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普拉达 (Prada) 风靡全球,日本、台湾等地更是疯狂,满街的人都在背普拉达 (Prada) 的尼龙包。但是很少人知道,普拉达 (Prada) 的历史起源于1913年,而且是以制造高级皮革制品起家的。普拉达 (Prada) 男装的特色,在于古典简约又不失年轻化的设计,像是60年代意大利拿波里造型的西装,因设计师缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia PRADA) 用了具有伸缩性的现代感素材,复古中赋予新意,可说创造了流行的独特风格。普拉达 (Prada) 可谓说是一个老字号,但由于它的出品追求完美,所以无论老少,对普拉达 (Prada) 品牌的认知度绝不逊于其它任何牌子。要回溯普拉达 (Prada) 的品牌历史,必须从二十世纪初谈起……意大利人注重家族观念,时尚工业也不例外,普拉达 (Prada) 就是其中代表。普拉达 (Prada) 草创于20世纪初,因当时活络的商业贸易与交通商旅频繁,创立人Mario Prada开始制造一系列针对旅行的手工皮件产品,并于1913年开设一间精品店。70年代,时尚环境变迁,普拉达 (Prada) 几近濒临破产边缘,1978年缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia PRADA) 与其夫婿Patrizio Bertelli共同接管普拉达 (Prada) ,带领普拉达 (Prada) 迈向全新里程碑。缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia PRADA) 接手之际,普拉达 (Prada) 仍是流传于欧洲、代代相传的家族,若没有创新与突破,很容易没落。缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia PRADA) 企图寻找和传统皮料不同的新颖材质,历经多方尝试,从空军降落伞使用的材质中找到尼龙布料,以质轻耐用为根基,“黑色尼龙包”一炮而红!普拉达 (Prada) 直至1989年才推出首次秋冬服装秀,一反当时潮流的设计赢得不少赞美;90年代,打着“Less is More”口号的极简主义应运而生,而Prada简约、带有一股制服美学般的设计正好与潮流不谋而合。1993年,普拉达 (Prada) 推出秋冬男装与男鞋系列,一时之间旗下男女装、配件成为追求流行简约与现代摩登的最佳风范;90年代末期,休闲运动风潮发烧,普拉达 (Prada) 推出Prada Sport系列,兼具机能与流行的设计,造成一股旋风。普拉达 (Prada) 亮眼的表现主要归功于Prada的设计与现代人生活型态水乳相融,不仅在布料、颜色与款式工夫,其设计背后的生活哲学正巧契合现代人追求切身实用与流行美观的双重心态,在机能与美学之间取得完美平衡,不但是时尚潮流的展现,更是现代美学的极致。普拉达 (Prada) 品牌档案:创始人:Mario Prada设计师:1913年 马里奥·普拉达 (Mario Prada) ;70年代开始 缪西娅·普拉达 (Miuccia Prada)品牌线:PRADA、Miu Miu (副线)品类:服装、内衣、皮件、配件设计风格:结比元素的组合恰到好处,精细与粗糙,天然与人造,不同质材、肌理的面料统一于自然的色彩中,艺术气质极浓。



1 普拉达超级叶子橱窗设计的来源是艺术家们的创意和设计。2 普拉达公司一直以来注重创新和艺术性,在橱窗设计方面更是如此。他们会邀请一些杰出的艺术家来设计他们的橱窗,从而吸引更多的人关注他们的品牌。3 这种合作不仅可以让普拉达品牌的形象更加突出,也能让艺术家们的作品获得更多的展示机会,是一种双赢的合作方式。
















