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,,只要用心哪部分都不难 ,, ,, 从5。5分到7分 也就是一个多月 ,,方法如下 : 首先,我先说一下我本来的英语水平,其实从考到七分的是我bf,我是从6分考到7分,但是我们用的学习方法是一样的,所以我来代笔了。我们都是大四才开始接触雅思的,我们都是勉强过四六级的人,六级都考了两次,真不好意思。去年11月考了第一次,结果我6分,他,这是绝对不够的,而他要申请的专业要求要7分,当时我们差不多绝望了,因为谁都告诉我们,7分好似天方夜谭。接下来的日子,我们忙于自己的毕业论文毕业设计,一直没时间看雅思,直到今天7月我们才彻底空了下来,然后我们就开始全力投入雅思复习,如果还在学习中的烤鸭们,也可以参考我们的方法,因为我们每天复习的时间完全可以从每天的空闲时间挤出来。我们曾经参加过培训课程,在第一次考之前,没什么大效果,只是了解了雅思题型。雅思复习,乃至其他英语考试,其实都应该回到最基本的英语学习,这是这次经历的最大感受。1.剑桥一到四的合理运用这次我们复习几乎没有别的材料,只用了剑桥一到四,直道我们考试之前才出了剑五,拿来当模拟题做了做,难度好像没有剑四大。很多烤鸭们手里都有剑一到剑四,但是都没有好好利用,我们在第一次考之前,已经草草的把剑一到剑三做了,但这绝对是没有用的。这次我们静下心来,把每篇剑桥里的文章都精读,我想这是很多烤鸭们都知道的方法,但是有几个真正这样做了呢?我保证,如果你真的这样做了,结果会是惊喜的!精读是什么?就是把文章里不认识的单词都看懂,都背出来,当然有些专有名词什么的,可以省略,但是大多数次都应该背出来,至少应该看到能够认识。我们是这样做的,第一遍看的时候,扫读,把不认识的字圈出来,然后用金山词霸查,这样有个好处,可以把生词放入生词本,然后打印出来,这样比较省时间,可以以一篇文章或者一套题目作为单位,推荐金山词霸2006,他的生词本的次序是按照输入顺序的,而2005会自动按照字母排列。也许一开始这样做,会觉得很浪费时间,有时候,看一篇文章就要三个小时以上,但是一定有效果的。每天不要急,只要看一篇文章就够了,这样剑一到剑四一共也就48篇文章而已,其实我们只精读了剑一到剑三,因为慢慢的,不认识的单词就会变得少了,剑四剑五我们都是拿来做模拟题的。不过还有一点值得提醒,就是不能看一篇丢一片,要每天复习,每周复习,不断稳固单词。这只是说了单词的学习,其实这褪腔�。�馐侵刂兄�兀��裁丛亩敛缓茫烤褪堑ゴ什皇欤�跋煸亩了俣群椭柿俊=酉吕淳褪窃诰�凉�讨校��笨梢宰龅囊患�拢�褪俏�醋骰�鄄牧稀?/P> 剑桥中的文章其实有很多关于发展,文化,环境的题材,在精读的时候,可以适当做些记录,偷懒的就直接在文章中圈注,还有一些长句难句,也可以作为学习的对象,不仅对阅读有益,而且对作文的也是很有帮助的。这次我们几乎没怎么专门复习作文,但都考到了7分,是一个意外,但也算意料之中吧。2.听力复习经验都说听力是最容易提高的一门,可以说是,也可以说不是。其实和阅读一样,听力复习也没什么捷径,也不需要搜集很多很多材料。我们手头也就只有除了剑桥以外,一套以前参加朗阁是的教材,全都是做过的。我们就拿来精听。什么是精听?就是每篇文章听2遍以上(一般s1,只需听2遍,其他听3遍以上)我们听得时候几乎不看题目,因为题目以前按都做过一遍。就在听得时候,自己做记录。记录一些自己认为是考点的关键词,例如人名,时间,地点,列举……这主要针对前3个section,一般一开始听一两遍,觉得都能听懂,听懂不是只大意,而是指几乎每个句子每个单词。当然,每篇文章里都会有不认识的单词,虽然听力里的难词不太多,但也要总结,也要背。等所有单词都查过,背好,最后在听一到两遍,直到能把本来的生词也能很清楚的听到,而且比较快的反应出来,写下来为止。每天的听力练习保持在2小时左右,一般我们精听得话,能听一整套,四个section。剑一剑二比较旧,剑三剑四剑五还是比较推荐的。3作文及口语复习其实对于作文,我没有很专门的复习,只是在精读的时候,积累了单词,积累的写长句的方法,自然而然的有了提高。当然,一些关联词,连接词,还有所谓套句,都是值得看一下的,虽然这些如果认真看阅读的时候,都能看到最好的例句。但是千万别生搬硬套。考试之前,还是应该练练手,看好时间,我觉得,考试作文最大问题就是时间紧,所以这点要注意。然后考试的时候,下笔之前,一定要明确自己的观点,最好列的简单的提纲。口语,我又要说了,再练听力的时候,其实也是对口语一个很好的积累,一些口头的表达方式,可以在作听力的时候适当记录。不过因为口语是我们两个唯一没有进步,因为从来没有复习的一门,就是互相练习过一些常规题。所以就不多说啦。4。总结精读3小时/天,精听2小时/天,这都是指有效时间,如果你的学习效率不高的话,那只能增加学习时间了。这样48天就能精读完剑一到剑四,能听48套听力,如果没有那么多听力作的话,可以反复听已有的材料。最后20天,可以开始进行作文练习,一个星期写一到两篇大作文和小作文即可。口语么,平时可以找人每天练习五分钟就好,把一些常规问题准备好


