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A Dream of Red Mansions is a very excellent classic masterpiece. For more than 200 years, opinions varies among different tragic love story among Jia Bao yu, Lin Dai yu and Xue Bao chai is the masterstroke running through the book. The controversy of the image of the three main character and the reason of the tragedy has never stopped since the book was bublished. This passage is trying to explore the reason of the love and marriage tragedies by analysing both the subjective factors and the objective factors. Through the tragedies of the three, we can learn that tragedies are immanent in the villainous feudal society. Rebellious like Bao Dai or obedient like Bao Chai, none of them could get rid of the tragic ending.

2002年10月,南开大学外国语学院和《中国翻译》编辑部联合举办“全国《红楼梦》翻译研讨会”,这是专就一部文学经典的翻译举行的学术会议。大会收到数量较多的论文,这里汇集的是其中的一部分,凑成一个集子,以资纪念。同时,借此机会与学者们互通信息,交流经验,共同推动《红楼梦》的翻译研究。在世界文学史上,有因对具体作家的研究而发展成为一个专门学问的,如,将英国戏剧家莎士比亚研究称为“莎学”,将爱尔兰作家乔伊斯 (JamesJoyce)研究称为“乔学”。因对一本书的研究而发展成专门学问的不多,《红楼梦》是一个。这是文学史上一个特殊的现象。《红楼梦》于乾隆五十六(1791)年第一次刊印,至清朝末年,一些文人把对《红楼梦》的研读和评说称之为“红学”。此后的“红学”经历了一个曲折的发展过程,至于今,已成为一门显学,不仅在中国,在国外也受关注。《红楼梦》作为一部文学经典具有恒久的魅力,它在中国文化里产生、流传,在异域文化里也得到传播——主要通过它的译文得以实现。 目前,《红楼梦》已有十五六种文字的译本。就英语译本看,它的翻译经历了一个较长的历史。陈宏薇教授和江帆在她们合写的《难忘的历程》里说,自 1830年英国皇家学会会员戴维斯翻译《红楼梦》第三回片断开始, 160年来,先后产生了9种英译文。在霍克斯/闵福德和杨宪益夫女王的全译本之前的翻译都是节译,其中以王良志(1927)和王际真 (1929)的译本在推动《红楼梦》在西方流传方面影响较大。20世纪70年代,英国汉学家戴维·霍克斯(DavidHawkes)着手翻译《红楼梦》前80回,由英国企鹅出版公司出版,译文书名为 The StoryO/the Stone,分三卷,第一卷The Golden Days(1973),包括前26回;第二卷The Crab—Flower Club(1977),包括27 —53回;第三卷The Warning Voice(1980),包括54—80回。后来约翰·闵福德(John Minford)继霍克斯翻译了《红楼梦》的后四十回,分两卷出版,第四卷TheDebto/Tears(1982),包括81—98回;第五卷TheDreamer Wakes(1986),包括99—120回。20世纪70年代后期,杨宪益(Yang Hsien-yi)和戴乃迭(Glad— ysYang)夫夕]也开始了翻译《红楼梦》的巨大工程,于1978— 1980年由外文出版社(北京)分三卷出版,译文书名为‘4 Dream o/ Red Mansions。《红楼梦》两个英文全译本的出版,不仅是中国和英语国家文化交流的大事,也是文学翻译的大事,它促进了中国古典小说的翻译进程。在此后不到十年的时间里,相继又出版了由詹纳(W.J。 P.Jenner)翻译的《西游记》(/ourneycOthe West,1982),由沙博里 (SidneyShapiro)翻译的《水浒传》(Outlaws O/the Marsh,1988),以及由罗伯茨(Moss Roberts)翻译的《三国演义》(Three King— doms,1994)。至此,中国四部古典文学名著的英文全译本已出齐。在推动中国古典文学名著英译并使其形成一个蓬勃发展的形势过程中,《红楼梦》的英译者们是有功劳的。随着《红楼梦》的翻译出版,出现了《红楼梦》翻译批评和研究的好形势。 自戴维·霍克斯于1973年出版第一卷The Golden Days以来,便有人开始写研究《红楼梦》翻译的文章。据不完全统计,到目前就霍克斯/闵福德译本和杨宪益/戴乃迭译本所写的散见于各地的研究文章,已有70余篇,加上这里收集的30几篇,足有100多篇。这期间也有关于《红楼梦》翻译研究的专著问世,如南开大学王宏印教授的《<红楼梦>诗词曲赋英译比较研究》,是《红楼梦》系统研究的一个良好开端。现在研究《红楼梦》翻译的人逐渐多起来,专家学者之外,也有青年教师和研究生。在这种形势下,探讨如何使《红楼梦》的翻译研究深入,也许能够使其成为一个专门的研究课题,为翻译作为一门学科的建设做贡献,这是很值得的。从这里收入的文章看,大体分二种类型。一种是宏观类型的研究,其研究方法突破了以往规定性的“标准一分析一结论”和文本“对等”的单一模式,回到历史和文化的背景中,研究《红楼梦》翻译和当时的历史、政治、文化和文学思潮的互动关系,·体现了以历史地描述和解释为主的科学研究的性质;这一类型里还有关于《红楼梦》翻译的体制、策略、翻译倾向和补偿策略等问题的研究,也是值得重视的问题。另一种是微观类型的研究,多涉及文化和语言层面的问题,以阐释批评的方式对译作和原作以及它们之间的关系进行评价,对译作进行审美的和其他方面的价值判断等。 这两种类型的研究各有自己的功能和价值。宏观方面的研究可以帮助我们认识不同文化之间的交流和理解是经过怎样一个过程实现的;微观方面的研究可以帮助我们思考如何翻译好,如何培养好的译者,以真正实现文化交流的目的。勒菲弗尔(Andr6 Lefe— vere)和巴斯奈特(Susan Bassneff)将这二者比喻为翻译大厦里的两栋房子,没有理由不让它们并肩而立。翻译研究的目的除了对翻译活动进行客观的和科学的描述和解释,还要通过研究翻译过程和翻译作品对翻译进行理论总结,以端正对翻译的认识,提高翻译质量,促进翻译事业的发展。著名红学家冯其庸说:《红楼梦》是一首无韵的《离骚》,也是一部“说”家之绝唱。 自从《红楼梦》问世以后,中国的古典小说再也没有超越它的作品出现了。《红楼梦》是一部“前不见古人,后不见来者”的千古绝唱!读过《红楼梦》的人大概都同意这个意见,甚至连读过《红楼梦》的外国人也持同样的看法。斯洛伐克翻译家玛丽纳·恰尔诺古尔斯卡(Marina Camogul3ka)就说:因为它是一部天才的小说、散文和诗的交响曲,它是一部集所有重要的中国文化之大成的百科全书,它是一部蕴涵重要的人生哲理和世界观的小说——而这样大师级的文学作品在世界上任何别的地方均不存在。《红楼梦》的译者以及未来的《红楼梦》译者们肩负着一个伟大而艰难的使命,即,通过译文让英语读者也能认识到“《红楼梦》是一部‘前不见古人,后不见来者’的千古绝唱”,是一部“在世界上任何别的地方均不存在”的作品。如果我们的译文不能达到这样的境界,那就辜负了这部伟大的作品。 钱谷融先生认为一切文学作品都应该是诗,都应该有诗的意味。他说李白、杜甫的诗篇是诗,曹雪芹的《红楼梦》以及鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》都是诗,研究文学不可忘记文学作品的本质是诗。他的这番话对于翻译的研究者和文学作品的译者有很深的启示:《红楼梦》里“诗的意味”是什么,它是以怎样的形式表现出来或隐含在内,翻译《红楼梦》时如何才能体验和再现它的“诗的意味”。这些涉及到文艺美学也涉及到翻译美学,是《红楼梦》的翻译和研究不可回避的问题。 《红楼梦》的翻译研究虽属个案研究,但在对两种语言、两种文学和文化的对比研究中可以汲取丰富的灵感和资源,用科学的方法加以梳理总结,可以使我们的翻译研究建立在语言、文学和文化对比研究的坚实的基础之上,在对比语言学、对比文化学、文艺美学和翻译诗学等方面有所发现,为翻译学的建设和翻译事业的发展做出自己的贡献In October 2002, Nankai University Foreign Languages Institute and "Chinese Translation" Editorial Department jointly organized the "National" Dream of Red Mansions "translation workshop," This is a classic on the translation of a literary conference held. The General Assembly received a large number of papers collected here are part of, to make up a collection, memento of the occasion. At the same time, and scholars to take this opportunity to share information, exchange experiences and jointly promote the "Dream of Red Mansions" of translation studies. In the history of world literature, a writer because of the specific research and the development of a specialized knowledge of, for example, the British dramatist Shakespeare referred to as the "school-sha", the Irish writer James Joyce (JamesJoyce) study known as "Joe Xue . " Because of a book devoted to research and develop into a little learning, "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a. This is a special literary phenomenon. "A Dream of Red Mansions" at 56 Qianlong (1791) published for the first time to the late Qing dynasty, a number of scholars to "A Dream of Red Mansions" and comment on the study called "A Dream of Red Mansions." Since then the "A Dream of Red Mansions" has gone through a tortuous development process, as this has become a significant study, not only in China, in other countries of concern. "A Dream of Red Mansions" as a literary classic with a long-lasting charm, which have a culture in China, spread in a foreign land has been the dissemination of culture - mainly through its President can be achieved. At present, the "Dream of Red Mansions" has been the translation of languages十五六. On the English translation, the translation of it has gone through a long history. And Professor Chen Hongwei Jiang Fan in their co-wrote the "unforgettable journey," said that since 1830 the Royal Society of translation Davis, "A Dream of Red Mansions" to fragment the third year, 160 years ago, has resulted in nine kinds of English translation . In the Hawkes / Min Yang Xianyi Ford and the Queen's husband before the whole translation of the translation section is translated, with Wang Chi (1927) and WANG Ji-Zhen (1929) in promoting the translation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" in the West affect the larger circulation. The 20th century, 70's, the United Kingdom戴维霍克斯sinologist (DavidHawkes) start of translation, "A Dream of Red Mansions" before the 80 back, from United Kingdom Penguin Books published the title of President for The StoryO / the Stone, in three volumes, the first volume of The Golden Days (1973), including the former 26 Back; II The Crab-Flower Club (1977), including back to 27 -53; III The Warning Voice (1980), including back to 54-80. Later, John Minford (John Minford) following the Hawkes translation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" after the 40 back, in two volumes published in Volume IV TheDebto / Tears (1982), including back to 81-98; TheDreamer V Wakes (1986), including back to 99-120. 70 In the late 20th century, Yang Yi (Yang Hsien-yi) and Gladys (Glad-ysYang) Fu Xi] also began the translation, "A Dream of Red Mansions," the great works, in 1978 - 1980 by Foreign Languages Press (Beijing) published in three volumes, entitled Mr'4 Dream o / Red Mansions. "A Dream of Red Mansions" two of the published English translation of the whole is not only a cultural exchange between China and the major English-speaking countries, but also a major event in literary translation, it has promoted the translation of classical Chinese novels process. Less than a decade in time, have also published by Jenner (. P. Jenner) translation of "Journey to the West" (/ ourneycOthe West, 1982), by the Shapiro-ri (SidneyShapiro) Translation " Outlaws of the Marsh "(Outlaws O / the Marsh, 1988), as well as Roberts (Moss Roberts) translation of the" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "(Three King-doms, 1994). So far, four classical Chinese Literature in English translation has been a homogeneous whole. In promoting the English translation of Chinese Classical Literature and make it into a dynamic growth process, "A Dream of Red Mansions" is the British translator who has the credit of. With the "Dream of Red Mansions" translated and published, there has been "A Dream of Red Mansions," the study of translation criticism and a good situation.戴维霍克斯since the publication of Volume I in 1973, since The Golden Days, people began to write research "A Dream of Red Mansions," the article translated. According to incomplete statistics, the current on the Hawkes / Minford translation and Yang Hsien-yi / Gladys written translation research scattered throughout the articles, there are more than 70 articles, together with the collection of 30 essays here, there are more than 100 feet articles. During this period there are on "A Dream of Red Mansions" Translation Studies monographs available, such as the Nankai University's Professor Wang Hongyin " Poetry A Comparative Study of the English translation of Qu Fu" and "A Dream of Red Mansions" System of a good start. Research is now "A Dream of Red Mansions" translation gradually grown, outside experts and scholars, there are young teachers and graduate students. Under such circumstances, to explore how to make the "A Dream of Red Mansions," the translation of research in depth, may be able to make it a special research topic for the translation as a discipline to contribute to the building, it is worth it. Income from here to see the article, generally divided into two types. One is the macro-type of research, the research methods of breaking through the previous "standard an analysis of a conclusion" and the text of "reciprocity" of single-mode and return to historical and cultural background, the study of "A Dream of Red Mansions" translation and the historical, political, cultural and literary interaction between ideas, reflects the historical description and interpretation of the nature of scientific research-based; this type there are still on "A Dream of Red Mansions" translation system, strategy, Translation compensation trends and issues such as research strategy, one that deserves attention. Another type of study is the micro-, multi-cultural and linguistic level, in order to explain the criticism of the way and the original translation as well as their evaluation of the relationship between, on the translation for aesthetic and other value judgments and so on. Both types of study have their own functions and values. Macro-studies can help us understand the exchange between different cultures and understanding how a process is achieved; micro research can help us to think about how good the translation, how to cultivate a good translator, so as to really achieve the purpose of cultural exchange . Lefebvre (Andr6 Lefe-vere) and Bassnett (Susan Bassneff) compared to the translation of these two buildings in the two houses, there is no reason not to allow them to stand shoulder to shoulder. The purpose of translation studies translation activities in addition to objective and scientific description and explanation, but also by studying the process of translation and translation work on the translation of theoretical summary to correct understanding of translation, translation quality, and promote the development of translation. Yong Feng红学家famous said: "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a non-rhyme of "Li Sao", is also a "say" home of farewell. Since the "Dream of Red Mansions" after launch, the Chinese classical novel does not go beyond it no longer works there. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a "not before the ancients, the latter were not to" the eternal farewell! Read "A Dream of Red Mansions" who probably agree with this view, and even read the "Dream of Red Mansions" of foreigners, also holds the same view. Slovakia玛丽纳恰尔诺古尔斯卡translator (Marina Camogul3ka) said: because it is a genius of fiction, prose and poetry of the symphony, it is a collection of all the important of the Chinese culture Dacheng Encyclopedia, which is an important implication of the life philosophy and world view of the novel - and this master of literary works in the world do not exist in any other places. "A Dream of Red Mansions" and the future of the translator, "A Dream of Red Mansions" translators are responsible for a great and difficult mission, that is, through the President so that English readers will understand "" A Dream of Red Mansions "is a 'pre - not ancient, but not to those who, after 'the eternal farewell "is a" in the world do not exist in any other places "works. Asked if we can not achieve such a state, then let this great work. Mr. Qian Gurong that all literary works should be poetry, poetry should have the means. He said that Li Bai, Du Fu's poetry is poetry, Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" and Lu Xun's "朝花夕拾" are poetry, literary studies should not forget that the essence of literature is poetry. Translation of his remarks for the researchers and the translator of literary works have a very deep inspiration: "A Dream of Red Mansions" in "means that poetry" is what kind of form it is manifested or implied, including, translation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" how to reproduce it in order to experience and the "means of poetry." These relate to literary aesthetics of translation also involves aesthetics, is "A Dream of Red Mansions" of the translation and study of the problem can not be avoided. "A Dream of Red Mansions", although the translation of research case studies, but in two languages, two types of Comparative Literature and cultural studies can learn a wealth of inspiration and resources to sort out the scientific method to sum up, you can make our translation Research based on language, literature and cultural comparative study on the solid foundation, in contrast to linguistics, comparative culture, literature and art aesthetics and poetics of translation has been found and so on, for the construction of translation studies and translation of the cause of the development of its own contribution to

