
> 学术论文知识库

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This thesis would not have been completed without much assistance,encouragement and support from many people. I want sincerely to avail thisopportunity to express my cordial thanks to those who have granted me invaluableinstructions during the process of thesis writing.

First and foremost, I extend my greatest gratitude to Professor Hongbo Song,myadvisor and supervisor, for his insightful guidance and earnest help. He advised me tothink over the selection of the subject and to carry out a series of relevant research at avery early time; and during the process of writing,he spent a lot of time guiding me ina right direction and provided many useful suggestions. It is under his strenuous helpthat I could complete this thesis in time.

Moreover, my sincere thanks go to my teachers in the School of ForeignLanguages at Zhejiang Gongshang University. They provide me with a wonderfullearning environment where I learn and grow up for their tireless instructions that willdefinitely exert a deep influence on my later life.

Besides, I express my gratitude to my friends and fellow classmates. They sharetheir knowledge with me and help me out when I am faced with any difficulties aboutthe thesis. They have tried their best to give me their precious suggestions during theprocess of writing the thesis.

Last but not least, I am deeply in debt to my beloved parents for theirencouragement, understanding and endless love during my life. They have created thebest environment for me to focus on the thesis writing during the winter holiday, andall this could not be possible without their selfless sacrifice and persistent support.

Based on the CET 4 and CET6 compositions extracted from the CLEC,the study aimsto reveal the relationship between the linguistic features and the writing quality by meansof the advanced software,namely Lexical Frequency Profile, and L2Syntactic Complexity Analyzer for the analysis of vocabulary, syntax and textual cohesion.

This study will be of great value mainly for the following two aspects:Firstly, theoretically speaking, the study is going to offer guidance and reference forthe teaching methodology of L2 writing. The study reveals the contribution of lexicaldiversity, syntactic complexity, textual cohesion to writing quality, reflects the mostdecisive factor of the writing quality and analyzes the mutual relationship between thelexical diversity and quality of writing, the syntactic complexity and quality of writing aswell as the textual cohesion and quality of writing. Hopefully, this research will shedsome light on the instruction of CET 4 and 6 writing and provide practical , practically speaking, the study demonstrates a new direction for thedevelopment of automatic assessment of the writing.

The study is to be carried out bothby means of software and labor work to comprehensively examine more than 28variables that might have an impact on writing quality and build the relation modelbetween these related variables and writing scores.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor ******, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor *******, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: ********who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.

Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

Last, I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.

Time is a bird forever on the wing. For the past two years' post-graduate study, Ireally had a fulfilling life here. Not only have I met many knowledgeable teachers, butalso truthful friends. I would like to give my deep gratitude to many of them.

First of all, Iam most grateful to Professor Zhang Ruwen, my supervisor, who offers me invaluableguidance and help both in my study and my life. Without her enlightening suggestions andinstructions, it would be a tough task for me to finish my thesis.

Besides, I also appreciatemany other teachers who have offered their useful suggestions and inspire me a lot. Mythanks also go to my parents, grandparents, my classmates and my loving friends. Their company is a great consolation to me. I wish everyone could live in peace and happiness.

