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选题依据:《霍小玉传》是著名作家阿城的代表作之一,作品通过叙述女主人公霍小玉的生平经历,揭示出社会的种种不公和压迫,强烈地表现了女性在封建社会中的悲惨命运。因此,选题为《霍小玉传女主人公的悲剧色彩分析》,有很大的研究价值和意义。创新性:1. 分析女主人公霍小玉所处的社会背景和历史背景,深刻地挖掘出其悲剧色彩的根源。2. 通过对文本的细致解读,准确地把握女主人公内心的矛盾和道德困境。3. 运用当代文化研究理论,探讨《霍小玉传》对当代社会的现实意义和启示。不足:1. 研究角度可能过于狭窄,忽略了其他角色的重要性,没有充分挖掘作品的多元性。2. 文献调查比较单一,需要更多的阅读材料来支持分析和论证。3. 对于部分细节和情节的解读和分析可能存在主观性,需要更多的客观证据来支持。建议:1. 扩大研究视野,关注其他角色的重要性,充分挖掘作品的多元性。2. 增加文献调查的广度和深度,收集更多的阅读材料来支持分析和论证。3. 采用更为客观严谨的方法,提高对细节和情节的解读和分析的客观性。综上,本论文选题具有较大的研究价值,研究角度独特,但需要进一步完善和改进。


有了理想执着努力,但却认不清现实 近乎执迷且鲁莽的人











环境是人物活动和故事发生发展的场所.特定的人物总是在特定的环境中成长起来的,所以对小说环境描写的分析,也是理解人物形象的一个重要方面.环境描写分为自然环境描写和社会环境描写.自然环境主要包括人物活动的时间、地点、景物等,有时起渲染气氛的作用.社会环境主要是渲染时代特征.另外环境对人物性格的体现也起着强化作用,作者为了表现人物丰富复杂的性格,往往为人物设置各种不同的环境,用以“ *** ”人物,以记录其种种行为,从而显露出性格.3、从分析情节入手,把握人物的性格特征.















环境是人物活动和故事发生发展的场所.特定的人物总是在特定的环境中成长起来的,所以对小说环境描写的分析,也是理解人物形象的一个重要方面.环境描写分为自然环境描写和社会环境描写.自然环境主要包括人物活动的时间、地点、景物等,有时起渲染气氛的作用.社会环境主要是渲染时代特征.另外环境对人物性格的体现也起着强化作用,作者为了表现人物丰富复杂的性格,往往为人物设置各种不同的环境,用以“ *** ”人物,以记录其种种行为,从而显露出性格.3、从分析情节入手,把握人物的性格特征.