Dreams of Red Mansions is one of excellent classical masterpiece. over the past two hundred years, diffenrent peopel have diffenent view for the work. the story line is the love stragedy between Lindaiyu, jiabaoyu and xuebaochai which

教你个办法: 英文/《石头的故事》/大卫·霍克思/1973年,由英国企鹅出版社出版/全书80回,3卷,依程乙本为底本,参照其它版本 英文/《红楼梦》/杨宪益(中)、戴乃迭(英)/1978-1979年,北京外文出版社出版/全书120回,3卷,前80回据有正本译,后40回人民文学出版社1959年版译,有戴敦邦插图 这两个最权威!!! ◆《红楼梦》外文译本 ○文别/书名/译者/时间地点/说明 一、摘译本 日文/《红楼梦序词》/森槐南/1892年4月,刊于《城南评论》/ 摘译第1回楔子,有注释 日文/《红楼梦的一节风月宝鉴辞》/ 岛崎藤村/ 1892年,刊于《女学生杂志》,第321号/ 摘译第12回末尾 日文/《红楼梦摘译》/大高岩/刊《新声》杂志1957年12月至1958年3月/摘译4段 日文/《尤三姐》/野崎俊平、志村良志/刊《文科纪要》第10期,时间不详/摘译65、66回,并注释 泰文/《红楼梦》/不详/约1809-1825年之间 泰文/《红楼梦》/素·古拉玛娄妻子/约1945-1955年之间/在泰国杂志上发表过。 俄文/《红楼梦》/科瓦尼科(德明)/1843年刊于《祖国纪事》第26期/第1回楔子。 德文/《红楼梦》/W·Y·J(丁文渊)/1928年,刊于《中国学》杂志第4期/摘译第21、22回部分情节编成 德文/《红楼梦小说之一回》/弗朗茨·库恩/译原书第18回“元妃省亲”一段,为库恩译本中第15章/刊于1932年《中国学》第7卷,富兰克福大城版。 英文/《中国诗歌》/戴维斯/1830年,刊于亚细亚学会杂志第2卷/第3回宝玉初见黛玉场面及《西江月词》 英文/《红楼之梦》/罗伯特·汤姆/1842年,刊于浙江宁波版《中国话》上/摘译几段供学习华语用 英文/《红楼之梦》/波拉/1868-1869年,刊于《中国杂志》上海版、香港版/摘译前8回 英文/《一个古老的故事》/伊·赫德生/刊于1928年《中国杂志》第8期,上海版/译第4回。译者《引言》中介绍宝黛钗的恋爱故事 英文/《红楼梦;孤鸿零雁记选》/袁家哗、石明译并注/1933年上海北新书局版,中英对照/为《英译中国文学选辑》第二辑 法文/《梦在红楼》/徐颂年(又译作徐仲年)/1933年德拉格拉夫图书公司巴黎版/摘译第17、27、28、31、32回 法文/《红楼梦》/鲍文蔚(中)/1943年,刊于《法文研究》第4期北京版/译第57回,中法文对照。 意大利文/《红楼梦》/马丁·培耐狄克特/1959年《中国》杂志第5期/摘译第1回楔子 二、节译本 日文/《新译红楼梦》(上卷)/岸春风楼/1916年,东京文教社出版/选译前39回 日文/《新译红楼梦》/太宰卫门/1924年,东京三星书社版 日文/《新译红楼梦》/陈德胜/1953年,神户中华文化研究所版/译前60回。 日文/《新编红楼梦》/石原岩彻/1958年,东京春阳堂版/附图 日文/《红楼梦》/富士正晴、武部利男/1968年8月,东京河出书房新一版/“为世界文学全集”第3卷 日文/《红楼梦》/增田涉、松枝茂夫、常石茂/1970年,东京平凡社版/为“奇书丛书”本 日文/《红楼梦》/立间祥介/1971年1月,东京集英社版,7月又有东京平凡社版 日文/《红楼梦》/君岛久子/不详/为儿童版 朝鲜文/《红楼梦》/金龙济/汉城正音出版社1955、1956年出版,1962年再版/再版作为“中国古典文学选集”第11、12卷出版,共2册 朝鲜文/《红楼梦》/金相一/汉城徽文出版社1974年出版/1册,任意分段标题,无回目/为“最新辑世界文学”第13卷,共72章 朝鲜文/《新译红楼梦》/吴荣锡/汉城知星出版社1980年版,回目改单句/共5册/为“中国古典文学系列”之一种 朝鲜文/《曹雪芹红楼梦》/金河中/汉城金星出版社1982年3月出版/共73章,1册/ 附有译者“解说”、“年表” 泰文/《红楼梦》/哇拉它·台吉高/曼谷建设出版社1980年3月出版,共40回/据王际真英文译本译,有洛·拉维旺序 德文/《红楼梦》/弗朗茨·库恩/1932年岛社莱比锡版,又出1948、1951、1956、1974年修订版/意译主要故事,约占全书一半 匈牙利文/《红楼梦》/拉萨尔·乔治/1959年由布达佩斯欧罗巴出版社出版,后有1962年、1964年版/据库恩本转译 罗马尼亚文/《红楼梦》/伊利亚娜·霍杰卡、维利斯库合译/1975年由米纳瓦出版社出版,共39回,3卷本/据人民文学出版社1957年版译 阿尔巴尼亚文/《红楼梦》/不详 英文/《中国小说红楼之梦》/裘里/1892年在香港《中国邮报》版,第1册;1893年由澳门商务排印局出第2册,共56回/从第1回译至第56回,有译者序/英文第一个节译本 英文/《红楼梦》/王良志(中)/1927年于纽约出版,共95章,约60万字 英文/《红楼梦》/王际真(中)/1929年于纽约加登城的布尔戴·多兰公司和伦敦劳特莱基出版公司同时出版/全书39章/此本多次重印,在英语读者中甚有影响 英文/《红楼之梦》/王际真(中)/1958年由吐温公司出版纽约版,增订节译本,改为60章/有马克·万多伦序言 英文/《红楼之梦》/[美]弗洛伦斯·麦克休、伊萨贝尔·麦克休姊妹合译/1957年潘蒂昂公司出纽约版,1958年又出 伦敦版,1975年在美重印/据库恩本转译,有库恩序言,34幅绣像 法文/《梦在红楼》/葵尼/1957年居不勒斯公司出巴黎版/据库恩本转译又有删节,有序 意大利文/《红楼梦》/波维罗、黎却奥合译/1958年由爱诺地公司出多林诺版/据库恩本转译,有原序及马丁·培耐狄克特序 希腊文/《红楼梦》/不详据报道为1963年出版/日文《红楼梦展》第18页记录 荷兰文/《梦在红楼》/沃斯德曼/1946年克罗斯曼书店出版/据库恩本转译 三、全译文 日文/《国译红楼梦》/幸田露伴、平冈龙城合译/1920-1922年,东京国民文库刊行会版,80回,3卷/据有正本译,为“国译汉文大成”本,日汉对照,附图12幅 日文/《红楼梦》/松枝茂夫/1940-1951年出“岩波文库本”14册,岩波书店版;1955年出“世界名著全集”本,东京平凡社出版;1963年再版;1967年东京讲谈社出版/全书120回,前80回据有正本,后四十回据程乙本,有译者注,贾氏世系图 日文/《红楼梦》/松枝茂夫/1978年,新译本,由岩波书店出版,12册/全书120回,12册,每册10回 日文/《私版红楼梦》/饭塜郎/1948年连载于大阪《国际新闻》,后出单行本/据120回本编译 日文/《红楼梦》/伊藤漱平/1958-1960年,东京平凡社作为“中国古典文学全集”出三卷本;1969、1970年又出新译本,1974年重印/全书120回据俞平伯《八十回校本》及附后四十回译出/附谱、图、表等 日文/《私版红楼梦》/饭塜郎/约于1980-1981年由集英出版社出版,作为“世界文学全集”之一/全书120回以人民文学本为底本 朝鲜文/《红楼梦》/李钟泰等人译/约于1884年前后译出/全书120回,120册,每回一册,现存117册,中缺24、57、71回/汉朝对照,原载于汉城昌德宫乐善斋,后藏于藏书阁 朝鲜文/《红楼梦》/李周洪/1969年由汉城乙酉文化社出版,为“中国古典文学选”之一/全书120回,五册,回目为三字单句,卷首有《解说》 朝鲜文/《新译红楼梦》/禹玄民/1982年由汉城瑞文堂出版,为“瑞文文库”本,共6册/全书120回,回目为原文 朝鲜文/《红楼梦》/李钟泰等译/1988年4月由亚细亚文化社影印/以乐善斋本为底本,所缺三回由台湾新陆书局1957年版补配,卷首有李家源序 朝鲜文/《红楼梦新译》/冽上古典研究会译/1988年6月由汉城平民社开始出版/全书120回,8册,附有李家源《乐善斋本》序文 越南文/《红楼梦》/武培煌、陈允泽(前80回)、阮育文、阮文煊(后40回)/1962-1963年,由河内文化出版社出版/全书120回,6册,以人民文学本为底本,卷首有裴杞序 缅甸文/《红楼梦》/吴·妙丹丁/1988年,由新力出版社出版/全书120回,9册,以杨宪益译英文本为底本 俄文/《红楼梦》/帕纳休克、孟列夫(诗词部分)/1958年,苏联国家文学出版社出版/全书120回,2册,书末附贾氏世系“谱树”,书前有费德林的“导言” 捷克文/《红楼梦》/奥·克拉尔/1986-1988年由奥德昂文学艺术出版社出版/全书120回,3册,卷首有译者“前言” 英文/《石头的故事》/大卫·霍克思/1973年,由英国企鹅出版社出版/全书80回,3卷,依程乙本为底本,参照其它版本 英文/《红楼梦》/杨宪益(中)、戴乃迭(英)/1978-1979年,北京外文出版社出版/全书120回,3卷,前80回据有正本译,后40回人民文学出版社1959年版译,有戴敦邦插图 法文/《红楼梦》/李治华、雅克琳娜·阿雷札艺恩合译/1981年由巴黎伽利玛出版社出版/铎尔孟校阅,有译者、艾颠泊尔序/全书120回,2册,前80回据脂评本,后40回据程乙本译,有注、插图 西班牙文/《红楼梦》/何塞·安东尼奥、赵振江(中)修订、改译/1988年,由西班牙格拉纳达大学出版社出版/全书120回,据1982年人民文学出版社新校注本译 [注]以上摘译本种文字,17种版本;节译本12种文字,26种版本;全译本9种文字,19种版本。共17种文字,62种版本。




★ 优秀论文题目2022 ★

★ 毕业论文答辩发言稿 ★

★ 毕业论文答辩致谢词 ★

大学毕业论文评语 ★


1、《中国古代 足球 》古汉语专名与古诗词的英译处理


3、以目 标语 读者为导向的 广告 翻译策略研究




7、扬州旅游文本里 文化 因素的翻译



10、 英语 散文 120篇汉译项目 报告

11、徐州景点 导游词 翻译中文化负载词的处理

12、徐州特产食品 说明书 汉英翻译研究



15、《物华名胜》中复合式翻译 方法 的运用

16、《苏斯 儿童 绘本汉译过程中儿童语言的处理》






22、预测在英语 财经 新闻口译活动中运用的实践报告

































英语专业 毕业 论文翻译方向题目

1、 图里规范理论视角下的《四洲志》翻译研究

2、 翻译伦理视域下杨曙辉和杨韵琴《喻世明言》英译本研究

3、 《围城》英译研究

4、 余华小说《兄弟》中的文化专有词英译研究

5、 汉语形容词重叠式及其基式英译对比研究

6、 英汉交流虚构运动事件中路径和方式表征的对比研究

7、 汉语情态动词“能”字结构的翻译

8、 英汉运动事件表征方式对比研究

9、 顺应论视角下视觉动词的汉英互译研究

10、 语用顺应论视阈下汉语听觉动词的英译研究

11、 基于交往能力理论的翻译主体间性实证研究

12、 目的论视角下的电气英语翻译

13、 从符号视角看翻译中视觉非语言符号的信息处理

14、 功能对等理论视角下政府公文英译策略研究

15、 女性主义视角下影视字幕翻译策略研究

16、 操纵论视角下政治文本的汉英翻译研究

17、 从功能对等原则看中国上古神话中神话意象的翻译

18、 从德国功能派翻译理论视角分析领导人演讲口译

19、 文化翻译理论指导下《黄帝内经》英译策略研究

20、 四字格中医术语动词的英译对比研究

21、 《红楼梦》服饰文化翻译研究探析

22、 英文传记汉译实践报告

23、 生态翻译视角下:《尘埃落定》英译本的研究

24、 奈达的功能对等理论在Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets两个译本中的体现

25、 描写性翻译理论框架下《西敏寺》译文的风格分析

26、 目的论视角下张爱玲《金锁记》自译本的比较研究

27、 从功能理论视角看戴译本《边城》中文化负载词的翻译策略与方法

28、 英译诗歌韵律的定量对比分析

29、 功能对等理论视角下鲁迅小说《药》《孔乙己》《风波》两个英译本的对比研究

30、 奈达功能对等视角下对《瓦尔登湖》两个中译本的对比研究

31、 语义翻译/交际翻译视角下文化特色语的翻译

32、 从关联理论看《了不起的盖茨比》的两个汉译本

33、 目的论视角下的《三体》英译研究

34、 性别与翻译:从女性主义翻译观对比分析《飘》的两译本

35、 目的论指导下的《舌尖上的中国》菜名英译策略

36、 功能对等理论视角下的美国情景喜剧字幕翻译

37、 功能对等理论视阈下的商标翻译研究










9、 文章 学视野下的林译研究












21、近代中国 留学 生 教育 翻泽研究(1895~1937)