致谢辞在学位论文中扮演重要的角色:它不仅是学位论文中毕业生用来向自己研究期间所得到过的帮助和支援表达真挚感谢的不可缺少的一部分,而且是毕业生研究发展轨迹的真实记录。本文是我为大家整理的论文感谢信范文英语,仅供参考。 论文感谢信范文英语篇一: Thanks to my tutor professor XXX, he wrote to a doctor of letters are careful meticulous, conscientious and meticulous style has always been my work and study of the model; They described the teach and outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration. Thank my *** all white teacher, this paper details and each data of each experiment, cannot leave your careful guidance. And you, cheerful personality and tolerant attitude, help me to quickly into our new laboratory Thank my roommates, from distant home came to this strange city, is you and I jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, sustained by the family harmonious dormitory. For four years, as if just yesterday. University graduation thesis thank-you note thank-you notes. Four years, we have no red face, no oral fight, not happen ago college to worry about any unhappy things. Only in the future we rarely get together for a year again yuan hajek said meal, it doesn't matter, go their own way, you take good care. I wish to . C in peace, left-behind fudan D, E&F happy, diversionary measure G the *** ooth, also want to leave our bedroom H&I open happy heart. The time we share together, I'll remember for a lifetime. Thanks to my mom and dad, how much breakwater grass, tree back, gratefulness, repay you, you always healthy and happy is my biggest wish. In the paper the pleted, my heart can't calm, from began to enter the subject thesis is pleted, how many respectable teachers, students, friends gave me speechless help, here please accept my sincere thanks! 感谢我的导师XXX 教授,他写给医生的感谢信们严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作、学习中的榜样;他们循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪。 感谢我的小白老师,这篇论文的每个实验细节和每个资料,都离不开你的细心指导。而你开朗的个性和宽容的态度,帮助我能够很快的融入我们这个新的实验室 感谢我的室友们,从遥远的家来到这个陌生的城市里,是你们和我共同维系著彼此之间兄弟般的感情,维系著寝室那份家的融洽。四年了,仿佛就在昨天。大学毕业论文感谢信感谢信。四年里,我们没有红过脸,没有吵过嘴,没有发生上大学前所担心的任何不开心的事情。只是今后大家就难得再聚在一起吃每年元旦那顿饭了吧,没关系,各奔前程,大家珍重。但愿远赴米国的C平平安安,留守复旦的D,E&F快快乐乐,挥师北上的G顺顺利利,也愿离开我们寝室的H&I开开心心。我们在一起的日子,我会记一辈子的。 感谢我的爸爸妈妈,焉得谖草,言树之背,养育之恩,无以回报,你们永远健康快乐是我最大的心愿。 在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意! 论文感谢信范文英语篇二: Three years of study life is ing to an end, reviews three years of study life, feeling is quite deep, rich harvest. In the process of thesis writing, there are lots of difficulties in both theoretical study stage, or in a paper topic selection, data check four polling, opening, research and write every link, all get mentor's guidance and help. Avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to you for me to tutor! At the same time, I want to thank the teachers of vocational and technical college teaching of shaanxi, it is because of their mission, knowledge, solutions, let I learned the professional knowledge, and learn from them how to research knowledge, people skills. At the same time I also want to thank my clas *** ates give me help, they write papers for me to provide a lot of advice and help. I want to thank, thank you very much my mentor Han Ying teacher. He is easy-going enthusia *** , scholarly carefully. He is always in the chat can encourage you, like a bosom friend in paper writing and rhetoric aspects of her to "professional standard" are always strict with you, from the choice and will start, until the last of the paper again and again modification, polishing, Korea is serious and responsible teacher always gives me deep and detailed guidance, help me to explore the research train of thought, intellectualize, warmly encouraged. It is Korea's teacher selfless help and warmly encourage, to be able to plete my graduation thesis, thank you Korean teacher! Would also like to thank three years of university life, thank my family and friends who will never forget, they support and emotional, is my eternal wealth. 三年的学习生活即将结束,回顾三年的学习生活,感受颇深,收获丰厚。在论文的写作过程中,有很多困难,无论是在理论学习阶段,还是在论文的选题、资料查四询、开题、研究和撰写的每一个环节,无不得到导师的悉心指导和帮助。借此机会我向导师表示衷心的感谢!同时,我要感谢陕西职业技术学院授课的各位老师,正是由于他们的传道、授业、解惑,让我学到了专业知识,并从他们身上学到了如何求知治学、如何为人处事。 同时我也要感谢我的同学给予我的帮助,他们为我撰写论文提供了不少建议和帮助。我要感谢,非常感谢我的导师韩莹老师。他为人随和热情,治学严谨细心。在闲聊中他总是能像知心朋友一样鼓励你,在论文的写作和措辞等方面她也总会以“专业标准”严格要求你,从选题、定题开始,一直到最后论文的反复修改、润色,韩老师始终认真负责地给予我深刻而细致地指导,帮助我开拓研究思路,精心点拨、热忱鼓励。 正是韩老师的无私帮助与热忱鼓励,我的毕业论文才能够得以顺利完成,谢谢韩老师!还要感谢三年的大学生活,感谢我的家人和那些永远也不能忘记的朋友,他们的支援与情感,是我永远的财富。 论文感谢信范文英语篇三: First I want to thank my tutor, professor. Teacher knowledge, open-minded, always grasp the forefront of knowledge, under the guidance of him, I know the xx theory, greatly broadened my view of the academic, also has laid a theoretical basis for this paper. In thesis writing is to give the direction and the direction of constructive opinions and Suggestions. In addition to giving guidance on learning, life also gave me unselfish help and advice, especially during my help let me very moved. Teacher wang yongxiu, rigorous and meticulous work style, earnest, diligent, and tolerance of attitude towards life will always inspire me work in the future continue to work hard, go forward in life. 首先我要衷心的感谢我的导师教授。 老师知识渊博,思路开阔,总能把握知识的最前沿,在他的引导下,我认识了xx理论,极大的开拓了我的学术视野,也为本篇论文打下了理论基础。在论文撰写方面更是给予了方向性的指导和建设性的意见和建议。 除了在学习上给予指导外,生活上也给了我无私的帮助和指点,特别是期间对我的帮助让我非常感动。 老师严谨细致的治学态度,认真勤奋的工作作风,以及宽容无谓的生活态度将会一直激励着我在今后的工作生活中继续努力、勇往直前。



I would like to extend my deep gratitude to all those who have offered mepractical, cordial and selfless support in writing this thesis.

Firstly, I am extremely grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Wang Baorong. He guidesme, influences me and helps me in the process of writing this thesis. It is with hispatience, generosity, and encouragement that I finally write, revise and perfect mythesis.

Secondly, I am much obliged to all teachers who ever taught me during the yearsof my postgraduate studies, esp. Prof. Li Changbao, associate Prof. Shao Youxue,associate Prof. Ceng Qunxia, associate Prof. Chen Xianghong and associate Prof.

Teng Chao. It is these distinguished professors who give me the opportunity to walkinto the academic world. To study with them will always be an honor for me and theirinstructions will follow me in my future studies.

Thirdly, my dear friend, Bao Yizong, who has worked in the audio-visual fieldfor more than three years, has also offered me great help. Based on his real experience,I can really catch a glimpse of the subtitling process and subtitlers' workingenvironment, which paves way for an accurate and pragmatic study of Red Sorghum'sEnglish subtitles.

Lastly, I also want to thank my family members, esp. my wife and my lovelydaughter. It is their understanding and patience that make this thesis possible.


The completion of the thesis is attributed to many people's support andencouragement.

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor,Professor Cao Daogen, whose patient guidance, valuable suggestions and constantencouragement make me successfully complete this thesis. His conscientious academicspirit and modest, open-minded personality inspire me both in academic study and dailylife. He gives me much help and advice during the whole process of my writing, whichhas made my accomplishments possible.

Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors who havetaught me in this university. Their instructions have helped broaden my horizon andtheir enlightening teaching has provided me with a solid foundation to accomplish thispaper and will always be of great value for my future career and academic research.

My thanks also go to the authors whose books and articles have given meinspiration in the writing of this paper.

