来时请打电话联系。电话: 我们将在家恭候。9、(1分)提示: 几位外国旅游者到公园的“英语角”参观。假定你是“英语角”的负责人,请用英语准备一段介绍,内容如下: 1.简况:“英语角”三年前成立,许多中学参加,至今已有几百人.许多大学生和外国友 人也常光顾。 2.活动内容:练习英语会话,谈论有兴趣的话题,交流学习英语的经验。 3.活动时间:每周日上午。 4.效果:通过参加活动学习了许多东西,对英语课堂学习是一个补充。学生、家长、老 师都非常欢迎,认为对学英语很有帮助。如果还想了解更多,可问在场的学生。参考词汇: 对……补充:a supplement to…10、(1分)提示: 假设由你接待一组加拿大中学生代表团。该团经广州、成都等地在北京只逗留两天。团长向你征求意见在北京先参观何处,请按以下提示提出你的口头建议: 1.首先建议去长城。长城是世界是最长的墙,是世界八大奇观之一,有20个世纪的悠 久历史,全部由手工建成,令人惊叹不已。 2.其次是故宫,它建于1406年,曾有24位皇帝在那儿居住过。皇帝在那儿发号施令。 参观它,可以更多地了解中国历史。 3.对其逗留时间短暂深感遗憾,否则,可以参观许多具有历史意义的地方和景区,如 颐和园、北海公园等。参考词汇: 发号施令:issue orders 令人惊奇:amazing11、(1分) 假设你是你校京剧爱好者协会的成员,在一次同英国中学生代表团的联欢活动中,你协会将出一个京剧节目。在演出前,由你向外国朋友介绍京剧的由来,按以下提示介绍: 1.京剧在中国很受欢迎,历史悠久,有200年历史,在清朝乾隆年间,乾隆对地方剧 有兴趣。 2.1790年,为庆祝乾隆80岁生日,他召集各地方剧团来京为他演出,4个来自安徽 的剧团在庆典后留在北京。 3.1828年,一个湖北剧团来京,在京常与安徽剧团一起演出,两种唱派合在一起,逐 渐形成了一种新剧种,被称为京剧。 4.下面演出开始,希望朋友们喜欢。参考词汇: 地方剧:local opera 乾隆年间:the reign of Qianlong 表演:perform 剧团:troupe12、(1分) 你昨天去游泳患了感冒,今天早上头痛,医生让你休息两天。你用英语给老师写一个请假条。13、(1分) 假设你是学生会的负责人,你们要组织一次英语讲座,请用英语写一个通知,把讲座的安排:时间,地点,主讲人,内容,以及注意事项通知大家。14、(1分) 李华父亲的朋友陈伟是在美国居住多年的华裔。因陈伟的儿子陈小明明年要来大陆李华学校学汉语,陈小明来信询问学校情况,以下是小华回信的内容。 1.听说你明年来我校学习,我们很高兴。 2.我校是一所具有80年历史的老学校。 3.学校很美,有许多花草树木,两座教学大楼,一座宿舍楼。 4.学校设备优良,有体育馆、计算机室和大图书馆等。学生除正式课程外,还有许多 选修课,如:油画、打字、烹调等。 5.最重要的是,学校有许多优秀教师,课程有趣,老师既有知识又和蔼,非常愿意帮 助我们,我爱我们的学校,我真希望你也能喜欢我们的学校。参考词汇: 选修课:elective 体育馆:gym 宿舍楼:dormitory building15、(1分)写信向友人介绍作家鲁迅。 魏明的美国朋友杰克开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。魏明回信介绍鲁迅: 1.鲁迅是著名的中国作家。他不仅是作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者。 2.他的小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如《阿Q正传》、《祝福》这两部影片 深刻地揭露了旧社会。毛主席对他有高度评价。他的一些作品还被选入了中学和大 学课本。 3.认为读鲁迅作品对他很有益处。参考词汇: 创始人:Founder 中国文学:Chinese Literature 阿Q正传:The True Story of AH Q 祝福:The New Year’s Sacrifice16、(1分)提示:为引进外资,进一步加快你家乡A城改革开放。你向一位外商介绍你家乡A城。 1.A城是一新开发的经济特区。它是一座具有三十万人口的临海小城。 2.解放前是一个小渔村,以渔业为主,没有工业,只有几所小学。 3.改革开放以来,许多外商到这里投资,经济增长很快,建立了许多大工厂、一个大 港口。港口与国内外许多城市连接。 4.教育有很大的发展,建立了该城第一所大学。已有三千人从该校毕业。我相信,A 城在不久的将来将更加现代化。参考词汇: 投资:invest 经济开发区:an economic-zone 港口:port17、(1分) 11月11日,你将在家里为你的妹妹15周岁开一个生日晚会,写信给你的外国朋友Peter,邀请他来参加。晚会开始时间是晚上6点,将持续到很晚。告诉Peter每天晚上你都在家,请他给你打个电话告诉你他是否来参加生日晚会,并表达你盼望见到他的心情。 在信的开头告诉Peter你已收到他10月25日的来信,但由于最近一直忙于期中考试未能及时回信。 假设你现在的住址是北京西城区云梯胡同1号楼4门2号。18、(1分)给笔友保罗(Paul)的一封信提示: 1.过了一个很好的寒假,在寒假中与父亲一起回老家河北农村。 2.吃惊于家乡的巨大变化。几乎村里每家都有彩电,许多家盖了新房。有的家还有了 摩托车和小汽车。 3.