内容摘要:王熙凤被称作是中国古代小说《红楼梦》塑造成功形象之一。王熙凤不但有着美丽的容貌,还有着超凡的管理才能,且心机深重、阴险歹毒,成为女性世界中一只杰出的“凤凰”。本文从王熙凤的侧面描写反映出封建贵族的罪恶本质,以及封建家族走向灭亡必然趋势的命运。 中国论文网 关键词:王熙凤 能力才干 阴险歹毒 随着社会的变化,不同时代对王熙凤的理解与评价各有差异。王熙凤的人物形象描述代表着时代性,基于经济市场下背景分析王熙凤的处事风格及人物性格。对王熙凤为人处世的分析,可以看出王熙凤这一人物形象的复杂性和丰富性。因此必须以正确的态度认识,分析人物真实的性格特征,为《红楼梦》的研究提供参考。 一、容貌风华,恍若神妃 王熙凤人物出场就给读者留下了深刻的印象。作者采用未见其人先闻其声的方式向读者展现,“一语未了,只听到后院中有人笑声,我来迟了,不曾迎接远客!”其装扮彩绣辉煌,恍若神妃仙子。作者通过直接描写人物外表,把王熙凤塑造成雍容华贵的美人,赋予了她迷人的风采,使她在众多美女的贾府突显而出。 笔者除了直接描述外,还从侧面衬托凤姐的美貌。在“见熙凤贾瑞起淫心”和“王熙凤毒设相思局”两回中,笔者一方面突出了王熙凤的心机和手段,另一方面显现出王熙凤的光彩照人。 二、伶牙俐齿,巧言善辩 王熙凤伶牙俐齿的口才也让读者印象深刻。从她开口的与众不同,“这熙凤携着黛玉的手,上下细细的打量了一回,便仍送至贾母身边坐下,笑道:“天下真有这样标致的人物,我今日才算见了。况且这通身的气派,竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是个嫡亲的孙女。怨不得老祖宗天天口头心头时时不忘。”从王熙凤话中,既有对林黛玉的恭维,又有对贾府众姐妹的关照,同时不忘讨好“老祖宗”,这一席话可谓“一石三鸟”。应了周瑞家那句话“十个会说的男人也说不过她呢。” “刘姥姥进荣国府”这回,王熙凤超常的巧言善辩才能及处事的应变能力表现得淋漓尽致。王熙凤对刘姥姥的来意心知肚明,刘姥姥在诉说家道艰难的时候,也不失时机地告诉刘姥姥:“不过借赖着祖父的虚名,作个穷官罢了……不过是个旧日的空架子。”王熙凤尽量的贬低自己,目的是在自身利益不损失的同时,又不至于得罪刘姥姥。简短的几句话王熙凤的表现既让刘姥姥不失颜面,又维护了自身的利益,充分展现了她异于常人的语言才能。 三、心思细腻,善于心计 在人际关系繁中复杂的家族中,处处都需要防备外人的算计,捍卫自己的地位,王熙凤可谓机关算尽。一边对“老祖宗”奉承巴结、极力讨好,一边对王夫人甜言蜜语,对周围平辈也极力拉拢关系,对待下人打压收买,对触及自身利益的人置之死地而后快。 在小月不能管家的时候,王夫人委托贾探春代为管理。当王熙凤得知探春能力后,对贾府平辈赞美了一番。从中看出她缜密的心思,平时留心观察身边每一个人,在熟知每个人弱点后,就可以轻而易举对付他们。在贾琏偷娶尤二姐事上,王熙凤在得知此事后,马上讯问家童打听尤二姐住处。巧言令色的将尤二姐入贾府,指使家奴到官府去告状,借机大闹宁国府。在贾母面前假装好人,瞒贾琏,将尤二姐逼死。整个过程,将她善于心计表现的淋漓尽致。 四、做事干练,争强好胜 王熙凤自幼充当男孩子教养,行事风格与那些闺阁女子自然不同。在刘姥姥进荣国府时,听说熙凤管理贾家,就对她称赞有加。在宁国府,无人敢惹焦大,王熙凤却敢说:“还不早打发了没这王法的东西!”协助管理宁国府时,对下人说:“我可比不得你们奶奶好性儿,由着你们去,再不要说你们这府里‘原是这样的’,这如今可要依着我行,错我半点,管不得谁是有脸的,谁是没脸的,一例现清白处置!”不难看出她雷厉风行的作风。 笔者在表现雷厉风行时,也体现出她争强好胜的性格。宁国府办丧事她本可以不出面,但她极力主动请缨去宁国府帮忙。在铁槛寺,老尼求王熙凤帮退守备家的定礼,熙凤本不想管,可被老尼的话相激,便发起了兴致。