Last but not least, I would like to express my special thanks to my parents, whosecare and support motivate me to move on and make me want to be a better person.


Upon finishing this thesis, I would like to express my great gratitude towards allthose who have offered me sincere assistance in the three years.

First and foremost, my hearty thanks go to my supervisor, Professor ZhangRuwen, who has given me insightful suggestions and constant encouragement both inmy study and in my life. Furthermore, Professor Zhang's painstaking teaching andvaluable advice have profoundly contributed to the completion of the present thesis.

Also, I own my thanks to all the professors who have taught and enlightening meduring my studies in the campus, for guiding me in the field of research work, whichis both challenging and fantastic. The experience and profit I obtained will be ofgrand importance to my further studies.

Finally, I am also grateful to my family and friends, who encourage and supportme and share with me my worries, frustrations, and happiness.




This thesis would not have been completed without much assistance,encouragement and support from many people. I want sincerely to avail thisopportunity to express my cordial thanks to those who have granted me invaluableinstructions during the process of thesis writing.

First and foremost, I extend my greatest gratitude to Professor Hongbo Song,myadvisor and supervisor, for his insightful guidance and earnest help. He advised me tothink over the selection of the subject and to carry out a series of relevant research at avery early time; and during the process of writing,he spent a lot of time guiding me ina right direction and provided many useful suggestions. It is under his strenuous helpthat I could complete this thesis in time.

Moreover, my sincere thanks go to my teachers in the School of ForeignLanguages at Zhejiang Gongshang University. They provide me with a wonderfullearning environment where I learn and grow up for their tireless instructions that willdefinitely exert a deep influence on my later life.

Besides, I express my gratitude to my friends and fellow classmates. They sharetheir knowledge with me and help me out when I am faced with any difficulties aboutthe thesis. They have tried their best to give me their precious suggestions during theprocess of writing the thesis.

Last but not least, I am deeply in debt to my beloved parents for theirencouragement, understanding and endless love during my life. They have created thebest environment for me to focus on the thesis writing during the winter holiday, andall this could not be possible without their selfless sacrifice and persistent support.

Based on the CET 4 and CET6 compositions extracted from the CLEC,the study aimsto reveal the relationship between the linguistic features and the writing quality by meansof the advanced software,namely Lexical Frequency Profile, and L2Syntactic Complexity Analyzer for the analysis of vocabulary, syntax and textual cohesion.

This study will be of great value mainly for the following two aspects:Firstly, theoretically speaking, the study is going to offer guidance and reference forthe teaching methodology of L2 writing. The study reveals the contribution of lexicaldiversity, syntactic complexity, textual cohesion to writing quality, reflects the mostdecisive factor of the writing quality and analyzes the mutual relationship between thelexical diversity and quality of writing, the syntactic complexity and quality of writing aswell as the textual cohesion and quality of writing. Hopefully, this research will shedsome light on the instruction of CET 4 and 6 writing and provide practical , practically speaking, the study demonstrates a new direction for thedevelopment of automatic assessment of the writing.

The study is to be carried out bothby means of software and labor work to comprehensively examine more than 28variables that might have an impact on writing quality and build the relation modelbetween these related variables and writing scores.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor ******, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor *******, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: ********who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.

Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

Last, I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.

Time is a bird forever on the wing. For the past two years' post-graduate study, Ireally had a fulfilling life here. Not only have I met many knowledgeable teachers, butalso truthful friends. I would like to give my deep gratitude to many of them.

First of all, Iam most grateful to Professor Zhang Ruwen, my supervisor, who offers me invaluableguidance and help both in my study and my life. Without her enlightening suggestions andinstructions, it would be a tough task for me to finish my thesis.

Besides, I also appreciatemany other teachers who have offered their useful suggestions and inspire me a lot. Mythanks also go to my parents, grandparents, my classmates and my loving friends. Their company is a great consolation to me. I wish everyone could live in peace and happiness.