30、从《哥儿》林译本的 句子 结构调整看奈达功能对等翻译理论







★ 翻译方向论文题目选题参考

★ 英汉翻译论文选题题目参考

★ 2021英语专业论文选题与题目参考

★ 翻译英语专业毕业论文选题

★ 英语专业毕业论文选题文化

★ 英语专业文化类方面毕业论文题目选题

★ 本科英语专业毕业论文题目选题

★ 优秀英语毕业论文题目参考

★ 英语专业论文开题报告范文精选5篇

★ 2021英语专业的硕士论文题目

《红楼梦》,中国古典四大名著之首,清代作家曹雪芹创作的章回体长篇小说[1] 。早期仅有前八十回抄本流传,八十回后部分未完成且原稿佚失。原名《脂砚斋重评石头记》。程伟元邀请高鹗协同整理出版百二十回全本[2] ,定名《红楼梦》。亦有版本作《金玉缘》。《红楼梦》是一部具有世界影响力的人情小说作品,举世公认的中国古典小说巅峰之作,中国封建社会的百科全书,传统文化的集大成者。小说以贾、史、王、薛四大家族的兴衰为背景,以贾府的家庭琐事、闺阁闲情为中心,以贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗的爱情婚姻故事为主线,描写了以贾宝玉和金陵十二钗为中心的正邪两赋有情人的人性美和悲剧美,歌颂追求光明的叛逆人物,通过叛逆者的悲剧命运预见封建社会必然走向灭亡,揭示出封建末世的危机。《红楼梦》的作者具有初步的民主主义思想,他对现实社会包括宫廷及官场的黑暗、封建贵族阶级及其家庭的腐朽,封建的科举制度、婚姻制度、奴婢制度、等级制度,以及与此相适应的社会统治思想即孔孟之道和程朱理学、社会道德观念等,都进行了深刻的批判,并提出了朦胧的带有初步民主主义性质的理想和主张。这些理想和主张正是当时正在滋长的资本主义经济萌芽因素的曲折反映。[3] 《红楼梦》以“大旨谈情,实录其事”自勉,只按自己的事体情理,按迹循踪,摆脱旧套,新鲜别致[1] ,取得了非凡的艺术成就。尤其“真事隐去,假语存焉”的特殊笔法更是激起了后世读者强烈的好奇心和窥探欲,各种猜测附会之说愈出愈奇。



2012年02月13日 10时12分,《英语网:英语论文:浅论《红楼梦》英译本中的意义翻译与文化取向[1]》由英语我整理. rface fll be your side. When the autumn leaves fall I shall bid you adieu For our marriage must ertd when the summer is through Jia Zhen thought that the answer must be a bamboo wife as they call those wick work cylinders which are put between the bedclothes in summetime to make them cooler. 宝钗的谜底是竹夫人,该物用竹蔑编制,圆形,有孔,透风,睡觉时抱着取凉。这是中国特有的器物,原语文化的成员能够理解基于这种器物生发的文化含义,而目的语文化成员没有这种器物的经验,也就难以理解这种器物所关联的文化含义。就宝钗的灯谜而言,由于缺少关于竹夫人的经验,英文读者不可能根据谜底猜到谜底,进而 更不可能理解其中关于宝钗的命运的信息。霍克斯教授在译文这中加入竹夫人形状的描述,其目的是显而易见的,是使目的语读者能够获得最大程度的等值信息,即使他们也能认识到竹夫人是宝钗命运的不详之兆。 三、改换原语形象的归化翻译 有些汉语词汇如果采用直译处理,在译入语中会产生语义空白或歧义。如果译入语中有相当或相似的形象词汇,则可以采用译入语中的形象来表达原语的意义。 例4.二十年前,他们看承你们好,如今是你们拉硬屎,不肯去就合他,才疏远起来(第六回) 杨译本:Twenty years back they treated you not badly. Since then of course you’ve been too pig-headed to go near them, so that now you’ve drifted apart. “拉硬屎”是一个极为形象的、平民化的汉民族俗语,表示做某件事情虽力不从心,但碍于面子又硬要做,有“愚倔”的喻义。如果简单直译“拉硬屎”,不仅译文中产生语义空缺,甚至还会令读者有翅靛不雅的感觉。译者处理这个词语时,除去原语中的形象比喻,选用了英语语义相当的pig headed意译“拉硬屎”,使原文处世不灵活,碍于面子不肯屈就”的内涵意义表现得独特、到位。 论文论文参考网 例5.今既入了这园,在遇见湘云、香菱、芳蕊等一干女子,所谓“物以类聚,人以群分”,二语不错(第六十二回) 杨译本:Coming here now and meeting I-Isiang-ling, Fang-kuan , Jur-kuan and the other girls,it was a genuine case of“like attracts like”or“birds of a feather flock together". “物以类聚,人以群分”中的“人”为实指,是实实在在的有生命的人;“物”为虚指,到底是什么“物”,读者不得而知。译者翻译这句俗语时,将汉语中的实指的“人”虚化成可指人又可指物的“like",而把虚指的“物”具象成了“birds"。实变虚,虚变实。译者在虚实之间以译入语读者熟悉的形象比喻将原文生动而准确地传达给他们。 四、舍弃原语形象的归化翻译 汉语中有不少带有浓重的中华民族文化特色的词语,用上述的几种译法都无法确切地传达原文的意蕴。为了使译文更具有英语韵味,译者根据语言文化的需要,遵循了“以目的语文化为归宿的原则” (郭建中.2000: 181) “在透彻理解原语的基础上,用简洁生动的语言译出原语的含义,尽可能缩小译语与原语对各自读者所产生的语义联想和艺术感受的差距。”(2001:152)但是舍弃原语的形象实在是不得以而为之的一种手段. 最典型的例子就是关于“红”的翻译。“红色”在中国文化中象征着阳光、幸福、热烈、繁荣、运气、闺阁等,在现代则更具有革命的意义,而在英语中则缺少这些象征的意义,




【摘要】《红楼梦》这部千古传奇,一经问世,便广为流传,文人学者乃至普通读者都对《红楼梦》产生了浓厚的兴趣,每每以论红、评红为时尚,它以一部小说成就了一门学问——“红学”。本文对主要红学派别进行了综合概括,并针对索隐派、考证派的谬误进行了分析,明确提出《红楼梦》是一部伟大的文学作品,不是传记,也不是 历史。作为文学作品的研究,重在研究作品本身,重在研究它的思想文化内涵、 艺术成就,而不是去探佚、猜谜或毫无意义的考证。


《红楼梦》一经问世就引起了文人学士的极大兴趣,研究、评论《红楼梦》开始盛行,点评是研究《红楼梦》的最早形式,点评者人数众多,点评者旨趣也不尽相同,其中最重要最神秘的是脂砚斋,其点评已成为《红楼梦》的一部分,是研究《红楼梦》不可或缺的极为重要的资料。至光绪年间,关于《红楼梦》的研究已成为显学,随着《红楼梦》的广泛流传,对《红楼梦》的研究日益 发展。“清末的民族主义思潮,激励着索隐红学的兴盛,五四新文化运动的民族与 科学精神,激励着新红学的诞生……1954年由毛泽东亲自介入并领导的批俞运动,使得红学的显学地位达到空前的显赫状态。此后,学者、作家、艺术家、学生乃至普通读者都以论红、评红为时尚”。

1 《红楼梦》研究之红学派别




民族主义小说,影康熙朝 政治状况说。蔡元培的《石头记索隐》认为:“《石头记》者,清康熙朝政治小说也,作者持民族主义甚挚,书中本事,在吊明之亡,揭清之失,而尤于汉族名士仕清者,寓痛惜之意,当时既虑触文网,又欲别开生面,特于事本之上,加以数层障幕,使读者有‘横看成岭侧成峰’之状况。”主张贾宝玉即为康熙帝废太子胤礽,金陵十二钗为拟清初江南之名士。书中“红”字多影“朱”字,“贾”字为斥伪朝。




考证派:曹雪芹自传说。胡适《红楼梦考证》,说《红楼梦》记的是曹雪芹的自叙传,贾政即是曹頫,宝玉即是曹雪芹。雪芹一生的事实,原是很合乎全书的故事的,作者在卷首自己也这样说:“因曾经历过一番幻梦之后,故将真事隐去,而借通灵之说,撰此《石头记》一书也。”又云:“今日风尘碌碌,一事无成,忽念及当日所有之女子……。当此则自欲将已往所赖天恩祖德,锦衣纨绔之时,饫甘厌肥之日,背父兄 教育之恩,负师友规训之德,以致今日一技无成,半生潦倒之罪,编述一集,已告天下。”主张贾宝玉即曹雪芹缩影,书中事迹,乃备记其身历风月繁华之盛。考证派代表人物还有俞平伯、周汝昌、顾颉刚等。




除上述红学派别外,还有运用西方 哲学和文学理论对《红楼梦》的思想性、艺术性、主题、人物、语言等进行研究者,代表性作品,如王国维的《红楼梦评论》、李长之的《红楼梦批判》、李辰冬的《红楼梦研究》、王昆仑的《红楼梦人物论》等等。

2 我对《红楼梦》研究之拙见

索隐派是《红楼梦》早期研究的主要派别,但他们既不讲究科学逻辑,也不尊重客观事实和材料,他们可以把事实和材料任意剪裁、组合使其成为符合自己主观需要的东西,甚至可以制造出事实和材料,以证明自己的主观猜测。他们用测字猜谜的方法,牵强附会地构想出人物和事件的某种关系。正如刘梦溪先生所说,索引派是“起于猜测,止于猜测,辗转相传,缺乏论证”。胡适先生认为,索隐红学属于“附会的红学”,其索隐工作是“猜笨谜”。王昆仑先生说:“《红楼梦》索引派不是从作品内容去说明作者的创作思想和人物故事的真实意义,偏要按照书中人名、故事、用字用语,穿凿附会,证明他是影射清初某些政治历史上的个别事实,或怀着善良的动机,力求说明作者以民族思想侧面宣传反对满清皇朝统治 中国,这虽然有一定程度的政治意义,可是毕竟武断的歪曲了作者自己的写作目的,抹杀了她的社会的艺术的价值。”





