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随着对 英语 文化 学习的不断深入,随着英语重要地位的不断确立,英语语言学的研究工作也越来越深入。下文是我为大家整理的关于英语语言学论文 范文 参考的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 关于英语语言学论文范文参考篇1 浅探英语语言学中的幽默话语 幽默是指在人类交际的过程中,能够引人发笑的话语、动作和表情等,其内容丰富多彩,表现形式多种多样,比例幽默话语、幽默动作、幽默音乐等等。因为人们的交际活动多依赖于语言,所以幽默也多来源于话语当中。 一、英语语言学中的幽默话语 在繁忙的生活中,幽默是一剂强力润滑剂。幽默话语是借助于语言手段来表述幽默的。它是以语言为媒介,根据特定的情境下,以轻松诙谐的语调,机智、风趣、戏谑的话语风格,通过讽刺、夸张、映射、双关等手法,来表达话语者自己的思想和观点,并使受话者不知不觉地接受,达到“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的效果和境界。幽默话语往往带有一些意味深长的色彩,对揭露生活中的丑恶或不公平现象,还可以起到发人深省的作用。而对于受话者来说,要把话语和当时具体的语境线索结合起来,利用自己既有的语言知识和社会认知,去发现说话者的言外之意和要表达的真实意图,才能真正的理解幽默,并从中获得愉悦。 例如,“Mr Zhou have a sharp tongue,look out,it doesn’t cut your throat.”这句话看起来是像是在说舌头,但是,我们把这句话放到语境中,就可以想到,这里的“a sharp tongue”并不是什么锋利的舌头,而是牙尖嘴利、毒舌的意思,是发话者幽默、含蓄、间接的表达方式。 二、幽默话语与合作原则 (一)合作原则 胡范畴认为,所谓幽默话语是语言的各要素通过变异和创造而出来的。而美国语言哲学家Grice则认为,幽默话语的作用是为了确保交际活动顺利进行。Grice认为,在人们运用语言进行交际时,交际的双方(发话者和受话者)还要遵守一些先决条件和原则,例如使用双方都能熟练运用的语言、交谈内容是双方都熟悉的话题,还有最重要的合作原则(cooperative principle,CP)。合作原则包括四个范畴,即数量准则、质量准则、关联准则和方式准则。在合作原则下,要求发话者和受话者者要端正态度,在谈话中做到“一唱一和”,避免造成“鸡同鸭讲”“话不投机半句多”的情况。 (二)合作原则与幽默话语的关系 如果说要遵循“数量准则、质量准则、关联准则和方式准则”的合作原则是一位西装革履、步态稳健的中年人,那么幽默话语就是一位穿着休闲时尚、语态随意轻松的新新人类。合作原则与幽默话语的结合,就是传统沉稳美与时尚活力没的结合,在这种结合中,传统的合作原则难免要接受新的挑战,甚至在一定程度上被打破。以下,本文以数量准则和质量准则为例,对合作原则与幽默话语进行举例分析。 (1)幽默话语与数量准则 合作原则之质量准则要求说话者和听话者之间交谈的内容要包含适当的信息量。但是在实际的语言环境中,我们常常需要打破这一数量原则,来起到幽默话语的喜剧效果。例如: Jack:I saw Mr Green having lunch with a woman the day before yesterday. Eason:Oh my god!Is she beautiful? Jack:Yes,she is not only beautiful,but also young. Eason:Dose Mrs Green know about it? Jack:Of was the young and beautiful woman. 在这段对话中,Eason理解的和Mr Green共进午餐的年轻貌美的女人应该是除了Mrs Green以外的其他女人,同时也不是Mr Green家里的其他女性亲戚。而Jack如果不想引起误会的话,应该直接说他前天看到Mr Green和Mrs Green共进午餐,但是为了引起Eason的好奇心,促使他进一步追问,就在第一句话中只说看到Mr Green与一位女性共进午餐,这虽然是违反了数量准则的,但也就此产生体现了幽默话语的有趣、逗乐原则。而Eason心理期待与实际情况之间的落差导致其认知的突然重构,给交谈双方带来乐趣,达到愉悦和反讽的效果。 (2)幽默话语与质量准则 合作原则之质量准则要求说话者不说自知是虚假的话,不说无稽之谈,但是在幽默话语中,说话者经常会采用诸如反语、夸张的休息手法。这样虽然会打破“质量准则”,但是带来的幽默效果也是非常显著的。在上世纪90年代即被引入中国并风靡十几年的美国NBC情景剧《老友记》中就存在很多这样的例子。例如: Phoebe:You do not want to wine the lottery? Rose:Uh surely I do,and I want to be the king of my own country. 通过思考并分析这段对话,我们得出Phoebe问Rose,你是否对有意买彩票,有没有兴趣去试一下自己的运气,通过片中的特点情景和人物关系,我们可以看出Rose对彩票不感兴趣,但是她没有直接了当的说“没兴趣”,而是采用了幽默话语说“想啊,我当然想,我还想当国家元首呢。”因为一个平民是几乎没有可能成为国家元首的,所以Rose的话语是违背了质量准则的。但是,这种“有意违背”和“夸大其词”正是这段对话的笑点所在。 三、幽默话语与指称语 指称语(indexicals)就是具有指称功能的语言结构形式,是日常生活中常见的语言现象。是发话人与受话人,在共同的知识环境、语言环境下,可以彼此理解的,映射出话语的,潜在的指称义和指称关系。当指称语所指示的信息不明确或者出现谬误,发话人的意思就是变得令人费解,幽默话语很可能就此产生。同时,指称语还受到人文背景、社会文化、交际距离、环境等多种因素的影响。指称语可以分为人称指称语、时间指称语、地点指称语等等,其中以人称指称语最为常见。我本文就以人称指称语为例,幽默话语和指称语之间的关系。 人称指称语可以分为第一人称、第二人称和第三人称,是对话参与者角色关系的客观体现。第一人称是发话人、第二人称是受话人、第三人称是话语谈及的对象。在话语中,如果这种规则被打破,就会出现人称指称语不相对应的现象,可能会起到幽默效果。例如: Jim was down the local pub with his mate Mark. Jim:Do you know,Mark,I never kissed my wife before we were about you?” Mark:I don’t know,What was her maiden name?” 这段对话是Jim与Mark之间的酒后之言。Jim的提问,真正的意思是“Have you ever kissed your wife before you were married?” 在指称语中,第二人称是针对受话人而言的,谈及的是隐私或伤痛,所以受话人Mark就采用了幽默话语来回避问题,轻描淡写地将这一问题带过去了,其机智幽默值得我们参照和学习。 四、关联理论与幽默话语 从关联理论的角度来看,受话者会故意曲解发话者的意图,到处与发话者截然相反的信息,产生意外的幽默效果。例如: Teacher:Tom,there were three peaches,ate one,how many would you have? Tom:Three,tow outside and one inside. Tom作为孩子,其对事物的思考方式不同于成人,因为无法认清老师出题的意图,而给出出人意料的答案,起到了幽默的效果。 结语: 从上述讨论中,我们可以看出,在不同语境中,人们会对对话意义、指称语、 语言意义等的理解产生偏差或者错位。幽默话语具有深层次的、含蓄的、深沉的、巧妙的作用,避免交际中的尴尬或难堪,增强语言表达的效果,可以起到愉悦交流、点缀生活的作用。 关于英语语言学论文范文参考篇2 浅谈从建构主义角度探析英语语言学教学 21 世纪 教育 的基点是终身学习,是不断提出问题、解决问题的学习,是敢于打破狭隘的专业界限面向真实复杂任务的学习。在英语课程学习过程中,学生普遍认为英语语言学这门课更加的枯燥,无味和吃力。英语语言学课程涉及面广、内容多、概念多、理论多,理论性和实践性都很强;同时英语语言学课时少,而语言学的发展引起的教学内容不断扩充,暴露出和教学时数有限之间日益严重的矛盾。因而继续沿用传统的教学理念和教学模式进行教学已经不能适应新形势下的教学过程,必须用一种更好的教学方式,使学生和老师尽快适应新形势的要求。 随着建构主义学习理论的出现,提出了建构主义的教学设计。建构主义强调情境、协作、会话和意义建构四大要素,倡导以“学”为中心的理念。将建构主义的教学理论引入到英语语言学教学过程中,进行了许多有益的尝试,取得了显著的效果。 1 建构主义的四大要素 在 学习 方法 上建构主义提倡的是教师指导下的以学生为主体的学习,在学习环境上要求是开放的、充满意义解释和建构性的,理想的学习环境主要有情境、协作、会话和意义建构四大要素构成。 “情境”:学习环境中的情境必须有利于学习者对所学内容的意义建构。这就意味着在建构主义学习环境下,要把为学生创设建构意义的情境问题看作是教学设计的主要内容之一。“在课堂教学中播放有助于理解教学内容的录像、录音、参与 社会实践 、向学生提供网络的丰富的学习资源等等,凡是有助于学习者理解掌握学习内容的情境,都属于情境创设的范畴。” “协作”:协作发生在学习过程的始终。协作在一定意义上是协商的意思。协商主要有自我协商和相互协商。 “会话”:会话是协作过程中的不可缺少环节。学习小组成员之间通过会话来商讨如何完成规定的学习任务达到意义建构的目标,怎样更多地获得教师或他人的指导和帮助等等,推进学习进程。在会话的过程中,每个学习者的思维成果(智慧)为整个学习群体所共享 ,因此会话是达到意义建构的重要手段之一。 “意义建构”:这是整个学习过程的最终目标。在学习过程中帮助学生建构意义就要帮助学生对当前学习的内容所反映事物的性质、规律以及该事物与其他事物之间的内在联系达到较深刻的理解。 2 建构主义环境下对英语语言学教学启示 强调以学为中心的设计 在建构主义学习环境下,师生的地位、作用与传统的教学发生了很大的变化。学生由知识的被动接受者转变为信息加工的主体、知识意义的主动建构者。教师也不再是知识的灌输者,而是教学环境的设计者、学生学习的组织者和指导者、知识的管理者,是学生的学术顾问。因此,教师要从前台退到幕后,从“演员”转变为“导演”。在建构主义的语言学教学中,学习环境中要充分发挥学生的主动性,教师要为学生创设尽可能真实的情境去应用他们所学的知识。具体来说,英语英语语言学课程教学应该激发教学主体的主动性和积极性,强调教学任务的适合性和针对性,注重教学环境的互动性和趣味性。 强调学习环境的设计 建构主义教学设计的重心便是学习环境的设计。这里的学习环境是一个支持和促进学习者自主探索、自主学习的场所。学习环境的设计应围绕支持学习者开展有意义的学习来创设支持条件。它主要包括基于问题的学习环境的设计、合作学习环境的设计、真实情境的设计等。建构主义学习环境的设计的宗旨是通过支持学习者的有意义学习,促进学习者的发展。 例如,在讲授语言的任意性时,不少学生对于语言中音和义之间没有必然的联系这一属性存在疑惑,原因是在语言中的确存在一些音和义有一定联系的语言现象,如拟声词,对于这种问题,教师可以在深入讲解之前,给学生布置一些任务,让他们课前收集英语中的拟声词,并让其与汉语中对应的拟声词相比较,然后以 报告 的形式在课上做出来,教师则在这一过程中起着引导、监督、组织的作用,在学生做完报告后,教师做出归纳 总结 。 教学任务的适合性和针对性 语言教学中任务的设置必须以学生的实际情况为前提,任务太困难或太容易都不利于学生主动建构知识。在选择英语语言学课程教学内容时,应适当减少课堂教学内容的广度和深度。所选课堂教学内容如下:语言、语言学、语音学、音系学、句法学、语义学、语用学、二语习得、语言与文化。明确学习任务,选择训练方式,使学生有足够的机会进行练习。教师应懂得如何控制自己的情绪,并通过积极的语言来激励学生。应及时地对正确回答问题,出色完成学习任务的学生进行表扬。如:Well done!Very good!Good job! Excel lent!这些词语看似简单,却能给学生以信心和动力。同时,对学生的缺点和不足要多指导,少批评少责备。 3 建构主义的教学评价 建构主义评价观具有几个方面的特征。首先,诊断性和 反思 性是建构主义学习评价的重要组成部分。这就意味着,学习者必须从事自我监控、自我测试、自我检查等活动,以诊断和判断他们在学习中所追求的是否是自己设置的目标。其次,建构主义评价观认为评价是评价者和被评价者“协商”进行的共同心理建构过程,评价受“多元主义”价值观所支配。因此,建构主义注重评价主体的多元化和评价方式的多样化。再次,建构主义认为,评价是学习者活动过程中的一个必然组成部分,而不是教学后的评价,它是一个持续性和实时性的镶嵌过程。因此,建构主义强调过程性评价,倡导“质性”的方法。所谓过程性评价是在某项教学活动的过程中,为使活动效果更好而不断进行的评价,它能及时了解阶段教学的结果和学生学习的进展情况、存在问题等,以便及时反馈,及时调整和改进教学工作。可见,建构主义评价观提倡以学为中心的理念,更加关注学生的发展。 4 结束语 建构主义教学观为课堂教学提供了新模式,为习惯于被动式接受的学生阐释了学习的新理念,从而为英语语言学课堂的教与学带来了新的启示和体验。在英语语言学课堂教学中教授学习策略,引导学生自主学习及改进 教学方法 。这些方面有助于学生建构知识,形成能力。 参考文献 [1]陈莉.社会建构主义与外语教学[J].外语论坛, 2003(1). [2]胡壮麟.对中国英语教育的若干思考[J].外语研究, 2002(3). [3]盛群力、__强.现代教学设计论[M].浙江教育出版社,2000