致谢辞在学位论文中扮演重要的角色:它不仅是学位论文中毕业生用来向自己研究期间所得到过的帮助和支援表达真挚感谢的不可缺少的一部分,而且是毕业生研究发展轨迹的真实记录。本文是我为大家整理的论文感谢信范文英语,仅供参考。 论文感谢信范文英语篇一: Thanks to my tutor professor XXX, he wrote to a doctor of letters are careful meticulous, conscientious and meticulous style has always been my work and study of the model; They described the teach and outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration. Thank my *** all white teacher, this paper details and each data of each experiment, cannot leave your careful guidance. And you, cheerful personality and tolerant attitude, help me to quickly into our new laboratory Thank my roommates, from distant home came to this strange city, is you and I jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, sustained by the family harmonious dormitory. For four years, as if just yesterday. University graduation thesis thank-you note thank-you notes. Four years, we have no red face, no oral fight, not happen ago college to worry about any unhappy things. Only in the future we rarely get together for a year again yuan hajek said meal, it doesn't matter, go their own way, you take good care. I wish to . C in peace, left-behind fudan D, E&F happy, diversionary measure G the *** ooth, also want to leave our bedroom H&I open happy heart. The time we share together, I'll remember for a lifetime. Thanks to my mom and dad, how much breakwater grass, tree back, gratefulness, repay you, you always healthy and happy is my biggest wish. In the paper the pleted, my heart can't calm, from began to enter the subject thesis is pleted, how many respectable teachers, students, friends gave me speechless help, here please accept my sincere thanks! 感谢我的导师XXX 教授,他写给医生的感谢信们严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作、学习中的榜样;他们循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪。 感谢我的小白老师,这篇论文的每个实验细节和每个资料,都离不开你的细心指导。而你开朗的个性和宽容的态度,帮助我能够很快的融入我们这个新的实验室 感谢我的室友们,从遥远的家来到这个陌生的城市里,是你们和我共同维系著彼此之间兄弟般的感情,维系著寝室那份家的融洽。四年了,仿佛就在昨天。大学毕业论文感谢信感谢信。四年里,我们没有红过脸,没有吵过嘴,没有发生上大学前所担心的任何不开心的事情。只是今后大家就难得再聚在一起吃每年元旦那顿饭了吧,没关系,各奔前程,大家珍重。但愿远赴米国的C平平安安,留守复旦的D,E&F快快乐乐,挥师北上的G顺顺利利,也愿离开我们寝室的H&I开开心心。我们在一起的日子,我会记一辈子的。 感谢我的爸爸妈妈,焉得谖草,言树之背,养育之恩,无以回报,你们永远健康快乐是我最大的心愿。 在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意! 论文感谢信范文英语篇二: Three years of study life is ing to an end, reviews three years of study life, feeling is quite deep, rich harvest. In the process of thesis writing, there are lots of difficulties in both theoretical study stage, or in a paper topic selection, data check four polling, opening, research and write every link, all get mentor's guidance and help. Avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to you for me to tutor! At the same time, I want to thank the teachers of vocational and technical college teaching of shaanxi, it is because of their mission, knowledge, solutions, let I learned the professional knowledge, and learn from them how to research knowledge, people skills. At the same time I also want to thank my clas *** ates give me help, they write papers for me to provide a lot of advice and help. I want to thank, thank you very much my mentor Han Ying teacher. He is easy-going enthusia *** , scholarly carefully. He is always in the chat can encourage you, like a bosom friend in paper writing and rhetoric aspects of her to "professional standard" are always strict with you, from the choice and will start, until the last of the paper again and again modification, polishing, Korea is serious and responsible teacher always gives me deep and detailed guidance, help me to explore the research train of thought, intellectualize, warmly encouraged. It is Korea's teacher selfless help and warmly encourage, to be able to plete my graduation thesis, thank you Korean teacher! Would also like to thank three years of university life, thank my family and friends who will never forget, they support and emotional, is my eternal wealth. 三年的学习生活即将结束,回顾三年的学习生活,感受颇深,收获丰厚。在论文的写作过程中,有很多困难,无论是在理论学习阶段,还是在论文的选题、资料查四询、开题、研究和撰写的每一个环节,无不得到导师的悉心指导和帮助。借此机会我向导师表示衷心的感谢!同时,我要感谢陕西职业技术学院授课的各位老师,正是由于他们的传道、授业、解惑,让我学到了专业知识,并从他们身上学到了如何求知治学、如何为人处事。 同时我也要感谢我的同学给予我的帮助,他们为我撰写论文提供了不少建议和帮助。我要感谢,非常感谢我的导师韩莹老师。他为人随和热情,治学严谨细心。在闲聊中他总是能像知心朋友一样鼓励你,在论文的写作和措辞等方面她也总会以“专业标准”严格要求你,从选题、定题开始,一直到最后论文的反复修改、润色,韩老师始终认真负责地给予我深刻而细致地指导,帮助我开拓研究思路,精心点拨、热忱鼓励。 正是韩老师的无私帮助与热忱鼓励,我的毕业论文才能够得以顺利完成,谢谢韩老师!还要感谢三年的大学生活,感谢我的家人和那些永远也不能忘记的朋友,他们的支援与情感,是我永远的财富。 论文感谢信范文英语篇三: First I want to thank my tutor, professor. Teacher knowledge, open-minded, always grasp the forefront of knowledge, under the guidance of him, I know the xx theory, greatly broadened my view of the academic, also has laid a theoretical basis for this paper. In thesis writing is to give the direction and the direction of constructive opinions and Suggestions. In addition to giving guidance on learning, life also gave me unselfish help and advice, especially during my help let me very moved. Teacher wang yongxiu, rigorous and meticulous work style, earnest, diligent, and tolerance of attitude towards life will always inspire me work in the future continue to work hard, go forward in life. 首先我要衷心的感谢我的导师教授。 老师知识渊博,思路开阔,总能把握知识的最前沿,在他的引导下,我认识了xx理论,极大的开拓了我的学术视野,也为本篇论文打下了理论基础。在论文撰写方面更是给予了方向性的指导和建设性的意见和建议。 除了在学习上给予指导外,生活上也给了我无私的帮助和指点,特别是期间对我的帮助让我非常感动。 老师严谨细致的治学态度,认真勤奋的工作作风,以及宽容无谓的生活态度将会一直激励着我在今后的工作生活中继续努力、勇往直前。



First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Hong, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.

High tribute shall be paid to Ms. Geng Li, whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English.

I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me.

Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft.

Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement.

At the very first, I am honored to express my deepest gratitude to my dedicated supervisor, Miss Wang Chao, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis. She has offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and criticisms with her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly appreciated. Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation writing and is willing to discuss with me anytime available. I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics. I am very much obliged to her efforts of helping me complete the dissertation. I am also extremely grateful to Prof. Wei Xiaohong whose patient and meticulous guidance and invaluable suggestions are indispensable to the completion of this thesis.

Thanks are also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions. Special thanks should go to Miss Dong, Miss Ma, and Miss Wei for their brainstorming with me when I failed in coming up with ideas.

At last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support all the way from the very beginning of my study. I am thankful to all my family members for their thoughtfulness and encouragement.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor ******, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor *******, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: ********who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.

Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

Last, I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. Sun Yanlan, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of the thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.




