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2023-12-09 04:47 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


  小学 英语 故事 教学让学生在故事中感知英语语言的 文化 特质,激发学生学习语言、运用语言的热情。本文是3分钟英语故事短文,希望对大家有帮助!

  3分钟英语故事短文:Food Fight Erupted in Prison
  Inmates released two correctional officers they had held for a week in the tower at the state prison complex. The inmates captured the officers a week ago after the two officers tried toquell a food fight in the main dining room. The food fight erupted when the prisoners discovered that their candy ration had been cut in half. The candy is a popular barteringitem. Inmates trade it for cigarettes, cigars, magazines, stationery, legal dictionaries, and other items. Prison officials said it was necessary to cut back on this luxury item in order to provide basic items, like soap and razors and toilet paper.

  The prisoners went berserk over the reduction. They threw food, plates, and silverware at the doors, windows, and guards. Then they grabbed two guards and hauled them up to the tower. Once they had the tower door secured, they sent messages to prison officials demanding big bags of candy in exchange for sparing the guards’ lives. The warden complied with their demands. After a week of negotiations, the prisoners approved a deal which restored their candy ration, but in return the administration said they would have to reduce daily soap allotments by 75 percent.
  3分钟英语故事短文:Better To Be Unlucky
  Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life. The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state lottery game. To win, acontestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on. The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X. If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected variables is going to be greater. So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money.

  Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still had to choose between two variables. One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours. The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a three-hour period. This was a tough decision.

  Finally, Sam flipped a coin. It came up heads, so Sam picked the teenager. He picked right. The stop sign was run only 76 times, but the teen clicked 120 times. Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy, for he had just won 1000 times 120, or $120,000. Sam dreamily left the lottery studio. Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a little sports car.

  Sam is slowly getting better. He was in the hospital for a month. His hospital bill was $110,000. And the insurance company for the little sports car’s owner sued Sam for $9,000 worth of repairs. Also, Sam still has to pay federal taxes on his winnings. Sam doesn’t play the state lottery any more. He says it’s better to be unlucky.
  3分钟英语故事短文:Freeway Chase
  A 24-year-old Los Angeles man was taken to a hospital and then to county jail after leading police on a one-hour freeway chase in a stolen SUV. The chase ended in downtown Los Angeles in front of the Spring Hotel. Most of the chase was uneventful, except for an empty bottle of whiskey that the driver threw at one police vehicle.

  When the driver got into downtown, things started to happen. He ran over a fire hydrant. The water spewed out of the hydrant, causing a geyser that ruined all the books in several carts that avendor had put outside to attract customers into his bookstore. The driver hurriedly turned west onto Grand Avenue and managed to bang into three parked cars on one side of that street and two cars on the other side. The driver also tried to run over a police officer, who was standingin the crosswalk ordering him to halt.

  Turning north, the driver caused a bus to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision. The bus was empty, and the bus driver was uninjured. However, two police cars that were pursuing the SUV from different directions were not so lucky. One of them ran into the front of the bus, and the other into the back. Because the drivers had braked early enough, the damage to their cars was minor. Both officers resumed the chase.

  They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it hadplowed into a newspaper stand. The driver, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was slumpedbehind the steering wheel. The proprietor of the newsstand was yelling at the driver and shaking a magazine at him. The police called for the ambulance. They charged the driver with failure to yield to a police officer and driving under the influence.



“The days that make us happy make us wise.”----John Masefield

when I first read this line by England’s Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it.

Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear.

Active happiness---not mere satisfaction or contentment ---often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud. Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision.

Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.

The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you----people, thoughts, emotions, pressures---are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom.




--- 约翰•梅斯菲尔德



积极的快乐 – 并非单纯的满意或知足 – 通常不期而至,就像四月里突然下起的春雨,或是花蕾的突然绽放。然后,你就会发觉与快乐结伴而来的究竟是何种智慧。草地更为青翠,鸟吟更为甜美,朋友的缺点也变得更能让人理解,宽容。快乐就像是一副眼镜,可以矫正你的精神视力。


你的眼界变得更为宽广。你脚下的大地,你身边的世界,包括人,思想,情感和压力,现在都融入了更为广阔的景象之中,其间每件事物 的比例都更加合理。而这就是睿智的起始。

We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you’ve read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o’clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won’t need to live in fear of it.

Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within. The first enemy that you’ve got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic disease this is! “Ho-hum, let it slide. I’ll just drift along.” Here’s one problem with drifting: you can’t drift your way to the to of the mountain.

The second enemy we face is indecision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy.

The third enemy inside is doubt. Sure, there’s room for healthy skepticism. You can’t believe everything. But you also can’t let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities nad doubt the opportunities. Worse of all, they doubt themselves. I’m telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it.

The fourth enemy within is worry. We’ve all got to worry some. Just don’t let conquer you. Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If you step off the curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you’ve got to worry. But you can’t let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small corner. Here’s what you’ve got to do with your worries: drive them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you, you’ve got to get it. Whatever is pushing on you, you’ve got to push back.

The fifth interior enemy is overcaution. It is the timid approach to life. Timidity is not a virtue; it’s an illness. If you let it go, it’ll conquer you. Timid people don’t get promoted. They don’t advance and grow and become powerful in the marketplace. You’ve got to avoid overcaution.

Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your courage to fight what’s holding ou back, what’s keeping you from your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.



我们的勇气并不是与生俱来的,我们的恐惧也不是。也许有些恐惧来自你的亲身经历,别人告诉你的 故事 ,或你在报纸上读到的东西。有些恐惧可以理解,例如在凌晨两点独自走在城里不安全的地段。但是一旦你学会避免那种情况,你就不必生活在恐惧之中。








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  That's what friends do


  Jack tossed the papers on my desk—his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me.


  "What's wrong?" I asked.


  He jabbed a finger at the proposal. "Next time you want to change anything, ask me first," he said, turning on his heels and leaving me stewing in anger.


  How dare he treat me like that, I thought. I had changed one long sentence, and corrected grammar, something I thought I was paid to do.


  It's not that I hadn't been warned. Other women who had worked my job before me called Jack names I couldn't repeat. One coworker took me aside the first day. "He's personally responsible for two different secretaries leaving the firm," she whispered.


  As the weeks went by, I grew to despise Jack. His actions made me question much that I believed in, such as turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. Jack quickly slapped a verbal insult on any cheek turned his way. I prayed about the situation, but to be honest, I wanted to put Jack in his place, not love him.


  One day another of his episodes left me in tears. I stormed into his office, prepared to lose my job if needed, but not before I let the man know how I felt. I opened the door and Jack glanced up. “What?” he asked abruptly.


  Suddenly I knew what I had to do. After all, he deserved it.


  I sat across from him and said calmly, "Jack, the way you've been treating me is wrong. I've never had anyone speak to me that way. As a professional, it's wrong, and I can't allow it to continue."


  Jack snickered nervously and leaned back in his chair. I closed my eyes briefly. God help me, I prayed.


  "I want to make you a promise. I will be a friend," I said. "I will treat you as you deserve to be treated, with respect and kindness. You deserve that. Everybody does." I slipped out of the chair and closed the door behind me.


  Jack avoided me the rest of the week. Proposals, specs, and letters appeared on my desk whileI was at lunch, and my corrected versions were not seen again. I brought cookies to the officeone day and left a batch on his desk. Another day I left a note. "Hope your day is going great,"it read.


  Over the next few weeks, Jack reappeared. He was reserved, but there were no otherepisodes. Coworkers cornered me in the break room. "Guess you got to Jack," they said. "Youmust have told him off good."


  I shook my head. "Jack and I are becoming friends," I said in faith. I refused to talk about him.Every time I saw Jack in the hall, I smiled at him. After all, that's what friends do.