(2)About ten minutes into this movie, I was hoping against hope that one of them would strike up a conversation with... maybe a sanitation worker, or a street vendor, or bag lady, anybody with some depth of character -- somebody interesting, real, human!!! What a waste of film!The only character in the movie with any semblance to a real human being was Andy's father -- at least he expressed some genuine love and interest for somebody!? All others were unbelievably shallow, fake, vain, cruel, indifferent, snarkey, smarmy, etc., etc., etc., ... They tried all too hard to impress everybody, and wound up impressing nobody. Real Hollywood types!Why the moguls in Hollywood would think the average movie patron would be interested in such despicable people is a total mystery? Why would they think the main character would be even remotely sympathetic to us all when she displayed her disdain for the "evil, vain" fashion publishing industry buy quitting to get away from all the phonies, only to take a job with a phony left-wing fraudulent "newspaper" where she supposed she could "do real work?" and shack up with a phony, shallow "sous chef" boyfriend. Don't any of these people have real lives, children, families? In a way, it's kind of a waste of time. Uhggggg!(3)Andy Sachs says that "I learned a lot" while she worked at Prada. Beside work practice, she learns that her inner self can't be changed by 's ambitious, intelligent, working hard. Also surprised me that she always manages to have a smile even in very difficult times. She proves herself that can reach the stars in one year but that means...losing friendships, humor and a boyfriend. She doesn't like to quit but control the adversities. I was enchanted by her from beginning to Streep plays excellently Miranda's role and I hope and believe that this achievement means Oscar. (Also Oscar for costumes!) We come to know what is behind her glacial air into the second part of movie. There is a part when she confesses to Andy her disappointments in marriage. There we can see a different face of the Dragon Woman. She is dressed casually and her face expresses sadness. In other scene Miranda says "Everybody wants to be us" and then gets out of the car in a bath of photo snaps. This way of creating an atmosphere that prolongs the dialog is good for 's not a comedy with gags. I laughed occasionally though I smiled a good dialog, photography, costume design, score, and playing(Emily Blunt,Stanley Tucci and the rest of actors). Well everything about a movie creation. And personally I think it's the best movie of 2006.(4)In New York, the simple and naive just-graduated in journalism Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and sophisticated Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the ruthless and merciless executive of the Runway fashion magazine. Andrea dreams to become a journalist and faces the opportunity as a temporary professional challenge. The first assistant Emily (Emily Blunt) advises Andrea about the behavior and preferences of their cruel boss, and the stylist Nigel (Stanley Tucci) helps Andrea to dress more adequately for the environment. Andrea changes her attitude and behavior, affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate (Adrien Grenier), her family and friends. In the end, Andrea learns that life is made of choices."The Devil Wears Prada" is a sort of dramatic comedy, with magnificent performances and a great final message. Meryl Streep is fabulous as usual in the role of a cruel bitch; Anne Hathaway is excellent and very beautiful performing the naive and sweet Andrea, a girl who sells her soul to the devil, but returns to her origins and principle; and Emily Blunt is also great, in the role of the caustic and jealous colleague of Andrea. The elegant and sophisticated locations in Paris and New York are nice, and the music score presents many hits. The story is never corny and I really liked this movie. My vote is (Brazil): "O Diabo Veste Prada" ("The Devil Wears Prada")(5)I think this is one of the most brilliant movies I have seen. It is quite scary. There is one quote that Miranda (Streep) has later in the movie and I think it is dead on 100% correct: "everybody wants to be like us".The movie sends a strong message, more than just a quest for self-knowledge. It tells us more than fame isn't everything. It tells us that in order to truly be happy as yourself, you must experience what you want to be. Everybody wants to be famous. Everybody wants to be skinny. Everybody wants to be sexy. Only when you are famous, skinny, sexy, famous can you be satisfied of it. There is a quote a friend of mine used a while back; "You can't be taught what bitter tastes like. No matter how many people tell you that you won't like something bitter, you will want it. Everybody must taste something bitter and learn that they don't like it." This quote applies very well to this film. Go see it!(6)If you like watching a beautiful woman wearing beautiful clothes, see this movie. If you like acting, see another Meryl Streep or Stanley Tucci film, preferably one that is well enough written to let the actors do their jobs. The attempt to develop a "Friends"-like energy among Andy's young friends stalled totally, and their characters never passed the first-draft/first-reading level of development--a tragic waste of the talents of an actress like Tracie Thoms. The secondary love interest (Simon Baker) didn't make us feel she should be attracted to him, while the boyfriend (Adrian Grenier) made us wonder why she took up with him in the first place. Meanwhile, we only get a vague impression of the tension between Andy's growing respect and even sympathy for her boss and her horror at the costs of following Miranda's footsteps. Streep and Tucci deliver in spades, of course, but the only bright light among the younger actors was Emily Blunt, who plays her role as the suffering-servant senior assistant with a nice comic touch.(7)To say Meryl Streep doesn't deserve an Oscar for her performance As Miranda Priestly is ludicrous at best. She brings a fluid motion to Miranda most of us would like to be able to achieve in our own lives. But what grabs hold of you and makes you sympathize with Miranda is at that moment she discusses with Andy about her second husband's departure from her life and how it affects her. All of a sudden I felt myself feeling her loss. Miss Streep's ability to make you believe she is the one of the characters she portrays tells me she is more than a performer; she is an entertainer, a person who through her tremendous talent has allowed me to forget my troubles for the length of this film. The entire film from start to finish was well put together. All aspects from music, lighting, camera angles, cinematography, costumes, even makeup were sewn together in this perfect dance.(8)I love this movie on so may levels. First, Anne Hathaway, for me at least, is the new Audrey Hepburn in terms of beauty and appearance on screen. Her transformation in this film reminded me of Audrey Hepurn's transformation in "Sabrina." Meryl Streep does an outstanding job as Miranda and plays the character without going over the edge, so to speak. The movie speaks volumes about how we, as human beings, really are and it lets you know that everyone, on some level, is human and hurts like hell at some point in life, no matter how glamorous and successful. And it does end quite beautifully!! That is all I can really say without a spoiling someone else's fun. If you haven't seen it, go see it. It is well worth the price of . The clothes are fabulous!!!!!






