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作为目前国内最大的中文学术期刊网,自开通以来 , 赢得了广大学者,学术工作者以及电子商务界的关注。各大媒体多次专题报道中国学术期刊网。中国学术期刊网(qikanwang)是中国学术期刊协会的官方网站,拥有CN刊号的正规期刊会员1200多家,是中文学术期刊联合征稿平台。权威,安全,快捷,是广大追求事业晋升或学业进步人士的发表园地。中国学术期刊网一直致力于电子信息资源的研究、开发和应用。公司的业务范围包括数据库出版发行、电子期刊出版发行、网络信息服务、网络广告推广、文献资料数字化加工等多种个性化服务。聚刊社力量,建服务平台,让中国学术期刊网通过互联网走入每一个学术研究人员的身边是我们不懈的追求目标。· 中国学术期刊网以丰富的网络内容吸引了成千上万的知识份子,且每日的流量正处于急剧上升的状态。期刊网所有的数字出版平台是国家“十一五”重点出版工程。它提供了学科专业数字图书馆和行业图书馆。个性化服务平台由个人数字图书馆、机构数字图书馆、数字化学习平台等组成。· 中国学术期刊网有强大的技术后台支持, 完全实现并超越了目前国内的网络技术,一个学术类期刊的全功能网站。中国学术期刊网具有刊类、标题、关键词检索及全文检索等功能,独家研发出了完善的刊社管理和客服管理的系统软件 , 已从单一技术发展到拥有标准体系的电子商务网站。· 中国学术期刊网的刊社加盟系统,可提高各期刊社在读者中的知名度,并以零成本占领国内外网络阅读市场,从而扩大影响,亦增加纸版杂志的订户人数,达到电子版、纸版网上订阅互动促销的效果。此外,期刊社除获得电子期刊销售收入外,还可获得网络读者投稿的新稿源和具有重要参考价值的读者统计数据,并成为国内中文学术期刊协会的会员。· 中国学术期刊网将在刊社每月定期提供的样刊和电子数据的基础上,为签约刊社提供刊物图文的数字化处理,以及网上空间和专业技术维护,提供刊物电子版网上结算和客户管理,并为刊社在海外进行市场推广营销,定期向签约刊社提供客户服务报告,转达读者意见,反馈市场信息。· 中国学术期刊网还将向刊社免费提供刊社独立域名和主页,免费专用期刊网信箱,便捷的信息发布平台,刊社可制作发布自身广告,提前发布下期要目。并向大家提供最新的期刊资讯和期刊网上销售报告等所有网络优势。









以上内容参考 百度百科-中国知网



中国期刊库 啊


1坦克装甲车辆2舰船知识3世界军事4兵工科技5兵器知识6现代舰船7舰载武器8国际展望9战争史研究10航空史研究11兵器12轻兵器14军事史林 15军事历史航空知识中国空军 现代兵器 军事世界画刊 科技与国力

《装甲兵工程学院学报》是以反映装甲兵装备工程技术、军事理论等研究为主的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登装甲车辆工程、兵器系统及运用工程、装备表面工程与材料、车辆电子控制工程、信息工程、坦克武器工程、指挥自动化工程、军事指挥与战场勤务、装备综合保障、车辆仿真工程研究,以及与此相关的基础研究、开发应用研究等方面的学术论文。 《装甲兵工程学院学报》开设的栏目有:装备保障与管理、武器系统与运用工程、车辆工程、电子工程与火力控制工程、装备再制造工程、基础理论与应用等栏目。 期刊按国际标准编排,并印有英文版权页、目次和摘要等。 《学报》曾先后获得总参第一届优秀期刊奖、全国高等学校自然科学学报评比三等奖、北京市高校系统自然科学学报评比一等奖。 1998年学报取得国内统一刊号,发行范围进一步扩大。从全军装甲机械化部队到各军兵种,从院校到科研院所以及全国各大图书馆都有订阅或赠阅。几年间,先后被“中国科技论文统计源(中国科技核心期刊)”、“中国期刊全文数据库”、“中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库”、“中国学术期刊综合评价数据库”、“中国学术期刊(光盘版)”、“万方数据-数字化期刊群”、美国“剑桥科学文摘(CSA)”、英国“科学文摘(INSPEC)”等国内外知名期刊源与数据库收录。影响因子和被引频次逐年有所提高。 《装甲兵工程学院学报》主编为徐滨士教授。徐滨士教授现任装甲兵工程学院装备再制造技术国防科技重点实验室主任,中国工程院院士,少将军衔,同时兼任总装备部科技委顾问、国家产学研设备工程开发推广中心主任、中国设备管理协会副会长、中国机械工程学会副理事长等职。徐教授长期从事维修工程、表面工程和再制造工程研究,是我国表面工程学科和再制造工程学科的倡导者和开拓者之一。1996年获得中国机械工程学会科技成就奖,2004年6月获中国工程院光华工程科技奖工程奖,2004年10月在第十四届国际热处理与表面工程联合会大会上获得了“最高学术成就奖”。

很多,如 《世界军事》,《兵器知识》,《轻兵器》,其中世界军事肯恩较符合你的胃口,里面有关于世界格局的分析,不同国家同种武器的对比。

根据LZ要求,那我建议您看一下《世界军事》和《环球军事》这两本杂志。因为它们一本是新华社解放军分社主办的一份综合性军事期刊、另一本是由解放军报社主办,所以这两本杂志没有什么胡言乱语,点评也不过激,并且有许多专业性的军事知识(今天我还在根据《世界军事》上建立的模型推断核潜艇在阵地伏击可控制多大海域)。不过像LZ这样可能是初步接触军事(说错请见谅),我建议最好先只看《世界军事》这一本,因为《环球军事》专业性很强,不适合初步的军事爱好者。 《世界军事》坚持权威性、真实性、时效性、知识性和趣味性并重。近年来,《世界军事》曾有大量文章被海外诸多报刊转载,包括世界权威军事期刊《简氏防务周刊》等。他的总编辑可是一位大校军衔的解放军!


DDS and converter form signal generatorMany applications require low-frequency signal generators that can deliver high-performance, high-resolution signals. This Design Idea presents a circuit that generates frequencies of 0 to 1 MHz. Sinusoidal, triangular, and square-wave outputs are available. You can achieve frequency resolution of better than Hz and phase resolution of better than °; thus, you can program exact coherent frequencies. This feature is useful in digital modulation and frequency-tuning applications. The circuit uses the ADµC831 and AD9834 to generate the required frequencies (Figure 1). You can program the microcontroller from either a PC or a Unix-based workstation. You then program the AD9834 using a three-wire serial interface via the microcontroller. The interface word is 16 bits can program the AD9834 to provide sinusoidal, triangular, and square-wave outputs using the DDS (direct-digital-synthesis) architecture. The chip operates as an NCO (numerically controlled oscillator) using an on-chip, 28-bit phase accumulator, sine-coefficient ROM, and a 10-bit D/A converter. You typically consider sine waves in terms of their magnitude form, A(t)=sin(ωt). The amplitude is nonlinear and is, therefore, difficult to generate. The angular information, on the other hand, is perfectly linear. That is, the phase angle rotates through a fixed angle for each unit in time. Knowing that the phase of a sine wave is linear, and, given a reference interval (clock period), you can determine the phase rotation for that period: ΔPhase=ω