  One year after our "talk," I discovered I had breast cancer. I was thirty-two, the mother of threebeautiful young children, and scared. The cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and thestatistics were not great for long-term survival. After my surgery, friends and loved onesvisited and tried to find the right words. No one knew what to say, and many said the wrongthings. Others wept, and I tried to encourage them. I clung to hope myself.

  一年后,我32岁,是三个漂亮孩子的母亲,但我被确诊为乳腺癌,这让我极端恐惧。癌细胞已经扩散到我的淋巴腺。从统计数据来看,我的时间不多了。手术后,我 拜访 了亲朋好友,他们尽量宽慰我,都不知道说些什么好,有些人反而说错了话,另外一些人则为我难过,还得我去安慰他们。我始终没有放弃希望。

  One day, Jack stood awkwardly in the doorway of my small, darkened hospital room. I wavedhim in with a smile. He walked over to my bed and without a word placed a bundle beside me.Inside the package lay several bulbs.


  "Tulips," he said.


  I grinned, not understanding.


  He shuffled his feet, then cleared his throat. "If you plant them when you get home, they'llcome up next spring. I just wanted you to know that I think you'll be there to see them whenthey come up."


  Tears clouded my eyes and I reached out my hand. "Thank you," I whispered.


  Jack grasped my hand and gruffly replied, "You're welcome. You can't see it now, but nextspring you'll see the colors I picked out for you. I think you'll like them." He turned and leftwithout another word.


  For ten years, I have watched those red-and-white striped tulips push their way through thesoil every spring.

  转眼间,十多年过去了,每年春天,我都会看着这些红白相间的郁金香破土而出。事实上,今年九月,医生已宣布我痊愈了。我也看着孩子们高中 毕业 ,进入大学。

  In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the rightthings.


  After all, that's what friends do.

  A church built with 57 cents - Anonymous

  57美分建成的教堂 匿名

  A sobbing little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it "was too crowded."I can't go to Sunday school," she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by.

  一个小女孩被拦在一座小教堂外面,“因为里面“太拥挤了,他们不让我进星期日学校(在美国,星期日学校是指在星期天对 儿童 进行宗教 教育 的学校)。”小女孩向一位路过的牧师哭诉道。

  Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and,taking her by the hand,took her inside and found a place for her in the Sunday school class.The child was so happy that they found room for her, that she went to bed that night thinking of the children who have no place to worship Jesus.


  Some two years later, this child lay dead in one of the poor tenement buildings and the parents called for the kindhearted pastor, who had befriended their daughter, to handle the final arrangements.As her poor little body was being moved, a worn and crumpled purse was found which seemed to have been rummaged from some trash dump.


  Inside was found 57 cents and a note scribbled in childish handwriting which read, "This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go to Sunday School.


  For two years she had saved for this offering of love.When the pastor tearfully read that note, he knew instantly what he would do.Carrying this note and the cracked, red pocketbook to the pulpit, he told the story of her unselfish love and devotion.

  小女孩花了两年的时间来积攒这份爱!牧师泪流满面地看完这张纸条,立刻意识到自己该做些什么。他把这张小纸条和红色钱包带到教堂的讲坛,向众人讲述这个充满了无私的爱与宗教虔诚的感人 故事 。

  He challenged his deacons to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building.


  But the story does not end there!


  A newspaper learned of the story and published it. It was read by a Realtor who offered them aparcel of land worth many thousands.When told that the church could not pay so much, heoffered it for 57 cents. Church members made large donations. Checks came from far andwide.Within five years the little girl's gift had increased to $250,000.00--a huge sum for thattime (near the! turn of the century).Her unselfish love had paid large dividend.

  一家报社得知这一情况,将整个故事搬上了报纸。一个富裕的房地产商读到这篇 文章 后,把一块价值不菲的地皮以57美分的价格卖给了这个小教堂。教区的人们捐助了一大笔钱,馈赠的支票也从四面八方汇集而来。短短五年的时间,捐赠的数字已从当初小女孩的57美分增加到25万美元——这在20世纪初,可是一笔相当可观的财富!

