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一般的论文修改就已经够让大学生们伤透脑筋,不过好在对于中文的理解比较熟悉,换词造句还是相对容易的。可是那些英语专业的学生,论文出现语法错误的时候,很对时候会让他们欲哭无泪。因为好像自己怎么读都通顺。其实这就是中式英语思维的弊端。那么当英语毕业论文出现语法错误的时候,应该怎么去修改呢? 一般的论文修改就已经够让大学生们伤透脑筋,不过好在对于中文的理解比较熟悉,换词造句还是相对容易的。可是那些英语专业的学生,论文出现语法错误的时候,很对时候会让他们欲哭无泪。因为好像自己怎么读都通顺。其实这就是中式英语思维的弊端。那么当英语毕业论文出现语法错误的时候,应该怎么去修改呢? 英语论文出现语法错误,主要原因还是自己平时的学习不到位造成的。首先你得掌握十大词类,清楚每种词性的用法特点及其在句子中的句法功能和位置。比如动词时态,清楚十六种时态的用法特点及其句子结构和连用的时间状语才能运用自如。另外动词的语气,对于一个句子是用陈述语气、疑问语气、祈使语气还是虚拟语气,要根据表达的需要恰当定位等等。 其次,要注意正确使用形容词、副词等修饰成分和关联词,以及长句子,即并列句和复合句以及高级句子的使用,如果一味的使用简单句子描写,即使文章中没有错误,但也不会有多大的起色,反而会使文章显得生硬、苍白无力。 当然,现在市面上还有很多具有修改英语文章的软件,但是这些软件都是标准化工作,多少会有一些不足,比如不能找出一些简单的语法错误,比如时态、单复数、介词等,或者界面本身不提供修改的功能等。 其实英语毕业论文有语法错误,若是自己实在不知道怎么改,可以请教自己的老师或者英语比较好的同学、外国友人等。这些也是不错的解决方式。

这玩意一时半会可改不出来,翻译最好是面对面的讨论。 给你个建议吧:word文档中,所有的英语句子,绿色下划线是语法问题,红色下划线是各种错误或非常规用法。



一般的论文修改就已经够让大学生们伤透脑筋,不过好在对于中文的理解比较熟悉,换词造句还是相对容易的。可是那些英语专业的学生,论文出现语法错误的时候,很对时候会让他们欲哭无泪。因为好像自己怎么读都通顺。其实这就是中式英语思维的弊端。那么当英语毕业论文出现语法错误的时候,应该怎么去修改呢? 一般的论文修改就已经够让大学生们伤透脑筋,不过好在对于中文的理解比较熟悉,换词造句还是相对容易的。可是那些英语专业的学生,论文出现语法错误的时候,很对时候会让他们欲哭无泪。因为好像自己怎么读都通顺。其实这就是中式英语思维的弊端。那么当英语毕业论文出现语法错误的时候,应该怎么去修改呢? 英语论文出现语法错误,主要原因还是自己平时的学习不到位造成的。首先你得掌握十大词类,清楚每种词性的用法特点及其在句子中的句法功能和位置。比如动词时态,清楚十六种时态的用法特点及其句子结构和连用的时间状语才能运用自如。另外动词的语气,对于一个句子是用陈述语气、疑问语气、祈使语气还是虚拟语气,要根据表达的需要恰当定位等等。 其次,要注意正确使用形容词、副词等修饰成分和关联词,以及长句子,即并列句和复合句以及高级句子的使用,如果一味的使用简单句子描写,即使文章中没有错误,但也不会有多大的起色,反而会使文章显得生硬、苍白无力。 当然,现在市面上还有很多具有修改英语文章的软件,但是这些软件都是标准化工作,多少会有一些不足,比如不能找出一些简单的语法错误,比如时态、单复数、介词等,或者界面本身不提供修改的功能等。 其实英语毕业论文有语法错误,若是自己实在不知道怎么改,可以请教自己的老师或者英语比较好的同学、外国友人等。这些也是不错的解决方式。


你觉得自己出现好多语法错误,那是你对英语语法学的不精。对于这一方面的问题就是必须把语法学到位,熟练掌握:1、十大词类,每种词性的用法特点及其在句子中的句法功能和位置。2、动词时态,十六种时态的用法特点及其句子结构和连用的时间状语必须明确,运用自如。3、动词语态,明确动词的主、被动语态,并且何时用被动语态更贴切。4、动词的语气,对于一个句子是用陈述语气、疑问语气、祈使语气还是虚拟语气,要根据表达的需要恰当定位。5、非谓语动词的用法,固定短语以及固定搭配等的正确记忆和运用。6、主谓一致的情况。7、简单句、并列句和复合句的正确使用以及句子成分的正确分析等等。所以,要明确自己的错误在哪,才能够正确纠正错误,甚至不再犯错误,还要注意中西文化语言表达的不同。 另外,对于论文英文如何润色,我的建议是要注意正确使用形容词、副词等修饰成分和关联词,以及长句子,即并列句和复合句以及高级句子的使用,如果一味的使用简单句子描写,即使文章中没有错误,但也不会有多大的起色,反而会使文章显得生硬、苍白无力,更拿不到高分。因此,写作时要根据情况适时润色,根据需要恰当而正确表达。







本文摘录自 《The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering Students》 ,主要是为了自己方便查阅。学习英语多年,模仿过CNS的文章,写过不少英语论文,但还是水平有限。这篇文章明确地指出了中国学者在写作英语论文时候所容易犯的错误,一对照,发现自己中了一半。现在将该文章简单摘录如下。

The single most common habit is the omission of articles a, an, and the. This occurs because Mandarin has no direct equivalent of articles and the rules for using them are somewhat complicated for a non-native speakers.