从中不难感受到她喜欢卖弄的性格。 五、两面三刀,阴险歹毒 贾瑞起色心时,熙凤本就十分痛恨,却满脸微笑,还以语言相挑逗。对尤二姐的巧言令色,博取尤二姐的同情,让尤二姐“认她作是个极好的人”,跟随她进入大观园。另外,熙凤指使家奴到官府告状,大闹宁国府后,说此事只用五百两银子平复。在尤二姐面前,又以姐妹相称,背地里却叫丫鬟欺侮尤二姐,并不断咒骂二姐,使二姐最后被逼死。 为了得到三千两银子,熙凤与官府勾结使得张家女儿、守备儿子同时自尽;为了除掉情敌,又用借刀杀人将尤二姐活活逼死;因为贾瑞的“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”,她便说贾瑞“起这个念头叫他不得好死”……如此对待别人的生命,让人不寒而栗。 作品中,作者一面通过对人物形象美丽、泼辣、伶俐、歹毒的描写,赞扬女性的聪明才智,呼吁提高女性地位;另一面又表现对她善于算计,心狠手辣的厌恶之极,揭露并鞭挞了封建时期的主子的罪恶本质。单从作者给王熙凤判词中,不难看出笔者对这个人物命运的深切同情。

如何分析小说中的人物形象 小说中的人物描写是为表现人物性格,揭示作品主题思想服务的。阅读时只有了解了人物描写的方法和作用,把握人物性格特点,才能深刻理解文章的思想内容。分析人物形象,可以从下列几方面入手。 1.从分析人物的直接描写入手。 人物直接描写(也叫正面描写),就是通过直接描写人物的肖像、行动、语言、心理等,揭示人物思想品质和性格特点,反映作品的主题。 肖像描写(也叫外貌描写) 它的作用不只在于勾画出这个人物的外部特征,而是为了以“形”来传“神”,因此分析人物外貌可以揭示人物性格特征。例如《故乡》中对闰土的描写:“十一二岁,紫色圆脸,项带银圈,有一双红活圆实的手,手捏一柄钢叉,向一匹猹尽力刺去……”这是一个活泼、勇敢、英俊的少年。而中年闰土却变成:“身材增加了一倍,脸色灰黄,很深的皱纹,眼睛周围肿得通红,头戴破毡帽,身上只有一件极薄的棉衣,浑身瑟缩着,手提一个纸包和一只长烟管,手又粗又笨,而且开裂,像是松树皮了”。这是一个饱经忧患,受尽劳累、饥寒交迫、麻木迟钝而又自卑的人了。鲁迅先生通过闰土的肖像描写,生动地表现了他性格的巨大变化,从而揭示了帝国主义和封建势力给人民造成了苦难。 行动描写和语言描写 人物行动最能体现人物的性格特点。言为心声,人物的语言也体现着人物的思想性格,例如《范进中举》中写胡屠户的贪婪相:……即便包了两锭,叫胡屠户进来,递与他道:“方才费老爹的心,拿了五千钱来。这六两多银子,老爹拿了去”。屠户把银子攥在手里紧紧的,把拳头舒过来,道:“这个,你且收着。我原是贺你的怎好又拿了去?”范进道:“眼见得我这里还有几两银子,若用完了,再来问老爹讨来用。”屠户连忙把拳头缩了回去,往腰里揣……这里通过胡屠户的语言和动作描写,暴露了这个市侩嗜钱如命的本性。 心理描写 分析人物的心理描写,能很好的揭示人物的内心世界。心理描写是对人物在一定环境中的思想活动描写,它往往和外貌、语言、行动交叉在一起。有时描写了人物的外貌、行动、语言,同时也反映了人物的内心世界。比如,孔乙己买洒时“排出九文大钱”这一动作,正反映了他在短衣帮面前炫耀的心理。 2.从侧面描写人物。 侧面描写,概括地说就是通过其他人物的言行,间接写主人公。如用有关人物的对话,心理活动,事件叙述等烘托所要描写的主要人物的性格特征。如《我的叔叔于勒》关于于勒的叙述和结尾景物描写,都属于侧面描写。 3.从细节描写入手。 所谓细节描写是指对人物的肖像、语言、动作、服饰、神情变化以及事物、环境的细微处进行具体描写。分析细节描写,首先要注意细节的真实性,要经得起推敲;其次看是否具有典型意义,看其是否经过精心选择,巧妙安排。上面提到的《故乡》一文的肖像描写和《范进中举》中的语言、动作描写,实际也都是出色的细节描写。











