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1 基于BSSDEs的一般跳过程的可违约期权的定价模型2 移动核心网故障数据二重联合线性判别模型与应用3 信用债券的最优投资策略4 常弹性方差模型下保险人的最优投资策略5 基于已实现二阶矩预测的期货套期保值策略及对股指期货的应用6 国债市场利率期限结构建模——负指数立方L_1平滑样条7 电力零售市场中的惠卖定价竞争——基于多类型用户和差异化转换成本8 增加就业的政策选择:扩大政府支出还是为企业减负9 植入BPO服务外包的农户联合与合作经营研究10 最小化车辆数的供应商直接配送策略11 物流运行指数构造方法及其应用12 集装箱班轮运输两阶段舱位分配与动态定价模型13 基于CPFR的供方可选择的协同补货模型与仿真14 基于两维语义的科学基金立项评估方法15 直觉不确定语言集成算子及在群决策中的应用

(1) 家居物联实时终端设计与实现,测控技术,2012年03月 (2) Effective Implementation of WEEE Take-back Directive: What Types of Take-back Network Patterns in China,Systems Engineering Procedia,2011年12月 (3) 产业集群中企业技术创新战略选择的演化博弈分析,科技进步与对策,2011年11月 (4) 顾客体验之于新产品供应链协调的影响,管理科学学报,2011年11月 (5) Effects of Strategic Consumer Behavior on Radical New Product Capacity Decision,Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer ,2011年07月 (6) A Study on Innovative Evolution Relationship Based on Ecological Niche in Supply Chain Cluster,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 (7) Incentive Mechanism of 3PL/4PL Company Based on Logistics Demander and Pure 3PL Company,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 (8) Realization of Business Process Automation Based on Web Services and WS-BPEL,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 (9) Research on Strategic Service of Third-Party Logistics,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 (10) Product quality improvement and free replace warranty sharing contracts,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 (11) Effects of Rival Whistle-blowing on Green Product Innovation,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年05月 (12) 异质性顾客下库存随机配给的价值,中国管理科学,2011年04月 (13) 构建基于三重底线的绿色供应链:欧盟与美国的环境规制比较,中国工业经济,2011年02月 (14) A Study on Agile Ordering Optimization Based on Mixed Pricing in Supply Chain Cluster,IEEE 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering,2011年01月 (15) After-sale Reverse Supply Chain of Electronic Products in China,IEEE 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Information Engineering,2010年12月 (16) WEEE回收条例有效实施问题研究,管理科学学报,2010年12月 (17) Dynamic Pricing Based on the Customer's Preference of Remanufacturing Products,2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM),2010年11月 (18) 中国保险企业的信息技术外包策略选择及风险分析,技术经济,2010年11月 (19) 供应链企业间知识共享的动力研究,科学学与科学技术管理,2010年11月 (20) Structure of Supply Chains Embedding in the Cluster of SMEs for Organic Industry,The international conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) ,2010年10月 (21) Energy Level and Path-dependent of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters,IEEE 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS2010), Hong Kong,2010年10月 (22) Energy Levels and Co-Evolution of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters,Communications in Computer and Information Science,2010年10月 (23) 回收条例约束下的再制造供应链决策,系统工程理论与实践,2010年08月 (24) 基于再造产品的销售定价策略研究,技术经济,2010年08月 (25) A Study on Contract Coordination of Supply Chain Based on Demand Disruption,2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science,2010年08月 (26) 基于再造品生命周期的逆向供应链决策研究,软科学,2010年08月 (27) A Study on Service Competence and Competitiveness of Port Logistics,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (28) A Study on the Pricing Strategy Based on the Maximization of Social Value of Remanufacturing Firm,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (29) Energy Levels of Product Innovation Based on Quantum Jump Theory in Supply Chain Clusters, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (30) The Impact of Private Information Leakage on Innovative Product Introduction, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (31) Study on the Evolution Mechanism of Discontinuous Innovation Based on Product Supply Chain,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (32) Uni-Objective Negotiating Mechanism of Supply Chain Management Based on Multi-Agent,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (33) Research of Agile Supply Chain Management System Based on Web Services, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 (34) 战略顾客下最惠顾客保证对提前购买的价值,管理科学学报,2010年07月 (35) 物流业信息技术外包战略选择及风险评价研究,管理评论,并于2010年11月19期被新华文摘全文转载,2010年07月 (36) E-Campus in Xiamen University:The Past, Present and The Hopeful Future,2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2010年07月 (37) Energy Level and Path-dependent of Product Innovation in Supply Chian Clusters, International Journal of Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies,2010年06月 (38) 生态技术不连续创新路径研究,现代管理科学,2010年05月 (39) 基于异质消费群体的生态供应链网络均衡模型,生态经济,2010年03月 (40) 基于演化博弈的生态供应链采购管理研究,生态经济,2010年01月 (41) The virtual enterprise and performance evaluation using exergoeconomics in a closed-loop supply chain,International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital,2010年01月 (42) 基于产品全生命周期的集群供应链下经销商订货制度分析,商业经济与管理,2009年12月 (43) Research on the Security of Cold-Chain Logistics and Evaluation ,Modelling, Simulation, and Identification ,2009年12月 (44) Study on Channel Governance in Closed-loop Supply Chains,Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium for Corporate Governance,2009年11月 (45) 