dt; ω=ΔPhase/dt=2πf, and f=(ΔPhase×fMCLK)/(2π), where dt=1/fMCLK, and fMCLK is the master this formula, you can generate output frequencies, knowing the phase and master-clock frequency. The phase accumulator provides the 28-bit linear phase. The amplitude coefficients of the output sine wave are stored in digital format in the sine-coefficient ROM. The DAC converts the sine wave to the analog domain. If you bypass the ROM, the AD9834 delivers triangular waveforms instead of sinusoidal waveforms. A square-wave output is also available on the part. Figure 2 shows the various waveforms available from the system. As shown in Figure 1, the sinusoidal/ triangular output waveforms are available on the IOUT pin (Pin 19); and the square wave output is available on the SIGN_BIT_OUT pin (Pin 16). You program the DDS by writing to the frequency registers. The analog output from the part is then: fOUT=fMCLK/228×(frequency-register word).The outputs of the DDS have 28-bit resolution, so effective frequency steps on the order of Hz are possible to a maximum of approximately 1 MHz. Figure 2 shows the typical waveform outputs. Two phase registers are available that allow 12-bit phase resolution. These registers phase-shift the signal by: Phase shift=2π/4096×(phase-register word).A 50-MHz crystal oscillator provides the reference clock for the DDS. The output stage of the DDS is a current-output DAC loaded by an external resistor. A 200Ω resistor generates the required peak-to-peak voltage range. The output is ac-coupled through capacitor C1. The MicroConverter contains two on-chip, 12-bit DACs. DAC1 varies the current through R5, adjusting the full-scale current of the DDS via the FSADJUST pin. The equation to control the full-scale current of the DDS DAC is: IOUT (full-scale)=18×I×, the internal reference of the MicroConverter, and op amp 2 allow for offset control of the output voltage of the DDS. You can program this dc offset to ±10V at 10-bit resolution. When R1=R2 and the gain of op amp 2=8, then the output of op amp 2 is: VOUT=(DAC output–(VREF/2))×8, yielding a ±10V R6 through R9 allow for control of gain through op amp 3. The gain of the op amp is a function of resistor switching, which you enable using the RDRIVE pin available on the MicroConverter. This operation allows for an effective programmable-output amplitude of approximately ±10V p-p. Thus, the circuit allows for programmable sinusoidal and triangular waves, including dc offsets, and the ability to set peak-to-peak amplitude of approximately ±10V. The square wave output on the SIGN_BIT_OUT pin has 0 to 5V amplitude. For low-frequency operation, a lowpass filter normally serves to filter reference-clock frequencies, spurs, and other images. For applications in which the output signal needs amplification, you should use a narrowband filter to filter out unwanted noise before the gain stage. A third-order filter would be good enough to remove most of the unwanted noise. Figure 3 shows a typical spectral plot of the output. Applications for this circuit range from signal-waveform generation to digital modulation. You can use the system in frequency-sweeping and -scanning applications and in resonance applications that use the frequency as an excitation signal to determine circuit resonance. Another useful application is as a reference oscillator for a PLL system.



; Direct Digital SynthesisDirect Digital Synthesis (DDS) is an electronic method for digitally creating arbitrary waveforms and frequencies from a single, fixed source basic DDS circuit consists of an electronic controller, a random-access memory, a frequency reference (usually a crystal oscillator), a counter and a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC). Two operating steps are required to make the device work: we shall call these programming and the programming step, the electronic controller fills the memory with data. Each item of data is a binary word representing the amplitude of the signal at