摘要: “民以食为天”,餐饮空间不仅能满足食客们在食物上的享受,还能赋予他们在环境上的精神享受。在这个飞速发展的时代,现在的餐饮空间已经不能被满足,对特色餐饮空间的设计的要求也越来越高。在设计的过程中,对餐饮空间的表达上,应该注重餐饮背后的文化内涵,来更好的发展餐饮的独特魅力。针对不同的人群,做出对不同的餐饮空间的不同定位,更要遵循以人为本的设计理念,突出人性化的特点,来进行餐饮空间的设计,更加突出餐饮空间的特色。再通过材料的处理、光照的方式、色彩的使用等的综合运用,都可以起到画龙点睛的作用,呈现出更加丰富、更具特色的餐饮空间。

关键词: 特色;精神需求;人性化;元素;享受








































摘要: 人们的物质生活往往是和文化生活紧密结合在一起的,随着时代的发展,人们的物质生活水平越来越高,人们更加重视文化生活。茶馆由于其自身独有的功能和文化性得到了消费者的青睐,因此,得到了快速的发展。茶馆的空间设计作为茶馆的重要组成部分,更应体现文化性,但现有的茶馆装修却逐渐大众化。本文中,笔者以此为着力点,探究地域文化在茶馆空间设计中的传承与体现。

关键词: 地域文化;茶馆;空间设计;传承
























出普拉达的女魔头穿普拉达的女王》是根据劳伦·魏丝伯格(Lauren Weisberger)根据自己的经历写的一部同名畅销小说拍摄而成的电影。讲述一个刚从学校毕业的女孩子Andrea Sachs 机缘巧合的进了一家顶级时装杂志社给他们的总编当助手期间发生的故事。第一个 望采纳


时尚女魔头 又叫穿普拉达的女魔头,女秘书是安妮海瑟薇,老板是梅丽尔斯特里普


In New York, the simple and naive just-graduated in journalism Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and sophisticated Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the ruthless and merciless executive of the Runway fashion magazine. Andrea dreams to become a journalist and faces the opportunity as a temporary professional challenge. The first assistant Emily (Emily Blunt) advises Andrea about the behavior and preferences of their cruel boss, and the stylist Nigel (Stanley Tucci) helps Andrea to dress more adequately for the environment. Andrea changes her attitude and behavior, affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate (Adrien Grenier), her family and friends. In the end, Andrea learns that life is made of choices."The Devil Wears Prada" is a sort of dramatic comedy, with magnificent performances and a great final message. Meryl Streep is fabulous as usual in the role of a cruel bitch; Anne Hathaway is excellent and very beautiful performing the naive and sweet Andrea, a girl who sells her soul to the devil, but returns to her origins and principle; and Emily Blunt is also great, in the role of the caustic and jealous colleague of Andrea. The elegant and sophisticated locations in Paris and New York are nice, and the music score presents many hits. The story is never corny and I really liked this movie. My vote is (Brazil): "O Diabo Veste Prada" ("The Devil Wears Prada")