一位村民自豪地告诉我,他和一部分村民打算参加一个旅游团到国外旅游。 4.我表示羡慕他们,我对父亲说,将来大学毕业要回老家来,父亲也表示说他一退休 就来。 5.你的名字小海。19、(1分) 张红从广告上得知某公司需要一名秘书。写信应聘。以下是张红的简历。 年龄20岁,即将从职业学校毕业。专业:经济管理(business management)。学英语8年,会计算机。在过去三年中一直是本校学生报编辑之一,学习成绩在班上优秀。主要是本人喜欢办公室工作,相信能胜任秘书工作。如果能得到这个机会将十分感谢。 请以张红的名义向公司写信写聘。参考词汇: 职业学校:vocational school 专业:major20、(1分)给朋友小林的一封信,谈谈寒假生活。 1.寒假很忙,因为今年七月要参加高考。 2.每天埋头读书,复习每门必修课,做许多练习。 3.学习刻苦,每天学习10小时以上,累时看会儿电视,听音乐,但总不去影剧院。不 得不回绝亲戚朋友的邀请,只在除夕时打电话问候。 4.多希望没有考试,但又不可能,要尽力取得好成绩。考上渴望已久的清华大学。参考词汇: 必修课:required subject 埋头于某事:bury oneself in sth . 21、(1分) 在世妇会期间,部分代表参观了红星乡的乡办幼儿园。请按以下情况写一篇介绍红星乡幼儿园的文字材料。 1.红星乡幼儿园创办于1985年,80%的孩子来自农民家庭。 2.刚成立时,只有3个教师,20个孩子,几乎没有什么设备。条件很差,家庭不愿把 自己的孩子送到这儿。 3.在过去的几年中,幼儿园发生了巨大的变化,新楼代替了土坯房。乡里还为幼儿园 提供了许多先进设备,例如计算机、钢琴及电视机等。 4.孩子人数增长到200,教师增长到20多人。现在,家长们也愿意把自己的孩子送到 幼儿园了。参考词汇: 乡:township 幼儿园:kindergarten22、(1分)书面表达。 许多人现在都在努力学习英语。请你写一篇浅显易懂的短文,说明英语的重要性。(字数60~100字)提示如下: 1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件都是用英语写的。2.学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验。(advanced experience)。3.学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。4.学习英语有时也是一大趣事。23、(1分)书面表达。说明:请根据提示记述夏天的晚上。提示:1.夏天很热,晚上没有人愿意待在家里,人们在街上遛达,或是坐在露天地。2.有一座特别的夏是电影院,我和朋友们常到那里去。3.电影院周围有高高的树木,很凉爽。4.天空中闪烁着星星,常有一轮明月。5.有时电影不好,但我们不在乎,可以享受凉爽的夜晚。24、(1分) 请根据以下提示,用英语给“中国日报”写一篇100个词左右的简讯,要求内容连贯,语句准确,并包含如下要点: (1) 姓名:刘进,年龄39岁,上海一家工厂的工程师。 (2) 1978年毕业于南京大学,后来留学日本东京大学,攻读化学工程。 (3) 1982年科研成果显著,获博士学位。 (4) 日本一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但他拒绝了。 (5) 为了报效祖国,他于1983年毅然回国。25、(1分) 某中学图书馆的借阅十分混乱,无章可循,假若你是该校学生会主席,请就有关开放时间、借书手续、借书数量、保持时间、重要图书不能借出以及损坏图书的赔偿问题,拟一份借书规则,准备在校会上口头通知(80-120字左右)。26、(1分)请根据以下内容拟一份通知。主讲人:访美归国的李明国教授。内容:美国中学教育。时间:九月二十五日下午二点至四点半。地点:105会议室对象:全体高二学生,欢迎其它年级学生参加。要求:不迟到,带钢笔和笔记本词数:60-80词。27、(1分) 根据下面所给的提示,以“我的选择”为题,写一篇短文。(字数80~120) 提示:在我读高中的时候,我对物理,化学,数学很感兴趣。其实,我对许多学科都感兴趣,诸如:生物,历史,地理和英语。但是不知怎么搞的,我就是没法记住历史上发生的事件及地理的现象,我也老是记不住英语的一些习惯用语。另一方面,物理,化学和数学对我来说很容易。考虑过我的兴趣和能力之后,我觉得选择自然科学可能最适合,所以我决定进大学后工攻读自然科学,等大学毕业后,我就回学校教书。 参考词语:event 事件 talent 能力28、(1分)根据提示写一篇报道,字数80-100,不必逐字逐句地翻译。 九月十日是教师节,下午中华学校召开庆祝大会,会上表彰了二十位从教三十年以上老教师,并授予他们荣誉奖章。校长发表了热情洋溢的讲话,师生代表也发了言,然后观看了师生表演的文艺节目。一片喜气洋洋的气氛。教师是人类灵魂的工程师,全社会都应该尊敬教师。29、(1分)以《读书的方法》为题用英语写一篇短文。(120字左右)主要内容是:读书的成功与否与读书方法的正确与否关系甚大。向读者提几点建议: (1) 所读书籍难度要适中,偏难、偏易均不宜。如果发现一本书太难读,不妨先放在一 边一段时间,换一本容易些的读。 (2) 读书固然要读自己感兴趣的书,但更要读对自己有益的书。 (3) 有的书匆匆浏览便可,有的则需细读、精读。要随时记笔记。 (4) 不要羞于问问题,任何内行的人都是你的老师。 (5) 勤查词典。词典是你最好的老师。30、(1分)请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇说理文。提示: (1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。讲英语的人近三亿。 (2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言。世界上有百分之六十的电台和百分之七 十的邮件(mail)用英语。数以百万计的书籍和杂志是用英语写的。 (3) 借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。学好英语,我们可以更好地为祖 国服务。要求: (1) 题目:我们为什么学习英语? (2) 字数:120左右。31、(1分)提示: (1) 不少学生可能抽烟,学生中抽烟的人数还在增多。 (2) 一份调查报告透露,某校有五分之二以上的学生抽烟,有些学生甚至偷了钱买烟。 (3) 对中学生来说,抽烟的危害比成年人更大。抽烟不仅有害于身体,还有害于思想。 (4) 中学生是国家未来的建设者。抽烟的学生该下决心戒烟了。请根据上面的提示,写一篇题为“Give Up Smoking”的短文,字数约120个。32、(1分)假定有一批外宾要在中国过春节(Spring Festival),他们很想了解关于我国春节的一些情况,请你根据下列要点写一篇短文,以作介绍。字数100—130。要点: (1) 春节就是中国的新年,一般在二月份。 (2) 中国的年份是按12生肖命名的,如狗年、猴年等。今年是鸡年。 (3) 春节前人们要大扫除,给孩子买新衣。大年夜家人在一起吃年夜饭。 (4) 年初一走防亲友。孩子们会得到压岁钱。 (5) 人们在春节常常过得很愉快。33、(1分)说明: 请以“城市怎样开始”为题用英语写一篇短文。内容要点如下: (1) 从前,人很少,以游牧打猎为生。 (2) 懂得种植后,定居在一起,建立村庄。 (3) 人口增加,涌向一些村庄,遂发展为城市。 (4) 机器出现后,建立工厂,更多的人聚居在一起,于是城市变得很大。注意: (1) 短文包括所有内容要点,但不可逐字翻译。 (2) 可适当增加细节,使短文连贯。 (3) 字数100左右。34、(1分)说明: 请用英语写一篇论述“早起”(early rising)重要性的短文。 (1) 论点:早起有益。 (2) 论据:早起可呼吸到新鲜空气,做早操,对身体健康有好处:早起对学习有好处; 早起可从容制定工作计划,对工作有好处。 (3) 结论:晚起的人都应早起。注意: (1) 短文应包括论点、论据和结论,但不需逐条翻译。 (2) 可适当增加细节,运用转承词语,使短文连贯。 (3) 字数:100—120。35、(1分)说明: 《China Daily》准备在文化动态专栏里刊登一条短消息,介绍上海市少年儿童业余艺术教育情况。假如你是撰稿人,请用英语完成这篇简单介绍。内容要点如下: (1) 办校概况:全市现有业余艺校450多所。成千上万的少年儿童参加学习。拥有16 所分校(branch)和6,000多位学生的上海少年艺术学校(Shanghai Children’s Art School)规模最大。 (2) 学习收获:家长依据孩子的不同兴趣将他们送入不同的业余艺校,学习音乐、舞蹈、 绘画和书法(calligraphy)。孩子们学到了不少书本上学不到的新知识。 (3) 发展前景:这种新型学校得到许多家长的支持,必将越办越好。注意: (1) 要有标题。 (2) 介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 (3) 介绍的长度为80—120个词。36、(1分)请根据下列提示,写一篇题为“我们的英语教师”的和短文,字数在120个左右。提示: (1) 你们老师是位中年妇女。她教书二十多年,工作一贯认真,多次被评为模范教师。 (2) 她对你们既严又亲,经常鼓励你们多说多读。 (3) 她上课生动有趣,常给你们放幻灯,教你们唱英语歌,还辅导你们排演英语短剧。 (4) 她热爱你们,总是乐于帮助你们。她真是值得你们敬爱的好老师。37、(1分) 某日上午,Greece先生去图书馆借有关计算机的书籍。他将一份书单交给了图书管理员。图书管理员按书单逐一将书找到,借给了他,并告诉他借期为一个月,如要延长借期,需要办理续借手续。 请根据上面内容编写一段题为“在图书馆”的对话,字数在80--100之间。38、(1分)提示: Mary是个学生,因患感冒第二天不能到校上课,于是打电话给她的老师Green先生请假。恰巧Green先生外出,John接了电话。John答应等Green先生回来后将情况转告他。要求: 请根据上面提示,编写一段80至100字的电话对话。39、(1分) 假定你的名字是陈华,住在上海江湾路570号。