选题依据:《霍小玉传》是著名作家阿城的代表作之一,作品通过叙述女主人公霍小玉的生平经历,揭示出社会的种种不公和压迫,强烈地表现了女性在封建社会中的悲惨命运。因此,选题为《霍小玉传女主人公的悲剧色彩分析》,有很大的研究价值和意义。创新性:1. 分析女主人公霍小玉所处的社会背景和历史背景,深刻地挖掘出其悲剧色彩的根源。2. 通过对文本的细致解读,准确地把握女主人公内心的矛盾和道德困境。3. 运用当代文化研究理论,探讨《霍小玉传》对当代社会的现实意义和启示。不足:1. 研究角度可能过于狭窄,忽略了其他角色的重要性,没有充分挖掘作品的多元性。2. 文献调查比较单一,需要更多的阅读材料来支持分析和论证。3. 对于部分细节和情节的解读和分析可能存在主观性,需要更多的客观证据来支持。建议:1. 扩大研究视野,关注其他角色的重要性,充分挖掘作品的多元性。2. 增加文献调查的广度和深度,收集更多的阅读材料来支持分析和论证。3. 采用更为客观严谨的方法,提高对细节和情节的解读和分析的客观性。综上,本论文选题具有较大的研究价值,研究角度独特,但需要进一步完善和改进。

都是象征的 手法。一个想象代表一种势力。。


32.斯佳丽:旧时代的新女性Scarlett:A “New”Woman in the “Old” Time.海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Love Between Hester and Camilla.解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识On the Imperialistic Consciousness of Jane Eyre.像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩The Creation of Splendor in Adversity like Robinson Crusoe.《三国演义》对诸葛亮和《教父》对考利昂的描述对比A Comparison Between the Depiction of Zhuge Liang in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Corleone in The Godfather.论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性The Tragedy of Roberta in American Tragedy.从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的性格对命运的决定作用The Decisive Effect of Character on Fate From Robinson Crusoe.《哈姆雷特》戏剧中的悲剧因素The Tragedy Aspects in Hamlet.从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象About the Perfect Man Viewed from the Movie Life Is Beautiful.从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长The Tragedy and Growth of the Black Women Embodied in Beloved.从《哈利波特》看儿童的成长Harry Potter and the Growth of Children.苔丝的反叛精神The Rebellion of Tess.一位坚强独立的女性简爱A Tough and Independent Woman.《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析Causes of Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervilles.浅析苔丝之死The Death of Tess.《老人与海》象征主义探究The Inquiry of the Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea.论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格Hemingway’s Unique Writing Style in Hills like White Elephants.浅析爱默生的《论自助》人生自主的源泉On Emerson’s Self-reliance —The Source of Life’s Reliance.盖茨比美国梦的幻灭—透视现实生活中的爱情The Disillusionment for Gatsby American Dream Analysis of Love in Reality.从《西风颂》看英国积极浪漫主义的特征Analyzing the Features of British Positive Romanticism from the Poem of Ode to the West Wind.我看简爱的爱情An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love.谈如何理解海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》On Hemingway’s Short Story A Clean, and Well-Lighted Place.从《简爱》看知识改变女性命运Knowledge Changes Female’s Fate Through Jane Eyre.从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》看宗教禁欲主义下的爱情The Love under Asceticism in The ScarletLetter and The Thorn Birds.解读《皆大欢喜》中的浪漫主义An Analysis of Romanticism in As You Like it.基于作品人物浅析菲茨杰拉德Elementary Analysis on Fitzgerald Based on the Characters of The Great Gatsby.《老人与海》的悲剧色彩:对完美主义的质疑The Tragic Color of The Old Man and the Sea:Challenge to the Perfectionism.分析简爱的美An Analysis of the Beauty in JaneEyre.论《红字》中的孤独因素On the Aspects of Loneliness in The Scarlet Letter.从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看20世纪初女性的社会地位Social Status of Women in the Early 20th Century Reflected from Caddys Tragedy in The Sound and the Fury.论福斯塔夫的性格The Character of Falstaff.斯佳丽:旧时代的新女性Scarlett:A “New”Woman in the “Old” Time.美国社会的葛朗台现象Grandet Phenomenon in America.透过《飘》看现代女性对待生活的态度Analysis of modern females attitudes toward life through Gone with the Wind.从迷茫的玛尔特的悲剧看女性存在的社会价值An Analysis of the Social Value of Womens Existence from the Tragedy of Confused Mathlide.从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观About the Notion of Modern Love from ElizabethⅠs Love Experience.《倾城之恋》与《飘》的女性主义解读Feminism in Love in a Fallen City and Gone With the Wind.《简?爱》的浪漫主义解读Romanticism in Jane Eyre.从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看创新精神和知足长乐The Spirit of Innovation and Satisfaction-The Thought of The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.从《变形记》透视家庭环境对塑造儿童健康心理的影响The Family Influence on Molding Childrens Healthy Psychology Through The Metamorphosis41.论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情观和婚姻观Analysis on Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice.从劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》看恋母情结Mother Fixation in and His Work Sons and Lovers.论雪莱的自由之路Analysis of Shelley's Freedom Road.《威尼斯商人》中的人物形象分析An Analysis of the Characters in the Merchant of Venice.论盖茨比悲剧的必然性On Inevitability of Gatsby’s Tragedy.从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合The Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in the Joy Luck Club.《乱世佳人》对21世纪女性的启示Enlightenment for Women of 21st Century from Gone with the Wind.《喜福会》中母爱主题的文化阐释A Cultural Interpretation of Maternal Love in the Joy Luck Club.试析《老人与海》的悲喜色彩An Analysis of the Combination of Tragic and Delightful Facets in The Old Man and the Sea.解析《长腿叔叔》少女茱蒂 成长的日志A Girl’s Growing- up Story in Daddy-Long-Legs.莎士比亚的悲剧世界的分析An Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy World.《鲁滨逊漂流记》中殖民文化对殖民地文化影响解读 the Women’s Status Seen in Pride and Prejudice Fixation in and His Work Sons and Lovers

