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Hainan Mango fertilization current relatively backward technology, both at home and abroad for the changes of nutrient mango research older. Mango production in order to improve the management of the backward situation, we adopted in Sanya City of Hainan Province, golden mango leaves N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and so on 11 kinds of nutrition elements for the whole year tracking analysis, to draw a more comprehensive nutrient golden mango leaves change, golden mango can be divided into the growth cycle of four phases: vegetative growth stage (5-9 months), reproductive growth period (September-November), fruit expansion period (on November -2) and fruit maturity (2-4 months). Various stages of changes in leaf nutrient content of different laws: vegetative growth stage, leaf nutrient content in addition to decrease in K, the other nutrients increased in varying degrees: reproductive growth, leaf nutrient elements N, B, Ca content increased, other elements have different degrees of decline. Fruit enlargement period: the leaves of N, K, Mn, Fe, Zn, B decreased, Ca, Cu content increased, P, S, Mg content has stabilized. Mature fruit: leaf N, Mn, Fe, B, Cu content increased in varying degrees, K, Ca, S, Zn content decreased. Throughout the reproductive period, the leaves of P, Mg, S, Zn and other elements do not change, showing jagged fluctuations. In this study, the current management of the new mode of mango cultivation nutrition diagnosis and management of nutrients has important reference value.