How to improve your English in full detail (my experience) The Third EditionTo be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important step is the "pronunciation". To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and practise. This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more difficult. If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words and useful expressions. Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, etc.... and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, etc.......... It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so that you remember them well. Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary school.*************Now let me tell you how I learnt English in China. *******************Speaking:In China, you won't have enough chances to speak English. What I did was in the morning I got up early and read aloud the texts in the textbooks. The initial aim was to achieve the same speed as the tape, and then being able to read aloud the texts with the same style as the English announcer in the tape. By doing this, it helps you to consolidate your pronunciation and it is much easier to learn English in China because you can watch some TV channels in English. The more channels in English the better because you can choose your preferred programmes and it helps you to learn English with interests of your own, hence ideal for listening and expression/words is also very useful to write diaries. On writing diaries, it is not useful if you just write it without the care of grammar and spelling. When you finish you should always read your diaries again to check for errors and refine your sentences (. remove repetitive words, use better expressions, and sort out the structure of the sentences).Reading:It is also very important to read story books in English, starting from thin ones with not many new words. Read as many thin books as you possibly can. Little by Little you will want to read thicker books, and your reading ability will get even four elements together:I have to emphasise that when you do all these reading, listening, writing and speaking; you should join them together as a whole, apply the new words you learn from watching TV, reading books to your writing and enhancement of learning comes from getting hold of the possible opportunities to speak English (in China or abroad):In China, you should try to go to local English corner to practise your oral English. If you are abroad then you should make a lot of English or international friends so you always have the opportunity to speak Spoken English, attitude is very important. You need to be very keen and you must not be shy. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Always think that a talk in English with some one will help you can think in this way: since my parents have paid so much to support me to study abroad, the money is partly spent on the international environment for learning English; therefore I ought to try my best to take every opportunity to practise my English. My English has risen to a higher level in the last 2 years, because I talk in English most of the time. Having some international friends is particularly useful indeed. Summing up the activities:I have also been watching TV too. The real improvement lies in staying with international friends long enough and watching a lot of TV such as news, football, dramas, documentaries etc.... Writing diaries also helps me to remember good words, good expressions and practise sentence structuring.*****Now, I have finished talking about how to learn and improve General is the time to switch to "Your Major in English" *******************************Knowing general English on its own is not going to be sufficient for most people. Skills are as important as mastering another language. General English helps people to communicate with each other in their lives. Technical English helps you to take on challenges to change the world for the highest, to earn money for your living for the people who have a degree in English go abroad to learn something different but heavily based on the language such as Media study, Journalist, History, Education or even a bit more technical like Finance, Business Administration or is extremely useful to know more because there are so many words in English and they appear differently to each other. For people whose second language is English, will find it difficult to guess the meaning of a new sure, it is not possible to know a major first and put all your effort on that major, in the end you will have a rich vocabulary of that on learning Technical English:To master technical English in your area of study, there are two difficulties to , the language, because it is not your first language, you need to remember the terms, knowing how to pronounce it and spell , surely you need to understand the terms in a technical matter what field, it is going to be the same; the two difficulties above must be I take Physics as an example (note that whatever field you are looking into is going to be similar):The term "momentum" is basically the product of the mass of the object and the velocity it travels. Obviously, you need to understand mass and velocity as well. If you understand mass and velocity, then you get the explanation of the term "momentum" in physics, then you are most likely to understand the word and use it properly in the technical world of Physics. From this example, you can see how to understand a technical word in a technical fashion: you need to understand the very fundamental knowledge of a field to be able to understand more complex terminologies or learning technical English in your field of study, I have a good recommendation to save your time:To understand technical knowledge in your first language (Chinese), then you might not have the second it left to overcome is just the first difficulty (the language), hence the effort required is can give you an example of my own:When I was learning chemistry at A-level, I had already learnt inorganic chemistry at the equivalent level in China, so I had no difficulty whatsoever in learning inorganic chemistry in the UK in I had not learnt organic chemistry in China, and I was struggling significantly in learning organic chemistry in the UK due to dual difficulties.************OK, I have finished talking about how to improve your technical i will talk about IT (Information Technology), why is this important? Because nowadays it is the information age, you need to know computers, Internet, media and communications etc. Knowing how to use Internet to search information will help your English. ************I don't want to waffle too much on this. Computers are more and more important nowadays, everyone wants a computer and most people have their own computers. But most people are not using the right Operating System for learning English. Now I would like to introduce you to Debian Linux Operating system or a much nicer operating system called Ubuntu Linux. If you still don't have a computer you can buy a China's home grown computer based on a Loongson CPU. It saves your electricity and your time to deal with will help you to improve your English skills because you need to read some documents and follow the instructions to set up software programs, it also requires you to search the Internet (Google for example) to find the answers to your problems (. installations of software programs)you can read about the commands of Linux in the terminal by putting in "man " , so then you can read it and try to understand the content which will enable you to carry out the right operations. The whole process of Reading, Understanding and deploying will improve your you install, do remember to install it as a UK English version.(Note that this IT section is more for people who take Science and Engineering courses)**********************************************************************Final wordsIt is the time to end this long talk on improving good your English will be will heavily depend on how good your first language when you go back to China for holidays, you should read as much as you can in Chinese because this will also help your English in a greater depth.*********************************************************************Please note that the above is my own experience, it might not apply to you completely since your learning style could be different. Please take the advice which is right for you. I would regret deeply if my experience damaged your learning or wasted your time. Please look at it sensibly. This is the third edition of “How to improve your English in full detail (my experience)”, I have made some corrections and changes to the second edition, and I hope that this is useful to you. I wish you all the best!你应该会用得着


