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2023-02-10 14:00 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知



RPG游戏的动画设计与实现摘 要


关键词: RPG游戏,游戏策划,2D动画设计,定时器


At present, the upsurge of the computer games have sweep across the world. Development and maintenance of the computer games’ software have growing as a new emerging industry. The RPG game (role acting class game) is the most popular one in the present market of computer game. The topic of this thesis was proposed to fit the request of current computer games’ development
This thesis first summarized the outline of the RPG game, introduce the current situation and prospect of RPG game’s development. Then discussed the common used WIN32 programming technology: The Windows message mechanism, the graphics device interface and the timer.
Then, introduced the technological process of the RPG game which contains the game plan, connection of the game and player and 2D animation design. The game plan includes the establishment of the subject, style and drama of game. Then, the expression of drama and environment were introduced in the section of connection of the games and players. 2D animation design is the focus of this thesis, so the introduction of the algorithm of 2D and the technique of animation design is detailed and complete.
Finally, expound the most important technique of this thesis through a concrete RPG game system design, through the experiment indicated above animation design technology has a better effect in the RPG game.

Keywords: RPG game, game plan, 2D animation design,Timer

目 录

第1章 RPG游戏概述 1
1.1 RPG游戏简介 1
1.2 RPG游戏发展现状 1
1.3 RPG游戏发展前景 2
1.4 后续章节介绍 2
第2章 游戏编程技术介绍 3
2.1 系统开发工具介绍 3
2.1.1 Visual C++设计游戏的优势 3
2.1.2 Microsoft.NET概述 4
2.1.3 Visual C++.NET 4
2.2 WIN32编程技术介绍 5
2.2.1 Windows消息机制 5
2.2.2 图形设备接口 5
2.2.3 定时器 5
2.2.4 回调函数 6
2.3 总结 6
第3章 RPG游戏设计技术 7
3.1 游戏策划 7
3.1.1 游戏主题的确立 7
3.1.2 游戏风格 7
3.1.3 剧本设计 7
3.2 游戏与玩家的互动 8
3.2.1 游戏剧情的表现 8
3.2.2 游戏的环境界面 9
3.3 动画设计技术 10
3.3.1 2D基本算法 10
3.3.2 动画的制作 20
3.4 总结 26
第4章 《SCR》游戏系统的设计与实现 27
4.1 系统概述 27
4.1.1 故事梗概 27
4.1.2 游戏美工 27
4.1.3 系统行为 30
4.2 系统分析与设计 31
4.2.1 系统功能模块 31
4.2.2 游戏界面设计 31
4.3 游戏动画的实现 33
4.3.1 游戏初始化 33
4.3.2 人物移动、对话和打斗的实现 35
4.3.3 游戏退出设置 40
4.3.4 进度存取 41
4.4 总结 44
结束语 45
参考文献 46
致 谢 47




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