大二学雅思 大三开始考 大四你就可以专心弄文书什么的了 时间就比较排的开 不会到时候手忙脚乱





2.每天抽出一定的时间练习,没有条件互相练习的考生可以用录音机把自己说的录下来,然后自己给自己找错误,纠正.就这样反复练习.尽力使自己减少出错.EG:语法错误,he /she运用不当等等。


还有一些细节方面的事情,就是在考试的时候如果停顿或思考时千万不要在说话中间加上"嗯" "啊" "那个(内个)"这些中国语气助词.应该用"well"等等英文语气词.







文章的framework即文章的结构永远是决定一篇写作是否达到要求的最重要的标准,即一篇文章好不好, 首先看的不是他的句型, 词汇, 或是论点等。 而是段落之间的衔接一定要十分清楚,我们不能老是采用大三段的形式-开头,经过,结尾。我们可以多用用连接词,例如:first of all, morever, secondly, lastly等。另外可以多分自然段,给考官一目了然的感觉。还有我们可以多看看国外的文章,看看他们的写作模式,这样写出来的雅思大作文写作才能更加贴近考官的标准。



基本句型包括:Ⅰ.主谓句; Ⅱ. There be; Ⅲ. 主系表结构的句子; Ⅳ. 被动语态(我看到一张帖字说, 不要用被动, 我不这样认为, 国外的文章, 用被动的也比比皆是。)

复杂句型包括:Ⅰ. 并列句; Ⅱ. 从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)


说实话做到这点真的很难, 首先你要有庞大的词汇量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误。当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争 fierce competition等。