Articles signal that a noun will follow and that any modifiers between the article and the noun refer to that noun (a big blue bicycle / the first award). A and an are indefinite articles; the is a definite article. Every time a singular noncount noun, a common noun that names one countable item, is used the noun requires some kind of determiner.

Mistake: The, a, and an are

Very long sentences are especially common in Chinese-English writing because the writers often translate directly from Chinese to English. Although, in Chinese writing it is acceptable to put several supporting ideas in on sentence to show their relationship, in English,the main idea and each supporting idea is typically written in separate sentences.

One can usually recognize a very long sentence by its length – sixty words or more . However, sentences of smaller lengths can also be too long if they contain multiple statements that confuse the main idea . Long sentences can be avoided by limiting each sentence to one or two topics. Semicolons should be used where the writer really wants to emphasize the relationship between ideas. 句子太长,特别是那些超过60个单词的。还有一些就是一直逗号。真想将多个内容放到一个句子中,可以适当利用分号。特别有时候主句已经够长,后面还用which引导的从句,就显得更长。

example: This paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on the characteristics of fan-coil air-conditioning systems and heat transfer theories, and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling called Cooling Metering on the Air-side ,which . The new method can monitor...

Chinese writers often preface the main topic of a sentence by first stating the purpose, location, reason, examples and conditions as introductory elements. However, this has the effect of demoting the importance of the main idea and making the reader think the author is indirect. Bring the main idea to the beginning of the sentence stating any locations, reasons, etc., afterwards. 其实就是说中国学者喜欢开场白,把目的,地点,原因什么的东西摆在想表达的内容前面作为铺垫。但这样在英语中是不可取的,降低了论点的重要性,以及让人感到你不够直接。 example 1: For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing. 这个原因提前了,应该改成: This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application in automobile interiors. example 2: Based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model, the extended STL format is described in this section. 基于xxx放在句首,这个句式我经常用,还自以为很精彩,实际应该改成: The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model.

尽量将时间从句放在后面 example: When U is taken as the control parameter, the BDs for ∆= is shown in Fig. 8. 应改成: Figure 8 shows the BDs for ∆= when U is taken as the control parameter.

Two very common errors are those concerning the presentation of Arabic numerals, and equations. Chinese writers usually write Arabic numerals instead of spelling out the word. The use of Arabic numerals, itself, is not an error however; they should never be used at the beginning of sentences. 英语句子开头如果是数字,要用英语,不能用阿拉伯数字 example: 12 Twelve parameters were selected for the experiment.

Arabic numerals are overused. Arabic numerals should be used to give data in technical papers, however they should not be used to give general information. 阿拉伯数字主要用于给出数据,而一些普通的信息则不用 example: *All 3 three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30°C.

Equations should be introduced as much as possible, not inserted in place of words. Most journals, like the International Journal of Production Research, discourage the use of even short expressions within the text. 公式要表达清楚,不要直接用符号 example: If the power battery SOC > is greater than SOClo and the driving torque belongs to the middle load ,…(不直接用">",而是用英文表述)

Paragraphs are separated to indicate the end of one idea or thought and the beginning of another. All English paragraphs start on a new line with an indent of about one inch or with an extra line between the two paragraphs. The latter is more typical for business writing.

The antecedent (noun or pronoun) to which which refers is not specific, causing confusion. 就是用这个从句有时候指意不明 example: ‘The Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force, which is built at 1978(10680t).’ ‘Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force which is built at 1978(10680t).’

Two errors occur when these phrases are used. The first is overuse. In some papers written by Chinese, these phrases can occur as much as twice per page. In papers written by native English writers these phrases are reserved for primarily two uses

Therefore, if either phrase occurs more than three times in a paper, its use is questionable. Actually, the reader is aware that the work presented is by the author (unless the author states otherwise) so there is no reason to repeat these phrases. The second error is more subtle. The two phrases are interchanged. example: In this paper, IDEAS was used to …. 改成: In this study, IDEAS was used to….

The ‘study’ is the work the author/s did. The paper is the mode to present this work and is what the reader is holding/ reading. Keep in mind the writer can also use other phrases such as ‘in this research’, and ‘this paper present’.

Such as and etc. are commonly misused by Chinese-English writers. Such as means ‘for example’ and implies that an incomplete list will follow; etc. means ‘and so on’ and is used at the end of a list to show it is not complete. Therefore, using such as and etc. together is redundant. Such as means that an incomplete list will be given and should not be used when a complete list is given. example: Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturing mainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, printers , and etc .


