《中国社会科学》中国社会科学院 北京阜外月坛北小街2号 100836
《经济研究》中国社科院经济研究所 北京阜外月坛北小街2号 100836
《经济学动态》中国社科院经济研究所 北京阜外月坛北小街2号 100836
《财贸经济》中国社科院财政与贸易经济研究所 北京阜外月坛北小街2号 100836
《中国工业经济》中国社科院工业经济研究所 北京阜外月坛北小街2号 100836
《经济管理》中国社科院工业经济研究所 北京阜外月坛北小街2号 100836
《数量经济技术经济研究》北京市建国门内大街5号 100732
《金融研究》中国人民银行、中国金融学会 北京市海淀区阜成路18号华融大厦 100037
《财政研究》国家财政部、中国财政学会 北京市复兴门外三里河财政部内 100820
《经济理论与经济管理》中国人民大学 北京市中关村大街31号 100080
《经济科学》北京大学经济学院 北京市中关村北京大学法学楼四层 100871
《财经科学》西南财经大学 四川省成都市光华村 610074
《财经问题研究》东北财经大学 辽宁省大连市黑石礁 116025
《管理评论》中国科学院研究生学院 北京市玉泉路19号甲 100039
《南开管理评论》南开大学 天津市南开区卫津路94号南开经济学院大楼1011室 300071
《中国经济问题》厦门大学 福建省厦门市厦门大学 361000
《经济评论》武汉大学 湖北省武汉市珞珈山 武汉大学 430072
《科学管理研究》内蒙古 呼和浩特市新城西街汇通饭店3楼316室,010010
《世界经济研究》上海市淮海中路622弄7号 200020上海社科院
《经济学家》西南财经大学 四川成都外西光华村55号 610074
《投资研究》中国投资学会 北京市金融大街25号 100032
《中南财经政法大学学报》湖北省武汉市洪山区南湖南路1号 邮编: 430073
《财经理论与实践》湖南大学 长沙市岳麓区石佳冲 410079
《经济与管理研究》首都经济贸易大学 北京市朝阳门外红庙 100026
《北京工商大学学报》北京市海淀阜成路33号 邮政编码:100037
《复旦学报》(社会科学版)上海市邯郸路220号 邮政编码:2004333
《会计研究》财政部、中国会计学会 北京市西城区月坛南街14号月新大厦3层 100045
《财务与会计》中国财政杂志社 北京市海淀区万寿路西街甲11号院3号楼 100036
《财会通讯》财会通讯杂志社 湖北省武汉市武昌紫阳东路21号 430070
《中国财务学评论》西南财经大学出版社,四川成都外西光华村55号 610074
《中国会计评论》北京大学、清华大学 北京市海淀区成府路205号 北大出版社206室
经济学实验室(Economic Lab)统计出全球经济学学术期刊级别分类(三个版本):
版本version 1:
American Economic Review
Journal of Political Economy
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Review of Economic Studies
Economic Journal
Games and Economic Behavior
International Economic Review
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economic Theory
Journal of Finance
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Monetary Economics
Rand Journal of Economics
Review of Economics and Statistics
Journal of Financial Economics
Review of Financial Studies
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
AEA Papers and Proceedings
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Econometric Theory
Economic Theory
European Economic Review
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of Economic Growth
Journal of Economic History
Journal of Economic Perspective
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Experimental Economics
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Industrial Economics
Journal of International Economics
Journal of Law and Economics
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Journal of Money, Banking and Credit
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Public Economics
Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Journal of Urban Economics
Social Choice and Welfare
Review of Economic Dynamics
Canadian Journal of Economics
China Economic Review
Econometric Journal
Economic inquiry
Economic Development and Cultural Change
Economics Letters
Economics of Transition
Health economics
Industrial & labor relations review
International Journal of Game Theory
International Journal of Industrial Organization
Journal of agricultural economics
Journal of institutional & theoretical economics
Journal of law, economics & organization
Journal of regional science
Journal of transport economics & policy
Land economics
Mathematical Social Sciences
National Tax Journal
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Oxford economics papers
Public Choice
Review of Economic Design
Review of Income and Wealth
Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Southern Economic Journal
American Economic Review
Journal of Political Economy
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Review of Economic Studies
Economic Journal
Games and Economic Behavior
International Economic Review
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economic Theory
Journal of Finance
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Monetary Economics
Rand Journal of Economics
Review of Economics and Statistics
Journal of Financial Economics
Review of Financial Studies
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
AEA Papers and Proceedings
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Econometric Theory
Economic Theory
European Economic Review
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of Economic Growth
Journal of Economic History
Journal of Economic Perspective
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Experimental Economics
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Industrial Economics
Journal of International Economics
Journal of Law and Economics
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Journal of Money, Banking and Credit
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Public Economics
Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Journal of Urban Economics
Social Choice and Welfare
Review of Economic Dynamics
Canadian Journal of Economics
China Economic Review
Econometric Journal
Economic inquiry
Economic Development and Cultural Change
Economics Letters
Economics of Transition
Health economics
Industrial & labor relations review
International Journal of Game Theory
International Journal of Industrial Organization
Journal of agricultural economics
Journal of institutional & theoretical economics
Journal of law, economics & organization
Journal of regional science
Journal of transport economics & policy
Land economics
Mathematical Social Sciences
National Tax Journal
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Oxford economics papers
Public Choice
Review of Economic Design
Review of Income and Wealth
Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Southern Economic Journal
《财贸经济491191》、 《经济研究461012》《经济学动态412023》、《当代财经401224》等等。