Red and White-----the Dual Symbolic Colors of Tess白色和红色-----苔丝的双重象征色 Fang Hongjian-the Tragic Figure Struggling in “Fortress Besieged” 挣扎于“围城”中的悲剧人物-方鸿渐 Hester and Dimmesdale’s Attitudes towards Love and life in The Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中海斯特和丁梅斯代尔对爱情、罪恶、生活的态度 On Sister Carrie’s Criticism upon American Society论<<嘉莉妹妹>>对美国社会的批判意义 On Scarlett’s Attitude towards Life关于斯佳丽的生活观 On the Characterization of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象 On the Moral Spirit in the Great Gatsby. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观 Thomas Hardy’s Pessimism in Tess of the D’urbervelles托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲观主义 A Study of Tom Joad in the Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》的中汤姆 约德研究 Mark Twain’s Linguistic Style in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 浅析《汤姆索娅历险记》中马克 吐温的语言风格 On the Characteristics of Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔的性格分析 A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的主题思想研究 The Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman” in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society “一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运 On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Night's Dream论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格 The Social Significance of Swift's Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》的社会意义 The Psychological Analysis in Macbeth论莎士比亚《麦克白》的心理刻画 Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain《冷山》中执著的艾达 On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童话性与现实性 On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生 On the Humour of Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术 Tom Jones, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯 The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神 《On the Development of Shylock’s Character论夏洛克的性格发展 Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones评《汤姆 琼斯》中的道德观与批评观 On Imogen, the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象 Burns’ View on Love and Friendship论彭斯的爱情友谊观 The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale希腊古瓮颂》《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照 The Womanism in "The Color Purple"紫色》中的《妇女主义 On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异 On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 On American Black English浅谈美国黑人英语 On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries 中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析 On the Ideological Content in Bacon’s Essays论培根散文的思想性 Women's Movement in 1960s in American美国六十年代的妇女运动 Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响

Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind"Gone With the Wind” is my favorite novel written by Margaret Mitchell, a southerner in the ., and the situation is described from the southern point of view. The author, used many stories she heard from her family who had lived through it, to weave this thrilling novel. It is full of dashing, daring men and women, thrilling episodes, and much romance. The heroine Scarlett in this book is so different from a traditional Chinese woman that I have decided to write something about her.'Gone with the Wind' has represented the turbulent social reality in the South in American Civil War. Scarlett O’hara is beautiful then, in order to realize her dream of living better, she regards love and marriage as a chip of trade. There’s no true love in her three marriages, until the end, she understands that Ashley, the person she bears in mind for twelve years is not her true love, but one beautiful unreal image belongs to the South in the past and does not adapt to this coming new society. The person who she really loves is similar to her --- Rhett understand Scarlett better, I divided the essay into 4 parts as . Scarlett’s GrowthScarlett's growth can be divided mainly in two periods,before the Civil War and after it.To understand Scralett,we should know the two different ways of life have a great influence on Scralett’s character. Before the Civil War breaks out, Scralett as well as other old aristocratic young ladies in the south lives an easy,luxurious life full of barbecues,balls and flirting with beaus.For a young lady who has only got 16,the life for her just means learning the arts and graces of being more attractive to men,which is also the south society’s regulation of woman.On one hand,by the diligently stubborn teaching of her mother and black mammy, the seed off the purity and tradition are buried deeply in her mind. But on the other hand,her Irish father also influences her by the Irish stubbornness,arrogance,etc.These two spirits conflicts frequently in the young girl’s mind.Just like her spreading skirts,the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.After the Civil War, Scralett’s true self, which is apparently opposite to the lady-mannered discipline of the old south,crazily yield sand matures in the desolate earth after the war.Scarlett’s anti-traditional behavior is more and more undisguised. 2. Scarlett’s Character of Breaking the RulesPart of Scarlett's enduring charm for me is her aspiration to break the rules. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top", but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life during a difficult period of history. 3. Scarlett’s Hopes and defectsThe other charm of Scarlett to me is that she is always full of hopes of tomorrow, life and the future. Some of her lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!" "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!" have become well-known all around the world. She is charming and candid.The dream of tomorrow would call back the strength to live today, and the hope of future would help her to swallow all the bitterness of the present.The land is the only thing,which helps her to maintain her consciousness of tomorrow.From the beginning to the end,land Traa is always the core of Scralett’s life.Her constant care for Traa is never stopped because only from it her consciousness of tomorrow can be realized.Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything.For it’s the only thing in this world that lasts;it’s the only thing worth fighting is remained as one of the most controversial literature figures from the day the book published till now.Her bad deed,bad words and bad thoughts after the war-time appropriately reflect her natural character——mixture,she is a blending of the good and evil,of practical and ideal,of despair and hope,and of yesterday and tomorrow.She is by far the most developed character in “Gone with the Wind.” She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same . Conclusion From the analysis of her character, she cannot be regarded as a perfect woman. By a rough glimpse, she seems to be a rude,ignorant,and hypocritical remaining of the old Southern aristocrats.Just like other southern people,she hates the war, disgusts the new established south government, deeply recalls the previous life,together with the careless revealing of her attitude towards slavery.They become the root where the criticism derives from.However, Scarlett is real and the past doesn’t really mean that nothing has happened. Forgetting the past is to accumulate energy of the future.The purpose of Scarlett’s looking forward is to survive to fight, because that is the miracle literature has created to attract,to move,and to encourage the people wherever they are. The old are gone with the wind, while the new are gathering new strength to march on.