A la fin de cette mémoire, je tiens à exprimer ma sincère gratitude à tous ceux qui mont aidé ou encouragé moi au cours des trois dernières années.

Tout dabord, je dois la plus grande gratitude à mon superviseur Prof Huang Ming ,qui ma beaucoup aidé lors de la rédaction de cette mémoire. Sans elle, éclairant des conseils, des encouragements, des conseils précieux et minutieux révisions, je naurait pas terminé mes études. Ma gratitude aimerait également être étendu à tous les professeurs de la faculté de la langue et de la culture anglaise. leur source dinspiration cours et conférences ont contribué à la construction de la fondation littéraire cette mémoire.

Deuxièmement, mes remerciements vont également à mes collègues dipl?més et amis, surtout Li Xue, et Wang Yang, ils ma fourni tout matériel quils pouvaient trouver, et a montré un grand soutien au cours de mon écriture.

Enfin, je dois mes plus sincères remerciements à ma famille bien-aimée pour leur incessant amour et une grande confiance en moi tout au long de ces années, sans eux, je naurais nont jamais devenir la personne que je suis maintenant.


Avril 2013

Avant de vous présenter mon mémoire, je voudrais tout d’abord remercier mes parents qui m’encouragent depuis toujours dans ma vie et dans mes études. Ensuite, je tiens à remercier sincèrement le Professeur HUANG Ming, directrice de mon mémoire, qui m’a aidé à choisir ce sujet, et surtout je la remercie de s’être occupée de la correction de mon mémoire. Je suis reconnaissant en même temps du soutien, de l’encouragement et des renseignements à d’autres professeurs du Département de Francais.

Je tiens tout d’abord à présenter mes sincères remerciements à tous ceux qui ont eu l’amabilité de m’aider en me procurant des documents, en me donnant de précieux conseils et renseignements, et en corrigeant mon mémoire.

Je remercie tout particulièrement ma directrice de mémoire, Madame XX, pour les observations et les corrections qu’elle m’a suggérées. Merci de tout mon coeur !

Je tiens tout d’abord à présenter ici mes sincères remerciements à monsieur le professeur XX, mon directeur de mémoire, pour tous les conseils qu’il m’a donnés.

Je le remercie également pour tous les renseignements avec responsabilité et les corrections avec patience qu’il m’a suggérés.

Merci de tout mon cur !

法语毕业论文格式范例 封面:由学校统一提供.用汉语填写所有内容. 论文首页完全采用法语(参见范例:论文首页). 致谢页(任选,参见范例) 目录:标明论文主要章节的标题及页码(参见范例:论文目录). 用中文和法文分别写出论文摘要,关键词:摘要应说明论文的基本思路,主要观点,语言力求简练,准确,长度均不要超过150字.关键词写出3到5个,用分号隔开(参见范例3:论文摘要). 论文正文(参见范例:论文正文). 注释:在正文中使用Word软件插入脚注,注明引语的作者,作品和页码,或其它需要注释的.内容等(参见范例:论文正文页). 参考文献(Bibliographie):中法文参考书目要分开,法文书目在前,中文书目在后.参考书目要标明作者,书名(或文章题目),出版单位,出版时间等.法文书目和中文书目都应按照法语字母顺序排列.(参见范例:参考文献页) 格式:论文统一使用A4复印纸打印.页边距要求:上边距厘米,下边距厘米, 左边距厘米, 右边距厘米.字体采用Times New Roman, 14号字,单倍行距;标题可使用Bold加粗强调.在封面左侧用塑料夹固定(不要用订书器装订).页号写在页下方中间.论文正文的长度不少于16页.正文的章节之间空一行. 须填报表格: 1,天津外国语学院本科毕业论文题目审批表 2,天津外国语学院本科毕业论文中期检查表 3,天津外国语学院本科毕业论文评阅表 4,天津外国语学院本科毕业论文答辩记录表 5,天津外国语学院本科毕业论文成绩评定表 请在教务处网址下载: mode=1&FolderID=49 请使用以下邮箱向法语系填报: 范 例 如 下: (论文首页:必须遵照以下字号与格式规范.例:99级某论文标题.) L'Approfondissement de la conscience nationale fran aise et le Changement de son r le dans les relations internationales après la 2ème Guerre mondiale Mémoire de Licence en Langue et Littérature fran aises "3+1"的同学加此行:(option Commerce international) "4+1"的同学加此行:(option Gestion des Entreprises) rédigé par WANG Dawei dirigé par Prof. GUO Yumei Promotion 2007 Département de Fran ais Tianjin Foreign Studies University, mai 2007 (致谢页,此页为任选,可以比较个性化.以下范例仅供参考:) Remerciements Je tiens à remercier tout particulièrement Madame XXX, Professeur du Département de Fran ais, pour m'accompagner dans la conduite du sujet de mon mémoire, et pour m'avoir fourni des dossiers de référence qui ont enrichi mes chapitres et paragraphes. Ma gratitude chaleureuse va également à tous les professeurs de notre Département qui me permettent d'acquérir des connaissances professionelles complètes pendant mes quatre ans d'études de fran ais. Qu'il me soit permis de remercier aussi mes condisciples universitaires, dont certains m'ont fait confiance, certains ont stimulé ma réflexion par des échanges de vue fructueux, et les autres m'ont donné des conseils et/ou commentaires pour la rédaction de ce mémoire. (目录页:必须标明各章节的大小标题和所在页码) Table des Matières 论文提要............................................................................................ I











法语作文如下:Lee se lève à six heures chaque matin. Il va à la cour de bien le matin. il joue au basket ou fait de la gymnastique. Puis il lit le français. Il mange le petit déjeuner à sept heures et demie à la cantine. Il mange des nouilles et du pain de viande pour le petit déjeuner. Il ne mange pas de pain beaucoup. Il va à la salle de classe en vélo à environ 07h40. Lee étudie le français tous les soirs 7:00-9:00. Il retourne au dortoir à environ 10h00. Il faut environ dix minutes de l'université au dortoir. Il dort à dix heures et demie. La vie de l'université est très occupé. Cependant, elle est très amusante.