不少研究者指出,“《红楼梦》只不过是一部小说”,“ 《红楼梦》首先是一部小说”,呼吁回归到《红楼梦》的文学价值上来,回归到《红楼梦》在中国文学和文化中地位研究,回归到作品的艺术分析,把《红楼梦》当小说来读。启功先生说:“我以为与其费劲炒作这种没有意义的发现,还不如好好读读《红楼梦》本身,体会一下书中丰富的内容。”如果抛开作品本身而去研究曹学、版本学、探佚学、脂学,去索隐作品影射谁,这是本末倒置,舍本而求末。离开了《红楼梦》这部小说,研究其它又有什么意义?研究曹雪芹及《红楼梦》版本对帮助作品的理解有一定作用,但没有弄清曹雪芹及其家族史,并不会影响《红楼梦》成为一部伟大作品,他在文学史上的地位是由作品本身的成就所决定的。至于索隐是自传说、顺治董小宛故事说等,这原本偏离了小说的研究,这样的研究完全没有实际意义,对小说的研究也没有任何作用。如果研究某一部作品都要这么研究的话,那么“阿Q”是不是也要研究一下影射谁,“孙悟空”又是影射谁?吴俊升先生认为:“我们所以读此书,是因为艺术之美的欣赏,而此书美之所在,并不在乎勾心斗角,影射史事,而在乎即此人,即此事,写的入情入理,为深刻呈露的表现。所以读此书,只要就其本体欣赏,已便得其神髓,不必另下索隐的功夫。”


3 结语



[1] 吕启祥,林东海.《红楼梦研究稀见资料汇编》.北京:人民文学出版社,2002








my favorite book

As a student, we have studied for many years. During these years, we have been studing Chinese, English, science and so on. In this period, with the improvement of our knowledge, we not only read the books in class but also read extracurricular after school. In my opinion Dream of the red chamber is the best book I have read. In this book, the great author Cao xueqin expressed his view about love. He had firmly faith in what is the true love and try to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True expressed his firm belief on true love. Among different types of love, only one was considered true love.)

A Dream of Red MansionsA Dream of Red Mansions, an ancient novel written by Tsao Hsueh-chin and Kao Hgo; Dream of Red Mansions, an English translation by Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang, illustrated by Tai Tun-Pang, Volumes I II III, 1,900 pages, hardcover with cloth, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 1995 The novel as a literary genre has a long history in China, germinating at the time of Wei and Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties (. 220-589), growing apace through Tang and Song, and blossoming forth in full splendor during the Ming and Qing Dynasties with the emergence of some renowned writers and works of which the best known are Luo Guanzhong of late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties and his Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shi Naian of the same period and his Outlaws of the Marsh, Whu Chenen of Ming Dynasty and his Journey to the West and Cao Xueqin of Qing Dynasty and his book A Dream of the Red Mansions. All these full-length novels are characterized by a plicated and interesting plot, an extensive vista and scope, vivid and realistic characterization and elegant and evocative language, testifying to the high artistic achievement of the authors and the maturity of novel writing in early Chinese literature. These books have enjoyed great popularity among the people and exerted a tremendous influence on their minds. Many of the characters and stories in these novels are known to everyone in China, not excluding housewives and children.

1.介绍上海的购物中心 Shanghai City shopping center covers an area of 66,000 square meters, construction area of 80,000 square meters, total construction area of 360,000 square meters, consists of o grade a Office building to high standards and prehensive shopping mall consisting of a very large. One-stage opening of 80,000 square meters. HongQiao Shanghai City shopping center to promote "casual, fashion" style, for the Shanghai people, successful people, expatriates provides an elegant environment, cordial and warm to meet the demand for a rich life and taste, leisure, entertainment, dining, shopping, activities, health content plurali *** of international leisure and shopping venues. HongQiao Shanghai City Shopping Center 上海城购物中心占地面积66000平方米,建筑面积80000平方米,总建筑面积360000平方米,由两栋高标准甲级写字楼及一个超大型综合性商场组成。



2.介绍一个旅游景点 云南昆明 Kunming, Yunnan, it is called spring city, it is very beautiful. North is now far away frozen over, Wanli snow drift, but are feeling that there is winter in Kunming, it is still a profusion of garden flowers spring, blooming Camellia flowers, plum and cherry blossoms that bloom to the interpretation of stone forest in suburbs of Kunming, jiuxiang, West Hill, national village, is a very famous tourist attraction. Qifengguaishi of the stone forest, jiuxiang dangerous, deep, and, strange cave, Longmen, the sleeping beauty mountain, Xishan, have left a deep impression on us.云南昆明,人称春城,确实非常美丽。



3.我的大学生活 In College, there will be no more teacher lesson of well-meaning and anti-corrosion of tireless explanation; does not have to do exercises every day and paper; nor every day anxiety, anguish in order to score, ranking sth University will not be from class 5 points out quarters until 10 o'clock in the morning back rest; do not like to see the dream of something but is afraid of being found by the teacher and hide oneself from place to place, even more important is, at the University there are all kinds of activities waiting for you to participate in and experience, which is considered something is a waste of time in high school. In fact, we can learn from these things a lot--textbooks and no knowledge, learn a lot of experience or lessons learned College colorful sth 在大学,不会再有老师苦口婆心的教诲和防腐不知疲倦的讲解;不会有每天做不完的习题和试卷;也不会天天为了分数、名次而焦急、苦恼…… 大学中绝不会有从早上5点出宿舍上课直到晚上10点才回去休息的情况;也不会因为喜欢看《红楼梦》但怕被老师发现而东躲西藏的事情,更重要的是,在大学里有各种各样的活动等着你去参加和体验,而这些在高中都被视为纯属浪费时间的事情。






The "four famous" full name "four big classical literature" is "the four masterpieces" of the modern view, time will not be the natural early. Therefore,the "four famous" (four books) formulation must be appeared in the "a dream of Red Mansions" into a Book to the "writing", "call more cultural meaning of classics", moreemphasis on cultural achievements four classic is not a person to settle down,but in the process of circulating readers research, interpretation, measuredafter the asses *** ent, the four famous hosts a number of cultural essence,imperceptibly to many human thinking wisdom, Weirenchushi way influence,has the profound influence on the later social ideological trend, socialatmosphere, change of political 's four famous recognized as: "the romance of the Three Kingdoms" (Luo Guanzhong), "the Water Margin" (Shi Naian), "journey to the west" (Wu Chengen), "a dream of Red Mansions" (Cao Xueqin); (is the last century 50'sthe people's Literature Publishing House of the four classics of the time known as the "four famous". From the name).















而霍译本文字流畅,有明显的阅读 *** ,但他喜欢使用长句,不太适合当代读者的阅读习惯。








红楼梦的,希望你喜欢啊 As a student, we have study for many years. During there years, we study Chinese, English, science and so on. In this period, with the improvement of our knowledge, we not only read the books in class but also read extracurricular after school. In my opinion Dream of the red chamber is the best book I have read. In this book, the great author Cao xueqin his view about love. He had firmly faith in what is the true love and try to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love. In a dream, and under mythical circumstances, the main character of the novel, Jia baoyu, met the Fairy Disenchantment in the Land of Illusions. She showed him three "registers" each containing the names and "the happenings in life" of 12 girls in his clan. Each girl represents a kind of love. From the stories which are unfolding in the novel, the reader should know the characteristics of the different kinds of love, and should be able to distinguish True Love from the other kinds. True love is acceptance, mittal, mutual and without any post conditions. The love beeen Lin daiyu and Jia baoyu is considered to be True Love. Just saying or hearing I love you is not good enough because talk is cheap. Action in mutual mitment is essential, as we can see in the novel. We always have dreams. What's ours dream? Do you know what you exactly want? And do you work hard for it. In this book, you can taste the feeling of the author about his strong will. In his words, you can find the charm of Chinese. It is not a book, but a precious deposits. You can get a lot from it. But unfortunately, the novel was never "pleted" to such a state. On the other hand, maybe, it is another kind of beauty of the book. If you have not read this book yet, just go and read it. You will love it.

There is a reading-room in our is a good place for students to stay,only because the reading-room is usually very quiet and it has lots of different books and magazines for students to the books in the reading-room cover the books from different aspects,such as the books about history,arts, geography, philosophy, literature and even math , physics,chemistry, and so may choose whatever books you like in the reading-room in our school opens at 8: and closes at 8: you like,you can stay there for the whole course, you need show your student's card to the library you can surf in the "ocean of knowledge".You will not be disturbed by anybody. Anybody who used to be a student must have a very good memory of the is the first time for us to read books with lots of people in the same room without any 's a very impression in our minds.





或许我仍会向你调皮地回眸一笑,仍会对 “大风车”全神贯注。


我是初中生了,不喜欢与同学们一起做游戏,总喜欢背着画夹,提着 “百宝箱”去大自然中写生、采树种。







我应该……当这种欲望刚刚萌发,似乎有个声音在我耳边低语: “要塑造有个性的自己,去追求自然美!”我是一个中学生了,也开始追逐政治的步伐,将告别红色飘带,准备接受团徽的召唤。

但希望之舟,惟恐经不起风霜的嘲讽,只得暂时 “搁浅”在心中——违心地把崇高的信念表现为表面的满不在乎,掩饰内心的撞击。



dear sir/mdmMerry Christmas!!! i wish this Christmas will be a memorable one for you. First of all, i would like to express my gratitude for your guidance and patience. You kind words have constantly motivated me to work hard to improve my English (或者别的什么科目,看你老师教什么). i would like to say a big "thank you". Without you, i will not be who i am sincerely hope that you will continue to teach me, not only English, but also lessons in life. once again, i wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new sincerely,xxx