Jane EyreThe development of Jane Eyre’s character is central to the novel. From the beginning, Jane possesses a sense of her self-worth and dignity, a commitment to justice and principle, a trust in God, and a passionate disposition. Her integrity is continually tested over the course of the novel, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of herself so as to find here to find out more!An orphan since early childhood, Jane feels exiled and ostracized at the beginning of the novel, and the cruel treatment she receives from her Aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation. Afraid that she will never find a true sense of home or community, Jane feels the need to belong somewhere, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.” This desire tempers her equally intense need for autonomy and her search for freedom, Jane also struggles with the question of what type of freedom she wants. While Rochester initially offers Jane a chance to liberate her passions, Jane comes to realize that such freedom could also mean enslavement—by living as Rochester’s mistress, she would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feelings. St. John Rivers offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles. He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. Jane eventually realizes, though, that this freedom would also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in Brontë may have created the character of Jane Eyre as a means of coming to terms with elements of her own life. Much evidence suggests that Brontë, too, struggled to find a balance between love and freedom and to find others who understood her. At many points in the book, Jane voices the author’s then-radical opinions on religion, social class, and RochesterDespite his stern manner and not particularly handsome appearance, Edward Rochester wins Jane’s heart, because she feels they are kindred spirits, and because he is the first person in the novel to offer Jane lasting love and a real home. Although Rochester is Jane’s social and economic superior, and although men were widely considered to be naturally superior to women in the Victorian period, Jane is Rochester’s intellectual equal. Moreover, after their marriage is interrupted by the disclosure that Rochester is already married to Bertha Mason, Jane is proven to be Rochester’s moral regrets his former libertinism and lustfulness; nevertheless, he has proven himself to be weaker in many ways than Jane. Jane feels that living with Rochester as his mistress would mean the loss of her dignity. Ultimately, she would become degraded and dependent upon Rochester for love, while unprotected by any true marriage bond. Jane will only enter into marriage with Rochester after she has gained a fortune and a family, and after she has been on the verge of abandoning passion altogether. She waits until she is not unduly influenced by her own poverty, loneliness, psychological vulnerability, or passion. Additionally, because Rochester has been blinded by the fire and has lost his manor house at the end of the novel, he has become weaker while Jane has grown in strength—Jane claims that they are equals, but the marriage dynamic has actually tipped in her . John RiversClick here to find out more!St. John Rivers is a foil to Edward Rochester. Whereas Rochester is passionate, St. John is austere and ambitious. Jane often describes Rochester’s eyes as flashing and flaming, whereas she constantly associates St. John with rock, ice, and snow. Marriage with Rochester represents the abandonment of principle for the consummation of passion, but marriage to St. John would mean sacrificing passion for principle. When he invites her to come to India with him as a missionary, St. John offers Jane the chance to make a more meaningful contribution to society than she would as a housewife. At the same time, life with St. John would mean life without true love, in which Jane’s need for spiritual solace would be filled only by retreat into the recesses of her own soul. Independence would be accompanied by loneliness, and joining St. John would require Jane to neglect her own legitimate needs for love and emotional support. Her consideration of St. John’s proposal leads Jane to understand that, paradoxically, a large part of one’s personal freedom is found in a relationship of mutual emotional BurnsHelen Burns, Jane’s friend at Lowood School, serves as a foil to Mr. Brocklehurst as well as to Jane. While Mr. Brocklehurst embodies an evangelical form of religion that seeks to strip others of their excessive pride or of their ability to take pleasure in worldly things, Helen represents a mode of Christianity that stresses tolerance and acceptance. Brocklehurst uses religion to gain power and to control others; Helen ascetically trusts her own faith and turns the other cheek to Lowood’s harsh Helen manifests a certain strength and intellectual maturity, her efforts involve self-negation rather than self-assertion, and Helen’s submissive and ascetic nature highlights Jane’s more headstrong character. Like Jane, Helen is an orphan who longs for a home, but Helen believes that she will find this home in Heaven rather than Northern England. And while Helen is not oblivious to the injustices the girls suffer at Lowood, she believes that justice will be found in God’s ultimate judgment—God will reward the good and punish the evil. Jane, on the other hand, is unable to have such blind faith. Her quest is for love and happiness in this world. Nevertheless, she counts on God for support and guidance in her search.我给你写了真么多,一定要给我加悬赏金 我在此谈谈读巨著《简爱》的读后感,当我合上简爱这本书之后,我深深的被Jane Erye(简爱)所打动,她是如此善良而优秀的女人。Eyre夫人有一颗金子般的心。她真爱着她身旁的每个人,并且真诚的给予他们帮助,她自重,并且做每件事都很优秀,我非常喜欢她。她不仅仅是我的老师还是我的挚友,每当我迷惘的时候,我就会想到她,想到她如果是此时的我将会怎么做,为什么不去读我的朋友《简爱》! Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane was really move by Jane Erye after closing the a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely(真诚地).She respected(尊重) herself and did her best to do really love are both a great teacher and a good friend of when I am confuse(迷惑的),I will think of will imagine what will she do if she is not read Jane Erye my friends!小说设计了一个很光明的结尾.罗彻斯特的庄园毁了,他本人也成了一个残废..在这样的情况下,简爱不再在尊严和爱之间矛盾.而同时获得满足-------她和罗彻斯特的结婚是有尊严的,同时也是有爱的. 小说告诉我们,人们最美好的生活就是尊严加爱.小说的结局按排的这是这样一种生活.虽然我觉得这样的结局过于完美,这样的完美有点浮浅..但我依然尊重作者对这种生活的美好理想.就是-------尊严加爱/ The novel tells us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love. Novels by the end of the row that this is such a life. Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect, so perfect .. a little superficial, but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life. ------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.'s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water ....... Jane eyreEnglish: Jane eyre is a novel color autobiography, it explains the theme: people's value = dignity + . Love living in a parents, sponsor, grew up under the environment of treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating of a child... this is the dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps because it all, Jane. Love and faith of infinite indomitable spirit, a kind of inner personality can rochester, she never because he is a teacher and the family status meanness, but that they feel inferior is equal. Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others. Also because of her integrity, noble and pure heart, no pollution, secular society for the shock, and rochester her as a spiritual and equality in the conversation, and slowly and deeply in love with eyre itself to us is a kind of simplified, is a fanpiaoguizhen, is a kind of pursuit of whole heart feeling, is a kind of simplified feelings and neglected, it is like a cup of water, purify every reader's heart, also cause readers, especially female readers简爱》 中文:《简爱》是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。 简。爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境,从小就承受着与同龄人不一样的待遇,姨妈的嫌弃,表姐的蔑视,表哥的侮辱和毒打……这是对一个孩子的尊严的无情践踏,但也许正是因为这一切,换回了简。爱无限的信心和坚强不屈的精神,一种可战胜的内在人格力量。 在罗切斯特的面前,她从不因为自己是一个地位低贱的家庭教师而感到自卑,反而认为他们是平等的。不应该因为她是仆人,而不能受到别人的尊重。也正因为她的正直,高尚,纯洁,心灵没有受到世俗社会的污染,使得罗切斯特为之震撼,并把她看做了一个可以和自己在精神上平等交谈的人,并且慢慢地深深爱上了她。《简爱》所展现给我们的正是一种化繁为简,是一种返朴归真,是一种追求全心付出的感觉,是一种不计得失的简化的感情,它犹如一杯冰水,净化每一个读者的心灵,同时引起读者,特别是女性读者的共鸣。


