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2023-03-02 02:28 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知










Congratulations everyone, you made it.
And I don’t mean to the end of college, I mean to class day, because if memory serves,
some of your classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last night and are with us today.

Given the weather, the one thing Harvard hasn’t figured out how to control, some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hot cocoa, so you have many reasons to feel proud of yourself as you sit here today.

Congratulations to your parents.You have spent a lot of money, so your child can say she went to a “small school” near Boston. And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to the part of your celebration. It means a great to me. And looking at the list of past speakers was a little daunting.I can’t be as funny as Amy Poehler, but I’m gonna be funnier than Mother Teresa.


25 years ago, a man named Dave I did not know at the time but who would one day become my husband was sitting where you are sitting today.23 years ago, I was sitting where you are sitting today. Dave and I are back this weekend with our amazing son and daughter to celebrate his reunion, and we both share the same sentiment, Harvard has a good basketball team.

Standing here in the yard brings memories flooding back for me.I arrived here from Miami in the fall of 1987, with big hopes and even bigger hear. I was assigned to live in one of Harvard’s historic monuments to great architecture, canady. My go-to outfit, and I’m not making this up, was a jean skirt, white leg warmers and sneakers and a Florida sweater, because my parents who were here with me then as they’re here with me now, told me everyone would think it was awesome that I was from Florida. At least we didn’t have Instagram.

For me, Harvard was a series of firsts.My first winner coat, we needn’t need those in Miami.
My first 10page paper, they didn’t assign those in my high school.My first C, after which my proctor told me that she was on the admissions committee, and I got admitted to Harvard for my personality not my academic potential.The first person I ever met from boarding school. I thought that was our really troubled kids.The first person I ever met who shares the name with a whole building, or so I met when the first classmate I met was Sarah Widdlesworth, who bore no relation at all to the dorm, which would have been nice to know with that very intimidating moment. But then I went on to meet others, Francis Strauss, James wells, Jessica science center B. My first love, my first heartbreak, the first time I realized that I love to learn, and the first and very last time I saw anyone read anything in Latin.

When I sat in your seat all those years ago, I knew exactly where I was headed, I had it all planned out, I was going to the world bank to work on global poverty. The I would go to law school. And I would spend my life working in a nonprofit or in a government. At Harvard’s commencement tomorrow as your dean described, each school is gonna stand up and graduate together, the college, the law school, the med school and so on. At my graduation, my class cheered for the PHD students and then booed the business school. Business school seemed like such a sellout.
18 months later, I applied to business school.
我毕业那年,我想好了自己以后有什么计划,我要进世界银行,对抗全球贫穷,然后我要去法学院,然后我将在非营利机构或政府工作,你们院长也讲了,在明天的哈佛毕业典礼上,每个学院都要起立并一同毕业,本科部吗、法学院、医学院等等。我毕业时,我们班为博士生欢呼,然后嘘了商学院,商学院似乎很不受欢迎。 18个月后,我就申请了商学院。

It wasn’t wrong about what I would do decades after graduating.I had it wrong a year and a half later. And even if I could have predicted I would one day work in the private sector, I never could have predicted Facebook, because there was no internet, and Mark Zuckerberg was at elementary school, already wearing his hoody. Not locking into a path too early, give me an opportunity to go into a new and life changing field. And for those of you who think I owe everything to good luck, after Canaday I got Quaded.

There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going. Don’t try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong. You will miss big opportunities and I mean big ,like the internet.



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