转载请注明出处 » 为什么喜欢曹雪芹的《红楼梦》英语作文

2012年02月13日 10时12分,《英语网:英语论文:浅论《红楼梦》英译本中的意义翻译与文化取向[1]》由英语我整理. rface fll be your side. When the autumn leaves fall I shall bid you adieu For our marriage must ertd when the summer is through Jia Zhen thought that the answer must be a bamboo wife as they call those wick work cylinders which are put between the bedclothes in summetime to make them cooler. 宝钗的谜底是竹夫人,该物用竹蔑编制,圆形,有孔,透风,睡觉时抱着取凉。这是中国特有的器物,原语文化的成员能够理解基于这种器物生发的文化含义,而目的语文化成员没有这种器物的经验,也就难以理解这种器物所关联的文化含义。就宝钗的灯谜而言,由于缺少关于竹夫人的经验,英文读者不可能根据谜底猜到谜底,进而 更不可能理解其中关于宝钗的命运的信息。霍克斯教授在译文这中加入竹夫人形状的描述,其目的是显而易见的,是使目的语读者能够获得最大程度的等值信息,即使他们也能认识到竹夫人是宝钗命运的不详之兆。 三、改换原语形象的归化翻译 有些汉语词汇如果采用直译处理,在译入语中会产生语义空白或歧义。如果译入语中有相当或相似的形象词汇,则可以采用译入语中的形象来表达原语的意义。 例4.二十年前,他们看承你们好,如今是你们拉硬屎,不肯去就合他,才疏远起来(第六回) 杨译本:Twenty years back they treated you not badly. Since then of course you’ve been too pig-headed to go near them, so that now you’ve drifted apart. “拉硬屎”是一个极为形象的、平民化的汉民族俗语,表示做某件事情虽力不从心,但碍于面子又硬要做,有“愚倔”的喻义。如果简单直译“拉硬屎”,不仅译文中产生语义空缺,甚至还会令读者有翅靛不雅的感觉。译者处理这个词语时,除去原语中的形象比喻,选用了英语语义相当的pig headed意译“拉硬屎”,使原文处世不灵活,碍于面子不肯屈就”的内涵意义表现得独特、到位。 论文论文参考网 例5.今既入了这园,在遇见湘云、香菱、芳蕊等一干女子,所谓“物以类聚,人以群分”,二语不错(第六十二回) 杨译本:Coming here now and meeting I-Isiang-ling, Fang-kuan , Jur-kuan and the other girls,it was a genuine case of“like attracts like”or“birds of a feather flock together". “物以类聚,人以群分”中的“人”为实指,是实实在在的有生命的人;“物”为虚指,到底是什么“物”,读者不得而知。译者翻译这句俗语时,将汉语中的实指的“人”虚化成可指人又可指物的“like",而把虚指的“物”具象成了“birds"。实变虚,虚变实。译者在虚实之间以译入语读者熟悉的形象比喻将原文生动而准确地传达给他们。 四、舍弃原语形象的归化翻译 汉语中有不少带有浓重的中华民族文化特色的词语,用上述的几种译法都无法确切地传达原文的意蕴。为了使译文更具有英语韵味,译者根据语言文化的需要,遵循了“以目的语文化为归宿的原则” (郭建中.2000: 181) “在透彻理解原语的基础上,用简洁生动的语言译出原语的含义,尽可能缩小译语与原语对各自读者所产生的语义联想和艺术感受的差距。”(2001:152)但是舍弃原语的形象实在是不得以而为之的一种手段. 最典型的例子就是关于“红”的翻译。“红色”在中国文化中象征着阳光、幸福、热烈、繁荣、运气、闺阁等,在现代则更具有革命的意义,而在英语中则缺少这些象征的意义,