首先,我们看到堂吉诃德是一个脱离现实、耽于幻想、行动盲目的这样一个人。他因读骑士小说入了迷而想入非非,丧失了基本的理性。他把骑士小说的描写当成现实生活,无视已经发生了变化的时代,企图以自己的游侠行为来复活过时的骑士制度,把单抢匹马打抱不平当做主持正义、改造社会的途径。他沉浸在幻想中,完全丧失了对现实的感觉和判断:他把穷旅店当作城堡,把妓女当成贵妇,把理发师的铜盆当作魔法师的头盔,把皮酒囊当作巨人的头颅,把羊群当作魔法师的军队。在他眼里,处处有妖魔为害,事事有魔法师捣乱,因此他到处不分青红皂白,对着臆想出来的敌人横冲直撞,乱劈乱刺。结果呢?虽然他是出于善良的动机,怀着满腔的真诚,但却只能是四处碰壁,受尽嘲弄和伤害,使自己成为一个滑稽可笑的人物。最令我们为堂吉诃德感到辛酸的是他的爱情梦幻。《堂吉诃德》中写了许多的爱情故事,但这样的爱情故事没有一件是发生在堂吉诃德的身上。他梦幻中的心上人杜尔西内亚,可以说是从来就没有存在过,但我们又看到她无时不在堂吉诃德的左右――他成功时梦到她,失意时想到她,寂寞时想到她,热闹时也想到她。他可以容忍别人对自己的污辱,但他不能忍受别人对杜尔西内亚美貌的怀疑; 他在冒险途中遇到过无数个美女,但他认为没有人能和他的杜尔西内亚相比。直到最终他被击败,他还在为杜尔西内亚的美丽辩护――为此,他不惜放弃自己的荣誉和生命。堂吉诃德在最后一次返乡途中,念念不忘的不是自己已经被毁掉的名声,而是爱情给他造成的伤害――这种伤害当然只有他想象中的杜尔西内亚给得了他。堂吉诃德没有爱情,有的只是一个爱情梦幻,至多算是柏拉图式的精神恋爱,但他为此却受尽了磨难,尝尽了屈辱,这又是多么的可笑、可悲、可叹!其次,我们又可以看到堂吉诃德是一个纯粹的理想主义者。他痛恨专制残暴,同情被压迫的劳苦大众,向往自由,把保护人的正当权利与尊严,锄强扶弱,清除人世间的不平作为自己的人生理想。或许这就是他那理想化的骑士道,但他对此是如此的迷恋和执着,如此的不可思议,已完全变成偏执;而且这种偏执不是一般性的,在他心目中它已经是全部了。因偏执而行为变得疯狂,于是大家都把他当疯子,觉得他可笑。但他从不怕人们议论与讥笑,更不怕侮辱和打击,虽然四处碰壁,但却百折不悔,一片赤诚,无论什么都不能使他改变初衷。对于他来说,人生只是手段,不是目的。他说,他之所以珍重自己的生命,无非是为了实现自己的理想。他活着是为别人,为自己的弟兄,为了铲除邪恶,为了反抗魔术家和巨人等压迫人类的势力。他坚信自己的理想,愿意一片挚情地为这个理想而尽忠。再有,我们可以这样说,堂吉诃德为实现理想而奋不顾身的精神令我们折服,他是一个永不妥协的斗士。堂吉诃德敢于为主持正义、清除罪恶而忘我斗争,不管碰到什么样的敌人,他都毫不怯懦,永不退缩。他把磨坊的风车当作巨人,毫不犹豫地挺枪拍马冲过去;他把皮酒囊当作巨人的头颅,不顾一切的提矛杀去;他把羊群当作魔法师的军队,纵马大加杀戳。他跟比斯盖人进行恶战,跟杨维斯人进行搏斗; 他为一个被曾经诱她的人无情抛弃的女人,而和抛弃她的人进行决斗; 他甚至敢单枪匹马面对一头凶猛的狮子而毫无畏惧之心。总之,堂吉诃德敢用自己的行动、甚至生命来捍卫道德、正义和信仰,即使大多数情况下都以失败而告终,但他这种不屈不挠、勇于自我牺牲的精神,实在是足可令人敬佩的。总结以上几点分析,我们可以看到堂吉诃德是一个性格复杂而矛盾的人物。他身上既有滑稽可笑的特点,又有严肃认真的思考; 既荒谬绝伦,又崇高伟大; 既有喜剧性,又有悲剧性,是一个可笑又可悲、可乐又可敬的具有双重性格组合的人物形象。堂吉诃德形象的主要意义是什么呢?我们可从两方面来看:(一)、堂吉诃德的形象彻底完成了作者赋予其的打倒骑士文学和骑士制度的使命。13世纪,骑士小说在欧洲颇为流行。到了16世纪后,欧洲大部分国家已经没有它的市场了,可是在西班牙仍然大量兜售,而且泛滥成灾。这种小说结构千篇一律,情节荒诞离奇,都是虚构一个英勇无比的骑士,经历数不清的惊险遭遇,遇上说不清的爱情纠葛,为国王、贵族去拼命,而最后总能大获全胜。宫廷和教会利用这种文学,鼓吹骑士的荣誉与骄傲,鼓励人们发扬骑士精神,维护封建统治,去建立世界霸权,而许多人也沉湎在这种小说中不能自拔。一直在社会底层挣扎的塞万提斯亲身体会了中世纪的封建制度给西班牙带来的痛苦与灾难,因此他憎恨骑士制度和美化这一制度的骑士文学。他要唤醒人们不再吸食这种麻醉人的鸦片,从脱离现实的梦幻中解放出来。塞万提斯曾一再宣告自己的创作动机是要“攻击骑士小说”,“要扫除骑士小说在社会上、在群众中的声望和影响”,“把骑士小说那一套扫除干净”。作者正是通过塑造堂吉诃德这一典型形象,通过描写堂吉诃德的荒唐行径,以及他屡屡碰壁、事事失败的遭遇,生动地说明了骑士的长矛、甲胄已经进了历史陈列馆,逆时代车轮而行必将碰得头破血流。作者利用堂吉诃德这一形象无情地嘲笑和抨击了腐朽荒唐的骑士制度和流行的骑士小说,指出它对人的毒害,从而给骑士小说以致命的打击。实际上,它确实起到了这样的作用,自《堂吉诃德》问世以后,西班牙的骑士小说便销声匿迹了。(二)、堂吉诃德身上寄托了作者人文主义的理想,体现出了其时代意义。《堂吉诃德》这部小说产生在“文艺复兴”这一新旧交替的转折时代里,它表现了新兴资产阶级的人文主义思想。