  When you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up Temple Baptist Church, with a seating capacityof 3,300 and Temple University,where hundreds of students are trained.Have a look, too, at theGood Samaritan Hospital and at a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of SundaySchoolers, so that no child in the area will ever need to be left outside during Sunday schooltime.


  In one of the rooms of this building may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little girlwhose 57 cents,so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history. Alongside of it is aportrait of her kind pastor, Dr. Russel H. Conwell, author of the book, "Acres of Diamonds" Atrue story, which goes to show WHAT GOD, CAN DO WITH 57 cents.

  星期日学校里面,有一个房间专门用来陈列这个小女孩的画像,画面上的小女孩是那么可爱,这个贫穷的小女孩用节俭下来的57美分创造了一段非同寻常的历史。画像旁边陈列着那位好心牧师的肖像,《万亩钻石》的作者——鲁塞·H·康威尔( Russell H. Conwell)博士。


  To forgive may be divine, but no one ever said it was easy.


  When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your grudge.


  But forgiveness is possible -- and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health.


  "People who forgive show less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness," says Frederic, Ph.D., author of Forgive for Good. "

  《宽恕的好处》一书的作者弗雷德里克博士说。 “懂得宽恕的人不会感到那么沮丧、愤怒和紧张,他们总是充满希望。

  So it can help save on the wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune system and allow people to feel more vital."


  So how do you start the healing? Try following these steps:


  Calm yourself. To defuse your anger, try a simple stress-management technique. "


  Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love," Frederic says.


  Don't wait for an apology. "Many times the person who hurt you has no intention of apologizing," Frederic says.


  "They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way. So if you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time."


  Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action.


  Take the control away from your offender. Mentally replaying your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. "


  Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you," Frederic says.


  Try to see things from the other person's perspective. If you empathize with that person, you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear -- even love.


  To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.


  Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Research has shown that people who forgive report more energy, better appetite and better sleep patterns.


  Don't forget to forgive yourself. "For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge," Frederic says. "But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don't do it."




A woman named Emily renewing her driver's license atthe County Clerk's office was asked by the womanrecorder to state her occupation. She hesitated,uncertain how to classify herself. "What I mean is,"explained the recorder, "do you have a job, or are youjust a ... "一位名叫埃米莉的妇女在县办事处给驾驶执照续期时,一名女记录员问及她的职业。她犹豫了一下,不敢肯定应如何将自己归类。“我意思是说你有没有工作,”那名记录员解释说,“还是说你只不过是一名……”

"Of course I have a job," snapped Emily. "I'm a mother."“我当然有工作,”埃米莉马上回答,“我是一名母亲。”

"We don't list 'mother' as an occupation ... 'Housewife'covers it," said the recorder emphatically.“我们这里不把‘母亲’看成是一个职业……‘家庭主妇’就可以了。”那名记录员断然回答。

I forgot all about her story until one day I found myselfin the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar." "What is youroccupation?" she probed.这个故事听后,我就忘了。直到有一天在市政厅,我也遇到了同样的情况。很显然,那名办事员是位职业女性,自信、有能力,并有着一个类似“官方讯问员”或“镇登记员”之类很堂皇的头衔。“你的职业?”她问道。

What made me say it, I do not know ... The words simplypopped out. "I'm a Research Associate in the field ofChild Development and Human Relations."至今我也不知道,当时是什么因素作怪,我脱口而出:“我是儿童发育和人类关系研究员。”

The clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in midair, andlooked up as though she had not heard right.那名办事员愣住了,拿着原珠笔的手也不动了。她抬头看着我,好像没有听清楚我说什么似的。

I repeated the title slowly, emphasizing the mostsignificant words. Then I stared with wonder as mypronouncement was written in bold, black ink on theofficial questionnaire.我慢慢地把我的职业再重复一遍,在说到重要的词时还加重语气。然后,我惊奇地看着我的话被粗黑的笔记录在官方的问卷上。

"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest, "just whatyou do in your field?"“我能不能问一下,”这名办事员好奇地问,“你在这个领域具体做什么?”

Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heardmyself reply, "I have a continuing program of research, (what mother doesn't), in the laboratory and in the field, (normally I would have said indoors and out). I'm workingfor my Masters, (the whole darned family), and alreadyhave four credits, (all daughters). Of course, the job isone of the most demanding in the humanities, (anymother care to disagree?) and I often work 14 hours aday, (24 is more like it). But the job is more challengingthan most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards aremore of a satisfaction rather than just money."我非常镇定地答道:“我有一个不间断的研究项目(哪位母亲不是这样呢?),工作地点包括实验室和现场(通常我会说室内和户外)。我在为我的学位努力(就是我们一家人),而且已经有了四个学分(全部是女儿)。当然,我的工作是人类要求最高的工作之一(有哪位母亲会反对吗?)我通常工作一天14小时(24小时更为准确)。但这项工作比大部分普通工作都具有挑战性,而它通常带来的回报不是金钱,更多的是满足感。”

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk'svoice as she completed the form, stood up, andpersonally ushered me to the door.那名办事员在填完表格后,站起来,亲自把我送到门口。在这个过程中,她说话时流露出一股敬意。

As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by myglamorous new career, I was greeted by my labassistants - ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear ournew experimental model, (a 6 month old baby), in thechild-development program, testing out a new vocalpattern.我回到家,把车停在家门前的车道时,还对自己响亮的头衔觉得飘飘然。我那三名年龄分别为13岁、7岁、3岁的实验室助手正在等着我,从楼上传来我们的新实验模特儿(六个月大的婴儿)的声音,她正放开嗓门,测试着新的声音模式。

I felt triumphant! I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!And I had gone on the official records as someone moredistinguished and indispensable to mankind than"just another mother."我感到欢欣鼓舞!我竟然打败了官僚机构!如今,在官方的纪录上,我成了人类超群出众、不可或缺的人物,而不仅仅是一位母亲。

Motherhood ... What a glorious career! Especially whenthere's a title on the door.母亲……这是多么光荣的职业啊!特别是现在这已经成为官方记录了。

Does this make grandmothers "Senior ResearchAssociates in the field of Child Development and HumanRelations" and great grandmothers "Executive SeniorResearch Associates"? I think so!!!这是不是说奶奶和姥姥就是“资深儿童发育和人类关系研究员”,而曾祖母则是“高级研究员”呢?我想是这样的!

I also think it makes Aunts "Associate ResearchAssistants".我想,小姨子也因此成了“研究员助理”。

Dufficulties arise in the lives of us all.生活中困难在所难免,

What is most important is dealing with the hard times,coping with the changes, and getting through to theother side where the sun is still shining just for you.最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。

It takes a strong person to deal with tough times anddifficult choices. But you are a strong person.只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。而你正是这样一位强者。

It takes courage.But you possess the inner courage tosee you through.要有勇气。你拥有披荆斩棘的勇气。

It takes being an active participant in your life. But youare in the driver's seat, and you can determine thedirection you want tomorrow to go in.你必须在这场游戏人生中积极主动。


Hang in there... and take care to see that you don't losesight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful,andtrue:坚持再坚持,别让你的视野迷失了那不变的美好真理:

Everything will be fine---and it will turn out that waybecause of the special kind of person you are.一切都会好转的------因为你是如此的与众不同。

So...beginning today and lasting a lifetime through---Hang in there, and don't be afraid to feel like the morningsun is shining...just for you.因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点-----坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。

A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Sometimes in life,

You find a special friend;

Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;

Someone who makes you believe that there really isgood in the world.

Someone who convinces you that there really is anunlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

This is Forever Friendship.

When you're down,

and the world seems dark and empty,

Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes thatdark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.

Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, thesad times, and the confused times.

If you turn and walk away,

Your forever friend follows.

If you lose your way,

Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.

Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you thateverything is going to be okay.

And if you find such a friend,

You feel happy and complete,

Because you need not worry.

You have a forever friend for life,

And forever has no end.“别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。”






















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