2002年10月,南开大学外国语学院和《中国翻译》编辑部联合举办“全国《红楼梦》翻译研讨会”,这是专就一部文学经典的翻译举行的学术会议。大会收到数量较多的论文,这里汇集的是其中的一部分,凑成一个集子,以资纪念。同时,借此机会与学者们互通信息,交流经验,共同推动《红楼梦》的翻译研究。在世界文学史上,有因对具体作家的研究而发展成为一个专门学问的,如,将英国戏剧家莎士比亚研究称为“莎学”,将爱尔兰作家乔伊斯 (JamesJoyce)研究称为“乔学”。因对一本书的研究而发展成专门学问的不多,《红楼梦》是一个。这是文学史上一个特殊的现象。《红楼梦》于乾隆五十六(1791)年第一次刊印,至清朝末年,一些文人把对《红楼梦》的研读和评说称之为“红学”。此后的“红学”经历了一个曲折的发展过程,至于今,已成为一门显学,不仅在中国,在国外也受关注。《红楼梦》作为一部文学经典具有恒久的魅力,它在中国文化里产生、流传,在异域文化里也得到传播——主要通过它的译文得以实现。 目前,《红楼梦》已有十五六种文字的译本。就英语译本看,它的翻译经历了一个较长的历史。陈宏薇教授和江帆在她们合写的《难忘的历程》里说,自 1830年英国皇家学会会员戴维斯翻译《红楼梦》第三回片断开始, 160年来,先后产生了9种英译文。在霍克斯/闵福德和杨宪益夫女王的全译本之前的翻译都是节译,其中以王良志(1927)和王际真 (1929)的译本在推动《红楼梦》在西方流传方面影响较大。20世纪70年代,英国汉学家戴维·霍克斯(DavidHawkes)着手翻译《红楼梦》前80回,由英国企鹅出版公司出版,译文书名为 The StoryO/the Stone,分三卷,第一卷The Golden Days(1973),包括前26回;第二卷The Crab—Flower Club(1977),包括27 —53回;第三卷The Warning Voice(1980),包括54—80回。后来约翰·闵福德(John Minford)继霍克斯翻译了《红楼梦》的后四十回,分两卷出版,第四卷TheDebto/Tears(1982),包括81—98回;第五卷TheDreamer Wakes(1986),包括99—120回。20世纪70年代后期,杨宪益(Yang Hsien-yi)和戴乃迭(Glad— ysYang)夫夕]也开始了翻译《红楼梦》的巨大工程,于1978— 1980年由外文出版社(北京)分三卷出版,译文书名为‘4 Dream o/ Red Mansions。《红楼梦》两个英文全译本的出版,不仅是中国和英语国家文化交流的大事,也是文学翻译的大事,它促进了中国古典小说的翻译进程。在此后不到十年的时间里,相继又出版了由詹纳(W.J。 P.Jenner)翻译的《西游记》(/ourneycOthe West,1982),由沙博里 (SidneyShapiro)翻译的《水浒传》(Outlaws O/the Marsh,1988),以及由罗伯茨(Moss Roberts)翻译的《三国演义》(Three King— doms,1994)。至此,中国四部古典文学名著的英文全译本已出齐。在推动中国古典文学名著英译并使其形成一个蓬勃发展的形势过程中,《红楼梦》的英译者们是有功劳的。随着《红楼梦》的翻译出版,出现了《红楼梦》翻译批评和研究的好形势。 自戴维·霍克斯于1973年出版第一卷The Golden Days以来,便有人开始写研究《红楼梦》翻译的文章。据不完全统计,到目前就霍克斯/闵福德译本和杨宪益/戴乃迭译本所写的散见于各地的研究文章,已有70余篇,加上这里收集的30几篇,足有100多篇。这期间也有关于《红楼梦》翻译研究的专著问世,如南开大学王宏印教授的《<红楼梦>诗词曲赋英译比较研究》,是《红楼梦》系统研究的一个良好开端。现在研究《红楼梦》翻译的人逐渐多起来,专家学者之外,也有青年教师和研究生。在这种形势下,探讨如何使《红楼梦》的翻译研究深入,也许能够使其成为一个专门的研究课题,为翻译作为一门学科的建设做贡献,这是很值得的。从这里收入的文章看,大体分二种类型。一种是宏观类型的研究,其研究方法突破了以往规定性的“标准一分析一结论”和文本“对等”的单一模式,回到历史和文化的背景中,研究《红楼梦》翻译和当时的历史、政治、文化和文学思潮的互动关系,·体现了以历史地描述和解释为主的科学研究的性质;这一类型里还有关于《红楼梦》翻译的体制、策略、翻译倾向和补偿策略等问题的研究,也是值得重视的问题。另一种是微观类型的研究,多涉及文化和语言层面的问题,以阐释批评的方式对译作和原作以及它们之间的关系进行评价,对译作进行审美的和其他方面的价值判断等。 这两种类型的研究各有自己的功能和价值。宏观方面的研究可以帮助我们认识不同文化之间的交流和理解是经过怎样一个过程实现的;微观方面的研究可以帮助我们思考如何翻译好,如何培养好的译者,以真正实现文化交流的目的。勒菲弗尔(Andr6 Lefe— vere)和巴斯奈特(Susan Bassneff)将这二者比喻为翻译大厦里的两栋房子,没有理由不让它们并肩而立。翻译研究的目的除了对翻译活动进行客观的和科学的描述和解释,还要通过研究翻译过程和翻译作品对翻译进行理论总结,以端正对翻译的认识,提高翻译质量,促进翻译事业的发展。著名红学家冯其庸说:《红楼梦》是一首无韵的《离骚》,也是一部“说”家之绝唱。 自从《红楼梦》问世以后,中国的古典小说再也没有超越它的作品出现了。《红楼梦》是一部“前不见古人,后不见来者”的千古绝唱!读过《红楼梦》的人大概都同意这个意见,甚至连读过《红楼梦》的外国人也持同样的看法。斯洛伐克翻译家玛丽纳·恰尔诺古尔斯卡(Marina Camogul3ka)就说:因为它是一部天才的小说、散文和诗的交响曲,它是一部集所有重要的中国文化之大成的百科全书,它是一部蕴涵重要的人生哲理和世界观的小说——而这样大师级的文学作品在世界上任何别的地方均不存在。《红楼梦》的译者以及未来的《红楼梦》译者们肩负着一个伟大而艰难的使命,即,通过译文让英语读者也能认识到“《红楼梦》是一部‘前不见古人,后不见来者’的千古绝唱”,是一部“在世界上任何别的地方均不存在”的作品。如果我们的译文不能达到这样的境界,那就辜负了这部伟大的作品。 钱谷融先生认为一切文学作品都应该是诗,都应该有诗的意味。他说李白、杜甫的诗篇是诗,曹雪芹的《红楼梦》以及鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》都是诗,研究文学不可忘记文学作品的本质是诗。他的这番话对于翻译的研究者和文学作品的译者有很深的启示:《红楼梦》里“诗的意味”是什么,它是以怎样的形式表现出来或隐含在内,翻译《红楼梦》时如何才能体验和再现它的“诗的意味”。这些涉及到文艺美学也涉及到翻译美学,是《红楼梦》的翻译和研究不可回避的问题。 《红楼梦》的翻译研究虽属个案研究,但在对两种语言、两种文学和文化的对比研究中可以汲取丰富的灵感和资源,用科学的方法加以梳理总结,可以使我们的翻译研究建立在语言、文学和文化对比研究的坚实的基础之上,在对比语言学、对比文化学、文艺美学和翻译诗学等方面有所发现,为翻译学的建设和翻译事业的发展做出自己的贡献In October 2002, Nankai University Foreign Languages Institute and "Chinese Translation" Editorial Department jointly organized the "National" Dream of Red Mansions "translation workshop," This is a classic on the translation of a literary conference held. The General Assembly received a large number of papers collected here are part of, to make up a collection, memento of the occasion. At the same time, and scholars to take this opportunity to share information, exchange experiences and jointly promote the "Dream of Red Mansions" of translation studies. In the history of world literature, a writer because of the specific research and the development of a specialized knowledge of, for example, the British dramatist Shakespeare referred to as the "school-sha", the Irish writer James Joyce (JamesJoyce) study known as "Joe Xue . " Because of a book devoted to research and develop into a little learning, "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a. This is a special literary phenomenon. "A Dream of Red Mansions" at 56 Qianlong (1791) published for the first time to the late Qing dynasty, a number of scholars to "A Dream of Red Mansions" and comment on the study called "A Dream of Red Mansions." Since then the "A Dream of Red Mansions" has gone through a tortuous development process, as this has become a significant study, not only in China, in other countries of concern. "A Dream of Red Mansions" as a literary classic with a long-lasting charm, which have a culture in China, spread in a foreign land has been the dissemination of culture - mainly through its President can be achieved. At present, the "Dream of Red Mansions" has been the translation of languages十五六. On the English translation, the translation of it has gone through a long history. And Professor Chen Hongwei Jiang Fan in their co-wrote the "unforgettable journey," said that since 1830 the Royal Society of translation Davis, "A Dream of Red Mansions" to fragment the third year, 160 years ago, has resulted in nine kinds of English translation . In the Hawkes / Min Yang Xianyi Ford and the Queen's husband before the whole translation of the translation section is translated, with Wang Chi (1927) and WANG Ji-Zhen (1929) in promoting the translation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" in the West affect the larger circulation. The 20th century, 70's, the United Kingdom戴维霍克斯sinologist (DavidHawkes) start of translation, "A Dream of Red Mansions" before the 80 back, from United Kingdom Penguin Books published the title of President for The StoryO / the Stone, in three volumes, the first volume of The Golden Days (1973), including the former 26 Back; II The Crab-Flower Club (1977), including back to 27 -53; III The Warning Voice (1980), including back to 54-80. Later, John Minford (John Minford) following the Hawkes translation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" after the 40 back, in two volumes published in Volume IV TheDebto / Tears (1982), including back to 81-98; TheDreamer V Wakes (1986), including back to 99-120. 70 In the late 20th century, Yang Yi (Yang Hsien-yi) and Gladys (Glad-ysYang) Fu Xi] also began the translation, "A Dream of Red Mansions," the great works, in 1978 - 1980 by Foreign Languages Press (Beijing) published in three volumes, entitled Mr'4 Dream o / Red Mansions. "A Dream of Red Mansions" two of the published English translation of the whole is not only a cultural exchange between China and the major English-speaking countries, but also a major event in literary translation, it has promoted the translation of classical Chinese novels process. Less than a decade in time, have also published by Jenner (. P. Jenner) translation of "Journey to the West" (/ ourneycOthe West, 1982), by the Shapiro-ri (SidneyShapiro) Translation " Outlaws of the Marsh "(Outlaws O / the Marsh, 1988), as well as Roberts (Moss Roberts) translation of the" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "(Three King-doms, 1994). So far, four classical Chinese Literature in English translation has been a homogeneous whole. In promoting the English translation of Chinese Classical Literature and make it into a dynamic growth process, "A Dream of Red Mansions" is the British translator who has the credit of. With the "Dream of Red Mansions" translated and published, there has been "A Dream of Red Mansions," the study of translation criticism and a good situation.