作者把这些人文主义思想通过主人公堂吉诃德的行为、或借了他的口传达出来,也就是说,作者把这些人文主义思想灌注到主人公堂吉诃德身上了。1、作者的这种人文主义思想首先表现为反对封建骑士制度和骑士小说。文艺复兴时期的著名作家,基本上都是人文主义者。他们的代表作品都表现出反封建反教会的主题。塞万提斯的《堂吉诃德》也是这样。反对骑士制度和骑士小说,实质就是反对封建专制,反对贵族特权,反对那些倒行逆施、不合时代潮流的行为。塞万提斯通过塑造堂吉诃德这个形象,无情地嘲弄和抨击了这些行径,扫荡了这些毒害人们的思想,加速了骑士小说的消灭。正是堂吉诃德形象的巨大成功,才取得甚至超出作者预想的效果。2、作者的这种人文主义思想还表现为反对专横残暴,追求自由平等。堂吉诃德同情被压迫的劳动人民,痛恨专制残暴,向往自由,把维护人的正当权利与尊严,锄强扶弱,消除人世间的不平作为自己的理想。他诅咒他的时代是“万恶的时代”,“世风日下,邪恶横行”; 他主张“一切东西都平等”,认为“自由是天赐的无价之宝”,他放走苦役犯是因为“人是天生自由的,把自由的人当奴隶未免残酷”; 他还认为人的社会地位的尊卑是暂时的,只有“美德”才是真正的高贵。他尊敬妇女,主张个性解放、男女平等、恋爱自由; 他赞扬巴西琉追求爱情的勇敢和机智。这些都表达了人文主义者的心声。堂吉诃德对自由、对平等、对爱情、对司法制度,甚至对文学艺术都有新的人文主义见解。在他的荒唐行为中潜藏着高贵合理的因素,使人觉得他是一个大智大勇的人。这也正是读者所喜欢他,同情他的重要原因。3、作者的这种人文主义思想还表现为小说所采用的现实主义创作方法。中世纪,封建阶级和教会别有用心地漠视文学与现实的关系,他们的作品滥用梦幻、象征等神秘主义手法,歌颂上帝和天堂。由于“人的发现”和“自然的发现”,人文主义作家否定了中世纪不重视活生生的现实而重视虚无的天国的荒谬。他们热爱现实生活,深入现实生活,表现现实生活。人文主义文学表现了丰富多彩的人间生活,揭示了错综复杂的现实矛盾。塞万提斯认为文学应是“人生的镜鉴”,“只是摹仿自然,自然便是它唯一的范本”。(2)《堂吉诃德》是欧洲近代现实主义长篇小说的开山之作。小说围绕堂吉诃德的三次出游,随着他的行踪所及,以及他的所见、所闻和所思,真实地反映了16至17世纪初西班牙广阔的社会生活,暴露了封建制度下各种丑恶与腐朽,表现了作者对人民苦难的同情。小说出现过店老板、妓女、囚犯、公爵、闺秀、农妇、商贩、仆人、牧师、公差、理发匠和牧童等各式人物。从田野到森林,从农村到城市,从客店到城堡,从陆地到海岛,我们可以饱览西班牙的城乡风光和人民的风俗习惯。作家把统治阶级与广大人民进行对比:一方面是统治者的豪华奢侈,贵族子弟倚仗权势,强占民女; 另一方面是千千万万的农民衣不蔽体,食不裹腹,从而批判了迫害人的封建制度。《堂吉诃德》通过具体,生动的描绘,真实地反映了西班牙王国已经百孔千疮,不可救药的政治局面。堂吉诃德游侠冒险的思想基础是对社会现实的不满。他希望出现一个理想的“黄金时代”,但现实社会却是“多灾多难的时世”。所以他立志改变这种丑恶的现实,决心“解救一切苦难,经历一切危险”,于是我们见到了这个充满人文主义理想的堂吉诃德。四、最后,谈谈关于对堂吉诃德形象的不同认识与理解的问题。堂吉诃德的性格是如此的复杂,不同时代、不同国家的读者对他可能有各不相同的理解。《堂吉诃德》刚出版时,人们只把它看作一个逗人发笑的滑稽故事,一个小贩叫卖的通俗读物。它最早受到重视是在17世纪的英国,英国小说家菲尔丁强调了堂吉诃德的正面品质,他指出,这个人物虽然可笑,但同时又叫人同情和尊敬;到了18世纪,法国人则把这个西班牙骑士改装成一位有理性、讲道德的法国绅士。到了19世纪,在浪漫主义的影响下,堂吉诃德又变成一个悲剧性的角色,既可笑又可悲。(3) 一些文学大师对《堂吉诃德》的评价也不尽相同。英国的拜伦慨叹堂吉诃德成了笑柄;法国的夏多布里昂看到的是堂吉诃德的伤感;德国的希雷格尔把堂吉诃德精神称为“悲剧性的荒谬”或“悲剧性的傻气”;而海涅对堂吉诃德精神则“伤心落泪”和“震惊倾倒”。(4)这里让我们来看看近一个世纪以来“堂吉诃德”在中国的一些遭遇。20世纪初,周氏兄弟(鲁迅和周作人)把堂吉诃德带进中国,不久,创造社和太阳社的有关同仁就指鲁迅为中国的堂吉诃德。于是,引发了关于“中国的堂吉诃德”的争论。堂吉诃德成了左翼作家讨论中国革命之目标与任务的一个切入点。鲁迅曾公开辩诬,并藉西欧、俄罗斯等外国作家的解读,谓哈姆雷特“一生冥想、怀疑,以致什么事也不能做”;堂吉诃德则“毫无烦闷,专凭理想勇往直前去做事”。鲁迅在《解放了的堂吉诃德》的“后记”中说,“堂吉诃德的立志去打不平,是不能说他错误的;不自量力,也并非错误。错误是在他的打法。因为糊涂的思想,引出了错误的打法”。

有了理想执着努力,但却认不清现实 近乎执迷且鲁莽的人



2 论文的目录、框架、章节为什么这样安排,有什么联系?逻辑是怎么样的?


3 某个结论是不是不准确,或者理解不对,你有什么数据,文献支撑?


我参加答辩时也有人写红楼梦,问题不过那么几种:1. 林黛玉的性格2. 贾家的背景对其影响3. 黛玉同宝玉的关系4. 黛玉同宝钗的对比5. 黛玉的结局讨论6. 黛玉的诗词分析研究7. 曹雪芹创造林黛玉的艺术构想和意义