我们想要提高雅思作文,多看范文,是非常有帮助的,下面是为大家整理的关于雅思大作文范文三篇的相关资料,希望帮到大家。 雅思大作文范文一: 在学习的时候分心做其他事情好不好 While I prefer to put away my cellphone when doing homework, I can see how some students could benefit from having a cellphone around. I think it is fine for students to use cellphones while studying as long as they can stay focused. One reason is that many students are accustomed to studying with music. They find that certain types of music puts them into a study mode, and that music can make the monotony of studying more bearable. My friend, for example, has a hard time sitting in one place unless she plays classical music. Normally she is very high-energy and distractible, but while listening to classical music, she calms down and becomes highly focused. For students like her, a cellphone is a highly useful study aid. It allows her to bring her music with her anywhere, so she is not limited to just studying in her room where her stereo is. Another reason is that students sometimes need to use the internet to do research or check assignments, but it is not always possible or desirable for them to carry a laptop around. In these situations, a cellphone is a good substitute. I remember one time when I had to complete a history assignment while on a family vacation. There wasn’t access to the internet where we were going, so my laptop would have been useless for research. Instead, I used my cellphone’s 3G connection to do research and wrote the assignment by hand. The vacation was much more relaxing because I didn’t have to lug my heavy laptop and charger around, and I still finished the assignment on time. Some will point out that cellphones can potentially distract students from their work. This is true, but in my experience they are far less distracting than laptops, which students use quite frequently for schoolwork. Cellphones have much smaller screens and generally take more effort to use, so students are less likely to waste time on them reading blogs or playing games. It simply isn’t as satisfying to procrastinate on a cellphone—laptops are much better for that. Plus, if you’re writing a paper on your laptop, your web browser is just a couple of clicks away. If you’re writing by hand with a cellphone next to you, it’s a bit less easy to put down your pencil, pick up your phone, unlock it, and open a browser. While I don’t personally use cellphones while studying unless absolutely necessary, I think that they can be helpful for a lot of students. It’s true that cellphones can be distracting, but they’re less damaging to productivity than laptops, so I think it’s hard to argue that students shouldn’t use them. 雅思大作文范文二: 探索太空是否是资源浪费 It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration. Nowadays, an increasing number of citizens are discussing the recent launch of ShenZhou carrier rocket. While there are some people who claim that this kind of launch is a waste of money or time because it could not bring any benefits for citizens, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, space exploration is necessary. Admittedly, space travel or space exploration would waste a large sum of money. By spending much money on doing research regarding outer space life, government loses their focus on civil life where many people are suffering from starvation, air pollution and epidemics. Under this circumstance, there is no doubt that people would complain about government’s aloft behaviors. However,if viewing from a different angle, space exploration is a long time investment. Never should we expect the journey would bring immediate economic returns to the country. In this case, space travel and space exploration is quite helpful for the country. To begin with, space exploration might bring benefits for us to search for new energy resource. That is to say, other planets may be rich in certain kinds of resources that are in great shortage on the earth. According to the report released after the exploration to the Mars, the officials from NASA confirms that Mars contains a great volume of natural gas and iron. Moreover, engineers have also noticed that these resources on the planet are able to explore, and if they could solve the problem of long time transportation, these resources could be used on the earth. Consequently, the use of natural gas will not consume burning of petroleum and make our planet a better place to live in. In addition, space exploration aims to improve level of technology. In other words, it is the development of advanced technology that makes it possible to explore the outer space. It is usually the case that without the technology of launching satellite into the space, it is impossible for people to conduct research. As a result, scientists have to improved their knowledge in related areas so that they could guarantee the launch of these rockets, as well as satellites. Meanwhile, to ensure astronauts’ safety in the outer space, scientists have to repeated work on their suits in order to keep astronauts away from radioactivity. Also, to fill with enough oxygen, scientists have to run encapsulation tests again and again. Only if these equipment are guaranteed can astronauts be safely working in the outer space. To sum up, the seemly useless space exploration would cost a large sum of money; however, this space activity could still bring benefits in both new energy searching and technology improvement. 雅思大作文范文三: 养宠物能带来哪些益处 The issue whetherkeeping pets could benefit children might trigger intense debate amongindividuals. Some might argue that pets could bring both intangible andtangible advantages to children, citing the reason that pets might help toexplore the meaning of love and responsibility. However, from my perspective, iwould disagree with their statement. First, keepingpets could incur some health problems, because pets are often unhygienic due tothe rather dirty environment where they were born or raised up, which mightlead to the result that pets such as kittens or puppies would carry parasitesand potential virus which threaten the health of children. Cat hairs mightfloat in the air while fleas might originate from puppy heads. Even if the petsare born in hygienic or professional clinics, their instinct nature of playingwild would drive them and the homes to be unclean and insanitary which greatlyharm the healthy growing of children. Furthermore, petsmight interrupt the studies of children, considering the fact that their livelycharacter matches the natural demanding for fun of the children. Running andhiding around the corners in the house, purring and barking for a touch ofcare, dogs and cats would easily draw the attention from their little ownersand disrupt their focus on a specific and difficult mathematical question or aconcentration on the development of a composition idea. To apply the abovepoint further, in a long run, children accompanying their pets would experiencea decline in their academic performance and ruin the prospect of their future. Admittedly,children do learn the meaning of caring and responsibility from their pets dueto the fact that they have to take time everyday to handle the food, water andshelter for their beloved ones. And they could also acquire seemly genuineenjoyment and happiness from playing with their pets. But those enjoyment couldbe attained from other safer and simpler ways, specifically games or arts,other than pets. The mental benefits such as the sense of responsibility andcaring could be narrowed and segmentary because the emotion of animals cannotbe as difficult and sensitive as that of humans. Children might be depressedand desperate when they find they don’t pay off as they give. The world doesnot operate as children do with their pets. In conclusion, keeping pets would not bring as many benefits as we think to children. Instead,it often ends up doing more harms to them. To ensure the healthy development ofchildren, we must not let them have their pets. 以上就是雅思大作文范文三篇的内容,希望对大家有所帮助哦。