戴维霍克斯since the publication of Volume I in 1973, since The Golden Days, people began to write research "A Dream of Red Mansions," the article translated. According to incomplete statistics, the current on the Hawkes / Minford translation and Yang Hsien-yi / Gladys written translation research scattered throughout the articles, there are more than 70 articles, together with the collection of 30 essays here, there are more than 100 feet articles. During this period there are on "A Dream of Red Mansions" Translation Studies monographs available, such as the Nankai University's Professor Wang Hongyin " Poetry A Comparative Study of the English translation of Qu Fu" and "A Dream of Red Mansions" System of a good start. Research is now "A Dream of Red Mansions" translation gradually grown, outside experts and scholars, there are young teachers and graduate students. Under such circumstances, to explore how to make the "A Dream of Red Mansions," the translation of research in depth, may be able to make it a special research topic for the translation as a discipline to contribute to the building, it is worth it. Income from here to see the article, generally divided into two types. One is the macro-type of research, the research methods of breaking through the previous "standard an analysis of a conclusion" and the text of "reciprocity" of single-mode and return to historical and cultural background, the study of "A Dream of Red Mansions" translation and the historical, political, cultural and literary interaction between ideas, reflects the historical description and interpretation of the nature of scientific research-based; this type there are still on "A Dream of Red Mansions" translation system, strategy, Translation compensation trends and issues such as research strategy, one that deserves attention. Another type of study is the micro-, multi-cultural and linguistic level, in order to explain the criticism of the way and the original translation as well as their evaluation of the relationship between, on the translation for aesthetic and other value judgments and so on. Both types of study have their own functions and values. Macro-studies can help us understand the exchange between different cultures and understanding how a process is achieved; micro research can help us to think about how good the translation, how to cultivate a good translator, so as to really achieve the purpose of cultural exchange . Lefebvre (Andr6 Lefe-vere) and Bassnett (Susan Bassneff) compared to the translation of these two buildings in the two houses, there is no reason not to allow them to stand shoulder to shoulder. The purpose of translation studies translation activities in addition to objective and scientific description and explanation, but also by studying the process of translation and translation work on the translation of theoretical summary to correct understanding of translation, translation quality, and promote the development of translation. Yong Feng红学家famous said: "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a non-rhyme of "Li Sao", is also a "say" home of farewell. Since the "Dream of Red Mansions" after launch, the Chinese classical novel does not go beyond it no longer works there. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a "not before the ancients, the latter were not to" the eternal farewell! Read "A Dream of Red Mansions" who probably agree with this view, and even read the "Dream of Red Mansions" of foreigners, also holds the same view. Slovakia玛丽纳恰尔诺古尔斯卡translator (Marina Camogul3ka) said: because it is a genius of fiction, prose and poetry of the symphony, it is a collection of all the important of the Chinese culture Dacheng Encyclopedia, which is an important implication of the life philosophy and world view of the novel - and this master of literary works in the world do not exist in any other places. "A Dream of Red Mansions" and the future of the translator, "A Dream of Red Mansions" translators are responsible for a great and difficult mission, that is, through the President so that English readers will understand "" A Dream of Red Mansions "is a 'pre - not ancient, but not to those who, after 'the eternal farewell "is a" in the world do not exist in any other places "works. Asked if we can not achieve such a state, then let this great work. Mr. Qian Gurong that all literary works should be poetry, poetry should have the means. He said that Li Bai, Du Fu's poetry is poetry, Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" and Lu Xun's "朝花夕拾" are poetry, literary studies should not forget that the essence of literature is poetry. Translation of his remarks for the researchers and the translator of literary works have a very deep inspiration: "A Dream of Red Mansions" in "means that poetry" is what kind of form it is manifested or implied, including, translation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" how to reproduce it in order to experience and the "means of poetry." These relate to literary aesthetics of translation also involves aesthetics, is "A Dream of Red Mansions" of the translation and study of the problem can not be avoided. "A Dream of Red Mansions", although the translation of research case studies, but in two languages, two types of Comparative Literature and cultural studies can learn a wealth of inspiration and resources to sort out the scientific method to sum up, you can make our translation Research based on language, literature and cultural comparative study on the solid foundation, in contrast to linguistics, comparative culture, literature and art aesthetics and poetics of translation has been found and so on, for the construction of translation studies and translation of the cause of the development of its own contribution to


A Dream of Red Mansions, a Chinese ancient chapter novel, also known as Stone Records, has been listed as the first of the four classical works in China.

It is generally believed to be written by Cao Xueqin, a writer of the Qing Dynasty.

With the rise and fall of Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue as the background, and from the perspective of Jia Baoyu, the rich prince.

the novel depicts a group of life patterns of boudoir ladies whose manners and insights are above the eyebrows, and shows the true beauty of humanity and tragedy.

It can be said that it is an epic that shows the beauty of women from all angles.

Dream of Red Mansions is a world influential human relationship novel. It is universally acknowledged as the peak of Chinese classical novel.

the Encyclopedia of Chinese feudal society and the epitome of traditional culture.








Cao Xueqin was born in Tieling, Liaoning Province. Cao Xueqin was born in Jiangning. Cao Xueqin was born in the Baiqi Baoyi family of the Qing Dynasty Interior Office.

He was the grandson of Jiangning who weaved Cao Yin and the son of Cao Yong.

In his early years, Cao Xueqin lived in Jiangning Weaving House in Nanjing, where he lived a life of rich and beautiful clothes.

Great-grandfather Cao Xi was appointed to weave in Jiangning, and great-grandmother Sun Shi was the nanny of Emperor Kangxi.

Grandfather Cao Yin was the accompanying reader of Emperor Kangxi and the former guard of Emperor Kangxi, later Jiangning weaving.

and also the imperial envoy of salt inspection in Huaihe and Huaihe provinces. He was greatly favored by Emperor Kangxi.