风险社会下网络信息批判能力的研究,图书馆理论与实践,2009年08月 (46) 基于交易成本的4PL协调供应链系统实证研究.,开发研究,2009年07月 (47) Emergency Logistics and the Distribution Model for Quick Response to Urgent Relief Demand,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (48) Wave-particle Duality and Institutional Arrangement on Division in Supply Chain Cluster,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (49) Study on Supply Chain Disruption Risk,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (50) An Analysis and Optimization of the Value Chain of Dairy Industry after the Sanlu Event inChina ,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (51) Study on the Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Tourism Supply Chain based on Balanced Scorecard,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (52) Research on the Security of Cold-Chain Logistics,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (53) An Analysis on Types and Business Activities of Farmer Middlemen in Strawberry Production-A Case Study,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (54) China's Rural Logistics Distribution,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (55) Capacity Manipulation and Menus of Two Part Tariff Contract in Supply Chain,Proceedings on 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (56) Drivers and Enablers of Environmental Governance Capabilities of SMEs in Supply,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 (57) Study on 4PL as coordinating and constructing agent for SC systems:transaction cost theory approach and wave-particle duality,Journal of International Logistics and Trade,2009年06月 (58) 不确定需求下有价差时再造回收模式研究,中国流通经济,2009年05月 (59) 在延迟付款期限下基于损耗性商品的供应链库存模型研究,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009年05月 (60) Study on driven factors, wave-particle duality and dissipation structure characteristics based on supply chain clusters,Journal of Information and Decision Science,2009年04月 (61) Ecological Supply Chains Performance Evaluation and Disruption Risk Management Strategies,Human & Ecological Risk Assessment:An International Journal,2009年04月 (62) 基于IPv6与网格的虚拟学习系统构建,图书与情报,2008年12月 (63) Ecological Supply Chains Design Mechanism Based on Virtual Enterprises,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月 (64) Closed-loop Supply Chains Based on By-Product Exchange,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月 (65) The Formation of Ecological Supply Chain Based on By-Product Exchange,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月 (66) 信息服务组织知识管理系统效能的量化评估研究,图书馆理论与实践,2008年10月 (67) 进口汽车分销中的供应链渠道治理,管理评论,2008年10月 (68) Reverse Supply Chain Systems Performance Evaluation Based on Emergy,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008年10月 (69) Reverse Supply Chain Coordination Based on Fractal and 4PL,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008年10月 (70) The Automated Guided Vehicle Problem in Logistics Operations,Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2008年07月 (71) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Complaint Service Management,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008年07月 (72) Study on 4PL as Coordinating and Constructing Agent for Supply Chain System–A Transaction Cost Theory Approach ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (73) Ecological Supply Chain Based on By-Product Exchange ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (74) Service Value Delivery System Based on Time-Based Competition ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (75) Bonded Logistics Park and Neighboring Bonded Zone Development Mode and Game Analysis,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (76) China’s Clothing Logistics: Problems and Solutions ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (77) Study on Supply Chain Disruption Risk Management Strategies and Model ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (78) The Governance of Distributor in Different Supply Chains ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 (79) Ecological Supply Chain Performance Evaluation and Disruption Risk Management,The 2008 International Conference on e-Risk Management,2008年07月 (80) 现代信息服务组织多元化治理及博弈分析,图书馆理论与实践,2008年06月 (81) 高校知识管理系统效能的评价研究,东南大学学报(哲社版),2008年06月 (82) Value Delivery Systems under the Instantaneous Competition,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008年06月 (83) Finite-time control for uncertain linear time-delay systems with disdurbance,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2008年04月 (84) Performance evaluation of complaint management and virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chains by using exergoeconomics and extenics,International Journal of Services and Operations Management,2008年01月 (85) Complaint management in closed-loop supply chain and performance evaluation by using exergoeconomics,JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE,2007年12月 (86) Quadratic integrability of solutions based on a class of delayed systems,Journal of Southeast University,2007年12月 (87) Virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chain and performance