楼主,你好,我这里有一篇雅思大作文范文,相信对你有用。雅思作文高分范文:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗? 本文是一篇8分的雅思作文高分范文,文章中有许多的高分句型以及运用的恰到好处的高分词组、词汇,文章的题目是:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗?现将译文及范文分享给大家,希望对备考雅思的朋友能够有所帮助。 中文标题:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗? 译文如下: 在当代社会,似乎职业工作这在提高生产力,并给其他人提供直接的服务,而在体育和娱乐方面的名人没有做出此等贡献。因此,有人认为职业工作者应该比明星得到更多的报酬。然而,我不同意他们的意见,原因如下。 职业工作者个人对社会的贡献不像名人那么多。任何一个职业工作者不像体育或是娱乐名人那样能够在专业领域给大众带来快乐。并且,同样地,单个职业雇员不能够给国家带来荣耀,也不能提升人们的名族归属感。否则,他们能够做到的话,报酬就不会少。 职业工作者(如医生、护士和老师等)的能够使可以被训练和复制的,而明人的天赋是不可以的。一个普通人能够通过受教育和训练去做那些专业的工作,但是,没有那么的人通过受教育和训练能够打篮球打得像姚明一样好,也没有那么多人跳舞能够跳舞跳得想杰克逊那也好。此外,缺少的一个职业专家能被另一人所代替,而缺少一位名人可能会导致某一领域发展的限制。 不可否认,由于大量的人们在专业领域工作并且直接服务于大众,他们看起来,至少表面上是与公众的生活水平的提升有着更加亲密的联系。然而,在这个信息时代,当人们更多地关注与精神生活并且能比较单间的获取必要信息时,职业工作者所创造的价值就没有名人所创造的价值高。 总之,我不同意职业工作者应该比体育和娱乐名人的工资高的观点。只有当一个人的价值通过其对社会的全面贡献来衡量的时候,社会每个领域才能得到全面的发展。本文源自雅思救星。 英文标题:Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 范文如下: It seems that, in this society, professional workers are improving the productivity and providing direct service to others, while celebrities in sports and entertainment are not making such contributions. Therefore, some people claim a higher pay for the former over the latter. However, I would show my disagreement to their statement for the following reasons. Professional workers do not contribute so much to society as celebrities in person. Any single worker in the professional field is not able to bring the happiness to such a large population as a famous person in sports or entertainment does. Also, an individual professional employee cannot similarly bring glories to the country and enhance people’s sense of belongings to the nation. Otherwise, if they can, their payment will not be less. Unlike the talents in celebrities that are invaluable, the abilities of professional workers, such as doctors, nurses and teachers can be trained and copied. An ordinary person can be educated or trained to be engaged in those professional jobs, but not so many can be taught to play basketball so well as Yaomin and dance so gracefully as Jackson. Besides, the lack of a professional worker can be soon replaced by another one, while the loss of a celebrity may result in the limit of development in a certain field. Admittedly, due to the large population of people working in professional fields and the direct service people receive from them, they may seem, at least superficially, be more closely related to the improvement of the life level of the public. However, in this information age when people are attaching more importance to their spiritual life and easier in obtaining information needed, the value produced by professional workers is not so high as that brought by the celebrities. To sum up, I do not agree with the idea for professional workers to earn a higher salary than the sports and entertainment personalities. Only when a man’s value is measured by his overall contribution to society, can every field in the world be developed to its full.