an instant of time. The array of data in the memory then forms a table of amplitudes, with time implied by the position in the table. If, for example, the first half of the table were filled with zeroes and the second half with values of 100%, then the data would represent a square wave. Any other wave shape can be created simply by altering the the running step, the counter (properly called the phase accumulator) is instructed to advance by a certain increment on each pulse from the frequency reference. The output of the phase accumulator (the phase) is used to select each item in the data table in turn. Finally, the DAC converts this sequence of data to an analogue generate a periodic waveform, the circuit is set up so that one pass through the table takes a time equal to the period of the waveform. For example, if the reference frequency is 1 MHz, and the table contains 1000 entries, then a complete pass through the table with a phase increment of 1 will take 1000 / 1 MHz = 1 ms, so the frequency of the output waveform will be 1/(1 ms) = 1 system can generate a higher output frequency simply by increasing the phase increment so that the counter runs through the table more quickly. In the example above, the phase increment is equal to 1, so the next possible frequency is obtained by setting the increment to 2, resulting in a doubling of output frequency. To obtain a finer control of frequency than this, the standard phase increment can be set to, say, 10. This then allows slightly higher or lower output frequencies. For example, increasing the increment to 11 would increase the output frequency by 10%, and reducing it to 9 would decrease the output frequency by the same proportion. The more precision required over the frequency, the more bits are needed in the detailsPractical implementations usually set the size of the lookup table to be a power of 2 and work with 32-bit phase accumulators and phase increments. Usually the upper 8 or 10 bits of the counter are used as lookup table index (lookup table size is 256 or 1024, respectively). The remaining lower bits can be used as a parameter or index to interpolate between the adjacent entries in the lookup table. Often linear interpolation suffices. The source frequency usually comes from a crystal of 1 MHz to 100 highest frequency that can be generated this way depends on the size of the lookup table and the frequency. In order to generate a reasonable representation of the waveform, at least a minimum number of samples must be taken from it. If the phase increment becomes too large, then the counter would step through the lookup table too fast and the result may be a severe distortion of the output exist in both software and hardware. Due to the realtime nature of DDS, software implementations are usually limited to audio of DDS are: function generators, mixers, modulators, and sound 信号发生器 Signal Generator A signal generator, also known variously as a test signal generator, function generator, tone generator, arbitrary waveform generator, or frequency generator is an electronic device that generates repeating electronic signals (in either the analog or digital domains). They are generally used in designing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing electronic or electroacoustic devices; though they often have artistic uses as are many different types of signal generators, with different purposes and applications (and at varying levels of expense); in general, no device is suitable for all possible , signal generators have been embedded hardware units, but since the age of multimedia-PCs, flexible, programmable software tone generators have also been purpose signal generatorsFunction generatorsA function generator is a device which produces simple repetitive waveforms. Such devices contain an electronic oscillator, a circuit that is capable of creating a repetitive waveform. (Modern devices may use digital signal processing to synthesize waveforms, followed