(2)About ten minutes into this movie, I was hoping against hope that one of them would strike up a conversation with... maybe a sanitation worker, or a street vendor, or bag lady, anybody with some depth of character -- somebody interesting, real, human!!! What a waste of film!The only character in the movie with any semblance to a real human being was Andy's father -- at least he expressed some genuine love and interest for somebody!? All others were unbelievably shallow, fake, vain, cruel, indifferent, snarkey, smarmy, etc., etc., etc., ... They tried all too hard to impress everybody, and wound up impressing nobody. Real Hollywood types!Why the moguls in Hollywood would think the average movie patron would be interested in such despicable people is a total mystery? Why would they think the main character would be even remotely sympathetic to us all when she displayed her disdain for the "evil, vain" fashion publishing industry buy quitting to get away from all the phonies, only to take a job with a phony left-wing fraudulent "newspaper" where she supposed she could "do real work?" and shack up with a phony, shallow "sous chef" boyfriend. Don't any of these people have real lives, children, families? In a way, it's kind of a waste of time. Uhggggg!(3)Andy Sachs says that "I learned a lot" while she worked at Prada. Beside work practice, she learns that her inner self can't be changed by 's ambitious, intelligent, working hard. Also surprised me that she always manages to have a smile even in very difficult times. She proves herself that can reach the stars in one year but that means...losing friendships, humor and a boyfriend. She doesn't like to quit but control the adversities. I was enchanted by her from beginning to Streep plays excellently Miranda's role and I hope and believe that this achievement means Oscar. (Also Oscar for costumes!) We come to know what is behind her glacial air into the second part of movie. There is a part when she confesses to Andy her disappointments in marriage. There we can see a different face of the Dragon Woman. She is dressed casually and her face expresses sadness. In other scene Miranda says "Everybody wants to be us" and then gets out of the car in a bath of photo snaps. This way of creating an atmosphere that prolongs the dialog is good for 's not a comedy with gags. I laughed occasionally though I smiled a good dialog, photography, costume design, score, and playing(Emily Blunt,Stanley Tucci and the rest of actors). Well everything about a movie creation. And personally I think it's the best movie of 2006.(4)In New York, the simple and naive just-graduated in journalism Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and sophisticated Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the ruthless and merciless executive of the Runway fashion magazine. Andrea dreams to become a journalist and faces the opportunity as a temporary professional challenge. The first assistant Emily (Emily Blunt) advises Andrea about the behavior and preferences of their cruel boss, and the stylist Nigel (Stanley Tucci) helps Andrea to dress more adequately for the environment. Andrea changes her attitude and behavior, affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate (Adrien Grenier), her family and friends. In the end, Andrea learns that life is made of choices."The Devil Wears Prada" is a sort of dramatic comedy, with magnificent performances and a great final message. Meryl Streep is fabulous as usual in the role of a cruel bitch; Anne Hathaway is excellent and very beautiful performing the naive and sweet Andrea, a girl who sells her soul to the devil, but returns to her origins and principle; and Emily Blunt is also great, in the role of the caustic and jealous colleague of Andrea. The elegant and sophisticated locations in Paris and New York are nice, and the music score presents many hits. The story is never corny and I really liked this movie. My vote is (Brazil): "O Diabo Veste Prada" ("The Devil Wears Prada")(5)I think this is one of the most brilliant movies I have seen. It is quite scary. There is one quote that Miranda (Streep) has later in the movie and I think it is dead on 100% correct: "everybody wants to be like us".The movie sends a strong message, more than just a quest for self-knowledge. It tells us more than fame isn't everything. It tells us that in order to truly be happy as yourself, you must experience what you want to be. Everybody wants to be famous. Everybody wants to be skinny. Everybody wants to be sexy. Only when you are famous, skinny, sexy, famous can you be satisfied of it. There is a quote a friend of mine used a while back; "You can't be taught what bitter tastes like. No matter how many people tell you that you won't like something bitter, you will want it. Everybody must taste something bitter and learn that they don't like it." This quote applies very well to this film. Go see it!(6)If you like watching a beautiful woman wearing beautiful clothes, see this movie. If you like acting, see another Meryl Streep or Stanley Tucci film, preferably one that is well enough written to let the actors do their jobs. The attempt to develop a "Friends"-like energy among Andy's young friends stalled totally, and their characters never passed the first-draft/first-reading level of development--a tragic waste of the talents of an actress like Tracie Thoms. The secondary love interest (Simon Baker) didn't make us feel she should be attracted to him, while the boyfriend (Adrian Grenier) made us wonder why she took up with him in the first place. Meanwhile, we only get a vague impression of the tension between Andy's growing respect and even sympathy for her boss and her horror at the costs of following Miranda's footsteps. Streep and Tucci deliver in spades, of course, but the only bright light among the younger actors was Emily Blunt, who plays her role as the suffering-servant senior assistant with a nice comic touch.(7)To say Meryl Streep doesn't deserve an Oscar for her performance As Miranda Priestly is ludicrous at best. She brings a fluid motion to Miranda most of us would like to be able to achieve in our own lives. But what grabs hold of you and makes you sympathize with Miranda is at that moment she discusses with Andy about her second husband's departure from her life and how it affects her. All of a sudden I felt myself feeling her loss. Miss Streep's ability to make you believe she is the one of the characters she portrays tells me she is more than a performer; she is an entertainer, a person who through her tremendous talent has allowed me to forget my troubles for the length of this film. The entire film from start to finish was well put together. All aspects from music, lighting, camera angles, cinematography, costumes, even makeup were sewn together in this perfect dance.(8)I love this movie on so may levels. First, Anne Hathaway, for me at least, is the new Audrey Hepburn in terms of beauty and appearance on screen. Her transformation in this film reminded me of Audrey Hepurn's transformation in "Sabrina." Meryl Streep does an outstanding job as Miranda and plays the character without going over the edge, so to speak. The movie speaks volumes about how we, as human beings, really are and it lets you know that everyone, on some level, is human and hurts like hell at some point in life, no matter how glamorous and successful. And it does end quite beautifully!! That is all I can really say without a spoiling someone else's fun. If you haven't seen it, go see it. It is well worth the price of . The clothes are fabulous!!!!!