下面是你好友的一封来信,请用英语给他一封回信(字数约120个)P. O. Box IIIChengduJuly 8, 1990Dear Chen Hua: How are you these days? I’m writing to you because I need your help. I’m thinking of coming to Shanghai. I will stay for a week. During the time, I hope I will be able to visit Suzhou .I’ ve got a picture of the Tiger Hill(虎丘), a beautiful garden in Suzhou . The scenery is strongly impressed on my memory. In the last letter you told me that you had been to Suzhou twice. Would you like to tell me something about it? Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Ping40、(1分) 假设你是Foster,在某中学读书。1990年1月10日你得知父亲病危,想请假一个星期(从11日至17日),回家探望。请给校长Mr. Smith写一张事假条。(字数不得少于45个)


Today, more and more young people are crazy about western festivals. When western festivals come, they usually go to restaurants or shopping malls to have fun.


Why do the young enjoy western festivals so much? Since they worship everything new, and they can’t resist the temptation. In their opinions, western festivals symbolize the fashion, while our Chinese traditional festivals are out of date. No wonder we always feel so boring during our traditional holidays. If we still turn a blind eye to our traditional festivals, our culture and civilization will disappear someday. Accordingly, it is high time for us to pay close attention to our Chinese festivals.


As a Chinese, we have the obligation to protect our culture and custom. So I think we should celebrate our Chinese festivals by doing some traditional activities. As for western festivals, we needn’t to be too excited about them. We can just send our best wishes to our best friends during those festivals.


Now many students always cheat in an exam, which has become a strange phenomenon prevailing in many colleges.


Why do most college students always cheat in exams? For one thing, those students are very lazy. They don’t study hard, but they still want to get high marks, thus their vanities force them to do so. For another, they don’t regard honesty as a virtue, and they don’t think cheating is a shame, either. Besides, there are too many exams, and those exams are a little difficult for them.


In my view, cheating in exams is misconduct. Firstly, it’s self-deceptive. Cheating others is to cheat themselves, which will be of great harm in the long run. Secondly, if those who cheat in the exams can get a scholarship, it will be unfair for the students who work very hard. Therefore, as college students, we must be honest and study hard. I believe all of our efforts will be paid off.