by a digital to analog converter, or DAC, to produce an analog output). The most common waveform is a sine wave, but sawtooth, step (pulse), square, and triangular waveform oscillators are commonly available as are arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs). If the oscillator operates above the audio frequency range (>20 kHz), the generator will often include some sort of modulation function such as amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), or phase modulation (PM) as well as a second oscillator that provides an audio frequency modulation generators are typically used in simple electronics repair and design; where they are used to stimulate a circuit under test. A device such as an oscilloscope is then used to measure the circuit's output. Function generators vary in the number of outputs they feature, frequency range, frequency accuracy and stability, and several other parameters.[edit] Arbitrary waveform generatorsMain article: Arbitrary waveform generatorArbitrary waveform generators, or AWGs, are sophisticated signal generators which allow the user to generate arbitrary waveforms, within published limits of frequency range, accuracy, and output level. Unlike function generators, which are limited to a simple set of waveforms; an AWG allows the user to specify a source waveform in a variety of different ways. AWGs are generally more expensive than function generators, and are often more highly limited in available bandwidth; as a result, they are generally limited to higher-end design and test applications.[edit] Special purpose signal generatorsIn addition to the above general-purpose devices, there are several classes of signal generators designed for specific applications.[edit] Tone generators and audio generatorsA tone generator is a type of signal generator optimized for use in audio and acoustics applications. Tone generators typically include sine waves over the audio frequency range (20 Hz–20 kHz). Sophisticated tone generators will also include sweep generators (a function which varies the output frequency over a range, in order to make frequency-domain measurements), multitone generators (which output several tones simultaneously, and are used to check for intermodulation distortion and other non-linear effects), and tone bursts (used to measure response to transients). Tone generators are typically used in conjunction with sound level meters, when measuring the acoustics of a room or a sound reproduction system, and/or with oscilloscopes or specialized audio tone generators operate in the digital domain, producing output in various digital audio formats such as AES-3, or SPDIF. Such generators may include special signals to stimulate various digital effects and problems, such as clipping, jitter, bit errors; they also often provide ways to manipulate the metadata associated with digital audio term synthesizer is used for a device that generates audio signals for music, or that uses slightly more intricate methods.[edit] Video signal generatorsMain article: Video signal generatorA video signal generator is a device which outputs predetermined video and/or television waveforms, and other signals used to stimulate faults in, or aid in parametric measurements of, television and video systems. There are several different types of video signal generators in widespread use. Regardless of the specific type, the output of a video generator will generally contain synchronization signals appropriate for television, including horizontal and vertical sync pulses (in analog) or sync words (in digital). Generators of composite video signals (such as NTSC and PAL) will also include a colorburst signal as part of the output. Video signal generators are available for a wide variety of applications, and for a wide variety of digital formats; many of these also include audio generation capability (as the audio track is an important part of any video or television program or motion picture).