在英国留学就读本科阶段,前面的课程都已经顺利结业了,现在却被卡在最后的论文阶段不通过导致本科不能顺利毕业确实是件很可惜的事情,但是也是有办法可以在解决的。下面是我的一些建议,仅供题主参考:1、解决办法一:向院校申诉,或者转学。异国他乡,“环境”绝对是不可忽视的因素。只有选择适合自己的生活学习的环境,真正融入当下的生活,才有可能开发出自身未知的可能性,发挥自身潜能去吸收新的东西。所以转学,绝对是把自己从“水深火热”之中解救出来的办法之一。2、解决办法二:申请硕士院校。时间对于很多人来说无论从金钱还是时间还是精神上来说都是巨大的考验,甚至可以说是“折磨”, 同时如果还要继续回到之前的学院“故地重游”,我想对于绝大多数人来说都是不愿接受的/涌。互铭/而排除“本科未毕业”的这个难题,去直接申请硕士的院校,无论是从时间金钱还是精神压力上来说似乎都是一个值得的选择。3、解决办法三:回国人员证明留学国外的生活并不是像在朋友圈里面看起来那么多姿多彩的,那个国家里发生的故事或许已经对生活蒙上了一层纱。如果不愿意再去面对,其实找渠道做回国人员证明也是一条行得通的路,至少证明自己有留学经历,也不会让自己这些年付出的所有心血白费。


大多数的留学生在毕业论文挂了之后第一时间想到的就是修改,但是你有想过么?你的毕业论文为什么挂???这在很大的程度上你需要知道你的毕业论文为什么挂了。我们可能需要与自己的导师商量一下自己的毕业论文挂了的原因,而且大家要知道你的毕业论文挂了之后有没有机会重写或者是修改。如果你的导师告诉你只能修改那么你就好好地修改就好,但是如果你的导师告诉你有一次的重写机会。那么小编是建议你不要自己去胡乱的写作,也不要想着去直接修改,先去问问导师的意见,在接收到导师的feedback之后开始你的重新创作。所以英国环球论文小编在这边是建议大家重写的。如果有机会重写的话希望大家明白一下的重写重点。首先要知道你的论文需要做到创新1、有创新意识。要做到论文创新,主要是写作者有创新意识,关键是需要批判意识或问题意识,生活和学习并不是为了安逸,要有独立思考和独立处理事情的能力。2、科研扫盲。可以了解前人的研究轨迹,即把导师、师兄师姐的文章和学术论文,科学基金的申请成功报告和没有成功的报告,结题报告,横向课题的报告等全部都浏览一遍,知道自己在某一个领域还能做哪些研究,千万不要重复或者相似,以免浪费时间。3、寻找问题和分解问题。做到这些,需要加强科研的基本功和转换科研思考的方式,这就需要学生在大学期间多参加名师的讲座,观察分析讲师是怎么用敏锐的目光去发现问题的,又是怎么用冷静理性客观的方式去思考和分解问题的。就以上的几点讲解到这儿就结束了,希望毕业论文挂了的的留学生能够知道自己之后该干什么。 最后我只想说,如果你的学校是很坑的话,那么恭喜你,你只能拿到diploma了






毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英[ˈθi:sɪs] 美[ˈθisɪs] 。thesisn.论文,毕业论文;论点,论题;命题扩展例句1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis. 他的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination? 这个命题经得起推敲吗?3、He has finished his thesis. 他的论文完成了。4、She's finished writing her thesis. 她那篇论文写出来了。5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕. 请写一份这本书〔这篇论文〕的摘要。The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.文章论点、论据鲜明,但缺乏论证。

Education is the school, society, family trinity of behavior, society, education, the ultimate manifestation of the provision of educational resources available, while the home-school use of such educational resources. Today, the home-variety of forms. As a practical project in 2007, one of the Shanghai Municipal Government, "home-school interaction" network platform for teachers, parents, students provided a new platform for dialogue reflects the education of humanity today showing a network, virtualization, internationalization and personalization trends. Meanwhile, the "Home-School Interaction" many problems have emerged as the study of educational theory in recent years, an important issue. Among them, primary and secondary schools in the "home-school interaction" platform, the use of the varied significantly. This article based on the "Home-School Interactive" Web-based platform that exist in primary and secondary school co-operation the issue of convergence through questionnaires and interviews the author analyzes the cause of the problem and then propose solutions to policy, and actively explore the home-practice models, efforts to promote home-school cooperation healthy development.

Eduation is a triune behavior of school,society and education eventually embodies the supply of available educational resources which are made use of by families and forms of home-school cooperation are one of the 2007 Shanghai government practical projects,"Home-School Interaction"provides a new dialogual platform for teachers,parents and students,which reflects the developmental trend of networking ,virtualization,internationalization and individualization of current human the same time,there are many problems of "Home-School Interaction",whcih has become an important subject of educational theortical that,there are obvious differences between primary schools and middle schools in the usage of "Home-School Interaction"network article is based on the "Home-School Interaction"network platform's putting up analyzes reasons of problems and then puts forward sloving strategies,activily discusses the practical models of home-school cooperation and promotes it in a healthy way through questionnaires and interviews.

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