雅思议论文,不管是双边论证还是单边论证,论据的扩展是非常重要的,只有合理逻辑的对一个理由进行论证,才能说服考官相信你的论证是有理的。而合理的扩展有了素材后还需要一些方法的补充。常见的方法有解释说明(explanation)、举例子(exemplification)、列数据(raising figures)、对比对照(contrast & comparison)、让步(making concession)、引用(quotation)等。

1、 解释说明(explanation)


This is to say, …

To be more precise,…

By this I mean,…

中国学生思维方式有个最大的特点就是拐弯抹角,不会开门见山,这往往与西方人的思维方式有着巨大的区别,西方人通常习惯一针见血,而不是含蓄的说话。这就导致很多考生在论证过程中用讲道理的论证方法时容易出现离题偏题的现象,从而降低考分。比如,一次课上,笔者请一位学生来分析一下“the reason why it is difficult for university students to find a job after graduation”,学生的答案为“the increasing world population”,考生给出答案后进行了分析,他认为人口多了,意味着大学生人数增多,那就是说大四学生变多了,找工作竞争激烈了,所以他们找工作困难了,这样就将看上去风马牛不相及的两个东西转了好几个圈终于联系在一起。中国学生喜欢去研究一个问题的根本原因,但事实上,这个原因与题目根本没联系,就可以被判定为离题,所以还不如直接说“the increasingly fierce competition”,更有说服力。根据这一特色,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师建议考生在讲道理的时候只围绕topic sentence进行解释说明,这样就不会出现离题的现象了。我们看下面一个topic sentence,通过explanation来进行扩展。

. The retired people tend to offer service for the benefits of the family and the community.

读完这个句子,我们可能对其中the benefits of the family and the community感到疑惑,到底是什么利益,提供什么服务。

This is to say, the elderly always spend their time in taking care of the family and doing household chores for the family as well as organizing charitable activities for the community.


2、 举例子(exemplification)


For example, for instance, to illustrate, …

Take… as example, …

举例子也是中国考生较常用的论证方法,只是在使用的过程中往往也会出现一些不符合西方思维的问题。既是举例子,顾名思义,我们要列举一个具体的例子,比如某某人,或某事件而不是在for example后面还出现some people,这根本就不能算是个具体的例子。笔者在上课时请一位学生来举例论证“the students in high school suffer from increasing pressure”学生的例子是(中文):某年某月某日,我经过我家邻居的门前,刚好看到他们家女儿因为压力过大而跳楼自杀了。这个例子有三个地方不合理,一是某年某月某日,过于具体,不可信;二是我亲眼看到她跳楼自杀,就算是真的也不可信,最好说是报纸或新闻中读到;三是压力过大,难道她在跳楼前还大喊一声“我压力太大了”告知大家跳楼的原因吗?显然又是不合理的。所以上述三个方面的问题请考生引起重视。接着我们也通过一个练习来对topic sentence进行举例的扩展。

. Most parents tend to overuse punishment in their education of the kids.


For example, only because of the bad performance in primary school, the child of my neighbour was inflicted corporal punishment. In this case, it does nothing but harm to the child’s physical and mental development.


3、 列数据(raising figures)


As is reported/ investigated/ researched, …

It is reported that …

A recent research conducted by …Bureau reveals that…


Eg. The retired people tend to offer service for the benefits of the family and the community.

要对这样一个topic sentence做列数据的扩展,我们首先要找到可列数据的点,此题有两处,一是退休老人的年龄,二是所花时间。结合上述句型,得出论证过程如下:

As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per day.

4、 比较(contrast & comparison)


In contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas

Likewise, similarly

5、 引用(quotation)


6、 让步(making concession)


Although/ though/ in spite of the fact that …

As is granted/ Admittedly, …

Opponents would argue that …


Eg. People don not believe that saving money is a good idea in modern society.