一、早期妇女报刊(1898~1918年)中国近代史上第一份妇女报刊《女学报》于清光绪二十四年(1898年)在上海诞生。据不完全统计,辛亥革命前后上海出版的妇女报刊数量达26种之多,为全国之最。但这些报刊除少数存在时间较长外,大多由于政治、经济等原因,办了二三期就被迫停刊,有的创刊号同时就是终刊号。报刊的发行量也很少,一般只有几百份,读者主要是上层知识妇女。就内容看,这一时期上海的妇女报刊,一类纯以"提倡女学"、"开通女智"、"争取女权"、"要求男女平等"为主旨,政治上倾向于改良派,这类刊物占大多数。另一类是把提倡女学与女权同民族民主革命的宣传结合起来,鼓励妇女既作女权运动的先锋,又作民族民主革命的斗士,政治上属于革命派,代表刊物有《女学报》、《女报》、《女子世界》、《中国女报》、《神州女报》等,其中以秋瑾主编的《中国女报》影响最大。还有一类是封建复古派妇女刊物,如民国3年(1914年)袁世凯镇压"二次革命"之后鼓吹封建复古主义,当时出版的《女子世界》(与清光绪三十年出版的《女子世界》同名)等少数妇女刊物就曾宣扬旧道德,诋毁婚姻自由。这一时期在上海创刊的妇女报刊主要有:《女学报》 中国第一份妇女报刊,也是中国最早的白话报刊之一,旬刊。初名《官话女学报》。清光绪二十四年七月二十四日在上海创刊。当时,正值戊戌变法运动高涨期间,维新派人士在上海创办了中国女学会和女学堂私塾,《女学报》是这两个机构的会刊和校刊。由李闰(谭嗣同夫人)和黄谨娱(康广仁夫人)发起倡办。报纸主笔全由妇女担任,其中有李惠仙(梁启超夫人)、康同薇(康有为长女)以及此前在无锡创办《白话报》的裘毓芳等知名人士30余人。每期报首都刊有她们的姓名,以示对歧视妇女的旧传统的挑战,提高妇女的社会地位。《女学报》的撰稿人也几乎全是妇女,为中外报刊史上所罕见。读者主要是上海的上层知识妇女。该报以"提倡女学,争取女权"为宗旨,公开举起男女平等的旗帜,提出"天下兴亡,女子有责焉",要求妇女参政;同时揭露"父母之命,媒妁之言"的封建包办婚姻所造成的悲剧,赞扬西方国家的自由婚姻。专栏文章常介绍欧美、日本的教育制度和学校情况,鼓吹中国学习西方,普及新型学校,发展女子教育;介绍养蚕、植桑、纺织、刺绣、使用女工铁车(缝纫机)等生产知识,提倡妇女参加生产劳动;还曾报道上海的女工情况等。光绪二十五年出版第12期后停刊。《女报》 月刊。清光绪二十五年冬创刊,不久停刊。光绪二十八年复刊。翌年改为《女学报》,与光绪二十四年七月创刊的《女学报》同名。共出4期,光绪二十九年停刊。创办人兼主笔陈撷芬,笔名楚南女子。其父陈范主编《苏报》。《女报》系在她父亲的支持下创办。初随《苏报》发行,故有《女苏报》之称。该报以"提倡女学、尊重女权"为宗旨。陈撷芬曾在《尽力》一文中写道:"中国为什么不强?因为没有人才。为什么没有人才?因为女学不兴。""要是我们两万万人,尽力要兴女学,岂有兴不起来的理。"关于女权的宣传,该报也不遗余力。如有文称:"盖权的由来,在于开智。民智不开,民权不伸,君胡以强国;女智不开,女权不兴,男何以兴家。"该报的"女界近史"等专栏常刊载上海等地兴办女学及女子出国留学的情况。