语言学在人类文明史中具有悠久的历史和深远的影响,语言学在某种程度上记录了人类历史的演变程序。下文是我为大家整理的的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 论模糊语言学与英语教学 摘要:语言的模糊性是语言的基本属性之一,如同语言的社会性、符号性、系统性、生成性、冗余性一样,各种语言不无具有模糊性,英语也不例外。就模糊语言学在英语教学中的运用、二者之间的关系等方面谈谈认识,以期抛砖引玉,与同行一起探讨这个新学科领域的话题。 关键词:模糊性;英语教学;教学大纲 自从最早由美国加利福尼亚大学电机工程系控制论专家查德. Zadeh在《资讯与控制》Information and Control杂志上发表论文“模糊集”Fuzzy Sets开始,就标志著模糊学或模糊理论的诞生,随着模糊理论研究的发展,模糊语言学Fuzzy linguistics也应运而生。虽然,模糊语言学是最近二三十年才兴起的一门学科,并且是介于语言学与模糊学之间的边缘学科,然而,由于它是研究语言和言语中的模糊现象的学科,其模糊语言的理论和方法可以用来指导外语教学。因此,从它的诞生开始就引起了语言教学领域,尤其是英语教学领域的高度重视。 一、模糊语言学与英语教师 尽管模糊语言学是语言理论学科系列中正在形成的一门新学科,但由于在我们赖以生存的现实中模糊事物和人类思维中模糊概念、模糊逻辑的普遍性,更由于模糊的特征是英语语言的一种重要的自然特征,作为英语教师要搞好英语教学,就非常有必要在语言理论基础方面增加模糊语言学的理论知识。 完全可以想象,如果英语教师具备了一些模糊语言学的基本知识,就能较好地把握语言的模糊性,在英语教学实践过程中与纷繁复杂的语言现象打交道时,处理和解决语言问题就能更加灵活得体。例如,在英语翻译教学中,模糊语言学理论尤为重要。我们知道,由于自然语言中绝大多数词都是模糊词,因此,在翻译时处处都会遇到模糊言语现象,也迫使译者在处理这些现象时使用模糊翻译方法。下面引用一段欧亨利小说While the Auto Waits中的描写来说明这个问题: To repeat:Her dress was gray,and plain enough to mask its impeccancy of style and fit. A large meshed veil imprisoned her turban hat and a face that shone through it with a calm and unconscious beauty. She had e there at the same hour on the day previous, and on the day before that;and there was one who knew it. 再叙述一下那位姑娘吧:她身着灰色衣服,十分朴素,但很时髦,又非常合身,一条大网面纱遮住了她的头巾式无檐帽和面孔,但透过面纱,仍能瞥见她那文静而又美丽的脸庞。她昨天、前天在同样的时候来过这儿,坐上片刻。几天来,有一个人注意到了这种情形。 对比以上译文,可以发现在对英文的翻译中使用了许多语义模糊的词语,就连动词Shone的原意也不得已而忽略了,代替以模糊表达意思“瞥见”。而在上面这段文字中尤其是在文艺作品的翻译中,如果不采用模糊表达的翻译方法,既无法将原文的基本意思展现出来,更谈不上翻译文学作品要达到的“信、达、雅”的标准,自然也谈不上文学翻译的再创造了。由此我们也体会到,作为英语教师掌握一定模糊语言学理论知识的必要性和重要性。 二、运用模糊语言学理论正确认识教学大纲的模糊性 统一的英语教学大纲是英语教学的指导性档案,可以说是英语教学的指挥棒。然而,由于教学大纲内容本身存在着一定的弹性和不精确性,也就是在此谈到的模糊性,当在看待英语教学大纲时也不能视为“放之四海而皆准”的硬性准则。 例如,在针对全国普通高专颁布的《普通高等专科英语课程教学基本要求》中关于教学目的的内容是:“培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定的基础。”以上短短的一段话就包含了几个模糊限制语,譬如“必要的、初步的、一定的”。这些不精确的用语本身就说明了高专英语教学目的具有模糊性,而这些模糊性的限制语又恰恰说明了高专英语教学目的适时得体,符合实际的要求。同时,这对于评价教师的业绩以及学生的成绩都大有好处。 比如,在评价一位英语教师的教学效果时,我们能不能因为某些学生的英语应用能力强而另一些学生较弱就判定这位教师的业务能力不行,或教学态度不好呢?如果这样认为,恐怕这种评价就有失公允,也不切合实际,因为,在高专英语的教学基本要求中的教学目的本身具有模糊性,不精确性。并且,事实上,一些学生的应用能力强而部分学生弱都是教学中必然存在的现象,也是教学大纲允许的,也正是由于教学大纲中教学目的的模糊性而必然造成的结果。 除了以上谈到的教学目的具有模糊性外,其中“应用能力”这个术语也具有模糊性。虽然教学目的中明确提出“培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定基础”。 在这里虽然明确提出了“应用能力”,然而且不说模糊性极强的“一定的基础”的表述,仅就“应用能力”这个术语在大纲中并没有做任何说明,因而表现出较强的不确定性和模糊性。事实上,根据现今外语教学领域里大多数专家的共识,英语“应用能力”主要指的是由美国著名的社会语言学家海姆斯提出的“交际能力”。这种“交际能力”的概念还包含了由转换生成语法的创始人乔姆新基提出的“语言能力”petence.根据海姆斯的观点,“交际能力”包含了: 1语言能力——即语言知识,包括语音、词汇、语法的知识; 2社会语言能力sociolinguistic petence——即使用功能变体和言语功能的能力; 3话语能力discourse petence——即学会怎样用语言来做事、交流; 4对应能力strategic petence——交际是一种彼此之间的协调,在协调中有各种对应手段,如怎样能开始一段谈话,怎样转换话题,怎样结束谈话等。 因此,就“应用能力”这个术语运用于英语教学中时,英语教师究竟该怎样认识和理解,究竟该怎样去培养学生的“应用能力”,以及怎样理解“交际能力”中包含的四种能力,或许对于许多教师来说仍旧是模糊的。然而,只有当我们了解了“应用能力”的模糊性之后的这样一个大前提,才可能对“教学大纲”和“教学目的”有进一步的理解和认识。这样,在英语教学过程中才不会简单地、绝对地看待“应用能力”的问题,也才能符合实际地、有的放矢地组织教学,以期收到更好的教学效果。 三、运用模糊语言学正确认识英语教学法的模糊性 英语教学法流派多种多样,理论各异,新观点、新方法、新学派层出不穷。到目前为止,已有十几种教学法流派存在。如,传统的语法翻译法Grammar Translation Method、听说法Audio lingual Method、阅读法Reading Method、认知法Cognitive Approach、暗示法Suggest Method、视听法Audio Visual Method,以及近几年产生的程式教学Programmed Instruction和计算机辅助语言教学puter aided Language Instruction等等。 从这些英语教学学派的产生和发展历史来看,它们都不是随心所欲的,都有其一定的社会文化背景,其哲学、教育学、心理学、语言学等理论基础之间既存在着相互排斥、相互矛盾的各具特色的个性,同时也存在着相互制约、相互联络、相互继承发展的共性关系。而恰好就是这种共性关系使各学派之间的界限彼此模糊,呈现出你中有我,我中有你的局面。比如,听说法和视听法,这两种教学法既在基本特点上存在差异,又存在着共性,表现出二者之间的界限是模糊的。 听说法的基本特点强调:1以句型结构操练为主;2在口语基础上培养书面语;3不用母语;4反复模仿,强化操练。而视听法的基本特点强调:1幻灯影象和录音视听相结合;2感知整体结构的对话;3充分利用幻灯、录音视听教具;4在口语基础上进行书面语教学;5集中强化教育。 