研究生论文致谢 篇1 一转眼两年的研究生生活即将结束,马上就要离开温暖的校园,步入社会这个更大更复杂的“学校”,心中升起了阵阵的不舍和忧愁。 回想起这两年的时光,其中有快乐有忧伤,有成功时的喜悦,也有挫折时的沮丧,但这一幕幕都将成为我一生中最难忘的篇章。毕业论文写到这里之时,心情激动,难以言说。只能寥寥数语表达我的感激之情。 感谢我的导师田宝会老师,老师严谨的治学态度,渊博的知识,质朴的品质,谦虚的做人原则,都使我深深钦佩并视为榜样。老师对我的论文写作给予了很大的帮助,尤其是不厌其烦的为我修改论文结构,对田老师的感激之情,寥寥数语难以表达。今后在工作岗位上一定会更加努力,不负老师的期望。 感谢研究生阶段遇到的所有老师,您们辛苦了!感谢父母对我学业的一贯支持,没有他们的鼓励与期望,就没有我今天论文的完成与这两年的成长。 感谢舍友郎云、黄兴、李峰,在我毕业论文的写作中与我交流探讨,对我的论文提出宝贵意见以及在学习和生活中对我的照顾和包容。研究生论文致谢 篇2 三年的学习时光转瞬即逝,通过研究生阶段学习,一方面自身的专业知识得到提高,另一方面更加感觉到自己的诸多不足,体会到学无止境的真正含义。多年来,无论是学习还是生活的每一点进步与收获,都离不开众多师长的教诲,同学的帮助和朋友的关怀。忆往昔,心存无限感激之情。 我是非常幸运的,因为能够拜在导师施维克副教授的门下学习。三年前,当我开始硕士研究生的学习时,对于城市规划学科的理解与认识非常粗浅,虽有一腔热情,却在这门涉及知识面极广的学科前显得迷茫与无助,幸好有导师指点迷津并引领我在这无边的学术海洋中寻找正确的航道。三年的求学过程中导师从各个方面给予我无私的关怀与巨大的帮助,使我时时感觉备受温暖与鼓励。在论文的写作过程中,更是得到了导师悉心的指导,从论题的确定,框架的建立,论据的选取甚至是行文的组织都耗费了导师大量的精力与心血。导师学识渊博,严谨求真,胸怀宽广而又平易近人,对我而言既是恩师更是亲人和朋友,在此,我要真诚的向敬爱的施老师道谢! 在此要感谢建筑与城市规划学院的老师多年来对我的教导和帮助,特别是王东老师、翟辉老师和车震宇老师给我论文以中肯的意见和指导。感谢教育和培养我的 昆明理工大学 建筑与城市规划学院为我提供了这样一个良好的学习的平台,让我在这里成长。 感谢我的同窗好友周增丽和杨丽萍的陪伴和鼓励,感谢我旳同门兄弟妲妹夏元通、龙娟、盖琳和所有帮助过我的人,你们都是我的良师益友。 最后要感谢我的家人对我的支持,特别是我的妈妈和孩子,他们教会了我爱和付出,是我人生前进的动力。谨以此论文献给我的师长、亲人、朋友们! 研究生论文致谢 篇3 时光荏苒,岁月如梭,转眼间毕业的钟声业已敲响,短暂而美好的研究生阶段就要结束了。在这期间,我收获了很多学识以及做人做事的道理,结识了敬爱的老师和亲爱的同学们。研究生生活之于我,注定是人生中一段美好的时光和宝贵的经历。 在此,我要特别向我的导师包雯老师表示衷心的感谢。在论文写作过程中,老师严谨的治学态度、渊博的知识和精益求精的工作态度深深地感染了我。从挑选题目,拟定大纲,内容撰写到格式校对,包老师多次帮助我开拓思路,理清脉络,使我的毕业论文能够顺利完成。 最后,我要衷心的感谢 河北经贸大学 ,是您的接纳让我在学习期间获益匪浅并有机会结实到如此多的良师益友。感谢您,我可爱、可敬的母校。 研究生论文致谢 篇4 春天总给人以新的希望,在和煦的春光中本文也完成了最后的定稿。 这篇论文的写作过程可谓艰辛不断,在此期间,我的导师 河北经贸大学 樊鸿雁教授认真负责的指导使该论文得以顺利完成。从本文的选题、大纲、研究目的研究意义到研究方法都樊老师予以细心引导。在这两年的研究生学习和生活中,樊老师踏实的工作作风、严谨的治学态度、正直的为人、悉心的教导均给我以巨大的学习动力、激励着我不能停止前进的脚步,使我受益匪浅;借此机会我仅向樊老师表示衷心的感谢!并且我还要感谢 河北师范大学 外语专业研究生徐洋洋同学,给我的英文摘要以很大助力;感谢我的三位室友,在紧张的学习生活中给带给我无限的关怀和感动。最后感谢 河北经贸大学 所有教授我知识的老师和关心帮助过我的同学们,与你们相识,除了让我学到专业知识外,还让我懂得了感恩。我将在今后的生活工作中,用更大的激情和热情来回馈你们! 毕业仅仅是学业上的告一段落,我将谨记“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。 研究生论文致谢 篇5 时光荏苒,我的硕士生涯已接进尾声。这几年的时光既漫长又短暂,其中充满了酸甜苦辣,更有收获和成长。几年来,感谢陪我一起度过美好时光的每位尊敬的老师和亲爱的同学,正是你们的帮助,我才能克服困难,正是你们的指导,我才能解决疑惑,直到学业的顺利完成。 本人的学位论文是在我的恩师童群义教授的殷切关怀和耐心指导下进行并完成的,衷心感谢我的恩师对我的淳淳教诲和悉心关怀。从课题的选择、项目的实施,直至论文的最终完成,童教授都始终给予我耐心的指导和支持,我取得的每一点成绩都凝聚着恩师的汗水和心血。恩师开阔的视野、严谨的治学态度、精益求精的工作作风,深深地感染和激励着我,在此谨向童教授致以衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。 感谢实验室的师弟师妹们与我一道分享他们青春的快乐!在此还要对实验室所有师兄弟姐妹们在平时开展相关工作中的支持和帮助一并表示感谢。感谢我的伙伴们崔竹梅、胡新洁、彭英云、冯再平、李娟等,在实验过程和论文写作过程中提供的热心帮助!无论在炎热的夏天,还是寒冷的冬季,他们不辞劳苦地为我提供无私的帮助,没有他们的帮助就没有这篇论文的顺利完成。 感谢江南大学XX级硕士班的全体同学陪我一起走过这段人生难忘的历程! 感谢合肥师范学院的领导给我提供的机会。我会更加珍惜教师的岗位,也更加清醒地意识到必须做终生学习型的人。感谢我的家人常年对我的支持和理解!他们是最爱我的人,也是我亏欠最多的人,他们默默的奉献是我求学四年来的支持和动力。 最后,我要向百忙之中参与审阅、评议本论文各位老师、向参与本人论文答辩的各位老师表示由衷的感谢!人生的每个阶段都值得好好珍惜,这段美好岁月,因为有你们的关心和帮助,我很幸福。我会更加勤奋学习、认真研究,我会努力做得更好,我想这也是我能给你们的最好的回报吧。把最美好的祝福献给你们,愿永远健康、快乐! 一.大学毕业论文致谢词范文(五篇) 二.大学生毕业论文致谢的万能模板(六篇) 三.中小学生厌学问题及对策研究论文 四.研究生论文的文献综述格式模板 五.本科生毕业论文文献综述模板 六.人力资源管理论文开题报告范文 七.大学生毕业论文开题报告范文(两篇) 八.市场营销专业论文开题报告范文(三篇) 九.大学生个人职业规划论文结束语(十篇) 十.大学生个人职业规划论文范文(三篇)






























