China is a low forest--covered country. The forest inthis country is mainly composed of young and middleaged plantations, and most of natural forests concentrateon remote areas. However, there arc two merits forpromotion of forestry in China; firstly there are rich treespecies that can provide an abundant gene pool for plan-..tation, and secondly Chinese government is paying agreat attention to plantation and protection of naturalforests.Since 1980 biomass and productivity have beeBased on a literature review, we re-analyzed Chinese national forest biomass and productivity data and response of predicted forest productivity to global climate changes. Total forest biomass in China was between 4. 0 Pg C (1 Pg C= 109 t C) and 7. 1 Pg C, with a best estimate of 4. 6 Pg C, and total national forest NPP excluding special product plantations and bamboo forest was 0. 4-0. 6 Pg C. a-1, with an average of 0. 5 Pg C. a-1. Studies of the terrestrial ecosystem models and the atmospheric general circulation models showed that prodicted global climate changes increased total forest NPP of China by 12 %-35 %, and that amplitude of change varies from place to place. These results provide effective data for future climate research in China.
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(1)《生态学》(Oecologia),国际生态学会出版,在ISI科技引文生态学类期刊中位于前列,此刊物主要登载关于生理生态学、种群生态学、植物—动物相互关系、生态系统生态学、群落生态学、生态保护方面的文章,也刊登一些评论性文章及生态学研究方法进展方面的学术论文。主编:J.R.Ehleringer (Salt Lake City), C.H.Peterson (Morehead City), M.Schaefer ( Gottingen), E.D.Schulze (Bayreuth) (2)《人类环境杂志》(AMBIO),瑞典皇家科学学会出版,此刊物致力于展示环境研究、环境政策及有关方面的重要进展和前景,旨在使全世界的专家、学者、决策人员和感兴趣的各界人士都能了解这方面的信息。主编:CLAES RAMEL, Ph.D, Professor of Toxicological Genetics, Stockholm University (3) 《环境污染与毒理学要览》(Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology),美国国家毒理研究中心出版,此刊物刊载关于环境污染的效应和后果的研究论文, 也刊登空气污染、水污染、土壤污染及人类健康等方面的最新发现和研究进展,主要范围包括分析化学、生化、药理学、毒理学、农业化学、空气化学、土壤化学等学科。主编:Daniel R.Doerge, National Center for Toxicological Research ,Jefferson, Arkansas(4)《生态学杂志》(OIKOS—A Journal of Ecology)Nordic Society发行,此刊物对于理论性工作(并不仅限于已发表论文的评论)和实验性工作(能充分验证某项假说或理论)同样重视,提供一个关于某个生态学问题发表不同观点看法的论坛,并定期发表一些知名生态学家的约稿。主编:Professor Nils Malmer, Dept of Ecology, Plant Ecology, Lund Univ.,Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden.(5)《生态学研究》(Ecological Research),日本生态学会出版,以推进生态学的国际性研究为宗旨,发表关于生态学各个方面的评论性文章,技术进展等。
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