这个Topic sentence的观点很明确,存钱在当代社会不是好主意,显然,用让步论证的话,我们要先承认存钱的优点,再根据所列有点进行反驳。

As is granted, saving money offers people a sense of security in case of emergency. However, people tend to believe that wise investment can get more profits.




一提到雅思写作模板,有人想到的是一大篇完整的 文章 ,其中有少许空缺,用来填上某个特定话题的特定内容,一篇及格的雅思文章即出炉。其实这是对模板的误解。最有效且值得初学者模仿的内容,是 句子 。我为大家分享20种经典的雅思大 作文 开头句模板。


1、According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.

2、There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________.

3、Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________,

while others are inclined to ______________.

4、Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like ______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________.

5、 ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________.

6、Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

7、For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

8、It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________.

9、______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided.

10、______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.

11、Recently, ______________ has become the focus of the society, and in this way.. People swarm to ______________.

12、______________ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

13、Man is now facing a big problem-______________, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ______________ second, ______________.

14、Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of ______________.

15、It is only during the last years that man has become generally aware that ______________.

16、There is an old saying, ______________. It's the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases ever today.

17、The English proverb says, ______________. This is quite true because ______________.

18、______________ is now______________, and at the same time ______________. These two factors have caused ______________. Then what shall we do to solve ______________ in the face of such a situation.

19、One of our ancient philosophers said, ______________. Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

20、One of the great early writers said that ______________. If this is true, the present situation should make us ponder over ______________.

雅思大作文:the old age is more valued , while in some cultures the youth is more valued

雅思大作文题目:In some cultures, the old age is more valued (valuable), while in some cultures the youth is more valued (more useful). Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

作文 范文 :

There have been drastic and constant changes of societies and values in the global context for recent decades. Therefore, some traditional cultures regard old age valuable for their civilization whereas other utilitarian ones may deem the youth, energetic and willing to accept challenges, to more precious.

What the senior brings about to all areas is mainly experience and the sense of security to all. It is well acknowledged that the aged, whichever field they have served, have accumulated more knowledge and skills out of years practice. They may thus grasp some principles that can be utilized in guiding the next generation to cope with matters and, even having undergone modern technological revolutions, ought to be applicablein most cases. Apart from this apparent benefit, another must not be neglected. Everyone without exception goes through the aging process and it is not hard to imagine what it would be like if a society viewed the elderly to be useless and exerted little of its resources in supporting them. Nothing could alleviate the anxiety of the middle-aged and even young adults about their retirement benefits and eventually fade away the sense of security, followed by some possible increase of crime rate.

Cultures think high of the youth, however, can see benefits on social production and renovations. In the first place, the youth are generally way more dynamic, which offer sufficient labor force to carry out productive activities, and if a greater reward and respect can be given and shown to them, this force can be more active and rewarding in return. Moreover, they generally and more quickly can embrace changes in work and life. This indicates the removal of obstacles in implementing challenging policies, promoting certain businesses, developing new technologies, and boosting economy afterwards within a relatively short period.

To my mind, a justifiable government should keep the balance between the pension for the past devotion of the elder and the incentive for the current contribution from the young, to realize social justice and security.

雅思大作文:the world of work is changing rapidly

雅思大作文题目:The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same job or same conditions of work for life. Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In my country, people used to be constrained to a single workplace for lifelong by social security or welfare system. However, this is no longer the case nowadays when people are free to choose their occupation or have to adapt themselves in different positions.

People now change their works and environment based on several reasons, subjectively and objectively. To pursue a better career or break through a bottleneck, rather than secure a stable income, young people usually opt to change their job. In addition, graduates with little working experience have not developed a clear perspective of their life career. It is reasonable for them to be exposed to various workplaces, orienting to the society and trying to find out their strengths and interests. On the negative side, employers have to qualify themselves every couple of years, or else they may get fired and are forced to get other positions. This is because modern technologies have been revolutionizing since the advent of computer and internet and employers from different industries have to adopt the radically changing needs of the market. They thus must recruit those with advanced skills and specialties and cast out those left behind in order to meet the demand.