概括地讲,二者界限的模糊性表现在:1它们都强调在口语基础上培养书面语能力和用外语讲解外语以培养外语语感;2它们所产生的心理学基础都是行为主义心理学Behavioristic Psychology和描写语言学descriptive linguistics,而这就不可避免会使它们彼此之间存在着共性。 可见,在英语教学过程中了解并掌握英语教学法的不同流派的个性、共性以及彼此间的模糊性,从而扬长避短,博采众长,对于建设中国特色的外语教学法体系大有益处。 综上所述,探讨以英语为主的外语教学同模糊理论以及模糊语言学的关系,提倡用模糊语言学的理论和方法来指导英语教学,将有利于提高我国英语教学水平。 参考文献: [1]李晓明.模糊性:人类认识之谜.人民出版社,1985. [2]苗东升.模糊学导引.中国人民大学出版社,1987. [3]陈治安.模糊语言学概论.西南师范大学出版社,1997. [4]Chomsky, and Mind. New York: Harcourt,Brace & World,1972. [5]Zadeh,L. A.“Fuzzy sets” Information and Control,1963,8:338-2353. [6]Zadeh,.“Quantitative Fuzzy Semantics”,Information Sciences,1971,3:159-2176. 篇2 论大学英语语言学习策略 摘要:英语语言学习策略的研究是一个年轻的领域,本文对国内外英语语言学习策略研究的发展做了概括介绍,分析了大学英语教学存在的问题和探讨了英语语言学习策略的研究方法。 关键词:英语语言 策略 研究 在现代大学英语教学中,普遍呈现出来的现象为:高校英语语言教学人员对英语的教与学的认识已经发生了很大的变化,学生如何学习已成为教育研究的重点。 一、国内外英语语言学习策略研究的概况 语言学习策略是学习者为了取得更好的语言学习效果而采取的各种策略,即学习者在学习外语过程中对有效的学习方法的选择和使用。学习策略研究不仅有助于语言学习者的个体差异,而且对外语语言的教和学及建构产生了重大影响。国内外研究者以认知心理学为理论研究的基础,将英语学习策略分为认知策略、元认知策略、情感策略和交际策略。 一国外英语语言学习策略研究的发展 研究语言学习策略的外国研究者有Ruhin, Naiman ,Wong Filhnore,Stern, A Wenden, Jam M alley, Chamol, R Oxford以及A. Cohen等。20世纪70年代初,外语教学法研究停滞不前以及认知心理学的迅速发展促使外语教学研究的重点从研究教师如何“教”转向研究学习者如何“学”。这时的语言学习策略的研究在语习得研究中占有重要地位。 这一研究很快发展成语言学习策略的研究。旱期的语言学习策略研究注重归纳并描述学习策略和刘一学习策略进行分类。之后,研究者在研究的深度、广度及研究方法等方面有较大改进,是学习策略研究的第一个重大发展。早期的学习策略研究无论是在方法上还是在研究成果上都给后来的研究打下了良好的基础。 20世纪80年代后,语言学习策略的研究得到了迅速的发展,A. Wenden, Jam Mallev, U. Chamo}, R. Oxford以及A. Cohen等研究者刘一学习策略进行深入研究,最具典型性和代表性的是。Malley等人的研究,他们以认知学习理论为指出将语言认知过程和学习策略相关联,得出一整套理论化的语言学习策略。随着语言学习策略研究的深入开展,有关学习策略的论著也越来越多,如W enden和Ruhin于1987年编辑出版的论文集Learner Salegies in Language Learning《语言学习,},的学习者策略。 Malley和Chamo于90年代出版的专著Learner Salegies in Second Language Acquisition《第一言习得中的学习策略》以及Oxford于1990年出版的专著LanguageLearning Every Teacher Should Know《语言学习策略:教师须知》等。Oxford还建立了语言学习策略调查问卷Salegiese InveWorv for Language Learning。 二国内英语语言学习策略研究的发展 我国对语言学习策略的研究从20世纪80年代中期开始,研究者有黄小华、桂诗春、刘润清、文秋芳等,他们在自己的论著中都涉及到语言学习策略。这此学者的研究为教育研究打下了良好的基础,他们的研究对于语言教学有指出意义,对英语学习者的学习也有实践指出意义。 这一阶段的语言学习策略研究有如下特点:第一,学习策略研究是以各种语言学习理论为指导的研究。Krashen的监控理论、Aderson的认知学习理论以及其他对学习者本体研究的成果都为学习策略研究者提供了丰富的理论基础。第二,学习策略研究逐渐从巨集观转向微观。研究者针刘一阅读理解策略、听力理解策略、词汇学习策略等进行单项研究。第三,研究者重视学习策略研究的方法,认为研究方法关系到研究结果的信度和效度。第四,学习策略研究从理论走向实践。研究者认为只要是被证明有效的学习策略,就可以培训学习者使川这此策略,从而提高他们的学习效果。 20世纪90年代以来,我国外语界学者们对中国学生的外语学习策略展开了广泛的研究,发表了大量论文。1996年,文秋芳所著《英语学习策略论—献给立志学好英语的朋友》成为国内第一部专门论述语言学习策略的著作。 2002年,程晓堂和郑敏编写的《英语学习策略》表明语言学习策略研究在我国进入了一个新的阶段。 二、大学英语教学存在的问题和英语语言策略研究方法 改革开放以来,我国的大学英语教学取得了迅猛的发展,教学质量取得了显著的提高。然而,由于各种复杂的因素,很多大学生在外语学习上花了大量的时间和精力,但学习的效果并不理想。有此教师仍采取传统的以知识讲解为重点的教学方法,忽视培养学生的学习方法和学习策略。 二目前大学英语教学存在的问题 随着国际交流的深入发展和竞争的日益激烈,社会对外语人才的去求在数量、质量、层次和种类上要求更高。然而,我国的大学英语教学明显滞后,相当部分大学生几乎把大学学习的前一两年都花在了英语学习上。造成这样结果的原因主要包括:外语教学理论研究薄弱;师资质量不高;;教学水平有限;外语教学应试倾向严重;外语教学上形式和教学方法缺乏创新;学生学习态度不积极;学习不得法;中小学、大学外语教学严重脱节等。 另一方面,我国外语教学理论研究和实践上也存在误区,如外语学习越早越好;外语是一门知识课;外语是教会的;外语学习有捷径可走;外语学习年限越氏越好;交际能力就是说话能力等。这此都影响了我国外语教学质量的提高与发展。 要提高大学英语教学水平,关键在于教师怎么教和学生怎么学。有此教师欠缺语言学习策略理论知识,未从学习者角度探索学习方法,因而无法指出学生的学习。因此,要使学生在英语学习中形成有效的学习策略,教师首先应参与学习策略的学习和研究。探讨和研究英语学习策略并在教学中指导和渗透学习策略,是当今英语教师又一个重要任务。 二英语语言学习策略研究方法 要指导和培训大学生英语学习策略,英语教师应掌握一定研究方法和技巧,学会观察和记录资料,并掌握分析方法。 一般来说,英语语言学习策略研究的型别有:自然调查survey,对研究contrastive study,相关性研究correlational study,发展研究developmental/ longudinal study和策略训练研究strategy training}。学习策略研究资料采集的方法有:观察法observation,问卷调查法}questionnaire ,访谈interview},日记diary和口头报告verbal roport。 目前国内外的研究趋势是定性研究与定量研究相结合,而且定性研究有增加的趋势。研究者通常采用多种方式收集资料,以客观全面地反映事实、深入分析,避兔所得的结论的片面性。因此,英语教师在进行策略研究中应多角度采集资料,采用定性与定量研究,探索有效的指,,和培训学生的方法,提高教学效果和自身的科研水平。 参考文献: [1] Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. University Press. 1990. [2] 束定芳.外语教学改革:问题与对策[J].上海:上海外语教育出版社.2005: 4.