In Yongzheng's six years, Cao's family was convicted of a crime of deficit and was copied. Cao Xueqin moved back to his old residence in Beijing with his family.

Later, he moved to the western suburbs of Beijing and made a living selling paintings and calligraphy and relief from friends. From then on, Cao's family became weak and declining.

After experiencing a major turning point in life, Cao Xueqin was deeply impressed by the coldness of the world and had a more sober and profound understanding of the feudal society.

He despised dignitaries, stayed away from official life and lived in poverty.

Cao Xueqin is liberal in nature and has a wide range of hobbies. He has studied stone, poetry, painting, garden, traditional Chinese medicine, weaving, mending, craftsmanship, diet and so on.

With perseverance and many years of hardship, he finally created a great work of great ideological and artistic quality, Dream of Red Mansions. In his later years, Cao Xueqin moved to the western suburbs of Beijing.

In the twenty-seventh year of Emperor Qianlong's reign, his youngest son died. He was overwhelmed with grief and grief and was bedridden. On the 28th New Year's Eve of Qianlong, he died of poverty and disease.



曹雪芹早年在南京江宁织造府亲历了一段锦衣纨绔、富贵风流的生活 。曾祖父曹玺任江宁织造;曾祖母孙氏做过康熙帝的保姆。









<红楼梦>是一部博大精深的著作,其中涉及到的吃穿住用等文化有上百种,生动的再现了当时社会的生活、文化及娱乐等。本文就从吃入手,来谈谈红楼梦里的饮食文化。1.桂圆汤桂圆汤第一次登场是在第六回“贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府”,当时宝玉梦到了在太虚幻境坠入迷津,“彼时宝玉迷迷惑惑, 若有所失.众人忙端上桂圆汤来,呷了两口,遂起身整衣。”2.鹅掌鸭信“宝玉因夸前日在那府里珍大嫂子的好鹅掌鸭信. 薛姨妈听了,忙也把自己糟的取了些来与他尝.宝玉笑道:"这个须得就酒才好."薛姨妈便令人去灌了最上等的酒来.”(第八回比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸)3.酸笋鸡皮汤4. 碧粳粥“幸而薛姨妈千哄万哄的,只容他吃了几杯,就忙收过了.作酸笋鸡皮汤,宝玉痛喝了两碗,吃了半碗碧粳粥.”(第八回比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸)5.燕窝汤“我叫他兄弟到那边府里找宝玉去了,我才看着他吃了半盏燕窝汤,我才过来了.”(第十回 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源)6.山药糕“昨日老太太赏的那枣泥馅的山药糕,我倒吃了两块, 倒象克化的动似的”(第十一回 庆寿辰宁府排家宴 见熙凤贾瑞起淫心)7.奶子糖粳米粥“平儿便请起来梳洗.及收拾完备,更衣洗手, 吃了两口奶子糖粳米粥,漱口已毕,已是卯正二刻了。”(第十四回 林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王)8.火腿炖肘子“因向平儿道:"早起我说那一碗火腿炖肘子很烂,正好给妈妈吃,你怎么不拿了去赶着叫他们热来?”(第十六回 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路)9.糖蒸酥酪“才要去时,忽又有贾妃赐出糖蒸酥酪来,宝玉想上次袭人喜吃此物 ,便命留与袭人了.自己回过贾母,过去看戏。”(第十九回 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香)10.梅花香饼儿“宝玉坐了,用自己的脚炉垫了脚, 向荷包内取出两个梅花香饼儿来,又将自己的手炉掀开焚上,仍盖好,放与宝玉怀内。” (第十九回 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香)11.酸梅汤"袭人道:"老太太给的一碗汤,喝了两口,只嚷干喝, 要吃酸梅汤.我想着酸梅是个收敛的东西,才刚捱了打......"12.玫瑰卤子 木樨清露 玫瑰清露"因此我劝了半天才没吃,只拿那糖腌的玫瑰卤子和了吃,吃了半碗,又嫌吃絮了,不香甜.""袭人看时,只见两个玻璃小瓶,却有三寸大小,上面螺丝银盖,鹅黄笺上写着"木樨清露",那一个写着"玫瑰清露"......" (第三十四回 情中情因情感妹妹 错里错以错劝哥哥)13.荷叶汤“少顷,荷叶汤来,贾母看过了.王夫人回头见玉钏儿在那边,便令玉钏与宝玉送去。” (第三十五回 白玉钏亲尝莲叶羹 黄金莺巧结梅花络)14.桂花糖蒸新栗粉糕"又那一个,是一碟子桂花糖蒸新栗粉糕......" (第三十七回 秋爽斋偶结海棠社 蘅芜苑夜拟菊花题)15.菱粉糕 鸡油卷儿"那婆子一时拿了盒子回来说:"二奶奶说,叫奶奶和姑娘们别笑话要嘴吃.这个盒子里是方才舅太太那里送来的菱粉糕和鸡油卷儿, 给奶奶姑娘们吃的." (第三十九回 村姥姥是信口开合 情哥哥偏寻根究底)16.鸽子蛋"李纨端了一碗放在贾母桌上.凤姐儿偏拣了一碗鸽子蛋放在刘姥姥桌上." (第四十回 史太君两宴大观园 金鸳鸯三宣牙牌令)17.茄鲞"贾母笑道:"你把茄鲞搛些喂他."凤姐儿听说,依言搛些茄鲞送入刘姥姥口中,因笑道 :"你们天天吃茄子,也尝尝我们的茄子弄的可口不可口.""凤姐儿笑道:"这也不难. 你把才下来的茄子把皮了,只要净肉,切成碎钉子,用鸡油炸了,再用鸡脯子肉并香菌,新笋,蘑菇,五香腐干,各色干果子,俱切成钉子,用鸡汤煨干,将香油一收,外加糟油一拌,盛在瓷罐子里封严,要吃时拿出来,用炒的鸡瓜一拌就是." (第四十一回 栊翠庵茶品梅花雪 怡红院劫遇母蝗虫)18.藕粉桂糖糕 松穰鹅油卷"揭开看时,每个盒内两样: 这盒内一样是藕粉桂糖糕,一样是松穰鹅油卷,那盒内一样是一寸来大的小饺儿,......" (第四十一回 栊翠庵茶品梅花雪 怡红院劫遇母蝗虫)19.御田粳米"如今这一个里头装了两斗御田粳米,熬粥是难得的,这一条里头是园子里果子和各样干果子." (第四十二回 蘅芜君兰言解疑癖 潇湘子雅谑补余香)20.建莲红枣儿汤 法制紫姜"宝玉点头,即时换了衣裳.小丫头便用小茶盘捧了一盖碗建莲红枣儿汤来,宝玉喝了两口. 麝月又捧过一小碟法制紫姜来,宝玉噙了一块.又嘱咐了晴雯一回,便往贾母处来." (第五十二回 俏平儿情掩虾须镯 勇晴雯病补雀金裘)21.鸭子肉粥 杏仁茶"凤姐儿忙回说:"有预备的鸭子肉粥."贾母道:"我吃些清淡的罢."凤姐儿忙道:"也有枣儿熬的粳米粥,预备太太们吃斋的."贾母笑道:"不是油腻腻的就是甜的. " 凤姐儿又忙道:"还有杏仁茶,只怕也甜." (第五十四回 史太君破陈腐旧套 王熙凤效戏彩斑衣)22.茯苓霜"只有昨儿有粤东的官儿来拜,送了上头两小篓子茯苓霜.余外给了门上人一篓作门礼, 你哥哥分了这些." (第六十回 茉莉粉替去蔷薇硝 玫瑰露引来茯苓霜)23.油盐炒枸杞芽儿"连前儿三姑娘和宝姑娘偶然商议了要吃个油盐炒枸杞芽儿来, 现打发个姐儿拿着五百钱来给我......" (第六十一回 投鼠忌器宝玉瞒赃 判冤决狱平儿行权)24.虾丸鸡皮汤 酒酿清蒸鸭子 胭脂鹅脯 奶油松瓤卷酥 绿畦香稻粳米饭"小燕接着揭开,里面是一碗虾丸鸡皮汤,又是一碗酒酿清蒸鸭子,一碟腌的胭脂鹅脯,还有一碟四个奶油松瓤卷酥,并一大碗热腾腾碧荧荧蒸的绿畦香稻粳米饭. " (第六十二回 憨湘云醉眠芍药茵 呆香菱情解石榴裙)25.椒油莼菜酱“王夫人笑道:"不过都是家常东西.今日我吃斋没有别的.那些面筋豆腐老太太又不大甚爱吃,只拣了一样椒油莼酱来."贾母笑道:"这样正好, 正想这个吃."鸳鸯听说,便将碟子挪在跟前.”26.鸡髓笋 红稻米粥“大老爷送来的.这一碗是鸡髓笋,是外头老爷送上来的.”“尤氏早捧过一碗来,说是红稻米粥.贾母接来吃了半碗,便吩咐:"将这粥送给凤哥儿吃去,"” (第七十五回 开夜宴异兆发悲音 赏中秋新词得佳谶)27.瓜仁油松穰月饼“说着,便将自己吃的一个内造瓜仁油松穰月饼,又命斟一大杯热酒, 送给谱笛之人,慢慢的吃了再细细的吹一套来.” (第七十六回 凸碧堂品笛感凄清 凹晶馆联诗悲寂寞)28.蜜饯荔枝“婆子方笑着回道:"我们姑娘叫给姑娘送了一瓶儿蜜饯荔枝来. "” (第八十四回 试文字宝玉始提亲 探惊风贾环重结怨)29.火肉白菜汤“姑娘们来说了半天话,想来姑娘又劳了神了.刚才我叫雪雁告诉厨房里给姑娘作了一碗火肉白菜汤, 加了一点儿虾米儿,配了点青笋紫菜.姑娘想着好么? ”30.五香大头菜“老婆子自去.这里雪雁将黛玉的碗箸安放在小几儿上,因问黛玉道:"还有咱们南来的五香大头菜,拌些麻油醋可好么?”