论流行与永恒 世界上没有绝对的流行,也不会存在绝对的永恒。 ——题记 这个世界上遍布了数不尽的文学作品,我们也在不同的时代阅读着不一的文字,因为对于读者,没有永恒不厌的文章,但是,对于作者,却总有挥之不去的永恒的情感。 我们时常穿梭于书店,购买或阅读着各种书籍,但是,作为读者最关注的还是最新出炉的新作品,最流行的文学类别。或许是一年,一个月,或者只是一星期,某本书卖得相当火爆,须臾间化作风暴袭卷了每个角落,这是流行,当然只是对于我们而言,是我们对新事物的尝试与追捧,是具有时代性的,在不同的时刻我们可以随意地变换自己的看法。因为作为一名局外人,对于一篇别人的文章并不会寄予过多感情,不会长久地,或者说永恒地去品读,就如流水,会无止息得流淌,而不会因为喜欢某处而停滞不前,这是流行的趋势,不变的定理。 尽管对于读者只有流行的作品,但对于作者却存有永恒的文字。每一篇作品都有着它背后的故事,它的每一个字都是作者用情感堆积起来的,即使它饱受读者的争议,却仍会对里面的文字有不一样的感觉,说不清,也道不明,是一种扑朔迷离的影象,这是永恒,当然,也仅仅局限于作者自己,即便是知己也不能体会这种感受。这样的感情是最真实的,就如游离于山间的自然之气,永恒地存在直至自然消失不见,它抽象却也具体,总之,对于作者,它是个活物,是过去的自己的影子,包含了作者的心,这或许就是永恒的美好与奇特吧。 的确,流行与永恒有着太多的差别,但并不存在绝对的分界,它们都是相对而言的,就是说,对于同一事物,流行与永恒是可以同时存在的,且并不矛盾。因为我们是不同的人,所以对于同一件事,感情是不一的,这也决定了流行与永恒在我们心中的取决。世界上没有绝对的流行,也不存在绝对的永恒,改变了角度或态度,事物的性质也常随之变动。就拿余秋雨先生来说吧,他是个公众人物,当然也是一个饱受争议的作家。当他的新书出版,无数的读者也开始了对他的议论,有褒有贬,于是,他的作品流行起来,传阅在不同的人手中,而时间久了,呼声与争议也越来越小,直至,这一流行的秋雨热散去。但是,余秋雨写这东西仅仅是给读者看看,或者赚些稿费的吗?不然吧,想必是他心中的真实情感的涌动与迸发,即便是遭受指责,也会继续书写,不会搁浅。对于自己的文字,他的感受是永恒的,难以被外物影响或改变。这是流行与永恒的交融,也是一个例证。 有关流行与永恒的关系是很复杂的,交错相通,不只是局限在文学作品,而是充盈在生活的各个角落与细节,人哪,就是这样,站的地方不一样,感觉也就不一样了,总之,我想告诉大家的是,这个世界上还不会存在绝对的流行,亦或绝对的永恒,不要把事物分得那么清楚,仅此而已。

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早恋是什么?我说,早恋是一个泥潭,掉进去,就不能自拔;早恋是一个果实过早成熟往往不能吃。不管怎么说,中学生不能早恋中国—教育文‖摘 。 我们现在处在花季,处在黄金时期,现在最主要的是学习,是高考。高中三年,是短暂的,我们要把它利用起来,不能让功课白白浪费。父母在外辛辛苦苦,难道让你在学校早恋?这样怎么对得起父母、老师与你自己。 早恋是爱情的萌芽,朦胧美好,却也暗含着盲目与冲动,烦躁和痛苦。它如此的自然、纯洁,如此迷离交错。它在青春里闪光,在年轻的心灵中隐藏。但它不适合我们,我们应该把它抛到九霄云外,专心学习。 友谊肯定不是早恋,友谊,发乎情,止乎理,是情理交融的更为深层的心理联系。而早恋,是男女双方互相爱慕的强烈情感,强调互爱和性爱的强烈及持久。现在,我们赞同友谊,赶走早恋。 就高中生来说,虽然已步入青春期,但生理、心理都远未达到成熟,社会条件也不具备,如果此时过早地由异性友谊发展为早恋,则不足取;而且此时正值求知的宝贵年华,将时间与精力投入到虚幻、不切实际的早恋中去,其不可惜?所以现在要好好学习,远离早恋。