本科生英语论文 范文

范文一:英语本科 毕业 论文

The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Thesis statement:

Everyone knows that Tess’s life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion.


Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles

A. Women’s role in industrial movements during 19th century in England

B. A brief commentary of the novel

1. the writer --Thomas hardy

2. general introduction of the novel

Ⅱ.Tess’s spirit of revolt all through her life

A. Tess’s fight to the moribund society

1. the moribund society

2. Tess’s fight to the moribund society

B. Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept

1. the traditional moral concept

2. Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept

C. Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion

hypocritical religion in that time

2. Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion

D. Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage

’s unfortunate marriage

2. Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage

Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring.


This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess’s fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life.

key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate


本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。




毕业论文写作是完成本科教学计划、实现本科培养目标的重要阶段,是英语人才培养不可或缺的重要环节,是英语专业本科教学计划的重要组成部分,是培养学生综合应用所学的基本理论、基础知识和基本技能,并分析和解决实际问题的重要途径,是对学生进行科学研究的初步训练。毕业论文是学生大学毕业前的最后学习阶段,是英语教学深化和升华的重要过程;是对学生的英语实践技能、英语 语文知识 及其他相关学科知识、综合素质、研究与创新能力进行检验考核的重要手段;是学生学士学位资格认证的重要依据;是衡量、评估英语专业教学质量与水平的重要内容之一。


英语专业的毕业论文按专业方向的不同可分为“文学”、“语言及语言学研究”、“语言教学”、“翻译研究”和“ 文化 与跨文化”等不同类别。按论文性质的不同,又可分为理论型研究论文、应用型研究论文、综述型论文和研究 报告 型论文。每个专业方向都可以有这4种不同的类型。

(1)理论型研究论文指对已有的语言、文学、翻译、教学、文化等学科领域的理论性和应用性的研究成果,在翔实、可靠的事实材料的基础上进行有一定新意的探讨,这种新意可包括新的命题、新的视角、新的材料、新的 方法 、新的论证、新的结论。理论型研究应熟识与了解现有的科学观点、结论和评价,并进行消化、吸收,针对现有理论中的不足、不确切和未涉及之处进行局部的修正、改进、补充或完善。写理论型研究论文的学生要有较好的理论准备,能够熟练运用已学的理论知识,正确、科学地分析、解决论文撰写过程中出现的各种具体的理论性问题,在教师的指导下发现、提出理论性问题并对某一具体理论提出自己的看法和意见。


(3)综述型论文是对某一学科领域研究与发展状况作综合叙述介绍的一种论文类型。综述型论文是在大量阅读各种文献的基础上,对学科中某一具体的理论性或实际应用性问题的研究状况进行综合归纳,分析整理,去粗取精,做出判断,理出清晰而明确的研究发展脉络,从而展示研究现状和已取得的研究成果,分析问题的症结,并指出未来的研究走向和发展趋势的动态性研究成果。写综述型论文的学生应对所选课题的研究状况有比较全面的把握和正确的了解,对材料的归纳 总结 要较好地体现出综合性和概括性,要在分析、判断的基础上作出新的结论,而且要有一定的前沿性和前瞻性。

(4)研究报告型论文是就某一课题开展调查或测试并对调查或测试中获得的各种数据进行分析、综合、归纳、整理、讨论,从而作出结论的调研性论文。研究报告型论文可分为调查报告与测试报告两类。写研究报告型论文的学生需要具有正确采集、分析和处理信息和数据的方法,需要具有在理论上对调查过程进行分析和论证的能力,并能在老师的指导下独立 1













Everyone dreams about the future. I also have a dream about my life in 20 years. I will live inShanghaiwith my families because we like it very much. It will be more beautiful. I will teach in a middle school. I will be a good English teacher.

I will love my students, and my students will love me, too. We will be good friends. I will do sports with my students every day. Swimming and running will be my favorite sports. I will be healthy and strong. There will be more robots everywhere. They will help us do many things. I believe we will have more time to study and play.

This is my future dream. What do you think of it?


My ideal work has many, for instance doctor, police, boss, entrepreneur, scientist .

But I most like working as boss. When boss has many advantage for example: May make money, buy the house, to buy the car, to be filial piety the parents, to make the contribution, the gang disaster area person for the Project Hope to do decides the life the expense .......

I thought that I certainly will work as boss in the future. What but I most am now main is studies well, can work as boss.


My future will be happy. I already graduated at that time from the university. I will have a stable will have my family, my husband,and a lovely child. What will be my future job?

I have many ideals. I want to work as a singer, stands on the stage sings for the people; I want to work as a nurse, cure illness, brings the health for the people; I want to work as a pilot, drives the airplane in the blue sky; I want to work as a gardener, with a little bit sweat irrigation flowers, lets our life forever fill the green. After growing want to ba a will have many day I will give many classes to them. I will become a teacher who is always preparing my can certainly be a good teacher in the future.

I will also be a volunteer of my city. I will help a great deal of many meaningful things. I will Make contribution to my city and the society.

If I can became an teacher, they are my forever hopes. this will be my future, when a grade teacher's dream.

I will have a bright I will study hard and make preperation for my future.


It's my dream to be a teacher .

Why do I have this dream ? Becasue I like this teachers are sometimes strict with us. They are always friendly to us and often help us with our study .They not only teach us too much knowledge, but also tell a lot of principle .So I'd like to became a teacher in the future . From now on , I should go on working hard and listen to the teacher carefully in the I Should


改变学生文辞贫乏毫无文采的有效途径之一是摘抄。下面是我带来的英语 文章 摘抄200字,欢迎阅读!


the country maid and her milk can 村姑和牛奶罐         a country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head,when she fell into the following train of reflections."the money for which i shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred,these eggs,allowing for what may prove addle,and what may be destroyed by vermin,will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens will be fit to carry to market just at the time when poultry is always dear;so that by the new year i cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new me consider-yes,green becomes my complexion best .and green it shall be, in this dress i will go to the fair,where all young fellows will strive to have me for a parter;but no-i shall refuse every one of them,and with a disdainful toss turn from them." transported with this idea,she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind,when down came the can of milk!and all her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment.

一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。走着走着,她的脑子里浮现出一连串的幻想:“我卖了这罐牛奶后,用这笔钱买鸡蛋,这样我有的鸡蛋可以增加到300个。用这300个鸡蛋孵小鸡,这就算有坏的、生虫的,至少也能孵出250只小鸡。等小鸡长大后,正好能赶上卖个好市价;那么到了新年,我就能有钱买一件新晚装。买一件绿色的——让我好好想想——对,绿色与我的肤色最相衬。我穿上这件衣服去赶集,所有的年轻小伙子都会抢着邀请我做舞伴;但是不行——我要轻蔑地把头一扬,转身过去不理他们,让他们人人都碰个钉子。 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把头一扬,刹那间,牛奶罐跌了下来!她幻想的一切幸福间破灭了。


genius at work 天才在工作

henry ford didn’t always pay attention in school. one day ,he and a friend took a watch apart. angry and upset, the teacher told him both to stay after school. their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. but the teacher did not know young ford’s genius. in ten minutes, this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home.. ford was always interested in how things worked. he once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. then he waited to see what would happen. the water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. the explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window. the young inventor was badly scalded ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off. he dreamed of a horseless carriage. when he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.