evaluation based on exergoeconomics,Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II, Springer,2007年10月 (88) 人工智能归纳学习法在逆向物流发生因素及预测中的应用,商业经济管理,2007年10月 (89) 汽车供应链中的分销渠道治理,山西财经大学学报,2007年09月 (90) 信息参考服务的冲突管理与技术实现,图书情报工作,2007年09月 (91) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Evaluation,IEEE Engineering Management Society,2007年09月 (92) Virtual Enterprise and Performance Evaluation by Exergoeconomics in Closed-loop supply Chain,Institute of Manafacturing, University of Cambridge, UK,2007年08月 (93) Virtual Enterprise and Performance Evaluation by Exergoeconomics in Closed-loop supply Chain,Institute of Manafacturing, University of Cambridge, UK,2007年08月 (94) The distribution channels governance of auto-mobile supply chain,2007 International Conference On Management Science and Engineering,2007年08月 (95) 现代信息服务中的抱怨管理及其博弈分析,大学图书馆学报,2007年07月 (96) ALMOST PERIODIC OSCILLATIONS FOR A KIND OF NONLINEAR SYSTEM AND APPLICATION TO THE POWER SYSTEMS,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2007年07月 (97) Dynamics Controller Design of Time-Delay Systems with Novel Sliding Surface,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2007年07月 (98) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Evaluation,ICSSSM07,2007年07月 (99) Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Complaint Service Management in Reverse Logistics,ICIDSA2007,2007年07月 (100) Inverse Optimal Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems,CCC2007,2007年07月 (101) 图书馆信息技术评价系统及其计划风险管理模型研究,人大复印资料《管理科学》,2007年07月 (102) Closed-loop Supply Chain Issues: Complaint management, Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Extenics,the International Conference Proceedings on Operations and Supply Chain Management,2007年06月 (103) Design Principles and Evaluation for Closed-loop Supply Chains,the International Conference Proceedings on Operations and Supply Chain Management,2007年06月 (104) Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Extenics Based on the Power Supply Chains,Proceedings of ICIEA 2007,2007年05月 (105) 信息技术评价系统及其计划风险管理模型研究,情报学报,2007年04月 (106) 我国产业科技创新与国际竞争力的研究,厦门大学学报,2007年03月 (107) 突发事件应急物流中资源配送优化问题研究,中国流通经济,2007年03月 (108) 信息流量预测模型及其研究,厦门大学学报(自然科学),2007年02月 (109) 利用火用经济学思想评价供应链系统绩效,东南大学学报(哲社版),2007年01月 (110) 第四方物流下的供应链选择,物流技术,2006年12月 (111) 基于产品生命周期的价值递送问题探讨,宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版),2006年12月 (112) 以逆向物流实现价值递送系统的创新模式,宁夏社会科学,2006年12月 (113) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers by over-voltage in the power systems,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control ,2006年12月 (114) 大学的组织养生成长及价值管理,图书与情报,2006年12月 (115) 信息技术在企业价值链整体环境中的应用,物流技术,2006年11月 (116) Market-Motivated Value Systems, Reverse Logistics and the Evaluation Model for the Third Party Reverse Logistics Providers,International Logistics and Trade,2006年11月 (117) 图书馆研发管理的新思考,图书情报工作,2006年10月 (118) Robust control for a class of chaotic nonlinear time-delay systems and application to over-voltage models,2006 Chinese Control Conference,IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1310C,2006年08月 (119) Robust control for a class of chaotic nonlinear time-delay systems,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2006年07月 (120) Supply Chain System Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月 (121) The Selection of Supply Chains in 4PL,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月 (122) Reverse Logistics and the Evaluation Model for the 3PRLPS,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月 (123) 基于AHP解决客户订单分离点的定位问题,物流技术,2006年06月 (124) 基于Web信息组织的复杂性:价值评价体系,图书与情报,2006年03月 (125) Logistics and Matter-Element Models Based on Firm Innovative Supply Chains,International Journal of Operational Research,2006年02月 (126) 电子产品行业中的逆向物流分析,特区经济,2006年01月 (127) 产品生命周期对配送网络设计的影响,物流科技,2005年11月 (128) Finite-Time Control Based on Uncertain Linear Singular Systems with Disturbance and Time-Delay,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2005年10月 (129) 供应链中知识集成及其能力模型分析,物流技术,2005年10月 (130) Operation, market-driven value and external integration: their impact on performance of logistics,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2005年08月 (131) 以调适性结构行动理论研究高校素质教育模式,情报资料工作,2005年08月 (132) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers in the over-voltage,International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology,2005年07月 (133) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers in the power system,ICC05,2005年07月 (134) The delivery system based market-driven value chain,ICSSSM05,2005年06月 (135) Logistics and Matter Element Models on the Firm's Innovative Approach,Journal of International Logistics and Trade,2005年06月 (136) Enterprise innovation modeling and synthetic evaluation matter-element models based on performance in supply chain,Proceedings of the 11th Internation Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,2005年05月


Journal of Systems Science and Information 是《系统科学与信息学报》Journalof Systems Science and Information is an international journal publishing research papers theoretical and application issues in systemsscience and information.