For better future career and greater possibilities of being always employed, people can take the following pieces of advice. It is certainly feasible that people exert their lifelong time in acquiring new knowledge and skills. This is especially true and cruel for the veteran workers who may find their specialized knowledge outdated comparing to that brought by the fresh and even new graduates. It is only a matter of attitude of being studious and diligent, otherwise laziness would eventually take its toll. Another piece of suggestion is to stand on solid ground before a job-hop and a promotion, which is mainly aiming at those regarding themselves already fully-prepared to get higher position. If one’s strong sense of responsibility is not fostered, maturity not or ability to tackle problems not developed, the newly-promoted will suffer from both disobedience of reports and doubts of bosses.

To sum up, the swift shifting societies offer people less chance to stay vocationally unchanged. Therefore, the path of a successful career would be more even if one is willing to tgeready and embrace.

雅思大作文:the family have a powerful influence on children 's life

雅思大作文题目:Although the family have a powerful influence on children 's life, the influence outside from home isa bigger part for his/her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


It is known to people from both western and eastern world that some certain features always run within each family, unlikely to alter even after people have become independent from the original family for long. Therefore, I hardly agree with the indication that the life outside from family has greater impact for people.

Schooling and social experience undeniably affect peoplein various aspects. The most obvious one lies in the environment in whichschool students and social persons have more chances to acquire more knowledge and gain richer experience because of far more sources of input, from friends, teachers, bosses, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers. People thus have to foster a variety of relationships and learn to cope with them skilfully. With extensive knowledge and harmonious relationships, a better development maybe maintained and furthered.

However, the family education, or parenting to be exact, turns out to be more profound and root. In the pursuit of knowledge, one has to foster habits like being able to concentrate and to expand quality attention span at the very beginning of school years. These are required by school authorities and sadly and generally realized at home as teachers can only focus on the overall performance of the class rather than each very individual. Some may argue about private sectors and that leads to the second point, the power of money. The amount of resources that one can utilize not only decide the standard of living, which may support private tutoring for better learning habits but also may formulate his or her value towards wealth, which in the long run, intentionally or unexpectedly is passed to the offspring. As well as that, children’s value towards people, right and wrong and even goal of life is deeply affected.

In conclusion, I don’t agree with the opinion that others factors influence more than family itself as the value is formed there and it can be recognized in nearly all aspects in the later part of life.





TOPIC: Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.


A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused heated debate over a long period of time. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we don’t see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.

Some people believe B because①. These people point out the fact that②. They also argue that ③.

However, other people stand on a very different ground. They believe that④. They firmly point out that⑤. An example can give the details of this argument: ⑥. In addition, ⑦.

In a word, A is too tempting not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has ⑧. ⑨.











Some people believe that①. Other people take the view that②. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinion about it.

For A, ③

But this also demonstrates that④

Moreover, ⑤

B, on the other hand, ⑥. For example, ⑦.

In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways; First⑧. Second, ⑨.











一、Traditional shopping way 传统的购物方式


1. Experience goods in person 亲自感受产品

2. Avoid being defrauded 避免上当

3. Bargain with attendant 和服务员砍价

4. Make decision after comparing goods 在比较过产品后决定购买

5. Get goods, receipts, and invoices immediately 可以立即得到货物、 收据 和发票

6. A good chance for family members to communicate via items 是家庭成员通过货物沟通的一个好机会

7. Bridge generation gap and develop same aesthetic concept 解决代沟并培养相同的审美观点

8. A pastime for us to spend leisure time and ease pressure 可以作为一种消遣来打发闲暇时间而且可以缓解压力

9. An opportunity for parents to teach their children how to be thrifty 父母可以借此机会教孩子怎样省钱

10. An opportunity for children to teach their parents how to be fashionable 孩子可以借此机会教父母怎样时尚


1. Labor-consuming and time-costing 耗体力、费时间

2. The public tastes and styles are unified 公众的品位与风格统一了

3. Shopping expenses are mainly shouldered by men and they will be confronted with more serious economic burden.男性承担了绝大多数的购物费用,他们要面临更为严重的经济负担