亨利.福特在学校里常常心不在焉。有一天,他和一个小朋友把一块手表拆开了。老师很生气,让他们放学后留下来,把表修好才能回家。当时这位老师并不知道小福特的天才。只用了十分钟,这位机械奇才就把手表修好,走在回家的路上了。 福特对各种东西的工作原理总是很感兴趣。曾有一次,他把茶壶嘴用东西堵住,然后把茶壶放在火炉上。他便站在一边等候着会出现什么情况。当然,水开后变成了水蒸气。因为水蒸气无处逸出,茶壶便爆炸了,因而打碎了一面镜子和一扇窗户。这个小发明家也被严重地烫伤了。 多年后,福特的好奇心和他的动手能力使他得到了回报。他曾经梦想着去制造一辆无马行进的车。他造成了一辆这样的车后,运输界发生了永久性的变化。


most of us take life for granted. we know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. we seldom think of it. the days stretch out in an endless vista. so we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life. the same lethargy, i am afraid, characterizes the use of our faculties and senses. only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life. but those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. their eyes and ears take in all sights and sound hazily, without concentration, and with little appreciation. it is the same old story of not being grateful for what we conscious of health until we are ill. i have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. now and then i have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. recently i was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and i asked her what she had observed. “nothing in particular,” she replied. i might have been incredulous had i not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago i became convinced that the seeing see little.

我们大多数人认为生命理所当然,我们明白总有一天我们会死去,但是我们常常把这一天看得非常遥远。当我们身体强壮时,死亡便成了难以相象的事情了。我们很少会考虑它,日子一天天过去,好像没有尽头。所以我们为琐事奔波,并没有意识到我们对待生活的态度是冷漠的。 我想我们在运用我们所有五官时恐怕也同样是冷漠的。只有聋子才珍惜听力,只有盲人才能认识到能见光明的幸运。对于那些成年致盲或失陪的人来说尤其如此。但是那些听力或视力从未遭受损失的人却很少充分利用这些幸运的能力,他们对所见所闻不关注、不欣赏。这与常说的不失去不懂得珍贵,不生病不知道健康可贵的道理是一样的。 我常想如果每一个人在他成年的早些时候,有几天成为了聋子或瞎子也不失为一件幸事。黑暗将使他更珍惜光明;沉寂将教他知道声音的乐趣。 有时我会试探我的非盲的朋友们,想知道他们看见了什么。最近我的一位非常要好的朋友来看我,她刚刚在树林里走了很长时间,我问她看见了什么。“没什么特别的,”她回答说。如不是我早已习惯了这样的回答,我也许不会轻易相信,因为很久以前我就相信了有眼人看不见什么。


three days to see 假如拥有三天光明

helen keller海伦.凯勒

all of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours, but always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. i speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited. such stories set up thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings what happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets sometimes i have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. we should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. there are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of “eat, drink, and be merry,” most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

我们都读过这样一些动人的 故事 ,故事里主人公将不久于人世。长则一年,短则24小时。但是我们总是很想知道这个即将离开人世的人是决定怎样度过他最后的日子的。当然,我所指的是有权作出选择的自由人,不是那些活动范围受到严格限制的死囚。这一类故事会使我们思考在类似的处境下,我们自己该做些什么?在那临终前的几个小时里我们会产生哪些联想?会有多少欣慰和遗憾呢?有时我想,把每天都当作生命的最后一天来度过也不失为一个很好的生命法则。这种人生态度使人非常重视人生的价值。每一天我们都应该以和善的态度、充沛的精力和热情的欣赏来度过,而这些恰恰是在来日方长时往往被我们忽视的东西。当然,有这样一些人奉行享乐主义的座右铭——吃喝玩乐,但是大多数人却不能摆脱死亡来临的恐惧。



A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.


As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the Jag's side door. He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.


He jumped out of the car, grabbed some kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?"Building up a head of steam, he went on"That's a new car and that brick you threw is gonna cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?"

他跳出车外,抓了那个小孩,把他顶在车门上说:“你为什么这样做,你知道你刚刚做了什么吗?” 接着又吼道:“你知不知道你要赔多少钱来 修理 这台新车,你到底为什么要这样做?”

“Please, mister, please, I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do!”pleaded the youngster." It's my brother," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.


Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."


Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be okay.


"Thank you, sir. And God bless you," the grateful child said to him. The man then watched the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward their home.

那个小男孩感激地说:“谢谢你,先生,上帝保佑你。” 然后他看着男孩推着他哥哥回去。

It was a long walk backs to his Jaguar... a long, slow walk. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention.


Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes,when you don't have the time to listen,it's your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!


Do you sometimes ignore loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them to wonder whether you really love them?


英语美文摘抄200字 (一)

Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."



英语美文摘抄200字 (二)

Spirit is a monument, is a cornerstone, is on the way of life is brilliant, ruler. A modest, being the Confucius YinChu hits, "two heads are better than one, slowly," fools, generation Confucianism masters, With tolerance, ambitious, daring JiHuanGong devoid of nay, appoint people by abilities, achievement, generation vista dominance, With firmness, lonely lonely YuFen SuWu of sorrow, always don't throw away the hand that race day, the heart of han motherland, patriotic model; the cadre A dedication, kindness and plain, the ordinary XuHuCai can years like one day, warm feeling, sprinkle the people, to today's "living lei feng." … Through history, tunnel, through history, forever will hold the grand mansion lofty life.


英语美文摘抄200字 (三)

henry david thoreau(热爱生活 )

however mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard is not so bad as you looks poorest when you are fault-finder will find faults in your life,poor as it may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of be they are simply great enough to receive without think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest should be more poverty like a garden herb,like not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,turn the old,return to do not change;we your clothes and keep your thoughts.


英语美文摘抄200字 (四)

Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter

The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness, I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with.

Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance, if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were "stupid", you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of "I am so slow" and "it is so hard to learn". If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories, your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down.

A common negative talk involves telling yourself "I can’t". When you say to yourself "I can’t" or "it is too difficult", you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at.

Anytime you catch yourself saying "I can’t…", turn around and challenge your own claim with, "Why can’t I?" Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful, you need to start saying "I can" a lot more.

A great method that I have also found useful is to say "Cancel Cancel" each time I find myself saying something negative, whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of becoming a positive thinker.

英语美文摘抄200字 (五)

positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome or goal. They are usually short, believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts.

An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. The mere reading of the words bears no consequence unless you put some emotions behind them. Of significant fact is that your subconscious mind takes any orders given in complete faith and after repeated self talk. So the daily practice of repeating affirmations is important.

Initially you may be skepticism toward the statement of your positive affirmation. However, if you follow this simple set of instructions your skepticism will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith.

英语美文摘抄200字 (六)

positive Scripts

One thing that you may observe is on how easy it is for your mind to build negative thought upon negative thought. The chatter not only does not stop but it spins a drama that traps and limits you.

From now on, regularly do this exercise instead. Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script. Some visualization will be helpful. You build on a story with a positive outline. The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better. It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved. When you do this, you start to internalize your goals and dreams, as if they are something that you have already achieved.

英语美文摘抄200字 (七)

Replace Negative Influences with positive Ones

It is important that you identify external negative factors in your life which may be holding your thoughts hostage. For instance, your mental state can become toxic by being around friends who are negative. If you are not vigilant enough, you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own. Hence, be alert to what your negative influences are. If they come from certain friends, limit your exposure to them as much as you can. Refrain from discussing your plans with people who will be unsupportive of your dreams and goals.

Instead surround yourself with thoughts and actions from people who will empower you.

From being uninspired and de-motivated, you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth. The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well.

英语美文摘抄200字 (八)

Present Tense Messages

You may find yourself daunted by the many things you need to do in order to reach your goals. It just seems overwhelming to become the success that you secretly desire for. Your mind gets caught up in an endless stream of worry.

What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present. If you find yourself becoming stuck, stop and say, "What can I do right now?" Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present. You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow. Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now.

英语美文摘抄200字 (九)

Confront Fears

Fear is often what holds you back from your success. You are scared of taking chances because you fear losing the security that you enjoy now. You try to convince yourself that you are happy in your current state when in fact, you are not. Your self talk may sound positive in your attempt to lie to yourself. But somehow, there is an inner knowing that you are short changing yourself.

Ask yourself what you are afraid of. What can be the worst that can happen? Take a step-by-step approach in breaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to looking at thin


A 24 year old boy seeing out from the train’s window shouted…


-“Dad, look the trees are going behind!”


Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year old’s childish behavior with pity, suddenly he again exclaimed…


-“Dad, look the clouds are running with us!”


The couple couldn’t resist and said to the old man…


-“Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?” The old man smiled and said…“I did and we are just coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.”


Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.


One warm evening many years ago…


After spending nearly every waking minute with Angel for eight straight days, I knew that I had to tell her just one thing. So late at night, just before she fell asleep, I whispered it in her ear. She smiled – the kind of smile that makes me smile back – and she said, “When I’m seventy-five and I think about my life and what it was like to be young, I hope that I can remember this very moment.


A few seconds later she closed her eyes and fell asleep. The room was peaceful – almost silent. All I could hear was the soft purr of her breathing. I stayed awake thinking about the time we’d spent together and all the choices in our lives that made this moment possible. And at some point, I realized that it didn’t matter what we’d done or where we’d gone. Nor did the future hold any significance.


All that mattered was the serenity of the moment.


Just being with her and breathing with her.


The moral: We must not allow the clock, the calendar, and external pressures to rule our lives and blind us to the fact that each individual moment of our lives is a beautiful mystery and a miracle – especially those moments we spend in the presence of a loved one.


All the Difference in The World


Every Sunday morning I take a light jog around a park near my home. There’s a lake located in one corner of the park. Each time I jog by this lake, I see the same elderly woman sitting at the water’s edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her.


This past Sunday my curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped jogging and walked over to her.


As I got closer, I realized that the metal cage was in fact a small trap.


There were three turtles, unharmed, slowly walking around the base of the trap.


She had a fourth turtle in her lap that she was carefully scrubbing with a spongy brush.


“Hello,” I said. “If you don’t mind my nosiness, I’d love to know what you’re doing with these turtles.”


She smiled. “I’m cleaning off their shells ,” she replied.


“Anything on a turtle’s shell, like algae or scum, reduces the turtle’s ability to absorb heat and impedes its ability to swim. It can also corrode and weaken the shell over time.”


She went on: “I spend a couple of hours each Sunday morning, relaxing by this lake and helping these little guys out. It’s my own strange way of making a difference.


“But don’t most freshwater turtles live their whole lives with algae and scum hanging from their shells?” I asked.


“Yep, sadly, they do,” she replied.


“Well then, don’t you think your time could be better spent? And 99% of these turtles don’t have kind people like you to help them clean off their shells. So, no offense… but how exactly are your localized efforts here truly making a difference?”


The woman giggled aloud.


She then looked down at the turtle in her lap, scrubbed off the last piece of algae from its shell, and said, “Sweetie, if this little guy could talk, he’d tell you I just made all the difference in the world.




语义学在大学英语英语词汇教学的运用 摘要: 词汇教学是英语教学的根基。大学英语学习已经进入高级阶段,传统的英语词汇教法很多时候已经无法解决学生在词汇学习中常出现的问题。本文结合语义学原理和教学实践,重点探究了语义学中并置理论、结构语义学、框架语义学、语义成分分析、格语法在大学英语词汇教学的运用,旨在提高大学英语词汇教学质量。 关键词: 语义学大学英语词汇教学运用语义学词汇教学质量 一、问题的提出 随着素质教育的开展和新课程改革的实施,我国大学英语教学有了新的突破,教学重点开始转向提高学生的英语应用能力,而词汇问题成为能否提高学生的英语应用能力的关键。传统的英语词汇教法仅仅要求学生识记单词的发音、拼写、汉语意思,这就导致学生学习的单词是孤立的,从而出现学生无法辨别近义词、词语搭配不当、英语“汉化”等现象。如何让学生正确快速地学会词汇,是每个大学英语教师应该关注的话题。本文针对学生在词汇学习中常出现的问题,结合笔者的教学经验和语义学理论,归纳出以下教学方法,旨在激发学生兴趣,提高大学英语词汇教学质量。 二、语义学在大学英语词汇教学的运用 (一)并置理论 并置理论是研究英语中某些词与另一些词之间的一种相关的关系。如mother(母亲)这个词在语言的应用中经常与nail varnish(指甲油),son(儿子),father(爸爸)等词一起使用,而很少和shave(刮胡子)连用。由此可见,并置理论不是指词汇的含义,而是指词与词之间的搭配关系。这种搭配关系是人们在长期使用语言的过程中的习惯用法。 然而目前大学生在学习英语中普遍出现词语搭配不当的问题,学生只记住了英语词汇的汉语意思,而不了解词语的习惯用法和潜在含义。例如:grow children(应为rear children)。此外学生由于受汉语思维干扰,往往按照汉语的习惯来进行词语搭配。如:I very like to play football.(应为I like to play football very much.) 因此,在大学英语词汇教学过程中,英语教师可以利用并置理论指导学生学习词语的合理搭配。在指导过程中,教师应向学生明确指出,词语的结伴关系具有可能性和限制性,词语的合理搭配会受很多因素制约。比如有时受语法决定,有时受词的语义特征制约,有时约定俗成,等等。这些需要教师根据具体情况具体教学。另外,教师还需要向学生特别指出词语的破格搭配。一些词语在一般情况下没有结伴关系,但在特殊情况下可以搭配。例如:lash the waves(白费力气)。除此之外,在习语中、文学作品中及新词语中常出现破格搭配,因此,学生需要注意平时积累。 (二)结构语义学 结构语义学主要研究“含蓄的”语义关系(Implicational Relations),这种理论更关注某些词或词组与另一些词或词组之间的“语义关系”,而不是像传统语义学那样只是孤立地研究词汇的语义现象,而忽略词汇之间的语义关系。含蓄的语义关系主要分为:下义关系(Hyponymy)、反义关系(Antonym)和相对关系(Relativeness)。 下义关系又叫语意内包,指个别概念的词内包。如上义词flower(花),下义词tulip(郁金香),violet(紫罗兰),rose(玫瑰)等。上义词是指同类概括词,下义词是相对具体的词。tulip,violet,rose在语义关系上是同类关系词。在大学英语词汇教学过程中,教师利用同类关系词理念可以帮助学生归纳整理同类单词,扩大词汇量;帮助学生利用同类概括词,使行文简练。通过对词汇下义关系的分析也可以避免学生词义混乱,锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力。 反义关系主要指:①词义矛盾或对立的词,例如male—female;dead—alive。②词义相反的词,例如:young—old;cold—hot。前者在语义上互相矛盾,不能同时并存,后者在语义上并不矛盾,它们表示性质相同、但程度不同的词。比如young—middle-young—old。在英语词汇教学中,引入反义关系可以帮助学生更清晰地理解单词涵义。平时在讲解单词时,教师普遍使用近义词进行解释,其实有些单词用近义词解释并不容易解释清楚,利用反义词进行解释,学生会更容易理解。例如,rude的反义词是polite(rude是新单词,学生不知道涵义,引导学生polite是rude的反义词,学生就很快明白新单词的基本意思了)。通过引导学生分清词义矛盾或对立的词、词义相反的词,教师可以帮助他们选用恰当的词语进行英语表达。另外,也可以利用反义词进行修饰文章,避免文章呆板。 相对关系又叫converses,存在于既相互对立又相互依存的一对对词之间。例如:husband—wife;above—below,两者是对立统一关系,语义学称此为“强相对关系”。还有一种相对关系存在于三个词之间,称之为“弱相对关系”。学生学习相对关系可以扩大词汇量,灵活运用词汇和句型。 因此,结构语义学的理论应用在大学英语词汇教学中,可以帮助学生准确理解和合理利用含蓄词汇,从而提高英语的表达和运用能力。 (三)框架语义学 框架语义学是一种独特的语义学理念,它属于认知语言学的一支。它能为英语词汇的教学提供一种全新的方法。词汇是大学生学习英语的一只拦路虎,尽管教师和学生花大量的精力学习词汇上,但结果往往并不理想。如何解决这一难题,框架语义学为我们提供了新的思路。简言之,框架语义学立足于人的认知,从不同的视角,将英语动词分类并放入相对应的框架中,然后针对每一个相对应的框架,将相近的名词根据其熟悉程度进行分类,进行分层次教学。至于其他词性也可参照名词和动词的做法进行学习。例如学习money这一单词,可以设置买卖交易框架,根据不同视角(sell,spend,buy等)归纳成买家和卖家两类,每个框架设有不同元素,可以将要学的单词纳入框架,根据熟悉程度进行系统性的有条理的学习。 (四)语义成分分析 在英语教学过程中,学生会因为辨别不清近义词词义而出现错误搭配。如何帮助学生识别近义词从而进行正确搭配?对于这个问题,教师可以在课堂中引入语义成分分析理论进行解决。利用语义成分分析理论研究语言学已经有很长一段历史了,它主要研究Conceptual-lexical Relations(概念上的词汇—语义关系),观点是任何词的“意义”都可以分解为某些不同的“语义成分”,这些“语义成分”又可以加以系统地分类。我们可以利用此理论来解释词语,例如:bachelor——[Human]+[Male]+[Unmarried]。这一理论也有利于帮助学生比较清楚地认识同义词之间的差别及搭配,从而做到在不同的语境中能正确而熟练地运用词汇。另外,语义成分分析法还有助于提高学生的翻译能力。在进行英汉对译的时候,“选词”不是随意的,而是要受语义成分限制的。准确得当的翻译应建立在认识词汇的正确涵义上。在目前的英语词汇教学上,如何使学生正确地掌握词汇是每一个英语教师所苦恼的,语义成分分析法为英语教师提供了一种方法,它可以帮助学生准确牢固地掌握单词,对于词汇教学有一定的意义,从而在一定程度上解决了教师的难题。 (五)格语法格语法是一种比较严谨、别出心裁的语义学理论。这种理论是1968年著名美国语言学家菲尔莫尔首先提出的,他概括出一个新的结论:每一种语言都有表深层结构的“语义格”(Semantic Case),每个语义格都与某个介词相联系。如Agent格与介词by相联系;Object格与介词with相联系;Instrument格与介词with相联系。菲尔莫尔还认为,从深层结构的角度来看,所有的noun phrases都是介词短语,不但可以在句子中移换位置,甚至可以省略。动词是英语句子中一个重要成分,菲尔莫尔认为在深层结构中,动词总是和某些语义格连用的,因此他主张对动词采取深层格框的方式来处理。这对语义研究有着重要的意义,我们可以通过这个方式把不同的动词加以分类。此外他还提出了三条检验规则来确定各个语义格在句子中的相互关系,探讨语义格在句子中的地位。在菲尔莫尔理论提出后,一些语义学家对此理论进行了不断的深入研究和完善。在英语词汇教学中,教师引入关于语义格与深层格框的理论,有助于学生从语义的角度去分析英语句法,正确应用某些动词。例如:hit——[+—AO(I)];enjoy——[+—EO],从中可以看出某一类动词与某些语义格的关系在深层格框中被明确地表示出来。如果学生掌握了动词的深层格框,就能学会动词的正确用法和句型。 三、结语有效的大学词汇教学离不开正确的语言学理论去指导,利用语义学相关理念进行词汇教学,可以更好地引导学生高效地学习词汇。以上笔者探讨了五种当代语义学理论在英语词汇教学中的应用。其实语义学在大学英语词汇教学中的作用不止这些,这仍需要英语教师在实际学习与工作中不断地探究,以提高我国英语教学水平。 [2]杜宇,李晶,结构语义学与英语词汇教学[J].中国科教创新导刊,2007,(476). [3]刘英莲.谈英语语用学与语义学的应用[J].辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版),2004,VOL 6,(3). [4]钱德明,周庆芳.框架语义学对英语词汇的教与学的启示[J].苏州教育学院学报,2005,VOL 22,(2). [5]山东省大学英语教学研究论文集[M].石油大学出版社,1995.