主要作者有杜清池、蒋遂生、王荷卿、陈超、福田英子(日籍)等。光绪二十九年《苏报》案发生,《苏报》馆和《女学报》均被查封。陈撷芬出亡日本,继续编印《女学报》最后一期即第4期后停刊。《女子世界》 月刊。清光绪三十年冬由丁初我等创办,三十一年停刊,共出17期。光绪三十二年二月秋瑾又续办一期,总计18期。是辛亥革命前出版时间最长的妇女刊物。主张男女平权,抨击封建礼教,宣传爱国救亡,鼓励妇女投身革命。其发刊词写道:"女子者,国民之母也。欲新中国,必先新女子;欲强中国,必先强女子;欲文明中国,必先文明女子;欲普救中国,必先普救我女子。"丁初我写的《〈女子世界〉之颂词》提出"改铸女魂"的3个目标是:"易白骨河边之梦为桃花马背之歌,易陌头杨柳之情为易水寒风之咏,易咏絮观梅之什为爱国独立之吟。"慷慨悲歌,以改造中国妇女为己任,跃然纸上。该刊除"社说"专栏用文言体外,其他多用白话体。编辑和主要撰稿人有柳亚子、徐觉我、沈同午、蒋维乔、丁慕卢等。《中国女报》 月刊。清光绪三十三年冬创刊,同年三月停刊。秋瑾创办,并任主编兼发行人。编辑陈伯年。主要撰稿人有黄公、纯夫、燕斌、陈以益、徐寄尘、吕碧城等。仅出2期,第3期已编好,因秋瑾牺牲而中辍。该报在《创办中国女报之草章及意旨广告》中说:"本报之设,以开通风气,提倡女学,联感情,结团体,并为他日创设中国妇人协会之基础为宗旨。"秋瑾在《发刊辞》中进一步指出:"吾今欲结二万万大团体于一致,通全国女界声息于朝夕,为女界之总机关,使我女子生机活泼,精神奋飞,绝尘而奔,以速进于大光明世界,为醒狮之前躯,为文明之先导,为迷津筏,为暗室灯,使我中国女界放一光明灿烂之异彩;使全球人种惊心夺目,拍手而欢呼。无量愿力,请以此报始。"该报曾刊登《中国女界义勇家缇萦传》、《女英雄独立传》等传记,介绍女界英雄人物。此外并有各地兴办女学、反对缠足的情况报道。《神州女报》 月刊。《中国女报》停刊后,于清光绪三十三年十一月与《女子世界》合并,创刊《神州女报》,由《女子世界》记者陈以益任主编。撰稿人有柳亚子、陈伯平、吴芝瑛、徐寄尘等。该报对"秋案"及秋瑾事迹作了重点报道。秋瑾生前好友吴芝瑛题诗:"轩亭断头死,神州女报始;神州女报始,头断心不死。我今题此偈,一泪凝一字;一泪凝一字,吁嗟我姑姊。"表达了发起人的志愿。发行量高达5000份。由于革命色彩浓厚,受到清政府压制,加以经费不足,终于光绪三十四年末被迫停刊,仅出3期。《妇女时报》 月刊。清宣统三年(1911年)创刊,民国6年5月停刊,近6年间共出21期,为民国成立前后存在时间最长的妇女刊物。创办人狄平子,编辑包天笑、陈冷血。辛亥革命前,共出3期,以"提倡女子学问,增进女界知识"为宗旨。武昌起义至民国2年共出8期,主要内容:号召女界参军募捐,推翻清王朝;支持女子参政;呼吁男女教育平等;提倡妇女从事实业。在1914年以后的10期中,该报一方面继续抨击封建礼教对妇女的戕害,发表了冰心的《进化学上之妇人观》、恽代英的《科学家之结婚观》和《家庭教育论》等进步文章;另一方面受复古思潮影响,也发表过一些鼓吹恢复旧道德的文章。