4. Buying some unnecessary bargains.买一些不需要的东西。

二、 Other means 其它 方式

(一)Advantages 优势

1. Effective and convenient 高效率、方便

2. Effortlessly comparable 可以不费力气的进行比较

3. Extensive choices on intensive platform在密集的平台上选择广泛的货物

4. Make barter dealing available 使得易货贸易成为了可能

5. Enable consumers to purchase items as a package 使得消费者可以一下买齐所有产品


1. Extra expenses are required 要花额外的费用

2. Incomplete payment system 不完善的支付系统

3. Adulterated goods 参杂使假的货物

4. Unsuitable for consumers to purchase the goods in eager demand 不适合消费者购买急需的产品

5. Offending copy rights and patents 侵犯版权与专利

6. Pirated misconducts can not be effectively avoided 盗版行为无法有效的避免

7. Booking ticket by e-commerce may delay one’s scheduling 通过电子商务订票会耽误人的安排

8. The information filed in e-commerce websites may reveal one’s privacy 存在电子商务网站的信息会透露隐私

雅思写作 范文 :频换工作的优缺点

Version 114 Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

----------Discussion---------20+99+111+67=297words in


Introduction( 20 words)

Nowadays very few people intend to go in for a life-time career. Still there

are some advantages to doing so.

Body1( 99 words)

Merits of always taking a position can be examined by three aspects.(topic sentences) First, if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after

some time,you will definitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become

a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can

establish an extensive social connections relating to the field, helping you tear down

most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor. Finally, mistakes

of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.

Body2 (111 words)

On the other hand, I would like to illustrate the advantages of experiencing different

jobs. (topic sentence) Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff

are inclined to accept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else

will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation.

If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and

tired of doing the same daily routine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a

sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions

can help you gain ground to be promoted.

Conclusion ( 67 words)

In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve

one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keeping

bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by

making mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.


介绍雅思写作对比技巧是雅思大 作文 写作中的高分 方法 ,因为使用对比可以突出主题,也可以是 文章 更为吸引人。雅思写作对比技巧在雅思大作文写作这种的应用很多,可以把对比应用在事例中,也可以应用在顺序中。

雅思写作的双边讨论型文章一直是老师和学生较为推崇采用的写作结构,除了写作题目本身出题的偏好性 —— 多以两面讨论为主,清晰的结构,多角度的思路更利于学生在较短的时间里构建出符合字数要求和题目立意的文章。但是,笔者在教学中发现,尽管一些学生在规定时间内完成了达到字数的文章,却仍然不能取得理想的分数,与其交流分析后发现,多半是对题目意图理解不够明晰,“言不对题”成为了学生的普遍弊病。许多学生对于“双边”的理解过于笼统,常常抓住题目某个字眼,简单构建赞成和反对的主体结构,或是一味认为“双边”就是“利弊”,因而导致偏题甚至离题。



Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

此类题目中常有利弊字眼,或者在指令部分提出进行利弊对比分析,常见词如“advantage, benefit, usefulness(好处);disadvantage, drawback, limitation(坏处)等”,考生只需对题目细节进行把握,弄清主旨,再构建“好处”—— “坏处”的主体部分,列举观点。

该题主要就“人们可以随意选择生活和工作的地方”的现象进行讨论,考生可多联系社会现状, 总结 利弊即可。


Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development, however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?


Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others think that this has little effect and other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

此类题目特点十分突出,一方面有“the only, the most…”等强调字眼,另一方面提出“other”的其他观点,细想之下,后者似对前者的补充,主体段可先对前者进行承认,但不要承认其绝对性,为后文做好铺垫,在论述另一方面时,主要使用列举法进行说明。

该题是对“如何提高公众健康”的 措施 进行讨论,首先可分析建设体育设施的好处所在,再列举一些其他有效措施,便可以达到两面兼顾又不至于偏颇的目的。


Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. The ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from other sources (such as the Internet, television). To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.


Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


该题主要讨论的是“博物馆的功能”是 教育 还是娱乐,科技、自然博物馆及一些主题博物馆如杜莎夫人蜡像馆都是属于后者,而历史、军事乃至革命博物馆就有前者意义。


A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Nowadays, there is no certainty of this case. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress?