您想问的是《系统工程理论与实践》是cssci期刊吗,是的。《系统工程理论与实践》是C刊, 也就是cssci期刊,(月刊)是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国系统工程学会主办的集系统科学、管理科学、信息 科学等为一体的综合科技期刊,创刊于1981年3月,每月25日出版,国内外公开发行。


1. Zhou Rong, Lu Zhi-Xue. 2007. Two stage procurement auction with bidders of asymmetric capacity. Systems Engineering- Theory & Practice(系统工程理论与实践) (12) 36-41,. Xiujin Gong,Rong Zhou. 2005. Research on the number of suppliers in split-award auction. Competitive bidding and auctions, Global publisher Vol. (2) . 周蓉. 1992. A Linear Programming Interpretation of Lemke's Scheme 1. Combinatorics and Graph Theory 不祥 . 周蓉,王徐. 多物品二次报价拍卖机制研究. 复旦学报(自然科学版), 2009, (6): . 周蓉,杨佩芝. 传媒产业收入管理特征和发展前景研究. 上海管理科学, 2009, (1): . 周蓉,肖文莉. 基于收益管理的高灵活性产品两阶段销售模型研究. 管理学报, 2009, (1): 57-61,. 李燕梅,周蓉. 数字传媒供应链的特征与研究前景. 物流技术, 2008, (6): . 周蓉,卢治学. 非对称生产规模供应商的两阶段投标策略. 系统工程理论与实践, 2007, (12): 36-41,. 肖文莉,周蓉,王昊. 租车行业收益管理研究现状及前景展望. 物流科技, 2007, Vol. 30(1): . 周蓉,张韩,王昊. 不同质量权重评分规则下的多维招标机制设计. 中国管理科学, 2006, Vol. 14(2): . 龚秀瑾,周蓉. 拆分招标的供应商数量研究. 上海管理科学, 2006, Vol. 28(1): . 周蓉,吴淳. 线性合同招标中投标人数的博弈模型研究. 上海管理科学, 2004, Vol. (5): . 周蓉. 我国政府采购招标的博弈论模型研究. 上海管理科学, 2003, Vol. (10): 17-18,. 周蓉. 具有学习效应的寡头厂商重复博弈均衡分析. 复旦学报(自然科学版), 2003, Vol. 42(5): . 周蓉. 电子采购招标拍卖与供应商管理. 物流技术, 2002, Vol. (2): . 周蓉. 政府采购招标与拍卖的博弈论模型研究. 复旦学报(自然科学版), 2002, Vol. (2): . 周蓉. 纳什均衡问解的特征. 系统工程理论与实践, 2000, Vol. (8): . 李社环,余光,周蓉. 论金融自由化、金融危机和金融监管. 世界经济文汇, 1999, Vol. (6): . 王哲民,周蓉. Lemke方法的线性规划解释:原始对偶法的一种推广. 华东运筹, 1992, (1): 39-42.

是核心,而且有高的吓人()的影响因子,非常牛的刊物。 刊名: 系统工程理论与实践 Systems Engineering-theory & Practice 主办: 中国系统工程学会 周期: 月刊 出版地:北京市 语种: 中文; 开本: 大16开 ISSN: 1000-6788 CN: 11-2267/N 邮发代号: 2-305 历史沿革: 现用刊名:系统工程理论与实践 创刊时间:1981 该刊被以下数据库收录: CBST 科学技术文献速报(日)(2009) EI 工程索引(美)(2011) 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD—2008) 核心期刊: 中文核心期刊(2008) 中文核心期刊(2004) 中文核心期刊(2000) 中文核心期刊(1996) 中文核心期刊(1992)






























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