将语言学和翻译联系起来,尤其是语用学那部分,与日常翻译联系的比较紧密答案补充一,语音类 如语音的属性、音韵与语音的关系、强弱、轻浊、音节等 二,词汇类 如词汇形态学,语义学,构词,词化,语义场等等 三,语法类 如语法结构,层次,修辞等 四,句子类 如分析句子的各种成分,语序,基本句型等 五,语篇类 如连贯性,思维逻辑性,结构修辞,主体与客体意识等 这方面的教材很多,就看你的要求了。现在英语与汉语的对比语言学和对比文学比较热,从这方面下手也不错


Accidents in ChinaTraffic accident are becoming such a serious problem in China that more and more people involved in them are injured or is shown in the above chart,from January 1985 to June,a total of 94670 people were injured and 2827 people were a cloder look at the figures,we will find that traffic accidents have been increasing all the January,there were only 13905 people injured while in June the number went up to for those killed,there were only 230in January,but in June there were rise in traffic accidents shows that they have already become a threat to people's lives and is urgent for the authorities to take effective measures and bring problem under control.

English is one of the most important subjects in middle everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.

作文 讲究的是凤头豹尾。一篇好的 文章 ,最起码开头和结尾是优秀的,要像凤头一样引人入胜,要像豹尾一样有力。这里给大家分享一些关于200词的 英语作文 高二,供大家参考。


Nowadays, divorce rate has been rising sharply in China, because most people think that it's better to get divorced than stick to a bad marriage. But for those couples who have children, they had better think over before getting divorced. Parents' divorce may have some negative effects on their children. Firstly, the love of father is different from the love of mother. Children need both of the love. Without each of the love, they may not grow up healthily. Secondly, in order to raise the family, the single parents have to work harder, so that they may have less time to accompany with their children. The children may feel neglected, which may cause mental problems. Besides, if the single parents get married again, the children may get hurt by calling another person father or mother. If they can't get along well with each other, the situation will become even worse. Thus, for the sake of their children, parents are not supposed to get divorced in a rush. They should think twice.


Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, and put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day.

Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.


Mom,I love you! Mothers are great. They’re always there for you. When you’re hungry, they’re there for you with food. When you’re sad, they’re there for you with words of encouragement.

And when you’re lying comfortably in your bed, mother is there...telling you to get up,

telling you not to be so lazy, to tidy your room, to do your homework. And later, she’s

there telling you that the style of clothes you wear is awful, and your friends are no

good, and “Why can’t you be more like your cousin, the brilliant student?”

Yes, mothers are great, sometimes too great. No one in your life is going to know more about you and care more about you than your mother. In many ways, mothers are the

centres of their children’s universe. We depend on them for so many things and they

give us so much. That can lead to feelings of being “smothered” by mother; of being too dependent on her; of being loved too much. And sometimes we just take “good old”

mom for granted. We think she has nothing better to do than take care of our every little need. That she must stop whatever she’s doing and bring us food or sew on a button.


March 14th is a special day for policemen. People admit it as the International Policemen's Day, for showing respect to them. They are the important part of society. Without them, we will lose order and live in the dangerous situation. The force of policemen represents Chinese power. When Chinese citizens face dangers in foreign countries, Chinese force will show up in the first time and make sure no Chinese citizens get hurt. Thanks to them, we live in a peaceful environment and can enjoy the life we want. The foreign media applause for Chinese army, because they are fast and efficient to solve emergent situation. Being a policeman is so many children's dream, they are inspired by these powerful men. We are so thankful to the policemen, for they sacrifice so much to protect us.


When winter comes, the topic of haze will never be ignored. When it comes, many pictures will be showed. People make fun of these pictures and they actually laugh at themselves, living with these poison air. Even in the daytime, people can’t see their faces beyond 10 meters. Many schools choose to stop the class and let the students stay at home. It is obvious that haze is a great threat to people’s health. This new type of destruction is the result of polluted environment. Businessmen chase for the profit and take the cost of polluting the environment. Now their offspring have to suffer from it. It is never too late to do something to protect our earth.


★ 高中英语作文范文200词

★ 高中英语作文200词

★ 高中英语作文200字附翻译

★ 高二英语作文范文120词左右

★ 高中生励志英语作文200词

★ 高中英语作文200字及翻译

★ my dream高中英语作文200词带翻译

★ 高中英语作文200字及译文

★ 100词左右的英语作文高二

★ 高中优秀英语作文200字

English is more important it is difficult for many students to study I make some suggestion,maybe can help should take notes and take them here and you’re free,you can take them out and read should readEnglish students know many grammars,but talking with others is reading is very can make progressin your talking and listening,and it can also make you get excited,let you have a nice with people in English; it’s interesting and very importantly,try your best to learn pains,no hope you can improve your luck!译文:英语现在越来越重要了,但是对于许多同学来言却很难学好它.现在我提几条建议,也许能够帮助你.首先,你应该在小纸条上多记笔记而且随身携带,当你有空的时候,你就可以拿出来读一读.其次,你应该大声读英语.许多同学懂得很多语法,却很难和别人交谈.所以读英语是非常重要的.这样不仅对你的口语和听力有帮助,而且能使你变得兴奋,让你一天都有好心情.然后,用英语和别人交谈,这很有趣也非常有用.最后,最重要的是,尽你全力学习英语.没有付出,就没有收获.希望你能够改善你的英语! 祝你好运!