致谢语篇是学术论文的重要组成部分,其交际目的是其感谢功能,以建立良好的人际关系,营造出良好的学术氛围。本文是我为大家整理的本科论文致谢的 范文 ,仅供参考。



当自己怀着忐忑不安的心情完成这篇 毕业 论文的时候,自己也从当年一个从山里走出的懵懂孩子变成了一个成熟青年,回想自己的十几年的求学生涯,虽然只是一个本科毕业,但也实属不容易。首先,从小学到大学的学费和生活费就不是一个小数目,这当然要感谢我的爸爸妈妈,他们都是农民,没有他们的勤勤恳恳和细心安排,我是无论如何也完成不了我的大学生活。没有他们的支持和鼓励,我也不可能完成我经济学第二专业的学习。当然,一个农民家庭要同时供两个大学生上学,没有别人的帮助和接济是相当困难的。因此我要感谢那些在我求学时对我经济和精神上帮助的亲戚、朋友、老师和同学们,我的生活因你们而精彩和充实。

华中科技大学,这里严谨的学风、优美的校园环境使我大学四年过的很充实和愉快。我第一学期是在哲学系度过的。在这短短的半年时间里,我有幸和许多优秀的同学一起学习,听睿智的哲学老师讲授哲学。后来由于一些本可抗拒但一时冲动的原因,我依依不舍的离开了哲学系,离开了亲爱的哲学系的老师和同学们。虽然只有短短的半年时光,但我确实学到了很多有用的知识,尤其是对我思想和 方法 上的指导。这些有用的东西一直对我大学的学习和生活有很重要的指导作用,我相信,这些东西将伴随我走完整个人生的道路。现在回想起在哲学班的日子,还是那么的温馨和惬意,我不能不感谢当时哲学班的每一位同学和老师,跟你们在一起学习、生活,那真是其乐融融,妙不可言!


在本次论文设计过程中,___ 老师对该论文从选题,构思到最后定稿的各个环节给予细心指引与教导,使我得以最终完成毕业论文设计。在学习中,老师严谨的治学态度、丰富渊博的知识、敏锐的学术思维、精益求精的工作态度以及侮人不倦的师者风范是我终生学习的楷模,导师们的高深精湛的造诣与严谨求实的治学精神,将永远激励着我。这三年中还得到众多老师的关心支持和帮助。在此,谨向老师们致以衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!



★  毕业论文致谢200字

★  毕业论文答辩发言稿

★ 毕业论文答辩致谢词

★ 毕业论文致谢老师



周老师要指导很多同学的论文,加上本来就有的教学任务,工作量之大可想而知,但在一次次的回稿中,精确到每一个字的批改给了我深刻的印象,使我在论文之外明白了做学问所应有的态度。更让人感动的是在论文写作过程中,周老师在因病情况下还是一如既往的辅导我们的论文写作,他的精神激励了我们,使我们克服了在论文写作过程中的困难。在此,谨向周老师表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!谢谢周老师在我撰写论文的过程中给与我的极大地帮助。论文的顺利完成,离不开 其它 各位老师、同学和朋友的关心和帮助。

在此谢谢辅导我实验的莫关怀老师及刘师凤等同学,在整个的论文写作中,各位老师、同学和朋友积极的帮助我查资料和提供有利于论文写作的建议和意见,论文得以不断的完善,最终帮助我完整的写完了整个论文。另外,要感谢在大学期间所有传授我知识的老师,是你们的悉心教导使我有了良好的专业课知识,这也是论文得以完成的基础。 感谢所有给我帮助的老师和同学,谢谢你们!



