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2023-12-11 03:57 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知




1. Turn the beauty, you deserve it.

2. Kou licensing so that the perfect fusion of youth and elegance.

3. Girls to women, longing for a woman's elegance.

4. European-style youth to draw the young elegance.

5. Chuanchu woman's charm.

6. With memories of a good cardamom Love.

7. bow, enjoy the beautiful; rise, to enjoy attention.

8. swaying youth, the wind light Lai Sang.

9. Beautiful without limit, fashion new experience.

10. Elegant woman is better.

11. Cardamom Love, Fan children of choice.

12. Elegance is not just your life.

13. Elegance is the most beautiful years.

14. youth because I am so Xianli.

15. piercing woman taste, lining out your elegance.

16. elegant living, well-built.

17. "Kou" live elegant and more youthful.

18. Cardamom Love, youth Peugeot.


1. Let yourself become the eyes of others in the landscape.

2. Beautiful youth, elegant bloom.

Once you have, you are the queen.

4. Ya You fashion, the United States unusual.

5. Beautiful life, I call the shots.

6. Build your own elegance.

7. Young woman, elegant is the vesting.

8. taste of fashion, my first "clothing" option.

9. Fashion brand, the only "clothing" option.

10. Cardamom Iraqis, in the water side.

11. Beautiful Carnival, fashion music to share.

12. Through time and space, customs million.

13. I type I chic, because she touched her.

14. clothing elegance, through the elegant.

15. "Xin" fashion, "heart" elegant.

16. Let you decorate someone else's dream.

17. elegant as the wind, beautiful flower.

18. youth swaying, Lai Sang grace.

19. To keep Kou Dounianhua, in fact, very simple.

20. Cardamom of China, the image of choice.


1. My youth I call the shots, my card brand I am elegant.

2. Cardamom time, because of you.

3. Put on her, elegant is no longer a dream.

4. Europe and the United States the wind with the young and stylish.

5. Kou brand fashion, "clothing" see love.

6. Women's choice lies in the self.

7. Cardamom clothing, grace graceful.

8. a look back, a beautiful life.

9. Iraqis, cherish your shadow.

10. bloom style, enjoy the pursuit.

11. Secular reliable, vulgar perfect.

12. Sprain repeat customers, elegant all the way line.

13. To wave, I perfect debut.

14. Beautiful one, comfortable life.

15. Wear Wyatt fashion, decorated elegant.

16. Feng cited pretty, collar fashion.

17. From this moment, to Fang Zi definition of my life.

18. a woman, it is necessary to bloom themselves.

19. Gentle, flawless.




现在很多有钱人都会有一些奢侈品,那么你知道哪些奢侈品的 经典 广告 词吗?下面是我带来关于经典的奢侈品宣传广告词的内容,希望能让大家有所收获!

1. 尊贵身份的象征。

2. 定制全方位,护理零距离。

3. 法若尔,你的私人定制护理工坊。

4. 梦寻千百度,情定法若尔。

5. 引领时代,展现风采。

6. 只属于你的奢华皮具。

7. 专于皮具,贵在品质。

8. 高端品质,奢华舒适。

9. 品味时尚,品位生活。

10. 你自己的皮具护理专家。

11. 眼中的奢华,高贵的气质尽在法若尔。

12. 法若尔,专属你的高雅!

13. 法若尔,给你震撼心灵的美。

14. 法若尔,辅佐你的奢华!

15. 法若尔,高档服务,家一般的感觉。

1. 有法诺,有尊贵。

2. 极品法诺,绝品万国。

3. 高贵奢华,舒适典雅!

4. 法若尔,只属于你。

5. 定制的个性,专属的精品。

6. 专注皮衣,定制精彩。

7. 专属法若尔,皮具靓丽如新。

8. 皮制品的浪漫之都——法若尔。

9. 法若尔——守护你的皮制之宠儿。

10. 雅致奢华,独一无二。

11. 高端奢华,定制精彩。

12. 心系我生活,情迷法若尔。

13. 奢华有法,高贵若尔。

14. 法若尔,尊贵典雅,卓尔不凡。

15. 彰显品位,尽显尊贵。

1. 法诺尔,关爱有佳,送给爱人的家!

2. 精心呵护,关爱有佳一切尽在法诺尔!

3. 定制个性奢华,创意皮具世家!

4. 法若尔皮具,高雅源于卓越定制!

5. 专业尽显奢华,专注为您打造!

6. 法若尔,体现尊贵奢华的你。

7. 法若尔,让生活更美好!

8. 生活真美好,只缘法若尔。

9. 国王时尚,法若尔!

10. 法若尔,帮你实现脱胎换骨的美丽!



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