在本次毕业设计中,我从指导老师--------__ 老师,身上学到了很多东西。她认真负责的工作态度,严谨的治学精神和深厚的理论水平都使我收益匪浅。她无论在理论上还是在实践中,都给与我很大的帮助,使我得到很大的提高,这对于我以后的工作和学习都有一种巨大的帮助,在此感谢她耐心的辅导。在写论文阶段,__ 老师几次审阅我们的论文,提出了许多宝贵意见,没有她的指导,我们就不能较好的完成课题设计的任务。



致谢本是我曾经认为最好写的部分,复制粘贴,却迟迟动不了笔。如同四年的大学生涯即将落幕,幕布下的我心里有说不清的遗憾与不舍。这篇本科毕业论文从开题到今天历时九个月,见证了我从保研失利到 考研 成功的惊险与惊喜,其中滋味如人饮水冷暖自知。而这篇论文从最初拿到《结构方程模型的原理与应用》的一头雾水,到如今对

amos 掌握皮毛,原先看起来很困难的事情,一步一步也走了过来。


















金陵的夏总是聒噪的,无论粗壮的法国梧桐上早起的鸣蝉,抑或宿舍区楼下卖炒饭摊子常年旺着的的灶火,更不必提及一张嘴就仿佛已然在吵架的热闹的南京腔。这座城,从未给过我任何江南女子娇小温婉的感觉。可这终究是收获的日子,在感伤毕业离别的同时,必须要留下时间,让心灵沉静下来,回味和 总结 我的四年,我们的四年。

我素来承认自己是一个笨瓜,至少在做学问这件事上,是的。从结构力学到工程结构设计原理,从建筑结构设计到土 木工 程施工,从建筑规范到标准图集,我大学四年的学习,用“举步维艰,如履薄冰”来形容,真的再恰当不过了。也正是如此,考验综合知识运用的完整的毕业设计,着实让我付出了很多心血,也给我的导师李金根先生和身边各位同学带来了许多的麻烦和问题。因此,我首先要表达对我尊重的导师李金根先生和所有我身边帮助过我的老师、学长、同学们的感激。谢谢你们总是很耐心的解答我大大小小的众多问题。对于李金根老师的感激,更因为他一年来对我学习能力的培养、对我严谨 思维方式 的引导,李老师对完美的孜孜不倦追求的态度,感动了我,也感染了我。追求的态度,学术,亦生活。若我经过四年的沉淀,仍如freshmen样,仅仅将大学的收获定义为知识的吸纳,那我就真成了一个彻头彻尾的笨瓜。象牙塔是这样一个地方,它可能没有教会我所有的知识,却教会了我如何用工学特有的严谨思考问题,教会我工程人豁达的生活哲学,教会了我追求自己的追求,教会了我宽容和尊重。所谓人才,即“人”与“才”的集大成者,无“人”,亦无“才”可谈。因此在这里,我要表达一份对最初天性的感激——感激我的父亲___先生,母亲___女士,谢谢你们赐予我最宝贵的四份礼物:珍贵的生命、接受早期 教育 的机会、从小教育我如何做一个正直热血之人,并且一直支持我的学业和生活;我还要感谢我的干爸___先生、___先生,干妈___女士、___女士,谢谢你们四年来对我视如己出的关心、照料、帮助和教导,谢谢你们教会了我更为乐观、豁达的面对生活,谢谢你们教会了我怀揣感激;我更要感谢另一位我最喜欢的老师——单建先生和夫人黄女士,能与单建老师和黄阿姨坐在一起探讨诗歌、分享人生的阅历,是我大学生活重要的组成部分。







也要感谢##学院院长、书记、历史 文化 与旅游管理学院主任及所有老师为我提供了良好的研究条件,和一个发展自己的平台。谨向各位领导和老师表示诚挚的敬意和谢忱。








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大家知道吗?致谢的言语行为,通过多样化的组合与变换承担了交际中的礼貌功能,那么 毕业 论文的致谢词怎么写呢?下面是我给大家带来的毕业论文致谢词怎么写_毕业论文致谢词模板5篇,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧!


三年的博士学习生涯即将结束,博士学位论文是三年学习成果的一个 总结 ,而致谢又是对三年经历的一个总结,今将其发于此,以飨众友.












本论文是在导师詹怀宇教授和付时雨研究员的悉心指导下完成的。导师渊博的专业知识,严谨的治学态度,精益求精的工作作风,诲人不倦的高尚师德,严以律己、宽以待人的崇高风范,朴实无华、平易近人的人格魅力对我影响深远。不仅使我树立了远大的学术目标、掌握了基本的研究 方法 ,还使我明白了许多待人接物与为人处世的道理。本论文从选题到完成,每一步都是在导师的指导下完成的,倾注了导师大量的心血。在此,谨向导师表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!








__教授在__方面具有丰富的实践 经验 ,对我的实验工作给予了很多的指导和帮助,使我能够将理论中的结果与实际相结合。另外,他对待问题的严谨作风也给我留下了深刻的印象。在此表示深深的谢意。






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